Etiquette For Todays Job Seeker Presented By Monica D Black Etiquette Consultant

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Transcript of Etiquette For Todays Job Seeker Presented By Monica D Black Etiquette Consultant

“The Impeccable Candidate”Presented by1

Monica D. Black, M.A.April 23, 2010 @ Staffing Solutions

Success in getting, keeping and

advancing in a job is 85% people skills and 15% technical knowledge and skills

Statistics from 3 separate research projects by Harvard, Carnegie Foundation and

Stanford Research Institute

“Success requires that you are included. My goal is to provide you with etiquette tools for inclusion.”

Monica D. Black, M.A.

It is an indefinite set of rules of good manners & behavior

It comes from an old French word meaning “ticket”

Let’s think of it as your ticket into the job market or career opportunities.

Good Manners come from the inside and do not change

Etiquette Rules come from the outside & are always changing

A persons feelings are always more important than strictly adhering to the rules

Knowing the ”rules” is essential because it puts you in the position of knowing when it is appropriate to use them.

Like knowing what shoes to wear for an event or activity.

Attitude Phone Email & Follow-up Clothing Eye Contact Handshake Meal etiquette Thank you

It isYOUYOU when you are comfortable and impeccable with the following soft skills:

Presence Posture Pliable Philter (Filter) Pieces Photographic

Positive Persistent Pragmatic Professional Prepare/Predict Passionate

The 12 The 12 P’sP’s to Manage your Attitude for your career to Manage your Attitude for your career searchsearch

You never get a second chance to make a first impression, so initial telephone contact can make

or break an opportunity. Whether leaving a voicemail message to set up a networking

meeting or to follow up on the process of a job vacancy, keep the following tips in mind before

making the call.

1. Be prepared - know what you want to achieve - have a pen and paper handy.

2. Smile when you speak and try not to speak too quickly or too slowly, speak clearly.

3. Use your first and last name to introduce yourself. Use the first name of the person you are calling only if they offer, otherwise use Mr. or Ms.

4. Be confident and positive, genuinely interested and enthusiastic.

5. Avoid saying anything negative about your previous employers.

6. If calling from home, remember to turn the TV and radio off and secure yourself away from any obvious distractions or background noise.

7. While job searching, do not have a cute message on your outgoing voicemail message at home, including your kids voices, music in the background, etc. should a potential employer call you to set up an interview.

Your first contact to an employerYour first contact to an employer

Do your research Mind Your Manners Watch Your Tone Be Concise Be Professional Use Correct Spelling and Proper Grammar Wait to Fill in the "TO" Email Address Have a conservative personal email address! Always follow-up with a Thank You

Dark socks, conservative leather shoes

Neat, professional hairstyle

Limit the aftershave Neatly trimmed nails Portfolio or briefcase

How to Dress for an Interview How to Dress for an Interview - Men's Interview Men's Interview Attire Attire

Suit (solid color - navy or dark grey)

Little or no jewelry Long sleeve shirt (white

or coordinated with the suit)

Belt Tie

Professional hairstyle Neutral pantyhose Light make-up and

perfume Neatly manicured clean

nails Portfolio or briefcase

How to Dress for an Interview - How to Dress for an Interview - Women's Interview Women's Interview Attire Attire

Suit (navy, black or dark grey)

The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably

Coordinated blouse Conservative shoes Limited jewelry

When the eyes say one thing, and the tongue another, a practiced man relies on the language of the first. –

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Focused eye contact displays confidence on your part, it also helps you understand what the other person is really saying verbally and plays a large part in conveying interest in the person and opportunity.

Direct eye contactDirect eye contact

A vital component you need to bring to any interpersonal encounter is a firm handshake. Those few seconds you "shake" can empower or weaken a relationship.

Hold the person's hand firmly. Shake web-to-web, three times maximum. Maintain constant eye contact

A Good Handshake A Good Handshake

Thou shall not be late Thou shall not jump straight into business talk Thou shall not talk politics, diet or family Thou shall not dominate the conversation Thou shall not dawdle over the ordering or eating Thou shall not chew with your mouth open Thou shall not drink too much alcohol Thou shall not fight over who pays the bill Thou shall not neglect thy table manners Thou shall not forget to show appreciation

Smile- it is the ultimate gesture understood by all! It shows interest, excitement, empathy, concern and creates an upbeat, positive environment.

Q & AQ & A

Thank youThank you