Executive function webinarassist-tech.ednet.ns.ca/Assistive_Technology_Centre... · Ability to...

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Transcript of Executive function webinarassist-tech.ednet.ns.ca/Assistive_Technology_Centre... · Ability to...



The iPod Touch, iPhone &/or iPad to Support or Enhance

Executive Functions���

Barbara Welsford, M.Ed., ATP, ATS, LDATS, ADE Assistive Technology Specialist

Kelly Humphries, MA Registered Psychologist Shannon Hartlen, MA Registered Psychologist

Barbara Welsford, M.Ed., ATP, ATS, LDATS, ADE

Assistive Technology Specialist

Barbara Welsford, M.Ed., ATP, ATS, LDATS, ADE Apple Distinguished Educator 2011

Proloquo2go Certified Trainer Assistive Technology Specialist

In the field of AT for over 25 years Assistive Technology Specialist SSRSB

Works with students from K-12 and Early Intervention Program 1 year prior to entering school. All abilities. All AT.

Designs and teaches Graduate courses in Assistive Technology for Acadia University and St.Fx University

Cofounder of the ATCS 1993


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Shannon Hartlen

Shannon Hartlen is a Registered Psychologist who works with school staff, families, and students from Primary

to Grade 12 providing Psychoeducational Assessment, Behavioural Assessment, consultation

and counseling. She is also responsible for providing Professional Development opportunities for staff

throughout the South Shore District School Board, which typically focuses on learning and behaviour

strategies in the school setting.  She has worked for SSRSB for 11 years, and is pleased to remain in her

hometown of Liverpool, Nova Scotia with her husband and two daughters.


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Kelly Humphries

Kelly completed her undergraduate degree in psychology at Memorial University before

completing graduate studies in school psychology at Mount Saint Vincent University. Since graduating in 2001 she has worked in a variety of settings including an ADHD Clinic,

private practice, MSVU, and two school boards within NS. As a school psychologist she works

with a wide range of students with special needs.


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Executive Functions

Overview of EF Specific areas of EF impacting learning Apps addressing each area

Overview of EF



What is Executive Functioning?

• The executive functions are a set of processes that all have to do with managing oneself and one’s resources in order to achieve a goal. It is an umbrella term for the neurologically-based skills involving mental control and self-regulation. LD Online

What is Executive Functioning?

• “The Conductor of the Orchestra”

• “The CEO of the Brain”



Think….Decide….Act. ���

That about sums it up!!���

Impact of Executive Function Difficulties���



Executive Functions and Clinical Diagnoses

• Deficits in frontal lobe functions are evident in every psychiatric disorder.

• Diagnostic criteria of most clinical conditions encompass difficulties with one or more executive functions.

Executive Functions and Clinical Diagnoses

•  ADHD – Many display difficulties with the Inhibit, Focus/Select, Sustain and Modulate cues

•  ODD and CD – Multiple self-regulation and self-realization deficits

•  ASD – Difficulties with self-analysis, self-awareness, and self-determination



Executive Functions and School

•  In school, the executive demands of a learning situation are often mediated by the teacher who cues students to engage the mental processes needed to learn effectively.

•  In other words, the need for strong executive direction is reduced by the structure of the learning environment.

Executive Functions and School

•  In contrast, demonstrating what has been learned usually requires significant involvement of executive control processes.

•  Such demonstration requires production on the student’s part:

•  Taking tests

•  Completing homework

•  Completing long-term projects

•  Answering questions in class



Executive Functions and School

•  Production involves knowledge and the engagement of various combinations of executive capacities at various times.

•  Unlike the process of learning in the classroom, demonstration of the outcomes of that learning is usually not mediated by the


Executive Functions and School

•  Executive function processing deficits often manifest as inconsistencies in the use of adequately developed processes, abilities, lexicons, skills and/or strategies resulting in achievement and production below what would be expected.



Executive Functions and School

•  They are inextricably woven into every process involved in the acts of reading, writing, and math.

•  In the classroom, the tasks most frequently impacted by executive function-driven producing difficulties is written expression, assignment/project completion, and organization.

CEO of the Brain

•  Has everything to do with Time Management (Ward, 2010)!

•  Helps us decide what activities or tasks we’ll attend to and which ones we’ll complete

•  Helps to organize our behavior over time

•  Helps to override immediate demands in favor of longer term goals

•  Behavior Regulation



Areas of EF Impacting Learning

DOING Response Inhibition Emotional Control Sustained Attention Task Initiation Adaptability

THINKING Planning, Prioritizing Working Memory Time Management Organization Metacognition

Selecting and Achieving Goals: ���The Thinking Part

•  Planning/Prioritizing

•  Creating a roadmap to reach a goal or complete a task.

•  Working Memory

•  Hold information in mind while performing complex tasks; ability to draw on past learning/experiences to apply to the situation at hand or future.

•  Time Management

•  Capacity to estimate how much time one has, how to allocate it, and how to stay within time limits/deadlines; also the sense that time is important.



Selecting and Achieving Goals: ���The Thinking Part

•  Organization

•  Ability to design and maintain systems for keeping track of information and materials.

•  Metacognition

•  Self-monitoring and self-evaluative skills: “How am I doing?” or “How did I do?”

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Planning/Prioritizing���Creating a roadmap to reach a goal or

complete a task.

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Tools4Students .99¢ iPad only

• 25 top quality graphic organizers • Choose the best template and fill out your information right on your mobile device • Share with others via email and save it in the file • Use In a group using an LCD hooked up to your iPad2 • Cause and effect, sequence, maps, story elements, timelines, word meanings 1 and 2, summarizing template, making predictions, Main idea/detail • KWL and KWLW study maps • Compare/contrast and character maps • Use with students who require support with preplanning, initiation and organizing ideas

Planning/Prioritizing���Creating a roadmap to reach a goal or

complete a task.

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• Free  • Onboard  Apple  mobile  App:  comes  with  every  iPod  Touch,  iPhone,  iPad  • Lists,  schedules,  built  in  calendar,  organiza?on  • Support  students  who  have  difficul?es  with  execu?ve  func?ons  in  the  areas  of  planning,  organizing  and  scheduling  • Easy  to  use  and  apply  



Planning/Prioritizing���Creating a roadmap to reach a goal or

complete a task.

Other  Apps  suppor1ng  Planning/Priori1zing  

Round  ToiT,  iThoughts,  StudentLife  Organizer,  Calendar  

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Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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Take  a  Chill  –  Stressed  Teens  • .99¢  • Used  to  manage  stress    • Mindful  exercises    • ThoughJul  ac?vi?es  • Prevent  nega?ve  thoughts  • Quick  exercises,  daily  thoughts  pushed  out  to  device,  stress  assessment,  reminders  and  much  more  



Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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Let  Panic  Go  

• $2.99  • Supporting students with anxiety to enhance self control of their emotions • Easy to use and apply • Calming, direct and interactive

Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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Other  Apps  suppor1ng  Emo1onal  Control  Pocket  Pond,  iRelax,  Bubble  Poppers,  Balloon  Pop,  iTunes  music  app  (personally  chosen  music),  note  the  variety  of  Yoga  Apps  on  the  iTunes  store,  



Sustained Attention ���Capacity to attend to a situation/task in

spite of distractibility, fatigue, or boredom.

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Sound  Curtain  

• .99¢  • Create a quiet workspace • Block out background noise and enhance focus and attention, engagement and concentration on task • Comes with seven generative tracks - featuring intelligent, self-adjusting white noise and harmonic sounds that listen and react to your environment.

Sustained Attention ���Capacity to attend to a situation/task in

spite of distractibility, fatigue, or boredom.

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iBooks:  Enhanced  Books  and  Enhanced  Textbooks  

• Variable  prices  of  books  • Example: Life on Earth • Science Textbook • Adding interest to textbooks with embedded video, animations, audio, highlighting, studycards…



Sustained Attention ���Capacity to attend to a situation/task in

spite of distractibility, fatigue, or boredom.

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Visual  Timer  .99¢  • Set  the  ?mer  to  visually  countdown  • Set  it  to  provide  an  auditory  cue  on  comple?on  or  vibrate  • Easy  to  use  and  apply  

Organization ���Ability to design and maintain systems for keeping track of information and materials.

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StudentLife  Organizer  

• Free  • Calendar app and organizer for students • 4 separate calendars • List, day or month view • Send email of events • Import images • Customizable pictures for

monthly display



Organization ���Ability to design and maintain systems for keeping track of information and


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Calendar  App  

Free  • Use as a visual reminder for the month • Use in list view for details on appointments or goals set for the day • Keep track of what you have done or what you plan to do • Different calendars for work, home, school

Organization ���Ability to design and maintain systems for keeping track of information and


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Other  Apps  that  enhance  and  support  organiza?on  include  PhotoMind,  PictureScheduler,  RoundToiT



Metacognition ���Self-monitoring and self-evaluative skills: “How am I doing?” or “How did I do?”

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Waitstrip  Waistrip  Timer  (free)  

• .99¢  • A  visual  representa?on  of  how  much  ?me    is  leQ  in  a  task  or  the  number  of  steps  in  a  task  • Enhances  ?me  on  task  and  task  comple?on  • Adds  structure  to  almost  any  ac?vity  or  task  • Extremely  easy  to  use  and  apply  –  even  on  the  go  • Developed  by  an  Occupa?onal  Therapist  • Instructions: ���1. Select the number of buttons that correlate to the number of steps/tasks to be completed. ���2. Select the button color. ���3. Once each expected step or task is completed, a corresponding button is pushed. Repeat until all steps or tasks are completed    

Metacognition ���Self-monitoring and self-evaluative skills: “How am I doing?” or “How did I do?”

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 $3.99  or  free  lite  version   Easy  to  use  rewards  chart  for  children   Type  in  their  name   Select  a  few  tasks   Reward  their  accomplishments  with  a  checkmark  on  a  weekly  chart   Easy  to  use  and  apply   Children  enjoy  using  this  App  and  working  towards  goals  and  enhancing  mo?va?on  and  task  comple?on  




Metacognition ���Self-monitoring and self-evaluative skills: “How am I doing?” or “How did I do?”

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Other  Apps  to  enhance  and  support  metacogni1on  

Sosh  Voice  Meter  (visual  feedback  on  voice  volume),      Triggers  session,  Feelings  Monitor  (Shades  of  Gray  ac1vity)

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Areas of EF impacting learning

DOING Response Inhibition Emotional Control Sustained Attention Task Initiation Adaptability



Response Inhibition ���Think before you act; ability to resist

urge to say/do something & allow evaluation of a situation and how

behavior might impact it.

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 $18.99   ejournals,  picture  stories,  voice  recorded    stories   Research  projects   Book  reports     Snap  a  picture  and  import  it  into  Pictello  in  2  steps   Text  to  speech  for  read  aloud  books   Can  be  used  in  ANY  curriculum   File  Share  in  iTunes  Library  or  print  to  PDF   Use  and  applica?on  is  only  limited  to  your  imagina?on!   Use  for  social  stories,  personal  ejournals  with  visuals  and  speech  output,  behaviour  modelling  

Response Inhibition ���Think before you act; ability to resist

urge to say/do something & allow evaluation of a situation and how

behavior might impact it.

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Conover  Company  Func1onal  Skills  Series  Social  Skills  Sampler  (free)  Everyday  Socials  Skills  HD  -­‐  $1.99  • Video  modelling  series  providing  support  with  various  social  situa?ons  • Use  with  students/individuals  to  learn  appropriate  responses  through  video  modelling  prior  to  a  social  engagement,  lesson  or  ac?vity  



Response Inhibition ���Think before you act; ability to resist

urge to say/do something & allow evaluation of a situation and how

behavior might impact it.

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Other  Apps  that  support  and  enhance  response  inhibi1on    Book  Creator,  iBook  Creator,  iMovie,  for  social  stories  

Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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• The  Shredder  • .99¢ • Just type in your negative thoughts and drag those thoughts into the shredder • A visual and interactive way to rid yourself of negative thoughts and move on



Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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Calm  Counter  

• $2.99 • A visual aid to provide supports to manage emotions for any student • Includes a brief social story about anger • Tools for calming down and reflecting on emotions • Easy to use and apply in any setting

Emotional Control ���Ability to manage emotions in order to achieve goals, complete tasks, or control/

direct behavior.

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Other  Apps  suppor1ng  Emo1onal  Control  

Social  Stories  Apps  (i.e.  Pictello,  Book  Creator),  Bloom,  Pocket  Pond,  Fluid2,  Candle  



Task Initiation ���Ability to begin a task without undue

procrastination in a timely fashion.

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• $9.99  • iPad  only  • Use  as  a  visual  graphic  organizer  to  guide  and  cue  wri?ng,  organize  ideas    • Use  also  as  a  step  by  step  organizer  to  visually  provide  supports  to  refer  to  for  task  ini?a?on  and  task  comple?on  • Use  the  templates  or  easily  design  your  own    

Task Initiation ���Ability to begin a task without undue

procrastination in a timely fashion.

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Work  System  

• Free  • Offers structured teaching • A work system walks a student/user through what to do when working through a specific task on the schedule • i.e. Arrival – broken down into Timer beep, Line up, check schedule etc. • Ability to modify the work system layout to individualize for specific students • The focus is to enhance independence of the student when working through a schedule • Can be used in a variety of settings for different tasks



Task Initiation ���Ability to begin a task without undue

procrastination in a timely fashion.

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Other  Apps  that  support  Task  Ini1a1on  

Tools4Students,  Visual  Timer,  iReward  Chart,  Visual  Schedule

Flexibility/Adaptability���Ability to revise plans in the face of

obstacles, setbacks, new information, or mistakes.

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Sock  Puppets  

• Free  • Fun,  easy  to  use  and  versa?le  • Use  with  children  to  design  and  presents  scripts  that  will  provide  visual  guidance  on  how  to  be  flexible,  how  to  cope  in  novel  situa?ons,  deal  with  new  informa?on  and  how  to  respond  to  errors  • Children  love  this  App,  they  could  easily  be  part  of  developing  the  script  and  offering  possible  strategies  and  responses  in  different  situa?ons  • Use  also  in  a  group  se`ng  and  have  various  students  recording  



Flexibility/Adaptability���Ability to revise plans in the face of

obstacles, setbacks, new information, or mistakes.

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Fantas1c  FourinARow  

• .99¢  • For iPad & iPod Touch • Use game Apps to provide experiences with winning, losing and engaging in novel situations • Choices of games, layouts and tools • Use in a group, in pairs or play the iPad • Fun and easy to use and apply

Flexibility/Adaptability���Ability to revise plans in the face of

obstacles, setbacks, new information, or mistakes.

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Other  Apps  suppor1ng  Flexibility/Adaptability  

Any  games  that  promote  turn  taking,  loss  and  dealing  with  loss  and  how  to  be  a  good  winner,  SOSH  Recogni1on,  Triggers  




TO REGISTER for other webinars: http://assist-tech.ednet.ns.ca/Assistive_Technology_Centre/

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Evaluation Survey For more information: ���

Barbara Welsford���bwelsford@eastlink.ca