Evaluation q2

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Evaluation q2

EvaluationQ2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

The ideology of our product is constructed around a teenage girl who is going through the daily struggles of being a teenager but unknowingly in a relationship with a serial killer. Due to the fact that the main character is a young female the representation is of girls that are 15 onwards. Our film conforms to the stereotype that girls are usually very talkative. This is represented by the props we used, for example she is chatting on the mobile phone near the beginning. The protagonist also cares a lot about her appearance; this is supported by the shot reverse shot of her looking at her reflection in the mirror and smiling.

Our narrative is focused around middle class population, as represented by the mise en scene, a large house the character lives in which reinforces the belief the character is living a mainstream lifestyle in the suburbs. Further more the language used in our production represents the younger generation because of the casual dialogue between the characters is similar to the speech in which young teenagers As a result our film is relatable to a wide audience. Furthermore, as society is now becoming more diverse we tried to incorporate different ethnic groups in our production by using multi- racial characters. Therefore, since many social groups are diverse, I feel our film would appeal to a larger audience since they can relate to it.

Overall I think our opening sequence represents quite a range of social groups, it may not be all of them but it’s still a wide enough range to attract a large audience.