Flow Meas Notes 0506 v04

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    The University of Edinburgh

    School of Engineering and Electronics

    Fluid Mechanics 3

    Flow Measurement Methods

    Tom Bruce1

    February 2006


    This short course aims to generate an awareness of the range of contemporary flow measurement

    devices and methods available for application to both industrial and research flow problems in

    Mechanical Engineering. Well-established mass and volume flow rate measuring devices are

    reviewed, and the strengths and weaknesses of various meters and classes of meter are discussed.

    Modern non-invasive methods - magnetic and ultrasonic - are also discussed.

    Velocimetry (or anemometry) methods are then discussed, with a distinction drawn between

    point measurement methods and 2-D methods. In the former category, Laser-Doppler

    anemometry is described in detail. Under 2-D methods, Particle Image Velocimetry is described

    in detail and a range of applications presented.

    1Lecturer, School of Engineering and Electronics, University of Edinburgh, Kings Buildings, Edinburgh,

    EH9 3JL, Scotland. Tel: +44 (0)131 650 8701, email: Tom.Bruce@ed.ac.uk

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    1. Introduction

    1.1 Rationale, Aims and Objectives

    This short course was introduced in 93/94 to reflect a major research interest of the Fluid

    Mechanics research group within the School.Fluid flow measurements are performed across the breadth of engineering, eg flows of oil, gas,

    petrol, water, process chemicals, effluent are all necessarily and routinely measured. In the

    research laboratory, advanced flow measurements are providing new insights into a wide range of

    engineering flow problems in hydrodynamics (eg wave impact loading on coastal defences,

    beach erosion) combustion (eg low NOx burners, IC engines), aerodynamics (eg wind turbine

    optimisation and performance prediction) to list but a few.

    The course aims to generate an awareness and understanding of the range of contemporary flow

    measurement techniques available with the emphasis on devices and techniques with wide

    application in Mechanical Engineering. It is the objective of the course that by its end, the

    participant should be able

    to describe the principles of operation of differential pressure, positive displacement, rotaryinferential, fluid oscillatory, electromagnetic and ultrasonic flow meters. to discuss advantages and disadvantages of the above meters for different applications. to design systems incorporating differential pressure meters. to describe the principle of operation of hot-wire anemometry. to describe the principles of Laser-Doppler Anemometry (LDA). to discuss the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of LDA. to design LDA systems to suit given experimental flow problems. to describe the principles of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). to discuss the strengths, weaknesses and limitations of PIV. to design PIV systems to suit given experimental flow problems.

    1.2 Types of Measurement

    Mass flow rate / volume flow rate

    The most common industrial flow measurement requirement is a measure of the volume or mass

    of fluid flowing per second through a given cross-section of a pipe. A wide range of devices exist

    for these purposes reflecting the wide range of conditions which may prevail liquid flow, gas

    flow, fluid temperature, pressure, viscosity, conductivity, the cleanliness of the fluid, the presence

    of flow disturbance A selection of the most common and useful devices are presented in

    Section 2.

    Velocimetry (or Anemometry)

    In many applications, particularly in the research laboratory, it is the actual local flow velocity

    that is of interest rather than the total flow rate. Velocimetry methods fall into two broad

    categories: those which measure the flow velocity at a single point and those which offer velocity

    data over a 2-D plane or even a 3-D volume. Point measurement methods may provide very high-

    resolution time histories of the velocity at a point. However, if a flow is neither steady nor

    precisely repeatable or periodic, then single point methods cannot be used to build up a 2-D

    velocity map in a point by point manner. 2-D methods are a recent addition to the armoury of

    methods of flow measurement. Point measurement methods are described in Section 3. Section 4

    is devoted to the description of 2-D methods.

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    2. Pipe Flows: Measurement of Volume and Mass Flow Rates

    2.1 Differential Pressure Flow Meters

    Differential pressure flow meters all infer the flowrate from a pressure drop across a restriction in

    the pipe. For many years, they were the only reliable methods available, and they remain populardespite the development of higher performance modern devices, mostly on account of

    exceptionally well researched and documented standards.

    The analysis of the flow through a restriction (Figure 2.1) begins with assuming straight, parallel

    stream lines at cross sections 1 and 2, and the absence of energy losses along the streamline from

    point 1 to point 2.

    D1 Dt D2



    Figure 2.1: A generalised restriction / differential pressure flow meter.

    The objective is to measure the mass flow rate, &m . By continuity,

    &m u A u A= =! !1 1 2 2


    Bernoullis equation may now be applied to a streamline down the centre of the pipe from a point

    1 well upstream of the restriction to point 2 in the vena contracta of the jet immediately

    downstream of the restriction where the streamlines are parallel and the pressure across the duct

    may therefore be taken to be uniform:

    u p u p1


    1 2



    2 2+ = +

    ! ![2.2]

    assuming that the duct is horizontal. Combining with [2.1] gives

    & ( )mA



    p p=






    1 2


    2" [2.3]

    For a real flow through a restriction, the assumptions above do not hold completely. Further, we

    cannot easily measure the cross-sectional area of the jet at the vena contracta at cross-section 2

    where the streamlines are parallel. These errors in the idealised analysis are accounted for by

    introducing a single, cover all correction factor, the discharge coefficient, C, such that

    & ( )mCA

    p pactualt





    24 1 2


    # where !"D




    . [2.4]

    Dt and At are the diameter and area of the throat of the restriction respectively.

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    In summary, the principal advantages of the orifice plate are

    it is simple and robust standards are well established and comprehensive plates are cheap may be used on gases, liquids and wet mixtures (egsteam)Its principal drawbacks are

    low dynamic range: &max

    m : &minm only 4:1 at best (see tutorial 1)

    performance changes with plate damage or build up of dirt. affected by upstream swirl large head loss

    Figure 2.4: Flow coefficients for orifice with corner taps.

    Venturi Meter

    The Venturi meter (after Giovanni Venturi, 17461822) is designed to cause minimal head loss

    as the flow passes the restriction. Figure 2.5 shows a typical arrangement. Like the orifice plate,

    the Venturi is dealt with by a British / ISO standard (BS EN ISO 5167-4)

    For a Venturi, C= 0.99 for 105

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    Figure 2.5: The Venturi meter (Furness, 1989)

    The disadvantages compared to the orifice are

    occupies longer length of pipe more expensive (manufacture and installation)Flow Nozzle

    In many respects, the flow nozzle is a compromise between the compact orifice plate and the

    efficient Venturi. There are two standardised designs - Figures 2.6 and 2.7. Flow nozzles have

    proved particularly suited to high velocity applications, egsteam metering.

    Figure 2.6: The ISA flow nozzle.(Furness, 1989).

    Figure 2.7: The ASME long radius nozzle(Furness, 1989)

    For the ASME nozzle (see BS EN ISO 5127-3)

    C= !0 99956 53

    0 5

    0 5.





    " 2% for 0.25 < < 0.75 and 10


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    Figure 2.8: K for ASME long radius flow nozzles.

    Figure 2.9: Comparison of permanent head loss caused by restriction meters.


    better head loss characteristics than orifice plate self-cleaningDrawbacks:

    higher cost than orifice plate more sensitive to upstream disturbance than Venturi.2.2 Constant Pressure Flow Meters

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    This class of meter measure the flow by monitoring the

    position of a moving element which moves such that the

    pressure drop across it remains constant. The most

    common design is the rotameter - actually the name of

    the first major supplier of this type of meter.

    Figure 2.10 shows a rotameter. The small float is free to

    move up and down a tube of taperedcross-section which

    increases upwards. Thus the area available for the flow

    increases as the float is forced upwards until the pressure

    difference to keep the float at rest is restored.

    The actual relationship between flowrate, tube and float

    characteristics depends upon the fluid density and

    viscosity. Ball-floats are common in gas flow


    The main selling points of the rotameter are that it is

    cheap and simple. It is however not a high performance

    meter; accuracy is unlikely to be better than 2-3% unless

    the meter is individually calibrated. A further potential

    drawback is that it must be mounted vertically and can

    only cope with uni-directional flow.

    2.3 Positive Displacement (PD) Flow Meters

    This class of meter measure the flow by dividing the fluid into packets, each of a precisely

    known volume. The number of such packets counted in a known time gives a precise measure of

    the volume flow rate. They are also known as PD Meters or simply Displacement Meters. Undersuitable conditions, this class of device offers the highest performance of any mechanical meter,

    achieved through careful manufacture to high tolerances.

    Liquid Displacement Meters

    The Sliding Vane meter, Figure 2.11, is among the most accurate PD meters - uncertainties in the

    volume flow rate Q may be less than 0.2%. The dynamic range is also quite high, typically

    20:1. The liquid is channelled smoothly into the measuring crescent, minimising head losses.

    The vanes and channel are carefully machined to give smooth operation with very low leakage.

    The number of rotations is usually counted mechanically.

    Another PD meter in widespread use is the Oval Gear meter - Figure 2.12. Again, close

    tolerances ensure minimal leakage. It is unlikely that an oval gear meter can approach the

    accuracy of the sliding vane meter. They may also introduce a much greaterpulsing into the

    outlet stream, which may or may not be a concern.

    Figure 2.10: TheRotameter

    (Furness, 1989)

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    Figure 2.11: A Sliding Vane PD meter. Figure 2.12: An Oval GearPD


    Figure 2.13: TheNutating Disc PD meter.

    A further variation on this theme is the Nutating Disc meter (Figure 2.13). The incoming fluid

    fills the chamber, alternately above and below the disc, driving the disc in a rocking, circularmotion - nutation (cfspinning top ?). There is a greater area over which leakage could occur than

    for sliding vane or oval gear meters, so the accuracy is not in general so good, although meter life

    is potentially longer.

    Gas Displacement Meters

    By far the most common gas PD meter is the Diaphragm meter, used worldwide to meter

    domestic gas consumption (Figure 2.15).

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    Figure 2.15: The domestic gas meter.

    The two chambers are filled and emptied alternatively, controlled by a sliding valve as shown.

    The motion of the diaphragm is connected mechanically to a counting mechanism and readout.Mechanical reliability is outstanding, but the design is really suited only to low flow rate, low

    pressure gas flows. Mass production means that these are inexpensive devices.

    Rotary gas meters operate in a similar manner to

    oval gear meters for liquid flows. This type of

    device is shown schematically in Figure 2.16.

    Performance after calibration for a particular

    application can be very good, 0.5%.

    Dynamic ranges may be as great as 20:1.

    Pressure may be as high as 80 atmospheres, but

    moderately high temperatures (>600C) may cause


    General Characteristics and Performance

    At lowest flow rates, the friction of the moving parts may become significant and lead to the

    meter running too slowly. Leakage is also most likely to be significant at lowest flows, again

    leading to under-reading.

    This class of meter all rely on moving parts with close tolerances, so sustained operation over

    long periods is not their strength. A further consequence of their close tolerances is that they may

    be sensitive to temperature changes, and almost certainly will not operate well is the flow is not

    clean, ie has particulate matter entrained at all.

    Figure 2.16:

    The rotary gas meter.

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    In summary, advantages of this class of meter include

    inherent high accuracy and repeatability good operational experience high reliability insensitive to upstream flow conditions can perform well with viscous fluids devices for liquid and gas flowsAmong the drawbacks are

    high performance designs are expensive unsuitable for use with dirty flows pulsation introduced into out flow applicable to uni-directional flows only applicable over limited ranges of temperature and pressure. head loss increases with flow rate and viscosity2.4 Rotary Inferential Flow Meters

    This class of meter are all basically small hydraulic turbines running at zero load. The rotary

    element rotates at an angular velocity which is proportional to flow rate. This rotation speed is

    monitored by mechanical means, or better, by magnetic or optical methods.

    The basic axial turbine flow meter is shown in exploded view in Figure 2.17.

    Figure 2.17: Construction of anAxial Turbine flow meter.

    The axial flow turbine has a bladed rotor running on bearings. The assembly is mounted on acentral shaft, which is itself held by hangerassemblies up and downstream. A magnetic pick up

    senses the turbine blades as they pass, and the pulse frequency is the measure the flow rate. The

    total number of pulses recorded measures total volume passed.

    The driving torque of the fluid is resisted by mechanical bearing friction, fluid drag and magnetic

    drag, all of which effects vary with flow rate. The relation between flow rate and the rotation

    speed may be written

    Q K= .!

    whereKis the meter factorwhich must be calibrated for a given meter.

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    Figure 2.18: A performance curve for a turbine meter.

    Figure 2.18 shows how K would typically vary with flow rate. The actual shape of such a

    characteristic curve will depend upon a multitude of parameters, eg flow rate, viscosity, bearing

    design, blade roughness, blade sharpness, inlet flow profile... and must be determined for every

    meter individually. The best meters incorporate flow-straightening vanes upstream of the meter.

    Simplification of the axial turbine meter is possible by using a mechanical pick up to drive a

    counting system. Such meters are clearly less accurate, and so may be manufactured to lower

    tolerances. The cost is lower, and they are also more suited to dirty flows.

    The propeller meter is essentially an axial turbine

    meter modified in some way to reduce the cost of

    production and installation to be reduced. Figure

    2.19 shows one particular design in which the

    bearing assembly is moved outside the flow and the

    bladed propeller is inclined to the flow.

    Performance is clearly poorer than for an axial

    turbine meter, but the cost is much less. 2%

    linearity over the operating range would be typical.

    General Advantages and Drawbacks

    Strengths RI flow meters include

    excellent short term repeatability can indicate flow rate and total flow directly excellent transient response relatively low head losses designs available for liquid and gas flows reliability is good in lubricating fluids wide flow ranges and linearity are possible use over wide temperature and pressure ranges is possibleDrawbacks include

    necessity to calibrate to establish performance sensitive to inlet flow profile and swirl sensitive to changes in viscosity small designs have poor dynamic range sufficient back pressure required to prevent cavitation2.5 Fluid Oscillatory Flow Meters (or vortex meters)

    Figure 2.19:

    A propeller meter.

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    The basis of fluid oscillatory meters is the process of vortex shedding from a bluff body exposed

    to a flow. Early work in fluid mechanics established that, at Reynolds numbers above about 500,

    continuous vortex shedding takes place, with the generation of a vortex street in the wake

    downstream of the bluff body. Further, the vortex shedding pattern is largely independent of the

    fluid density, the frequency of shedding depending only upon the shape of the body, the

    viscosity, and the flow speed. For a given shape of body in a fluid of a given viscosity, the

    Strouhal Number, S(Vincenz Strouhal, who first investigated ringing of wires in 1878!) is given


    Sf d



    wherefis the frequency of the vortex shedding, dis a characteristic dimension of the bluff body,

    and u is the flow velocity.

    Figure 2.20: Strouhal number vs. Reynolds number for circular and triangular section

    bluff bodies..

    Figure 2.20 shows how the Strouhal number varies with Reynolds number for vortex shedding

    from bluff bodies of triangular and circular cross-sections. Clearly, for the circular body, S 0.2

    over the range 500

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    body. The shedding of a vortex from the lower side of the bluff body generates a lift on the body.

    Similarly, shedding from the upper side causes the body to experience a lift force in the opposite

    direction. Thus the shedding of a continuous street of vortices, alternately from upper and lower

    surfaces induces a periodically varying lift force on the object which may be measured by a force

    sensor in the body. Possible sensors include piezo-electric, thermal or mechanical devices.

    The flowrate in a channel of diameterD, for a bluff body of characteristic dimension dis given


    QD f

    S d


    D= !






    . .




    where Sis the Strouhal number,fis the vortex shedding frequency and kis a shape factorfor the

    bluff body (taking account of width and aspect ratio). Figure 2.22 illustrates a range of shapes

    proffered by manufacturers of these flowmeters.

    Relatively recent arrivals, these meters are now competing with DP meters in many areas, eg

    water, steam and air. Linearity may be as good as 0.5%, and achieved dynamic ranges 15:1 (cf

    Orifice meter, 4:1 at best).

    Pros and Cons

    No moving parts, crevices or seals - suitable for applications where high flow cleanliness isimportant (egsemiconductor manufacture)

    May be used with liquids or gases. Insensitive to fluctuations in temperature, pressure or density. Digital output. Very sensitive to swirl or pulsation in incoming flow. Limited range of sizes available. No standards yet, and limited operational experience.2.6 Electromagnetic Flow Meters

    Figure 2.23: Illustration of Faradays Law - a primitive generator.

    When a conductor is moved through a magnetic field (Figure 2.23), a voltage is induced across

    the conductor. This voltage (emf) e is proportional to the field strength B, the velocity u of the

    conductor and the length lof the conductor:

    uBe l=

    This is the basis of the electromagnetic flowmeter, ormagmeter. For the magmeter, the conductor

    is the flowing fluid, a field is applied across the pipe, and the induced voltage is therefore a

    measure of the velocity with which the conductor is moving. Clearly, non-conducting fluids such

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    as hydrocarbons cannot be metered by these means. For a pipe of diameterD,

    e k B u D= . . .

    where k is a constant of proportionality. Figure 2.24 illustrates the components of a magnetic

    flowmeter. The output signals may be very small and quite noisy, but modern electronics can

    cope cheaply and relatively easily with the necessary signal conditioning.

    Figure 2.24: An electromagnetic flowmeter.

    This family of meters appear in a remarkable range of sizes suitable for pipe bores from 3mm to

    3m, with the result that they have found applications ranging from the metering of blood flow in

    arteries to the metering of flows in large hydroelectric schemes. Typical applications include

    water distribution and inorganic chemical process monitoring. They also work well with non-

    Newtonian fluid flows such as liquid metal flows, sewage sludge...

    Performance is good: 2-3% uncertainties are easily achieved; 0.5% achievable with the most

    sophisticated designs.Pros and Cons

    Obstructionless, so zero head loss. No moving parts. Wide size range. Insensitive to profile distortion or swirl. Insensitive to changes in pressure, viscosity, temperature and density. Linear output with flowrate. Bi-directional operation no problem. Dynamic range ~10:1. Works only with conducting fluids. Works with liquids only. Errors larger than good PD or RI devices. Electrodes may foul with some process liquids.

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    2.7 Ultrasonic Time of Flight Flow Meters

    The ultrasonic time of flight meter is in its relative infancy. It is probably the only type of

    meter capable of high performance (eg1%) with bores of >3m. The basis of operation is the

    measurement of the difference in the time of flight of sound waves propagated in opposite

    directions, with and opposing the flow. Figure 2.25 illustrates the arrangement.

    Figure 2.25: Time of flight ultrasonic flowmeter.

    The sound propagates at velocity c through the liquid, which is moving at velocity u. Referring to

    Figure 2.25, it can be seen that the transit times from transducer 1 to 2,21!

    t , partially opposed by

    the flow, and from transducer 2 to 1,12!

    t , partially assisted by the flow, are given by

    ( )ucd






    and( )uc







    The flow velocity u c, so the difference between the times of flight is




    duttt =!=""

    Thus t is proportional to u. The time difference may be very small: eg for water flowing in a

    100mm diameter pipe at 1ms-1

    , the transit times are 100s, and t 100ns. Thus if a

    performance to 1% is sought, timing will have to be good to 1ns - so even now, complex

    electronics is required.

    These meters have been used successfully on water flows, clean process fluid flows and on

    natural gas pipelines. As with electromagnetic meters, ultrasonic meters cover the whole

    spectrum of sizes from mm up to an 11m bore application on a hydro scheme.

    Pros and Cons

    Non-invasive - zero head loss. Gas or liquid flows possible. Bi-directional applications possible. Wide range of sizes. May simply be clamped to pipe. Sensitive to velocity profiles. Long term stability unproven. Not suitable for dirty flows.

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    2.8 Doppler Ultrasonic Meters

    The basis of operation of this class of flowmeter is that if sound of a given frequency is reflected

    from a moving object, the frequency of the reflected sound is shifted by an amount proportional

    to the speed of the moving object (cf passing ambulance, driving past players of bagpipes in

    Glencoe laybys...). In these maters, ultrasound is transmitted into a flow which contains scatterers

    travelling with the flow (egdirt particles, bubbles), and the scattered sound wave detected by a

    receiver. The frequency shiftis then a measure of the flow speed. A possible arrangement is

    shown in Figure 2.26.

    Figure 2.26: The Doppler flowmeter

    The Doppler shift frequency is given by

    f f f f u

    c D trans rec trans= ! " 2 cos#

    where c is the sound speed in the fluid and is the angle between the transmission direction and

    the pipe axis. (The theory of Doppler shifting is covered in more detail in Section 3).

    Because the velocity profile across the pipe will not, in general, be uniform, a range of

    frequencies will be received related to the velocity profile that exists in the pipe. Usually, the

    peak frequency is sought - this smearing of received, shifted frequencies degrades the accuracy of

    these devices.

    Pros and Cons

    Non-invasive - zero head loss. Bi-directional applications possible. Liquids or gases. Wide range of sizes. May simply be clamped to pipe. Works with dirty or aerated flows. Sensitive to velocity profiles. Flow must contain ultrasound scatterers. Long-term stability unproven. Low accuracy.

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    2.9 Summary

    Differential Pressure (DP) meters

    Flow rate !p due to restriction in the flow.

    Long term reliability. Gas and liquid. Extremely well documented standards. Moderate accuracy; 1% - 5% Low dynamic range; 3:1 - 4:1 Sensitive to temperature and pressure changes. Sensitive to upstream flow disturbances.Orifice Meter:

    Simple and cheap construction. Large head loss. Error-prone in dirty flows.Venturi: Bulky and expensive. Very low head loss. Not susceptible to sedimentation in dirty flows.Flow Nozzle:

    Compromise between Orifice and Venturi.

    Positive Displacement (PD) meters

    Fluid volume measured directly cumulative volumes measured. Short-term reliability. Clean flows only. Different designs for gases and liquids. Very accurate; better than 1% Moderate dynamic range, up to 10:1 No calibration required. Devices suited to limited ranges of pressures and temperatures. Not affected by upstream disturbances. Introduces pulsation into downstream flow.Rotary Inferential (RI) meters

    A propeller rotates at a rate proportional to the flow rate. Remote detection possible. Short-term reliability. No standard possible - wide range of designs - calibration necessary. May be very accurate - expensive designs may do better than 1%. High dynamic range; up to 50:1 Designs for extremes of temperature and pressure. Sensitive to upstream disturbance.

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    Fluid Oscillatory meters

    Vortex shedding from a bluff body - flow rate frequency of shedding. Long-term reliability. Suitable for gas and liquid flows. Moderate dynamic range; 15:1 possible No moving parts or seals - suitable for applications where flow cleanliness is important. Insensitive to changes in temperature, pressure and density. Sensitive to upstream flow disturbance.Electromagnetic meters

    Faradays Law: Voltage induced across conductor (conducting fluid) moving in magneticfield speed of conductor, ie flow rate induced voltage across duct.

    Long-term reliability. Can be used only with conductive liquids - no gases. Moderate to good accuracy; better than 1% when installed correctly. Moderate dynamic range; 10:1 Application possible in extreme conditions of temperature, pressure and flow rate. Demanding applications in dirty flows, corrosive liquids, non-Newtonian liquids possible. Wide range of pipe sizes. Bi-directional flows OK. Non-invasive - zero head loss. Insensitive to upstream disturbances.Ultrasonic Time of Flight meters

    Sound propagated with and against the flow. Difference in time of propagation flow rate. Long-term reliability. Clean gases and liquids. Very accurate. Large dynamic range. Bi-directional flows OK. Extremely large pipe sizes possible. Non-invasive - may be just clamped to pipe. Sensitive to pressure and temperature changes.Ultrasonic Doppler meters

    Ultrasound scattered from moving scatterers in flow. Shift of frequency speed of scatterer. Non-invasive - zero head loss. Bi-directional applications possible. Liquids or gases. Wide range of sizes. May simply be clamped to pipe. Works with dirty or aerated flows. Sensitive to velocity profiles. Flow must contain ultrasound scatterers. Long-term stability unproven. Low accuracy.

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    The basis of these devices is that the heat transfer away from a small heated wire, placed in a

    fluid flow, is related to the local flow velocity at the wire. The wire itself is typically only 0.1mm

    to 2mm long, and of diameterm, so very high spatial resolution is possible. Wires are usually

    Tungsten, Platinum or Nickel. The wire is mounted on a thin arm inserted into the flow - the

    method is therefore intrusive.

    In most designs, the current through the wire is kept constant, and the change in resistance is the

    measure of the local flow velocity. It is possible to record a time history of the flow velocity at a

    particular point, and very high time resolutions -up to 50 kHz - are possible - though clearly such

    rates require highly sophisticated electronics to track wire resistance changes. Two or three wires

    may be arranged orthogonally to give an estimate of two or all three velocity components.

    Hot wire anemometry is fundamentally a single point method, so finds most applications in flows

    whose structure is well known a priori, and where the interest is in the time variation of velocity

    at a point, eg in wind tunnel studies of vortex shedding, or in measurements of turbulent


    3.4 Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA)


    The early development Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) dates back to the very end of the 60s,

    when low power continuous wave (CW) lasers began to become available at costs which were

    not astronomical. Since then it has developed into a sophisticated and robust tool suited both to

    research laboratories and industrial applications. Developments in electronic and computer

    processing have improved data gathering and reduction beyond measure, and optical

    developments, notably in fibre-optics, have opened up many new application possibilities.

    The basis of LDA is not complicated, but a short digression into some properties of light and of

    laser beams will prove useful.

    Laser Basics

    All objects emit thermal radiation - a continuous range of frequencies with the peak wavelength

    of the spectrum depending upon the temperature of the body. Hotter bodies emit a distribution of

    radiation peaked at shorter wavelengths = higher energy radiation. The radiation from the Sun

    peaks at about 500 nm wavelength - green light - corresponding to a temperature of around 6000

    K. Photons from thermal sources are emitted over a wide range of wavelengths and in all


    The radiation from a laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission ofRadiation) is quite

    different in character. Photons emerge with identical energies, ie identical wavelengths, identical

    phases, and all travelling in the same direction.

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    E = 0


    NE =!



    thermal source laser source

    Figure 3.3: Thermal and Laser light sources.

    Figure 3.3 illustrates the fundamental difference between thermal and laser radiation. Quantum

    mechanics dictates that electrons orbiting the nuclei of atoms cannot have any arbitrary energy,

    but must be in one of a number of discrete energy states. If the electron absorbs a quantum of

    radiation - just the right amount of energy - then it moves up to the next discrete energy level.

    Equally, it may emit radiation, and in doing so, lose energy and fall back one or more levels. The

    energy associated with a photon of light of frequency fis given by

    E h f = .

    where h is Plancks constant: h = 6.63 x 10-34


    In a collection of atoms in a normal state, electrons are continuously jumping between a large

    number of different states, separated by a range of different energies - they continuously absorb

    and emit over a range of energies and therefore frequencies. In a laser, it is arranged by some

    means that a large number of atoms have a higher proportion of electrons in a particular, raised

    state - apopulation inversion. There is a tendency for these electrons to drop back to their lower

    energy state, and in doing so, they all emit photons of exactly the same energy corresponding to

    the energy difference between the levels.

    Lasers have a unique ability to form light beams with high energy concentrations. However, the

    quantum nature of photons means that a small divergence of the beam is always present. The

    beam cannot be focused to a point, but only to a beam waistof thickness 2wo , Figure 3.4.




    Figure 3.4: Laser beam waist.The beam waist thickness is given by




    Thus efforts to bring the beam to sharper focus result in increased divergence.

    Example: = 514nm, w0 = 12mm, = 0.014 mrad w = 25mm at 1000m from waist.

    = 514nm, w0 = 1mm, = 0.164 mrad w = 25mm at 6m from waist.

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    A receiver moving towards a stationary source of a sound wave will encounter the wave crests at

    a greater frequency than if (s)he were to be standing still. Similarly, if (s)he were to be moving

    away from the source of the waves, the crests would arrive at the receiver at an apparently lower

    frequency. The same effect applies to light.

    s !

    uno. of waves per second = c/"

    Figure 3.6: The Doppler effect - stationary source, moving receiver.

    When the receiverR is stationary, the number of waves received in a time tis

    N f t c t0

    = =.!

    However, if the receiver is moving with a velocity u at an angle to the direction of the wave

    propagation as shown in the Figure, then the catch up speed of the waves is reduced, and the

    number of waves received in a time tis now

    ( )N ct

    1 = ! component of u in direction of propagation"

    ( )! = " N c t 1


    #u s.$

    where $s is a unit vector in the direction of the wave propagation. Thus the frequencies forstationary and moving observers, f0 and f1 are given by the number of waves received per unit

    time, ie



    !, ( )f c


    1= !

    "u s.$

    and so thefrequency shiftis

    ! f f f = " = =0 1




    #u s



    where is the angle between the direction of the wave propagation and the receiver.


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    The Differential Doppler Method


    beam splitter



    Figure 3.7: Set up for differential Doppler method.

    The optical arrangement is sketched in Figure 3.7. A laser beam passes into a beam-splitter from

    which two beams emerge. Via an arrangement of mirrors, these two beams are made to converge

    at an angle , crossing at the measurement point. (The purpose of the Bragg Cellis discussed

    later in the Section). The light from these beams is then scattered by any particle moving with the

    flow -flow seeding- and the scattered light picked up by a detector, ega photomultiplier and lenssystem. Only light scattered in the direction of the detector is recorded - the main, unscattered

    beams pass through the system.

    We can consider the scattering particle as first a receiver of the incoming laser light, and then a

    (re)transmitter of the light to the detector. The first process - transmittal of light from a stationary

    source to the moving particle - is just the situation shown in Figure 3.6, with

    = 90o

    - /2. Therefore the particle receives light at a shifted frequency. The light from the lower

    beam will be shifted to a frequency

    f f1 0

    2= !

    u sin"


    since cos = cos (90o - /2) = sin /2 . The shifted frequency is lower because a component of

    the particles velocity is away from the source.

    The light from the upper beam, when received by the particle will also be shifted, but in this case

    to a higher frequency since there is a component of the particles velocity towards the source.

    The shifted frequency is therefore

    f f2 0

    2= +

    u sin!


    The particle scatters the light that is incident upon it: the scattered light is made up of two

    frequencies, f1 and f2 . The particles velocity has no component in the direction of the receiver,

    so the light entering the detector is at the same frequencies at which it was scattered from the

    particle,f1 and f2 .

    The final stage is to establish the shift in frequency in order to establish the particles velocity.

    When two waveforms of similar frequencies are combined, a beatingeffect is seen (demo with

    overlaying transparencies with lines drawn at spacings differing by 5%). The beat frequency is

    simply the difference between the component frequencies

    f f f beat

    = ! =2 1

    22 u sin "


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    fringe spacing#


    Figure 3.8: Fringe pattern formed at beam intersection.

    A more visual but less rigorous way to view the set up is to think in terms of the fringe pattern

    formed by the intersecting beams, sketched in Figure 3.8. A particle moving through this volume

    will be illuminated at intervals given by the time taken to pass from one bright fringe to the

    next. A particle travelling at speed u through a fringe pattern with spacing will produce flashes

    of light at a frequency given by



    u= = =

    1 1

    ! " "

    but we know



    2 2sin

    so we arrive at the same result for the frequency of the light received at the detector:







    This visual alternative formulation is useful in visualising the effect offrequency shifting,

    discussed below.

    Practical Implementation

    LDA systems are generally bought off the shelf. Dantec (based in Copenhagen) and TSI Inc.

    (USA) are the market leaders. The beam splitting and convergence optics are generally packaged

    into one black box, the detector plus its optics into another, and the signal processing carried out

    by sophisticated electronics in a third black box, usually linked to a PC or workstation.

    The seeding of the flow for LDA is not usually a problem: only in the cleanest conditions in

    water flow experiments are there no suitable scatterers present. In gas flows, corn oil droplets

    have been used to good effect.

    Most systems are laid out as sketched in Figure 3.8 - a forward scatterarrangement. This requiresoptical access to both sides of the test volume. An alternative is to work in back scattermode,

    detecting light scattered back in the direction of the incoming beams. This set up has the

    disadvantage that the much more light is scattered forward than back, so for a given laser power,

    there is much less light scattered to the detector. However, optical access is required from only

    one side, making it well suited to use with fibre optics - two fibres are used - one to carry the

    laser light to the measurement volume, and the second to carry the back-scattered light to a

    detector. A tiny optical head on the end of the fibre does the beam splitting and alignment.

    Multi-Component LDA

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    A second pair of laser beams of different wavelength can be arranged to intersect at the

    measurement volume at right angles to the first pair, and therefore give a measurement of a

    second component of the flow velocity at that point. Similarly, all three velocity components can

    be measured with three pairs of intersecting beams which are mutually perpendicular.

    Two component fibre LDA systems based upon an Argon ion laser make use of the two principal

    wavelengths of laser light - the beam is split into a green beam and a blue beam, and one used tomeasure each velocity component. The back scattered light from both components is carried

    down the one fibre before being separated again by the detector optics.

    Frequency Shifting - the Bragg Cell

    In the form described above, it is clear that LDA cannot distinguish the direction or sense of the

    particles motion and therefore the fluid velocity.Frequency shiftingis a trick to overcome this

    limitation. Basically, the fringe pattern is given its own velocity, and if this velocity is larger than

    the largest velocity that the flow might have, then particles will always appear to be crossing the

    fringes in the same direction.

    Put another way, if the fringes are moving back at a speed greater than the particles backwardmotion, then the particle will overtake the fringes, ie will be going forwards relative to the fringe

    pattern. A particle which was going forwards anyway will appear to be going forwards even more

    quickly, relative to the moving fringe pattern.

    This apparent shiftedvelocity is then measured, and the known shift subtracted to give the true

    flow velocity.

    The device which supplies this shift is called aBragg Cell. The new measured frequency is

    ! = + f f f beat beat shift

    so the apparent measured velocity is

    ! =!

    u f"#

    . beat


    The actual velocity is recovered by subtracting the shift velocity, ushift , from the measured,

    shifted velocity, u

    ( )u u u f f = ! " = ! "shift beat shift


    $2 2.sin

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    As will be understood by the end of this Section, consideration of the method of analysis of a

    flow record to give a velocity map dictates much in the selection of the parameters in the

    experimental set-up for the recording of the flow records. Thus the analysis methods are

    discussed first - cross-correlation in Section 4.4, and autocorrelation in Section 4.5. This is the

    reverse of the historical development of the method, but autocorrelation is perhaps more easily

    explained once the principle of cross-correlation analysis is understood.

    General objectives for any analysis system can be laid down quite simply. We have a flow

    record or successive records containing velocity information over a large field. We wish to be

    able to define a grid of points over this area, and at each point, interrogate a small area of the

    photograph to establish the most common (most correlated) particle image separation.

    Additionally, we require that this process be highly accurate, fast (ie hours are not taken to

    analyse one flow record), and, apart from initialising a run, completely automated.

    4.4 Cross-Correlation PIV Analysis

    The basis for cross-correlation analysis are two PIV flow records taken ofexactly the same fieldin a flow separated by a (usually short) time interval.

    Figure 4.1: Typical interrogation areas from successive flow records.

    Figure 4.1 shows typical interrogation areas from two successive records - selected small cells

    within base and cross images, in this case of 32 x 32 pixels. A number of approaches may be

    taken to finding the distance moved by the tracers between frames. For example, if the number

    density of particle images is low, one approach might be to carry out some image processing to

    establish the positions of all images and in some way try to pair the images. With a higher

    density of images a method based on finding the cross-correlation of the images within the

    interrogation areas is a very efficient and robust approach.

    The cross-correlation function C(x, y) is arrived at by comparing the base and cross images

    given by intensity distributionsIbase(x, y) and Icross(x, y). In physical terms, the function is movingthe cross image relative to the base image, seeking the best match between the intensity patterns.

    C x y I x y I x x y y dxdybaseIA

    cross( , ) ( , ). ( , )! ! ! != " "##

    The cross-correlation function in Figure 4.2 is a typical result of the cross-correlation of partner

    interrogation areas in base and cross images.

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    Figure 4.2: The cross-correlation function arising from IAs shown in Figure 4.1, above.

    The clearly visible peak in the function indicates the offset in x andybetween the base and cross

    images at which the best correlation between the images was found. Once the software has

    calculated the cross-correlation function, it locates this peak and records the x, y values.Knowledge of the optical magnification and the time interval between images allows x, y

    subsequently to be scaled to give a velocity vector relating to the location of the interrogation


    4.5 Illumination Systems for PIV

    Illumination for must usually also define a 2-d plane or sheet through the flow. The source of

    the light is typically a pulsed laser. Lasers are used because the low divergence of their beams

    allows thin sheets to be formed, and because the energy density in the beam is very high, egwe

    may need enough energy to image a 50 m tracer particle with a camera 1 m away within a few


    PIV illumination is usually achieved either by an expanded beam method (Figure 4.3). The

    pulsing of the illumination may be achieved by employing a pulsed laser or (more historically)

    combining a high speed shutter with a continuous wave (CW) laser.

    Figure 4.3: Expanded beam / pulsed laser illumination for PIV.

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    The width of the light sheet generated by either method described above will be a compromise:

    If the plane is too thick, then the measurement zone is moving away from being a 2-d sectionthrough the flow.

    If the plane is too thin, then even very small out-of-plane motion may make it unlikely that aparticle stays in the illuminated plane for long enough to record an image pair.

    A practical criterion is that the cross plane velocity vz should be small enough such that the cross

    plane distance travelled between illuminations is less than 1/4 of the thickness of the sheet. This

    is known as the out-of-plane criterion.

    4.6 PIV Image Acquisition

    4.6.1 Introduction

    The process of acquiring good PIV flow records involves two major stages. The first is selecting

    appropriate hardware for the application eg, illumination, seeding and camera, and the second is

    using this hardware to best effect. This Section addresses both of these stages.

    4.6.2 Hardware

    The hardware considerations may be divided into three broad (and somewhat interdependent)

    areas: illumination, flow seeding and camera. The illumination system preferred for the

    application of PIV to hydrodynamics has been discussed (Section 4.5).


    The selection of a suitable flow seeding is very important. The seeding used in hydrodynamics

    experiments at Edinburgh is conifer pollen. This meets the most important criteria for a suitable

    seeding: once soaked with water, it is almost exactly neutrally buoyant, quite reflective at thewavelength of the laser, and small enough to follow the flows studied (typical particle diameters

    are 70m). Importantly, it is also quite inexpensive - the cost to seed a flume containing six

    tonnes of water is 2 - 5.

    For air flows of high and low speeds, hollow glass spheres have proved a very successful

    seeding. Diameters are 10 - 20 m. Such small particles have a tiny terminal velocity in air, and

    so do not rapidly fall to Earth under gravity.

    Generally now, a wide range (sizes and densities) of synthetic seed particles are available from

    PIV equipment suppliers.

    Camera and Lens (Still Image Video or Conventional Photography)

    The choice of the camera and lens is also important. The lens should be a flat-field lens in order

    that distortions of the image plane are minimised. Choosing a lens of longer focal length reduces

    the apparent effect of any out-of-plane motions of particles in the field, but increases the

    difficulty of achieving a really sharp focus and makes the process more sensitive to vibrations.

    In the early years of Edinburgh PIV, a Hasselblad 500 EL/M camera was the mainstay of PIV

    measurements in hydrodynamics. In the early 90s, it was joined by a Kodak MegaPlus still

    image video camera (what would now be called simply a digital camera). It was a

    monochrome camera with 4 Mpixels (2048 x 2048 pixels resolution). It cost over 20k - compare

    this with the cost of a colour 4 Mpixel digital camera today!

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    Over the last ten years, PIV acquisition has become dominated by specialist PIV cross-correlation

    cameras. These cameras enable pairs of images to be acquired at (at least) conventional video

    frame rates, ie 25 base/cross image pairs taken per second. These cameras are built to interface

    easily to the trigger for a pulsed laser so that they synchronise easily with the flow illumination.

    Standard resolutions are now very good - typically 4Mpixels (2k 2k pixels) with cameras

    offering up to 10 Mpixels beginning to become available (at a price!).

    Very high speed digital cameras have also been used successfully for PIV. Frame rates of up to

    30kHz have been used, though at some cost in spatial resolution.

    4.6.3 Recording the Flow Records

    After the selection of the hardware, the important issues remaining are the choice of camera

    position, achieving the correct seeding density, optimising the focus and optimising the exposure

    parameters to give good, high contrast flow images


    The optimum seeding density is determined by considering the subsequent analysis of the

    photograph. In typical applications in the wave flumes at Edinburgh, the local flow velocity at a

    point on the flow record is averaged over a 32 x 32 pixel interrogation area (IA). Thus the

    seeding density should be high enough that there will always be several (5 to 15) tracer particles

    in each IA on the flow record. Experience is perhaps the best guide to getting an optimum level

    of seeding; once good results have been obtained, the successful level of seeding can be repeated.

    The size of the images of the seeding should also fall within reasonable, intuitive bounds. Seeing

    images which fill a substantial part of the IA would be too large to offer a good correlation

    between base and cross images. Similarly, if the image is so small as to be less than one pixel in

    size, then the analysis will only ever be able to see particle image movements of whole units of

    pixels (ie 1 pixel; 2 pixels; 3 pixels etc) whereas the shift (base to cross) of an image spread overa few pixels can be measured to sub-pixel accuracy.

    The seeding should also be of a size that forms images of the desired size. The size of a particle

    image on the recording medium, di is determined by three factors: the particle diameter, dp , the

    magnification (recorded:actual size) M, and the lens aperture used. defined by its f-number3, f#


    d M d d i p spot = +2 2 2

    where dspot is the diffraction-limited image size - the smallest image that can be recorded by a

    lens working at the given f-number, f# ,

    ( )d M fspot = +2 44 1. #!

    Thus for larger magnifications, larger particles and larger apertures (smaller f-numbers), the size

    of the diffraction-limited image becomes less significant, and the size of the recorded image

    approaches that which would be expected on the basis of the magnification alone.

    Illumination Interval

    Like the optimisation of seeding density, the choice of illumination interval is dictated by

    consideration of the subsequent analysis. The interval should be set such that the largest velocity


    The working diameter or aperture of the lens is usually given in terms of the lens focal length, f, eganaperture of f/8 implies that the aperture is 1/8

    thof the focal length. In this case the f-number f# = 8.

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    in the flow gives a particle image separation on the flow record(s) which is the largest suitable for

    the analysis system. Typically, if both particle images in a pair are to stand a good chance of

    falling within a single interrogation area, then the criterion

    max. image separation < 1/3 dimension of interrogation area

    serves as a guide. Normally an accurate estimate of the largest velocities can be made, but it may

    be necessary to try different intervals in order to optimise the choice.


    Achieving a really sharp focus is extremely important if good PIV photographs are to be

    obtained, and can be quite difficult, especially when a large lens aperture or long focal length lens

    are being used. Tests in which the focus is varied can provide a route to optimisation.

    Photographic Magnification

    The magnification from the measurement zone to the image depends upon the focal length of the

    lens and the distance from the camera to the measurement zone. Its selection is in generalanother compromise. It is often desirable to measure as large a region as possible, but it is again

    important to consider the analysis phase. The velocities are calculated from averaging particle

    image displacements over a small (eg32 x 32 pixel) interrogation region on the flow record. The

    implicit assumption is that particle image displacements over this small region are uniform: if

    there is a strong displacement gradient present, errors are introduced and the resulting data point

    may be at best inaccurate and at worst, spurious. Therefore the size of the area imaged onto the

    flow record is typically limited to that which will result in displacement gradients of less than

    5% over any interrogation area, limiting systematic error from this source to less than 1%.


    In general, tests trying various settings of camera aperture and laser power is required for a newapplication. The quality of the resulting flow records may then be assessed under analysis and

    the best settings finalised.

    If there is scope for choosing an aperture setting, it should be remembered that the largest

    apertures (smallest f numbers) give the poorest depth of field, so focusing is more difficult.

    However, if the particle image size is diffraction limited, the smaller apertures (larger

    f numbers) will result in larger particle images. Usingf/4 orf/5.6} is usually a good compromise.

    Camera Positioning and Alignment

    The geometric relation between the measurement plane in the flow and the PIV image plane in

    the camera may be generally specified by six coordinates - three positional and three angular(Figure 4.7). The selection of these coordinates corresponds to the positioning and alignment of

    the camera.

    The position of the camera in x1 and x2 (Figure 4.4) is determined by the characteristics of the

    measurement zone. In the simplest cases, the camera field of view will be centred on the centre

    of the measurement zone. However, if there is some feature in the measurement zone which

    partially obstructs the view such as a test object or a free surface, then the selection of the camera

    position may demand some care if as much as possible of the region of interest is to be imaged.

    The x3 position, the distance from camera to measurement plane defines the magnification. The

    magnification is chosen as a compromise between the size of the measurement area and the

    resolution of the velocity map.

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    Figure 4.4: Camera alignment

    Aligning the camera fixes the rotational degrees of freedom, 1 , 2 and 3 . Thepitch 1 andyaw 2 axes must be set so that the camera image plane is parallel to the measurement plane. If

    this is not achieved precisely, not only will a systematic distortion of the image plane result, but

    also it may prove impossible to maintain a sharp focus over the whole of the plane. The rollaxis

    3 needs to be set if the object and image planes are not to be rotated relative to one another.


    The sharpness of the particle images recorded on the film is an important factor in the

    signal-to-noise ratio of the resulting data. Therefore it is important to consider possible sources of

    mechanical vibration in the recording system and how they might be minimised. Two possible

    sources can, in general, be identified:1. the mounting of the camera2. the internal workings of the cameraIf the camera is mounted on a good quality tripod, itself standing on a solid lab floor, there should

    be little or no problem from this quarter. However, if the camera is mounted otherwise, egupon a

    moving stage in an image shifting system, or if the tripod rests on a floor which vibrates for any

    reason, related to the experiment or not, then steps may have to be taken to minimise or at least

    quantify the effect of vibration.


    In general, it is desirable or necessary to be able to relate a position on the flow image to anabsolute position in the real measurement plane. This requires some form of registration mark,

    visible on the photograph, whose actual real world coordinates are known. If there is an object

    visible in the flow, ega cylinder, then this may present few problems. Otherwise, the use of some

    additional marker in the measurement plane, or even in another known plane, will be necessary.


    Finally, provision should be made to measure the photographic magnification from the laboratory

    frame to the image frame. Again, it may be possible to measure this directly from the image of

    an object of known size in the measurement zone. However, in most cases, it may be preferable

    to take a dedicated calibration photograph before the start of a run of experiments, egof an object

    or grid of accurately known dimensions.

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    4.6.4 Errors in PIV Measurement

    A summary of the errors inherent in the acquisition phase of autocorrelation PIV is presented in

    Skyner [1992], from which the table below is reproduced.

    factor typical random error systematic error

    illumination interval 0.2 %

    photographic magnification 0.3 %

    photographic distortion 0.0 - 0.3 %

    illumination plane flatness 0.0 - 0.3 %

    illumination plane thickness 0.1 %

    seeding not following flow 0.0 - 1.0 %

    combined errors 0.4 % 1.0 - 1.6 %

    4.7 Applications

    A random selection of applications with which the Edinburgh group has been associated...


    Flow in power station coal burners (live flame tests) Flow of pulverised coal into power station combustion chamberCoastal Engineering

    Beach erosion /accretion Wave impacts on breakwaters Flow around seabed pipelinesOffshore Engineering

    Wave enhancement due to structure blockage Oceanic internal waves Deep water breaking wavesWind Energy

    Measurement of wake behind a wind turbineHeat Transfer

    Recirculation in horizontal kettle reboilersFire Safety

    Flow of fumes and smoke out of burning buildings