Fctwurrl6. 1911 COMMONS DEBATES 71JS€¦ · practioc to do thue tbl nilf "'it h respec t to •...

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Transcript of Fctwurrl6. 1911 COMMONS DEBATES 71JS€¦ · practioc to do thue tbl nilf "'it h respec t to •...

Fctwurrl6. 1911 COMMONS DEBATES 71JS

I fo11 • .11111• C. l\lu•ro (MiniMer of lltdbn Arf.alrs ._..,. Nordl«"n IH•·rJop .. e•t): 1. Nil.

l. Nut applkable. Project is not )'c:t In otlfl~tt~M:dun •taac.

3. The ptojcct will be cauicd (H;I( i n aceotdllnce • hh c,:wt oonuol protcdures as outlined i.n tbc tai)O•de tu quulioo No. 1,)71, plrt l(b), answered tbi:s day.

O..c..tiofl '~~ G. 1.•12-"fr.Sc-.lldlnltrf"''U:

I ........ ,__ti/U._...,._,_..,....., ........ S...l ..... .,

l .... Uot .... _ _,__.,..;.n, ) AH _,.. ,..._, ~ llln • """"- ,_._ - ~ • 0c

" .,.,. •• lt""' ........ ~

Hflllt. JU111 C. M110to (1\fi•btcr .or IIWIIa1 Afl'•irs 114 Nortlltr•Oe•·rlopllet~t): 1. $11 1,206.

2. Yet.

J. The l)roject has been completed. h w11.• Initiated and approved priof IO i~ance or the ircaJury 801rd dir«ljvc on COil oontro(. Deccmbe.r, 1979. To the U tel!ll I)OIIt.ibk at the ,..,.~ ol' c:onatNctioo. the cosc c:oeud Proeodii~W outlined ie 1bc rapomc to quCIIioo No. 1,371 , P4" J(b), aa.,w«'Cd thls da)', •-erc (ol~c4.

Q.atiOft 1'\o. l,4 1 ~a.tr.Seld&c ... p r.

I •t..l • lk ,_ •-tildoca.. _.,.."' '"" .,_ -1t S.llll)- Uik ·-· l- tl lho lklin.al __ ,,...\lft ... ,.-o;.n, J " ,. '"""" P_,.IJ} llooiiiJ lllkcn Ml ~ t'wllwr - ~"' un 1hc ~· •nd,lt -. "'"•' .,. tk.)'?

Ho•. Jollllt C. Mufl rO (Mi•l$ter or IJMJian Affairs 1tttel Nortl1t.r11 r>r.•rloii'IIK'flt): 1. Sl07,000.

2. Yet.

) , The project ha$ bccll compkted. lt -.~~ hthlated and • ~- pnor lo i5Mlattee ~Jilhe T rCJnry Dol rd di.roctive 0111 ClOP c:ao.troL. Oectmba-, 1979. To tile ntnt PGMiblc at tht uqc of a:~~M~rwcdoo, the COSI 001111'01 proocdvra o.11iMd in the~ to q!IC5tioo No. IJ71, sart J(b), at~~:t.-crcd ~il cbt. •-ne folkrwc4.

rc.,tuAI T .. A~i!IJt ~puh.- (1\t.r, Bb.Ur): ~ Qllotions •• cn1o1mc·

l"'tod by the bon. patliilmcotary socrctary have been ana-..~rcd. Shall t he re.1n:&lnina questioos stand?

Tlk Cofl,fll twtiOII


'I'll f. CONS'I'I'I'U'riON

RF-'iOtVTION •F.SI'fC'I't"'0 CQNS1lTVTtON A<;T, 1911

The Houie tuumed debate oe the mot* ol Mr. 0 Hf.liea. $CICICII\dcd b)' Mt. Robertao, for an Addrw to Her Majc:gy the Queen ~i111 the ConJthution of C.Dlda.

Aftd on tile ame.dllldt ol Mr Epp.. $CIICIOOd<::d by Mr lbt o­(N~oa)-Thttlhe ~ bt • ....,....,..,. i• Stlll•aMe. B of tlw: propowd rnol•taon by dddu11 Cbusc 46.. ._. bJ mUiq al I'ICCall.t)' ct.anaa 10 tlw: Sdte.dule. ec:.tSCq~tbl

""'""' IE~Iilllf

T1w Aerl-a Stte•li.cr (1\tr, B.l.tl.e!r): In the absc:ncc, 1t the moment, of 1he hon. member for Butnaby (Mt. Robinson), w-hose time will not be IOtil Dll o result of this, I will now reooznize the '*'· member for Nort humbctland·Miramlchl (Mr. Diarme) .

Mr. (; ... thitr. I ri5eon 11 point of order. Mr. Speaker. I TNlltf!atjQfl)

Mr. Spcabl', I rtH.., a pocnt of ordet-.

11te ActiiiC S,C.hr ( \fr. Bb.l«): Tk boa. IIICIII'Ibc1 («

Ou.aq~Vukr(Mr G~tnWcr)oaa poiec.olonb.

Mr. C.•tllricr. Mr. Spc1 tcr, I merefy wisb by means of • poillt of otda to ~«k ach-k:c from tbc Cbir on: t.llc «kbate tiO'>I>

in proyeu in the: H~liC. (Eifgli.tAI

Mr. Speaker, I •'OUid hh, If I tnay, to c:,, plain my point o(

order to )'00 and IU.k for yuur iDdu.laence and direction. Aoootding to the trlldltlons and the cu.stoms of this Hou~e, bilk are- u.iuAIIy 11.mcnd1•ble 111 t he N:p()rt $1.lt.gc, and it is at kut my under5llndlnathllt the Speaker cotbers these amend· tnenu.., J()fl)ett,nes in(()rms the Hou.Je t.hat he« the hu before bim or ber • ocrtt lfl KC of ama~dment&, 110me ol whic:b are JIOU.pcd tCJtetbet, and bd<we pauiJII 011 tbe suitability 41 t.be amcadment:t i•fOt'fN the HOIIIJe 1h.at lite: or !te bs I'C\WW'CIId these al!d that they wiU - ta.l:u ~ CO llle ,._lkle ud MbRucc of tM: a.actdmnu.

We a.n: here dAhn.a with a rnolut.ion. llbout whkh 10mc:

badibeoche,._.nd I am one o( tbo&e-'II'Wkllike to Id JOme inwuctiom and information from the Cbait rc:canHng the­procedure at hllnd, Thcrt biU bun a series of t pe:alcen on the amendment moved W.lf"cdmc a~Jq by tbc hoo. member for Proveocher (Mr. El)!)) when he •poke in this House. I lllldcr· stand that t.hc spce!Oehcli I() date ha~ bte11 on tbat am.cndll'!ent. I aiMJ undc:ut.1nd thlt cvuy rnembc:r of the: H01o1K is entitled to speak for 40 m.inutCI 0t1 thlt amendmet~t. aM ••biJe we:: are

1136 COMMONS D£1lATES febru:wy 26, 1931

~ Q)nslitlll;()ff

dA~a~SJ;ir~& tlut amc:ndmcat no otbc:t amclldrnctn. ueep~ pos:s­ibly • .MbiJDelld~nmt. IN)' be: fllt.eru:ifted.

SoiDe of • 4o hi¥C ameadmcau. I W:JICICIM Yaur HonC~Mr ••11 :spprccl3_tc lh:l• aome of 11$ arc eot cll.pcrtl •s 10 tile r«einbdity or thctc omcndmenu aOO, aiiKlC h b a custom aad practioc to do thue tblnilf "'it h respect to • bill, I wonda if h wwkt be. pos.<lible for you, Mr. S~la:r, to aoocpt. or if it i.$ possible for membcnt or tbe. House to aocert by u•~nhnous comt:nL. thst .some or us ma)' be al!()<llo'tld to cable our amend· mc:nts 10 Lhic rttol:utklll, This woukl be fot the purposes of illfCW"min& 0111 oolkqua;:tbal we irucad 10 ~these amtcd­mcnts n"a~tually. Pon.bly Yow HGnolar or.ld aoot at ckm as to lJirir rekQIIq' and ~a.oe. a.od pu._pt poup tktn:

tOf'tlhtr •uuil scwnc- of ut act togdhcr 01'1 iu~Q we feel slronJIY should be inC'Ofporated in thit ruotutlocl.

for eAamplc, I wouht hkc to rt'U)\'e 111111mendmc.nt t() include Ontarto under section I JJ qf the RNA Aet, I do not a<:tu11Uy have an)' dirticulty in doin,g tbat upc<;t tl"'l the Table. the lcg.aJ advisers of the II~K Jlnd ~rybod)' td lt me t hc.re mi~t be. d.itr.cuhy i..n rmpclt"l of the rcoen·abtlity of thi• •mendmc:ot. To •'fOld wait~ 100 ao.., I would like 10 atk for tbt Cbtir's ad'rict:. Of petb;lpt r. tk ........ ...:.s ~· f1l tbc I louse to

tlut marry ol a hctc 011 bolb $idc:$ oltk ti<M~tC wllo hive amendmcn~ W\lld e..avc tk benefit of 1abtina them, lrrlaviJla thl!rtJ published ifl the. Order Puper and havlf\8. the benefit o(

the Chair'$ advke..

'l'lte Aclina Spul:e:r (Mr. &lak:u): We mliht btaln by the Cbair indicatina that In 11orne Sltnse the bon, member for Ouawa-Vaaier (Mr. Oauthic:r) is rcquti:tin,a cill'tcr informa· ti011 or PQU:ibly a rvlina. but in aootbc:r KO""' he is a.skiQ& a h) pxbc:ticaJ qiiCSl._. 'f'IK Chair oupt .oc 10 Id Yn'Oh'Cd ia 1181 bcultSe' we wauW IMII be into debate. bill iato fonn qf

comultatj.o(l as bct•oc• "on. members ud the Chair. lthiat:

tht>te are otber methocb which m3Y be more Vllllubic. 10 tllt bon. membtr with reprd to bow .,.e might proceed.

I do apprecilltc the: point he rai~ I simply conrlrm to tbe

hon. member that tlhcrCI i~ a-n amendn.cnt tll the moment .Unding in tbe name ol tbc bon. member for l~o~Jencbcr (Mr. Epp), Tbat amcbdmut b rdutd to tbe rde:re.nd'um kelioo of the rdOIIutioa before tbe Houx. Aocord•"JI). any fvrtber amc:ndmeot wo.W .. YC to be. udc:t o.r Slaflldi., Ordert.. a

.wba.Jnc:lldmct~t 10 tbt utad:mnt. If it •'Ut .- rcbtcd 10 th~t :sme:tldmmt., then tbe Chair wwld h~~ 10 l'ltld that it ,..·ould not be rc"ivpbl~.

I understand the ct lrti~ulty of tbe bon. member, whkh bl why I continue. when 1>erhaps J might or Jhould not. Tbe matter whicll the hor1. mcmbcf really did not raist k tbe

qiK'!ilion or rc.levan~. If hun. mcmbtrt "'~re •o imdst th:tt memlxrfi ris.in! ln ckblle adc:lrca tbc:rnse:lva to lhe mauc:r before the HOIIK. tkf! tky • 'OIIkl luvc 10 add~ the.-d~u

to lk amcodmeot. •nd Kalnlmtfy it tile Chair felt the mood of' the House ·••en eo iMbt 011 rdn'anc:y, tk C..Jr • ow.l4 ha'fl': to persist Ut brin.11n1 to tlw: auen.tion or hon membtrs tlilat they must addrdli thlcrmc.ln:s to the que~don of the amend · ment put btfOte I he l-1ouK by tbe hon, member for Provc:D<:hcr,

UOWCYc.:r, Uut hu 1101 betn 01111 tn~dJtion.. Th.ii ill the dJ(• f.cvhy &11 oca~ts of tht O..ir ~w U4.. 1"bc ditr.e.lty bt bciCII • lwtha • e ate to iftHM o. tilt npJ appficat-'- ol t.hc Standi ... Onkn Of Wbetltcr •t .,. bdln z•Jdtd by tlloc lftOOd: of the: Houte. My imprcwon • tbt IJon, members w:tont lhe Chuif to~ guided by the mood oft~ HOI.lSC in thut rc&J,rd and not t<l in~i)t too tnuch on rdcnney. ibat beina t~ cue.. unkiil tbe Chu_ir is given Mtnc indication of I hi: rtW'lOd ()( the t-louJc~ the Chair will oontinue to permit holl. membtfa 10

addra• thc.m~h·eiitl a ~cry wldeo-ranaiug w&)' 10 such ttubjc«s u thty tee fit rdatirta to the COII~ttl llllioll.

I Pl)i•l CMfl&o the horL mcmbn l._t k ... , wU 10 atu..pt

to lnd h" CIOik:aa:..:s to •• iMII'WCIIOft to tille a.ait to be more n1id ht the matter ql rdcYaOC), Whether he wUI.wcacd 11 for tbe hoft. member to .. ·ort 0.1

That lea\'ef us ,.,ith ihc <1Uc.4tlon or ochcr amendmenu nnd whether tl•ey mighl be r .. u ivllbk <W lfOUpGbte. Sinco tile Sta,nduiJI, O r'dets ptohibit rc.;c.Mns them unJC~>s they arc In UIC: form or • subameud.Jnenl to the u~.ning atJM:t~dmeot. I natd ~ tii'OITY 8bou:l 1hc.ir bc•ft;ll. IIOUptbk, because I C.•IIQit

~ ~~ ••bs tliley arc ... the form or. $¥-batnelllhl.-1 to

tile: t .liMI. a..ndmeat.

Thcr. Is :..n v..:epli0fl0 and th • .u ll •ll)' I thillk tk lion. member bu nused u 'fery incuu tina qucnion. 11 may ~dl be the view of • 11 hon. mc:mbcril tn lhc: 1-lousc chat it would be in the inu:ruu of the House to be Informed or otber omcnd•"c.ntll whloh mi1h1 be brought rorwllrd In Jut:h eircumsunocs h tl\lly .. <ell be the wis:h of tM I IOUICJ Lbat JOmc. prtiO!!Odlna be pctmJuiOCI wh.cb •'OO.ld-and I think it •'<*kt have to bel by • ..,,.....,. coucot~l aad, 1ft f.a. co~n c.neoutap Ma. racmbcn • ho ha'ie a.uc:lld~~te~~u 10 briac Qcm for..atd. Tt.at thee would be fol"*ed by tile whole bltsines.s o( tden!My.

11WPI"IIIIId to (ortb.

The: Chair is not in a po~~itlon to make <J ruling in tlult

~gard, but iu so far a~ it mny be uf aJ.<iistance to the hew!. me•n~r. I ocrt.ain!)· ~<•uld say that I unden;tand the d~II'Cl of tbc hon rnernber to sec an opfll)ttunity 90mcw.<here in tbc: syt;ttm 10 Oft1'00mC this probkm oi Jdtvanee. ,.,bic:b iJ in r~elt

pr9hibttUlf. Gthc:r bon. mmabm from .,.nin8 for-atd amtJid. MmU. I 11111knttnd tJaa;t. so thctc toem5 to me 1.0 be t• 'O

•"- opm· Onot is for tile IIOtie to irastn~U the O.h to iiiiiUI •pon rei!CQJIC)": the: I«<OId: • ror tbc: bell. member &o

scck: •nllftlrnoll$ oonscnt for 110mc: mc:t!Mxl wbic:h •'Ou.ld perm1t otbu arnendmenu to oome fotwiHd lttthb proem.

M,, CauUllw. Tbat is wh.at I arn doinJ.

1'11t Acd"C Spulter (M.r. 8JaLf'f'): 1'be Chair caaMt m~~b thll dtok:c for the M . member. Bcca•sc. I 1bittl: hd poiM il ftt)' -..deaL<• I did J0 o. at .a.nc ~ but I lW11k tUt a all t._t lloCICIIIs to be aoud at chc: IIII'IIOmeet. I s.boctd: JO .. 1ad rcq•llc ochtt lion. membct:J in debate. I tee there·~ otkr hot!. mcmbcn ri:s.rng 01'1 Ilk •ame point of order. I wil1r«oa­ni lCI che holl, member for Wlnnipc1 Nortb Centre (Mr. Knowlcs).


1\fr. l.:~~&~ttH: Mr. Spe;~ker. I rise oo the tame poiftt of ordet. I 4-hall be very bricl. Indeed. I thall ~Imply ma\:e a 'UIICSiion to the bon .. 1nember who milled the point. My ~u.aw«tlon ii thut he discuss tbe ma1ter witJt hlt H~~t l" dcr.

Mr. Cauth.lu : I hll\'t~

Mr. ICaowla: Tbc question ol how thi:A fUlje or dc:Wtc: wouW be ba.ndkd w3S d~SKd aiOOf\1: tbc J.lou!!e kadc:n. Various •UJacsti.oN were maclc. The OAC we arc !tOW roUowina 16 tiN: OM the f.O'Cmtl'lall dlole.

I 1Mb 1M poutl thlt -.e an not clcblt&,.. a bill. 10 the­_,., rqon Mate fi"XlCdlare does .,. a,ey. We arc .- C'l'a ckblltfll a rtp011 fte~~m a commiuec. We arc dcbali-a a brud new ,_,..,,. pu'l .W.,·n by lite P'C'ftmcM. I 1Mb tlut IYUC!ftioll 10 the hoe. tnem.btr, bcc&UIC I abo Wti <lOftCU'IIoOd tbll at leut it nti!ht be pmibk ror boa. mcmbcn who wk h to make amc!Mtmc:nu do111·n tbc road to gl~ ~MMlec ol them, but I do not ~ec: that t here is any wily t h11-t the Chollr can ptovide that. I•IOWC\'er, pc:rh;tps t here could be: .nother di!ICU~AI)n IIIIIOflJ H c:MI!H: !cadets.

What I .14111CSI to the bon. mctnbcr lot Ouawa·Vanier (Mr. 0/luthlcr) I• that be speak to hb l•h)UIIC le~~der •bout lt. He, or courK. wfll tell the hoo. member that we huvo 1 l~11dy dill· QU.iiCd 11. but ttlcrco is oo law a..g;lhtst dr:4C'U~II'II a,pi11 .somc­thinl whk h llaJ ktt~. discv..ucd before.

Mr. 811hf (N.~ukl .. ): Mt. Sprlkrt, If d~ -. I'Mmbcr for Wi•llipq North Cn:trc (Mr K..,.b) had .ot a&Jd it. thetl I -Id. ud I will rcpat iL Tile~ ti to a.ow thit 15pea ol thil rcsohl.tioD ..... 10 ~ hlnrdkd wu • di:IC'Wibl • hkh toot piace 111'1001 HOillie bdcti ewer a kwla period or lime This was tbe choice •hktl wu made ht fact. at my friend bu said. the choke was INidc: by !he a.<m-mmrnL You know, Mr. Spata. on rcflcc:t io-n it Wll1 not a bad choioe.

I can understand tbe PQSition of the hl)n, mcrnber wilh fCII)CC:I 10 hi~ n.mcndmcnts, bul the tll iOI or the IIOIUIC lli'Co dt!lll&ltcd, 118 •·e have seen from tirnc t(l tirnc, to protr=ct ttle riahu or hoo.. mernlx:nl, ckpendine 11poo the muller with which we ere dctlinJ,. Given tbe fou!tdation lot the "''" and the ruliOn fot the rules a.nd !ivo:t~ tlx ciiMJkc atler IOfll dW:un:lon, I think it misht be bctt.cr if the 00•. mcmb« fou~ anotller way to SM;~btrdzc what be wa11u. I • ·uuW e.rulnl)' be i•t«atcd 1n k~\~0"'"1"1 what be: wuu. ud there .--Jd k eaothrt •-sy 011uick tht procedures ol the HO!UC 10 deal • ••• llut. wllic" woatd ecru.n,. allow Uc: -. ~ eo mab cM roi•t 11e .... u 10 lnl ke.

I( h~ h1d a ststemt'llt be • isbrcd to ibu.c I woukt be dcli.ihled to rooci\'C it. I must A)' that •• d1e bor1. member f« Wlnnlpca Norlh Centre ~~<'8S speakina 1 roc:tr lkd the discus· .doru •·e had. We h3d lcn,&tby df.scuniom wilh rcllpoct eo the procedure 111.11 •-oold apply. I see nothl tl8 tl'lloll f1r wbi(:b lndte:lltett chat the decision ta.kcn lby tbe ao~ernmcnt with rnpcct to the ptoet:durr: to be foiJowcd i1 11nwiJO Of llhould be chanacd.

T~ ~u'tuti()flt

Mr. W lenette: M1 Spcalttr, I •ish to conJirm the Knli• menu e,1,presscd by the hon. member tor Wlnn_ipq Nort h Ctnttt (Mr. Knowlot) nnd by the bon. member fot Ntl)tllrr· C.rkton (Mr. Baker). I WILl prc..c:.f'lt at thoo:e discr»3iQI"'s. I( I am oorrcct. this WM • m11th:r whir;h •·at~ dit~CI.Isscd O\'er a period or mo.rthJI, The jloYernmc:nt cbo!;c 10 fol\ow tbi$ t.'OUI'll; or act..ion in consu.ltado•• • ·hh the Clthc:r putics. I think thi5 bu beet~ quite appatttlt, bl1t I wouht 1ugc:sc d •is kind ol d.de'US· MOB sholtld rce.lly mlc plaoc in aaothoer fOfutl'l. I bopc .,.-e .,.dJ '* •lld•ly dday tile hoL member for N(lf1humbttb.n.l· Min...at:b. (Mr Dlon.M) wlllo has bcca .sccti.Jt& tbt t'lof. (« tlle ptl$t two rb)"S to Sflellk .. lk tdOhatioo..

Mr. J..ewb.: Mr. Spa\«. I riw o. • point of onla- I 4Q DIM want to i•ttrn~PI the tto. member for North~~:m.~.nd· Miramic:b.i (Mr. Dion.M).

Mr. Oio•nc (Nortll••bttbM-Mtra.Uclli): You canooe intcNUpt me~ ben I 11.1_.. not CV(.ll J.lartod.

Mr. Uwls: I would m:c to rcnc01 back on your com•ncl'ltll, Mr. Speaker. AI I read lltJIUtJ.rd ror Monday. lbc hon. mC"mbtt rot Burrtaby (Mr. Robinsoo) WM not finished and w:~.nted to sv On. The Chair has now reoocnized tlx !'Ion member fOf Northumbcfland·Mirllmkhi. Yw made .wme rd · erence. Mr. Sptaktt. to the lion membc:f for &maby te:m~ pon.rily not bei.na in tile IIOIHC. Atll I cornet ia Jayin1 ti'Mt .AtM:C )'01,1 Ul'C RIOCipi;rcd tk 11oft. membn fOr NortiMtmbc:r· bad-Min.n.tidll.l -.llbt ... k'(l q:oc:atc:r 10 be rt«piltd'!

T1lw Adi_., $pnl.n' (Mr. Bbbf)l: No. What I wu rtJemna eo b • lituatioa ..rbida SO!IIalma.

OOCUf$ io the HoultiC; that il. • here u bolt. member hu the: Ooot tbca some lnt~ntlon tal.:e. pbroe, web &I risil\g for di.nner Or tomethin1 O( that nature. There is ofitll tome c:onfusion about that practice, to the extent that Wmc hon. members feel that lr the hOR, member who bad tbe noor prior to the reoes..~ • 'M not OOet at the w:ry next a'·a.ilabk oppoftu• nity in ordtl to m 111"e hb renutlu tllen he kJI!t hiJ opportu· n..ity. The fact b.. tl~at l.:t 004 torr~t. be haJ not la.« bl~ opportunity, lt i$ flOt'nC:•hat or I pceuJbrity or Our rul e:~, bltt he c:an come beck at uy ai~cn "'*"cnt 11nd JlCil$1)C tbe remainder of the tl~JK aUoucd 10 hi m

Tb3.t was cbr ~(ctc«~CC a~ the o:pb.aatioo. Sitl'lpl) at a ~rtcsy I did OG4 "'11•1 10 leave tM boil. member for Burnt.~. d lai:s abMace. fcdul1 lie hU ben cut otr. In a rnomeat I wiSI be f"'«<C•iri"' tile boa. MCmbcr ror Nordwmbcrlaod-!tlif'Uil­d•t

More spcc:irolly, I c:an11t01 promise to rec:og.niu any bOfl member. For the Mite of tht peaoe or the: hon. member for Simcoe North (M t. Lcwb) I will u~ume be will be tbc lltx1 to be reeosnh:ed.

Mr. Balu!r (Nrfltu•C.rlcto•): Mr. Speaker. I would hkc to ba,•c this point made clc:ar. li tlrcre ~ome risht now for lbe hon. member fQr IJurnl&by (Mr. Robin10n) or, indeed. :rny member of thls Hou,e. 10 be abient (or t~~<'O ot thr« dty1 and ptct up whe~ be kft ofn Is ,h,., wbat you arc sayin.g. Mr.


Th~ Con.ttitutiOJ• Spc;•k.er? I •·ant to make the point that this i~ a departure from what I understand tbc· rules to be. I do n()( kno-· of :my rule-Subjttt to t:orr«tion, natunlly, from the Chair ()1 the Table- that allaa-s a member to carry 011 be)'Ot'ld the next a~'8 ila.bl e oppottu.nity. Therefore, as I under!llimd it, t he h(ln. member for Northumbc:rtal\d..Mlramicbi (Mr. DionDC) will be next followed by the boo. m«nbcr for Simcoc Nortlll (Mr. (.e.,..•ill). Ill least with re$pt:ct IQ thi:s 11mell(lment. The m<mber fot Burnnby «:an ,speak on other amendmcots. I know of no right to reserve the time for him to spe::ll: 111 l\Omc-later d:He~ I ( there is sueh I& right then it ma)' ba'~ to be arauod l;uer. M I do not want to take up tbc time of tbc hotL member for Northumbctlatld·Mir.1michi. I lhink the Chair would oer.ta.inly have eo point me to an autbotity.

1'•e Aetina Spe~~ter (Mr. RJakcr): I think. t he malter c:an be bandl«< easily. I am relyi.ng on my recollection. h is a '~ry dear t cooUcction I have of an incident where thill OC'CUNed

bef(lrt a nd, in fact, whlll I indK:tl le4 U wbal bappen«<. Out it is not a ruling. I am ,s.imply indicating my purpose for making the-eatliet cortuner•L The-Ch:·•if will undert.Jlt.i: tf> cn$urc: th:H I h~'~ not lost track or my:selr. « ol d1e ))«lQC((ures. Qv.cr the dinner hour I "''ill ''Crify what I have iDdieated. If I am -wroog t hen either 1ny$tlf or tl1e neKt hon. member i.n the Chair will make $Urc l.he mutter is corrected. As boo. membel'$ can soe. I am rdying Oil my mcmoty •·ith respect to a pre-.·lous occ:uion.

I now reoosni.te tbe bon. nlembtr (ot NordlUII'lberl:lnd-· Miramkfli.

So•C' lion. 1\tC'•bers: l-te:1r, hear!

M r. Muric.e A. Dioooe (Nortltu:ntbt'rtao4-Miramlet.i) : Mr. Speaker. sinoe I waited what sce.ns ll l:e :l .,.ttlc and a Jul( to start. if I do noc finillh bd()fe the dinner hour I will come t»ck in about 11 week aDd a half to finis.h .

Thi$ is "n hbtoric debate. Mr. Speaker, and one i.n which I am proud to participate. I •·am to td:e. this opporuu1.ily to thank my oonstitucnt$ ((lr h;~vin.g ;~ fforded me the opportunily to partici.,.ce. Mao)· or those who ba'~ participated it1 this debate ha~~ congratulated :lDd thtwkcd the eo-d1airmen of the speei2l joint OOmmiuee for tile work t hey b.,,~ Aocomplished. I want to add my voi<:e to those who have gone bdore. I want to oon.g.r-atul:ue all me:.nbc.rs who gave so much of their ti1n e and I<~ lent 1(1 this grc.11 task. I $imply want to say "thank yo.,·· to all of them.

I said at the outset that thi:s is an historic debate. so I $Ought some appropriate sentence with which to begin my rem:•rkll On t he moti(ln before us. At his inauj-uratioo John F. Kmnedy said to his OOIJ.ntrymen . .. Let us begin a new. remembering on both s.ides that civility is n<lt :l sign i)fweakn.es.'l and sinoerity ill ;•lw<~ Yl $ubject to proof.- Therefore. in my remnrks, I .shall try to be civil and I will grant to all oone«ncd in this debate tbc opportunity to pi'O't--e th~ir sincerity.

Ho.,.·evet. I do belie'~ it Ill tirne- to begin anew-time (<W

Canada to tdc her pl~tcc in tbc list of nlltioM whjch aJc trul)' independent and truly SO\'ercig:n. No b'lgcr should we have to go besging to some-other n:nion tO arnend our Constitulioo or

ulc smne ot11er natkl-tl to be tbe custodian of our indivMfuill right$ ;~nd frccdoms. I d(l n()C w:1nt to $pcntl much time ()n I be process. but rather on tbe 11ubstanoe.

I want to s:ly I have oo quilltns of coos.cie..ee :·•boot the Gtwc.tnment or Canada wantill.i to remove the lasl Ye$lig.es or colonialism from thi~ nation. Neither do I ha\•e any quall'!U :1bout :1.1king Oreat Brit:lin U'l dh·1:!1t htnelf bf ilny eunndi:1l charse ovc:s our Constitution, our ri.e,hts aDd rrccdoms. Nor do I agtee with t hose bort. members opi)Mite who claim that 11ny provinc:ial legi$1uture 1,::.1n speak for ;~ 11 C..n:ttli;&ns, r:Hhcr tbn the Parliament of Canada. I am proud that my party and my leader l1ave take.n both the ini tiative il tld the dttertniBa.tion 10 make my counll)'. 111t Ions Lnt. trill)' independent trllly a nation.

We have he:1rd :1 g_rellt dcalllbout t ltc need f<w C011.'\em.1us. Like mocherhood, consen11us is diffic::ult to oppose. HowC'I~r. the atg&unents we continually bear i.n this place aod in tbt pn:$5 w(M;Ikl le:1d one I() believe t hat con.~ensu.~ i ~ Mllely lbe responsibility or tbc national government and that the Go\'etn· ment of Cllllildl• ;~klne U respQMibk for liChievin& th2t OOn$Cn• sus and any lack tbcreof is solely t he f;auh ol t he natjonal go~ernment. We hiiYC seen the continuous and oon~La.ntly

changing positi(lns ()(the 11"1)\'inccs rn:lldn! intte:u.ed <k:mand$ on the nationalaovernmc:nt. Premier Hatfteld. the deMt of the premie-ts. ball stated before the eommince th3t oonseru;us is not now po$Sible and th2t it is ne~r likdy to be pos~ible. B·ut he correctly points out that litis motion before U!J provicks <& 1wo )~:l r period to :lC-hit\'C tbis COilSct'ISlti if all the pla)'CfS are truly l>CriQU$. 1'be Minbte-r of L:abour (Mr. Regan). bimsdf :l formet ptcmier, recently had this to .say: I " 11S ~:~~ th~Qlbrr .Ptc of the utlo;: ~~~ pt(J>i11tiiil ,.-...,;., rtw ~i8:hl )~tS an« I P&"lri.,.tcd in a number of \lOdkl(- .UI!il """" '*',;,.,_,., ilf <lilt COII<dc.tiOOL. I u-• , • ., f"')o;ll~dc:mond .,,,,., p>ocrs 8i>'tn b)' lhc kdtul~'tfl!l-.ent~o>tiM'

PfO"iii(I(J ~IOfC.lt.}' " -..rull 11jltcc. IQ btifli . \IIIK ~M (;o),.l ilulii>co,

I woL pa" In ~~cord'~ Ill Vkwia. "'ht:l'f -c. nnw ctOI!JIJr tbu 11 lilY o)lha' lit~le_ IN'(OI'e <ltr ~. C.O lill~t ~if~lll Ql. b~fl1i it bOIM. I ll ltt <*I, 0.."" -~ 1"11 fll«:d for W ttK p(l.a ,.·loi.::b lk (IIIKo 111'0vitoet.i ....,.,ld11'1 ~ "'· 8111 tht Ji&eifiCanl l-. i' t~l llliJ S.ptcab«. " bQo lhc ,...,...;~~~~~ Dilcd 111 •e>~: "''" 111e ((!lj(>I"~I JO'H'fnmtnl dter IM nc,uu,nion' bad (l)nlinved all t \lmnttr ""'' 1101 U•e cl lloc ir.oaoero ~ • hid! doe dilo:t$10o:ffiffil oxo:wrtd Wd c~n ~ 11 J"V"inriltlkm•n<J <o- •11oJ(;r -tid(;rali\111 l)r 1111 •k lioblc liiOK }""'" cartlrr lo1 Vktorll. And JO if ,.~cominuHo bl$)ti.ne Wr an.xhcr lf ll or 11nodocr 20 O• •"''~~~"'" )0 yeU~~, 1hu~ • ill ~! .. ·ars; ht .e-• p-nnlcn. tl>tre • ill el'"li)'J be - dcmandiJ. aM l hcl( '"i!ll!t-''1:' bl: the p(liHbili•y ()( total lt"'<'"'*· • (U<Iil)

So m1.1ch fot the dem:wd by S()mc for one tlM'lte first ministers' ooaferenoe where soppo.sedly aiJ difference$ -...·in be :lutornati~ cally forgonen. Y>'bcte tbere will be a love nest, and C'l'tf}'one will set ti)gether.

I .should lite to deal 1)0'9<' wi1h t he $Ubst;&ncc-(1( the n10tto.A, in p3rtlcular with two or t hree items. First I sbo\lld lite to deal -...·ith lllngvllge right$. 6lolrly in OUf history we decided against tbe melting pot choory of nationh<lOI.I and opted. in$t.:::td, ((lr t he ltl:li!ltel\aflce of l.he language and culture of our two founding nalion<~li l iet~. 1'h.: RNA Att and Sect ion 2.l of the Manitoba Ace guaranteed langu~e riehu within lbc provinoes of Quebec and M:lnltoba. The-Official Languages A et or 1969

f'ebruary 26. 1931 CO:-oiMONS DEBATES 7739

gave. :!ill O...n11djans tbe right to commurtic.tte with and be tcrved by the GO\>crnrnent ol Caudu in either English or French. While-the federal aovernment would like to SlCt consti· tuLionally auarantoed institutiontllanguaAe right$ .1t the pro­vincial level. it will noc irnpo$e ~uch right.s <.m::r the opi)06Citioo of the pnwineell.

The c;barter provides minimum guanlrllt:t:$ in lltlemptin& to achieve the widest OOfl'knsut~ possible from provincial goo.-'trn~ tnetlt$. ihu:~. wbc:n the PfO\'isions for institutional la.ogu.-rge rislns at the ptovinci:~~ l b·d, inCluded in tbc: draft charter tabled at the fir111 mini:sters' conrerenoe in Septe-mber. rtcclvc:d virtu.;tl ly no provincial support, apart from Ne"· 6r~;~n$Wic:k. tbe provisions resptetins the prQVin(;(:S ,..ere 'o\'itbdr:!i'o\'rL How· eves. the Jtatus quo is. prescn'Od and both Queb!c and Manitq. b<J; remain bound by e-:dsdng C'(lnrti tutional ri&bts. As New BrunswicJ; otrtclally requC$tcd that these rights appJy to th:!it prO\•inoe, thb is beina done. lo addition. the amending formula ha.s bc:cn modif.ed to faeilit:Hc tl1e {)Jlting·in of any other pro't;nce to any Of' ttU of the language pt<l''isions listed in Sections 16 to 20 lnclusl\·e o( t.he ch:u ter.

I sboold JiJ:e to Qu()le some comments ol Premier Blakeney. He saJd:

1 "" ..,._ ob}«. 111 t ht tl)n(flir•t~~~ f lrlrtnchmtn• or J'rend• 111d ..._.ish .. nru~ t!Pu. The: ti*"1 Ill IIH frtnch 111 l?qllsh.« the rl811t 10 rrodouOmc 8~C1nntatt SQ-vW;~;t in «ith('l' (J( th-lafi&U.,e:r;.. i\ ootw, 11!tcr all, 11 ri~th• •hid! "~'d•im uhmah:l. lt is a.C'!IilleMid rtotr ore;:..,-,, • • - nrhrl ttemo:nt o( rh~ Con(.ckr.tio• Wfll,; .. u d, 110 >~ltfl, i111n otwious nft!M;:ue tot i...:lldMo in t loc c.,..st!uulon.

The minotil)' langu:~~ge tducatlOn<tl rishts rencct the unani­moU;S acrecmem M the pr(~Vincial premiers in 1978 to tlw: principle th~t children of the Fttt~ch or Snsti~h ·lipc;rk.ing minority in each pl'tWii'IC'C s-J10uld be enlilled to primary and socondar)' education in the miDOfily language where- nutnbo:-n< watrl!ll'll~ The rishts ptO\•ided by tbc charter arc minimum su;mmtees and do oot pceclude-th.: provinces from providing great« rights. :u some of them do now. sucb as alk>wing irn.rnigrsntl\ ;rnd citiuns to send their ehik!ren to minority or nwj ority lanauage schools :u they m;ry choose. For ins.tanoe. this bappcos in New Hrunswi<:k.

r keep referring to tbe ptO\'i.nce of N.:"'' I.Jnrlt$wick bec:ause hopefully we. in New Brunliwkl(, arc enJi.ghtenod " 'ith ~gtud to lsnsu:~~ge ri&ht$.

The federal gO\·crnment agrc.:J thnt MkaiJ)• the rls,hts shouJd be e.-tended to :-~ 11 resicJcnts of Ca nada. Alti!Oug,l1 it might be preferable to provide (Of freedom of choice irr l~ngua_Je t>f education, tbe charter is designed not only to saregu:~~td the interests of the m:~jority. but ai&O 10 proteCt the txui<: right$ of the minoc-ity. If tbe majority lsnguag.e grwp in a ny provirn:e wishes lhe right to have tJreir <:hildrcn educ.~ted in the minOfity lan.gusge .• t.hcy him:-tbe democratic me.tns l'l t t hd r dillpos:rl to tMure thCs result.

Tbe mil't«ity langu:~ge edueottion ptO\'ision is being irnple· mented on the basis of t.he premiers' MOOitt:;;\1 :rgrecment or 1978. Tbis oJcatly specified the entitlement on the basis of ~ .. ,bere numbert w:rrtl.lnf', Thus. this qualifi~tion rernain.s. but il will be a matt« (Of review by d1e <:ourts. When I hey

The Con~tiuaiq~t

detc:rmillC tllat the rn.inimum numbers h:tve been $Cl t(ll) high, they C3n dir~t tbat they be kw.-e""' l!O a$ nQl to render the ri&ht indfcctivc. The t:bllrter ll$.'SUres tbc right to mi~rity lo108UIJ$e ed:ucat.ion, Out it does 00( se~ into the detail$ ;rs to how this will be provided.

I JhQuld ltke to refer to the QOfllmenl$ or Mr. Alcll P..ueuon, Cq.Pres:.ident o( the Positi \'t Action Cocnminct, before the special joint oommiucc. He s:Lid:

We WYI: l«<l .., .. , llllppc:M w~o • pro. in~ lit:.: M•nil(olu ~~eo t•l<f !M r .. w M iu Millill'iri~ inco ~ t.,.o~,, fr wil • iN • • • ith " so;rulte o( rM l.V•IIIioc N" 11 ft<*«~ fur i~ min<Wicy. £Y(t), hhu: •e <an do t.0$1;r-c:A&d•m ~ pn;~c«tiuns for • norhits ~ tnmr.:hlf4 t~lll in Ut Ct~no;~;it•1ir.- .....,.~ m«e rc..on rc-w rile llli~~«il-ie~ 10 rc.t ~""' .,.. uflol8c "'-""' to !be m«t'f !ll rllo:io prqvin<iJ 1 Vlftr"~m"u.

1t <u.o• be ld'r lo the dis>:r.:ri.,.. o( t he indMolual p~ mdooick, Thi, i, • t!$111 we ,.;n r:Y(:f )' C•o~:~.:li~" Ill boo;: n(l "'•"·~' in "'"'' Pfii•U.W llo rcsldH. Foo 1h:o1 '""'- - ehink i~ 0. -nei&l th•t riall._. of chneltinc!J ~ cnt«*'hed ,,._. it ;.. I'll( in r. , u iiPll!liun of the pooocu and <OII'If't't«« or lhe portiwl~• f'«"ln<ts.

Now I shoukl: like to turn for a moment or two to tbe area of equ:r li~:.,ti<>n . Fir.sl ;rnc.J foremon, I suppose one s.houtd :uk the fo!Jowing quc:stioo: Why should tbe principles of equalil!ation :~nd ~gion:-~ 1 dtwdopmem bE: t ru luined in the CQn~titutioo of Canada? The commh rnertu stated in S.:cti<m 34(1) of lhc proposed resolution- to promote equal oppor·tunitie11, to reduce coonomfc displlrit.ies :·md to pr.;.vidc c::~sc:ntial public ~ervict:ll :tc~ t he w unt.ry-<apture one of the most impor· tant ekmeots ol " 'hat it means to be a C-ansdian.: a willingne$.'S tos.bare out good (Oftlll'le ancl our C)pp)rtuni tic::~ JO tbal we can grow strong together.

I sbould like. to ~rn.ind hon. membt:r.l t hat thi$ commitment :lpplie;s nQl only to Pl.lrliument aDd to the Government of Canada, but also to tb<: legislatures and the @0\'ernment:l of the provinces. altbotr3h r e:cnpll:'t.si1..e thi::~ oommilmc:nt does 004 alter t!M: lesbl:rtive powcn; of the tiii'O orders or gov«nment.

Tbete is great meri t in enshtining In the Com.titution the ooocept of equaliz:~ti<m w th:rt ih~rins will be an import:!int ingredient in the fu ture of our national life. but there can be no doubt about tbc current cor1unitmtnt of the. fcderala"''CfO· mem to the princiP'c ()f equu.liz.:outon. All provincial 3"''etn· mcnts have suppor1od enshrining the principle ol equ.aliz:ati(ln in the Constitution. Not o.nly do all pr.wincial 8/J\>crnments in Canad:t supporl the JWincipk of enshrining oquaJization in the Constitution. and not only bas the fedt:~l government llJ1ecd to amend Scalor1 34{2) in li~ "'ilh IM prerercncc:s of mos1 provinces, bul I believe there is agreement amon.g the three punics in 1hc: House f<Or Section 34.

Mr. Baktt (Ncpelllt-Carlcton): You are. l'lbsolutcly correct.

Mr. Dio~trrot (North•nlhetiluMI;•Mirarllichi): When tbe joint OOmmittce consXIercd lhis KCCion or tbe proposed tes<llutiOn on January 30. the bon~ member for YorktOti·MeiYille (Mr. N)'sttorn) oo.nn~otndtd thi: Minister of Ju.s.tioc (Mr. CbrCti-cn) for the a n\cndmcnt he introdUC('d to Sec·lion 34(2). H~ said:

tluo """' • hll he hu dob( b M hu tlllllr!ncd !lit fWI~ or cqu~li~••Wn p&)mDICS. I - CW him (QI t h.ll: it iJ 3 ... ~ .W•~ -lltinjl tWit hU hc:m ltflialJ M In t lliil; 000101oy ro. ::. l!ln& rime; •li'XIII t hi!ll-



f'or !'li3 pu.rt, Senator Tre;mbby noted: '"I woukl ju~t like to •ay that ror once I am pldkd with a IO'f(rnn1cnt proposal, withoutuny mc:r~tMxn ... IF.,.,II,ItJ

I "''h g.lad to see the: nods or agrotment uf mc:~nbwl or tht offld•l Op!X)fhion •·tw:o I indK:atcd that they tl~ with ~ion J..4 or the rttOiotioft..

Tbc: i.mport.aACt ol tlle eqsa!ibtion tnflifm vuia from OM

teccf.;-a pro.i110r: to anotba'. but .-itll the CAoqM..o.t ol Su­btdtcw•n. it rqrc:sc~~b a 11.f11C *"' t/1 IOUI ~ te'I'ClW. n.is .t.llla« is atOU..:I tl pu OCtl it tilt Allal'llic­

,.,..1:~ lhOr'C tUn IS per cent i• M1.nit*; I"'R lJau 10 p:t ocr,_ in Quebc::c; arotu'ld 2 per cut il'l Subtc.hcwu.

So, we W the qucs.tioa: '9\'hy ate. tkliC rialrm M«Mary'! I till rcfcrrlna to both language rishl• tnd cq~i.~ltllltlon. illc:y ltc ncee»:n)'; fine to maintain and enbanco the: spc.del cltar· ae1cr ol Canada: second. to !Uarsnteo th-'1 no Cuodlan who filtd ~ hln1..1tJf in n minority pcxsition will become • ~~e<O~ ·dn$1 ehlr.en, oOO they arc necessary in New Bruntwklc, for CJtam· plc, to en"ure that Acadilln$ have chc urne rl&hlJ, prlvlle!Cll ol)d opportunities as the resc or u•. They are ncccnary to cni'urc that tlle valiant stru"le ol our Aeadia• bi'O(hen~ aDd Hi'lcrs oYcT IOOI"e than two cct~turiei. wfll 1101 bal'C bcell in vala.

I Tnrlt:ll..-to.rr) • I U!IIt

for h••o cc:aturies.. ttw Acadull$ Ud 10 '"" (ot tlldt natus. apcc:lslly for tk fiabt to~ cduatcd i• FrmdL fot tu.ml!k. they bad dirrt~~:ulty fi!Kli,na tat boots In French, Thlt was the •hu.ttlon up to rccrncly and it certainly wu ncx lttcptabk. With tha ..:barter tbcy will bave the rlsht to be «fiKatcd in chcir moth" ton,ue • •ltbout having to e.~~;perlcnoo the adver:~e eondltlons or chc pa$t.

(E"lll•hJ Tl1e biUil ror I hi$ solution lk5 in thi5 chnru:r but il is noc in

and or hxtr, tlle solution. Tbe real solution litt in cduc:ation altd jotl opportu.n.ites.. io tbe St:ftie ol juteice and ralrncn or ttto.c. l1ke me, who bc:lona le> the limiJ:Iie tN.jorlty. In .. aio Wll tlky un~&e)e if we pay orely lip xnkt to principle$, la .,.,,. lblll •c all Sli"U..Uk if dcdic:atioft to pMdpla is GOt

m:Mlilccd in-to ddumi~~aboll for accioa 10 cndic:ace c<10110mic ddparit}' &DCI to promotc-witll o.r ..,_,. u "11 u wr ...ouca.-cqu.a.Jity ol ~unity. For as 1r0ft.a as aa Ac:adiaa maJ.t Seam Enlftsll to fmd c~ 10 bla •11 lie~ chained. For as lol\g as be: mlllt move rrom 111 AcadJu 4'01flmunJt)' to tind a pb in Frcikricton or SaJnt John ~r cftn Moncton, 110 Iona $hall be and his child~n be aatimilatcd, ju.sl auurcly us ir he had m.o.'C'd to the U.S.A.

I Wlnlnclld the aovernrnenl 1nd I be J•rc1nict or New RrniU>' ··lck ror I he rithl doclsion lbe)' have made Oft llntub tic and tnlnorlly rlg.ltU. I regret that the &<Wemtntnt and Pttntkr ol Oncarlo do noc hiiVe the same &ense or juactoc. Ou1 e.poufin& principle. iJ DOl enouah. I oo- call upoll chc pernmenl and

tbc Premier or New 1Jr11nswk k to c11sur-t tbat tbok arcu or New Bru.n.s•·ick where the mloorhy lives will rccdvl.'l 11 ruir share or the economic octivity und gro•'lb or tbc proYinc:-=. And I pldlac myself flncw to ch:ll gool and to •'Ofk for ha aclti~ment.

Fit1a1Jy, Mr. Spcakc1, I • ·a11l to 1>1)' bow happy I um 1ho1 n.tive and abona.inll l rlj.hts will be t:nshri..ned.. Our past tnol· mtt~t of ou.r orialnal peoples i• pcrbaP' o.r Jfe&ICM llalion.l sba_me. We muit endc:aVOW' to eradicate that sllame aftd rcstc:n their prick and tiC1'IM ol worth. because '" a """Y rul Sta$lt tbty did not ...... dl.atactc.ristic:5. •'C lta\O'C dc:Mro,cd tltml. Oar p~tcrultun •-.. DCYtt jasl.ifsable aad ea• 110 lon&tt to colcratcd. O.r p:tt "-•owity ud atTqP~IK"C must fftCl !IOW. I wsat u, rm- to 1ce the day wbM o.r lodians. lnit, and Met:• will OMlC a,pln bot ablt: to proclaim t.Mi.t pride of citi«:nsbip ud se:mc or hm~n 'IJ'Of'lb aAd dianity •n thi$IJCIII land or 01:11'5..

Let u.s look at the pothi\'CI tide or lhi:s Conl!titudon -~ rar u this country is tonocrned. All g.-e~t and u.nitod ..:ountrica haYC lhCiir crwn w nflilutloo. h b tl1e auMtins li3ht or all true democratic nation•.

Tbe opposit.ion oDd c~rttin provi..cq have been uyins th111 our attempt, n • IO"Crn•ncru. at patrlatMwl is «e~ttin:g dj.-uftl~ ty. They mtrt-t f'Qib:c lhat it n Lhttr nt!ltivi~m toward the re::sol'utioa and putOUI att.ac:ka on tbe Prime MilliJter ( Mr Truocleau) 1Mt uc ca"'ull dtMJiit)' i• our couuy. I bopc chty will fcq,ct p.nbt.uhlp ... d ,o.n .-ith us i• auki~~J alii • p:rio.s na1 for Ca11141: a Nlf)ioa fQrl:C.

h is licDt (.or C._..M to Maad up a.-cl ay tky arc Carudiatl$ fir.u- IIOl •"CitetiiCYI ftm. 110t Quebcccn fin1, 1101 AcadiaJU fint, noc fkilbh tubjec:l$ lir1t. but rather Canadl:aas with a rich hctitaJo-Canad&allJ rtnt. The CoMtitution will to <1 Ion& 'QY 10 cn::&u~ tll it.. lt is the re.J key to national unity l.n Canada.

And 50, Mr. Speaker, lel "' ht!re moh-c to &et on ••hh che task: to etld the aetlmony 11nd division 50 that, in a Jpiril ol brotherhood, 1utd whh I he l~lp of divine. provid«<OC, WCI moy achieve our naturol poccntill lo become the &re<~ lcsl , t he frcot Mlion on earth. and tlle n.odd by ""'bicb all otbcn wiU baft to judce tbe~l¥U. lr ""'C: haft th.u r~l~. tha.t dcurmiucioll, theft ia tbc wordt ol Ttt~ll)'.o., "'$Qme 1\rl ol Doblc ~ ml)' yd bcdooc. ..

s..e- ...._ Mt-Mtn.: llcar.llcar1

Tk AC1iac Sf!rd:n (Mr . ... u ): Order.~ I QDI to tt<X:!Silix the hoa. member for Si.mcloe North (Mr. L.cwa) but, bcrOI'c I do so. I have to oonfw that uafOitllftatcly tlllc Chab made a mess Oft ill own doonccp atld bas to ckar it up.

Ou-rins tlle !1144 rcw momenu f have rt"Yit:wcd the statcmeftt I made carlkr about the ri&}ll3 or boo. membo::r$ to (Mtinuc their attes!l tO the-t\oor and debUC ir there ba.s bceJ~ $0nlC lime inccn·cnin& beyond the n~Hmaf haur for rising at dinner or 111 ten o 'clock. 1'hc-rc i- not cvtn a v~tigc of a doubt; il • ·ould not be po$Sible for me 10 h•vc bttn tnOre wron& tha.n I wn Coosequcntl)', by I be proce~. or rubbir~a OOth d.i8iU: of my J.Q.

February 26, 1981 COMMONS DEBATES 7741

tog.tther. I ,.,ant to ~ltWre- the bon. member for Burnaby (Mr. Robinson) that he ha.s lost his Opt'!Ottunity to s~k the noor again. I regret that I misadvbed bon. members.

Some tto.IL Mc•befl: Hear, hear!

Mr. Oowg Uwb (SI.-.~ Ntlf'tS.): Mr. Spcaket, I rise oo behalf of tbe riding of Simt.:oc: North to take part In thlll bis.!Ofic <»n~titlltional debate. Siti)C)()C. NOJth w:u; one of tbc: ridin.gs represented in t~ Hou11e ()1/ Commons at the time of eonfcderatio14 114 yc:;al'$ ago. At tbat time it •·:u: called North S imcoe ~nd W\\S represented by 'Thom:1s 1). McCookey. a re:;icknt of Barrk The- (lrisinal t;Op)' of the British Nonb America Act .. ·hicb i.s blgcd in Britain was lu nd .... ·riuc:n b)'

R<1bi:rt A. Kent. a rC$kknt of Modqnlc: 10'1'o'nship in Simooc North. At that lime: be: had a dual funotion as a clerk ol this House and :11$0 the kgislature of tbe province of On~.ario. f-Ie luld a rcpul.ation fot outstanding pcllma.n.sbip.

I appreciate this opponunit)' to speak to the propo$.:d rellolution bccaU;Se I was ooc of the. 1nembe111 not permined to speak ~~ $eCOnd ttading when chc Liberal Pany in\'Ok1.o.cl ci O:S\1~ CUlling off debolte in this House. 11 will nQC be forgotten by the Canadian ptoplt t i!Jit the Liberal Pany ttll off debate at a poin1 when more Liberals than Congcn·ath't:!l bad llpoktn. ln any event. the pcOopOStd molutioo h1a.s now oc)mc:· OOd: from committee, somcwb.11 im.provcd from the original disas-ter, b111 far from aQQCptable.

I wish to pay ttibult: IQ1hc chaimtan of the commiuoc. tbt bon. member fCK Hoc.:bclaga·Mat.ontlcu ~'C (Mr. Juy:al) who hllndlcd bi$ dutitl; with d ispatch :~~ nd fairn.c:$$. The disaster from tbe other plr1ce wOO .sen'Cd as ~»ehairnt:ln ~h:1 ll so unmentloncd in rc:oognitioo o( his COtllrihution.

Our C0rt1mittec mc:mbel'$. under lh.:· k :uk r.d1ip uf tho.: boo, member for PrO\•cnoJter {Mt. Et)p), made u nc.Keworthy eontri· button to the proceedings. (.'l,ln;ul;a and lhe P(asrc:~ivc Con· sc:n•nli\•c Party \\'I:~ well ,;e(Vo."<l b)' t hor ir ~fl •wt... 1 al.~o eon1pli· ment the hon. member fm Ytld.tun~Melville (Mr. Nysuom) who represented hi~ p:u1y w ~·ell and in the final an:llysi." proved to b(:. a mlln of pcinciplc~ l-lis l':ut no:.r, I he hon. member for Burn;~b)' (Mr. RobinM'm), the Emilc ZQI;a of the NDP. nc:cd.s no funhtr recognition, nn1dl a.s he nla)' n:•~e iL We on chis side .... -ere pkMOd da:u l'fe wcr~ .:1bk ttl l.>ring cele\•i$ion to l.be comm.iuec: bcarinss. We re!rcl too~hat il did to the Libeml members of the OC)mmiHee.

Confederation is ;a p;u1nen:hip enter~d into frrtly by lhc: pannoers open•lift.i in aCOOfda lt~:l:· "'itb a l~rtnc.t!ibip agreement known ••.s tbe Btitish Ntlf'th America 1\ct. P..ttenctship decl· sions a1e reached af\c:r cons-ultation and dt.c-rusioo. 'they may not need the c-ol\1cnl of all p:'llltl.:r.~ but they do need a mujl,nity. It is ootmal that no <me partner sh.:.uld bave a veto over decisions unitS$ at the time of tbt decision that smr1ncr holdll ovtr 5() pc:r <;ent interest in 1bt J11utne111hip.

lt is not unu.sual for ooe pantlet eo have c:ertain dccisioo· mating JlQ'9o'c:tS wbic:-.b he or sl1e exercise:; in the interests of che partn('!sbip. Tlult l)'pc of d«-is.ion-ma.kins power mullt be CJ:etcised wisc:ly. after consultst.ion :'lnd ~:~n effort 10 reac:b a decision. Arbitrat)' dtcitioltS .. ·itbout conw1ta1ion invariably

'/'ne COfUtitulion

le;atl to nn un.happ)· pertncrlhip and dissatisfa.ct)on with lh;u ooc: p;!Jttlef.

May I call it k vet• ()•ctoc-l:, Mr. Spe;akc:r.

Tlte ,\(,ting Speaker (Mr. Bhllcer): 11 being $<:'\'en o'clock. I do now lea\'f: tilt · Cb11ir until eiaht o'clock this e-.""Cnir~.& :lt .. ·hich lime. if he i.s present, I wlll rec:ognite the hl>n. member for Simtoc Nonh (Mr. lt'fl.•ill).

At ? 1>.nl. the l-lowe took roc:c:s.1.


1'hc: 1-IQIIIK resumed at 8 p.m.

Mr. Drll'puty Spe:aktr: Order. The <k:b<11e ~'as inteJrupted at $Cv.::n o·<:loc:t. 1'bc: hon. membcs for Sinteoc North (Mr. Lewis) had tbt noor.

Mr. Le-wi$: Mr. Speaker. befOfe the supper hqur, I ""'ts dr.t""'inc an analogy to t he British N(lrth America Act and the GO\'i:nunent ofC~nad.1 ~s ;, p;artnc:rship. I ,.'0\lld like to C:lrry lh.1! araumc:nt on. if I may.

In this case. lhe. feder:•l gqrc:rnment i$ ,s.uggeliting that it b leg:ll ly, mor~lly and politicall)' proper for cbe federal gqvern· mcnt, actin3 alooe. to ame-nd tbe p:lrtnership ~!rccmc:tll witb· out cbe subuanti:ll :lgteement of tbe provinces. Wich respect, I di$1l.J!,roc. I .s-uagcst it ts legally impropct foe tbe. fedc-n,~.laQ\'etn· ment to docide on iu o .... n 10 p:Hriotte the 13ritis1t Nonh Americ:t Act wit ho11t tbc .substantial agreement ()( t he provinQCS,

The Manitoba court of appe:ll was ~$ked if it was con.stittl· tlonal convention for tbc: fedcraJ government to reques-t t h;u Britain amend the Constitutioo of Cana.d2, a.~ ~tffoctillJJ fcdet· al·ptovinocial relations. or lbc: I'O""'Cf'lS, rights or ptivilc-&Cll gn~nted or Keured by tbe Constittltion of Ca nad;t to the provinc:cs. The court decided tiUtt t.hen: ..... $ no con.stitutionsl COn\'l:tl tlon requiring lh;tt lbc: federal government seek the 11grecmc:nt of d1e ptO"'inoes.

I s-u.ggcst that 1he oourl llppl tc:d itself to tbc: situat-ion surrwnding iodi\•idu;al amendments, such as the unemploy· ma u insurance amendment of 1940, :lnd the 195 I ;~mcndmct'lt tcga.rdirtg old age: pensions. In these cases. tbcre w:u: ~nc:rill agroement that tbesc wct'e social measures y.·hich would ben· d it all Canadians. I sug~s-1 that the (X)Utl does noc address itself tO I be fnct thllt tbc: rc.solutioo whjob \llto'C ate now deb3ting compJc:tcl)' revamps tbe British North Ameria Act. 11 con· tains changes 11.1~ additions Juch l.I.S 11 charter of rights and freedomll, referendum revisions. mobility rights. equalizat.ion p;a,yment.s., and an amending form ula.

I am not debating m Jln)moting the: mc:rit.s of some of these (lC'O\'i::~iQn$, bu1 I ~•agclit tbe)' produce su<h '""'teJ'li•tS changes tha1 they ""'ill completely chant~: the-nature of the p;a.rtnel'$bip, ••bicb is oonfederatil)n. There i$ no Jqal ju.stiftc:ation to :~J k)w the federal aovc:rnmcnt to re\llto'rite the Btitlllh Notth America

COMMONS DEBATES fc:!llrury l6. 198 I

TAt Cotu.rfrailiOff Act completely or substitute somtthlna whk:h 11 entirely dif· fc~nt. Surely,the p1u1nefl; tbe province'- muse be ootutuhcd.

I wu.uc" that it is morally improper rcw tht: foclcral ~r,.. mc:nl to decide, on itll own, to pntri1J1c the Urlll~h NoMh Atncrlc. Act, witb~t the wbstanti1l •arcemc:nt or the pi'(W­inetJ. Tho fcdorll gcwc:rnmecu hope• to pfl~f thi1 with u ~ity In. tbe House und with 11 m...;orlty In tbe Senate. Otlllli" ,..m theo be asked to awrO"tC v. piC!CIC ot lq.sbtloa, w ~ h comes bed: to Ca~cb. wbkh canOCM be cMnacd b)' Plrlaa~neru !die! the same method. Otk:r qillltklll puud b)' tk llo.M ud lite Scaatc cu be U'ICftlled or te'pcrllcd by a ciril mejoril)

1'1wfc • 110 monl jastifK:atioo cw pnadpk few- • bat tbe Libct'-&1 PArt)' IU£1PU. I .am not S\U'PnK'd b)' the Ud; of monl ju:-.tlticltion for •·bat they ate doi~ bllt I lu.&,lCIC lO them thlt the cDd doe& IIOl justify tbt mu.JW. By iu •~ionJ, the Llbtnl Pa11y li gWifllntccin& biuernen and ac:rilnony acrou Cant1d.l.

I a lso SUJ!J!~t t hat it i$ pOi iti~:tllly imprupc.r fur the fcckral a.o~cl'n•ncnt to pjltriatc the British North Anw:rlca Aot on ils owta, The libl!nl t•atty halO no pohtl~:at •ntH~ Ill~ on 111 own. A pohtleal p;.rty adn~vcsu moand;uc u the rcsuh or c:amp.ll&flins on 11 phu(«m. or makina a ptomise and tbcft bcin,a ~k««f to OfriiCC. Once elected, tbat party has a pof1lli:lll rM!IIdltc (or dw: people tO do Wh<lt it promised CO do.

The Ubr,.l Pany -as dcettd to off.cc H tbr poromu;.r tkat it •Mkl not qisot tbt price ol cnc:'JY. Oc. ynr •nd ~i&br pri« inctcaJa law, tbc price ol ps tw pc •P 21 per ttnl. a..S tbe pdoe of ~tome lrleatiq: ail has pK •P J6 pet CCIIL The l..tkr"ll Party fortoc a~n the pro mite t~ d•y ohhe declion, ,r, llldecct, i• cvtt bene"'td it.

l__. orw doe. tblt promise, roUowed b)• thal perfonnanc:e., trtnfih .tc Into a tnancbu: to C(Jmplc:tdy eh.anac the BriliJb North America Act? The LibcraJ Pil11Y prOM8Cif to eh.tl".l' 1he ''err fOtmdntion upon which tbb cou•UI')' lm.t a.rown 1 nd pro$• pcrc:d (or I 14 yealil. Sut:b a proll(IJal dern.andJ mote than a mere flv~C>-vul c mlliority in the HOUJe or Commons. 11 demands a subtUintlal IJtc:ement ol the c:lrtttW reprCIICI'IUUiva or Caudo, fcdetally ;~nd prqrinciaiJy. 1t dc.rn11ncb o COIISc:flsus dtrou;ahout C..n;~da. ftoo'l St. John'•· Ncwfouftdlal'ld. to Vic-­toria. B.C.: from Wi.nd:ior. Ottuno 10 1hc Atct!C' Citdc.

'he L•bt,.l Pan, IS proeft<bna •11h ih roct·lwd.. ·M) ...S k tlddt up, don\ ch.af~F my muwS wtllt. fK'It- ft'IIVOri'Y .t 7• tealS ft'Oin Queboe. joiocd by •lul flll&bl - be Cllkd "'pol1t bl poepiti .. from Ootario and tbc At&1111k pn:l"'iJ~Ca;; ._., 1wo tonety members from MIAitobrl. rcprcatnti"' tbt •'al. S1kt around. 1hcy are droppltl& lib no. • (lt!Ol

Now does it prtlt:nd 10 rcpracnt Cuniidt•;l In fn c:1, public oplnlmR 1..• •unnin& (14 per c:cnt againsl wtuu the LiberAl Party ptUpo.5C3 for Can.ada. This brings me to 11-.c .t.ubjoet or the Prime Mlnlitc:r'a ( Mr. Trudeau) acciont with refcrcn~.-e to this bill.

Tbc Prime }thn.ittc:r berated tbc: proviM:ial premiers for tl~otlt failwe to deal ..,.hh the patnation of t he Coo~ti t ut.on a "d the lxarpining whieh •'t:nt on. Who will rotgc:t his manurac:turc:d indianation when he .wuatod witb disgust ll\81 the provi1\ClAI premiers are baraalnlna rah tOt ri&l•lll'! Since he •n;,dc tlmt stutcmc:nt, he 1\11.'1 tnllde I few barpiRS or b" owo, He bar· J 3.incd ror Sasbtc:be•U'J IUppoll by allowing his puru~r, the leader of the NOP, to lnttodu4:c 111 1mcndment r'C'Ipcdina n;a.t•ral taC.M~n:a.

Mr. &Iter (Ne~•...C•rkl•~ The littk red 111mp.

Mr. Lno'b.: U.tort•Mtdy, ~ did not 011 100 &QIOd • dml bea\IK the: Ptm!kt ol Sa\btchcwl.• hu re;cacd lhil kc.A· tic.-. He bltpiACd for Stut.t support by ano.i_, •• amtfld· ment &hin& tlilld lppotllted body ¥el0 pqwcr -whet~ hc •·as faood with Senate moll. I -w1n1 10 be here •·hc:n the bOil. member ror W,nnipcc North Cc:t~trt (Mr. Kl'lowks) studs on prillc•plc and votes lOt thal. Bt.al r•o•w ot hil htr{l;&ining looked a5 tx'd u I be: trc~tmc:nt or l'lb Sollehor Genc:ul (Mr. Kapltn), Speakift$ fot the covernmcstt on a Friday, the Solicitor Gt~W~ral &al'C· a ocwnmittntnt to S'll i)IIOrl 1111 •mcndmcnt en$hrinina property ri,a.ht.s in tbc duu1cr or ri&hu nncl frocdools. 'The follo...,lna Monday. the Minbtcr or JUIICk~ (Mr. Chritien) rcncscd Gfl tbt promise. As a ruuh, the reputation of tbc Soli~ilor Gc..eral wu qlbcd and shaucKd 11.ftd membus or. tll slda • ·ere saddcMd 10 MC • ll<at !Qppcnal to thi$ mini.sta of lbc c .....

0.. 1"'rioos oetaiM)M IC lillal bcca iU.JCCSted dlat tk LibcraJ Party wa:s f.tf...., • c.•perp promuoc IUdc to the Pf"O'VIMJe of O.ebcc 4urilll tbc rcftrUMI•tn camftlip b)' briJIIiQc, ror· ward tbit biU. 1r tlillit k:pllllOil "'u sopposed to fulfil chat ptOm1$C., il is ind~ ~rt.f\IC thll the Pltrti QuCbecot:s. tbe Union Nalic.mak a"d "Ml Q~bc(- Ltbeul Party arc all oppuM'd to what the fcd-erall.ibtnl Party art doinJ.

Mr. Baker (Ntptu.Cifkto•): So 11c tbc: polls,

Mr. 1-"'i~ I untkr.land tb~ pt1lt~ cl.)d:ay rcfkct tl'lnt Nmc sentiment in the pro¥"inc~ of Que bee.

Be thilt 11$ it rn.y, I would potnt we chut thi$ l-lwK m116c 1'10 commitment durillf, the rdcrcftldum campaiJ:n, Durin1 tbe time of tM rcrc:rcndum, this HOIIK and tbe CCIWI.tty • ·tte u·a:tcd to 1hc: ~k ol LibcrJI abirKC miautcn from Qu.eOc:.; rccitiq: t11c 111111)' oltlli"P they were 6oi1Ja ro.- t)gt JlCQ'Iillce,. ud tk per .. cl Caaad:a lfOillld to • IWt..

n.c Ubcnl pany has • d••r eo all thc prol'iiiOeS. 1101. JUf1 ooc. 1t bas a d•ty to a .. olcbc people oltll~ oountry. 1101 JVJ1 tbe poopk of MC proY•IIIOC. h bu a d.u.t Y 10 crt:ate I posiUYC att ilude in thJ1 oountty, b111 i" aaiON have poi100nod Jlf'O'in· cial ~lation&hipt, I implore 1he 10\'etnmc.nt to tbiok of tbc: f11ture or chis country and not of tbe •n~:gniJiocnt obsoesaioo of oDe ml n. 1 lmpklfe the aovernmcnt to $CCk the: ;~ppu)\'u l or the majority or tbc provinc:c:t bc.rote it prooccd~.

P..uriation or 11te Brhliih North Am«i<::• A1:t ha$ bccl'l staJk:d bcc:at.aK no aarecment ha• bcen I'QCbed al first mini~J<o ters' c:onJttc:~n•• to anamcndln1 formula. I say1o you. Mr.

February 26.1981 COMMONS DEBATES 1743

Speaker, that prime ministerS and premkn of C'I~I'Y poUticaJ pari)' since conftdtr;HiQn are to blame for not coming tQ &rips with thb iu uc and deciding it oocc.a.nd for all.

The ameodin8 formula ,.,bich this act proposes pt·O\•idcs that amcodmctlts may be ITt.llde by the House of Cornm()n$ und tbe Senate. whkh are approved by six out or ten pi'O'rinte$ iodOO~ ing: eYCf)' province. thal at any time before the issue of the proclama tion bud, nccordiog to any previous tenen~l tcnJJus, a pc:lflUil• tion of at leut 2S pe-r cent of the poi"J1atioo of Cana· da:-tbat might ju31 ll$ ~·eiJ read Ontario and Quebt.'C-two Qr mo~ of the AIJantic proviDCcs atld t~'O or mc>re of t he .. ·estcrn Jlf(l\'inccs tbat have. h1 the ltWCple, ac:QOfding to the then latest &r•w:ral QCOW!J, a population or lit le.1JJt SO per ocot of the population of all the ~'CStern pr<wioces.

The J~meadiog formuJa pt'(){IO:Ied by tbe government enshrines a hatred for Ontario and Quebec ehrou.&h<lut Canada. What rciC'I·anee does tbe geDCral cen~u:s of 1870 bu,·e to tilt: 19SO:s and the future or Ca nl•d.t? Ha,•ina 25 per cent of t11c population of Can.1d.t in 1870 is a pretty Oimsy exCUJe fOf' giving a perpetual veto to Ontario a.nd Q.:ebc:e. The people of OniArio seek to ioflue11oe the-11fruir$ of Canada but "''C -.·ant to do it based on re;I.SQfl. not on the 1810 censll$. 1'ht: peqple of Ontario t~cek to tra\•el througbout C;ln.idA, to wort :and to live. C'\'erywhere iR this great oountry. We do not need a. perpetual ~to based upon t11e 1870 census. We do not wAnt JJpccial status. We: .seek to go as cquaJ.s., nOt preferred people. We want to so in peace and in harmony.

Let us look at what the United S tatCli does. In t..he United States amendment.s to the Conseitvtion require the apprqval «>r Congres.<~, the Senate and three quartc!'l «>f the StatCli. That llmendill.J formula alklws f""-e.:cpansioo, (Of g~·th aB!! (Qr population shiftll without aiving vct_o power t() any qne JJtatc. 11 is positive in its thrust whereas th? f~>nnulu pro)Xllied by the libcr.-.Js fot Canada it negative.

In 1790, the fim censut in the United StatC$ sbowed 1hat Vifiinia, the largest ol the 13 states, oont.ained 2().S per c;enl of the populatioo or tbe United States. l f Virginia had been gh'Cn a vet() in 1791 it would t(lday conuol amendmenu to the Connimtion with 2.J .Pet QCnt of the population or t he United States, alth~sh I) states now ha\•e.larger populations.

The Vaocoo,·er QORSC'tiSUS pt'CWides fm ~mmdment.s to be made with tbe assent of Parliumem and two thirds of the prO\'inces . .,.,.ith at leu.st SO per cent of tbe population subjot:t to an opting out proviso. That amending (Qtmula makes mud! m(lre lleMc. All p!O\'iiiCet arc treuted equall)'. No one l)rovint:e is !Jjngk:d out for specilllt.rcatmcnt. h is pasidvc in il.$thrust. I agree. that the opting·out formula may rewlt in !JOme chcd:er· b<mrdina but, as has been so ubly pointed out in tbis Hom~c.. CaBada is a dh·eu.c coon try and cbockel'lxxl.rding i$. not new. Besides, the Vancouver a mending (~nnul;a . by delini tion Otlly. alk:rw11 (Qt three pr<winOC$ to ~mke sucb a decision. it i:~ m)· opinion that the VanOQUw:r fotmu.la will auo .. · u$ to e!h~nae the Consticut.ion more readily to meet t.he demand$ C>f tbe: future.

Jo an e.xociJent article entitled. '"The L..iring Canadian Con· stitution .. by Alan C. Cairn$, publish«< in tlle Qu.ntft Qtuu· ttrl)• Wlntt>r /J.Ju~. 1970. 1he author made th-e foUc>wing point:

Th~ CottStltutlon A llOIIsdt .. ioft Is M( m"d) o pico: ot ,.pc •. u • a- .,r ~luiooultips bttwetft fl)•l~f'lllleMU•d btl..,..., P"twlttOIOP:md ~w ,.,, k \ t..u b«:olllC mlbcdllcd ifllloe noivin& •~l!ilt ''"' •111~ d' .-«<'~ rcn"••lo• of (:,.lW!;,,,,

I 5-Ubmit that we need an amendina formula whicb recog· ni1.tS the c:voh·ing hAbib and values of suooessive t-tnt:r:~tiom C>f CanudiaM and can react to them.

Fina.lly. 5-~king as a Member of Parlllln'u.>nt from Ontario, I would •nakt one further poin1 with respect to the amcndin~; ronnuta. If this government intend$ tO plunse ;~head with the unfaitness or th;- lune:ndin_g fOf'muJa contained in the bill, I say plc~5e spoue Ontario the grief o( special St.3tull and, change it to read: tbe. provinct ()( Quebec; t~v or more of the Atlantic ptt)\'inees ;tnd three of the lh·e ptO\'i.noes "'·est of Quel;)e(;. We in Ontario believe in tbeequalityofaJI Canadians.

So•e .. oA. Mtmbtrs: Hear. hC3t!

Mr. U wit: The ptl>ple o( my rid in_J, Simooe North, •·ant a C(lnstitution made in Canada by CanadiaBS. We reject tbe t heory that the Ubtr3l Party. -.ithout a mandate. s h<IUid be asking Brit11in tQ :&mend Can.ada's Constitution. We r-eject thi!J gQvemmenfs effort 10 make Btita1n a fa ll guy in t his affair. Since the passage or the Statute of WestminJJtcr. Britain lut been the tru.stce of the British North Amcri~ Act. lt h.a~ not h;~d t11e right to amend the a« e.xocpt at l.he request of the Parliament ofCa1tada.

e ( lCW)

lt is u fund;&mental eonoept in law tbat a trustee ~!all

c:C>n<.lu<:t itself in aOOotdanoe with the terms ()( the tru!Jt and tbat the trustee. shall not suffer perwnAI harm from acting at trustee JWO\·ided it conducu itself in aCOO!dance. with the tenns or tbe trusL

Tbanks tO the diligence of t11e media and questions pur.lued in tbiJJ Hou$e by oor pany. it is dear that the g_ovcmment told Britain it would do ooe thing in June ;~nd tben did $Ometbing else in Oct()ber. ll a n)-.,ne is to surfer from dcceptioo. w rdy it i h(lukl not be t11e inQOQCnt party.

B·titaio should tiOt be embarTnllkd internationally because of c~nad.a's intcrn;ll differences. That is bardJ)' fai r. it is a t n~d ilional coune of action for tJ1e. Prime Mini$ter to 00\'Cr a failure of reason by pickins a light tC> di,·ert attention. He. has been dofn.g it to tbe west for )'cars. Now is the Lime. to take the oo•.nse of hooour, not deception -.·ith Btit.ain ~nd wit11 Canada.

Tbc concept th:n Canad:1 JJhould not embarrass Brit11in intern.atiollo1Jiy aocs band in hand witb another theory. Canada is a SO'I'Creign nation. If we man2se-our Qwn aft a in , ""'C control our own destiny. Whether or not 11.•e. agree. with wh<~t tbe Llbcn~ls arc doing, I join my colleage, the hOn. member for St. John's East (Mt. McGmth), in :~uggestina tbefe JJhould be no nlcddlin& in oor :~fl';ti r$. When t11e Constitutioo gett there. it :shQuld be passed 8$ prcsC'tl ted., quktfy, with n() ume:ndments.

Bric-Oy. I "''ish to d l$>Cu.tS the ch~rter of ri&hts and fceedomll. I want t<t talk ab()ut tbe concept of sucb a cbarttt. the ~;ontent Qf the proposed Chart«. the mechanism r~ Ch<lngc and tWO .specific impt"O\'etnentt .

1744 COMMONS DEBATES fcbrury l6, I 91 I

Tlf.t ONurinuiOtt

My ancaton al'ld tbt a~on ol many ol my c:onstilltoents (ooJhl tht: Jil.fdj and l ing.'! or fn&land 10 CIIUlblljh their rig.hl$.. They came to Canada a.s free men and women. They did ~~ wn~lder it ncoessary to draft a bUI or ri(!.hiJ. 1'hc:y comide~ that t he Individual had all th~ r{ghl.s 11nd (recdoflu ncccBJary. They • ·ere prept~.rod to dclepte away c:crutln riJI,htJ and fn..-e· dOmi 10 the IO~Cfftlt'W!OI itl order 10 operate 1ft orderly IOCkl)'.

Mr. Blab!: Tc:U ltS about Pcocta"'u.isbme.

Mr. ~"~~ Tnc mi•is.tr:r uU me abowt lhc: I<Wita or Ptfte. t:Up~ The siuaatioo lkrc: llw iplit the 001nmu.nity. The .... ~et • .. ill ~· •itll lftlft) tncmbcn of the Labcf~ Party1n that com.murty •ilo f~ lbattlilc com..._llll)

does *" ftCCid a tchool wJbdt, " &01-s to split tk QIIIIDUIIy. ne rld•nl fi'Uidmt ot tbc Simc:oe 1\Qrtfl Ukfal Mlccation told me tbat. I appN:Ciuc tbe min:ist« r11isin1 tiN m:aurt.

TIK Crlml:nal Code is an example olt~teb o ddqatioo. h ddlnn c:rime and $lipulalel P\lft i.ihlfiC:lll ror dlize:nJ who t:onunit trimQ, Eloctod ICJICC5CRIIl tivcs or the people dcddcd to td:e '*"''I)' an i.-dlvlduill's (rtcdon'l l( he or the could nOllive within the rule$ (){.society. In eertuin <1tltcr lmuanccs. rights were afnrmed by documet~ts such as tbe Mujl.n~ C.rtllo wrincn In 121.5 ••hlch ttlshrined the writ ol ~bcus CO!puf conlirmina that the alate must appear in open QOI.Ifl aftd 1<hor-' J_.st c:ause wily an iodi,•MttW U.C.)d be dcpriYCCI or hh or 1xr (rrcdom. I abmh tlut the in61vid:.al bu aJI the ri&hu alld (r~ and., throq.h IUJ or ber dcacd teptC$C!!MIIiYa. ~MY ddq.att awt.y ..............

I U:ndcntaii!Citk ......a• ofmyCIOMtitiMIIU •Iilo t.vc COIIGt

10 Caucb from other COIUitrics •bctc. the llldn'!Cfqfs n,.t.tt ud (retdoms art noot as saertd as tbcy ·~ i• C..Mcb. 1'1IQe people arc cooOC"mcd •bout tlw P"M«tion or tkir ripu ~uJC tbcy were deprivtd ol them, in tome catu by JUvnn· men" In c:ountti<S wh.ich h.nc t1 bill of r(Jhu. In no •. ._, ih<Makl they (eel tbat any individual rlaht I• threatened in Can/ldll There should be 01 certninty 10 riahli. F'ot dun fetnon. I tun pe110nally prep.1rcd tO suf1110rt 11 (hllrtcr of rightJ u d freedom~.

If we t'.nshri.l\oC our rights and rr«domt at dc.nncd in 1981, ~~re mutt be aun: thlt the cb11rter OQint.tin~ all the ri@.hu and r~1t11 raow oonsidc:fed to cxK.t and alloolr lor qtuel.. <:asy ameftdmtftl to imflr'O"·e the ebarter. No ont iA tlilil HOIQC ts a S...a11 • ho can JiU.te unequrvocally th:a.t tht C'Mr1C'f ofR wbts aM F'rft!IIOIM QM!taiRS d tbe riclnt alllj f~OIM lhll prtS-­

actJ ubc or tholakl oisa.. Tltc nJua a.d attaloada ol soc;Jc:cy C:hl-tc. llu.t il lk natun; ofthinp. I hl't'C M~ CO MU)

• ..._ that aa~ -ritiq a e'-attct ol riafH• and frecdomt In 1900 would nOt 1\oln indud~ the pt'Oioito tllilt women bave the ri&bl to vote. Would M!Ch. an amendment hive paned In l11.tcr )'Clatl IJ it bad to go th.roucb tbc .,ovunmcnt'• prop~.~t~ed arncndlna ronnullt? If the amendment was oonsidc.rcd prcma· IUICI by one. pi'O't'inoe Of another, ic •'OUid hiiVC (nUcd. Rancour. diAippt>lnuncnt and di~ooment •·ould prevoll,

I am ILI!IO bolbercd b)' the r~ct th;~t 11'1)' rl1b11 as an incU•Idu11.l 1re to be: determined by 11 Judic, not "" dtetcd rcpruc.ntatlve. At a lawyer, I have vcat ~~ for lbe

judicial $)'$4C'm. lhc j\ldtd.ary and O.e Nk or l~w. but I d6 not want to tell n eititcn that a oom.titutional amendment i.11 required 10 allSCrt the rilhts which I•~ thought he had. Govern~ ment ~hould be or taws.. nut or men. RiKhl:s not defin~ in the! Ch11ner of Ri&htll und f'reedonu•houW becllpnbleQfdefin ittol'l 0t impt'O'Iement by eloetcd rcJ!rOC.IIt.atives, DOe jl.'d~s.

I appreciate th11 t 1he point I am now about to maltc it not QOIIsti1u.1ionally line tu nod. I u t the IIJ''Cmrnent 10 c:onsid(lr som~: mc:tbod whc::rc.by the chltter of fiahts and (rcodomac ClOUid be ammckd ll')' 1 wote ln h rbamtat... improriq 111d expudiq lite ri&hU C!Ofttaia~Cd • the daaner by • ample DtjoriiJ ol Pa.l'liammc lkt if npu 01 (~ arc bM1 rcdiiiCII:d. they mut be wbjcct to tk IIJACI!dt:n& f<wmub..

la t.hc spirit tll2t it k the duty o( Ulc oppat.:tbOft to :wncst i:m~cs. I wbh to C(MitiiiCRt Oft two poMibk am«!dmcrtta to the Ch:utn ol Ri4:hU and Fr«dotm.

lt is a &larirta. d(0CIC:11ey (.;t the prupoKd dl:ttU:t ol rl1hll and rrc:c:domt n04 to COft tai~t 11. auu•ntce or an indivWu11l'• t ights to own PfOpeny. 1'he I)•<•Jrtl!i~e Coascl\•ativc: Pany h;u pr(l~ thtlt C\'Cryonc hill the riiSht tO life, llbcny and $CCUrit)' or the pctiiOft 111td Utc Cfti~>ymcnt ol prop:rty .nd the right 001 to be deprived thctc:or. cxcc-pc in ac:oordanc;e with the principles of natural justiOD.

The Libuab: alld NOP hue ~jetted protmicwl fOf an indiridul't property ri&Jtu. llu_t b • Jluins error. The risht to o-'ll)W"OpmJ ai'CIIIMM laavt k &a.kea away aa::pt by ...... ntl J.Slft IS I f•llilhmmtaJ ria)tt ol ~~~ Cuadiaas. lllat fi&ht $hod:~ be CM•niiCd. We do IIQC ICd to ~ l;(WUMiftlll from aJIIOfiNtinra • etUld't ptOpM.y •be« il ea• P'O'fiC: a :spccifK IIHd t.ltuls fair and in U.C inkrnu ol sociny. But we are ~ tMt by omitti111 entirely uy reference to propcny rigbtl, tbc Libcrtl~ ••11 be invlli..;, a. judicial intci"'Pfc· tatioo thiH t:iti""' have no ri,aht to CJWn PfO!lCrty. Soeialim will rejoice,

I wish to put un n:oord • letter I r«eived rrom the Mtdl:lrtd• PertJttiln£ District Rcul E'tllle l:l<litrd. I quot~

0. boltt41 •'"' ;., J' mfiiiiN,. c-o1 (Oft!Wnt ud r~rOor• -'",... 1hc Liberal po.:o,_ ... M:'- 91' ttfw.lnt 10 -tCII(h PJCIPCII\Y ri,lllt M '"­C~ota.IJltt••"'frffllllo-

l'toptny riJ:I$ M ,_:ly ,.,.-..lOftS ftr In dte ~ Bill fJI llijth" ~._.,

k IM111tulllll•it._ •IQ' c.-.~ .. '"'"•Ill fiPU ud ~ ,.,,. .. ~ ... _...... llw ........ fll ,_ ,.nr ~ '"-

_,. ---fl ,......,, .............. --- fll lifkL •• -.... - .... .... ..._ .. c--.. .... JMI)"\ ....... f!l ...........

111 cocby"s JOnet), a JICI'IIM·s pmacy t.cu COIItltk:u ifttr.. s;ioas.. Propcny OWKI'tll.p pt'CIIO"fa a fcdin& ol print'y. lt aJ~ us to "',et a•11y from it all"' with a seme tiNt we arc rclrutins to 1011neth.in1 wbieh M ''ou"- llnd ca..n.noc. be: OOt'lfi~> c:ated by tbc .COliC. Th<~t COfiCcpc b preci<MJ$ IQ Cltn3dians. lt li a oooeepc or perlfOnal lndcpcndl!nce. 1t also foster$ a ~.:n~tc or pc:rm:tncncc.. Mark Twain on« ~uid , .. Buy land, they ~topped makin.a i l'',

Surely the Charter of Rlahu1and Fretdoms should bt> t.1.p:l1id~ ed lO ioelu<le this ~~le ()()!l()tpl t.t"hrining the right or e~ery Canadi;~n to own p!OI)C'rty.

Febtu:·try 2.6. 198 1 COMMONS DEBATES 1145

• ()f)(l)

Lastly. Mr. Spcakct, I d teply rearcc th81the Libtr:'ll P~uty :'lnd it$ members d () not ttndcn1and the ntcd~ity for an affirnu.t ion of the principle ol tbc suprtmltcy o( COO in the Cltantr of Rights nnd Frccd oms; because it i1 Goo. aod it is 1.01 one political par1y, nol an)· OllC man, it is not a cbar1er ()( rights and freodoms.. to • 'bonl Ca nadirms ,t.h(lukl look for guidunce. faitb in God gh·e$ mc;t.ning \find purpose to human life. That principle sbould be cnsbriocd in the cl1arttr qf rights :1nd fn::edoms.

In d~ina. Mr. Speaker, I wish to comment on tbc unsccm­in& haJte of tht· gtn·ernmenl in this mauct. l reject the suggenion that there baJ b«n a 54~y~r di:Jay in scltlina the ntJtttcr of oonsthutior1al reform. j~~St as ( earlier ctitici?.ed the premiets snd prime: miniw:n • ·bo have not :1ppli.:d thc~eh·es to this impor1ant subject. I am, h<1wt:vcr. in f<n'Q\lr of telling the provinces to get oo • ·ith tbc:ir proposals. Instead of press conferences and premiers· meetings. they shouk! decide on nn acttptotblc: amending formu.la, intnxlucc the appropriate re» hHion in the ptovlndill legislatures and gi\'e some fina lity t() tbose thin,g:s •·hich they are so free to t:ll t l'lbwt at prm oc:»•ferc:IKC$, There should be. some fiulily to tbe provincts' pos.ition.

I would also ~U$&e$l. Mr. Speaker. that if tbey applied 11 similar p ruceu to the ChaM~r or Righu and frecdqm~. ~11 Canadi.01ns would benefit Stld we: would tben uuly ba\'e sonle· thina or which we can all be proud.

Some !tun. MeJD.btn: Hear, h-c:u!

Mr. Cill)rrt Part• l (Well•ttd): Mr. Speaker. a~ the. hon. member for Slm()()e North (Mr. Lewis) has st:md, •·e in this House of C«nmons cannot play tl1e r(lk of Solomon. We all oome here ..-itb dUferent pc:rtepeiolt$ of Canada. and I dtint it i$ t ime fot eael1 on.: Qf llS. in his or hc:r own way, w sh<tre • ·it.h the other$ his or her vision of Canada.

I remembe-r from tbc: play ''C)r:~no de l)erserac" ..-·bere the Iter<» ••• ,$ once asl:ed 10 write .sQmething • ·hich "''as nattering but untrue. a.ttd l1c ~l.;tted in tbe play: "A m:an sl1ould neither uttet nor write a • wd • •hkh be. li rli't Ms not beard in his own hqrt." Tonight. Mr. Spe::•ker, I .s.harc lll'ith all (){ my «11· leagues in tl!e Hou::;e word$ that I ba''t heard f(K' the lint time itt my own hean.

With the return of the la ndlt\:'lrk OOn~tiU.Itiooal resolution fr(lm committee. it is at laM :1ppropriate to speak of Csna.d., entering the· e:1rly min11tes or a new et:•: in my Qpinion, Mr. Speaker, 11 spkndid nc:w era. Tlte ywmt~.n wort of cre:u in! a ne• · constitution hat nqv.• been com~ecod. Oh. there will be more debue and perhaps some inlporunt :1mcnc.lm<:nts: but with this m;Vor body of pbii~M:ul ond t<x:hnk al "''OC'" oomplc:te. it should now be pcmiblc: for all or us ut bcsjn exploring the vital pros.pccts that flow from .;.'Qnslitutional rtne•·ttl.

In ()ur q uic:e moments. Mr. Speid.:er, many of llS have wistful ~rninp f« a 1-.ew w;ty to articulate our nst.ionbood. Thae are ordinar)' people c:very•·bere in this country who feel $00lC·

T/1(' C<mltitlltit>fl

thing fot Canada. They ha~t- bc:.:n sc:ekin.g 11 wu.y to cJe.seribc vagut, but powerful, stirrings virt ually bunting rOf re-lease and each, in his <K her own way, bas • •ishcd to pay th i$ ;unuint country its full due. But. somehow. in 113 year.:~ ol' c:on fedeta· tion. wt have not quite found the: right wQrds.

The Canadian natiOI'Ialist, the pc:r.:~on moved by an explicit lo"e of this oountry, h;t.s been tbc: e.'<c:cption, ra ther titan th~ rute, through muc.h of our history. Sitloc t he fif'llt l;!u;ropcon c:xploret.s stated claim to thb part of Nc>rth America. people. lh·in& here hll\'e been inclined to focus attention out:tfde ()( Cun.1da . We: ha'f'C been shaped by foreign sy1nbols l'lnd C\'ems, many ol them fro1n tbe d istant p:a$1. With euch generation. this fi)CUJ has bc:cn less t;ppropria tc:; and with C3Cb g_cner:ttion D Knsc or UDea$e has ioetcascd for t he substantial bod)' of CanadiaM. like 1ne, wilh deep r<)()t$ i.n this country.

There h<\l'C been no words to describe our pl:1ee, thwc: of us who "''ere born here. 1Dil)'be t•'O C)r three: generations ol us. This is QUr land . T here ba\'C been fc:<a• symbols to whith we ClOUid attach our mc:Mint,.1: the. 69 y.:3r$ bc:fore we could PfOCiaim our Canadl::tn dti~nship; tbc: 97-year wait rm our own d isti.nctil'e flag. which is to yot~r ti&ht, Mr. SVCAkcr; and tbe 113 YC3ts without an offil.'ial :tnthc:m served M muc-h to underline-thi$ point \tS to oorrcct it.

I ba\'e discovCicd, Mr. Speakt r, th:'tt t he Mirrings that 1 feel-the. n irrings that I sh;1re with so many Canadiani-llre th0$e-of the n<ltionali5ts, I am a Canad ian rut.ionaliSot. I (tm not an Ontario nationalist. or a Quebec nation:d ist. I am DO( a •·estern ~t.ionali~t. and I d() not Pill the maritimcs btfon: e~"<:rything else.

My nat~1alism i$ reserved for what di~tinguisbes all 23 million Qf us, from Swedes. or fren<:hmcn, or 8riti$ben, or Americans. I am not talking bert ttb<lut t h<: $Or1 of· notionalism that d oi:Ud a people, tbut m.ak.c:s them am:.canl or ~rrQ\11·· minded or exploitati~. That is t.he nstionaUsm of idwiQ8ists. 1 am talking about tbc sort or natiQn;ll i'm that makes it ~lblc for 11 pcopk to rca<:h out, to be magnaftimollll. !lttvn: in the: knowledge tlvtt they have. !IOmethins unique and precious to @l\·e to the .,..'<M'Id.

This nationalism flows from a ftcl ing of bdc>n&in&. rrom a .sense of nation:~! commitm.c:nt. lt hingc:s on the ability of tbout,htful cititens IO CO piU re the inspiring essenoc O( tuliOD­bood in words and in !l)'mbols. Without :t $ensc: or national oommitment. without :'1 pride th;tt rises ll~"< local boundaries, what r.:nuin$? The uswc:r is painfully dear bocau.'le· it is Cll rTc:ntly being demonstrated in our bcl<ni:d Clll\a.da . What is left is competition for spOils fos.terod b)' wealth that b::u n(lt bi.:en t.'l(lmmiUod t<J greater oommon ends. Witbout :1 ~nsc: of national QOfllmitment we ooutd "igorou:dy exploit wr materi:"IJ treasute for :'1 ti10ubnd yea~, lUlc.l still be impo""<:risbcd.

I w.1nt Can\tda 10 c:x<:d in .spheres in whic-h we arc: pe:rticu· larly gifted . I •·:tnt u.s to proc.luce JOO(Is better than a~1)'i)nc elt)e. I W<llrtt vs to celebrate tlle forms of artistic e..:pres$ion tbat best rcflcc:t out soul. I wtwt us tO piQnecr new branches ol t nowkdSC and tO d.:YCIQp uo C\'tn more humane social system.


Tlte C<lfUril~t~

The prindplcs that will mate t~ ctldt poMi!We IJC- now clarly tlll&t(d in 11 COnstitution th;at will 1100n be entirely our own, I believe IJtatthe great $)'lllbol of 8 home-r.,.~ cons-titu· lion tntbodyln.g our most c-herisbcd C'Onccpdon•. our most prilcd riJI,hl$. b a ar~:ut br<:.1kthrou&h. I n !VIII\ chnl11 reaction. it will ura.e ~111 to•·ard a qu.it1 but 8 ph:.fuulld rcvolutkln or 11plrit. Let me took brlcfly at tbt demenu or the comtitution;al r~hat!on that I belic<ie •·ill be the active ln.crl:'dic.nu in this rc'I'Oiutioll or spirit. IT'TaAII•JICM)

To .. ,. mtftCL oee of the moA. impon .. t aJf!Ot'lS of tMs raoluuo. il U.t it ptUUtc::c5 tbtl aD Caudia.M Wlll be fru to lidtk • kn: they wut ill lhis ~•try llo- c .. •c ~ft a ~"*it iu chile• arc..,. rtu to liiOIJe arond astbcy wisll! Only if we Cln loot ror wock. put our cltildrc:" i11 tclilool1wbn~e tbcy will noc (cd out ql pbce and bcconw homt 0'<11 n~s and build in any area oi the. l'OUntry will we ClOI'Itld~:r oundva cililcn¥ ola arcat n;1tion. O tlkrwise, '<~~''Cl thsll ot\1)' be raidcnu or holltlltllnd tellttlcu:d reudal kingdoms.

fl'lty .. lc.l obiitacla to travel have vittutJIIy d iJU.J)t:lelrcd. We: CP.n 10 nearly evcry.,.•berc i.n Canada 1~:~ 11 ai11.(1.11: dby, nnd in ~~ casu, mucb n'IOtC quick.ly. The: only real * '"cle:s arc p~yctloloaicaJ and lcpl. The psycbolosieal obi1ack1: rt:Oe<"t rrar, lpt)~bc:nsioo •od unoc:n;ain~y. fuelled by ptrct:l\'td rqioftal dMPoos. Tbc Com:tit\lliQn we }Q" bee~~ otlt:ml c .. o.ly drml••t.e s..cl! paupdons by tUralltcriq unoquiYOCaiiJ the (l'ftllbtl ol IIIIOfil'tmmt aac! tomlllllllb.UOM. Tk 1cpJ

obfc-*' •n ta.. whicl civt' spccUI ~ploylllltftt and owner· ~lP ria•u IO b:al rc::sidt:tt.ts. Tksc an «ttaln:ty lite ~ intMIIOIU ot.t&cb. lU tlltc:y discrimia:uc: bt:twc:t11 atums from OftCI: 11m and thole: rrom elsewbctc. l'll.ia Cl.n be tk c:au.se ol tub.aa di•istorn aDd areat bitt«OC$S.. Whhoutll'!Obtl•tY riabu. tbt~ can be no CfllCition or th-e n.1tion;al conunitn~cnt to which I rcft:ti'Od tlltlter. For this ptincip1e to pe'flil, all Cun~dtM\'1

mulit red at hOfn(. (vt:ry,..·hcre in Cnnadll.. Thi1 '<~~'ill promote an cnUahtei'ICIJ nutiooalism. .. _ IE"IIIsll l

The Nkal · ·hh rcsa.rd to langu,e ric;hts ... ould be for eadl pmot~ltl•ny part {l( tbis e:ou.ntry 10 cttoc.M freely •hicll or tbe otndal a...,..,e» be or me waou to uc. b1n ill ruehuta tbd ideal tile« IDIIJt be 00 llifn o{ CCIIllfl'lhloo. nit., U much U al)1•int. .,11 bt lfK tcsC ol our wealth ol ..,.nt ia the polt•patriatioll period.. lr some proriMICI ab)rct and AJI~t mccuaalh.d chal~ ot spirit · ·in be ik'CiftW'OKIU, , .. , it ril im-olvc: ut,. upeme or tllilt it may CIHIJC .tOniC !IC'ei.IOM of the eommunity. then tbat too wiJJ be a mcaJUtc or o.r tpirit.

The third prlnclpk. that or cquall2ttlon, IJ alto to be rormully recoanilcd in the: Cc.lnslitution. Thl~ I• 11 tnccha.n1sm OtJCnatlna lurgcfy ou.uide the glare of pubiK:Ity, b\lt it too mirror1 11nd c.•t• phalli~cS the principle or rnoblllty, In thlJ ca~~e a IIIObllity of opportunity, You $0C, the rreedOifl 1<1 tiM)'I'C (tOIII one pb01 to anotJ~er is tbe flip sidc or rrccdo•n to ~main in one't tnoest,.l t.c)me •·illlOUt penah)··

Some have tf&'llcd lbal .... ilbott protection aaainst ~ mt:ttt ca.ch new diKovcty ol wcuh.h 'A'ill mean a disruptift tni&ration ol Canadlan.s from one region to aMthet. but thi fl nc:c:d only be a rear If CniUid•anJ do not share equally the: rlcbcs they jointly ow.<n. l!qut•litullon cn~ui'CS a fair distribution or wealth thMtJgh the mtChani~m Qr lftlnsfer JXl)'IAC:ntl. 'fhifl enables Can:~dlnM with won.~ cmotiooal auach.mcnt$ to thc:ir homes to et1joy oontlnu(l(! rWtkncc: without punish.inc tu bclrdens or oonJiMd botl1011t. To wch Canadians eQUAiirotiOa is tbe taqjblc: C"id~ of tbc lldchbollrly (I(JiftOCI'Il of 1hci1

~triou i• oth« JWO"tftCU.

Mt. Bat« (N~·-~ Tlta.t .s wdl ssid.

M:r. Palftt:: la "'' YIC"' it ill ricin ....,, iodi'ridul$ ~W laa.vc ripts which CllltlloOI be atb.tnrll)' umpc:red with by Pfli:U'M:Ot.

Mr. E,p: HeaJ, hear!

Mr. l"•re11t: In a 11c:n~ tbb J!Ul$ the individu:~l ah<l~e government, btAt it ulliU ~~~~ the individu.<~J erentc:r responsibility.

RC$ponsibility 11nd 11plrlt are linked. What pc:r$0n eould rrcc:ty dedurc hinuelf In love "'lth hls counuy if it offered htm no rundamcntJII ngl•ts aftd pvc hlm no personal rc:!i:pQn$,ibil! ty for cJtcrckias aad proteedt~a themf

(TrmuletU.) I am thttcfore iD fa._r el Cfltrut:•m& bls.ie fichu la tlllle

Constitutiofl. I a• abo ID ro~~vwr of aa a:mcadmcat Jl")Q:d•rc; whidt ca:s.m tk ptnJCtpaboe ol a lfC:Il majority q( c ...... j. am to uy ~n•tton:SI rdona. ladecd. as bras the Comti· tutioct is concnMd. as il Is so Cllf(ntial to the arhcabtl()rl ol our utional spirit, tbc I'C"•tiCII numbc:r p.miblc or cititclls mu:ll be in~olvt:d tu directly at po»ibk. When we b:lvc finally paulatcd o11r Conttitutlon. we thall have 11 solid lq~•l instnt• rnent 10 protect and prontOte our tighu and r~doms. How· ever,llll I Jmid ellrlicr, it it pc:rh~p.l the lJ)'mbolic 3SpeCt of 1 1~ Constitution which i~ tbe tnOitlmpottant • (EngliJh)

This is not to ny t ltr.at we • re !*raently withoot bome·&rv-·n symbot:s. As I lne':fttMiru:d, our Oa& and aathem ate MW reoopized around the WOrtd b 4iJtUICtly Canadian J~ymbol&.

M r. 8bk Hut. lilca"

Mr. hrnl: N'12,pn fa.lb.lllc Cmtre Uloct •e arc i• loOW,

late l011ise.. the old q'Nttcr ol Qudwx.. tllc: V .lJICOIIIY'CI' MY'" ltne:: a.JI « thest: bavc b(p tftOI.IUltOil <t'lti'Oe and S)-mbolic c:onteot. Our cunt.nt leader. tile Pnmc Minista (Mr. Tru­dc:au.), tbc Leader o( the Oppot;iboo (Mr. Clark) 11nd the lc;ader or the-New Oc:rnocratlc: Party (Mr. Btoodbcnt) are ull three united by n vbion ol a fully independent and rCSpQnsible Canada. They dirrcr on deuul:~.

With t h.e pu.triatit>n or our CoatSthution it is my belief 1h111 we will draw 1Mtc fully on .-ymbob and ~mons like tbc:se in rorJin.a our VCT)' owfl lde.ntlly as Canadi.ans. A Canada trsnilo

fcbnaary 26., 1911 COMMONS DEBATES

for!Md by a rn-ohuioft of spirit will !M be 1 C.nacb without dbaaroement. P11.»ionate argument ill the OllCn 0\'Cr m111te.n of co•uoquencc: and aimed at peaceful ~lutlon it one: or tbe Jlorlt~ or our i)-stem here in C.nada. Indeed, I ace the vcllcme•W:t: ol the ckbutc over the CooJithu.tiOft flj an awuk.eo­lnt ur pnuiom rooc.cd fot all ol U$00 nil s~ or this Hou.se ill a deep love ror this country. Wbo ~ukl want to IUJUe in so lively a w11y ~r something worthk.N'T AIMS, t4:1 be .sure. ara:umcnt •ill not end wlth the PIMP: of t.b raolution. Cimamstaacn c:haQF. aUituda C'hall&C alld CONlitutioM manac. Nothi_, that is 1111ly ali.-c is ttmc11tdl lmi'AOnlbly ia ,, •.

ne hoL _..bcf ror Simcot ~ lbtlltioMd that M 1190 the Aate fll Y.b bad 2) per CICDl or 1$ J1Cf otat ol the ~la lion olthe I l ClCIIonics. He p;11111Cid .,_., thlt ill Mbte­qllic:tll yean all the other 12 .states beeame more poptabl.s than Vlf'Jinla and that under our CoMtilutioft .. VirJieb"' •'()ou.ld 1lways luwc a \'CIO power. I believe thiJ Owlfthution will chnnac before 200 more yea,~ r-ss. h toot u1 114 yenn1 to get thb ono lllmed over.

"''lr, Lt11d1orrt: Why put it In there?

Mr. llart-nt: I bcl~c wbat we ahooJd be lookl"t 11t i11 not only a oou.ntry that is tt'O¥o'i.n& bn.t abo • COIIntry that is f'loorbhln1. a c:ou.ntry or wbicb we ud our c~ldrc11 cu wdl b.: pro.d of bctn1 pan.

Atssmctu ril be requiml 10 aubll:at. lk lhape ol that doaunut la tlw- yors lo eome. t-1 we .,.,. rartcNbrr tlto~l •1'1•••• • '* tile heart ol tk: maucr. iC h mcrdJ lhc lllildlaaaan. Comlftitmm.t ud rcsput • nd klw o( CIOIJatry •re tbc: bc:art ol the: millet.

0\ltlidc thb OOUI'Itr)' tbtrc arc no hyptll!ll"td CanadiaiiS. Tbc:rc ere ilmpfy Ca~dianJ, There are oo fu:ncl1 CanudianJ, EnaJbh C.nadillll$, Hungarian CanJ• dl;r,"~ or Jap&ncsc Ci•rt.adilan~o, but Canadians. i1111t i1 hctw ..-~ IH.; tooted upon uuuJdc thll e-.1untry.

11 ther~ a ,klplfati.tt s.ktndl J;tin ing in tl'u.: w«"t'l I wat out wc:Jt, 11nd I Clln tell hon. m(;mb.:rs that thc:rc UIC feclingi or anau and rruJtr;~tion. 1 cx.perh•.,II."Cld th.:.•n 1'\r•t·hu!MI, but ir there ruiiJ ilthis sep:u:uiu sitlux.WI, u uur alobal ncl.&hbows tool on • • w~t is this comptred wtth Qlar united p.iNuh of C.\cdlcf!Cle •• 1111 fields': ·-lt tlllcrc a P"llrict ift q.c:b«: .tiiO • ou.ld • t e 10 tJ.Ud a fe110e ttollftd h11 ponic:wl ol Cauda! ()utMik lhil OOIIfiU)' he bardy mcriu mcndoa compared to the bc:roet aad remarkable people •ho lr~e berc;: the Kt.~~ aDd Pat Taflors, thc Terry fou•. who rlaht thh minu1c is lig,hting for biJ hfe. the Ka~" Kail'ls 11.nd the ~sen 6f tO!by. or the: FrWtricl: lbnti"S'- Normu 8cthuii•C5. Billy Bishops. Mars.hall Mel..uhl•l'lt., and the Nellie Mc:Ciun11 of yesterday.

Where are tht:~ RQ~;ky Mountai•lj: not In Urhl'h Culumbio or Albertu but in Canada. Where is Niaaara fallll'f lt Is In C.nada Where Is t he Reauf«t Sea, the St. Lowrtrt«~ ~.away

l'A~ CotulilllfiCM

aod Loui&bou11l They 1r11 •11 ln Ca.nada. Tbty uc in prav· incc;, but tbcy bclon,a to all or~. They arc ben: in our C.1111da and, by God, they arc o~o~n.

Some .. ..,... Me111lttUt Ho11r, btnr!

Mr. Parc•t: ht.sidc thi1 country it eouJd be tbt same. Tberc U oo need to rcduoc our cuhu1111l riehn(::J$ to aoncragca:, We: do aot 3.11 llavc to •lna the amc liOfll· Tbere is good rtasoa to aclmow~e the qu.alickt u.nlci~~oe: to Ca.nada ••ic:h tqmcc: .. poilitic:aJ bolu'ldar'iCS ud pot1tial P'rties .00 make us oac wld1 our fcUow cilirc01. S.c:h are tile qualities ol tk enlq.hkMd b'e ol •"'-ol ..,bdllapcal. We""""~ bKl a.-.y • kal WC Speak of b-e of CO.IUJ Pnillapt thc::soc &re • ords • hid! sbould noe be lUCid b)' parhamct~taria.M. Pctbtps • -e st.o.W 1lK tbc jatp ol tbc bu.rca.cnu in Ofder to ltidc 0111r feelings aiMS 1101 lt1 uyone know ,..bat thiJ land means to us.. For ttte thd ~-e or • ·hicb I tptak., thii n:adonalism.. thit love ol CCIUntry,. a statement which I h11~c earrlcd with me a,IJ ofmyaduh m~

~;'.:~eh Jan<l C\-ery Ctut.adlnn h;u tbe power to Wnt nbute mightily to this revolution or tpiri t. l.et Ull nQt wu.slc lillC:b potential by divtdlna our cncr1ics and bo.uJing. amon3 our· .K.I'I'C.S. Sud1 is tbe impottonoc I place on tbt OC'lf'Utitutiontl resolution. h bas been the uniqu.c Opp.>rtnnity or thi!l P..trl.a· mc:nt to give. it tlmpc. No- h iJ our biswtic dut·y to &I've. it 11 pcrmaaent place in lk «t) .tOOl or the Canadi2n U1ioa.

Socn.t tllrtt )'Utt aao. Mr S,C.br, J was at • dinact ..,lldl was attenclcd by IJic PfCklll Spralet ol tht otliltl' pbtt. I tile lAc tibc:ny to..._ .. e-lhc Uoa. Ja.a Mardgnd, At OUt dWtct lilt: was u.bd if M W k whole politic:al carcu tMt at;ain wllat daqa. he -.Id Mat e. He said i.f he luld it aU W)

do 0\'Cr apia he WOiild lll.e one hour out or nery wcc:lt a nd he would .spat to Ofle ol ut., OM of hls colleagues.. and we ooukl teU him about CNt Canada and he coukl tell us 11bout bit Perhaps ir I''C did lake OIICI hour OUt or C:VC:I)' week, • •c did 11U.: about our Cnnad11 101~1hcr, ah1uina our Canada without )'ell· in& at one another. ond lr we oould truly sit down il l'ld list en to oot another, pe.r-hapt tiM:I'I tl•c:r111 wguld be tile Canada t1latll.ll gr U$ •isllo8Jize. After lootin,a cardully i.nto n1y own hcnn and to my OWft t<Mil th1J I• tlle~ •i£nirtt;ancc I have or Cauda, a Cauda rounckd and arowina .nd flourishing ~;~nd« God. Lnclccd, I beliconc t.hiU Ood Is watdlill'.& a¥C:r atld lookm1 af'lct Ca.ad:a.. I !IOW 1st m)'idt a rkt.orical qiiC$tion alter thac rew minutu ol Jhant11 aftd I ast JW. aU or )"011. my coi:Jcqt.ta.. b my Yision of Cauda to ftt) lllUC':Il diffcnat tba yous?

So.t- ..._ Mra"""" Hear, hca~

Mt. S. J. t::(llr(jllJMI (Madteadr): Mr. Speaker. I fiJlerted •·ith great lntcrc•t to the boil. member for WellaM (Mr. Paruat). Ne ended on • note wbic:h many of us on thl• side in the official opposition 'ul»etibc to. In the re•· remarks he made toward th~ end ol hi• 'peeoch he: rc:oognizcd that there it 11 God. We in thi5 p~~ny believe In the suptt-macy or Ood. We beliC"''C tbc oo.ncept ' hould be entrenched. We will wd.:ome him to join witb us in GC~pothlon when tbe fiB3.1 vote b L:akc:n on this constitutioMI rc»>Outbl whictl is IW'lt eompktc.

77<18 COMMONS DE='B"'A"-T!::ES._ ________ !.CFdx::::::oa=ry:...:26::>•..:.198=1

A6ollt101f 11( IN St*U

PfMtqlty CtCI)'OIIC' Wi Caaada iJ ie (a ...... o/ pttriltio&. Noc etU)OM, lecla:d a wut rn:mbtt ol Catwfius. a« 11101 ift r~..-ow ol ualbtcnJiy c•m!KIIi., tlaG ~tu bill ol ri&hU i• tlllc .. ,. du• pctnmc:•t d proooedi.ft&. 1'hc cauctlclttnall of tile Sdlate ftlO ud chc formula (or amcndi.q: tbc Con.stitutiotl by the- ptOtin~:a •n: matters wbicb I oppocJC. ( qppoiiC tlx rde:rcM·um propo~al In the con.Wun.ional resotutioa, I oppotc the veto to be liven to tbc two pi'Q¥10C:.:S or OnttuW, atld Q\lc:bc(:. lt iJ B fc11CC thole two proviMcs are buildin& around tbemllclvc •• If )'011 hvcd 11'1 1111)' One or the other provinces in CMada. Mr. Spclik:cr-.nd we U~ ci&hl otbel"l:l-you, too, would 5ubicribe to the theory that somehow~~~~ are S(IQO(Idary Cll11.ad iun3 by the cntrc.nchmc.nt ol tllat vd() (or tbe t •'O provini!QI. The fail ure to reoocnize oerttin Mctis or&llniza· tioo•, tbc (allure to fl'll the JH"'O)):rty ri&hts, in fact, the failure to mttt ••hh and oonault with the Metis ;and t he insiucnoe thst ccnain Meds Of&lnlu tionJ and certain Indian orpniuuion5 mll5t bdon.a to p.anlcul11r oraani:t.atlom bt!ore they ~'·ill ~ heard, cuatt~ rnc to "l1.nd aiMS oppose lbiJ rc:&Oiution.

The aMncc ol the toupmnacy ol God is anoth« rc:uon ... hktl caulitl me to be m oppo&atioo to tms p:e:rt.iaabt t..11 or ril:hlf. 1111 (aa,, I Me _.JIIIwtJ ia this ClODStit•bonal I"C$0hrtioll blit. d~ • hdll .... 1 bt •• pbc:c f~ ud a day Not .... thon ol aepand011 or rndt will atric:ar.e Canadiam from tilc ft'lfti we arc ill today.

Mr . Spral.ct, ,..,. I can'' mneo'doc:t!

Mr. ~1 8,taktt: h bel-a N• o'dxt.. tk Hou:tc will ftO'It' J'ftiCCICd to the (Oflsidcntion o( pnntc- members' busiMU.. pur~IIJIJit eo the C'hlir's d«bion or Tbur5da.y, F~ry 19, 1981.



A MI!NOMI!.OrrtT I!I.I:SI'llCTI ... G AlfOU1101'-'(W' THeSf:NA'I1!

The House I'QIImod, t'rom Tbundt)', Febnury 19, consilitr· • tiOft d the motiofl ol Mr. Koowkl., that DiU C243.to amend tbc Britl~h North Anw:rlca Act. 1867 (abolition of the Sctlat~). be re~d the ICCOnd ti:mc •nod refe-rred to the- Studlfl! Commit· tee Clll Juiticc: .. d Lcpl Affail'$..

• VItlf

fl-. Sca•r .: .... ~ (WIMipq: Ntml ~): Mr. Speaker, the lllwr lltti come.

SO. ..._ M.,llkts: f-IU~r.lllarl

Soet Me. P. tc:~~~INn: Ob, ol\1

1\oh , IC119w'et: 11 ls tlme for tbc staaton to rttlizt that tbey b;n·e bad their d~y.

Tbt *bite • t ka·vc jtit iakfnllltcd.. becal* 11 tt bnllt for printc- ••ben' tlc.r, b OM iiO ·~despite the differma;s WC •1 MVC". WC at'C 111 apud tbt • -e WUI <01\ttol of OUf

owa aff1ln lien la Ca.-cb, Ooc qy or anotha, we- lloope- ~'>t

wil1001t c-1\}o)'t'-at •hu.atloft. 1t b P«'-111' sianir.:.aru we- b;&w tumed from ••u debate on the plltnation of the Constit•t.ion to tnod1n qucttk>n wbkfl relates to the de~ire or Ca.nadilln ~ to controlthdr own affaiN. We do tllat in this de~ Crttk CO\IRtr)' by I\IYina I Parliament n:pri:SttltativC or the pcoc>k In •hlch we 11pca.k for t hose people 11 nd make bws on their behalr,

l·luwcvcr, I .wuc•t. ~~~ I ba''~ SIIP,.&c:stcd ll gi>Od m:uty linld In the lantevtrtl dCCI•de..that h is not a dcMO(;rac)' IU f.uong ntl there b t po.n ol thil Parlitmcnt- that (ltlu.!r plaoe-in which there sit tntn alld ~ncn who ba''t 1101 been pout there by the people of C11nada, arc~ nl.lt rcsi)C)nllibk to tbcm. and in that .c:Mc do not rcprCK:t~ t th~ poople or tbi::J r~u ti(lrl. They are lint mc-:n and wom«1 I nu.nbtJ many or tbem u m)' rncndi>, •nil .IQnW of tbtm maa~.p lll(lmCIIow 10 Hut me as their friend . After et~c hi• 111k11lut. and af4cr one edm iiS the-y do tood eommince wort, tl"t they ha~ prOOuocd $01De excellent rqJOrU • a au-mbcr ol nbjcc'ts.. and tlw. about 1S of them -ortc pMtylt.trd at 1be job-

A• M&. M~ Twoty·r""~

Mr. K ... lb:: I am btaq ICIKIOII$. h is scil a fact a•:at a«otd.i1111t0 tlilc atlmata tabkd today ~ u~ $pelldiq abo.c UO mitho• a )"C&& to m.int11n u lmlltutioll • hleh is eof'n­

plc-tdy stlekmocntk . EYcr)' member of t!Ut othn pl:..et: is appoilltcd to it 0t1 tbe

~ommcndiUicMI of the prime minis-ter of t he day. Onct a Jl't"Wn I'Cll Into ttt.t pi11C:e, be b mpolt$ibk to no one. Ccrtninly he M not respootibk 1<.1 ' he- p:Opk: or the- PfOViocc from ~' hkh he comu. 1-fe b not C'l'tn rcspoosibie b.1<::k to th..­rrlmc rnlniJ.tcr who recommended his appoiauntnt. I think th~ time bat ""Omc ror 11a tu take the p;tSition tlut .,.-e art a gro'I"R•IIP dcmOCrtl'Y and, j 11~t as we want our Cc.Ha~ti tution in C11n:ada, not ttiidhtl in lll)fl'lt other country, -.'t want a Pnrtia· mcnt wbklt lj thoto~hly dcmocr<1tic:.

Of OC~.HK thc:AI I&I'C ara,u n'IC:tt~ 00 this subjlx.l botb •·ayi. I bllt;C prdCtltod the IJIUmcnls W1 <.KIT $ldt O( tbt proposition a cood rMny di.Tftt,, The bltl wuaiJy gets talked ()Ut. Ot1e alwt)'t: llope~o that ma)'bc tba it the niabt h will DOC ~ uJtcd out. I * my friClld 0\<er there. Where did )'OG (l()n'IC from"!

Mr. Dt,wty S,Uk~ I ask tile boa. member tO add:reu Ins rematb to the Cllair.

Mr. 1 ...-lft; Yo. arc q.utt ript. Mt. Spedcr. I keow wtlttc )'W amc ftOtL fiiCJ(jcalmy fna.d aiCrOio.'S tlte -ay who 11:10lly 4d'deh tiM Stttatc: I So« be if, lllerc- tom!i~L M.s)b: k lw had lilt ay ud 1buc m~lllt ~ be a wil~ on tltc Libcnl •Mk ol tbc f-IOIIK to kt the .wbjttt tUUd' of tllis bt'l JO to commlnrc 10 t« IJ • e QJliiOC lind some- better way thaft kttina a poup ot •ndca.cd ~have a oonciRuin& veto over the fkd)lon• m:uk by elected members o>f tbc House of CommON. or CQUNe there: bu bccll tbc notion tb:tt tbtrc: