Explanation Of The Cloverleaf

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Explanation Of The Cloverleaf

A Short Explanation of the Cloverleaf

A more advantageous architecture for business processes is required:

Telecommunications: End-user traffic today consists of multiple networks based on multiple technologies, e.g., Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN), Cable Television (CATV). This dilemma also extends to the structure of all present networks and their underlying technologies (i.e., IP). Each of these networks, in turn, consists of disparate computing nodes. A more successful utilization of these networks requires a platform offering more programmability into the core of those networks but that would require a cloverleaf like infrastructure.

The case-in-point: Although the telephone network (PSTN) could be called the world’s “first” distributed computing network —telephone switching systems do not have a specific purpose (architecture) for programming; thus many different applications are going on inside their systems at one time (i.e., ATM, Frame Relay, Legacy as-well-as IP). As a result, their markets are dominated by many networks whose applications are actually decomposed into smaller components with no logical interface to access them variably and/or on-demand. On-the-other-hand, if a method to address various differences with and between these networks (AND THEIR COMPONENTS) existed; this would be evolutionary in cost to performance ratios because architecturally speaking; bits are graffiti till you tell them what to do; whereas semantic access to useful and variable applications requires different bits (asymmetrical). So then, logically, better bits would be far more useful than, just-say, more bits (synchronous) ―at least for an agile focused end-user. [See: Problem, Overlay, Cloverleaf]

Understanding the potential opportunity

See: USPTO #5,577,042 We have a patented method for an applications programming interface (API) that would provide a better control plane for multiple radio frequencies, including the Digital (TV) spectrum, as-well-as nascent high-bred telecommunications (Telco, SAT, Wireless & DTV). [See: About Us] In the process we have also identified our present technical advantage by utilizing an architecture that allows end users to build dynamic virtual (P2P) paths (analogous to a highway cloverleaf) that will operate over the publicly switched telephone networks (PSTN) —as-well-as existing satellite (SAT) and wireless backhaul networks.

What this means is that the problem of “pulling” existing overlay roadways (networks) together can now be put into proper working order by simply “pushing” each operating (network) system onto an Information SuperHighway. In effect: MBC’s cloverleaf method would leverage all old (operating systems) networks together in-order-to maximize their combined “pull.” Just by retooling existing installed base into a “whole” network greater than the sum of their “parts.”

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