Final a&p

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Transcript of Final a&p

Final for SOC 214

1. According to the text, studies of the transition to parenthood, which of the following state-ments is FALSE?

a. The birth of a child is usually associated with increased marital satisfaction.

2. Which of the following statements is an assumption of the sociobiological model of parenting?

a. Men and women are biologically different and therefore have different social roles.

3. According to the text’s discussion of the fecundity rate and the fertility rate, which of the fol-lowing statements is TRUE?

a. Rarely does the fertility rate reach the fecundity rate, although it comes close in some groups.

1. Sandra and Ron believe that it is a good thing to want children and that all married couples should want children. Their attitude reflects what sociologists refer to as being ___________.

a. Pronatalist

2. The process of modernization is a likely explanation for declining fertility rates. Which of the following factors is NOT included in the process of modernization?

a. Increased movement to rural areas

6. According to the text, practices used by persons with the conscious intent of affecting fertility are called ___________.

a. Manifest fertility regulation

7. According to lecture, which of the following statements concerning teen pregnancy is TRUE?

a. Over the last several decades, the share of all non-marital births that are to teenagers has been declining.

8. According to lecture, which of the following is NOT one fo the four characteristics of mar-riage as an institution?

a. Marriage is totally private commitment that binds two individuals together 9. According to lecture, how is marriage becoming deinstitutionalized?

a. Many of the behaviors once only found in marriage are no longer limited to marriage.

10. According to the Gallup Poll, “Singles Seek Soul Mate for Marriage,” the majority of female respondants said they wanted a husband who ______.

a. Communicated about his deepest feelings

1. According to lecture, there has been a historical change in how we view marriage. For ex-ample, the ___________ marriage is characterized by romantic love, open communica-tion, flexible roles, and self- development.

a. Individualized

2. According to lecture, there has been a historical change in how we view marriage. For ex-ample, the ___________ marriage is characterized by a focus on affection, friendship, sexual gratification, and separate and defined spousal roles.

a. Companionship

3. According to the lecture, all marriages go through a series of stages. Couples in the ex-pansion stage...

a. Feel that they are creating a common vision and accept each other unconditionally.

14. According to lecture, all marriages go through a series of stages. Couples in the contrac-tion stage...

a. Focus on problems with their partner and in the relationship may feel disillusioned with their partner

15. How is the ideal of romantic love different from the expectation of commitment? a. Roman-tic love is idealized

16. According to the text, _______________ is when married couples reach an agreement about their roles based on commonly held assumptions that are often derived from tradition rather than by discussion and negotiation.

a. Spontaneous consensus

17. Of the ten family roles that the newly married couple must construct when they marry, the _________ role deals with the emotional and instrumental needs of the couple, including provid-ing sympathy, understanding, and advice.

a. Therapuetic

1. A form of marriage that exists for the love and intimacy it provides to the partners is called an ________ marriage.

a. Intrinsic

2. Which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the effect of role consensus on marital quality?

a. Role consensus has been shown to have little effect on marital quality

20. Which of the following is NOT a relationship maintenance behavior as described in the text?

a. Honesty, or being critical of the relationship in order to improve it

21. According to lecture, which of the following is NOT a characteristic of traditional courting or calling? a. Couples are expected to have complete privacy

22. As discussed in lecture, which of the following was not a characteristic of formal dating? a. The date was supposed to be initiated by the woman

23. As discussed in lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE concerning contem-porary forms of dating?

a. Dating is more likely to proceed through a series of stages such as going steady and engage-ment 24. According to lecture, what are the two main functions of courtship or formal dating?

a. Mate selection and recreation

25. According to lecture, a researcher named Whyte identified several dysfunctions with the sys-tem of dating. Which of the following is NOT one of these dysfunctions?

a. Individuals do not date enough people before getting married

26. According to the text, mate selection options in different cultures can be placed on a contin-uum. The point on the continuum in which each individual has complete freedom to decide who his or her mate will be and everyone is a potential mate even if they are already married is the point labeled:

a. C: Open choice; universal permanent availability

27. According to the text, which of the following was NOT part of the romantic ideal that be-came the normative basis for mate selection in the United States?

a. We should choose a partner who will be a good parent and provider

28. According to the text, courtship patterns have changed since the 1970s. For example the text argues that, due to changes in the median age at first marriage and the age when dating begins,

a. First married partners are much more likely to have had previous intimate partners than at any previous time

29. The model of the marriage market in which women and men expect both partners to contrib-ute equally to the marriage in terms of income and intimacy is called the ________.

a. Income pooling model

30. Raul has dated a variety of women from diverse racial, religion, and economic background, BUT he ended up marrying someone who was the same race, social class, age, and religion. His marriage is and example of the principle of ______

a. Homogamy

31. The term pool of eligible is used to define ...

a. Individuals who are regarded as available and acceptable marriage partners

32. According to lecture, how do our social characteristics like race, religion, social class and age affect whom we marry?

a. Women traditionally have married men who are the same social class or higher than they are

33. According to the Pew report in interracial relationships discussed in class, which of the fol-lowing statements is FALSE?

a. Only a minority white and black respondants under the age of 49 siad that they would accept a family member’s marriage to someone of any other race/ethnicity

1. According to the text, the tendency to select mates from persons who live nearby is called... a. Propinquity

2. According to the percentages shown in class on who introduces us to our romantic partner, which group was most likely to meet through self-introduction?

a. Non-cohabiting partnerships lasting less than one month

36. According to the text, in a particular culture at a particular time, there are shared ideas about what makes a desirable mate. Your ranking based on these socially agreed upon characteristics or resources is your

a. General marital desirability

37. According to the discussion of the Pew Study of Millennials published in 2010, which of the following statements is TRUE concerning Millennial’s opinons on cohabitation?

a. The majority of millennials thought that the trend of cohabitation made no difference to soci-ety 38. According to lecture, which of the following is NOT a reason for increased amounts of cohabitation?

a. Decreasing concerns about cost of living

39. According to the Gallup Poll, which asked 20-29 year olds about their attitudes toward co-habitation, which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. The majority of 20-29 year olds agreed that living together before marriage was a good way to avoid divorce

40. According to lecture, CDC data examining whether cohabitation prevent future divorce con-cludes that...

a. Cohabiting couples, who were not engaged when they moved in together, are somewhat more likely than the non-cohabiting couples to later separate or divorce.

41. According to Stanley, relationship inertia results in

a. Couples marrying because they are cohabitating

42. According to the Pew study examining the connection between marriage and level of educa-tion in 1970 and 2007, how does one’s level of education affect whether or not one gets married?

a. Men with a college degree are more likely to be married than men without a college degree 43. According to lecture, which of the following fators decrease the probability that a first premarital

cohabitation makes the transition to marriage within 5 years?

a. Living in a community with a lower median family income

44. According to Casper and Sayer’s study of cohabitation, when asked to categorize their rela-tionship, the majority of cohabitants categorized their relationship as...

a. A precursor to marriage

45. According to statistics on teen sexuality discussed in class, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. The majority of teens between the ages 15 and 17 have had sexual intercourse

46. According to the discussion of the Hamilton and Armstrong “looking up” study in lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE?

a. The study found that women engaged in “hooking up” because the men they were with refused to commit to long term relationships

47. According to the text, what do studies show about the effect of parents on teen sexual behav-ior?

a. Parents who are either very strict or very permissive had more sexually active children than parents who were moderately strict

Test 2

1. Which of the following statements DOES NOT reflect the labor market mode of pro-duction?

a. The family is responsible for producing most of the goods the family needs, e.g. food, cloth-ing, dwelling, and all family members are expected to take part

2. According to the lecture, which of the following statements reflects the ideal structure of the household of a Modern Family (middle class) of the 18th c – 20th c?

a. The household contained only parents and children with no other person

3. According to lecture the purpose of the Modern Family (middle class) of the 18th c – 20th c because... a. Providing a private retreat which was focused on child care

4. According to the lecture, a new ideal for women, the cult of true womanhood, emerged with the Modern Family of the 18th -20th c. Which of the following characteristics was NOT part of this ideal?

a. Economic support of family

5. According to lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE concerning the ideal of marriage in the

middle-class Modern Family?

a. Marriage was viewed by only as a moral and economic relationship

6. According to the lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE concerning childhood in the middle- class Modern Family?

a. Children are expected to work with their parents to help support the family

7. According to lecture, which fo the following statements concerning working-class & immi-grant families is TRUE?

a. In most familys, fathers didn’t make a family wage so the mother would work, either in the home by taking in orders and laundry or outside of the home in factorys or as domestics

8. According to the text’s discussion of demographic changes during the industrial revolution, a. Many young people move to the cities to look for work and educational oppurtunities

1. According to the text, William J. Goode studied the effect of industrialization on the family in several parts of the world. From these studies he argued that...

2. According to the William J. Goode, industrialization was associated with movement to the conjugal family form. He argues that in its ideal-typical form, the conjugal family had five characteristics. Which of the following was NOT one of these five characteris-tics?

a. Kinship became more patrilineal as it became more important to pass an inheritance to ones children

11. According to the text, how did industrialization change how children were perceived and treated? a. Childrearing techniques became more focused on developing creativity and spontane-ity

12. According to the graph showed in class, the “new normal” for family structure/employment in 2008 is... a. Married, dual earner

13. According to lecture, which of the following situations is an example of a “two-person one-career” couple?

a. Maria is not in a paid labor force so that she can care for the home and children while her hus-band focuses on his career

14. What is the “invisible career” of the stay-at-home mom?

a. The volunteer activities that these moms do for the community

15. According to the graph shown in class which examined attitudes toward “traditional” roles for men and women, the Pew Research Study survey showed that...

a. People in 2008 were more likely to say they disagree with women returning to traditional roles in people in 1988

16. According to statistics shown in class on the paid labor force participation rates of mothers, which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. Just over half of mothers with infants are either in the paid labor force (full and part time) or looking for work

17. According to lecture, historically women have entered the paid labor force for several rea-sons. Which of the following statements is NOT one of these reasons?

a. Women enter the paid labor force as infertility rates increase freeing them to work outside the home

1. According to lecture, Geerson (1987) found that women were more likely to choose the do-mestic path (stay-at-home mom), if several factors are present. Which of the following is NOT one of these factors?

2. According to the Pew Research Center Study, 2007, Mom’s Differ Over What’s Best for Children...

3. According to the graph shown in lecture examining how many hours parents spend with their children,

how was the average weekly hours spent on primary childcare changed for men and women since 1965?

4. According to lecture, a new ideal for men is emerging which is the ideal of being a co-breadwinner. The benefits of being a co-breadwinner include all of the following EX-CEPT

5. According to lecture, more fathers are at home caring for children while their wives are working in the paid labor force. According to the pie charts shown in class, men are most likely to become a stay-at-home dad if they

6. According to the studies shown in class, which of the following statements concerning men and women’s housework activities is TRUE?

7. South and Spitz, in their study which looked at how living arrangements affected the num-ber of hours men and women spent on housework and the types of housework activities they did, found that

8. According to lecture, a Pew research study concerning a couple’s opinion as to what makes a successful marriage found that in 2007 as compared to 1990 couples were

9. According to the text, the concept of work-family spillover refers to the fact that

10. According to the text, when women make the exact same occupational and career choices as men, their wages..

28. According to the text, which of the following statements about couples and “doing gender” is FALSE?

1. According to the text’s discussion of housework which of the following statements is FALSE?

2. According to the concept of kinkeeping discussed in the text, which of the following ac-tivities would NOT be a part of a kinkeeper’s roles?

3. The type of family script where husbands and wives assume the same, identical, inter-changeable roles is called a(n) ________________ script

4. According to the text, being responsible for the “second shift” can lead to role conflict. This is because

5. According to the text, studies have found that children’s division of labor in the home

6. According to lecture, the type of love we experience that includes tender attachment, enjoy-ment of each other’s company and friendship is called

7. Helen Fisher’s characteristics of being “in love” include all of the following EXCEPT

8. According to the text, the best answer to the question “Is Love Universal? Is probably

9. In ancient Greece,

10. According to the text, courtly love in Medevil Europe had elements of three older forms of love. Which of the following was not one of these elements?

11. According to the text, the expectations that partners in a love-appropriate relationship have for each other and themselves can be referred to as

12. According to Sternberg, different types of love are made up of a combination of three ele-ments. Which of the following is NOT one of these elements?

13. According to lecture, how does falling in love differ from staying in love?

14. According to lecture, Erich Fronm’s definition of mature love included all of the follow-ing except

15. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Cancian’s definition of a love relation-ship as discussed in lecture and the text?

16. According to lecture, the myth of couple self-sufficiency suggests that a couple

17. In ________________ societies _________________ is most important as a basis for in-timate


18. In 1967, Kephart asked college students the following question, “If someone had all the other qualities you desire, would you marry that person if you were not in love?” He found that

19. Cancian argues that there has been a “feminization” of love in American history. By this she means that

20. According to Ira Reiss’ Wheel model of love, during the ___________ stage, as partners trust each other

more, they are more likely to share dreams of the future, sins of the past, political and religious beliefs, and other value orientations.

1. According to the text, some (older) studies looked at how men and women differed in the way that they showed/experienced love in relationships. Based on these studies, which of the following statements is TRUE?

2. According to the text, research on relationship breakups shows that relationship risks can be classified into three categories. Which of the following is not one of these categories?

Test 1

1. In lecture we looked at a study from the Pew Research Center in which they asked respondents to give their opinions about the state of the Family. According to the results shown in class, which of the following statements is true...

a. The majority of respondents agreed that that more single women having children is a bad thing 2. According to the Frontline video, a goal of the marriage movement is to

a. Teach people to have happier marriages so they are less likely to get a divorce

3. According to lecture, there are three ideas embodied in the family values debate. Which is NOT one of these ideas?

a. New family structures are required to enhance and strengthen family life.

4. In class we discussed the findings of a study on family values in which subjects were asked to rank values in terms of how likely they thought a specific value reflected the overall concept of family values showed that our society’s approach to family has changed. For example, for the values concerning marriage, the subjects ranked

a. Having a happy marriage the highest

5. In class we discussed the findings of a study on family values in which subjects were asked to rank values in terms of how likely they thought a specific value reflected the overall concept of family values. The resulting list of 27 values showed that our society’s approach to family has changed. For example, one can argue that what is expected of men in the family (male roles) is changing because...

a. Being able to communicate your feelings to your family was ranked higher than being finan-cially secure

6. According to the family decline perspective which of the following statements is TRUE?

a. The family has lost traditional functions such as regulating sexual behavior and child rearing to other institutions

7. Which of the following is NOT an assumption of the family transformation perspec-tive?

a. The family is doing fine and therefore we should not be concerned about it

8. According to the figure discussed in class, Households by Type: Selected Years 1970 to 2007, what are the trends for various family and non-family households as a percentage of all house-holds in the United States?

a. The percentage of other non-family households increased between 1970 and 2007.

1. The roles and scripts that describe what family does is refers to a family’s

a. Functions

2. What are the two functions of the modern family?

a. Providing continuing replacements for individuals for a society and providing emotional grati-fication and intimacy to family members

11. According to the “traditional” definition of family discussed in class, which of the following groups would NOT be considered a family household?

a. A married couple living with their own children

12. According to the CensusBureau’s definition of the family, which of the following groups would NOT be considered a family household?

a. A married couple living together and their grown son who lives on his own

13. Which of the following groups would NOT be a family according to Lammana and Reid-man’s definition of the family?

a. Two friend living together for a year during college

14. According to the opinon polls shown in class, which of the following statements concerning our attitudes

towards homosexual marriage and parenting is FALSE?

a. The majority of persons polled believed that gay couples would not be good parents or should not adopt children

15. According to lecture, persons and groups that oppose the legalization of marriages for gay and lesbian couples often use arguments based on the assumption that bearing and rearing chil-

dren is the purpose of family. For example, opponents would argue that gays and lesbians should not marry because

a. Children of homosexual parents would be adversely affected by teasing

16. According to lecture, groups that support the legalization fo marriage for gay and lesbian couples argue that gay and lesbians couples should be allowed to marry because

a. Many children of heterosexual couples do not live with both biological parents

17. According to the text, the family unit which includes one’s parents and siblings is called the

a. Family of orientation

18. A married couple with their children under 18 living in a single household is referred to as a

a. Nuclear family

19. A microfunctional definition of the family focuses on

a. How the family serves its individual members

20. Which of the following people could be an example of fictive kin? a. An elderly neighbor who takes care of a family’s children

21. Why is it important to understand that families in the real world are better characterized as a continuum than a dichotomy?

a. We know that few actual families have all the characteristics of an ideal-typical family

1. Jenny and Dave marry and move into their own apartment. This is an example of a ______residence pattern.

a. Neolocal

2. Jenny and Dave marry but they maintain close ties with both of their families. This is an ex-ample of a

a. Bilateral

3. The term _________refers to the assumption that there are basic sex differences between men and women that are rooted in our biology.

a. Sex-irreducible gender roles

25. The term _______ refers to the assumption that gender roles could easily be switched with little social impact.

a. Sex-arbitrary gender roles

26. What does it mean to say that social scientists look for regularities?

a. Social scientists look for those things that happen over and over in more or less the same way. 27. Which of the following statements about anecdotal data is FALSE?

a. Anecdotal data cannot be used as an illustration of scientific

28. If we understand that social science data draws conclusion about the behavior of groups of individuals, then we understand that

a. Group data is probabilistic in that it indicates what a group will do on average rather than pre-dicting what any specific individual who shares the group’s characteristics will do.

29. Which theory is derived from the study of economics and assumes that within relationships humans are rational actors who are motivated to maximize their rewards and minimize their costs?

a. Exchange Theory

30. Which theory focuses analyzes the relationship between the various parts of society and the society as a whole?

a. Structural Functionalism

31. Which theory tries to understand how people construct, play out, and revise their family roles.

a. Symbolic Interactionism

32. A limitation ro negative aspect of surveys is that

a. Subjects may not always tell the truth to researchers

33. Field research is a good method to use if the researcher wants to

a. Get an in-depth understanding of what people actually do

34. According to lecture, which of the following statements would NOT be a part of the socio-logical imagination?

a. Understanding how the decisions we make are affected by our personalities

35. According to lecture, the Colonial Family was shaped by an economy which was based on

a. Pre-industrial agriculture

36. According to the lecture, which of the following statements reflects the structure of a Colo-nial household?

a. A household would contain a nuclear family plus possibly immeadiate relatives, servants, 37. Which of the following statements reflects the familial mode of production?

a. All members of the family took part in producing goods for the family, e.g. food, clothing, dwelling

38. According to lecture, which of the following statements concerning privacy and the colonial family is TRUE?

a. Families were highly integrated into the community

39. Which of the following is FALSE concerning marriage and the colonial family?

a. Couples had no choice in their marital partners as all marriages were arranged for couples by their


40. Patriarchal authority in the Colonial family was supported in part by the doctrine of cover-ture. This meant


a. a married woman was not allowed to own property or keep her own wages

41. According to the lecture, which of the following statements is FALSE concerning childhood in the colonial family?

a. Parents were expected to nurture their children and protect their innocence

42. According to the text, a good Roman marriage would strive for Concordia or a state of

a. harmony and lack of disagreement

43. Christianity greatly affected marriage and divorce in European and American in that

a. monogamy was reinforced

44. According to the text, which of the following characteristics was NOT part of the Western European

marital script

a. most men and women married in their teens

45. According to the text’s discussion of Southern White families,

a. A majority of children lost at least one parent before their 18th birthday