Fisiologi Mata

Post on 28-Sep-2015

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Fisiologi Mata

Transcript of Fisiologi Mata

  • Nurfitri Bustamam, SSi, MKes, MPdKed.

  • Introduction

    Lens cornea

    Aperture of the camera pupil


    Film retina

    More sophisticated

    Protective casing

    Nervous system

    Nurfitri Bustamam 2

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 3

    Learning Objectives Describe the various parts of the eye and list the

    functions of each

    Explain how light rays are brought to a focus on the retina

    Explain common defects of the optical system of the eye

    Describe production of nerve impulses in the eyes & trace the visual pathways to their destinations in the brain.

    Define and explain dark adaptation & visual acuity

    Describe the eye movement

    Explain how we are able to distinguish colors & perceive depth.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 4

    Anatomy of the Eye

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 5

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 6

    Lapisan mata:

    Sklera (protektif, putih, tidak dpt dilewati cahaya) & cornea (di anterior, transparan). Sklera dilapisi membran mucosa yg jernih (conjuctiva)

    Choroid (jaringan pembuluh darah)

    Retina; melapisi 2/3 bag dlm choroid, berupa jar. saraf yg mengandung fotoreseptor

    Lensa kristal; disangga oleh lens ligamen (zonula) yg terhubung dg badan ciliaris yg punya otot sirkuler & longitudinal

    Iris: berada di depan lensa, bagian berwarna dari mata tdd serat otot sirkular konstriksi dan serat otot radial dilatasi (mengatur cahaya ke bola mata).

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 7

    Vitreous humor: materi gelatinosa jernih yg mengisi ruang antara lensa & retina.

    Aqueous humor: cairan jernih, dibuat oleh corpus cilaris dg cara difusi dan transpor aktif mengalir melalui pupil utk mengisi ruang anterior bola mata. Aqueous humor direabsorpsi oleh Canal of Schlemm yaitu vena-vena antara iris dan cornea.

    Glaucoma: peningkatan tekanan intraokuler akibat obstruksi pada Canal of Schlemm. Hal itu dapat merusak retina. Tekanan normal bola mata: 10-20 mmHg.

    Penyebab glaucoma: infeksi, perdarahan akumulasi debris di Canal of Schlemm.

    Terapi: diberi obat utk mengurangi sekresi atau meningkatkan absorpsi aqueous humor atau dioperasi.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 8

    Aqueous humor dibentuk rata-rata 2-3 l/menit

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  • Nurfitri Bustamam 10

    Rods & cones (fotoreseptor).

    Interneuron (inhibisi/eksitasi): sel bipolar, sel horisontal, sel amacrine, dan keluar mata via sel ganglion yg aksonnya membentuk serat n. opticus.

    Pigmen epitel berperan utk mengabsorpsi cahaya agar tdk mengalami pemantulan/refleksi kembali shg bayangan tdk kabur.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 11

    N. opticus meninggalkan bola mata mll optic disk (karena tdk ada reseptor maka bagian ini merupakan bintik buta).

    Macula lutea (pigmen kuning) pusatnya disebut fovea centralis yg tdk mengandung rods tetapi hanya cones yg sangat padat dan berperan dalam ketajaman penglihatan (acuity). Age-related macular degeneration. Gerakan bola mata sebenarnya berusaha menempatkan bayangan tepat di fovea centralis.

    Oftalmoskopi- melihat permukaan interior di belakang lensa (fundus) tdd retina, optic disc, macula, fovea, arteriole & vein in superficial layers of retina

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 12

    Pada fovea, setiap cone

    berhub. dg satu sel bipolar

    dan langsung ke n. opticus

    (penting utk ketajaman


    Di luar fovea byk tdpt rods.

    Rods : cones = 120 juta : 6


    N opticus tdd 1,2 juta serat

    Rasio sel bipolar : sel

    ganglion = 105 : 1 (ada


  • Nurfitri Bustamam 13

    Comparison of Photoreceptors

    Characteristic Rods Cone

    Photopigment Rhodopsin Blue, green & red

    sensitive pigmen (cone


    Acuity Low High

    Threshold illumination Low High

    Type of vision Black/white Color

    Most concentrated Peripheral Central (fovea centralis)

    Wave peak sensitivity 505 nm Blue (445 nm), Green

    (535 nm), Red (570 nm)

    Estimated total


    120 milion 7 milion

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 14

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 15

    Kemampuan mata beradaptasi terhadap cahaya sangat tinggi (10-7 107 mm Lambert) krn ada 2 fotoreseptor & ada pengaturan pupil

    Rod vision (scotopic vision)

    Transition zone

    Cone vision: rhodopsin terurai

    Rod vision: rhodopsin terbentuk & dirombak seperlunya

    Diperlukan waktu utk menumpuk rhodopsin yg terurai saat terang

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 16

    Buta senja (Nyctalopia)

    Semakin byk rhodopsin,

    fotoreseptor semakin

    sensitif terhadap cahaya.

    Pada defisiensi vit. A,

    pembentukan rhodopsin


    Mengapa disebut buta

    senja? Bagaimana

    perubahan intensitas

    cahaya pada senja hari?

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 17

    Adaptasi Gelap Perub. terang ke gelap: retina

    buta, perlahan mampu/terbiasa melihat dlm gelap. Penurunan ambang visual adaptasi gelap yg lamanya 20-30 menit. Terdapat 2 komponen adaptasi gelap: Adaptasi gelap cones: cepat,

    sdkt/kecil, hanya di daerah fovea & sekitarnya.

    Adaptasi gelap rods: lambat, lbh besar, lbh lama, utk daerah perifer retina.

    Adaptasi Gelap & Adaptasi Terang

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 18

    Kacamata merah akan memperpendek masa adaptasi gelap karena gelombang sinar merah hanya sedikit merangsang rods, tetapi cones tetap mampu berfungsi seperti biasa (studio foto/kamar gelap, radiologist, pilot terbang malam)

    Masa adaptasi gelap adalah masa pembentukan rhodopsin (jika kena sinar rusak). Diperlukan jumlah rhodopsin cukup utk mampu melihat dalam gelap.

    Dari gelap ke terang: silau, cahaya terlalu terang, tetapi lama kelamaan terbiasa dalam terang, adaptasi cahaya (light adaptation) lamanya 5 menit.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 19

    Semakin kuat cahaya semakin besar respons hiperpolarisasi

    Neurotransmiter yg dihasilkan fotoreseptor bersifat inhibisi

    Incident light Structural changes in the

    retinene of photopigment

    Metarhodopsin II

    Activation of transducin

    Activation of photodiesterase

    Decreased intracelular cGMP

    Closure of Na+ channels


    Decreased released of

    synaptic transmitter Response in bipolar cells

    & other neural elements

    Phototransduction in rods & cones

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 20

    Teori YOUNG HELMHOLTZ: manusia mempunyai 3 cones

    Sensasi warna ditentukan oleh frekuensi relatif & impuls dari tiap jenis kerucut.

    Ke-3 sel kerucut dapat terangsang dg intensitas yg berbeda atau hanya 1 jenis kerucut yg terangsang sehingga dapat melihat berbagai kombinasi warna.


    Melihat Warna

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 21

    Colorblindness (buta warna)

    Test: Ishihara charts

    Buta warna: tdk dpt membedakan warna tertentu. Anomaly: thd warna tertentu lemah, tdk


    Anopia: buta warna, protanopia (buta warna merah), deuteranopia (buta warna hijau), trianaopia (buta warna biru).

    Trichromat (punya 3 cones), dichromat (2 cones), monochromat (hanya punya 1 macam cones)

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 22

    Prinsip Optik & Pembentukan Bayangan di Retina

    Berkas sinar yg melewati pusat lensa tdk


    Besarnya bayangan ditentukan oleh sudut visual

    (visual angle)

    Bayangan di retina terbalik (terbiasa sejak lahir)

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 23

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 24

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 25

    Titik fokus lensa bergantung radius. Kekuatan refraksi = 1/jarak fokus dalam meter (Dioptri)

    Jarak fokus = 0,5 m kekuatan refraksi = 1/0,5 = 2 Dioptri

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 26

    M. ciliaris relaksasi jika melihat jauh ( > 6 meter)

    Jika melihat dekat terjadi refleks akomodasi/near response (lensa mata mencembung karena kontraksi m. ciliaris, pupil konstriksi, & konvergensi mata).

    Pada umur 40-45 th daya akomodasi mulai menurun (presbyopia) karena lensa mata mulai mengeras & melemahnya m. ciliaris akibat proses menua.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 27



    Stimulus: titik potong sinar di belakang retina

    Reseptor: cone & rod (bayangan kabur)

    Aferen: n. opticus

    Eferen: n. oculomotor

    Proses: ciliary muscle kontraksi

    diameter mengecil ligamen

    mengendor lensa mencembung.

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  • Nurfitri Bustamam 29

    Near point: titik jelas terdekat, pada usia

    10 tahun 9 cm, 60 tahun 83 cm.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 30

    Emmetropia; mata normal

    Myopia; rabun jauh

    Hyperopia; rabun dekat

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    Astigmatism: 90% karena curvatura

    cornea & 10% karena curvatura lensa tdk

    uniform bayangan di retina kabur.

  • Etiologi kelainan refraksi




    - Diameter bola mata (aksis bola mata)

    - Kurvatura kornea/lensa

    - Indeks refraksi

    - Posisi lensa

    Nurfitri Bustamam 32

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 33

    Visual Acuity

    Visual acuity: distinctness or discrimination of objects

    All assessments of acuity depend on some estimation of the angle subtended at the eye by two line which can just be seen to be separated from each other.

    The greater that angle, the less acuity

    The standard of reference used is the best possible discrimination made by normal young subjects in bright light; this requires that the distinguishable line subtend an angle of 1 minute at the eye.

    The commonest way of measuring a persons acuity is to display rows of letters or symbols of different sizes (Snellens chart) at standard distance. The components of 6 or 20 row of letters are of a width each subtend an angle of 1 minute at the observers eye when he is 6 m (20 feet) away.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 34

    A person whose vision rated 20/20 is seeing details at a distance of 20 feet as clearly as a normal individual could.

    Vision noted as 20/15 is better than average, for at 20 feet the person is able to see details that would be clear to normal eye only at a distance of 15 feet.

    Conversely, a person with 20/30 vision must be 20 feet from an object to discern details that a person with normal vision could make out at a distance of 30 feet.

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 35


    V = 6/6 V < 6/6


    Lensa +





    hipermetropia emetropia

    muda tua

    miopia presbiopia

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 36

    Refleks Pupil

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 37

    Refleks Pupil

    Pupil konstriksi utk mengurangi sinar yg masuk, pupil sebelahnya ikut konstriksi (consensual light reflex).

    Jalur reflex pupil berbeda dg akomodasi

    Pupil Argyll-Robertson: akomodasi intact tetapi refleks pupil hilang sebab adanya lesi di midbrain (misalnya syphilis)

    Lengkung refleks: n opticus brachium of the superior colliculus pretectal nucleus ipsilateral & contralateral Edinger-Westphal nucleus ciliary ganglion (N. III) sphincter pupilae (otot sirkularis).

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 38

    Lengkung Refleks Pupil

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 39

    Visual Pathway Stimulus (ligth)

    Rods & Cones

    Bipolar Cells

    Gangglion Cells

    Lateral Geniculate Nucleus

    Visual Cortex

    Visual Association Cortex




    Optic nerve


  • Nurfitri Bustamam 40

    Pusat Penglihatan

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 41

    Visual Fields

    The technique of perimetry allows precise mapping out visual fields

    The visual fields are determined by the position of the orbits, the extent and shape of the retina in each eye and the external obstruction to the incidence of light (nose & brow).

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    Proyeksi lapang pandang dapat digunakan utk menentukan lokasi kerusakan di jaras penglihatan

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    Monocular & Binocular Vision

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 44

    Depth Perception

    If you close your right eye then open it and close your left, you will notice that the picture changes somewhat.

    Each eye receives a slightly different image, because their foveas are 2-3 inches apart. For one thing, each eye provides some visual information that is unavailable to the other because your nose and eye socket block its view of the opposite side.

    Each eye sees the world from a slightly different angle. The association & integrative areas of the cortex compare these views and use them to provide us with depth perception.

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    Stereoscopic Vision

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 46

    Otot-otot bola mata

  • Eye Movements

    1. Saccades movement: melihat dg cepat & meloncat-loncat

    2. Smooth persuit movement: mengikuti gerak objek

    3. Convergence movement

    4. Vestibular movement

    Nurfitri Bustamam 47

  • Nurfitri Bustamam 48

    Eye Movement Disorders

    Strabismus: uncoordinated extrinsic eye muscles, primary symptom: diplopia

    Diplopia (double vision), results when the contraction of the extrinsic muscles is not coordinated. The eyes focus on different area of the visual field & two images are seen.

    Nystagmus: involuntary unilateral or bilateral rhytmic movement of the eyes.

    Paralysis of extraocular muscle: ptosis: dropping of the eyelid

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