Facebook Vs Google Plus

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Facebook Vs Google Plus

Facebook VS. Google PlusBy Samantha Davis & Nick Hatheway

Today in the business market there are many, many competitions going on between popular companies. For example there's Apple vs. the Android, Redbox vs. Blockbuster, and Xbox vs. Playstation. However, in the social media world there are four main competitors. Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, and Myspace. Today, we will be having a debate on Facebook and Google Plus though. So in the name of many. Let the “battle” begin!

In the year 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, in Cambridge, Massachusetts was born. Now, as of September 2011 it has over 800 MILLION users. Mainly created for just a

few colleges. It soon spread to other colleges. Followed by High schoolers. And now, anyone over the age of 13. Even though there is in fact an age limit, there are still about 7.5 million kids out there with an account under the age of 13.

Facebook (as you may know if you have an account) has lots of features to have. A nice new feature is the video messaging. Facebook teamed up with the ever so popular Skype so now instead of having to create multiple accounts to do different things you can just make one stop at Facebook and do it all. Another great feature is that yes Facebook is mobile! And not only that but some phones for example the AT&T's HTC status have a nice little button that allows you to upload video, photos or sound straight to Facebook. The Facebook app for Iphone and Android also makes it so anyone can be on the site 24/7.

As much as people love Facebook, it does however have some flaws. An example, that great little Facebook app most people have on their phone tends to freeze up from time to time. And watch out there could be an update coming your way anytime changing how you view the app. As much as people love the site, some do in fact wish people didn't post a new status every 5 minutes. We get that you are pouring cereal into a bowl and next you are pouring milk. Not everyone needs a minute to minute life story. It makes you wonder, has facebook gone too far? Are they constantly trying to

"update" to stay ahead of their competitors? Or are people just missing the older original non updated version?

Moving on to our other competitor was created in July of 2011. After just four weeks in operation it reached over 25 million users. Moving on to October of 2011 it raised 20 million

more. The age requirement for the social media site is 18. However could be interesting to see how popular it gets and how many underage children will use it.

Some features of this newly popular Google Plus are "circles"

you share things with different people. but sharing the right stuff with the right people shouldn't be a hassle. Circles makes it easy to put your friends from Saturday night in one circle, your parents in another, and your boss in a circle by himself, just like real life. The new feature "hangouts" has become popular as it allows you to video chat with up to 9 people at a time, so whether you are on the go with your phone or at home in your pajamas, you can still stay social.

Yes, we all love features that new social networking sites come out with but is having only a few great features enough to beat its main competitor Facebook? Yes it has a share button but that's through many clicks of buttons on computers and phones. Yes it has circles but what's the point of having "friends" on your social media site if you don't want to share things with all of them? It’s got lots of catching up to do if it wants to steal the crowd.

Sadly we can’t predict who will ever win the great debate between. It’s a battle that's like the battery

commercial for Energizer. It just keeps going and going and going. However, we can choose which one we want more. And stick to it :)