Family blattidae 2013

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Family Blattidae is commonly known as Cockroach family

Transcript of Family blattidae 2013




I. Scientific Classification


Common Name: Cockroaches (pl.)

Why was it called so?

- etymology : “ Cucaracha”- a Spanish term which means creeping into the chests they eat and defile their ill-scented dung. The name later evolved into cockroach.

Roaches Facts


Do cockroaches have significance as well?


Ecological Significance

- Paige ( 1998) cited that cockroaches play a vital role in recycling of nutrients.

- Involve in pollination and a part of the food chain.

- Medical Significance- Historical accounts claimed that these insects are used to treat Asthma , Stroke , and Bronchitis , and Urinary Retention.

II. Characteristics of the Family Blattidae

Oval and flattened body shape; Thorax covered by a large plate (the

pronotum), which extends partly over the head;

Chewing (mandibulate) mouthparts; Compound eyes and 2 simple ocelli-like


2 pairs of membranous wings when present. Forewings are more sclerotised than hind wings. Wings are folded left over right when at rest;

Prominent cerci; Long antennae;

IIA. Life Cycle

Have incomplete metamorphosis; Lay eggs in an OOTHECA ( egg case); Egg stage lasts from a few weeks to a few

months; The young resembles the adults but usually

lighter in color and lacks wings. Nymphal Instars- young cockroaches 1-12 months span of time until they reach

maturity depending on the type of species.

Life Cycle of Cockroach

IIB. Feeding Habits

Majority are omnivorous Some feed on rotting wood ; Some harbor symbiotic gut protozoa that

aids in cellulose digestion; Most domestic species eat almost


IIB. Habitat

Can thrive in both wet and dry environments;

Most species are nocturnal and ground dwelling usually hiding during the day in crevices , bark and logs , rocks and burrows;

Some occur in plants or on litter; Some are associated in human habitation.

III. Common Species found in the Philippines

American cockroach (Periplaneta americana)

Appearance: American cockroaches are reddish brown with a yellowish figure 8 pattern on the back of their head.

Region: This species is located throughout United States , Asia and Europe.

Habitat:American cockroaches are often found in sewers and basements, particularly around pipes and drains.

Unique Facts: The American cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting cockroaches. They are active when the temperature is 70 degrees or higher, but they can survive lower temperatures with the right conditions.

Brown banded Cockroach (Periplaneta brunnea)

Appearance: Brown banded cockroaches are brown with pronounced banding across their wings.

Region: This species is found in the US and Asia and throughout the Philippines.


Within a room, brownbanded cockroaches tend to prefer warmer, drier, and higher locations than any of the other urban pest roaches. They are often found in upper cabinets or in rooms other than the kitchens or bathrooms. This species often hides its egg cases in or under furniture.

Unique Facts: Brown-banded cockroaches get their name from the two lighter bands they have across their dark brownish bodies. The male’s wings are larger than the female’s wings.

Oriental cockroach (Blatta orientalis)

Appearance: Oriental Cockroaches are large very dark colored and shiny.

Region: This species is found in the northern region of the United States , Southeast and South Asia and other parts of Europe.


Oriental cockroaches are often found in sewers and will enter structures through drains. They find indoor harborage in basements and crawl spaces. They can also be found in leaf piles and firewood outdoors.

Unique Facts: Oriental cockroaches are sometimes called "water bugs" because they come out of drains, and "black beetle cockroaches" because of their smooth, dark bodies. This species creates a strong smell and is considered one of the dirtiest of all the cockroaches.

IV. Other Species Found in other countries Smokybrown cockroach (Periplaneta

fuliginosa) Florida woods cockroach (Eurycotis floridana) Common shining cockroach (Drymaplaneta

communis) Botany Bay Cockroach (Polyzosteria limbata)  

Perisphaerus sp. from Malaysia with well developed young, which have recently left the underside of the


Female epilamprine cockroach from India carrying young.

Some of the largest & smallest cockroaches. Megaloblatta longipennis (top), 

Macropanesthia rhinoceros (right).

V. New Species Jumping cockroach Scientificclassification Kingdom:Animalia Phylum:Arthropoda Class:Insecta Order:Blattodea Family:Blattidae/ Blattella Genus:Saltoblattella Species: S. montistabularis

Saltoblattella montistabularis — saltoblattella is Latin for "jumping cockroach" and montistabularis refers to Table Mountain — is a delicate creature just a centimeter (less than a third of an inch) long with powerful hind legs and bulging eyes. It could endear itself even to those who recoil at the thought of a household cockroach.

Illustration of Typical Cockroaches

VI. Evolution

This new species of cockroach exhibits unusual morphology.  It has legs that are highly modified for jumping. Prior to its discovery jumping cockroaches were only known from the Late Jurassic. This extant cockroach has jumping ability that is on par with grasshoppers. 

In addition to the leg modifications, it has hemispherical shaped eyes that protrude from the sides of the head instead of kidney shaped and the antennae have an additional fixation point to help stabilize them during jumping.

In addition to the leg modifications, it has hemispherical shaped eyes that protrude from the sides of the head instead of kidney shaped and the antennae have an additional fixation point to help stabilize them during jumping.

Thank you!!


Count the six legs of the specimen - a cockroach has 6 legs. Count the six legs of the specimen - a cockroach has 6 legs. 

Look at the brown or black color of the cockroach. German cockroaches and American cockroaches both have a reddish brown color.Oriental cockroaches have a black,shiny color. Brown banded cockroaches and a smoky brown cockroach, on the other hand , have a very dark brown color.

Thank You!!