Fishing statement: To try to insure that fishing stays …Miss Judy Charters “Kicking Fish Tail...

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Transcript of Fishing statement: To try to insure that fishing stays …Miss Judy Charters “Kicking Fish Tail...

Miss Judy Charters

“Kicking Fish Tail Since 1956!”

124 Palmetto Drive

Savannah, Georgia 31410

912 897 4921or 912 897 2478

912 897 3460 fax

May 12, 2020 Capt Judy’s inshore offshore fishing report and Preverbal Talk Wrench story!

Fishing statement: To try to insure that fishing stays in the hearts of those that are

going to love it!

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters Haden Farr

and Taylor Gunby Savannah, Georgia had a grand catching day! (Even if their

shirts were on backward!)

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charter in May as the winds were howling

at over 30 mph and cold conditions prevailed Taylor Gunby and Haden Farr Savannah, Georgia caught

some very nice fish and basically had a fish catching blast!

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters Haden Farr

Savannah Georgia caught this nice soon to be released bonnet head shark!

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charter Taylor Gundy

Savannah, Georgia caught this nice spotted sea trout! Yep, it was dinner in the


While inshore light tackle fishing with Captain Matt Williams of Miss Judy Charters Courtney and Devin

Bass of Richmond Hill, Georgia caught some very nice fish. This is what they kept and they released the

rest! So therefore it looks like crispy scored flounder one night and trout almondine the second! Heck, if

all this fancy cooking doesn’t appeal then it’s going to be a heating of the grease, dipping the fillets in

corn meal, and frying kind of the night! Now if it were me, I would do the latter and then pour Georgia

cane syrup on the fried fillets, but then that is just me!

Inshore Catching Report!

The inshore bite especially with all the windy conditions has been to say this least unpredictable for

sure! However, fishing everyday like our inshore captains do, things are much better in the catching

department! Our captains have been catching their own live shrimp, which means; at least most of the

time that their shrimp are livelier, less stressed out, and last longer on the hook. They have also been

using mud minnows for bait, which also has worked like a charm on the fish!

While inshore fishing with Captain Kevin Rose of Miss Judy Charters Leah Harris (Wrens) and Stephen

Spindler (Hephzibah) caught some really nice fish! They caught red fish, spotted sea trout, blue fish, and

whole bunch line stretching Lady Fish!

Birthday fishing trip gone right!

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters The Day family celebrated Jack’s

number 14 birthday!

From left to right: Captain Garrett Ross, Jonathan Day, (father) birthday boy Jack (just turned fourteen)

Julie (mother) and older son John (16)

So here’s what happened: The family fishing team caught some really nice spotted sea trout, which

some were released and a few were kept. Jack caught a nice 21 inch mega spotted sea trout, which was

safely released back to the wild. The team also caught some short trout, blue fish, large lady fish, red

fish, and other biters, which were all promptly released! What on the cleaning table? The makings for

Jack’s birthday celebration dinner!

Birthday Jack’s Dinner! It looks great and tastes even better! And this is what I call a very successful

birthday celebration! Jack catches as lot, keeps a few, and then the family get to eat! Now this would

be called a color coordinated meal!

While celebrating his number 14 birthday Jack Day and family had a blast inshore fishing with Captain

Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters! Jack is holding one of many trout that were caught fought some

kept and some released!

While inshore fishing with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy Charters Jack Day Savannah celebrated

number 14 birthday! This is a nice blue fish that Jack caught, which as you can see swallowed his live

shrimp hook, line, and almost sinker!

Shark Fishing in the Sound

Sort of kind of...a fish catching day!

Kind of Sort Of Fish Day!

Please meet Jeb Brumby (12) Cumming, Georgia, which is in the middle of fighting a nice Atlantic

Sharpnose shark. You can’t see me, (Captain Judy), but I am there talking with Jeb offering some reeling

suggestions. However, Jeb did not need any; he was successfully as well as correctly fighting this nice

shark on light tackle. So of course I had to remark, “You must have done this before!” And with this

comment Jeb very quietly said, “Kind Of Sort Of!” did he land the shark? Yes

Sound fishing equals Grand Catching Possibilities!

The sound fishing has been great! Why? You really never know what you might catch! And here’s the

thing...Short boat rides to the sound area will get you some grand catching possibilities! It is so simple,

while using small pieces of shrimp peeled or not bites from whiting, blue fish, summer trout, eels,

stingrays, small to large sharks, croakers, spots, burrfish (the cutest fish ever) Spanish mackerel, and

other biters!

Cutie! This is a burrfish! We do not catch many of these fish, please if you do, release as soon as


Luck Be A Lady!

Cameron Brumby Cummings, Georgia is sporting a big fish catching smile! And Captain Alli

DeYoung of Miss Judy Charters is assisting! Heck, while trolling offshore we haven’t seen

many of these fish jumping or on our hooks! And Cameron while using a small thin tinned

hook laced with a piece of peeled shrimp catches this nice Spanish mackerel! Everyone was

happy including me! (Captain Judy) So what does this all mean? Well, if you plan on fishing a

tournament, I suggest asking Cameron to join you! Caused the luck be with her! Wasn’t that a

hit song sung by Frank Sinatra? “Luck be a Lady!” If you too old to remember and too young to

care...that is ok too!

Welcome to Shark-ville!

Cameron Brumby Cumming Georgia caught his nice Atlantic Sharpnose shark while using a small whiting

steak as bait. Alli DeYoung of Miss Judy Charters is assisting! This shark was successfully released back

to the wild!

Alli DeYoung of Miss Judy Charters is assisting Katelyn Dornam Cummings, Georgia with her just caught

soon to be released Atlantic Sharpnose Shark! No deep battered fried shark fingers today!

John Brumby Cummings, Georgia just caught this soon to be released Atlantic Sharpnose Shark! Alli

DeYoung of Miss Judy Charters is assisting! What was John using for bait? A small piece of squid!

Although the shark’s head was cut out of the picture I still wanted to show you that Jana Brumby

Cummings, Georgia was having one heck of a fish catching time! And after all isn’t this what fishing is all

about? It is time to go fishing! Why? Short boat rides to the fish are taking place! The next question

will be...Your boat or mine! It is time to file a float plan! Alli DeYoung Miss Judy Charters is assisting!

Savannah Snapper Banks

Lots of reeling going on!

Ashley Benton Savannah (local award winning artist) and Captain Kathy Brown of Miss Judy Charter are

both sporting big fish catching smiles! On the cooler there is array of bottom fish displayed! These

fishermen caught trigger fish, black sea bass, vermilion snapper, porgy, white grunt, perch, almaco jack,

amberjack, and etc....they kept what’s on the cooler and released the rest!

While plain old bottom fishing at the Savannah Snapper Banks James Lomax (age 12) Charlie Hamrick

(holding genuine red snapper) Randy Lomax (dark t-shirt) Captain Kathy Brown of Miss Judy Charters

Tyler Clark (cap on backwards) and Jeff Lomax had one heck of a grand fish catching time! They fought

caught and released at least 80 genuine red snapper. And during all of the catching they caught a little

of everything! They kept some and they released some! Yes this genuine red snapper was safely

released unharmed!

Lollopped Bite!

James Lomax 12 year old is holding the biting business end of a nice gray trigger fish! While reeling in,

James felt a big tug, which resulted in his hooked trigger fish supposedly trying to swim to the surface.

What we didn’t know was a large shark had grabbed his fish biting down with killing first and eating

second on its mind! Well, as you can see the killing did take place and ½ the eating! What kind of bite is

this? Lollopped bite! It is where a shark tries to take a serious bite by starting with putting as much of

the fish’s tail first into its mouth. As you can see this shark got about mid way with this trigger fish

before deciding to make a clean strong bite! We all watched as James reeled in his tail-less trigger fish.

And what was following behind? A still very hungry angry ready to eat again big shark! So what did we

do? We removed the leftovers off the hook and threw the rest of the trigger fish at the shark. This is

when the shark finished exactly what it had started!

While offshore fishing Captain Judy Helmey aboard Miss Judy Too Jeff Lomax caught this very nice

amberjack, which by the way put up quite a serious line stretching fight! Alli “The Kid” DeYoung is


On the freshwater catching side...we have

My cuz (Captain Judy) and good friends with Captain Garrett Ross of Miss Judy

Charters, Mickey Holbrook owner operator of MAD GILLZ Fishing Guide Service

a call. (470 262 6035) Mickey is a member on the gangster side of the family!

And that is all I am going to say about that!)

Mickey reports... Lake Lanier is productive right now. The fish have been on their

spawn and have now started to group back up. Down line bite is still very

productive. However, the top water and trolling bite is good. The water

temperature is at 65 and rising so the fish are active. It’s time to do a little

freshwater at Lake Lanier fishing! Why? Because now you know it is TIME TO

GO! Give Mickey a call (470 262 6035) and make reservations today!

For those of you that want to do a little fresh water fishing I highly suggest giving Mickey Holbrook

owner operator of MAD GILLZ Fishing Guide Service a call. (470 262 6035) There are two things that we

know for a fact ...and what is that? Our new fresh water connection is Mickey Holbrook! And I

approved this message times two!

World famous Swirleybirds lures by Veteran Bill Vanderford

Old School is the Tool!

Now I have known Bill and fished with him for many years. And I know by saying this I am showing my

age. However, sometimes when it comes to catching fish age equals seasoned and also equals lots of darn

acquired knowledge! Between the two of us, well we are weighted down with fishing knowledge for sure!

In Bill’s case he knows freshwater and saltwater fishing like the back of his hand and any lure he invents

or endorses works more than not! So give them a try, but don’t unless you want your best chance at

catching fish! Just do it!

Veteran Owned and Operated

Veteran's Fishing Lures is a veteran-owned and operated company selling high quality super productive

fishing lures. All lures are made by hand in the United States by Veterans. or text 770 289 1543!

ULTIMATE bait & lure ENHANCER! Why not give them a try?

Captain Rick and Rachel Crozier (Inventors) 587-830-3567

Little Miss Judy’s Believe It or Not!”

Preverbal Talk Wrench

Photo by Rich Gulck

This is an old time torque wrench. A torque wrench is a tool used to precisely apply a specific

torque to a fastener such as a nut or bolt.

Preverbal Talk Wrench

My father had one of these torque wrenches in a pale green cardboard box, which he kept under his

bed. As a child I would occasionally pull the box out from under the bed and take a “serious look see.”

To me this was an amazing tool, because my father always called it “the talk wrench!” Now I can’t and

won’t say that the wrench ever said anything, but I always wanted to give it as much opportunity as

possible. I know it talked to daddy, because he said so!

Thanks for reading! Captain Judy