… · %nj modified., 'by *...

Post on 16-Apr-2020

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Transcript of… · %nj modified., 'by *...

%nj modified., 'by * ^ a Q F ilw r e S i . ' ’ e d l ' ; ■ IU ia d e t*However combination? or aftaciatKMJfc, httn oinatpnflfog,throig»h Florence; .la d

qf the above deficription way now and it was agreed, that that divifion flhould, their anfwer i^pfoar- leneh, "they are likely W ic h to Rforos by Sienna.*» drrjs^lirfe o f rime and things, to became; ?.v Do- the 8tb, tb® d M o n vo f geiiertd

erigmi&rby'whKli stunning, ambi- Yaaheis arrivalafPjftcsja. *Qntlte 'crio '

D o m e f t i c H e i a

F H I L A D f e t T H I A , Sepe 24 .

tccotfots f e t i “;•^'Odiwpef ;'.Capt? ...JLepanrd JLte, /

12th of. Aagwft* Adfobd"! |ra,%) ednxipander of the 0 «^ji JLet-.ih *

ordemo the v.fs* A. . . 0 . . , . . . . . ■ - ■ ■ ■ . . . ■ ? \ • - • ' " &• - *.......... - ■ ■ — .,-■ “ ■ • k-’ifirs,.

taous and unbrift&infed ftien will be enabled row, rhe gen ial Murat, at the head o f 4ve«t1ao of a Wooctcn Bridge o f v|ry .arid foldler¥,'pf the ghrrifm ,pod fbe&fo? a:* t > - i; 1 ; . t § M a d v ia c e t f i r a H & & & $ ^ W 't i^ ^ ''^ ^ •po*fc h tljrig that >fl and, tn finite the Or si ri e fi a a n j j

thepeoi^ and U-. to import anarch o f a # iengtii dfored. and ^ a r to fopport theftiri> for foemlfote* th*. rems-af govern- VaubQis, wjth t»«7-5J» ^ ■ nB , ^ rt.,mftv be confeauentlv h4 t 'and- airv, and &atavfowedaftttnii.0iv.; - the rnaior |>arjt ;of,- am ntnti deioaymg A r w d s the very fedthe A w d i ^ #mj . « j, J * . e q » * iicDijg w tp tkofe cm - • t h e t f engines which hive lifted them to tinjott io L g fiflr* .,/ |% f .tell 3%,^demuuon,

fow uds the pi efomtion of your gov- o fth e divtfioo riqaaiaed at Biftoia.. * Varies. ' _ decUrodthey would fuppott'tbe Q.raiVe!,\ieque noe paid, of and/’

- l . A ' . 1 ; - ■'•. i A . > • * • . ' / i ’a


T h y:

Ithc^co'.i* rfois give

djfcover <

hi rc» "ffjtfri ’.vhrtl

A ' trs^roment, and pernmrjency of your pre- font cuizen Mamoat, m j aid de camp, A n invention, which meeds neither fl.ig, apd were in cunfe^uenee paid, bfam l^f/* fent hdppv Rite, it is requifit^ not only to Florence with the letter, a copy o f fcantlifig nor the coft of morsifipg and font^on.lhoire and that die foe'a&r ;&imong ithat yon fteadily difqoonterapce irregular which I fend you j he returned h e ig h t tennoiog, promifes to he a great ~&viog of ofthe ga^nfoa#i-FVou|;hV-jfe4;i0^nce ^eb'ceVCjjpolitions torts acknowledged authority, in the rooming, ’with tVankverjihich is expense in the conflru&ioif o f wooden money; and lijduced/'.':Itvtt atfo that you refid with pars tbe fpirtt gadded. I then fet out to jcHathecol- bix$ges, dpecnlly is it i? faid it cm be toinlift i^dertVbew tenners, In con^’,.1 [ifie- enteofibnoyauon npon 1$ ^mciples hpv/Qicr utnn which v/as thereat the gates b f Leg; without much d ifc d ty by any com- cjiience ofw % h j great’’tuma1t and confofii-i / V d remJfjiecnjolii foe pretext's-rZOns method of brim. A n J&ngliJh frigate went out o f won workmen. on exited there. « *cj fW 'th e jalfonh mftvbe to fffod fo'ips of tbe tlie harbor and was feed upon, but we W e have received a letter froni For-au-” . — f T/, ' ‘pdvery-etnilnuuon altetatidW which wilj impair wetenot in tirOe A Jew hours before Prince, dated the 20th Augud, which af- A L B A N Y , / I * ’the energy of the fyfterw, and J.b«s to uq- our arrivalr more than a o jCnglilh vdfrfs, ter p>eoitOBing the afifo of C;p t J (Tup, “ Yefterdav morning a peifon wfc\o calls de rmVe, what cannotbe direftly over- loaded, fajed Irqm Legte rn- ' hi? cruel treatment ~hy Capt. Pigot, 4cc. Ifonfolf Baldwin, Was detedfo is this'thrown. In kh the changes to -vVch you I aprefted tbe Capvdier bpannqehi, the whicls have already been fully detailed in city, In pdfiog Counterfeit Bills, ofthe; may he iavi+ed) 'ntfaeniher that time and Giaod Duke’s Governor o f that city, this Gazette* gees on to ftate— tjiat 4iall Ne\y-Yoik 15ana- H e had 'p feu two tabit, aroaiieaft asneceiTary to % the who had favered the depmtire of the Lng- at onejs the proceedings ag^md Pigot t^ere 40 dollar Bllld— and c«i being appieh rid-*true ehara&er o f goverimxents, as of other lifh* who tiad endeavored to excite the flopped, and reports fay, that <(pje Root o f cd add examined before Judge1' iVylor,itmjso iDfhtwion^-thatiWcperience fe the people agamft us, 1 epiefeming/o tlie n the fo ^W,” Tokened all the (tripes audKeai- four othei 49 Dollar Bills, and thiee-(of fureft {hmdftrd, by which to teft the real fuv-llnfcfs pfour^nurobers, and who few ed Jeftup’s beaten back’— S<?o glittering 5 Dollars were found upon him, Wh&h ttodanfofofthe exiftmg conlhtntion of a ftouts before-had fiiffered a;* -Englifh’ fri- golden guineas fiud to be the< cwre. • W e alfo proved to be Countetfoios ;— Thp /a* fcnitmtry— tnat facility in cbangrs upon the gate ta take two Ftench (hips undef the hope oa his arrival in America-./ be will per thirtticr than that, of the genuine Bills credit of mere hypothefo and opinion, ex- cannon of Bis fort, I fent him off to be able to foew that. not tiiat dJpica- — the Plate WelLexecured, but the* hindpcjterto perpeival -change, from the-end Fiorence-ufid^® guaifoqf l|is own fob ble wretch We here take him to be*” ' ' ritingfof the iigrytures very ■'clifforeaf

. l<*f variety bfhypothefis and opinion^and, diets. The, G . Difoe' has put hitn in y .J - from the original.-—sNo'Wpter Marks*11 nv nober, efpeciailv, that for the .efficient p'ifon agtd will pupidihim feyerely-^-That B O S T O N , September ‘!!..nii?cmer)t uf vour'common ititerefts, in, ©ificqris known in foeghornby bis bafred

>f i t * i w w t r e . T * ! 5 C < 7 » . 4 . W T » . From the N orwich P a c 'k et , ■

AL- ^pl'eafing);! ^eidfol 1'Ari’. Affpciafoahl

, T — r , — . . . , . . . _ * , ^ go^ old p ijriu foc.^govi mreentv with powers, pfoperly difiri- anfwer. / . dtdared war kgamjl JRngfanL Iti.cpn- d y ja f o l|ythe Dirtdiory^fltbe fame*but hI and adjufted, its faveft> guardian. You will find fobjoined .hereto the or- of vvlpcb they wcr? fitting out 500 fo due form aiftmbled, tDxor^itbJtiVtridesd', little elfe than aname, where dey which jl have given to the F:ench privateers at B a r b ie s with tbe greatert ‘"m«Ap3, to attack the Pofthumdns Wo? ihe povf rnm m is too fiebfo to wthftand Couful, who appeals a mao o f probity, cruize againft the Spaniards. oftneJateRev. jofejfob^otingtob^l),

,’ I < L a A v « 4 A * > i « i* < / a n . . > \ f l a j O > « * a * h . n n f i l l r t O a n /*•

4ees, w.jiiocaricihew th<

foie of a gan to -i w h i c h - t ikkfoj; u jerf 1 ftuali zn foirabte .ftowiqg ijprfog, 1foe 0*0Mate of 1'* Y-' ■}iirido'ib; k i n d , b i ■"ftk'ice-

€<h t> it ■ <vilf rA glu4t, A

^f,’4iV p -els 'rich

l ia o fh b !

aapger V pairties. in th> fVte, m fo pattic- momentary—r-i£e food condudl the 01 lfia w 1;ular r:;tlTeoce to the foueding o f them on ttoo,* h«h qnfeted * e inl»Wa «s. I 5o a "7 . «<>- ^ j w r e ,n- U!, .............geographical difrrirrinations.f Let me hive left there a ftrong garrifoc-7-and geet t Surrinam.

ofe'W, K , Jdt. nd. D . U< 'were clipwithr-the (ftiSftapce'jB W W 1 WOilfo'9|;Pgig|^||||^

to ,-epiHi 0d(A' fairt' worih•» .*? *1 ■ ' - f . . . .

that" fo lpjia-/of and a*l. con^ehenllve view,ood ' G e n e ^ ^ . t d ^ t o o d U ^ wi.b .

> warn you in the moft &!emn manner a- the encfofeo .oftrudions., , m d ^ a t ^ ^ ^/ g i o f t ,he W o l effeao. of.* « of ^

f e t a , * > «« .OOl in2|ie .. /.ftrodfcsft paj^ops or ih ■ human mind—-it dinner which I thought proper,to accept. * New Spoftmanfhip.— Pfoffiab Lower fcc. w hi# when finillied ftiouldbi^t'tji

. .readetc

r . - ,t<*„ r + w - ' • ' • ' % ' - - ' I - J * # * * * » * * - • • • * * * * . ' f ? — - v * * - * / . v - •?. — r ^ - . O ’

ed my different operations. The Grand Brent and 3 imnjs» have' qffirtzilthmfefacs Duke, dlthough foJicited on all fidea to go catfldidfoes for Efeftob or Pr*e0 cnt,4Scc.

truly their urorft enemy._v jTh^alttrnate dominationiofone faiftion 'over another,'{bafppnri by'tKe fpfritof Ve- #*> ay,Tiath'irelufed to lend an ear V lit* ^ V irglm a. repge, natural diftention, which and our enemies ; he has reihaiped* fiftn

A J'E W weeks fiqce a Udy ih ’ j f j L Iid, ' kvh’o l^bdref ‘odder an

. W - ■ . , j * • . v ' •• I ' I,- .■ J{ ; , ' . _,» (1 . .- •• ^ • - - , .v, ' - • • -4 - * - - . . . . .

in diffxeot apes and countries has perpe in his capital, surrounded by our trhops, *- T R L N T 0 N SepteiriHier io .timed the ihbft horridri noi(i»ities, is itfelf repofing hinifelf upon Freiich integrity— j ) urVne foe jh thelfoht-ofWedoef- n ««wa.a frightful dtfpotifm.— But this leads at this cond"<3:har _<;iven him a place in my we ate informrd tlia-ta. rtfan Bv 1 feU aad*jnrefcnhe.

tn ft more orntri and permanent eftee-' * ReDubhc b f Lucea Lave 4 1 ) . tn L - l f Tf moft pOweiful medicines, but Without:l . u » a yi S ni K c^ ^ t e * » • ? ?

o> # r’j. to U tl fecurii. "and rtpofe in tb« campaign haviDg confidmble injured out nnhnrt' * ‘ urrtii,irii!£{puc ’.miki , atiei!^a b S 'v r jo ^ rC fa cn d H d m l ra n d (bid- .™ S ‘ • • .............................fnm. n ^ W n m . n f c annKin(

‘ (Signed) W O N A P A ltT E .

<v ?ld, ifoe tti-V

'letter V*,/, -v.l

Afc. t k*ot of tbj 'uens of: -the 4th

fc> . place *‘|p7 [tedt i

j^wifodii f o * * F c t


// f’ri vf1 1 rihief p f fome prevailing foe-:V‘CKn>|i or more fortunate!,than Ns

• di^foitjon to foe

i -.'I*-. . 1 "wv ■■'•■ 1 fome,-iSeiat:&mptoms.:€if|i■ ends-appwhrite d t .d a k r o m f'a r a V ^ w « d i s ^

Mare, belonging to Richard' Stockton, a„,j ^aitinrr ir, th*

JByri\'7 V.

E l^ . wasfofo k illed ;**> "• o fe s f hrs »vn elevatioa, on the ruins

ed nature aa^. aHit|g in, the ^etnrig, td kiiow fiov? foey had operated’,'Syas idfoohl

■ edfhi* p » % t ;nraS cfM rV 1t i . f f l f l ' f l . ‘ H A i r r r o R D . ^ •'eq- Z S ^ Z p ^ L ; L n > r '&i

■1 >r jr , • •’. • t •••--«• * • - . ■ ^ _ - * - . • .broqglit to tiral be* ^ women occuorecf fiLwafoidv the tfod''c e *'wblic Liberty . , ajcucis h-u»« ^wicuv-c iiicsmwun -very- jLi,mt 'I'ueWay wii's brotiglit to tiisi J3®* M wbimeii dofeUpfotf fo-vtrapMiifg the ol

•■"• v ; u0:t hfoVmg forward to dnextretn- great difcovery io a place where n was f ore tlie Superior Court irvthris city, * an4 preparfoc it 'fo r {lie lift of tfeeol it, ui ti»is!aj)d (which . neverthefofs ought leaf!expe&ed. Near the town of PI- ‘ard DdfUi a native of Trdsand, for the Uu^s j ;|tM ’ accidently .ckfting bis’ 0/r to,be entirely; out o f jSgbtJ tbe^ ornri/jpetmo,. forrnprly F i y e v n u t i | » ;oiurAer .of., Dgniel fo^/fpwards.foe^.yyfo^^ ol brfjfdLrriftr

he^f oi e fouttefs-foolj '| iforde.fe .di' thki’foayfo’j

V'\ 0 ‘fo’,'i terfogforn|;; foe-nuri|-fep<fo . ■

twice as large as life, ^ st tbf ftafcqe of Tiberius Cafai, fculptured u Jupiter 3 £t is ©f gieat value, iqafmuch asit. itftimique,

N E W -Y D R K , Sep*t. r 4. U N H A F P Y ACCJD sEN T.

; >JT O f C l g D •••ElCfElu-.- andteafoe the ftawes \foicK forlijiwe dr Laft cveaing, as M q M ‘(3 owftn5 b - r telzJ® the Jiortr' iad^wixbL fodf1 nfowt/ ■' . , . . . . . . , Tiberius ate mpefoe^. It.Udfthtt per,.ii».lfot«rtyviN% tbfe

1 G A Z E T T E F&AftCQlSB* Juh 1 a* ■<&* of very marble,, iwhich is cadled a bogfoead, ajpark accidentaly fe ll. belly^. '**.0 ., ( . ?'!* p;>. j f ■..'■■■ Coptgla Statbaite. ? . iti^o the fpiritS'and % :itoq i®{ alp^medfo ; On,a of the hhcL i

BiWWpRrtCj10 foe Executive Direflory.' T ie remdbis of a ftatrit of Claudius, thiifie ran to get water forgeettjvig in his warmth foid riot feern quix eX‘. • » t . foe head and bfeaif in perfect pfrefemtio.n;. ^ight to turn •^'COC^^hein;.tlie,^%tJ^;. .^ ; y ^ .^ ^ -falftC. .'fomoll. ■.■ioi|ierc

- 3*. a naked ftatuce of 6nie o f the Cse&r and a v \ .fo|obbsd;slffe^jem||l^'’:jitt’dV X r i l l L E a diafioe o r tbs grtpy, woman; withodt he*cU. Mr M’ n f,u,».n *»;.h hi. f .» w fe ____ ___ __* ,v Y ' . t e r e t e , . , .i& tfltf. ,Se»efaf fine heads, jjjmciilatljr one of Mr" WeWen kino anvou* no extliimcilh -’ Ppfi'w'oa.'jCl^ijnlTer;,tefi*e''3

- ..........................' . . . . . . mp A n - ^asai^mJypnt w _ a ^ rmN

_ ___ . , i _ r- \ . — ." '" • I ~ ;w ’ ” ” # ' a w i v t M i

^ :p f o v d ; f o a t ^ t h ^ p l i c a . w f o N V f o ^ ; ^ e m f t r jp tbhfo i;berted't hefihh'in lefs than ^ rr, ,.,

the inexpiefoble jo^^fffoe lady's fow

• 1 • ■■” . t i f t . ■v^- J , . ■.- t - r • T_ ' r * ' - *• • .

tht. rualefced powers had refpc^d. A f- exp en d td be inade in the faineplace. _ Both the uatbrtiWe fullccors are fince '‘T jlirS f "w&'fo’/’r i F i t Z i J T ^ W * m e c o B W rfe ^ n ;> * wea«d-faasfi. .y - ad. ' .; ■ - ' . - ' - . W ^ " l « w y » » t t t 6 t # 5 ^ ?

f- -

'-.tiytjS i i i ; wfohuletts

. •. C l^ d hi < Sqdg.Wia •■LJnitqd

*:■£ \ , f . • ’Ii l 'V / i/ t1

K ; ‘»?arFi'; the JiHM

, in eh tsi ^ a n d b o a * , deft uyt


T h e m r - E $ t

■ v /■<t'5f i ,vlk'footh

'iiobma* Hn^rtfo

rfs faid ,;• theex*rTelf in *. "Where fl

K / o f 50^isnprsiie whicfe h

> there is Wouidf’

•Tadelfhi HkJ» . . ' .

., • Atm