February 2016 – Volume XI, Issue 2waldenwoodslife.com/gazettes/WWGazette_Feb2016_Final.pdf ·...

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Transcript of February 2016 – Volume XI, Issue 2waldenwoodslife.com/gazettes/WWGazette_Feb2016_Final.pdf ·...

V o l u m e X I , I s s u e 2 — W a l d e n W o o d s S u n s h i n e G a z e t t e — P a g e | 1

February 2016 – Volume XI, Issue 2

Walden Woods Ltd.

Another month has gone by and still no Ltdclubhouse. Work is being done but just not often. Weare so thankful for the North clubhouse for hosting allour events and it is a pleasure working with theNorth social club.

January was a busy month for us as we continued onwith our usual events along with Texas Holdem andthe Winter Bash Dinner/Dance held at the Southclubhouse. We're having nice turn outs with a lot ofvolunteers.

We are looking ahead for our annual flea marketbeing held a little later this year, on the 26th ofFebruary. Also the annual "Bob DeVoursney" Auctionwill be held on the 27th either in the Ltd clubhouse orunder a tent. It is too much fun and too manydonations have been offered to put off any longer.Also watch for more info on the Mardi Gras being heldon the 12th.

Our big event held every year, the "Legends" will alsogo on one way or another. No date has been set butas soon as the clubhouse is ready it will go on. Weare practicing and getting prepared. Watch for andread the flyers.

Once again thank you everyone on the North, Southand also the Ltd for your support. Thanks again to ouroutgoing Secretary, Grace Kehoe. A job well done.Welcome Barb Christy.

Ann Pearsonlonggramma@gmail.com352-212-1078

Walden Woods North

The new North Social Club started out strong inJanuary with a cookie contest and a movie on the 2nd.The best cookie award was given to Abe Cannon whomade Orange Almond Treats. Congratulations, Abe.

The first movie was well attended and we hope tocontinue the event. A movie will be shown the firstSaturday of every month at the North Clubhouse aslong as the interest continues. A donation of $1 at thedoor is appreciated. The breakfast on the 9th wasvery well attended; thank you all for coming. We willhave another breakfast prepared by our men onFebruary 11.

Other events in February will be a movie on the 6th,the birthday/anniversary party on Tuesday the 16thand a casserole pot luck on Friday the 19th. Also, inobservance of the once-every-four-years Leap Yearday on Monday the 29th, there will be a ScavengerHunt at noon which will be coordinated by volunteerJan Edwards and her helpers. At 5 p.m. that evening,Italian Beef sandwiches, salads and desserts arebeing planned. More information will be provided at alater date. The Saturday morning Coffee and Donutsmeeting on Saturday February 6th will start at 8:30 toserve the coffee and donuts; then the meeting will startat 9 a.m.

The kitchen had a good cleaning on the 13th ofJanuary and big thanks go out to Ann Pearson andBarb Christy for their help with the job. Therefrigerators were cleared and washed as were thecupboards.

As a final note, we want to thank everyone for theirpatience and understand in our first month of activitiesas we are all kind of new at this. We are a work inprogress and any input and suggestions by all arewelcome.

Donna Faulkner, Presidentfaulkee@hotmail.com309-224-8269

The Social Scene

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Table of Contents Advertiser’s Index

Anniversaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5B’s Buzzzzzzzzzz. . . . . . . . . . . 7Best Cookie Contest Winners. 8Birthdays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Christmas Luminaries. . . . . . . 10Coloring in Friendship . . . . . . . 6Community Activities. . . . . . . . 12Editor’s Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Events Flyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,15,16Events “At a Glance” . . . . . . . . 17Event Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . 18February Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . .14Gazette Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Homeless Vets Donations. . . . . 9HOA Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4In Memoriam – Tom Moyher . . 10LTD HOA President. . . . . . . . . . 11Movies at North . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7North HOA President. . . . . . . . . 13North Library News . . . . . . . . . 8Social Scene – LTD & North. . . FPSocial Club Activities . . . . . . . . . 20Texas Holdem’ Tournament. . . . 4, 9Veteran’s Activities . . . . . . . . . . 14Walden Woods Golf League . . . 14Weigh-In Success . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1st UMC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8AAA Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6AirFx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11American Mobile Home Sales . . 10Atlas Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Banker's Alliance. . . . . . . . . . . . 5Boulerice Roofing . . . . . . . . . . . 9Brooksville Transmission . . . . . 3Citrus Pest Control . . . . . . . . 6First Choice Pest Control . . . . . 6Fitzy Girl Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . 4Fixed Rite Home Services . . . . 4Flood Driving Services . . . . . . 4Frank's Carpet Cleaning. . . . . . 5G & R Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Homosassa Animal Hospital. . . 6Homosassa Storage . . . . . . . . . 13Interventional Pain . . . . . . . . . . 12Memories Collectables & Gifts. 7Pearson Golf Cart Repair . . . . . 3Sweet Swing Golf . . . . . . . . . . . 16Weaver Computer Works. . . . . . 3

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News from HOA Chairman Ed Green

I want to let everyone know that when projects getdone, there are many helpers that fail to getmentioned. Many hands makes the work go fasterand easier for all involved. Without the help of DavePearson, Ray Richard and Bill Belt the final portionsof the stage would not have been assembled asquickly and efficiently as it was. Without the helpfrom the many community volunteers many projectswould be much more labor intensive. Thank you toall who are so giving of your time for the community.

Congratulations to your 2016 HOA Board ofOfficers. They are counting on your support asmembers of the Walden Woods LTD. Home OwnersAssociation. There is strength in unity; without unitythere would be no community. Please show yoursupport by joining today, not tomorrow.

If you did not attend the HOA meeting, PresidentNick Fleischer announced that Sun has committedto building the addition to the clubhouse. It willconsist of a new sales office and game room facility.This will allow for more seating and space in themain clubhouse. When the project is complete itshould be a very nice addition to our community.

It took many hours of conversations, meetings,e-mails and tweaking of budgets, and working withthe Sun executives who made this happen for ourcommunity. Without the help and commitment toimproving our community from our communityresident manager, Belinda Biondillo, and thefollowing Sun Executives, Mr. James Hoekstra,

Ms.Kathy Neasham, and Mr. Micheal Machikas, thiswould not be happening. Our biggest obstacle thatwe are now facing is the Citrus County Buildingdepartment. We have already had many hours ofconversation with them; plans for the new buildinghave already been drawn. As with any constructionproject there will be many changes along the way.

Thank you for your trust in me and your HOA Boardand thank you for making Walden Woods thespecial place it is. Wave at your neighbors and sayhello, even if you don’t remember their name. Mostof the time they forgot yours, it happens! Be kind toone another. See you around the woods!

Edward L. Green352-382-0160elg1969@aol.com

Texas Hold’em Tournament

There will be a Texas Holdem Tournament in theNorth Club House, February 20, 2016. Buy-in will be$20.00 and there will be a final table.

Start time will be 12:00 Noon, Payouts will beavailable based on number of players. All money willbe paid out.

Please call Dwight Giesmann (352-586-2439) forinformation and tickets.

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February Birthdays

Feb 2 Betty Labo WWsFeb 2 Ada Gonzales WWNFeb 3 James Emrich WWNFeb 4 Barbara Tripp WWFeb 5 Ada GonzalezFeb 9 Delores Riendeau WWFeb 11 Bill Belt WWFeb 11 Jerry Dickerson WWFeb 12 Debbie Nagelberg WWNFeb 12 Karen Lewis WWSFeb 14 Corky Pauly WWFeb 17 Tom Walsh WWNFeb 17 Judy Collins WWNFeb 18 Alice Hurley WWFeb 19 Robert Kohl WWFeb 19 Beverley Belcher WWFeb 21 Dwight Giesmann WWNFeb 21 Bill Fernandes WWFeb 22 Jerry Kernan WWFeb 23 Stan Gercar WWNFeb 23 Shirley Shank WWFeb 23 Ann Morrison WWFeb 24 Leni Wilder WWNFeb 24 Sarah Watson WWFeb 24 Lolly Bouchard WWFeb 26 Irving Ewell WWNFeb 26 Roland Schwartzbeck WWFeb 26 Lynn Moore WWFeb 27 Lucille Stanziale WWNFeb 27 ANNA LEO WW

February Anniversaries

6-Feb Ray And Jeannene Petrizzi WWS14-Feb Phil & Rose Ferreri WW14-Feb Gene & Joan Keith LTD14-Feb Bill And Maxine Connor WWS22-Feb Charlotte & Craig Mixon WW23-Feb John And Aida David WWN23-Feb Leroy And Mary Loveland WW24-Feb David And Nancy Meyer WWN25-Feb Bill And Linda Fernandes WW26-Feb Norm And Chris Bergeron WW27-Feb Bob And Joan Hoffman WWN27-Feb Dick And Gail English WW27-Feb Richard And Charlotte Sharp WW27-Feb Mary Ann Patterson & Chuck

Rheinsmith WWN

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Coloring in Friendship

Our newest Walden Woods activity, Coloring inFriendship, has started out very well. We wouldnow like to expand this activity.

We ask that those who are coloring donate theirfinished products to the coloring group. Thesepages will then be taken to a church where theywill be distributed to elderly folks in ALF’s andNursing Homes; especially those who have nofamily and friends left to visit them.

We think a splash of color would be veryuplifting for them. Even if you think that theresults of your coloring are not that great, a bitof color in a lonely room will mean so much!

Thanks in advance for helping with this.

We meet on Thursdays at 1PM in the NorthClubhouse.

Karen Chipko and Bobbie Ward

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Wow, I can’t believe I missed the deadline for the firstGazette in 2016. I have some “helpful friends” that will bereminding me when it’s getting close to the deadline so Iwill be on time from now on. Thanks, you know who youare !!!!!

I’ve had my 1st meeting with the new HOA members,which went very well. I look forward to working with all ofyou. Remember, if you have any questions, please don’thesitate to stop and see me.

As most of you already know, we have purchased a homehere in Walden Woods. We are very excited and love it.We are very happy here and have decided this is wherewe want to live, so expect to see us for a long time. Thisalso shows how much I love this Community. I have neverhad a job that I enjoyed going to as much as I do here. Icouldn’t be happier.

I would like to welcome Terrie Lance to the WW Team.Terrie has been hired as our Housekeeper. She will beresponsible for cleaning the clubhouses and working withMark outside when time allows. If you see her, welcomeher to the Team. She’s doing a terrific job.

I would like to thank my Team (Lisa, Mark and Terrie) for agreat 2015. We had some bumps in the road, butmanaged to work through them. We all work very hardand are dedicated to making Walden Woods the BestPlace to Live.

I am happy to see our returning residents. I’m trying tolearn names, but it isn’t easy remembering everyone. If Iforget, please forgive me. I’m getting better.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone !!!!


The January movie held at the NorthClubhouse was “North by Northwest.” GaryGrant was chased by an airplane and climbedall over Mount Rushmore with Eva MarieSaint. But in the end love was in the air. Theturnout was very good but there was room forseveral more chairs.

Thanks to all who attended and most feedbackwas positive. We will be showing anothermovie in February on Saturday the 6th at 7p.m.

In observance of the Valentine theme, themovie will be the 1989 romantic comedy“When Harry Met Sally” starring Billy Crystaland Meg Ryan. The movie is about Harry andSally who have known each other for years,but fear that love would ruin the friendship.

Come and enjoy the show and see if theyfigure it out. The doors will open at 6:30 p.m.with a donation of $1.00 asked at the door.

You are welcome to bring your owncomfortable lawn chairs or use the ones at theclubhouse.

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Best Cookie Contest Results

On the first Saturday of 2016 we held a cookie contest with six contestants submitting eight kinds of cookies.It was a very good turnout considering it was organized on such short notice.

The Best Cookie Award was an Almond Orange Treat submitted by Abe Cannon. Congratulations to Abe!

Other entries were Chocolate w/Peanut Butter by Garry Niel; Coconut Orange Chocolate Macaroons byJoAnn Knox; Oatmeal Raisin by Judy Chapman; Chocolate Chips by Abe Cannon; Peanut Butter Oatmealwith Chocolate Chips and Chocolate Carmel Walnut Bars both by Jan Edwards; and Rum Balls by DarlenePortocarrero.

A big thank you to all who submitted; and also to everyone who stopped in and sampled the cookies.

Everyone thought all cookies were "delicious." We also want to thank the four judges who had the extremelyhard job of sampling and rating all eight entries.

Best Cookie –Almond Orange Treat

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Texas Holdem Results

On January 9th, the Ltd sponsored a Texas"Hold'Em" tournament. We had a turnout of 40players.

The winners are from left to right, 3rd place RogerEllis, 2nd place Lou Leider and 1st place wasDarlena Ellis. Great job you guys.

Also a big thank you goes out to Jan Edwards andJudy Chapman for helping me put it together, and the5 dealers, Dave Pearson, Chris Bergeron, CindyGilmore, Mary Lou Johnson, and Tammy Hartson.

Ann Pearson

Update on Homeless Vets Donations

Once again, it is with much gratitude that thisquick update comes to you. We had anabundance of blankets donated duringDecember, and they all went someplace to beput to good use. We are overly full on them fornow. However, we could still use sleeping bagsand tents and possibly even twin sheets/pillowcases. The greatest need of all is naturally, theeasy open food items. If you get a chance,please check out the box in the NorthClubhouse to get an idea of items that may beuseful. We've tried to set out some examplesfor everyone. Personal care items are always abonus and toilet paper. The Dollar Tree store isa blessing with so many needed items such asthese for such an inexpensive amount.

The Homeless Veterans RV started its stops tovarying locations last Wednesday, the 6th.They stop at 2-3 different locations in CitrusCounty Wednesdays and Thursdays for twohours each location.

Please consider donating a little every month. Ifeveryone just donated 2-3 items from all of thecommunities, it would be so wonderful.

We hope to come up with some ways foreveryone to join in the fun of giving soon.Again, thank you and hope to have somepositive news to give you next Gazette.

Charlotte Mixon and Tom Brannelly

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Christmas Luminaries – Burt Nowell

In Memoriam - Thomas “Tom” Moyher, 84

Passed on Monday, January 18, 2016 in Homosassa,Florida under the care of Hospice of Citrus County andthe Nature Coast.

He was a Navy veteran of the Korean War.


It has been almost two years since the weigh-in group wasstarted. During that time, members have joined and somehave left, but as a rule our members have been a loyal bunchand stuck with it.

We are very happy and proud to report that in the almost twoyears, a total of 156 pounds have been lost; hopefully, neverto be found again. Three members have lost over 20 lbs andare working on another 20. Most members have lost 10-19lbs to date and are either maintaining their weight or aredetermined to lose more.

We would like to see new members at any time to give it atry. All you have to do is stop in and put $1 dollar in theweekly pot and get on the scale. All weights are held strictlyconfidential. Whoever loses the most weight during thatweek, wins that entire pot.

You can stop in and weigh in any Monday morning at theNorth Clubhouse between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m. We would loveto have you join us.

Judy Chapman

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LTD HOA President

Hello to all and Happy 2016!

As this is my first article in the Gazette, I would like to thank everyone for their patience with the clubhouse. The work is starting to move along now and we are sure that everyone will be pleased withthe result.

There were many new residents in Walden Woods in 2015. If you are already an HOA memberplease encourage them to join or direct them to one of the officers on the board with any questions. In addition, please mention the FMO and the work they do for the HOA's and manufactured homeowners at the State level.

It is important that everyone please obey the speed limit and to remember to clean up after your pets.

I would ask all to support the events scheduled at the North and South clubhouses. We appreciatetheir help as we are all neighbors here in Walden Woods.


Nick Fleischer724-996-8074

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Walden Woods North Homeowners’ Association - From The President

As the newly elected President of Walden Woods North HOA I would like to introduce myself toresidents that I have not had a chance to meet. My name is John Simmons, my wife's name isRobbie and we reside at 10265 S. Bainbridge Terrace with our two for kids Spike and Missy.

My phone number is 352-503-2500 and my email address is johnsimmons75@yahoo.com.Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

I look forward to working with the present board of officers and residents of Walden Woods Northto continue to make this a great place to live.

Hopefully everyone has received their 2016 phone book. If you have not received one pleasecontact Doug Campbell at dougcampbell44@gmail.com. If you need a second copy you maypurchase it for $1.00 There is a limited amount available.

Just a reminder:

1. All dogs must be on a leash when outside.2. Please pick up after your dog.3. When walking before daylight or after dark please carry a flashlight that you may be seen.4. Please obey the 15 mile an hour speed limit throughout the park.

Our next HOA meeting is February 9, 2016 at the North Clubhouse.

John Simmons HOA President

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WW Gazette Delivery

Every home is going to receive a WW Gazette from nowon. If you are satisfied with the waldenwoodsLife.com andfind no need for us to deliver to your home just call me,Shirley Benninger (352-382-2180) for Limited side, orDoug Campbell (830-377-5507) on North side and we willtake you off our list.

Our Gazette is not published over the summer months. Ifyou rent through Barbara Christy there is no need for youto call. She will inform me of all your dates.

If you are a snowbird and other private renter, pleaseinform us with your dates of residence.

Several Veteran’s Functions in February

The 11th Annual Purple Heart Ceremony will be held atCitrus County Auditorium in Inverness at 11 AM onFebruary 20th, 2016. Plan to attend and come early for agood seat.

The 21st Annual Veterans Dinner and Program will takeplace on February 19th, 2016 at 5:30 PM at InvernessPrimary School, Inverness, FL. The event is gratis andput on by young children to show appreciation to ourveterans. Be there early to get a good seat


This is a fun day of eats and cards sponsored by theLadies Auxiliary of the Military Order of the PurpleHeart, Aaron Weaver, Unit 776. The card party willinclude lunch, coffee and dessert. Location will be VFWPost 10087, 2170 West Vet Lane, Beverly Hills, FL.

Cost is only $12 per person with three prize winners forthe games, door prizes (donated by local businesses) andRaffles for great baskets donated by the ladies and sharethe wealth. Come as singles, couples or teams of four.

Reservations must be made by February 10th, 2016 andchecks can be sent to Unit 776, LAMOPH, Anne Fair,4715 N. Canarywood Terr., Beverly Hills, FL 34465.(Annie 352 249 7827, anniefair16@yahoo.com or Linda352 344 8196, pooh2102@icloud.com.) All funds raisedsupport Citrus County veterans. You can also contactme, Charlotte Mixon, 803 477 8143 with any questions.

If you are military, please wear your uniform or militaryservice organization uniform. We'd like to salute you. Ifyou weren't in the military, please wear red, white andblue in honor of our military. (optional)

Doors open at 11AM – Lunch at Noon!

Walden Woods Golf League

Calling all golfers! Join us at Brooksville CountryClub on Mondays at 8:30AM for a round of golfon a challenging and beautiful golf course.

Cost is $25+tax for golf and cart and an optional$2 prize fee.

Call Ray Talbott at (352) 503-6317 if you haveany questions.

February LuncheonThe February Luncheon will be held on February 9th atHigh Octane Saloon at Noon on Rte 19 at 12 Noon.

Editor’s Notes

Thanks again for your patience as I learn the “ropes” of theGazette.

I need your help with the “Pet of the Month” column.Please send a picture of your pet and a brief article toCRGWebSvcs@hotmail.com.

Starting in March, we will be changing the format of the“Events at a Glance” to the more traditional “ParkActivities.”

We welcome your articles, but please try to limit the textto 250 words.

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Did you know your ADVERTISEMENTCould appear in the Sunshine Gazette?

Reach over 500 wonderful people at once!

Call Chris at (352-503-7635)

Walden Woods - “Events at a Glance”1 Mon 7:30-8:30 Weigh-in 15 Mon 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

9:00 Ltd SC Meeting 1:00 Bridge

10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 6:00 Game Night

1:00 Bridge 16 Tues 9:00 Line Dancing (South)

6:00 Game Night 1:00 Birthday/Anniversary Party

2 Tues 9:00 Line Dancing (South) 17 Wed 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

3 Wed 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 1:00 Canasta

1:00 Canasta 5:00 Pot Luck

5:30 Taste of WW 6:00 Game Night

6:00 Game Night 18 Thurs 9:00 TaiChi

4 Thurs 9:00 TaiChi 1:00 Color With Friends

1:00 Color with Friends 1:00 Knitting & Crocheting

1:00 Knitting & Crochet 7:00 Bingo

7:00 Bingo 19 Fri 9:00 Line Dancing (South)

5 Fri 7:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

9:00 Line Dancing (South) 12:00 Yoga

10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 5:00 Casserole Cook Off

12:00 Yoga 6:00 Game Night

6:00 Game Night 20 Sat 7:00 Dominos

6 Sat 8:30 Breakfast 21 Sun 7:00 Bingo

7:00 Movie 22 Mon 7:30-8:30 Weigh-in

7:00 Dominos 9:00 Ltd SC Meeting

7 Sun 7:00 Bingo 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

8 Mon 7:30-8:30 Weigh-in 1:00 Bridge

9:00 Ltd SC Meeting 6:00 Game Night

10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 23 Tues 9:00 Line Dancing (south club)

1:00 Bridge 5:00 Dining in the Woods

6:00 Game Night 24 Wed 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

9 Tues 9:00 Line Dancing (South) 1:00 Canasta

12:30 Luncheon 6:00 Game Night

7:00 HOA North Meeting 25 Thurs 9:00 TaiChi

10 Wed 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 1:00 Color With Friends

1:00 Canasta 1:00 Knitting & Crocheting

7:00 HOA Ltd Meeting 7:00 Super Bingo

11 Thurs 9:00 TaiChi 26 Fri 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

1:00 Knitting & Crochet 10:00 Flea Market

1:00 Color with Friends 12:00 Yoga

7:00 Bingo 6:00 Game Night

12 Fri 7:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics 27 Sat 8:30 Breakfast

9:00 Line Dancing (South) 10:00 Auction

6:00 Game Night 7:00 Dominos

13 Sat 8:30 Breakfast 28 Sun 7:00 Bingo

6:00 Valentine's Dinner/Dance 29 Mon 7:30-8:30 Weigh-in

14 Sun 7:00 Super Bingo 9:00 Ltd SC Meeting

15 Mon 7:30-8:30 Weigh-in 10:00 Exercise & Water Aerobics

9:00 Ltd SC Meeting 1:00 Bridge

5:00 Leap Year Pot Luck

Walden Woods Events Calendar*

February 2016Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

February 1 2 35:30 pmTaste of WaldenWoods

47 pmBingo - LTD

5 68:30 amNorth Coffee

7 pmMonthly Movie

77 pmBingo

8 97 pmNorth HOA

107 pmLTD HOA Mtg

117 pmBingo - LTD

123 pmMardi Gras

138:30 amNorth Breakfast

6 pmValentinesDinner/Dance

147 pmSuper Bingo

15 161 pmBirthday-AnniversaryParty

175 pmLtd Pot LuckDinner

187 pmBingo - LTD

195 pmCasserole PotLuck

2012 pmTexas Hold 'Em

217 pmBingo

22 235 pmDining in theWoods

24 257 pmSuper Bingo -LTD

2610 am - 2 pmFlea Market -LTD

278:30 amLTD Breakfast

10 amAuction - LTD

287 pmBingo

2912 pmDigital ScavengerHunt

5 pmSub and Salad

1 2 37 pmBingo - LTD

4 58:30 amNorth Coffee

10 amAnimal ShelterBenefit

7 pmMonthly Movie

* Please consult the “Events at a Glance” for recurring monthly events.