Exam 1 Review Jeopardy!

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Exam 1 Review Jeopardy!. Themes in Biology. Scientific Process. Chemistry. Water, Carbon, and pH. Cell Structure. 100. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. 500. Themes in Biology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Exam 1 Review Jeopardy!

Exam 1 ReviewJeopardy!

Themes in Biology

Scientific Process


Carbon, and pH

Cell Structure

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Themes in Biology100

Q: What is the lowest level of biological organization that can be considered alive?

A: Cells

Themes in Biology200

Q: Briefly describe the difference between emergent properties and reductionism.

A: Emergent properties are characteristics you can only see when

you look at a collection of parts working together. Reductionism is the opposite – a method of study that involves breaking a system into its parts and studying them


Themes in Biology300

Q: Give an example of a structure that is correlated with its function.

A: Many possible examples.

Themes in Biology400

Q: Name 1 similarity and 1 difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.

A: Similarities: Both have a cell membrane and DNA, Differences: Size

(prokaryotic are much smaller), eukaryotic have membrane-bound organelles and prokaryotic don’t

Themes in Biology500

Q: Name the 3 things that are necessary for natural selection to occur in a population.

A: Variation between individuals, Some variation is heritable,

Differential survival and reproduction

Scientific Process100

Q: If I wanted to know whether lifting weights at the gym lowered my risk of osteoporosis, what could be my correctly formatted hypothesis?

A: Something like “Weightlifting exercises reduce the risk of


Scientific Process200

Q: If I did an experiment to test whether eating yogurt decreased the frequency of stomachaches in children, what would be my dependent variable?

A: The number of stomachaches that the children had

Scientific Process300

Q: If I did an experiment to test whether reading more books increased peoples’ scores on the COMPASS test, what would be my independent variable?

A: The amount of reading.

Scientific Process400

Q: What is the difference between a control group (also called control treatment) and controlled variables?

A: The control group is a group that doesn’t get the treatment, or gets a

placebo treatment. Controlled variables are things that are the same about all

participants in the experiment (often age, gender, location, etc.)

Scientific Process500

Q: Which of these is a correctly formatted prediction?

A. If eating blueberries prevents cancer, then fewer people will get cancer.

B. Eating blueberries prevents cancer.C. If eating blueberries prevents cancer, then cancer

will be prevented.D. If eating blueberries prevents cancer, then people

who eat the most blueberries will have the lowest rates of cancer.

E. If eating blueberries prevents cancer, then not eating blueberries causes cancer.

A: D. Lipids


Q: If a molecule has an atomic number of 7 and a mass number of 15, how many neutrons does it have?

A: 8 neutrons


Q: Which of the following are nonpolar molecules?

A. CO2

B. CH4

C. H2OD. NO3

A: B and D


Q: Which of these pairs of atoms would most likely form a covalent bond?




A: C. (both of these atoms need 2 more electrons)


A: Ionic (Mg gives up 2 electrons and each of the 2 Cl

gains one)

Q: In MgCl2, Magnesium has atomic number 12, and Chlorine has atomic number 17. Is the bond between Mg and Cl covalent or ionic?


Q: Classify each of the following as an atom, ion, compound, molecule, or more than one of these.

A. H2O B. 14C C. MgCl2

A is a molecule and compound, B is an atom, C is a compound

Water, Carbon, and pH100

Q: What causes water to be cohesive?

A: Water molecules stick to one another through hydrogen bonds.

Water, Carbon, and pH200

A is correct.

Q: Solution A has [H+] of 2 mol/L and [OH-] of 0.5 mol/L.Solution B has [H+] of 0.3 mol/L and [OH-] of 1 mol/L.

A. Solution A is more acidic than solution B and has lower pH

B. Solution A is more acidic than solution B and has higher pH

C. Solution A is more basic than solution B and has lower pH

D. Solution A is more basic than solution B and has higher pH

Water, Carbon, and pH300

A is correct – since the water molecules are moving faster, it is harder for them to stick to one


Q: What happens to the hydrogen bonds in water as it gets warmer?

A. They are more likely to break (there are fewer)

B. They are more likely to form (there are more)

Water, Carbon, and pH400

Q: What causes ice to float on top of liquid water?

A: When water freezes, the molecules form hydrogen bonds that keep them

farther apart, so ice is less dense than water.

Water, Carbon, and pH500

Q: Why do we say that life is carbon based even though living things are made mostly of water?

A: Carbon forms many different kinds of molecules, which make many different kinds of living things


Cell Structure100

Name one organelle that is found in prokaryotic cells.

A: Ribosomes

Cell Structure200

Which of these is a function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?

a.Synthesize lipidsb.Detoxify poisonsc.Modify proteinsd.Read mRNA transcripts and connect new polypeptides together from amino acidsC. Modify proteins (then ship them to the golgi apparatus)

Cell Structure300

What is a glycoprotein, and what do they do?

A protein in the cell membrane that is connected to a carbohydrate chain.

It helps with cell recognition (e.g. blood type)

Cell Structure400

Which type of cell junction is found only in plants?a. Gap junctionb. Plasmodesmatac. Desmosomed. Tight junctione. Scanning tunneling junction

b. Plasmodesmata (a, c, and d are in animals, and e is made up)

Cell Structure500

Name one function of each of these types of fibers that make up the cytoskeleton (you can’t name the same function for all 3):

a. Microtubulesb. Intermediate filamentsc. Microfilaments

Microtubules provide “monorail” tracks for vesicles to move on, and they pull

chromosomes apart during cell division. Intermediate filaments shape the cell and are

more permanent than the other two. Microfilaments allow muscles to stretch and
