Exam Review These questions are taken from your tests this nine weeks. They are to help you review...

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Transcript of Exam Review These questions are taken from your tests this nine weeks. They are to help you review...

Exam ReviewThese questions are taken from your tests this nine weeks. They are to help you review the important material for the exam.

Question: legal document permitting almost unlimited searches

writ of assistance

Question: Which colonists did not consider unfair taxes a good reason for rebellion?


Question: Colonial leaders used the Boston Massacre killings as ________________ to bring people over to their cause.


Question: The Proclamation of 1763 prohibited colonists from moving west of the _________

Appalachian Mountains

Question: Which colonists wanted to fight the British for American independence?


Question: The shot heard 'round the world" refers to the actions of the minutemen at these first battles of the American Revolution.

Lexington and Concord

Question: The Coercive/Intolerable Acts were passed to punish colonists in Boston and other parts of Massachusetts for the ________

Boston Tea Party.

Question: One result of the use of ____________ about the Boston Massacre was the repeal of the ________

propaganda Townshend Acts.

Question: In response to unpopular laws and acts of the British king and Parliament, the __________ met in Philadelphia to unite the colonies and discuss ways to defend themselves and gain their rights.

Continental Congress

Question: Some colonists became ____________________ because they were government office holders who would lose their jobs as the result of a revolution.


Question: What was the final result of the British trying to raise taxes?

we start the revolutionary war

Question: The colonists expressed their desire for peace in the document called the _______________.

Olive Branch Petition

Question: The Declaration of Independence was signed on _______________.

July 4, 1776, by all 13 colonies

Question: The ____________was the first document for our country’s independence.

Declaration of Independence

Question: People have unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and _____________________

The Pursuit of Happiness

Question: When a government (like mean old King George III) violates our rights, we have the right and duty to ________________________.

change that government

Question: King George rejected the ____, in which the Second Continental Congress made a last attempt to avoid war with Great Britain.

Olive Branch Petition

Question: The Declaration of Independence states that all men are created ____.


Question: Most of the soldiers in the Continental Army signed up for the duration of the war.

1 year contract

Question: Nathan Hale was a Patriot who became a traitor and spied for the British.

Benedict Arnold

Question: When Congress couldn’t afford to pay for the war they printed millions of dollars worth of paper money. With little gold and silver to back it up, inflation occurred and the price of goods in the colonies dropped.

Prices of goods increased

Question: A blockade of the American coast by British ships prevented supplies and reinforcements from reaching the Continental Army.


Question: A successful tactic for the patriots was copied from the French and Indian War when the French and Indians would wait in the forests and blockade British troops as they were marching from town to town.


Question: Thomas Knox asked the colonists to use their common sense and get rid of an unfair government in his essay called “Common Core”.

Thomas PaineCommon Sense

Question: The Americans had to fight the American Revolution because even though the Declaration of Independence was well written, King George III wasn’t going to let us go just because we wanted to- we had to throw them out.


Question: On the day after Christmas 1776, the Patriots scored a victory over the Hessians at ___________. This battle was a necessary victory in order to improve troop morale and ___________________.

TrentonGet men to re-enlist in January

Question: The Hessians main reason/motivation for fighting in the war was_____________


Question: Compare and contrast the makeup of the American and British armies. Why did this difference favor the Americans?

The American army consisted mostly of American volunteer farmers & colonists, while the British army contained professional soldiers and many Hessian mercenaries. While the American colonists were fighting on their own soil for their country's freedom they were more motivated to win, the mercenaries in the British army had no personal stake in the outcome, and were fighting only for money.

Question: Give one example of George Washington being a creative leader during the American Revolution. Name the battle and explain what was creative, unusual, original about what he did.

Washington needed his troops to re-enlist at the end of the year so he staged a surprise battle the day after Christmas in the winter time when no one else would be fighting. He traveled at night and through the snow and crossed the Delaware river in the middle of the night. Taking Trenton would be an easy victory to motivate the troops to stay and give them needed supplies.

Question: _________________ and his Green Mountain Boys participated in the Battle for Ft. Ticonderoga, but got into conflict with ______________ over the soldiers’ bad behavior.

Ethan Allen, Benedict Arnold

Question: In the battles for ______________, patriot prisoners were put aboard British prison ships where many died due to the bad conditions.

New York

Question: A British General’s attempt to capture the Continental Congress and then staying too long over the winter in _______________ contributed to the defeat of the British plans for conquering New York.


Question: The Battle of Boston was won by the _________________ due to cannons brought down by Henry Knox after the battle of ________________________.

Patriots, Ft. Ticonderoga

Question: Washington’s army was forced to retreat from ________________ through the colony of ____________ and into Pennsylvania.

New York, New Jersey

Question: ___________________ was important because of the cannons, ammunition and other supplies as well as control of Northern New York and access to Canada.

Ft. Ticonderoga

Question: The Battles for New York were a victory for the _______________ who wanted to win quickly and end the war.


Question: The crossing of the ________________ River was dangerous because of the bad winter weather.


Question: The Battle of _______________ was a defeat for the ____________ because they ran out of bullets, but it proved they would be tough to beat.

Bunker Hill, Patriots

Question: The efforts of ____________ at Valley Forge was a critical element of the Patriots’ success in being able to do battle against the British Army.

Baron Von Steuben

Question: The ____and _____became the American colonists' important allies during the American Revolution.


Question: The defeat of the British plan to take Albany was due to the failure of Burgoyne, St. Leger and _____________ to get to Albany in time.

General Howe

Question: The defeat of the British plan to take Albany was due to the failure of Burgoyne, St. Leger and _____________ to get to Albany in time.

General Howe

Question: A ___________ of the American coast by British ships prevented supplies and reinforcement from reaching the Continental Army.


Question: Guerilla warfare was a successful tactic for the patriots who would wait in the forests and blockade British troops as they were marching from place to place.

Blockade needs to change to ambush

Question: Instead of going to Albany as ordered, William Howe planned to capture the American capital, which was located in....


Question: What did the French do to assist the Patriots in the war?

Lends money, soldiers and ships

Question: The French announced support for the United States after the American victory at_____.


Question: Loyalist strength was strongest in________.

the Carolinas and Georgia

Question: The French Navy was the American colonists' most important ally during the Battle of ________.


Question: The last battle of the American Revolution occurred at ________.


Question: The Continental Army was successful at holding ________ and _________ areas while the British Army was successful at holding the ___________during the American Revolution.

Farmland, rural/countrymajor cities

Question: Part of the terms of the Treaty of Paris stated that Americans had the right to fish off the coast of ___________.


Question: An additional term of the Treaty of Paris stated the boundaries of the United States of America at ________, the ___________River, the Atlantic Ocean and Spanish ___________.


Question: The British promised to withdraw all troops from ______________in the TREATY OF PARIS

American territory

Question: -Colonial troops commanded by Washington marched to here secretly in August 1781.-At the surrender of this battle, almost 8,000 British troops laid down their arms. What is the name of this battle?


Question: Why did the Native Americans decide to help the British in the fight in the West?


Question: Part of the terms of the Treaty of Paris state that-British merchants could collect on debts owed by Americans -property taken from Loyalists would be returned to them


Question: Explain the importance of John Paul Jones to the American Revolution.

John Paul Jones became a naval hero as a result of his battle near the coast of Great Britain in September 1779. He won the battle even though his ship sank. His actions inspired merchant sea captains and fishermen to join the Patriot cause as sailors and privateers. He is known as the father of the American Navy.

Question: King George III agreed to give the Americans their freedom after the victory at __________


Question: Prior to the American Revolution King George III viewed the colonies as __________.

A source of revenue/money/trade

Question: What were the things the federal government COULD NOT do under the Articles of Confederation?

Could not make rules about tradeCould not set up taxesCould not demand people join the military

Did not have a federal court system or president

Question: The Articles of Confederation did not have a strong central government because they were afraid of _____________.

Leaders abusing their power like kings.

Question: The Articles of Confederation government left all of the power with the __________ who acted like they were _____________.
