Etc, PERSONNEL ·THE DAILY NEWS 4~ - Memorial...

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Transcript of Etc, PERSONNEL ·THE DAILY NEWS 4~ - Memorial...

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Nova Motors Ltd. ,. Vol. 65. No. 118 ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1958 lPrice 7 cents) Charles Hutton & Sons

• • ames IXOO ac S

Pllll\DIJ.PIJIA. Pa.-This bearded. pipe smoking medical ollirer of 1ht' Bt·iti~h liner ''City of Bath", now in Philadelphia,

Mlsoncr ll woman, Dr. Laitra Maude Dillon. Today the name is Dr. l.anro•nc<' Michael Dillon, heir to the baronetcy of his broth<'r,

Sir Robert Dillon. Dr. Diiion underwent • sex change 12 or 15 )tarJ a~o ••nd the case came to light recently through a discrep­ancy in Dcbrclt's peerage and Burke's peerage, compendiums of tilltd Britnu~. Burke's reported under Sir Robert's name that he had ~ ~i\tf'r, "Laura Maude, born May 1, 1915." Dcbrett's said that Sir Robert had a "brother living-Laurence Michael,

born ~Ia~· I. I!H5''. Sir Robert admitted • sex change took place bul didn't !mow the details, Sir Robert i11 childless and the baronrtry c-mmot descend to a woman.-(I.N. Photo),

- - -- --- -- - -- I Defends o·ispatch •


Thousands Rally In Support French Army

Of U. S. Troops WASHINGTON-AP-Prcsident Eisenhower·

Wednesday blamed the anti-Nixon demonstra­tions in South America on economic difficulties,

By JOHN BUSH , Demonstrators stormed the ad- of public safety here. said Wed-· envy of the United States-and probable Com· ALGU..:RS mcutersl ·- The ministrative .headquarters of nesday night he was obliged to

Frcm:h Army Wednesday as·! Oran province after Lambert join the committee "to aroid in- munist agitation. sumcd full control of Algiers dlld ~and the provincial military cQm- cidents." Eisenhower told his press conference he spread its power throughout AI- I mandcr were reported to have He told a press conrcrcncc that ll l'k d 1 · · I { N' ~:eria in renewecl de£iancc of the ' declared their loyalty to the :Gen. Raoul Satan. orc1·-all mil- wou f 1 ·c to o so met nng specm or IXon on French government. , new Paris government of Pierre 1 itary chief in Al:;el'ia is rrspon- the vice-president's rehn·n today - maybe even

A "general's coup" Aaainst · Pflimlin. 1 sible for maintain in~ order in •.he join in a big welcome-home demonstration at the

Paris. sparked Tue~day night by 1 Earlier. reserve soldiers in .territory. civiliAn riots. gathered sll·en.~th I civilian dress seized Oran radio I The 50-ycat··old paratroop off!·· air1>ort-because he admires Nixon's "calmnes5 through the day as more and 1 station after a struggle with. riot! ccr saicl the committee "cannot and fortitude and his couraf:"e '' under mob attack. more military unils and right- : police. i lake any decision it~elr because l·:isenhower likell'ise defended

1 wing cil'ilian ot·gnni7.ations joined: Cheering settlers elsewhere ap-1 everything must he appro1·ed by h.i_s _own sending_ or __ t_roo_p_s into __ t

11io! 1111-..... ··fr 1 11,c·re 111akt"ttg

1·t 1 the struggle against the :o;Ational tllauded the army's declaration [Gen. Satan." 1" f '" 1 ,u Cnn '"~an. m "1xu~1 s possm e wouldn't reconsirler; and I don't

Assembl~· in Paris. :that Al:;cl'ia must remain forever. Mkcd wlml would happen if protectiOn. as "the ~unplc't pre-. think h~ would think ol it lor a Skirmishin~ was reuort~d in ~· a~d that no quartc~ will! Paris does not meet the demat~rl ,:autionarv 111 e as ut· c in the· . ..

~c1·cral ecnln!s ann l"ast Cl'owcls he gt1·en m the Moslem nat1onal- 1 for a "1!o1·ermnent of puhhc world·· lie ,.,;d the troons were scconcl. of French sel!h•rs turnrd out to, ist _rebellion a~ainst Fre!1ch rule. i safety."' Mas>ill replied: "I shall·ai1<1j1lc in case \'rt;ewcla . '~' fl~t·. the . r:au'c: or ... the demonstrate m. support of the· 1 he populntton of tim North I rio my best to a1·oirl IJloorlshcd. 'asked for them ··and th·•t is all ;111' 1 · "''-~011 .. drsordets. Lisen· mmfs cQnll which its backer~ · African t. e r r i I or y consists 11f I c11nnot I,!U!\rantre it.·· (1; • , . 1 't .. ' ' 1 lower sal : Amon_g equals. the hope will r~sult in a "J:o•· i about 9.000.000 Moslems and 1.- lie· ~aid dl'ilian m~mhrrs of ~-~-~ '\as , 0 1 ·t '" 11 . . ~~·rat••:;t ~nd the nchcst and the r bl. ·" h . 1 c1 h • G :00 000 F ·I i J" • h f . . ·\I ,,1. en 1011 cr n~an lr rn '' >lrongest ts bound to create some o pu tc safe!~. cac c ~ ~n. 0. rene 1.

1 us rommtttce one mmct . · evnfercnce hi· s·mn" CI!IT<'nt sit- .

('I I• c1 G 11 1'1 t, · . •· "I' an nn tlte ''r ch t , n ·• G • · J • c · . . • ·-• • ~ · . cn~-y. And when vou ha1·e anv m-tar rs e au c. rr crm liAs ,.c .. s 1 o, < en sr · i ,c,tan o1e1nor . a<ques ,,ous- uatwns 111 1 rbanon ami Al"ctTI . 1 1 • .. • firsl used during the French tiers II~ at Pflimlin woul~ m~kc i tcllc. right-win~:. Frrurh a~scm-, an• r~rv delicate ami "c·an 'wcll 1 ~~\~~1 · '.•ercfo_rc: _that mctles or Rerolulion to describe :;oi'Ct'n·. concesswns to. the nalionahsts [' bly member. mil conw to AI- he nrv· "rwe as thr,· rlevclnll" 1 ~ I.e 01 rl11~-·1 cll. lhe_n. lhere

I h 1· t t 'l ·h d 1£ · ·T · f 1 ·• c1 t1 t rl (' 11, • ·11 . • " ' · .• . · 'hrmgs •to the ~urface tins lateEt men v c tc a or. . · ouc e ~ Cll !tan no mg anr l,!tcrs an ta r. 'a'.' < 11 .' Maml1·. the qurst1onm" dealt . . 11 ... In Oran. Western :"dget•ta. a the arm~· s coup. . hea1l a. nrw gorr~·rmu·nt 111 Pans. , .. ith r-.'ixon's mhach·cntl~rrs in Is 1\ 0111 _r. . . . .

"committee of public ~af~t)''' Paratroop Gene r ~I .Jacques-; "Dunn~: the mgl;t. w~ sent a \', 1• rl r . .... . 1 .•. · lie sa !fl. l_uo. L~t!Hnunt"-' . I I . I . ... "I '! "l"t . , • " r .. · I , , ( newr d an ctu. <-t>cn tOll ct hm·e a hahtt of explmtm" such 11as rrportcc to m•c p a<~d , c " a~ su. m11 aty com- I mcsoaMe In test< cnt Col) ami 11 .. " a,kcrl amon" other thin"', 1 . .1 " •

Gm-rrnm· Pierre Lambert under manrlcr of Alsicr~ who heads the! Gen. rle <;anile c;;plaining our w'1; e't' h r ;. 'the t~istrcatnent M~j un!·c~t-am. In at. d·~·lu c1hc '·1·1sn I hon~r arrr~t. joint militar)·-ririlian committee 1 position." he addr1l. . \"ixon ~ml his wifr mi"hl ~!liN , ~01111 1111~ a 1

1m;:et· ~reel Y. at them ____ ·-·--·--- ··- • • ' • • , • p tn lte Sout1 Amcncan dtsorders.

, r•ianncrl 1-:uroncan lour hy 1\'ixon. this looks like. "a case of whcrr ; next fall to he called nff. :there is a lot of smoke and. 'IKE WOULD!'I:'T tl1errforc. there i> probabl.v somP

"I wouldn"t think >ll," he re- [ire." Beirut

Govt. Restores Order. c.- p~ R.--B~ck B~· SII:\."\E GUEBE:"I.IA:-1 ·with the aid of gorcrnmr.nt , try in Cuiro. Tt described ~!alik ~

Bl•:mrr. Lebanon \Reuters•- ·troops. : t"hargcs as "falsehoods, lies and T N Tanks rumbled throush hushed Tuesday ni~hl, a column of 1 fictitious accusations." 1 streets here Wednesdaynight ns' rioters marched on Chamoun';; I The current crisis began whm 0 . orma Lebanon's pro - Western go1·crn- ! private residence at Bt~it Ed Din 1 two newspapers ac·cuscd the go•··

I men! cracl-ed down on rioters af· 1 and 10 persons were killed and , ernment of "causing ~edition." · tcr li1·e days of chaos. dozens injured when government! The next day. mobs roamed the ll'' HOBERT nrl:E findin;:s to J•roted some 47.; 1irr-

l\lore than 50 persons hai"C plan~ strafed the insurgents. ; >lrcets. the" Am€fican infonna. l";ona,liun l're's Stall 1\"ritrr ·men with scniot·ity ctwccn 19:i3 . been listed as killed in the anti· 1 Lebanese Foreign Minister Ma· 1 lion library was destroyed and Ill ~10:\TIH-:.\L 1 CP 1-CPB train~ <md lfl.J6. These men remain ao , \\"estern riots. , Jik Tuesday accused the United • persons killed in rioting. 11 l'rr t•oiHng across Canada grn-. CPR firemen along with some 2.-! The northern cit~· or Tripoii . Arab Republic of "massive inter· I Another issue is Chamoun's in- rrail~· on time Wednesday ni;ht. · 41lU other workers with lon:;cr was rrpot·led rclatil"l'ly quiet· lcrcnce" in his country's alfairs. : tcmion to seck anothct· six-year On mo.<t rn.~incs. firemclr"\\·cre' seniority ratings who were 1D \\"ednrsday. Tripoli was where His accusation drew a sharp re-rterm. i~ present term cxpir~.; hack in the en~itwel"'s cah a;; 'hey keep their jobs an,·way. Thc1· will the \\'3\'e of Lebanese unrest tort [rom lhe FAR foreign mini~- 1 Srpt. 2J. were before they went on strike work ~·ard and freight dic~els un-

. startccl last Friday. spreading to • ------ -··- ·------··- ·-··· ·- ·- l~st Sunrla•·. til the pool ol firemen is reduced 1 Beirut tluce days later. :;on1CII!trre alwad-pcrhaps as by promotion and t·ctirement.

i lin Cairo, the llliddle Ea;;t LI.hera· Is DI·scount lon~ as li Y<'ars away-lies the Dc~pite the CPR ~cttlcmcnl , n~ws agencr reported a "hlood.v da~· when all CPR freight and the gcnrral issue of firemen nn · hallie"' had broken out between ~·nrrl diesels will operate without diesrl trains still isn't lUll)

!"the people and the army'' on iirt•men. solrd. . Tripoli beach. The agency said p c Promi·ses . The firrmrn"s lhrec-da)' ;trike \\'. 1!:. Gamble. C;madian chic! . the Lebanese army had machine- · A~ainst the pri1·ately-owncd l'a· or the Brotherhood of Locomoth·e ! gunned citizens.) • • nac!ian Pacific ended 60 seconds l'irem~n and l!:nginemen iCLC;. I With machine • gun • carrying O"J"fAWA lL'PJ _ The Librral! been no pal'liamcntary authority hcforc midnight Tuesday, and the said \\'ednesdar it should be. · marines guarding his oClice. party's financial critic said Wed- yet for expenditures in the fiscal railway promptly began restoring' made clear the Kellock report : President. Camille C~~moun con· nesday the Progressive Conserva- year that started April 1. operations to normal after partial i "11ill never be accepted as the

-------------------- 1 ferrcd wtth the Bnttsh. Amer- tive election claim of an anti-re- Tl e g l'crnment's reque;t 11.a, · clisruption. particularly in \\'est- 1 final word on the need for diesel I . d F h b d f I

1 0 • ern Canada. I helpers ... t M S t tea~ an rene a'!' assa ors or 1 cession public works program granted after a 2\!-hour debate . Tl f . . d th 1 V Ove Op I the second successive. day. . 1 either didn't exist or hasn't yet and goes bclore the Senate this : CP~e 1t~f~cnt~ . un\on 3~ d" e ! Still im·o)l·ed wjth the fire· 1 I ~o state!llent was Issued art~r I been presented to Parliament. morning. . . . i argum!~t ~n the e:asi~no1·~h~n K1~1~; I?Jen's u_nion over the diesel ques-

t hctr meetmg, bu.t observers .~a~d William Benidickson CL-Ke- Both Onnosthon. ~ader Pear· . lock roval commission report-an 1 tton-chtefly a matter of automa-

A. 1 1th~y probably drscussed Cauo s ; nora - Rainy River) referred to son and ~!r. Bentdtckson asked · adrisor~ non-binding rulinn that, lion in railway work-is the pub-

gerl• an R I t. I reJechon °! Lebanese ch~rges I Prime Minister Diefenbaker's re- M_r. Fleming _to say whether he said fir~men are not nec~ssarv! liclr - 0\Vned C~nadia~ N~tional e VC\ u }Qfl 'that the Umted ~rab Repubhc of pealed campaign statements that still holds to htS" forecast las~ Dec. on freight and yqrd diesels. ·1 Ratlwa)'S, seckmg d1scretiona~y V Egypt and. Syrta provoked th& th go1·ernment would spend $1,- 6 of an,ooo surplus m th~ ONE CHANGE MADE powers over firemen's assign-

Lebanese VIolence. _,ooo in 1958 on public works 1957-58 ftscal year ended March . • BIROLD Kl:"><: ; cers ancl right • wing civilians his election and another meeting . _A new clash between mal pol- to provide jobs. 31. To achieve the seltlement, one I menh 1n a new eontract up for '~!U1ers> - Premier: seized power in Algiers Tuesday only five hours later. th~al factions was reported at Mr. Benidickson said that in WAIT FOR BUDGET change was made in the report's I revision now.

go,. t r n m~nt i night shortly before Pfllmlln won Fears the cabinet might col· Bet! Ed Din, .about 40 mtles south- government expenditure estimate 1\lr. Fleming said he would wait . -----------------------a serir:· of stern I appro1·al from the National As· lapse Wednesday subsided when east of Betrut. Supporters of tabled Tuesday for the 1958-59 fis- until he presents his budget for ;

. nn m-my-!ed scmb!y as France's 25th post-war the three conservative ministers ~aJtd Arslan, 8 Lebanese cab- cal year he can find only $685,- the current year. 1 D . from ~preadtng' prcmter. agreed to postpone their resigna· anet member, repulsed the attack 000,000 in works programs. That Mr. Benidickson referred to th~ e

The army rebels, fearing Pflim- tlons in view of the crisis. was only $90,000,000 higher than record $5,734,000,000 in expendi-1 lin might "sell out" In Algeria, But powerful political leaders Justice Minister Robert Lecourt in the previous year. ture estimates tabled for the , demanded the return as premier In Paris took up the challenge told the National Assembly's af· "This is not the type or answer presertt year. ; c II

· 11 1ng "shock Gaulle. The 67-vear-old de Gaulle "government or public safety." will announce Friday its meas- ate during the campaign," Mr. 1\lr. Fleming, Prime Minister

Gaulle Awaits Duty To ol wartime hero Gen. Charles de from Algeria and called for a ternoon session the government I he was presenting to the elector- - He quoted statements made by I' a

, 11elfort to m·rt po~- sal out the crisis in his Paris of- Jacques Soustelle, chief spokes- ures to meet the challenge from, Benidickson said. Diefenbaker and Hon .. J. M. Mac-. · . ! rice. ~an ol Gaullist P.olicics in the \\'~- Algiers.. I . ~he D!ef~nba~cr pro ~ram do~ncll: minist~r . wit~out po~t-[ By IIAROLD KISG 1 For him to assume legal lead· · all ¥10.000 Fro·nch 'ii!:~IERGESCY MEETINGS tiona! Assembly Isst!ed the call m 1\lea.nttme, hundreds or. posters·: ctther dtdn t ~.xtst or hasn t been ~oho. 11hen the) 11ere m oppostt- i PARIS meutcrsl_..:Gen. Charles I ership of the country, it would be•

on hom<· tt·rritory Pflimlin, 51-year-old leader of a statement also stgncd lly !or- . urging the return of de Gaulle to mcluded here. 1on. . . . . 'De Gaulle. who led France out necessary first for the president 1 to barracks trm- 'the :\louvement Republicaln Po· mer premier Georges Bidault.l"save France" were s~lashed on ASKS PRECISE STATEMENT Mr. Flemmg h~d satd m 19.13 ! ol Nazi occupation, sat behind of the republic, Rene Coty, to

of ~res tancrllt•d. I pulnire,called an emergency .•ab- Senator Roger Dttchet ancl Andre 1 billboards through Pam. He referred to a government that a Consen·al!l'e government j his cl~sk in a barclv-furnished of-1 empower him to do so and for rrnch ar111y orfi- 1 inet meeting immediately after Morice. _Coly him~eiC made un unprec-

1: press 1:etease Feb. !8, during the wou!d cut $?f!O.OOO.OOO rrom Can-' fice Wednesday. a1i·ailing the na- i parliament to endorse him

euented radto appeal to the armed campa1gn, announcmg a $1,185.- ada s tax btll _by sound an~ ac·l1tion's call to lead it out of its I This is the procedure that De

C forces in Algeria, ~rging them I' 000,000 wor)(s program for t_he curate budgetmg. M~. Dtelen- present crisis. Gaulle himself always has up· • t 1 not to "split the nat10n." year. He called for a preme baker l~st year had smd the for- The leaders ol the armv junta held. apl a Pflimlin denied his regime in· I statement as lb how much of this ~er. Ltberal government was that has taken o1·er control of Head or" the Free French dur· tends to abandon Algeria. H~ 1 had been newly designed to meet ptclang the taxpayers' pockets. Algeria in delia nee of the Na-' ing and after the war, De Gaulle Indian

'Qeut~ ,_ . • . , . . . . vowed ~e ~vould "n~ver allow the unempiDym~t and how much ~lr · .~racdonnell last ~ear had tiona! Assembly in Paris are de-/ told this correspondent only a few 1'100~\· three-. n~lil"~. also !S "not pracltca~lc.'! . The ~ommtss10n _mre~ligated ·bonds hnkmg .~!gena and France would have been undertaken nor· said: ~ve~yonc who ts not ~I manding that De Gaulle assume weeks ago that a breakdown of

Am . ~ ruled • fhe commission was appomted 1 hl'e posstble alternalil'c sties for to be broken. mally by any government. moron knolls !hat these expendt·l command in an authoritarian 1 France's parliamentary and 10V·

as ertcan na1·a1 :after a conference of British, a naval base on the wesl coast The premier told the National lltr. Benidickson, former parlia- lures could be cut tlo1~n-" "government of public safety." 1 crning machinery was bound to new 1 ~He for t_he; Americ~n an_d West Indian rep· south o~ Chaguaramas. But it re- Assembly T~esday night he i~- mentary .assistant fDr finance. Yet, sai_d Mr. Benidtckso.n, t~c I . · • come.

11 est Indies ! resentallves m London last )'ear ported tt would take f1·om 5\2 to tended to brmg peace to Algeria spoke durmg Commons debate on Cons~rvattve g?vernmcnt "as m- , . Desptle p~essure from man_Y j "I do not know exactly when 1 was unable to reac~ agreement 10 years to rebuild a base such through a military ylctory and a government request for an .in- cr~asmg spe~dmg: ! stdc;s, the 61-year·old g~neral IS I the system will be swept away,

lor. · on the base's future In the !ace as Chaguaramas at any or these warned the army se1zure of au- terim money sup pI y totallmg The publtc ,w11l deplore the lunhkely to take an achve hand but it is certain that it will be ;;-;;~~!e_PII~senti~~· 'f' of American reluctance to give it sites at a cost !rom •132,000.000 thority may ~e France "on the 1$626,292,380 to cover expenditures fact that those p~inciples ~av~ in the crisis. wi~hout an im·i~~tion -and not or its own volition," lie ~ lhe up. to $425,000,000. edge of civil war." 'to the end of May. There has not been brought mto pracllce.' from conshtuhonal author11tes. said.

- ll"hieh ha the · · If De Gaulle accepts a call to

~~~~e;!~g:ti~~et~ Canada U S Relat1· ·ons Co.ntrov· ersy ~~:d~~~i~~~s~ill only do 10

on . Cha&uara~ele~se e e He would insist on full power

as or for at least two or three years

laid th report, pub- By DAVE MciNTOSH dian citizens appearing In evid· In 1940 i l1,74l-acre Canadian Pre11 Slalf Wrller ence before congressional loves-States 1 Y Britain to OTTAWA (CPl - External Af· Ugatlng committees would be dtstr n 8 99-vear fairs Minister Smith said Wednes· sent to Canadian authoriUes In

oyers deal, "fuJ. day Canadian trust in the United confidence for Investigation, If and military St t 1 h f I C d a naval base in n es n regard to exc anges o necessary, n ana a.

" security Information was "mls-!hat: pluced." On that understanding, Mr. 11 110 i~nifirant Ills c 0 m m 0" n s statement Smith said, the Canadian govP.rn·

arfa Will . Por. touched off a new round in 8 ment had decided to drop the . nal"al ha,t• 11~;~ttl\t: e~nada-U.S. row dating bock to matter which had ~:iven rise m a

to lh~ base·. . s l9al when the u.S. senate in· stern Canadian protest to \~nsh­. s ffiiS· I lerna\ 8 e c u r i 1 y subcommittee l~glon after Mr. Norman, Cann-

an\· fiOrt" . branded Canadian ·Herbert Nor- d!Dn ambassador to Egypt. com· ·to lt:o~ ?r I he : man a Communist. milled suicido in Cairo April 4, "imprac~ 11~at~ l Mr. Smith. ·speaking with con· 1957 The sub~ommittee had . re­

Olthe b~e!Ca ~- !trolled anger, said the U.S. gov· v!vcd Comm~mst charges agamst 'ltd as · llhtch , ernm~nl last August gave an .un 1 hm·, the prevtous month.

an alter· I dertakins that names of Cana· I TRUST MISPLACED I • •

Mr. Smith said ·publication Tuesday by the subcommittee of a report naming Robert B. Bryce, secretary to the Canadian cabinet has "shown that this trust was misplaced."

"Once again," he said, "an in­vestigating committee of the U.S. Congress has made public the name of a Canadian civil servant in complete disregard o( the Ca· nadian government's views tOr· cibly made known to the Congress only a few months ago as to th~ fair .and proper way to deal with matters of this kind."

Mr. Smith added: "1 am sure that aU honot·nble

members of this House will share

the Canadian government's dis· appointment at this t u r n of events.

"I am, therefore, instructing our ambassador in Washington (Norman Robertson) to convey to the U.S. government the sense of the statement I have ju&'l made."

Prime Minister Diefenbaker was at Prescott. Ont.. attending the funeral of A. Clair Casselman, Progressive Conservative mem· her of Parliament for Grenville· Dundas.

OppositiQII Leader Pearson, for· mer Liberal external affairs :nin­ister who !ired ocr a stiff protest to \Vashim:ton over the Norman case April 10, 1957, was in the

Commons but did not comment. He also declined comment out­side the House.

The day Mr. Norman look his life in Cairo by jumping from the top of a seven-storey building, Mr. Diefenbaker, then oppo~ition leader, said tlie subcommittee had "filched" Mr. Norman's good name from him.

"Freedom will not he pt·eservcd hy adopting the techniques and instruments of communism," Mr. Dicfenbakcr said at that Limo.

' The subcommittee said Tuesday that Shigclo Tsuru. Japanese uni· versity prolessor. had told it that he attended a Communist study

group at Harvard University in the 1930s.

Tsuru, the subcommittee said, "met E. H. Norman in 193li, being introduced by Robert Bryce, a Canadian economist."

The subcommittee added that alt three were memi! of "the Harvard study group.

l\lr. Bryce said Tuesday night "! have nothinE to hide."

He said he was at Harvard in 1936 and knew both Mr. Norman and 'l'suru.

"I may well ha1·e introduced them !Norman and Tsurul then. but can't remember 21 years later. It would have been the natural thin& to do."

and also would insist that parlia­ment take a vacation for that period.

Weather Overcast, with fog, end·

i ng by noon. Cool. High 35

TEMPERA lURES Toronto . . . . • . . 50 72 1\lonlrcal .. • .. . 45 61 Moncton . . . .. .. 34 47 Halifax . . .. • .. . 37 54 Sydney . . . .. . .. 39 44 St. John'! . . . . . 32 33

I , •I" l_l"

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!Snow In Summer "Ed~na Black" I Herbert Oule


Personal The Governor and Command· i A FLOWERING SHRUB A Htt In :

ant of ~he Church ~ads' Bri· I OR A REALITY I d . gade, Air-Marshall S1r Aubrey Salmonier • H . B ( IEllwood. K.C.B., D.S.C., has an· : onore· Y· om nounced that, among thos.e to Bp ?R~CE ~1. SPA,RKES , 1 The production of the Vic·; . be presented to Her MaJesty Ea~h mers on V. ednesda~ . torian mysterv melodrama "The 1

the Queen &t the Royal Review mornmg must have wondered 1 L~te Edwina· Black" which the I A distinguished Newfound·: by any one of u• at Buckingham Palace on July If they haa slept through t~e I Theatre Arts Club of St. John's land bu.sinessman. Herbert A. I pathetic ··


th 1958 will be Lieut. Colonel ~ummer and were back agam 'presented in Salmonier on Sun· 1 Outerbndge, M.B.E., was bon· · ad1·ice and pra ·

Noted Businessman Retires· After 56 Years Of Outstanding ·service Gordon 'r.t Stirling, Q.C. Officer into the winter. for at 6 a.m. 8 ! day evening was greeted by' oured latt night by directors : needed. Cll:;J

Commanding the Avalon Bat· snow storm. bigger ~han any 'loud and sustained applause. I and employees of Harvey and: For all th•>• , ST. JOHN'S (SpeclalJ-H. A. • he met Miss Alice Margaret loving care of his wife that Ia lion, c.L.B., Newfoundland. ~t~rm ~or the past wm~er, w~s Fr. Albert Slattery, in a · Company Limited and Harvey • are tru!l· ~r2 t~r.;t'1

Outt!rl..ridgc. M.B.E .. Pt·esident Hutton of England whom he enabled him to effect a com· ....__ 1mposs1ble for about f1ve 1~m· speech after the play, thanked I Lumber and Hardware Limited· ~!ways hnlrl 100

of H,m·ev & Company Liml•e1i married on August 26th. 1913. plete recovery.. utes to see further than f1fty the Theatre Arts Club for going • at a testimonial dinner to mark: i!Jn ann hi~h and Harvey Lumber & Hard· The following year, as an of· Upon the death of his father, public he serves. feet. . , to Salmonier and giving the '1 his retirement after 25 years as I. inq your career ware Limited for the past fleer of the Church Lads' Sir Joseph Outerbridge in 1933, Besides his long service with Cold wmds and drlv1~g, wet people of the area an oppor· president of the firms. c'fi7•n•hin ~' twenty.five years, retired ~·ester· Brigade, he was a'mong those Mr. Outerbridge succeeded to the Church Lads' Brigade, he snow greeted people gomg to tunity of seeing some truly fine I Culminating fifty-six years as: of ~hri•tian . a d~y after completing flfty·six selected to organize a bf'lttallon the President's chair of Harvey Is a member of the Town Plan· wo.r~ around 8.30 a.m., .and cars Pcting in a tense and exciting a member of the firms. Mr. I WP t!o not f ,. · years service with the firms as to serve King and Country in and Company Limited. It was a ning Committee, the Bowring dnymg arou~d the c1ty had 1 play, He said he hoped that the! Outerbridge will continue as you ho1·~ rr••il:~ 11

a member and director. The the First World War (1914-18). position he merited through Park Committee, severr..l school the1r hack wmdows completely! club would return again with 1 Chairman of the Board~ of JJi· from ~h. r, .. ···h, 75·year old lltr. Outerbrldge will He was appointed Quar~er· ability alone and In the b?ards and· he' is honourary covered with the clr..mmy .. he~vy, another of its productions at a: rectors-a task which will gj,·e: n:an'· of '" ~,,.,:. :;;; be succeeded by his brother, master of the Pleasantville that followed, he demonstrated Lieutenant-Colonel of the ·Me· and unwelcome anachromsm. future date. i him more leisure. ; b~ 9r?t~ll:l ; ~ Sir L. c. Outerbrldge, C.B.E .. Camp of the Royal Newfound· his great personal business morial University 0 f f ice r s Snow fell for the most part of . Last evening "The Late Ed· I Over 200 employees, directors' a1lmirP. r D.S.O .. LL.D., former Lieuten· land Regiment and assisted in ncumen as he guided the firm Training Corps. the morning, and melted on the wina Black" was staged at the and guests frop1 branches ~II: Fin? II I'. ''' ., ...

ant Governor of thp province. cquitlping and tr~·ining the now through the difficult post-de· . streets. but covered the fields i Hospital for Mental and Nervous • across the province filled the 1\!rs. Ollt•·h· itl: "~ The occasion was suitably immortal "First Five Hundred." pression ~;ears; through the de· A q~let, devout man. :\Jr., and sidewalks with slush. The ·1 Diseases. Since its founding two I ball room of the Newfountl'""'l ·sin!'$. """ ,,,,;

marked Wednesday night at a For hb thorough and efficient manding war years and through O~ter.brtdge p~rfo~mshiperhaps !lovely spring flowers bowed\ years ago the club has perform·; Hotel to pay tribute to their ~rat('ful th.,,d., tn . bnnquet in his honour r.t the I work in this connection, he was the constantly changing business, ~1s fmest scn•tce 1~ s atte~·l their heads. and were quickly ed all its plays at -the hospital i estPemed employer. long ~n~ '''rro;, 'Cl Newfoundland Hotel. where em· awarded by His Majesty King I scene of the post'woc ~·ears. ! bon to the af~atrs of ~IS i buried in the heavy blanket of 1 for patients and their visits to! The comoany's tn-r,~tPrl """ 1,,.. · · ployees and di~ectors ma~e I George V. 'the ~o~our of. a Throughout the~e years he' church. ,Under, hts leadership.: snow. By noon the snow ~eased· the. i.nstitution are now eagerly 1 Sir Leonnrd Outerb•·id.~e. C.B E. tJ.e Fr""' '" 1 ~. special presentahons to thm Member of the Br1hsh Emp1re. 'served on the d1re~torate of I as ~em or V. arden of the 1 to f~ll. ,and the dull fee}mg of I :onh~1pated. . ! JJ.S.O.. c.p., wa~ ch~1rman fo• w~r ~nrl , esteemed president. Ca'ltain Outer bridge 1 ate r! many fpmpanies wh1ch played· Angl,tcan .Cf'llhedral .of St. John 1 peSSimism prevalent durmg the 1 Tickets for the two c1ty per· the occaston wh1ch hr termed.· vr·nr wourd,

Speakers during the evening · joinc;i his regiment in France ! a vital role in supplying the t~e Baphst, ext~nsll'e renol'a·l morning began to life as the' formances of the play which: "both a happy one and a s~d ·like ,.o .. In '"n"

1·~viewed a distinguished busi· 1 and Sl'I'\'M ~;nllantly at the hei>d i needs of the people of ~eW·IItons ar~ now m progress to weather man promised to bring l featu~es Glenys Moore, ~au I; one" as friends and associatrs til~ rkhN f ... 0•1,

nfsS cr.reer and a life of solid ! of his men until he was wound· ! foundland for employment and ; the f.abrtc of that great and , better weather. O'Netl,. Don Stone and l\fanl~n' gathered to honour "a l"err ,,.;th )·nu ~,,; fnr . and inostcntatious sen·ice in ed in the Battle ol the Somme serl'icc. Among these were A. i beautiful church. I Stone m the cast of four Willi great Ne}'lfoundlander ancl a· ~IJin. the life uf :'\ewfoundland. :in' April 1917. Shrapnel from ! Han'e)' & Company Limited., In his private life his 'O'anl.'i! gn on sale Thursday morning' ~real president of thP co~ pan·, Han·pr r.rrl · '•mn"' :Born in St .• John's :\larch 7th. I a bursting shell inflicted grel'· 'Hat·ve~·-Brchm Limited, Brown· are simple and his greatest Co-Danger at Charl~s Hutton and Sons.! 1e~ _for the past 25 years. 1 Hr.n·~y !., .. ,·. ,, ·~~

1883. Mr. Outerbridge is the ! ious head wounds and he was i ing Hnrl'cy Limited. Marine 1 joys ~re his hobbies that brin" Heservallons may b_e made b)' • S1r Leonn;rl then call~d unon eldest son of the late Sir Joseph, lelt ror dead upon the battle·· Agcncie~ Limited, and Harvey


. him close to the ber..uties of __ i telep~one but ~he llckets mu~t. one of t~e f1rms oldest. m term~ Thr nri!l"r·• ,.,, and Lady Outerbrid~e. :field. :Lumber & llc·rdware Limited. 'nature. Renowned for hal'ing In ca>e of accident. the l•ictim I he ?'c~ed up Ill advance .. The' of semce. em~loye~s, Arth,lr h"l!ocl in ,, lra•h~r

·Educated at Bishop Feild 1

Fortunatrl)', stretcher bearers 1 Despite the demands of a' om• of the most beautif•!ll may sulfer more from shock' •:'a.) \\Ill be staged at Bishop Heale, Cnmpan) pa\master. to. wh1ch "''' ·•:."1n1d College. St. John's. and ~larl·lnnte~ a spt·rk of .~ife a~d the~· i l'ery a~live business life, llr. gardens in St. John's, his home, than from the. injury, If ~e, ~~~~~e;~~~~ge ~~!v 8 ·3gls~.m. a~~ pro~os~ a toast to the guest of i J:;~n)·'~ f!~~. :·.:rl .a bo.rough Col.lege, England, he

1 camed him to a ~ 1rst A1d Post. , Outerhnd~e ha.s nc1·er been too at "Happy Acre," King's Bridge 1 seems dazed, w1~h clammy skt~. ; Tnursday • May 22nd a~d sell ho~f urH 1 1 a witt~ and elo·:

1 .flf.

11 ~"' r ~ 1,'·'z 11

.wmed the {lrm of Hr,rvey and • whence he was e1·acuuted to a , busy to fmd time for work on Road is the castle of a happy · shr·llow breathmg and rap1d ·for $l 00' reserv d ' rt :: 1.', n · · · d aho 1 I erbnd~P. 'I' .. • Company as a junior clerk in 1 Field Ambulance Station. Later ·patriotic a'nd community wei· dutlf~l man ' pulse, he should be allowed to I • e · ~ue~ . a! re~\ r.~m~~:f~~~ of t~e: ehploye~ nf 1£'02. :he was removed to a ~lilitary jtare committees or for interest · · lie rlown under warm covers.' • ] 0.1 II.' rf~fs a~ ~~au in the hi~·;! e rompnr,· .,,~,

Succeeding years saw him 1 Hospital in London where he 1 in the personal problems of hi~, His employees-all of the'll He needs plenty of air and :1· Jmpena 1 Pt as~ f

1 ttvh·!IXHa~r"er~ compan·1n~ : pr.rchnhlent~ 1 '·lln·,~ • · · · · • 1 !' • 1 · h' · '11 • h' t h' · or~ o ~ • .• ,~ · · v;rre oun .. •n "'llh take a deep mterest m bu;mess

1 underwent a maJor opemt10n . 1rms emp oyees. ; IS fnenrls-wl m1ss 1m a IS should be kept qmet. If there 1 . He traced a record of growth ! 0 b h ,· 1

under the guidance ~f his re· j whi~h in\·olved the insertion of Down throu~h the years he; desk but h~ example will. en· i is no sign of internal injury, he: s h } h" under the guidance of ~lr. OutPr·; 1\lr n Be~t \h .. ~ •ll nowned. fa t h (' r. Sir Joseph ! a Sliver pla~e und~r ,his scalp. ~as be on a~SOC!ated as ~ leader I dure ID • thm h.e~rts and h\'0.s. I may be given hot tea or coffee. l c 0 ars tps i bridl.'l.' whose career saw the I 0 i b ~ rl" ., i•h Outerbndge. who was then , Recuperation durmg the post· In many fields of aervtce r,nd , Ther w11! be JOmed by the:r 1 ' • . I compam· expand its staf( from

11 ~r ~1 ,r .. ; ' · •i!

Pre>ident or the Company. ; war years was tedious ancl long . chpritable endeavour. Unpre· I many friend6 in wishing him a : For summer try a liquid rouge i Stu.den~s wrttm!! the June :about 80 permane~t emnlol·ees; con) 01 t~P, :""1m!,

Through diligence and appiica· 1

but hr gradually resumed his: tentious, and always working' long and useful retirement aa!l it is so easy to apply, if the skin e~a'!l~rat~ons forb ~ra~~ XI ~re! in 1910 to more than 250. in en~. 1," ~~~~ .. r ,;~~

tion to duty. h~ was appointed full duties with his firm. i behind the scenes, his deeds to .him and ~Irs. Outerbridvc,' is inclined to be sticky·hot. and' e l.lll e or s~ 0 a;s


0'11!1~8 1 r~ 1 ~ri e 0 ~ 0 .!

r. dirc.ctor in 1!113. • l"riends say that it was only his .: and generous philanthropies can , man)' more years of good health ·it gi1·es such a charming "decli· , nnThted by Imh plerlahl' 011

Limttled.d ! ~lr Heal~ · ~noke nf \lr h11

0°u1r• ·1n11

rtnh'"" · · II · · · h· t · · 'lh I · d th ' · b f II· d b · th ' d h · ' bl I" I k · esr. sc 0 ars 105 are va ue · · · · · · · · ·

1 · r It 11a; durmg le>e ~e .• rs t ,, strong tal , s grit r,n P, ne~er e u ~ assesse ) e an appmess. 'rate us I oo · • at $lOO. for St .. Tohn's students. Outerhr1d~e s man)' ~:enerou$ ~Irs. 0 111orl"i"''

: <Jnrl. $500. for outport stu~e.nts. 1 philanthropies .. his. dern .per· lo,·eh·. hn_uqu•t nf

The "Su~t Shop"

has brought to St. John's Canada's

outstanding Suit for Men •••

Towne Hall $ .50

Towne Hall ls made from the World's best mater•

ial • , • Broadacre's British Worsted.

They. have been goocl

Worsted since the 13th century for

700 years.

If you are hard to fit and want made

to measure there are hundreds of

patterns to select from. We unhesitat·

lngly recommend

Towne Hall 1000 SUITS To Select From

BIG . 6 ''SUIT · SH.OP'' . '


1 SubJect to the mual cond11lons sonal ~nt~res~ ~n h1s ('molo'.~es, the ftrm' n"~ 'howe1·er. thev are renewable ann hls msntrm!! church h e. )!iss )!olfir F.lli•. 1 for an additional three ~ears, 1 While. wishin2 Mr. a~rl ~~~s. Alter "r. ~nl\ \I•

JZiving the St. John's scholar·. Ou!erbr1d2~ "'·er'' happmess 10 . hrirl2e harl ship a potential value of 5400. ; r~t1rcment. ~lr: 'f!eale condu~ed. thanks th~ rr•t n!

' and the outport scholarship a • h•s remarks w~th an expresSion: was l(il'en o1rr to · potential value of $2.000. : of c~ngrntulaltons ?nd su~oort ; anri sonJZs nf Bob

While tbl' scholarships are to S1r I:eonard Out.erbrldtle .. provided a mmy tenable at Memorial University: whose retirement. as V~_'1tenant, sneeial d~y !or

, the regulations provide that 1 Governor had 211•en h1s brnt· . of the Hm·ry where the comolete course is her a chance to take a well·

: not available at the local univer· e~rned re~t. R b \ i slty, if warranted the balance Th~ rfli•in!.! p~esiden;:s I 0 ert ll 1 of the renewals mav be extend· to th1s address was a \1 1tt~ dl~· 1 ed to another Cana.dian univer·! course on thP nrol!l'rss bP had· T C d'da!• 'sitv. In such cases the awards; sePn in the life of St. John's s an I \ fo; the St. John's scholarship 1 and the province. a; wei las the out port scholar· After pokiM fun at, some or I For f.,.. ........ l~ ship are on the basis of $500 thP rhanges-h'>th b•tsmess anrl 1

I per year. po~itical ._,. 1\Tr. Outerbrid~e 1 ~fr. Roh~r:

In .the school year just com·, ''~Iced h1~ grateful thank~. to, known mana~··r ~ 1 pleted there werr ei)!ht student> h1~ assncwt~s ~ncl emnln)rr~ 1 turrr'$ Life holding Imperial Oil Limit eel fo; th.e many kmd , words. P'r rwny, has veri· scholarships at Memorial Uni· , ~a1d h•< task .as prr:ulent ~··oultl . he plan~ to r•1n . 1·ersity. Since the scholarships ha•:e been 1mnomblr!mlf · the forthroml!'~ were inaugurated over fifty thl' snpport nf so manx faithful election. whid• •1:1 awards and renewals havp heen fri~nrls and Pmnlo~·ees. : snmf'time duri:•: .1:·~.· granted. , At thi< noint in thP prn· vacancr crrc tr1 w:th

'J:ramme E. '1\'. Rest. ~ dirrrlor R. Tucker. \i r .. I and the rr•mptrollPr of thr Com· th~ rouncil :., '?\r. 1 pnw:. rrarl ~ snP~ial iflnminatecl thP Hon;• ,,, i ~drl"rss nn hrhalf nf all nr<'s~nt. . t:;wa. as the 1 ·hml

Ti,f' :u1dr~"'"''" rr"l.rl ;l~ follmn:: Trinify.('nn('fl"'•:nfl "To P~rbrrt Arthur Outrr· ·At 'a n~rl• '••II

The ron1·ocation nf Dalhou~ir bricl~~. F.wnirr. ~I.R.F.. "·~. the ~ ('olon•· r!•!l' .1 rr1:~ T:niversit•· tahs pl:~cr tndav at mC"mb••·~ ~f '!OnrHl' ~·"1 ('om,· 'T<"!.N'rl ,, .. ,, "" '

1., Hnlifax. 'and amnnq the forty· . nnny VmltNI . . . and . . . I for ;nm~ '\o·· :

. two graduates from the J)al· H~r~'P)' Lumber ann Har~l'o·arr ~nd hP \l'c' ·~

·Graduates From Dalhousie

; housie Law School are three:· L1'!11ted. extend to .''Oll. .on your i new ('our.,i!io, ! {rom Newfoundland, Mr. Wil· I rellrem;nt a.[ter Clft,·;m: yr1~5 I --·- - ~­. liam Walter :'\Iarsh all, B.A .. and of seri'!Pe 1\'llh onr f~rm~. our ~Mr. Geoffrey Leonard Steel<' of \'cr)' ~incrrr ~toocl "'l<he• fM FAST R ELl If , St. John's and ~rr. Gordon ~an)' ~·rars of !!Ood henlth .. han· ! George Easton, B.A. of Glover· pmc~s. and well-earne~ leisure. AC H I I town. P~rllcularly, we nes1re to ;e·

I Dr. Robert :'lfcLeod and Dr. cord ou~ .~ralltud~ for the w,1se

John King of St. John's also and efflclent. manner In wh1ch ! receive their degrees from the, )'Oll: a~ Pr~slllent of our con:· Dalhousie School of Dentistn. • n.ames durm!! the .la~t twrnh: M u s

They both plan to return to! !1ve years,. ha1·e .l!~!drd and d1· ~ St. John's to set up their pr.·c· i re~ted the1r poltc1e5 and oper· I tices, and will have joint offices I ahons. in the new suites in the O'Mara-1 Above all, we shall never for· trW:ri;;irw~

ll\lartin Building at Rawlins 1 get the care and concern you

1 Cross. I' have alway~ displayed for the

• Dr. McLeod i! the son of Mr. welfare of each one of us. Our 1 2nd Mr!. Robert McLeod, Pine. !Jest interests were always up· ' Bud Place, and Dr. King is the; permost in your mind; you an· . son of the late Mr. and Mrs. I ticipated our needs and made i John King, South Side Road prolision f~r them: you were I':::!:!:!!:!:!'!!~:: 1 east. Her read,·. when called upon .. . . ------· ----··----·---

Madame · Martinelli WEDDING GOWNS


Are you getting married? "I never knew before they had such lovely things at The BIG 6". The wedding gowns and hoops, veils, and headdresses, gloves and flowers, all await the Bride to be. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, the latest creations of Madame Martinelli Wedding Gowns will be in· traduced to ladies who are only satisfied with fashions that are modern. And to help you choose intelligently, a Madame ·Martinelli representative with long experience will give you her undivided attention.




'tf, JOHN'S, ~

era I tal $~

Public Wor this year total

than last year. for a wharf at

for additional and Federal offi

Another la the new Post Ofl at the present ti

of places will h new wharves and .b~eal Tbere is an add1t1o~; dollars for harbnur m

at Port aux Ba means that th

In connection wit frdlities for th

carson may n1 this year.

federal announc concerned · ta:

and Ne• year will receil

compared to 514 \'Car. Some or th • is the extra 111'31

Atlantic pro,·inccs. II: of which w:

this yl'ar. million cai'm~rhd !•

accommodation ft

eral ~ chnical


51 pt

lnle1~an1~r pnty nmlrr ll'ill inspect a

thirteen p~rmanc on the east co;

r:1r~'rr in

' "' a fi~• ~ r. SIPWa>d!~· r.n! .ro,. ... ,.., ~~~~. . f' "t'l\"f''l (·,-p~

' .· •. ,..~·hri.-1.,,._ ' :,. \I' r--,,.,·rl '

. "·I , · ., "h~m

rlrlr~'c: ··-~·~ ~ a lra•hPr ·;,c: ~t:;rnrtr-d

1:.~ ~nrt a


CHIN usc

'ore they wedding eves and dnesday, creations

il be in• 1 fashions elligently, ith lonG :ntion.




eral Works al $7,101,474

~':icral Fui.Jlie \\'ork:< appropriations for New­-~ tin,; .'car total Si.l01.474, which is slightly · · la~t ~ eal'. The smallest amount is

Brig Bay, and the largest frr ~dditional work on the new Customs

ond Frcieral office building pt·esentl~' under ;1, 11 • ,\no:her large amount, $1.250,000, goes

:be nl'w Po~t Office which is also being con­at 1:1e prr:,ent time.

. Di pl:i<'l'> will hr ----------­~~w \\h.;r"'' and hr~~k· ~orernmcnt scrvicl's" In St.

: 1hr·rc I' "n arltlitional John's rna)' not all be used tor ·· /.•!l:,r; hll' harh.,ur im· the Customs building. The Un·

a1 l'••rl :.ux lla•· 1'11l)11oyment Insurance Com· me:.n• lh:ll thr mis.;ion and the F;-,mll~· AlloW·

it: ,·.•r:twrl it'll with anc~s and Old Age St>curity . . : t;·.;:hll''' tor tht• J)il·i~ion will nnt be moving in·

;li:.Hn t·::r;un may nut . to thp IIPW Customs Building in ·, .· 1h1- :•·:1r which also most of the other

ll'·ir:·a! announrr· federal departments wlll be . ·.y c.111c•'nrd t~x- ·located. UIC' and Family Allow·! . r.~•'":' .~nd :\rW· olncrs II!'Ccl a lot O( space and


,.,,.r '.n:l rt•c·er:e ma)· ~ct a building o! their own! ,.,,,rl•;.r,·d 1" s~ •:· in thr ncar future.

:;..t ~r;.:·. :'t•lllr of till~ . ,. ·;,,, extra ~rant

.\~:;.~-:~.~.· r!-1'\ ltlt'l'"· lhr · .~: ·.\:w:h wa-.

Whilr the $~5 million under :;·.x-;haring payments go to the · l'ro1·inci!tl Go\'ernment the fed· Hal publi~ works amounts corer .• rn·ire> brinJ: aclministererl b\' thr Frdrral Gn\'rrnmrnt. ·

The DUily

HERBERT A. OUTERBRJDGE, M.B.F.., who rrHred last n!ght liS Presiclent of HarvP.y & Co., Ul1., and Harvey Lumber &: Hard· warP. Ud., Is ~howr. abo\·e (left) as he receives employees' gifts from dlrcctor·comptrollcr E. W. Best at a Company banquet held at the Nfld. Hn!tl. The ~ifts (~een in backgro uJKll lnclltlled a leather-bour.d illuminated address signed by

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 195!

Discuss Council Workers' Dispute

' The Department of Labour notified the City

Council that Ml'. Frank f'ogwill for the Union, and r\'~r G. Campbell Eaton for the Council, ha\'e been nom­inated to act on the Conciliation Board to deal with the dispute between the St. John's Municipal Work­ers Federal Union, No. 569, and the St. John's Muni· cipal Council.

Mr. M. G. Dalton, ~I.B.E. has! ----------­bee~ appoint~d _to act as ~he: rights. chatrman or th1s ~oard, wi11ch; 2. AIJlendment of agreement shall endeavour to effect. agree· : profisions go1·erning transfers, ment between the. parties on: 1·acancies. seniority, etc. the ':"alters on whrch they arc ! 3. Annual vacations a n d not. m agreeme11t, on the lol· · •tatutor)' holidays. lowmg: 1 4. Overtime conditions.

S~HEDULE . . 1 5. Wages and classifications. 2. Extens10n o[ bargr..mmg : 6. Duration of z.greement.

Lambert's Statement Submitted In· Court

all employees, a tclel·lslon ~~~ alUl a tine radio.

Prospects For Poor Settletnent

. The statement of Malcolm l"aid that the defendant didn't Lambert, made to the RC~IP appear to be upset bv the ac­

. the morning z.fter the fatal ac·! cident. He thought he' was still i cident on the Topsail Highway . wearing the same clothes he had ; on ~larch 15th which took the , on at the time of the acddcnl

Early lil"es o[ three German nationals. : ~·· his coat had blood-stains on was read in ~lagistrate's Court it. Wednesrlay afternoon. Before La mhcrl's statement

Sgt. Patrick l\oonan of the was read Graham Halliday ap· RDIP took the witnc>s stand to pcared in the witness box, w·bilc

D • t. rc;xl the defendant's statement. some discn~sion was held as to

10.30 ar.d 11.30 a.m. the morn· be admitted as e\'idence or not. lspu e He said it was taken between wilethct' his statement should

· ing following the accident. i )!agistr;;te Hugh 0'::\'eill agreed

rPres~ Rclcas~ from the New· rot rcque>lerll plus time and a· men and a better deal !or the, reaching any ~l'ttlemcnt until In his ~tatcmcnt the dPfPnd· with )lr. Hig~ins that the state· foundlann Emplo)·crs Associ· half. which they ha1·e asked for, port of St. John's. This offer the executi\'e of the L.S.P.U. ant said he had bern dril"ing mcnt need not be put in e1·i· ation), 'in return for the Halifax agree·· however, was rejected by the· ha1·e exercised their authority. along the Topsail Highway with. dencc.

Of LSPU Prospects for an early settle· menl. ; Union. :and control o1·cr the union body two companions, Fitzgerald r.nd · James Power, Q.C .. acting Cor

n•ent of the 'Longshore dispute It was the hope of the ship' The operators of ships In the h)' puttin~ the men back to Halliday. and had been involl··: the prosecution then suggested do not seem too bright at the operators that the 'Longshorr·, port of St. John's now view, work durmg the early night ed in a collision with a Volks·: to llagistrate O'Neill that Halli· present moment. I men wouln give this serious i 11ith grave concern the fact that period. :wagon ncar the Park·Le. He! day be declared a hostile wit·

The Newfoundland Employ· consideration. This • Halifax membe~s of tl~e 'Longshor~mcns i 1 stated that none of the them ' ness. He said he thought his Cl s Association agreed lo the ngreement would have gh•en the Protective Umon are refusmg to 1 c il n• :bad stopped anywhere on the I evidcnc.e had been gh·en "un· L.S.P.U.'s request for time and men increased daily wages from work in the port after. 6.~0 i ounc I cusses : Topsr,iJ Highway after leaving: willingly". Mr. Higgins object· a half after se,·en oclock nnd Sl.80 per hour to $2.15 per p.m. In other words a str1ke IS 1 \ Blackmarsh Road and that none ' ed. and Magistrate O'Neill up-

1 indeed offcren them, in addit·, hour (of which .23 would ~o to takin~ place against ship oper·l' Ke}} ' Br k .1£ them had an~tiling whatso· held the objection. l!:•r:·l Dn•;:rmcnt of· feeling crown lands. The. mohst: ion, a substantial Increase in 1 a 'Longshore Welfare Fund) ators who order Longshoremen Y S 00 1

1 rver to drink between the time Ma"istrate O'NeJ"ll then ques-;d Teci•tral ~~~n·r~·s in· · not~ble of these surveys 1s t e ' tl c1 'l I h · h th 1 · th d . r h d 1 k t ~ 00 d · g th ' · · · · " · ~~~ ;c:!,,winc projects delineation of the boundaries of I ,.'c. atd):dratet, ork wi tc t e I~ ar!ng the a) ltme. hoturs, a.nd o wor fa 4~ t" P,:m. furrn ~ i - , he picked liP his comp_amons iiO!Icd Halhd~y on several , lhL• year:

11 ·J.

1 . d T ... mon . 1 no as . n re urn


uurllll! e cary nrg pe~1o cours_e o ne,o 1a ron~ or a nr11 1 Condition~ armrml Kcllr'• and the hme or the accident. pomls concermng the accident. i~iroulpltiir ~rn·ice , ...,':r:e~~~io:~oc ;~~e in !~~ . for th1s, thr . Emplo~·crs r·e·' thr rate woulrl hav~ be~n trmr 1 wor~mg agrec,mrnt hetweP~ !he · Brook, make the air unplrasa~t ' Lambert stated that the "Why didn't you wait for the

ral Mines and nical Surveys Nfld. in 1958



dl d N : ques~ed. the llm?n to drop costly: <nd a hal! amou~tmg to $3.20, part1es; The Longshore Unt~n I for r~sidenls lirinl! on strrrts 'Volkswa~on t•PPCOirrd to bP too amhulancr to come." he asked. :r~~;;~~·11 ; 111~1~;1• 1 ing 01111

nn · rc~tr1~hons . wh1ch harl hcen' per hour (of wh1ch .23 ,would; executl\'e sa): that the men wrll near the place whrt·c the pipe far o1·cr on the left side o( the i •·rather than letting Lambert go "' Ot • ""· mpPI'"' lh" ~" "' 10 ·"-~' '' I' • ·"'"''"' • '""' , Ml obo 1 ""' "'"·' Jo re'"m' om I'· "' lh, ""II t, ""'"I. "'d. H• ""I d "'' "'"'" '"". t Jo , I~;," H, ''" .,,.. tho \ . '\\r. =--·· Ot'} And GreaSC to a set of wOJ:km~ rules slmtlar; Fund). Tlus. _proposal ":ould i wnrk •. as they arc req~nrcd t,n in~. a rcsirlrnt of Hoylrs Al'c· ing !or some distance bnt didn't! witness. why he didn't phone !or ~~:.:,~ ~;,~, s~,;;nJll~~~ to t~osc appbiD~ ~~ the port of· mean great!) mcrea~rd "ages, do h). th_c contrarl b~t." ~en tins nue reporter! to the Cill' Coun· realize how clo.'e the two' I he pollee and Rn ambulance be·

Q Halifax, l'\o1·a Srulta, In other. fo~ day work. and ltm~ ~nd a· Assoctahon and the limon. and; eil nn Wednrsd;n•. · , rrhiclPs wrrr until it wa! too fore hP- called A taxi. The wit·

~;;~:~::·:;';,. ~tra:·'~: On uidi Vidi word.s, the Lon~~horc~en In St: half on the higher l~ahfax rate; by the law ol _the ian~~ A_s !ar! Reporting to the ('on neil the. late. Thrre was a heart-on col· •ness shook hi~ head. and ap-.Tohns could ha1~ a hrghcr ria) .after7.00 p.m. and \\ould mean,u the Emplo)rrs. A .. omtron rlt'' ~nninrer said that pcared unahle to an~wer.

~~i ·~·n a ~tart on late of pa)' fwh1ch they ha\'c much more mone~· for the work· can ~ee, there Is little hope of· C'oimcil ~has cleaned out the one man from the Volkswa~on "It was the logical, 5enslble ·"-''·"''·'·r.. undl'r A. Complaints that oil and brook regular!~· but this is only . l~·ing in the road. The other, thing to do w<~m·t it?'' the

·:::r:~·:r.11r hrr ~land· ~rease a lung the ~horcline (I{ AI.J.'"' cadets Ar·e s elec. t"e d A temporary solution. The St.' occup;;:.nts of the car didn't: ~!agistrate asked. B~y.



Qnidi Vidi Lake wrrr. coming ,. John's Housin!( Corporation, he more or speak. He told the · The witness didn't reph·.

r. ,;a~·'n harbour. . :~ ~~~ """

1 ~urny from Pepperrell Air Force base said. are not prrparrd tn do HOIP that the three ol them. Magi>trate O'Neill persisted,

s,,. Th:• ;un·c•· were referred to the Base Com· anythin!( 11ith the pipe thou;rh stayed at thr. scene ol the ~c· "why didn't )"OU stay at the :~c>.~- lhprs J'l(i· malnder h)' letter on April 28th!. F OI- Spe·c. al' Trai· lll. ng thch)' .~,o~l~ phropert~· toh prolplc . eLi dent for about 15 minutes.: sdcene to help the injured? Why am a\ the rP~tular mectinl! o • } to m c m t c area .. 1' e p arc' ambert al~o said in his state· 1

idn't you think of the others

l·rm; rir~ rlnpccl a~ the cit)' council on Wednesday, shonlcl he cull'erled, he reporterl. men! that Fitzgerald had gone first instead of Lambert who

r:~ f'~r ~hll'l'in~ iron · the Commander, Colonel Rich· I The Council askNI th~ end· to the Park·Lc to phone the . was ~till able to stand~" t1! ~·nh•rn l'nga\'a

, :~rrl E: Decker, ~ssured th.c : or!' A\\' A- Onr ~OO top Air i!e supplemented later by the three weeks in the United n~>er tn hrinl! ha~k ~ report for RCMP. He s<~d. "I didn't go in : The witness didn't know. I. ouncJI that sprc1al care 1s Cadets from all ten prnl'tnecs award

11r A number of special· Kingdom. From this group. i next week's mecttnt:. I bee au;; 1 was bleeding quite' .. Magi~trate O'Neill continued.

.. ..,·1 '"' ,, 1111 ~ thr l~krn at the ba~e. tr> ·~e. thai all I hare learn~d from Air Cadet· flying scholarships granted by e!ght la.ds w~l be selected for'. • ··-·-- badly. . . : I cant unders~d wh:7 you· lak• '1•11 •11• on the llll and ~rta~e ."astet IS clean· I League Hcadqu&rters that they! the League. slghtseemg Jaunts to Norway,: R <~I}Wa r YafllS i A taxi came about 20 mmutes phone~ for a tax.! for L_a'!lbert

. t'l" ;• •oil as a rri up hefore It reaches the I hai'P. bPen ~elected for special' One hundred eadet~ .,.,;n rt· Sweden, Holl~nd and Denmark.~ t~ ~ J la_ter and took Lambert and :who ~as, not serrously mJured ·~· "'kk•·rrJ.. ~r~a to ' shore of. the lake. . trainin~ award~ prOI'ined b~· the.! port In RCAF Station Camp Return parties of teen-aged ··. E • Fttzger.ald to Ken mount Road to·. and dldn t call the ROIP or an

,., >•·' "'"" lo lh• ''""' '""'!'''""' mll , "''"". "' lh• R.C.A.r. "'' ' '""' "''' Jo '"'' lo ""' "''" f"m "'' ol lh• p;81 ;.. xtCDSJ 00 ' "lghl•n homo. Lomb•rt : •m"l"" ,W< "'" In tho '"' ,, '""' ""'. ::,l1u~:.: t:t' .:"::, !~,".~,'';; "•• ". Th• ,,,.,.,., "' ,, i """ """ • .,,, . " ,.,,,.. '' """' """'" . .-m "' ,..1 . , ""'''· .. , '' ''"''' ,, '' " "' i v '"'., ., •. , , ' youngsters ha1·e qu;,lifird for ~hip trainins: ~imPd p.t produc· tertalned by the A1r. Cadet Lea·; . :·-. . ; hnsprl~l but. chan~ed '!1~; mmrl 1 Follow:mg the reading _of ic~nditions are lmprol'ed. pilot~· coursr~. learJPrship train· ling 8

pool of potential officers!gue a~d the RCAF_m Ca~ada. 1 Th~ rtt)' r n•n•ctl met "'!th whe!tl got mto_thf' 1&~~- After Lamberts statement ~lr. HIS· "K.\Pl"SKA"I~G" un·: J,ast )"e~r, the _Deputy ?.IRyor ing and gooclwill exchange trip~ i and instnlrtors !or the Air: A h~t of the pme wmnrng \!r. F. .• 1. Coo~e. mr.nagrr or lr~•·1ng the ne1ghbo11r s house 1 l(tns asked for a further post· E \' r,,~,.ll.\1

11111 again . and the c1ty engtn<'P.r agret>d, to the United St~t~s. Great Bri·j Carle!. squadrons. . . · ~lr CadP.ts from this provinc~ . the Newf~nndland diri;iQn of hr. went to h.i~ ~ister"s homr. anrl ·. ponement. ~hi~ was granted an~ ~ur- there wa~ a drarly d~flned area tain or I he Continent. A t1 ht d d d

1 ts attached. \'the ('anarlmn. Nilii'Jna.l Ra1ha)'~ spent the nr~_ht there. H1s ~~~trr: •he c~se w1JI conhnu~ In ~lag!·

which ~how~d the oil comin~ Cho•an frAm allnn·t 24 000

· . 11 notl 1~rd 0118 '" re ke~ Ael~ NEWFOUNDLAND on Wedne.;rla'' mornrnJ; to d1~· 1 anrl brother-m·law were away ~:rates Court at 11 o clock thts

pur- = " ' · · w1 a en a ~e1·en wee s r 1 • • · • • • • f1·nn1 Pepperrcll ,and lhe Cous· cadets in 312

~quadran,, the 1 Cadet Drill ln>tructors Course E h "'I ~tiST ; cu~s thed e~tcnSs11oJn hoi. the ra1l·; thhat nrght~l 1ahnrl dJtrln t return mornmg. cil would inre~tis:ale. winners hal'e pas~cd through also being held at Camp Bor·. ,x~ a~ge • s1 s: IH)" yar s 1n . o n ~- ! ome un 1 c. n~x mor,nrng. -------

r"'' 11nr!rr R. ; '1111 ln<port ~nd t~'r' ... tr~ r~rmanrnt

~n :hr ra.-t COil;!

Partir• will he . Tran. pori l)rpa 1'1.

lio 1 :r !:r· l rack hiirbr,ur ~an t•y_.;. ancl

rl •. (;, •l•>11~ tllt'ir

.ioint League and RCAF sclcc· den. From this group will be\ Conll~enl _(Hollan?.l~P_cler.. • • ' Jam~s D. Hl!(gm~. Q.C .• ~P· Premi·er Lea,;e.s lion committees at loc-I pro·'

1 t d f t. . . . Geolfre~, Ellis, 515 Kt\\MliS, St. w D l l . pc~nn, for the defendant asked •

N~ld Sk . ; .· . . "0 . I se _ec e a or ):man . preCISIO!ll John's. ; IDS en IS rv :Sgt. Noonan if Lambert came

les \mclal and national lc1els.; drill squllod which w11l parll·l U 5 A-Lo·ughll" Ca 1 •11 ,; :to the ROIP office to "il"r the The Hon. J. R. SmaUwoorl. • The1• are rat•d •s the "cream· · t 1"th A · A" · · · n, r · " A ~ P · f "' I dl d I ft

I . ' < ":, 'c!pa e w. an merrean lr! Corner Brook, Corner Brook. , ' d ;t;,temcnl of hi~ own accord. renner o "cw oun an ' e

TltURSD.\l', ~tay 15 of the Cadet crop for 1958. I Ca~et drill'. team. in an Inter·. Senior Ludm Course: I lt ar s S~l. Noonan replied that he here yesterday by TCA for


.· .• , • . national Dr1ll Dlsplav at the. · 1· Halifax, where he will recch·e .ullll>e ........ 4 .• 4 a.m. For two hundn•d anrl lift)· of ,


1 Sl t F·. · A . · Rowe, Errol. Robert, 1115 St. Dr . .Tohn J. Kna. who c 1·~dn· came

10 a po tc~ e~r. ·an honorar)· rJn!!ree from D•l· ~lln·el ~ 31 rn th I I II I" h . l r "rnneso a ' a e air on ugu~t I I h . ~~ J I • . " e 'tr· ll'••"ns a •·e" "\\'!at l"a" '.. n ,, > ..•• :: • • r:. p. . e cac e s. IP ug pmn u ,,

3 ·d · • o n ~. ,, • o 111 s, · a'es toda)' from Dalhousie l'ni· . ·• ·


1 '' .'~· .

1 • , · 1 • • h ~loonrr•r htd~~· 3:19 ~.m. th~ir c·nr~~r~ h:"' anil·~rl with • 1 • \ Hanley .. James Bernard, 506 wrsill' St·hnol of Derltl"str·•· 1·, Ius appan•nt cnndrtto11":' hou;re l'ml"ersrtr at t e

1958 ,, 'I • 1 • 1 · · , 1 1 1 1 f ·I "onl'ocation, 11·hich takes place .,r~r ~.nor~ . : . • . . Sum ay :the ."r :111 Ill':\ 1-' sdtnl:lr· · 'l'h~ hlJI Air l'ad~t awl'<l'd 't.!ar·i mu, St. John·~. : the winner· o( lwo prize~· for ".I "'"

11 .' say ~ lat

1 ~' was '11

• ~Jio.llt lit) .tlunl~: srru brlow: sill~ c•onl'llll( :m hum·s uf :ll'· l(u~s tlus ycaL' tn fift~·.-ril(htl lloss. llolwrt Johnston, 514 dlildren's denti.,try. . (mug qmte a hrt fl·om cut.' snd ·today. llrt• ~luuu tom~ hi. ts nll\1" mak· Ina I fi)·ing in,trudion. 'l'he' uuhlarutin~ cadeb who will p~1··: SL Juhn'~. St. John's. 1 llr will win lhr llr. 11. s. hnn~t·s '.'.

11' he n·l~rscd to go to t'rorn Halifax )lr. Smallwood rn~ a hnef appear~m·e HS 11 ·lour Wrt·~.s' c·unrse Will t'Uill· ticip

01te in the League'~ ¥OOd· .llnll ln>tmctor~ l'unrse- .. J.rhr. Cru,hy ami rJr· .• J. 1'. ~h·Gni~an hosprtal, lhr Rl MP 5rr~:r;;rrt will go to t"redrl'iclon where he

I he murr1111g "t~r. This plar~~l. wit_h · m~m·c!. un .lnru~ :ltllh (nile wt•ek' will "exchange '\isits" project.\' l'·larertce, 5:17 Uandcr, Gand••r. ('hilrln•n's llr·ntistry l'ri1r, ~nd n•plird. will be gil"en another honorary . a th~net~r ur .3.~110 nnlcs, IS later 111 the Maritimes!. ant! Twenty-five cade[s will tour Dalton, JIHbrrt Frank, 5t5 the ~:anatlian Sol'il'ly of Denlis- In atl'll'~r to anutht·l' question, degree from the Unh·ersity ol

now about 79 million miles from training will be• given at ll~·ing the Unitr.d Stales for three! St .. ~ohn's; St. John's; Penney.! try for Children award. i tnrt by :VIr. Higgins, Sgt. Noonan New Brunswick. ~ l'lt \" E\' s lo lhe •Taf! sur· <bnro, lhis Di·

the Earth. clubs across the countr)·. Sue· weeks this summer. visiting Wilham Guy, 589 Carbonear, 1 ==================~==----=----------TIDES cessful graduates will qualify Washington, New York and the Carbonear. ·

adm;ni;ter 1·arious Canarta that are

survey~rs af· '

High ~:21 a.m. 5:33 p.m.

Low for an Air Catlet flying badge , State of Massachusetts. The Flying Trailllng l!lcholanhlpl 11:18 a.m. as welt r.s a private pilots llc· j remaining thirty-three cadets (RCAF):

11M p.m. t:nse. The RCAF scheme will :will fly the Atlantic to spend Vcy, Ell, Gi!orge, . IUO Lions, 1.

St. John's. · . · . Windsor. Robert, George, S14 ,

Kinsment, St. John's. \ . Dewllng, Gary . Aiton. 1114 , Kinsmen, St. John's. I

Butt, ,John, Kingsl~Y. 1114 [ Kiwanis, St. John's.

Vatcher, Edward, Clarence, ; 617 Lewisporte. Lewlsporte. Flying Tralnlnl! Scholarships (Private):

Guy, Frank, 510 Lions; Earl; David, 514 Kinsmen, Burke, , Cecil, Mark, 515 Kiw<Wtis, St. : John'~. I

Receive Nursing Diplomas

Miss Norma Ahhir. Knott, RN. of St. John's will he presentccl to Senate for the Diploma In Public Health Nursing a rrleasr from Dalhousie University st~oles.

An ot h e r Newfoundlander. fJiom Corner Brook. Miss Fran,. ecs Checke, RN, will be pre· · henled to Senate for the Diplo · rna In Timehll)g and Supervision · in ~chools of Nurslng at today's Convocation at Halifax.

'I'OKYO <AP J - 'l'ok)'O (IOiit•t• are on an anti-noise campaign. This month they are trying 1o

1 ~riuc~te the hi~~rst nnisc-mak~r,;.

g· E. E. 1\fORRES, C.D., is shown in5pectlng the drum section orps. He was accompanied by. B.and Major Michael Kelly.

1 mainly tnxi "lind truck •lril·r.r:- .

I ~nd next month lhcy will hand out summonses.



Single breasted style with white cord trim ...................................... 2.45


LONGS . . . . . . Grey, blue, brown. Fit 7 • 14 years.


JEANS Fit 7 - 14 ................................................ 2.45

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The DAlLY NEWS Is a morning Jllltler cstabl111hed In 1894, and published at the News bulldlng, 3~~3~9 Duckworth Street, St. John's, Newfoundland, 1Y,1 Robinson & Company, Llmll· ed

~IE!IIBERS OJ<' fHE CAN ADU.N PRESS The Canadian Press 1! exclusively entitled to

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All Press service and feature articles In this raper are copyright and their reproduction is prohibited.

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Member Audit Bureau of


tsy WA\'f't.RER

•n.w------------------------------------NOTES AND COMlUENT head of the town and some·

times in the middle of a good residential district arc rickety ranges that seem on the very verge of collapsing. We saw the other day major repllirs in progress on a house that ap· pcarcd to be falling apart. On both sides of Water Street west are rows of houses which remain standing o n, I y by mutual consent of the ends which lean inwards to hold the rest together. There old· fashioned rows in which · rcsi· dents enter immediately upon

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1958

The long deferred plan to proceed with the rebuilding of the slum area west of Cartel''s Hill which wns cleared ll lew years ago may after all be premature on the grounds thnt much of the same part of tl1c city needs to be reclaimed so that the whole may be <le· \'eloped as part of ll master plan for the remodelling (:[ the town. Old mistakes sho'lld not be repeated. There is noth· ing to be gained by clearing the slums in a small sectlon of the congested and hilly and central area if the qua lily of :1ew building flllls to con­form to modern concepts of town planning.

· a frail staircase that carries them to a second storey apart· ment which must be a veri· table fire-trap. We know all this and tolcr&te it. That sug. gests a lack of vision. Cost Of Government

The new estimates call for an ex­penditure of $5%, billion which, by the time the cost of the new hospital scheme and other charges have been added, is likely to exceed $6 billion.

Part of this cost represents expen· ditures planned to defray the expense of anti-recession measures. · But for a young and growing coun­try it is nothing short of appalling to realize that the fixed costs of go\'ernment are rising at a rapid rate and must make new and increasing inroads into the national income.

Social security costs, excluding the expense of the hospital scheme and the universal old age pension, now come to about 20 per cent of the entire expenditure of the Canadian nation.

Defense costs take up another 30 per cent of the current estimates.

And the question that becomes ever more important and disturbing is whether a ~·oung country with its way still to make can progress under the crushing burden of taxation that such fixed charge! impose upon the earn­inr-s of the people.

that is feeble and inert opens the way to dictatorship.

The army leaders who have created a Committee of Public Safety in AI· geria are thinking in terms of the French revolution. They have revived its name for a revolutionary regime. They could plunge the nation into civil war. And the only thing that can save·the day is the emergence at long last of a decisive and patriotir democracy represented by a Nationa! Assembly that will unite to assert th~ rights of the people and to giYe effec­tive leadership in a time of crisis.

• • • The original town·plann:11g

commission came up with quite a bright but somewhat expensive proposal s o m e twelve years ago. This w~s that the area north of the General Post Office should Lc completely reclaimed and :h:;t a government olfice buildi:l!l should become the centre of a g r a d u a I replanning iJH gramme. That idea had merit but long ago fell into the limbo of forgotten things. However, the conception ol a modern city is still one th.<l should be in the minds of the

· jJunicipal Council. The unre­deem~d uglincos of the cn!ire

• • • The fact that We take pride

in our record as the oldest inhabited port in N o r t h America docs not justify us in believing that we must maintnin the appearance of great L·ge. This is a town that, like Topsy, "jest growed." Fire after fire compelled rebuild· ing under the great pressure of urgent need of shelter and this explains in large part the appalling ugliness of so much of lhe city. There arc few ;JPsthrtic values to be found. '!'he time has come when we should contcmplale their crca. lion.

northwestern section from • • • !\ew Gower Street to I.e· )!any of the people who ----------------------------·--= ~Iarch;:,nt Road, excluding, ~r lii'C in dil;:.pirlah•ll rows today L,orum On Intrigue In Lebano~ course, the last·named street, have the nli'ans to acquit·~ I' Jws been a constant reproach hetter liousin~. In any event, it

The small independent republic of tu ali ciYic minded pconlc. is a policy of the Canacti:m FisiJeries At The opportunity for attractive Government to participate in

Edson In Washi By PETER EDSON

NEA Washington Correspond~nt Lebanon is in the up.happy position phinning has now prcsenf~d the derclopment of subsidized Mem.ori·al of being completelv surrounded ori the itself and should not be light· housing. That policy has had u

• ly thrown away. the approval of the Provincial Stati.Sl; S T II R • landward side by Syria. • • • Gomnment r,ncl the fact that . . . JC e ecession

The question has been ;:.skcd there arc people who can af· . Dls:usswn.s on pro~:r.css m · That country is now joined wi!h from time to time whether :ile ford bclter th:111 they have and fi~h.el'l:s. science,. ~artJcularly Tale Jf YOU Can Read Tbem

Egypt in the United Arab Republic Council has a master plan tPit a.r~ content. ;vith their present ~~,,11 f~~~~~~~l t~t ~e~~~~~~dla~c~; ' and has become a stepping off place 110 answer has been made. Yd l.I.VIIlg condlt,wns doc.5 . 1,1.0 t pro·. representatives of the fishin~ WASI:IINGTON-(NEA) - El:onr,m;;t~.

any forward-looking t o .v n \Ide an adequate rea on fm ' for l'nfl'ltrators who have crossed into . . . • i'lrlu':ry conduct by the Fisher- days, are like a lot of color-blind peoo.le. would regard a long·range pro· t)le toleraho~ ol suustandanl ics Boarrl's Biolo~ical Station Lebanon to stir up nationalist di~· sramme of replanning as " hnng comhtwns. in St. John's yrstcrday, and their charts for rainbows that aren't there. content against that country's pro· matter ol essential policy, The • • • will continue toda1·. How will they know when the rec•e;,r<m:

· Council, it is true, has alwa~s To replace detert'or'tt'n" h ·

Those who look forward to a grwter and more prosperous Canada . cannot ignore that vital question and the problems that it poses.

" ~ T e e1·ent. under station di· ing? What will they have to find as sure western government. been plagued with shortage o! ugliness by permanent ugli· r~ctor Dr. w. Templeman. will money and slum clearance IS ness is relro;::rcs.;i\'e. To clear b,• in the nature of an "open business recO\·ery? .

At the same time radio stations in · · t 1 r t · 1 1 · · an cxpcnm·e pro]cc . n at· . a stte of s um~ :;nc me It lor hnu~l'" at •. ,·hic!J top fisheries The first place they look, of cmme. i; Syria and Egypt have gone to the without the combinalion of the construction of drab and hiolo~ists will deal with prob· I 1 federul ,and provt'llct',•l monoton us rc · f t 1 1 1- · 1 unemp oyment figures. Pre iminan· length of exhorting the people of " 0 · ·~~s 0 apu_r · fms 'caIn!: with t 1c supply of

available at the time, I he ments adds nothmg to the c1ty fi:.h ;ond lenrling technologists April show 5.120.000 unemployed .. This is Lebanon to open revolt. Carter's Hill s~dion could and reflects upon the thinking will discu;s re;earch on pro- of 78.000 from March, and it is the first

ihe Cabinet No notable French-Canadians rave

been added to the Diefenbaker cabinet which still remains largely a ministry composed of a few senior members who arc gathering experience as they go and a number of comparative un­knowns who ha\'c yet to establish theit· claim to ministerial rank.

This is an inevitable situation for a party which spent twenty-three years in opposition. The Conserva­ti\'es had no opportunity to develop within their ranks the kind of talent and experience that go to the making of a fi'rst-class cabinet minister.

But e\·en the Liberals at the peak of their strength had to find men of top quality outside of politics. Mac­kenzie King brought C. D. Howe, Louis St. Laurent and Lester Pearson into the cabinet . And the reasonable inference might well be that public life in Canada is not particularly attractive to many men who have great gifts to put at their country·~ service.

There are few men in the Diefen­baker ministry-Davie Fulton may be one of the exceptions-who appear a: the moment to approach the top level of ministerial capacity. That. leaves the Prime Minister a towering figure and dominant as well. But experience teaches and many of the men around John Diefenbaker at this time may have the opportunity in the next year or two to malte a profound and highly fa\·ourable impression upon the Can­adian publlc.

New Crisis In France

nc\'Cr ha\'e been cleared. It of its gonrnmcnt and it~ ccs.'in~ e;p~cially in connection This is all part and parcel of Nasser's might be possible to procure citizens. The least that ma~· ll'i'h >alt li>h. sign since last August.

ambitious project to enlarge his own similar assi~tance for a larger now be expected is the n'sur· '\T~~tir~s will be helrl in th~ It was issued by the go\'ernment 10 1 . project that would gil·e a ancc that the reconstruction LPctun• Theatre of )!emoriPI t ff t d'

sphere of in£ uence and it is creatmg wider range to replanning ood of cleared sites will conform t.'nirersit,· of Newfoundland 0 0 se a pre tction by AFL-CIO increasing tension in the Middle East. reconstruction. with a plan tlwt aims at the :1::~in toc!n;-. on Friday the ,·ar· Meaney that unemployment would rise But it is also bl'inging a reaction • • • creation in time. if nnly by inns speahr~ and other scien· 000. But there's a catch in this gloomy

1t is appalling today to sec the incl'itahility of gradual· li,ts of the Fi,hcries Research among independent states. Jordon, the condition of some of the ness, a city of li:;ht, health. Board mal oflicm of the De· too. In early June over 600,000 high for example, is uniting with Irak to city's housing. In the ver~· and charm. P:Jrtment of Fisherit•s will he college graduates will be looking for jobs. set up a strong barrier to Egyptian -;:::::::::::::::::::=::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::--, on hand at the Biological Stat· unemplo.vment.


: I ion, \\'ater Street East, for furl· and Syrian expansionism. l~l·r discussions. The Federal Reser\'e Board index of What Others Are Sayin!! t The opcnin!; smion wa:< held production, which averaged 145 thro·Jgh

The fact remains that the situation ._.., ye~tcrcla)· aftPrnoon at 2.30 ancl th N , · t · w:ts rlc,·ntcd to th~ technolog'·' six months of 1957. has been declining is serious and at asser s m ngue. ~lORE TR \DE FOR l'itARI n · · h 1· r t '' ' · CJteratmg our c 1l' t l«t of ~alt fish. The speakers wert! It was 133 in January, 130 in February.·

quietly supported by Russia, is help· TniES IN PROSPECT adherence to communism was nr. Henrn Fougere. Director of ing· to keep the Middle East in a fer- ~loncton Times ";m automatic disqualifica· thr> noarcl'~ Technological Stat· IVhlarch. It is expected to show a couple

Encouraging outlook for in· tion for teaching in th•• ion at H~lifax, who spoke on t er drop in April. ment and to create a grave threat to · t d b t th h 1 f f d mo r v·• · · crease m ra e e ween e sc oo s o a ree e c ac. h:>slc problems invol,·ed dunn!! GoYernment expenditures for good; world peace. Atlantic Provinces and the this newspaper protested thl' th~ curing process: c.· H. Cas-

United Kingdom will be noted resolution forcing teachers to lc·ll. al,o of the Halifax Station. \'ices play an increasingly important pa:·t · It may be hoped that the United in the remarks of Sir William act as informers, on the rlr?lt with hacteriolo!!;o of salt ing business good.

L b • Rootcs, made in Fredericton ground that it wou:d be im· f1sh. and )!. A. Folel', chief Th Nations, in response to e anon s while the British trade dele· moral as well as ineffective, of the Technolol(ical U~it in Sf. ey were 86.4 billion dollars lc>t l'fO:. appeal, may be able to take effective galion he heads was visiting would, be more likely to en· .John'~ discus~ed mechanical the first quarter of 1958 thev were at ihe action to safeguard the interests of in New Brunswick's capital snare the man with a cJil· ,.,a<hing and drying of salt rate of 88 billion dollars-a ;izeable 11· 1 ll:Jt:d-"-

N , city. !n addition to noting the science than the one tryin·' fiFh. f h · that country against asser s un· traditional link between this to protect Communists and TODAY'S SESSION ° t e increase, however, was in >'tate ar~ scrupulous efforts to bring the little part or Can;nla and Great Brit· would, in short, do the entire This morning speakrrs will go\·crnment expenditures. republic into the United Arab camp. ain, Sir William commented school system more harm he V. !\1, Hodclrr. or the St. The impact of federal government

on both the potential wealth than good. John'~ Biological Slntion. who I that could be dcvel,oped here, will discuss haddock biolog~·. public works spending hasn't begun to be

--------'- and the possibilities that exist NASSER o:r· EGYPT rli>tribution and supply: Dr . .T. won't be for months.

Strength For The Day B!I·EARL J,, DOUGLASS


You must often have pondered, as most men have, about th~ utterly un­precedented and wonderful age in which we are living. Right at this moment, the air waves are full of pictures and messages. Millions are, or within a few hours will be, tuning in on radio and television programs. · Yet the air waves have been here

since the first moment of creation. We are just learning at present how to utilize them.

for the sale of British-made Washington Post L. Hart. Director of the Board's Expenditures for new plants and goods in the area. It is a mistake, we think, l'iologiral St~.fion at St. An·

In noting the potentialities to regard Nasser either as a drews. :'-i.B .. who will ~peak on reached a peak of nearh· 37 billion dollar; of the Atlantic Provinces, Sir Hitler or as an erstwhile thr work of that st~uon: and But it was down to an a~nual rate of ~i William is recognizing that good fellow who has taken c. !!· Ca~tell who ~nil dtsc~ss Iars in the first quarter of 1958 and I·,, one·tenth. of Canada's popula· up with wrong companions. spo1lo!!e In fresh f11h and Its tion Is contained within th~se He is somewhat more com· control. 32.5 billion for second quarter. seaboard provinces, within parable, it seem5 to us, to Three ;dentists nf thr St. Until there is increased busine:-s easy reach of the Atlalltic the unlamented Juan Peron .Tohn'~ stalion will sneak this f 1 t Ports Which aan re""'ive an'.. f A g t' . h' or P an expansion there. can be no .. ·~ o r en ma. afternoon: H .. J. Smnrrs on IO· send out goods and prod11ce at Nasser is capable of great ln~iral fnrtor; affc~tin!! the keep up with ihe expanding labor force. a mlnimum o[ transportation charm; but he also is an nn· mnrketahilit~· of cor!. A. ~~ New construction contt·act figure." ooet an handling. The four scrupulous and accomplished flemin~ on the lon~linin~ ex· Atlantic Provinces produce or demagogue who uses every nerimrnt~ ann lon<'linint: in F. W. Dodge Corp. showed a total of orer 3l can provide a substantial dirty trick in the book. Newfoundland. ariel E. J, Sande. dollars last year. In February 1958 the~· quantity of goods that great man on redfish hiolog:; and dis- ninb" at a seasonably adJ'usted rate of 29.6 Britain requires, and because PRO!IIOTING "EGG· trihution. · of the proximity of the east· HEADS" Plenty of room for improvement.

f C d t th In addition to the lndustrin I ed ern part o ana a o r Kingston Whig·Standard · Nonfar:m houo1'ng starts were report · 1 rcnrescnt~livcs, the meetin~ ~ British Isles, tit dis alnaturat .It is about }ime th~ •• offen· will be attended b1· Dr. J. L. 000 in March, for instance, as against area for grea er eve opmen s1ve word egghead .was Kask. chairman of the Fisheries. of trade. dropped from use. .It Is a Research Board, Ottawa, reorc· March 1957.

Of special interest was Sir term . of contempt, mvented srntatives of the Newfoundland Liquidation of manufacturing inYentori!l William's reference to the im· b. y the .Pinheads to stigmal· Dn.partment of Ft'sher1'es, and 'd . ..,

d. · 't f th Atlanli ·· cons1 ered a principal cause of the recess1 ... pen mg VISI 0 e C IZC their betters. Society of the FedernJ Department of <I Provinces' premiers to the s h o u 1 d be sophisticated Fisheries both at Ottawa and apparently still continuing. Reported at"'

It took a virtual revolt and a threat But much more significant than the of army dictatorship to bring the air waves are other realities by which National Assembly of France to the we are surrounded and which were point of confirming Pierre Pflimiln as undoubtedly old when the air, waves

United Kingdom, which should enough to realize that the st John's. dollars last summer and fall. manufacturing further stress the trade poten- m o s t bindill!l inequality · ·"' tiallt!es between this part of . 1 · tories were down to 52.5 billion in Febru .. :

weer created. We refer to those vast premier. But providing the country with a spiritual forces which men of faith

government means nothing at all if· have always believed pervade the the Assembly is not prepared to · whole of the -created universe. What support him should he propose 11 do we mean by spiritual forces? policy that will . save democracy in Heaven, the heavenly host, the hier· France. And that is what is threaten· archy of ang~ls, the Holy Spirit, the ed at the moment. Son-God Himself. These . eternal

verities have always been here. Re· The military command in Algeri<; has virtually set itself up as a goy· ligious faith is the power by which we ernment in defiance of and perhaps tune in on them. Faith and worship because of the inefficacy of the are the devices at our. hand.

:French parliament to take decisi"e ~action on national problems. !. It was something that anyone 'With a sense of history could foresee. Na· ture abhors a vacuum. That is par­ticularly true in politics. A democracy

, Vfe avail ourselves of radio and television. Why do we neglect the God-given means by which we may come in contact with realities greater than anything sent out over the air?


Canada an overseas. Sir Wit· .amon~·t men is mtel ectuaJ industrial executive has an ex· Retail and wholesale trade inYentorie! liam, in his Fredericton visit, mequa 1 y. tensive manufacturing back· enl with the other members of ground. In more than 20 years remained fairly constant. But departnt his mission, has underlined A h N \\llh the industrial organiz· inventories are down, rene.cting reduced that development of markets not er ew ations in the u.s., he helped of new stocks. between Canada's east coast . plan, build, and supervise the . . D Off• • } construction of ships, automo· Federal Reserve figures indicate that provinces and Great BrttaJn osco I CJ a biles, dams, bridges, and other should follow a natural course, commercial equipment and pro· tail sales this year will be three to four because of the relative proxi· HALIFAX-One of Canada's jects. below last year and seven per cent below mlty of the two areas. And J~rgest shipbuilding firms, the As superintendent of the • k further he stressed t~at trade Halifax Shipyards Limited has Oregon Ship Building Corpor· mer s 17-billion-dollar annual rate pea · is a two·way proposition, for announced the appointment .or ation, he was responsible for Personal conswnption not onl~1ls he seeking new mar- John D. Lezie as Assistant Gen· the layout, sub.assembly, erect· have remained steady above the 2BUI·Dill"'"' kets for his country, but he eral Manager. ion welding and launching ol has Indicated a willing?ess to The announcement was madl' ships. ' annual rate. Thev were at seasonably look upon the Atlantic Pro· jointly by H. R, Smith, vice· He worked in supervisory ea ilual rates of 27G billion dollars for the vinces as a source of sup· president, Steel Fabrication and pucities ftom foreman to super- ter of last year, 281 billion for the first ply. Manufacturing, Dominion Steel intendent on various major con·

and Coal Corporation, and R struction projects Including 1958-a five-billion-dollar increase. TEACHER iNFORMERS J. R. Nelson, vice presfdcnt and ll1e Hoover, Bonneville, Mar· This rise reflects higher prices. 'fbe ~

New York Times ~=~:aii~lt~~ge:· ~:;!~axsu~~j~ ~~~~. Ford, and Grand Coulee d where the money came from to pay .th~ , I,n Ma;ch of 1955, the New iDry. . "We are delighted to have er prices while employment was down 15

'1: ork C1ty Board o~ Educa ·A native of Calgary, Mr. Lezir ~lr. Lezie join us", Mr. Nelson b d 1' .1. p t at a tlon authorized the Superh• joins the Shipyards from Alex commented. "1 think it is a y ec mes in pe,·sonal savings. U tendent of Schools to require son Manufacturing Company In definite plus sign for industry in annual rate of 21.4 billion dollars in the teachers to reveal the namer. Los Angeles where he served a1 the Atlantic Provinces to gain a quarter of 1957, they were down to 18.3 of any of their associates v;ho plant ·manager. m6n' with such a broad Indus. ever had been Communists. The 44·year-old U. s. trained trial background as 1s his", the first quarter of 1958.


ll{ay 13-20 of the C.E.A.A Coley's Point, an< in the mal~ o~ the congregation o.

St. John the Evan •·•~llrBlleu the thirtietl

on Thursday ~ The branch ~f t~~

0rgantzatJol in February, 1112f

men of the con!lrt their rector, Rei

went down to Pori foot and becam

~f St. Luke's brancl be the charter men branch No. 20. ~es

Norman, 'IV all~ William French < Stewart French, Isa1 samuel Dawe. Alia Ronald French.

the business of tt h d been done on Ia a el•eniM in the room. member~ . PI

into the adJOI~il where their WIV• were wRitin,z, ar

down to a fine suop: bv the sister orp.a11:! the C.E. W.A. Sne~t were the Rev. J. B;•il

is the rector, M! Fr. G, H. ~l?.l

'"""''"" treasurer of tl council, )lngistratc. 1

and representatJ\: Bav hranc!l, I

-··'""""'' Lewis Gc~.< the supocr. ~ presioient or t

incidently. G ra. of the Super1

rerie1•:ed some of . t of the branch ~:r

ami the oar! tl in the life Gf t

the communi!;·. ur.on Rei'. Fr. ~lr.

the rector to prcs1 1n~mbcrs of th~ hr:r

honouring th~m been actirely associ~'

branch for twenty-! more. These we~e : French. ~lr. St~w ~!r. Cecil Grcrnl~

Dawe. ~Jr. )la~istrate W. E. '' John )tercer, Al~

Isaac Samw~;-·. ~lr. A. A. I\~1 sr.eedtr< "'

Rei'. Fr. ~!:-idn:1 Bntt0r :

of Bm of lhr rr~ini•

)la~istr~te \\'. E ~ ~~itahlr rcnlirs.

~rc; p!P~!'2! ail tQo ~nie the <in ~it"

Anthrm hr''" 4o a cln'r.

BAY. )!~o)' I

are exter.drd llrs. Jame~ D1•

her birthrla' )Ia)· 15. Ha no:: h

to :\lildrp,j · is on Thur

Peddle cel"b this '·car in

is on Frida,·, :lla• send him 'our ·

-~fll!'~lalllOns are exte

Garfield Porter \l

is on Saturdn1· to Mr. Fred Sh~l

same day. -

Gosse and both celE

. . ~n Tuesda)· ,l0In Wtth their In wishing them

returns of the da) -birthday wishes l'>oseworthy on Tu

from Mom, Dad


Spaniard'.s Bay !l.n ... ~Ia)' 13-·

• oo or thr r.E.,\.A.j :-r. 1:~1~ 1 ·, Pnirl. nnd 11 · · f . . in t11r m:11n o 1 thr ,,, 11 ~n·~at wn o

Sl . .Jrhn thr F.~·an· thr thirllrlh




l Them EL"onnrr. :;;ts.

: people. l c:1't there.

::1an· ·.·1

indeJ> of :i through the cdining e\'er ; February. ~ couple points

•mment defense :.egun to be felt

oor force. figures rnll'lllll"

·tal of o,·er 32 1958 the,· wert rate of 'zg,6

.•nt. t ·ere reported 1

1s against

ring inventories i the recession. :eported at 54 nanufacturini m in FebruarY 1de inventories .1t departnlent :ng reduced

,, 11 Thllr,da)· ~~ Thr hr.tnrh ••I l!liS

(hUIC11 rr~~ lllz:ttiOn 111 rrbniO"')'. 1928.

;':h~ r1WO nt tl1r l'O!l'!rr:

!·\lith 1~(1:' n•t•l0r. rl1r~.· \'l'l:'.· l!tlWil tu OJ ·~

· -~ ... ,., :it1d ht'~:-~mr .-! •· · · " · · h1" "eh d ~: I.:~~l' :" ·"' .

. ~~ l;'t' ~·'·1:~:-'l'~' 1~1(llll• ~-, • ~ .' ,. I ''\I 'f!lf'~('

"'r'" ·•1 ! .. •

·,.· .. :;~ .. :>~n~.:~:. 'Y;ll1~!" ... . ,. ~, "r \'·;11•····~ . n•n(', , . .... '1, :::·.··1.; F:.l'llr1\ 1 ·';1;1(' I' . ....... .

·,~!r~:r' 1' 11' t'. :\ll:m, _.,~·n.'l~ ·'" r~·t·r.l·h. . •····L ,1 .... _.,, •. ~~ t~t thrl •,r . .. .. . . '·, 1, ,.,. dnt'•' fln l:'!~t I

'~;(I •.• ,:·,.. "1 th·'i" . r~\~-. . . I

,.. ·r,•'''.l'•'''~ :"!H. I f\1,), .. . • • • •

\\1NNER OF $1,000 in the Model Sweep Is Mr. Harvey Dewey, here l'eceiving the cheque from a Model Sweep Committeeman. The big $5,000 prize will be drawn for within a short period of time. 'l'ickcts are still on sale at 50c each.

~ •• o:-:t !'::t' -:~ \ :.1~1()1\~''~':'1:: , . \\h·: '4' ~ 1 ~t·1!' WI\'\'..: I

· .,, ... 1. '·' •Jl ir ·:. :'.'1d ~ ;.· \ : .: .. :·:·::;; i Getting On Threat Gasoline 1 ;,~;-;;;,,~:.·~.;,;:,:::,~':; .... I' r \\'..\ :-.·•p:•wlr H" N w· h R urged: ;;:, '':,;'· .. :.,.,';," ;;;; ! IS erves , It espect ,:;~, ~;,~:.~ •• ~::;. · ~"·' r t:. 11. '1:•':1· Rc\'. Fr. G. H. l\'laiclment of Port de Grace. the Secretary-Treasurer of the Superior Council of the C.E. Absenteeism in industry Is a i "Gasoline is a friend,'' says l to refill a lank when the motor

··- .. ~~·:·,a····~· 1'1 ''~r .\.:\ .. is sho\\'11 l)l'esentinr1 Mr. Allan Dawe. the Vice-president of the Superior Council, with a certificate major problem, with nervous i Base Fire Prevention Officer: is running or hot-stop It and :· i·0

:n:·,·:l. ":· :i-tr:•''' \\' : o 1. disord~rs a frequent _cause. 1 ~[ajor Carl F. Begert or PAFB [let it cool off. .

• ,


,: r• :.,., •. ,.,,,:lti\'·~> of Twent~·-Fin~ Years Ser\'ice to Branch No: 20 at Coley's Point. Mr. Dawe is one of the Charter Sometimes, the trouble 1s due 1 m a Spring Clean-Up Week re·: Do ~·our fuehng outdoors. . : B.' hr:>t1~''· in· l\1~mbcrs of the Branch which was formed on February 20, 1928. The presentation took place at the t to unsuitability of the job. such I minder. "We could hardlr' It's asking for trouble to do it

!x'-'· ;, Gr<<r. · I C I M R l I as boredom with work that is· move without it." i indoors, in dosed garages and · .·.,, '""''·'~·. '!r. As~oriation's H_a I at . o ey:s Po in~ on T~m:sday, ~~' 8. ev. Isaac But er, B.A., rector of the parish,


. !oo simpl:. or f~elings of anx-1 "But I needs to be treated 1 especially in beluw.grade base· ,.,,. ·:·~·.-: '• ·:t of t 1l~ ass1stec\ Fr. l\Iatdment m the awardmg of s1m1lar certtftcates to ten others of the same branch. !ety .and msecur1ty when the with henlth~' respect," he 1 ments. . ·:~~ ;;;. •, •·.·· L·.'."d ------- ---· , JOb Is beyond the employee's warned. l Store gasohne in a standard

..... · "'• 'll''r"111I, • j capacity, A change of job will "Just a small amount of this: >afet:v can (look for the UL

. . ' ,. :.·· '1 ,.:_ ;,'.'.~~ . personal I Obituary Our 0 ld Clock \ Codfish Strike In ~!~:~~ hish~l~al:~eanedmr~~eeceo~~ ~~~~r;~~on c~~se rc~~~ug~~·e~ie~~ \. ~rrlbe~~i c~~asssl~~~s ~:~a~pyl~~ily, : "'. ,.;~t. -- I MRS. LEAH PElJDLE _ __ -a more valuable member of the' injury and death. '"Abo\·e all," he urges, "keep · · rt lrr Sl'A:"il.-\Rll'S BAY. M;ty 13-1 SPANIARD'S BAY, lila\· 13- '!'he other dav I mel a man SPANIARD'S BAY, !'tlay 13- staff. II the plant has an em· I Peop:e today are using more, in mind you're dealing with ,..

1'\l,-':::: ~!!. and ~II'>. \\'n]lt•r F'rench I ~h·s. Leah Peddle, wife of Mr.' When I ansivered his gentle I Local. fishermen secured some I p_loyees' C?Unsel or labor rela· ancl_ more ' gasoline·powered: a potentially_ dangerous fluid.



• m-~·~~t and la~ulr from Barent:cd spent 1 Robert Peddle of Spaniard's 1 knock; :codfish last week and although I t10ns officer, . the ~ffected equ1pment-ltke lawn mowers,! so _he esper1ally careful. Thai

'· .,. 'hr~:rei, · ~.lother.s Dn:\' here wllh Mrs., Bay, passed peacefully away on I snid "Good da~·", but he re· !he qua~tities were not great !worker .shoul.d d1s~~ss h1s prob· outboar~. mot?rs and gar~cn! acculent can happen to you a: ·.,, ,.


for . l n•nrh : pm cnts, ~Ir. and ~Irs. s~turday morning, !'tla~· 10, at plied, m each mstance, It was Indeed · !ems wllh lh1s of£1c1al. tractors, MaJor Begert po1nt· I well as the other fellow."

.:,,,,~lt·d :A H. lto;:l'. 1 the , age of sixty-seven, Her "Sir, have you got a elock?" ~ welcome sign, Whether fish· . --, - . passmg was not unexpected,[ 1~g for sport or for profit, N T • s • '

Canon the \ cncrablc \\. G. and death came as a merelfull "A clock~" I asked. "Why, yes 1 fishermen had no difficulty in ew aXI erv1ce ~!<'Wart Lcg~e. Archdeacon of A\'al?n,. release from weeks of painful indeed!" /disposing of their catches.

. .· .rc· .. nl:tn~. 1.1'lls hen• ~n S;1!11rday e1·enmg i illness. ll!e rubbed his hands in glee. . So far herring is scarce; so SPANIARD'S BAY, May 13-,1,,i111 .1. lor a mr••tmg Wllh th~ ~hurch· I She was for many y~urs an 1 But I could not determine then :too are lobster~. yet small ~lr, Alfred Smith commenced

,. .. . .. \'.' F.. \lrr· wa:·~<'IIS a~d l'e>trymcn _m con· ! acth·e member of the C.E.W.A. ! Why he looked so pleased at me. i amounts arc being ·taken. The a new taxi service on Monday ;":;;.1,' .... 'l1' ·\lhrrt. n~cuon \lith the appumtment aJ,rl for the past few years of sal'!lon season docs not open of Ibis week and will operate

.· -1;:· _ .. ~·:,, ··:;._:<, ~lr 'o,t .a ~ucm~or ,to the. rector, the L.~.B.A, both of which or· "Plea,se may I see it?" he next unll.l May 15. . . ~~Y t~~n, ~~~b~~ftn~~~rc:ftti~~ . ~~- .\ .. \.' K~rfto : J.e1. Canon f. E. Lode!. ganlzallons attended her fune· inquired; · Fishermen th1s year are off coming and . outgoing trains.

:: .. · , ... , .• ,,., wr:·r , -- raJ which was .Meld on Monday: 1 couldn't well refuse- to an. early start because of ~lr. Smith has been truckdriv· •.. .' ,;.· ,... · ·~. irlmrn1. 't· ~c\', Can?n ~- ~: Lod~_r. rf!<'rnoon to the parish church: ''Of course. Come in, sir. Don't the fme weather pr~vailing. ing for several years, so his

; •• : ... , )',


, :or "ll'l .•• pt>copa! C omnnssa1), I\ a~ m of the Holy Redeemer where' stand there; Already some have the1r boats

... "' ' .' . rccent<'d thr Bt~hop of New· I the Rev H ~[ Batten of Upper choose " operations. With a pleasant personality ·~.·.: ...... ,'.,;, :·,-,f ,ll :· h; St. Jolm son ~Ionday and rep·ll.thc service· was conducted by lAnd take all the time you made ready for the season's r~cord of safe driving coupled

; - ·· · -. '''"lntnnt~ f dl 1 1 lh c tl · · · · · ought to serve him well in the • ; ... : •. ••

0 ,,. ·F. ,

1 ,: . f·un mu . a . e _onvoca on, Island Co1·e, In the absence of Inland fi~hing, called by k h

··;·:. · .. ,.:;lit:~· r. · of )!~mona! L'mi'NStly. jthe rector who was unavoidably This last remark brought on a Newfoundlanders "!routing," wor 1

at he has chosen to do.!

1;,::::··:-' n~~n-;nnth·; . . • , ltbsent. . smile, h~s been goi~g on for nil spring, will be just another day to

,~, ., .. :·.· !rn fnlirk!l:. 1 ~~~ · a~~ ~lr>. K~n. Stokes, ~~r~. Peddle was ~ qu1et un- "Your lime, sir. I'll BUY, not w1th rewardtn!l cntrhrs secur- ~pend in the country. we arc ~:':.:' ... ,, •in.~i 1,~ nf · nnd f~nu. ~ of St. Jo~.n s spent 1 r.ssurmg wo_man, and aiLhou~h TAKE. ed. As far as lora) an~lers are, mdced fortunate in having good, _ . · , .. ,. b.

1 1 the 11eckend here IHth rela·

1· she found t1me to take part 10 ll'm an honest man: 1 do not concerned ~lay 24. wh1ch used, fish in~ "round right at our 't

· .... · 111 1 oug 1 · ll\·e· h' 1 d · I b THE d f · · · b b s dr•e •·


, r_n~a.c 1a an commumty ac· steal." o e ay or trout·flshmg,l very doorsteps. - · , • . !mites, her greatest work was And with laughs began to

, The C. H.n!chm of F oxtrnp m the home, being a good wife shake. H1r!l!~ :I~ ·s pmd u~ a 1'1>11 on Saturday. \and a loving m?ther. .

· - 1 )[ournlng the1r sad loss are I To ha1·e such play w1th words, . P..\ Y. 'lay 13_ ~lr. an~ , )l~s. Donald V?ke~· I her husband, two sons, Joseph 1 thought •.

: _ ::1

, \'.~"-tlrd b)' and fnm!h ~_Pent Sund,a) l,n , in Spaniard's Bay and Douglas I He must be a w1tly guy. \ , :. '. '···. 1· ... :·~r< Dw)·rr . St. John s II 1th Mrs. \ okey s I In, T~ronto, three daughters, I But 1 saw his point. The times

.. 1~:· ; i:·thrla\' on par~nls, :llr. and :\Irs. Thomas "mme (:\Irs, Hubert Hefford for him \ ~!··· ::. :t . . ,r:: J;irth· Bl:tckmore. of Jllelrosc, Massachusetts), ::\!cant clocks he wished to buy. 1

· :·. ·o ~-!.'·!·"'' Pike lll)·rtlc, (l\lrs. Arthur Gosse of 1 I :.::::::: .. ·: Thursrlay Several of the C:L,B. and the Spaniard's Bay), Lillian (1\frs. \"Our stock of clocks consists of\

J.T.C. from here 11ho nrc mem· I Robert C. Smith of Gander;· two-: bcrs of H. Compan)' nttende? · f,lurteen grandchildren and one I Onh· one will tell the time; \

'':·:.~:., :. ,, 1,hrd for the church_ parade In St. Johns great-grandchildren; two brot-1 The. other goes when carried, ,

. · '' ·:.:. :. , :. ''rid:,,· ll\' on Suncla) · hers, Ronald and John Yetman sir: i ~:•·(: !!:::. ··I hn;thc.r In St. John's; l!ix sisters, Ethel' It isn't worth a dime."

We han· nut heard the whole (:ll~s. Reuben Gosse, Tilton);! : 1 str•r)' of the ~ucccss or other· Els1e (Mrs. Samuel Brown, St. 1 "PJca8e Jet me see It~" he asked

,TI··br,tcs . wi~c of 1hosc from Spaniard's John's); Violet (l\lrs. Hubert: me then, :: .. - ··"· ~ m Tor· Bl)" who nttcnded !llemorial Pomeroy, St. ,John's); Carrie,: "PI'rhaps it is some good;

:; cr. r · • · :·. :\la1· 16. ~lemorial t;niversily but to {~!rs. Cons!. M. Murnh~·). G~r· t Old c)ocks are sometimes valu·

'!~ .• l:::r. , :lr 'good eto~c who passed we offer our t1P. (Mrs. w. 'Bishop, st. John'~). r1 able-congratulations. d ~~ (" K' · n!l • " acy ... rs, mg m the ! If only for the wood."

"· :·:· .. .,,.,. t·xlrnded . Pr·-: tt r who5C '

:; or. ~-'' .lr :· ,. ~hr v, li' I rt •! ;,.:,:I>Pn~ri

~=~~ r.:: ..

u.S.A.). : . We extend sincere sympathy ', "Thi~ old clock belonged to

to those who mourn. \ gramps .. , ." ''Thy word is true, Thy will I But he seemed the least to care:

SPA:\'IARD'S BAY, :llay 13- Is just; IHc removed the face and I Mr. Jo~eph Peddle. local taxi· '!'0 Thee wa lllava he!, Lor~. . espied m~n. while proceeding towards in trust; 1 s~metblng unuaual ~ere. Spaniard's ~ay from Bay Rob- And bless Thee for the Love I · . crt.~ on Thursday last had to which gave ; The clock for years had s1lent make a quick .d~cision to avert Thy son to fill a human grave, i been,

Narrow Escape

a hca<l·on colliSion. l\lr, Peddle 1

That none might fear that : We never knew w~y until _. _


saw a car approaching on the 1 world to see That day when In 1ts works we :o:•n•J r;,,.. . . : 1nong side o.f the road, but ! Where all is Jiving unto Thee." saw • · :-;·I · , ', and ~~~, . when he reahzed that the ap. 1 A fifty dollar bill.

.. · c . '.1·: '1 c

1PI!·brale : proaching 1·ehicle was not pull· i Cheese 1s an all-round food

· en 11''. :•'· ~Ill\' 1 ir.g o"er to Its · 'd h h d ' _;~lr, ''i!h 'i~•·;r · ~-ni· i ' ' 011 n .s1 e, , e a 1 economical and nourishing, pro· 1n wi<htr.~ ,

11.' " ·.,no c~o~ce but to di!C~ ~Is car. vlding calcium, protein, vitamin

l!turr.• nf 1,;;. ~~~man) L~ckll~ h_e escaped .mJU~Ies and I A and riboflavin. It should be ___ · · h1s car 11as not se\er~h dam· eaten at least three times week·

bir''r!· . . aged although &orne nnmedlate 1 ,

He bought the clock and went merrily on,

Then I made up this rhyme; Some day, like me, you wlll

find out, To make money, sell your time.

-E.H.V. . x,:;:,~~th~··:B•· go to r··pairs had to be'made. The I). ' . ~- !:''"· · ,

1;; ;• 11 Tuesdny dm~r of the other car did not 1


who happened along momentar· ~iliun, · n.. Dad and stop but a few moments later lly. The Incident, we under· Spaniard's Bay,

I he was stopped by the R.C.M.P. stand, Is now being investigated. May 13, 1958.

·.• '








Complete with Weiser Lac~

and Hinges

$9.49 per set .

Something special thcit yo~o need~ '7

largul All· Canadian loun Company

P.\RLASD OtiLDISQ, Lus::e~l .\II C"an;u~la.n l.u;w CumpanJ

Brnaehe• In urand Falla tad Coraer Hroot

----·. ·--·- - --· .


$; ,,










Plastic Finish



N 0 T E



indicate that . 1 ree to four pet cent belOW rate peak· :penditureSt the ~sonably 1rs for the >r the first

lllernbers of B Cert'f ranch No. 20 of the C.E.A.A., located at Coley's Point, were awarded 25-year \"ere Rev.l;cates at a ce~emony held in their new hall on Thursday, May 9. Maki~g.the presen·

11_!rench C r: G. H. Ma1dment and the rector, Rev. I. Butler, B.A. (L. to R.) W1U1am French, ~. albe;~ll Greenland, Allan Dawe, John J, French, Magistrate W. E. Mercer. (Back row)

Dawe, Isaac Samways, Rev. Fr.G. H. Maidment, Rev. I. Butler, Ronald French, A. •





DIAL 80:.!9 J .

,t . ' 'I


J : t'





'· .. :·

' :I



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.I I

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. '

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,•• ... ''.1 1

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I i I I I I 1

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j ' I I


t ' I t i I ( I I I ' I I


:' i· ' '. ' ,. . :·

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' 1 I ,.

.~.~~~~~al S~~~:.~~~~~\¥ FOR-THE LADIES * The Girl Guide Broadcast will i t•cturlli~S to the Scmmary at

oe held this e.l'cning' at 8 .. 30 I Brockvtlle. ,,·cr radio station CBN. M1ss . -~dllh Manuel, cookie dt'•Y con· i Nt:\\' t.oo,<:E AT ,1::.1_1,.e'll Love It ~tnor. wlll give some pointers · IIICI{~IAN S MAR80UR , ;""! I· or the Guides and Brownies: The Right Worshipful Gr;mrl • hroughoul the pru1·inec on i Mistt·ess, Mrs. Hilda Ford ol ·ookie day. \Humber ~Iouth instituted the ·

. LOBA t~uccn Eli~ahclh Lud~;c. 'ROftl CORNER BROOK 1 No. 1333 r.t Hickman's Harbour

Little Patricia Byrne. daughl· , on April 21st. tr of Mr. and Mrs. J. Byrne of: A~siotin~ h<·rc were the of· . ~orner Brook. arrived here by · liccrs of Brittania Easler Ltl)· · rcA )'Csterday and i; sla)'ill!l 'Ln~gc. No. 1235. I

,.lth her grandfather. Council· ' Rcpresentali\'C3 al the open· . ED11'01t'S 1'1101'1::: The Family Council consllltl or • or Joseph 1-'it~gibhon, Hamilton ; ins were from l'laren,·ilie, Shoal judge, a psychiatrist, three clergymea, 1, aewspiJII' editor • \l'enue. , Harbour, llussral'elown. Brtt· "·omen's rditur and two writers. t;ach article Is 1 sammary ol

tania and Winterton. an adual case history. Tile Council repolia on problem• that 'RT EXHIBITION The following were cledcd lu nave been dealt with by re•pouslblc o~ueucles and counselors.

The art class o( the Adult oHicc: ' LEONARD P. - I want to\ THE COUNCIL: There is, in· €dueotlon Centre, under the di· Worthy )Jistrcss - Sister mr·lle things up to Sue. deed, one thing Lenny can do ~ection of J11r. John :\launder. Bertha Brrant. . H ld 1 I h h will hold an exhibition or the


Dcpul)' Mistrcss-Stter Belle. SUE R. - e cou end me for Sue-and it's not w at s e k

some money. wants. It is simply to get out or ~York done during the past ~larr. . . 1chool year. This exhibition will Ju~inr D~otlt~· ~llstress-Stst· LEONARD P. - Six years her life r..nd stay out.

le held on Wedr.esday •. ~Ia~· cr ~hldred !l·an)'. ago. when I was only 20. I Lenny seems to take great de· llst. at the social gathet·ing at Recording s~cl'ctary - Sister became inl'oived in an affair light in guiltr feelings. We sus·;

1 ;he centre. which will follow :\ellie Yarr. . with a ~irl m)· own age. I real· peel he has .a doubly sclfi;h:

1venlng classes. Financial Secretary-Slstcr ]\· 1•·as in lo1·e with her and ; motive in secmg Sue. It awak- ,

~lnhle ~lnr~h. ,;.e expected to marry,' but well] ens all his old guilt le_elings' MORNISG Trcasm·er-Sislrr :\lyra King. -things just didn't work nul.

1 toward and a~ lords lum an;

COFFEE PART\' Chaplain-Sister Edna Sim· 1 ·•ot mnrried to another girl: oppm•tmuty In enJOY some new The Kirk Ladies Guild will mons.

1 thrc~ years r,.go and I'm ·pretty \ones in rcspt•ct to his wife: If

~old a morning collce party and tiuartlian-Sister Lilic lllun· happy in my marriage. but I :Lenny really wants to cxpmte &pron and pantry sale in the delL • . .. worn· a Jot about Sue. She; !he past, we suggest ·he conc<m-E'resb)·terian hall on Ttw>day. • Du·ertnr of Ceremumes-Stst· seem's nowhere nenr getting jlmte on being honest, devoted May 20th from 10.30 a.m. to '\ er Florence Piercey. married and is I'Cf\' desperate. husband. 3oon. All friends of the guild Fi~~t Lecturer-Sister )!r..ggie I see her el'ery now and then, ' Sue appears t.o be trying to


:'\;:·iJ''>:':;'/ ~f ::

,,.r•~•nt-For You and 01111 , • • If you refuse to

quarrel, thm'll be no argument. aomeone approaches you for loan. better tum them down

- fll'mly, but diplomatically. Any extra cash will be nccd~d

an emergency oot too far in the future. Concentrate on work.

, •• This is the 95th anni· Future ••• h·e~"a1·v 1186Zl of the first t~ropy in I fen•ced·in baseball park-Union h1gh, and cor••.•r.·"~:~ Ground• Brook!l·n. Coincident· indicate that1h~ i allv tbi~ week also marks the a total of S~.7 ;

- (1888) of the firsl -ap.proxim-.tely 4~; recital o! at the Bat.'' preltOUs )'car.

. :<>· .~.l ·The Day Under Your Sign ... ~~

ARIF.S I Born March 21 to April 20) r.oc:l\ 1·\:•lrlt'•\ U b\·ored O't"tf OUl·Of•

town prO'r'f'h'

TA\JRUS !April 21 Ia M•r 20) J'rt.H: ,.o,:r~~t( ''tual to rc•roor.~d.ditiU ah.:~t art- F:in:1 ~QU,

(;~MINI IM•y 21 to .J,,,. 711 t .. k.,. n~hln~ ll)f ar•r.1d. l.Jt~ ( ... ~ry·

in "'n''''~·

2l to s,.,t. 2!) . . of ano·L~r \il'·~!s :·cu,

\l)ll, .·~e '>mr•thtl(,

---- - -. ue ln1·ited to attend. 1 )lartm. without m\' wife knowing, and l find srme use for Lenny's sense·

• Seionr Lecturer-Sister Annie ·I always c~me away feeling like: less presence in her life. ~he

. : l~~~V~~ii~~~::E \\'. ~~~~·~h<~ll. Si~~;:~~:~~:_Sbter ~lar.iorir llaus- 1 .•. A6.u 13~. _ :)or~~~N ~:r! .. si 17~~"5 I did a lot ~~~ n~~~~~1~:~t~sa ~~:~cf[0~·h:~~: 1 LL.B .. arril'cd lwrr la>l wrek ft•rd. "'f l I want 1·rrr mnl'h to help ~uggcstion she should get linan·: 1 dter spcndin~ a hnlilht)' in lnnrr c;u;u·•I-Sistrr Frances Sue .u11i makr thin;:s up to her. cia! compcn;;ation for am: h_arm:


Fashion I :>.;cw York. )lr. ~Ir-~··hall. >on of Conk. 1 ha1·c nlfcrrd to intrudnee her done her. She was not cnmmal· ·

11r. 0nd ~!t•s. \\'all<•r ~lar>hilll. llutrr c;u;ml --Si.-trr Shirley l'np rlan~htrr intn thi, pr!'l!y to ~omr ~uys 1 know. hut shc I)' as~;·.ultcd and was not a II a\" ;11 l~>i:l:--t onr p~1ir nf re•i

~hor~ in ut\11' wardn~1 1 1' 1:1~ ... sprin:. Hr;l ::-:lwt•:-: trimr.v:d in

h\ncl\: rr~l ."llllf'~ 1 hi+ I ln(1k ti\.;('

Linden ruurl. i~ a ;:rarluatc this ~lm·ti!t. I•inaforl' nr stmdi'C'·'· for play ;tlll'al's rrfu>rs. 1 trll her shr's minor. She should assume com· rea~ ol ))alhousic l.~w :iclwnl. Followin~ th~ in,tallntion of and p;trti•·s. :il'win~ c:~>~· ·- t'lll· got t~ mnkc ~ 11 rlfort il ~he plcle rrsponsihilily for her own md hi~ degree will he ,t'niiiN'· ••lticN~ ~ han~urt was prepared hruidrr)·. ~ dnrh, quick. ~rt want~ tn ~rt marrirrl. action>. red in ah.;cnlia tt•da) nt thr hr thr ,i;trrs of llickman's this on ynnr marhinr: • • • Shr's erosion ol guilt srems Conl'ora\i(ln of flr.lhnu,ir l:ni· IIN'hnur ~ml a mn>t rnjoy~blc • l'iltlel'll ;;;21l: rhil~rr·n's 'izt·~ Sl'E H. __ Lrnn)' sl'rms to In lit neath· into J,cnny's nerd II'' lhr smoolh cn•1rdinalrri rersitv. ~II'. ~lar:<hall is 11111\' cvrnin;: was :.prnt. ~. 4, nnd fi inl'ludcri in tile pJt· think 1 nu::ht to be happy ahout to rnjo)' his ~uilt. She should look that m~kcs lashiion 111'1\S •n articled to lhr l<m linn or An inritation was gircn to' !t•rn. cmhrnidcry transfer. bcin~ palmccl off, like a piece realize she is prohably lar '''"l'""r s•t:l·wcar - nonl' prrt-::ook a11rl Bartlett. . th; Grand. ~listrr>~ .hy th; of· I Send TIIIHTY·FI\'t; n::\TS of shopworn jlood:;. to any con· more disillusioned with herself tier than this Prinled Pal tern:

htrr~ 1 ot Ea~lrr Itt~ ·~tl~e to •in <:oins• lur this pultrrn 1·cnicnt t•omcr. \\'dl. 1 ran't be than shr is with men. She !iiy·in piHysuit: button . frant LEFT 1-'0R HO~IE allen• .,a mcctmg a n ;uua on i

1 s:amps cannot br acl'epleli, to \'Cr)' hr·PPY about it. or about , know;; full well not all men arc · skt~t to add on "dre>s" oc

~lr. P. o·~cill. ::ll;o~·,,r, anri •'P!'.tl .2nd. . , ST. .JOII:'\'S .HAlLY SE\\'S, , anything else these rla)'s, 'like Lenn)', but probably seeks : cas1~n<. Mr. Jo'rank Pierce. town clerk ol Sisters of Htckman s Harbour lnouschold Art~ llc~t. 60 t'ROST. Lenny :;cems to thiuk he ruin·. out men who arouse her "ms· 1 .. Prmtrd Pattern 48~1: :\lis>c"· Burin, left h.cre yesterd~y ~o also attcndccl. :ST ... WEST •. TORO:'\TO, 01\'T .. ed my life, because he insists· picions" and avoids men whose~ S1zes !2. 14. _16. tR, 20. Si:~ ''i return to thCll' home 111 • ~m·m , A Lmnquet fol~owccl at the : Print plainlv :-lAME, ADDRESS, on believing I'm still in lo\'C idcr,ls might cause them to ! play~mt r:qmrcs 2 yard.; 3a·mch after .a· short business :1s1t !O close o( ~he m~ehng. : , ·, • ; with nim. The [act is I was so :think o[ her as "shopworn." \ fabn_c: sk1~ la~«'s 3' • yarns. the city for the Burin councli. , .1'he Right \\ or~hl~ful Granr! , PATTERS NUMBER. :disillusioned when 1 really got , we feel Sue badly needs to Prmtrd dtrcch_ons on each nat·



~hstress left on Apnl 23rd for ! Send T\\'ESTY·FIYE n:s:rs to know him that I socm to dis· I make a real new start in li!e-: tern part. Easler, acc~rale .. RETURNED i l!u:;~ra\'etown where o t h e r 1 more lor a cop)' o[ our Ahre , like men in general. I'm ecr· one oascd on high moral and 1 , Send FIFTY CEl\'TS

1m coms


FROM HOLIDAY meetings were scheduled to be Brooks Nccrllecraft Catnlo~t.le.l tainly ~uspiciow; of all ol them. emotional standards. She is~ ~.~mps :nnnot be ace~ptcd' f_or Miss ~label Young o£ the held. Two complete patterns arc pnn· i 'l'her~ is one thing r.enny c<in el'identiY drilling hoping some- I this patLrn. Please prmt plam·

Mutual Life Assuranc~ Com-' ' • -.-- tea right in t~e hook - plu~ .a , do for me-and that he alwavs one wili turn u~ to save her .1~ .siZE: • :\'A~IE, .ADDRESS, pt.ny, who was on holiday at ! ENGAGE~IENT l'aridy of destgns that you w~ll 'backs r.wa, from I would like from herself, but she must re· ST"i J,E 1\t:'tlBER. , • , . North s~·dne)', returned to the The engagement was recently want to order: crochet, kml· I h' 1 1 ) d m 'th m ney to , cognize she will only win sel!· Send or:ler to i\::-1:\E ADA:\IS. ; elty last week. • Eonnounced o[ Sandra Louise; ting, ,embroider)', huck weal'· 1 t~~ n~gh~ncour:es a~ eofte~e 50 I espect throu~h her own ef!ort ~re or ST .. JOHN'S .DAILY

- Joulette, R.N .. only daughter of ' ins. quilts. to)'s, dolls. i l t b It I " f i nd aspirrAio~s Only when she i • 'EWS. Pattern Dept. 60 FRO~T JUMBLE SALE Dr. and :llrs. J. G. Joulette,: I ca~ ~~~ a I e. _erIc ~ss d oi I~ self·r~spcci will she leek : ST., . "'EST. TORO!IiTO, O!liT.

The Board of ~lanagement o£ : ~lontreal, to Gregor~· Paul • i peop c. 1 ~ sa ar) ts 011

an , as . .1 • t• l the YWCA will hnld a jumble eldest son ol :\lr. anri ~Irs. 1


ENG:\GEI\IENT i ~ant seem to sal'e enough for ! and lind 8 man 11 10

re_pec • ...... ,...,...,...,... ____ '-l&le at the club rooms on .:\1. J. Furlong, St. 'John's, Wed·' The engagement was recent· II. hrr. OhOhhhhhhCUUO•

Wednesday. :lla)' 21st. The sale: ding to lake place in July at! rcll. daughter of :\lr. r.nd l\lrs.: Manners opens at 7 p.m. ! )!ontreal. Leo Par~ell. Alland~~e ~oad to : D J d s

, -.- :Ill'. Patrtek Hayes. Kmg s Road. actor or an ays GRADUATES WEDDING BELLS '\A k

Among the graduates at St. The marriage of Miss ~lai 'FRml t:XGLASD /JJ a e \lan·'s Rcdcmptorist College at Kearns. daughter of llrs. Kelia [ )lr. and ~Irs. Charles Wood ~· Broekvillc. ont~·rio. on sunday, Ker.rns or Dublin, Irclanrl. to' and thci1· two children hal'c re· M D Fri'endS 'I AI I h I rl t Sl l I , f om 81 EDWIN P. JORDA.~, . . l!a1· 18th. will bc Edward \'in· ,, I', ex )IcC O)' of t e Ca· ccntly mo1·r o . ' o 111 5 r . ;c1it .son tJ[ ~II·. anrl ~lr~. Ralph naclian :\larconi Company, tnok: Ell~lanrl. and arc 1i1·inc r.t 1~3 n~:SEARfHERS STL'IJ\' now a1 ailahlr i~ als~ qur;ltnn· I

tohn'• ,\flrt· rr:"hli<tion "~"· '1r~. \lr('lny arr li1·ing at 3 r;11lar frrhnirt~n ll'tfh 111P. Ca· i EPinEMIC 1 ciM r!ors no! b;· an~· mc~l15 1'1'C· 1

l'inccnt. 23"11nwe Plarr. St. plare on April 28th. ~lr. and I Empire A\'rlllll'. Mr. \Yonrl ts Rf::('ORn OF GREAT 19t•i f'LI: ~hie. 1\umnr has it ti1~t t\1" 1

f'C .., ........ 1 ........ 1

l'inrrnt rtan~ In relurn hnmP. IJrron TI11w. narlian \liHTOlll Cnmpaur -- h·cnt ·~e.nonr from .E:•lllll ~h1. 1 r If :·nu gir~ ~ n~rt~· with anuth• . I - Snme of th~ facls r.rynn•drli fill. 1\hrtlw. 11 makrs thr rl >· prr~ryn an~ it ,~ at ;·n•1r hnn~r.:

"'llh tl1• worlrlwi!l~ outhreak of ~M• nnlrl~r 111 lhos• 1':ho h~,. :be ~nre In tr•at t.h• nth~r porson ' .\51 an inOuenza are now known. ; h•en \'accmated . than m tho~e • a~ a co-hnot~~f. rath~r fnan a5 a Othpr~ will take tiime to stucly i who hare not ll'lll rloubtiPs~ or \ gue~l. If you takr Q'. rr com· and ~l'aluate. \ reportPd .on at a later date. ! pl~tely. it will not ~ppear that

I ! I

; t

! .,

'• I


FIVE RO~ES FLOUR now offers you. the famous Guide to Good Cooking in revised form. More pages, more recipes, more kitchen hints. This well• illustrated book is wire bound to lie flat open; han~y to use for years to come. Send for your copy today.


Send your name and address (please print); and only 50¢ to:- F. M. O'Leary Ltd.,

St. John'•, Nfld.




The so-called Asian flu is cau· 1 There lS no do.uhl. t~lat much I both of yNt arP ho~t~~s~f. ; sed b~· a particular strain of the 1 raluable mlormatl~n Will he. gat· Sr;oe that the other ho~tess influenza A virus. This l'irus \' her.ed from thts experience 1 gre~ts the gue~ts with ~·ou, and . can he considered responsible wh1c~ c~uld not have been. obtat- i with you rPreil·ps th~ir thank· for the second great pandemic. 1 ne~ m mfluenza pandemtcs of you's when thev lea,·e. ' or epide'?ljc, of the century. the


. thf oast. . · ftrst ha1·mg occurred in 1918-19. If a ~tirl inl"ite5 a young man to :

The exact point of origin ol 1·isit in her home for a week- ! this worldwide epidemic is not : As the weather warm~ up 1 end shP shoulri ot. "ithout con· · known, hut app~rently the first smart women know that a del· 1 suit in~ him. plaan the kinrl of Pn outhreaks ocrurrrd in China in 'icate flower ~cent is more re· i trrt~inn•ent that will ~~~ r~nrn· February nnrl March of Wi7. , fre~hing for da~·timr. weear-P.s· i sil•e for him. such .a~ dinner , By Aur: , ·f last year epidemic ; pecially if the wear is a bus· , dancing at exlu~il'r rcstarants. mfluenza • .• d appeared in Hong ; iness or office woman. Be as : In [act, she should tt·y to ar· Kong and had spread to other 1 e~otic as you like in the e1·en- range things ~o that he is real!:: a~~ass bordering the western Pa , ing when it come to perfume. a guest-not just an escort to ctltc Ocean. By l\Iay the virus. : 'l'hese scents are best for under pick up the check whcrcwr she

I carried principally along shipp. the summer stars." wants to ~o. ing routes. had spread through --- ------ ~----~ Mala~·a. the Philippim•s. Guuam, · Okinuwa. lndiu and Indon~sia. \ / t•t 1 ~· ... , ;~::::::~~ • th~~~R~~<:··o~~.:~i~~ :~~\~~i~~:;~ •'


versa 1 e. \ ·: ~~-· parts uf the worhl !Jpcume :.ffel'· . ·- · --t..:l with Asian infhtP~nzu lot' the 1 If you bake at home, • ·-: ---·-- .. first timt>. i d r h ( 1 ' t:- ·

It reached the Midlile East In bert's 1 e ' 11 1 11 orange • ;· •.• ':"..".;:.....,._..,! · epidemic proportions in July. bread to ~utter o~ ~0111 (f.·. /<'5 ~- .~.<: By the end or August the epide· or make 1oto exc1t1ng ~·.· '· , ... -· .. ·.·••·· ... ·· <cA mics had declined in most eoun- sandwiches, Make ~~ with • ! 'C .. ' ·.·•··.· .. · ~ tries of Easte.rn and Western Fleischmann's Acu" \<;. : ~ •. If Asia, but true epldemicss began Dry Yeast. It' I the best! · .-: · • ' '

t~~tt ::~~:i~~. from Europe and ; ,,~~ -;:·~ ~ b"f~~Jf'l!c~ • ' v 1 (

\~idespread o e c u r r e n c e : · -r ..... ,.., of Asian Influenza began In the ( . ' · united states in september. · Rich Orange Bread The epiclcmics In most communi tie~ affected persons ol ~i::h school ajlc first. then clemcn. t ary ~chool pupils and lastly, the grownups.

Although itaffected people s:; · years and older last of all, pre- j' liminary reports showed the . '< highest proportion of deaths I ,. \ among these older members or .• ; our society. (:' ·

1. Measure Into large bowl % cup lukewarm walll

Stir In 2 tecnpoons granulated


2Y2 cups ence-slfted all-purpose flour

and beal until tmooth and elastic. Work tn additional

2Vt cups (about) one .. silted aii-purpost flour

2, Turn aut on floured board and knead unh1 smooth and

•• ··:.~ .,

By mld·October Influenza In ! \\ the United State~ appeared \~ . .J' ha1·e reachP.d its peak anri I~ he·

· lieved to hal'e aff~ctrri 'at 'ast I 20 'million persons throu~hout

Sprinkle with cantenh of 2 envelopes

Fleischmann'• Adlve Dry Yeast

Let stand I 0 minutes, THEN stir well.

,. elasth:. Place In greased bawl. <.\

Grease top, Caver. lei rise ln ·;;\, a worm place, free from droll,

the country. ) IN LESS THAN R year this .

Asian straino f lnllurn7.a had at·


: tacked neoplc on e1·cry con! inrnt , >

I pt·nbably Pl'~n includinl! Anlar.: I lica. Conditions ol crowdin~ and pol'erty often resulted m '

Deaths caused hy A~ian 'n \

Stir In 2 wall-beaten eggs % cup granulated sugar 2 teaspoons salt y, cup soft butter or

margarine 2 tablespoons grated

orange rind 1 cup orange luict .


. hi~h attack rate~.

llucn7.a din not reach the samr · ~§ number~ as those causer! hy th, \ ,~ inllucn7.a or the I!IIR·l9 epidemic . - • • 11~•'\\~ Nr.1•erlheless, most eountrir, ld.·.· ... ~ \ t~i\~t\\m""QPJ_ ·. which kept good statistics did r•·

1, 1 ,1

cord an increase in the mortali \' , .rtt'{E \ ty rates. probably nartly the r• AU" suit ol the Asian lltl. At thi> ', ' 1i~~l .

1 time it is still unccrlain wl1cther : :tho pandPmir is m·r1' ur nul. , : Thr c•omplrt~ rlfol'ti\rnrs:, of I i th~ i~llucnr.a \'accine which is

until doubled ln bulk-about I Y1 hours. 3, Punch down dough. Turn out on llghtly·floured board and knead until smooth. Halve lhe dough1 shape into loaves, Place In greased loaf pons (8 Y1 x 4 Y1 inches, top inside measure). Cover. ·let r1se until doubled In bulk-pboul 1 hour. Bake In o hoi oven, 400°, abovt 35 minutes. Yleld-2 loaves.

... , ··~-:



,l.l'll)fll.,r ~rt• llff'!oiuet "' iiANDARD BRANDS LIMIHD

St''ll tt'YI:',I -~

in~ hil~ lr~thrr.

Yoo}TG'- IuBAS A-roor foryovr J?~~J){;~

Wr>re a smar: new !lock of luot·

w~~r slylr3 for Boys and Girls con·

st:·n~:ed to ~i1·c ~realer comfort

and longer 1·;ear. Priced low!

Sizes !I

Sizrs 812

to ~

Sizes 1212 t~ 3

., ........



l oltl\11~ It•·•! ,.r

:ill<'' 4 to ~



Siz.r~ 4 t~ ~

CHILDRENS' ENGLISH CREPE·SOLE SHOES Styled with ,.:uroly Cal! leather uppers ~nrl crepe rubber sn!es and heels.

SINGLE T·STRAP :iTYLE Brown, Red or Beige. Sizes 4 to 6 .................. . Sizes 7 to 10 ................................ . Sizes 11 to 1 ............................. .

Sl\1.\RT OXFORD STYI.E Brim·n. Sizes 4 to 6 .................................. .

~(~~~ J It~ I~ ·:::.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.·.·::::.·::::.::.· .·· ......... .

some time tl the :\ewfounctla; Emplo)·ees' A

has been eng .~erl , 1\'clfare Plan I of its memhrr>.

of the Execall much easier b,· I

of thP :'\e Prol'incial Go\·t·s

field of Pub children up to th•

birthday r-re now c• ward sHvice in II•

ail laborator)' a serl'ices both in a

and for all s: procedul

lo Hospital. on Jul)' 1st. U

~...round!l:.r.d Pro1·inc is inaugurating

Hospital Plan. l:m all residents not c,

the Children's PI to -vard sen·

Hospital laciliti c.-nfl

. The~· will a to ail out-patient

and di;,l!nostic !


b r'

;umnunre th~t

arran~rment~ " l.iie Insurance c,

all mem her< : bers o[




' ',:'lr.·.:rvati~·e , .. ,: t:.c figure · ~ r-1 1-illi~n ',·:"1'-,te~; 4~0

~ c .:r.


·, ·.· ·:

) AfoOT LINGS ..

~ ~REN'S

• ~ to R

" R1 , to 12 .

· • :::! : z to S ....

:,s.Es· WHITE


• . -r-. •.

,DDLE ···o calf !~ather ·" Blul' saddles. ... ·"T ~ole!.

, <'cf·n'< m~~ 4 to 8

'"'!' p 1•. 3



. , , 4 to :! .........


ANVAS OXFORDS n!mm;: Red, Whitt

:PE-SOlE SHOES . · uppers and


".11 sTYLE

.. 7


BOOTH .1t thr Kinsmen Karnh•al by the Imperial Oil Company featuring "Something Extra Shown are the many of the products distributed In Newfoundland by the Imperial

SERVICING the ftshtng Industry of Ncwfotmdland for 75 years Is the theme 'of Colonial Cordage at the Kinsmen Kurnival. Here is the attractive booth showing the many kinds and sizes of ropes manufactured by Colonial Cordage Company. ·

At The there were no provision• In the budget for this work, and the sidewalk already completed on

C•t Hal] the street' was done at the CX· 1 Y · . pcnse of the firms who owned Deputy Ma~·or James D. Hig- ! stores fron.tin~ the sidewalk.

gins, Q.C .. was in the chair for I • The engmeer was aske~ to . . . . the weekly ml'eting of the Cit~· : ftnd out what the other f1rms

... ,, the It1r dt.trrllll~lon to_ t~r m~mber· , Council on Wedne~day morn·. would do. as the work would

Plan , \, , .!,.:1:1::d 'h1p: Th~ llan •. 11_h1ch . 1s ex·: ing. Councillors Fitz~ibbon, Car-l cost around 52.000. ;:·:,:: , "' M· plou.ecl .'" cl!'tatl . 111 this b~ok- 'nl'll and Henley werl' present. I ' -. -. ' .

, ...... , ., -~··d 1n lt•t pM 1drs surgtcal .. medtcal 1 Councillor George Ni.~htin~ale! ('[ RB A:\D (,l !7ER , 1;. :: · ,, l'.:lll for .1ncl nnnesthrsla benefits for ali , is still on holicla~· in England. ~ . A ll'tter from residents of

.- : ,., ···r·"'•;r- membrr.>. In the case of mar· 1 _ : ~rHser Place asked y;hy a curh .,., ,; :!:• ::",·:lli\'e rird _empluye~s, the Plan also: :\PPT.lCATI07'1 F'OR com:ECT·, and gu~ter had not been built · ~.:) , ,_-:.: In thl' pt·on~cs >lntllar co1·e1·age fori roN TO WATER MAIN i for thetr street, and askerl.wh~·

.• ,,, ·:w :\cw· . thl! w1f~ of ;11! employee and all Two applications receh·ed hy .1 the work had not been hsted

liol't•t'~l- unmarmd ch1lrlr.;n brtwcP~ .the I he council for connec1ion to . for 1958.. . . , . ::

1:,: ,,f i'ubl~c ages of 16 ancl :-1. In add1!10n. the Petty Harbour Transmis· ' The. c1ty en_gmeer sa1rl that

· c:.i:t' •i' to thetr ~!atcrmty Benefits r-re also pro· I' slun main were reported on by dc·pos1ts for th1s work ha~l been ~.::~· '' . :, now co\'• nclcd. the city engineer. I mad.e .. but this amount 11 as not ;•"' ,,'r':"' rn llos- i . . 1 The engineer sal'd 1·n hi's re· sufftclent to co\'er the costs. ... 1 Th Exeeutt\'e ts \'Cr)' m· · A · B L h 'd ,:: :,· .. r.-~ory and e , 1 I'OI'I that these applicant~ live City ~·· aw states, e sm . I" .. 1,n•h 1·11



pressed \lith the Plan and be··. t II d b 'ld' that If the cost exceeds the '· "'' "' r th t th . . ff tn a non con ro e u1 mg . a"rl l<•r all sur- ldcve_~lh Ia • et c.>\heraglde o c.r· area. and grantln!! connection amount on deposit t:le home ,1rocedures e \1 t 0\1 ra cs s ou pro1 e · f th h . ht 1 cl 1 owners should pay the balance

' to be of great benefit to all or ese omes mig ea 0 d if d b d · · · :• H,•,pital. II i nclditional buildings In the open an un er t e eposlt tnc t:Ju!y I st. 1958 members. . ; field adjacent to the residence. money wil~ be rcf~nded.

Provincial\ If the Plan is acceptable to 1 1hc engineer recommended that ~he eng~neer, c~l)' clerk and · ' a • the membership and goes Into I the Council refuse these ap- sohcitor Will com1der the mat·

,. :_' Plan. Unde; I. effect it will be administered plicati?ns for the present. The tcr of this area and brmg back l"u,.ct~l' n.ot CO\· by four members of th" Execu· Counc1l agreerl. a report. ::~ 1: .. 1lrt•n s Pl_an ~ tive, namcy the President, John - srDEW\rr· t:~::.~t :c ·-..r,i ~emce ! J. Cochrane· Secretary R. STREET T.lNE ESTARJ.ISHED . • • ' '' . o:~rr H:•;:!: I facilities. I Snow; Assist~nl Secreta~)'. 1-'. , A letter from the firm of T. A .rcpOI·t. on the ~~~~w~lk .;~(:;::-, .. :d eli a-, ~!aynard; Treasurer, E. Bad· I~· Easterb!·ooks C'ompan.)· asked 'frnntmg t~IO hn~es at 1?' and · 1:.- w11l also k Th ff •t'. d t f 11 tnc Council to clear up thP 159 Emp1rP A1rn~e 111U he

. : :,, ,: •·.:' ;'..tirnt Ia- cPolc .. Ae c ecllle 19a5e8 o cl le qu«.>~tion of permission to huilcl i hrou)!ht m hy thr_ rlt)· rngrneer ... .... .· an !s. ugust st... . an t.o. 1 for the next mrrhnl!. Thr home •·. r., ..•... "r ~cr·, be ehgtblc to parllclpale m It nt a dis~anrl' of 2!\ {ret from the . . k d 1 r 'I ·h t

b <trert ltne on thr ~larkmarsh 011 nrr< as r t ~~ ounr1 " ~ an employee must h~ a mem er · d · k" ·r h . h llcl • would he rlonr ?=the hank from

ml r;ti· f tl ,, ·[ dl I G , . Ron . and a~ tn!! I t PIT II . . . . 1 I rl C I 'd II' h now o 1e "~'" 011", anr . Olern·. in must he In line with the the housl's f(l thr strrrt was NO. 2~R~ l\facphNson Acn! r>m~· fa: rt Corps. comman ed h;\· o ortt'l Davt Co ms. are ~ own as mc•nt Employres Msoc1at10n. i ·~lei' · h 1 1. lf!t in a !lrplorahlP rnnrlition' 1 r1 1 1 · Off' L' (' I 1 J K J\1 h \


C CD d ' , . ·hat u hu1 1n~ on t r proper~· ar Jnc-, · · · .' t I<'~· pre·.:~nte arm~ to t 1e n~ 1·f·c~tm~Z 1rer. teut.- .. o one . . ·a oney. . .. .. .. urmg This Group Welfare proposr,J · ent to their nwn. ; aft«>r the mrrt was wldcnrd' the Corps Annual In:.prr.tion hl'ld in thP auditorium at Macpherson Academy on May 8th .

was m;:de _possi~le cmly after i '!'he letter asked that an or- 1 Iast fall. I .,.,, and man~· nwetrng~. tn\'lo\'lng the, flt'!al statem~nt as to the regu·l BF~ SERVIn' ~--.. -------· -- · · ........... ····- ·- ... · .......... -- --·----"i the.> tcclwus prrpHratory work which· !allons he J!lYen them so that . ' . - . . . . . . .. · .' E

1 rl th' h' ; men! In I their architeet~ eould prneerrli A resident of Emp1rr A1enue. front of hts proprrl) anrl lhr i.h~ Cnunnl to rnnmler a bus p!r@ AvenuP. ~fany of th~ rest .~r.trl. and \louid appreciate

· • 111 ~m· Plhr~rerr 0 1 1 ~ actblel cEx u't.\' wl'lh the work The cit" en·! \\Titinil about the sidewalk in damage to his fence, also n;krd serl'ice for that ;ection of Em· dents are without cars, the latter bus service. · · . 1 · .. " rnJu~· IS connec ron. e ec 1 c , . • ' .

,·,:a (ir·.· 'i' Llft• and is deeply appreciative of the\ gineer said that the street hne Ac~.o:o:·: l::·uram·~ expert ad\'ice and co-operation on the Blackmarsh Road hu

Pi;n "<.· '•c en dr· of a Representative of the' been establis~ed for ~everal 11 prow, ~-;enti::.l, Crown Life Insurance Comp&ny, years, and th1s street may be t~r.!::a ;,nr. ;~n·ires. ~lr. P. J. Henley, by whom the a main thoroughfar: at some

1:;1;:\<r; .. ·.•:t·r the Exccuti\·e was first approached future day. '111e butldlng line . Galm~u·,~: Plans. and with whom most of the on this street has also been ::!. b!nr:;l> provided negotiations were held. clearly established, Mr. Martin

(:,Jwn L1:1· l'l:.n are · said. ,_::,recon::r. ~dcd fet•s' The Council agreed that the .. r,:oJr,,:;:.r,: \lt•dit,al' , new building must co~form · .. Time Is A Factor with the established butldlng · ~ • and street line~ . . :~ cc;t •·: ::11· Plan ;.-.;:b:~ '"·: through i SIDEWALK ~a:·J:c ;.•,:! is hasrrl : Just as man)' of the body's Four store owners on Rowan

,,f ~.> . :ll'crpt- ailments are curable with prop- Street asked the Council about tr.emt.,.~,h:n. • er treatment. so the illnesses of erecting a concrete sidewalk in ,,,. ,. .::,. t·:J1!1· the mind c&n often be diagnos· front of their premises. They

~rroln:•·nt. In ed and successfully treated il stated that they were wil!i?ll to · 1 'u:::lidt• hook- the1· are gil'en psl'chiatric care go along with the Counctl s ar·

:++r. P~>P•ro·rl h1· the' at 'the first signs' of emotional' r~ngement In the matter • L!t lr.•urar.~r ro.mpan)' ' disturbance. · · 1 '111e city engineer said that

e Suggest You Try





----~----w:' a deUthtful pictmw lhe mabe. 1111 ~ . ,ooa loob nflect thiiiOdlnt, IIDiible a-1

1D diet to U(ltter food ud drlak. AM today'• dellclout, pure Pepll.COla It put oHbe ~' Nmr bla"f, lll9lf too IWIIt, Pepsi II the wbollloale, lfiAI ttflwhiiiiDt. BUJ Ptp5i by ~ cutoLIWnlb without IDIDI·

1/ '


to •• ,.._,. withOUt tllllftti


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Radio Programmes 1 ~NEWfEEL, NEW LOOK, NEW STYLE,


10.G1-Martln'• Corner. 10.15-Golden MadonnL 10.30 -News In 1 Minute. 10.31-Startlme. 10.43- Eleven for the Moner 10.115-Songs of our Time. 11.00-New• In a Minute. · 11.01-This Time Forever.

7.3~CBC News. ll.So-Honoul' Your Partner 7.35-Top of the Morning. 11.45-Swllt's Money Man. s.oo-CBC News and Weathe1 jt2.0D-News In a Minute. 8.15-1\luslcal Clock. 12.01-Town and country. 9.1!0-lllornlng Devotions. 9.15-Programme Preview. 112.31-Town and CountJ1. 9.2o-On Parade. \ 1.00-Local and National 11.30-News Preview. · Headline NewL 9.4~Reeords at Random. I 1.01-Town and Conntr,

1o.oo-cream of the West. j 1.05-Weather F:uec:ast. · 10.16-Doris Janes. l.i5-News. . 10.26-Ruth Hardin&. , 1.35-Editorlal Comm111t. 10.25-CBC News. I 1.40-Sports. 10.36-Musical Program. 1.45-Art Baker's No,e'llllDk

10.45-l\luslcal Programme. • 2.00-News in a Minute. U.oo-Fred Waring Show. 2.01-What's Cookln'. l\.15-Parade of Stars. 2.03-The Story of Jane 11.30-Nfid. School Broadcast. Armltag.e 11.45-Sacred Heart Pro- I 2.15-A Woman Confesses.

gramme. I 2.3o-News In a Minute. 12 oo-Announcer's Choice. I 2.31-lllatlnee. 12:15-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 3.00-News In a Minute. 12.30-r'arm Broadcast. · 3.01-Western Jamboree. 12.45-lllld Day Serenade. 3.36-News In a Minute. 1.1!0-D\lyle Bulletin. 3.31-Western Jamboree. 1.15-Muslcal · Programme. 4.06-Gen. Prov. Newa. 1.30-CBC News and Weather. 4.05-Ranch Party. 1.45-1\lusi~al Programme. 4.30-News. 2.oo-Words and Music. 4.31-Ranch Party.

2.30--Varlations on a Theme. 2.45-The HI'>PPY Gallll· 11.01-The Gerry Wlggi111 3.15-For the Plano. Show. 3.30-News, Trans Canada 5.30-News. , 1\latlnee. 5.31-The Record Shol'

4.30-CBC New~. 6.00-News. 4.311-Timely Tunes. 6.05-Bulletln Board. 5.1!0-Cltlldren'a Story. 6.10-NaUonal News. 5.15-Music of the West. 6.15-Sports. 5.30-Fisheries Broadcast. 6.25-News. 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air. 6.30-P .111. Theatre. &.oo-Intermezzo. 7.oo-N~ws. 6.2:>--Programme Prel'iew. 7.01-Right To Happineu. 6.30--Supper Guest. 7.15-Doctor Mac. 6.45-Western Caravan. 7.30-News.

i I I

I li \I I I

! I

• I

7.06-CBC News and Weather 8.06-News. 7. HI-ROI'ing Reporter. 1 8.D1-The Best from the Wt!' 7.25-Byline. 8.30-News. 'f.30-Tops TodAy. 8.31-Best from the Welt. 7.45-Doyie Bulletin. 9.00-~ews. . 8.15-Home and School. 9.01-Nfld. S01rce. U5-Musical Program. 9.30-Chapel b~· the Side '. 9.30--Prairie Pla)·house. the Road.

lO.OD-Business Barometer. , 11.45-Dosco New1. 10.30--Portrait of a Woman. 1 to.oo-News. 10 40-Citizens Forum News. , 10.01-Untold Story. 10:45-Vancou\'er Chamber [10.36-Natlonal News.

Orchestra. 1 10.45-Houseparty. 11.30-CBC National News. ltt.oo-News in a Minute. 12.0D-Clo~edown. 11.01-Spol'tl. ---------- i 11.111-Houseparty, New1,

, 1 1.01-Slgn Off.

VOCM· 1 ---- vous THURSDAY. May 15th. THURSDAY, May 15th.

8.3o-:.News and the Breakfast 6.DU-Nationll Anthem and Club. Sian On.

8.06-J.o'orecast. 6:J5-Sundlal. 8.10--Jack Berch Show 6.30-World Newa llld 8.25-News. Weather. 8.30--Hit of the DAY· ':.30-World News and Supp)J 8.35-Sports Calendar. , 8.00--Brealcfast Club. 8.46-Breakfast Club. I 8.30-Herb Anderson Show. 9.00-A Date With Denya. I 9.06-lt Happened last Dilbt 9.15-Betty and Bob. 110.00--Coffee Time. 9.30-Date With Denys. 111.06-Turn Back the Clock.

1o.oo-News. 11.30-Juke Club. 10.011-A Date With Denys. 112.16-World and Local NeWI.

~~:!~~u~~~~· wit~ De::.~ner l12.3o-~~~ ~~::rf.' ! 10.55-News. 112.30--Hillbilly Matinee.- I 11.06-Juke BoJ Jamboree. 1.00-Behlnd t~e Story. t1.55-News. . 1.15-0ne 1\l&n s Family.

~: t2.0G-Bargaln Hour. 1 1.30--Strike It Rich. • · 1:1.1&-Ramblin with Recorda. 'I 1.45-Grand Central Station.

12.30-News. , 2.00-New Yorkers. 12.411-Foreeast. i 2.15-March of Eve~ls. 1.15-Sportseast. I 2.00-Robert Q. Lew1s. 1.30-News. 2.30-Hillybllly Matinee. 1.45-Musie . Star• of the Ccn I 3.00-Ebony and Ivory.

tury. 3.05-Sports Page. :z OO-Wlndow Shopping Show. 3.15-l\larch of Events. 2:15-Window Shopping Pro· 3.30-Checkln' ln.

gram. 2.~5-News. 3.00-Dollara on Parade.

;! 4.00-News. •: 4.05-Westernalres. I·



~.00-VOCM'I Don Messer Show. THURSDAY, ·1\laylSth.

·~ 6.30-Superman. Uo-Howdy Doody. . ~ 5.45-VOCM'S Don Mmer 5.00-Chlldren's Prtlflm, ·, Show. 5.m-The Lone Ranaer.

&.Oil-News a11d Weather. 6.00-Annle Oakley. 11.05--Supper Serenade. 6.311-News. ·

'' 8.15-Sportscast. 7.00-1 Seareh for Adventure. ! Uo-Supper Serenade. 7$.1-The Early Show.

6.45-News. 8.00--Musle Maken '51. '1.QO-Break the Bank. B.Z.J-Cilma:~~. '1.15-Hank Snow Show. 9.30-Loretta Young Show,

. '1.30-Cream of the Crop. 10.00-CBC Folio. ~· U5-Newa. 11/JO-News. ; 10.06-The Adventures of Casa 11.10-The Late Show. ? Nova. 4.00-Bascball. . 1D.3D-Ciub "!190." 6.30...:.News. ; 10.155-Newa. 6.311--Checkin' in (Cont'd).· ;: 11.00-Sportucall. 7.30--Feature Page, , : 11.10-Forecut. 8.00-Sports Today. ~ •. 11.15-Club "590." 8.30-Explorlng. 'l'omorrow .. · · l.OD-News and Close Down. 11.50-Spotllght Story.

9.00-Pt!ople are Funny.

. ' . . CJON

THURSDAY, May 15th •

6.30-1he Bob Lewla &now. •. 8.30-Nfld. Newa. . ~ 8.31-Weather Forecast.

:·. UI-New1 and ForecuL · 7.1)0-Newa and Sport.l. · . 7.01-Local Weather, · 7.11-What'• Conkin'. , · '7.20-Bob Lewis Show. '· • ·'7.30-Round the World Newa

· '7.81-Weather Summacy. U5-Nfld. News and Weather.'

·'· '1.011-Nfld. NewL ~ · 8.01-Prov.. Weather. ~ .1.15-Shlpplna P.eporL ·

;-<···1.21-Kiddlea Corner. 8.30-Nf' d. New1.

. - 1.38-Weather Forecul ·· 1.40-Bob ·Lewis ·Sbow: · , • 1.41-Mornlna MerrY·IIo-round ~· 1.0&-llullc for IIJllloDL

1.30-Newa In a Minute. •• 31-Westward· to· Mualc. UI-Laura C11Ut011.

•D.CIO-Newa In a Minute.

9.30-Ciiff's Car&van: to.oo-Final Edition. lO.l~New Yorkers. 10.30-Muslc Views from

Holywood, · 11,06-Mu~lc Tlll' Midnight. 12.oo.;....Sian Off. .


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See our choice new crop of popular "Helen Morgan" Colton Dresses while the pickings are plentiful. You'll find char~~~o ing styles and colors that. fairly sing of Summer. Smart enough to wear to market •.• comfortably cut for wear around the home ..• perfect for relaxing in town or in the country. Shown exactl>: as illustrated, in your size . , ,

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Ask for a Demol'stration in one of

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Rtu.:s: (6) Do not send in any entries until this form has been publisned. This form is \'OUr entry coupon.


(I> Tl:c .liJ: S;,ll' Cont~;t i• and easy l'l work. II consists of 7 phot'l­graph> of local intrrr,t. f:ach da~· on this page there will be 4 pieces of the pholl,~rapll'; appraring in the adrcrtisemrnts.

(2 · Tlw;e pict·cs mt:;l be cut out and pieced together to form the photo· ~raphs.

(7) When the winners have been pickrd before the prize is awarded they will be required to produce the 7. finislted jig-saw pictures.

(8) Thi~ contest Is open tn all resident~ or Newfoundland with th~ exception of employees of the Dally New& and members of their families.

Circulation Department, Daily News, P.O. Box 972, St. John's

(3 • Th~ lin i.-hod pbnto;:rnph will hi' numbered. Ont of the pirer~ of each p;ctur~ "·'~! r11ntain·a nun:h~r. Two oi th~ picture~ will have 27 pi~res. fh·e will ha1·e 37 p1rrrs. SiT.c of each picture is about 10 x 13 inches.

(9J Thr Daily Sew~ will :~ward S50o.OO in cash prizes to the winnen. There are no entry fees.

(1) $250.00 (2) $150.00 (3) $100.0C'

Please enter my subscription

(41 .-\flrr thr picrr~ han formrd 7 photographs (finish of contest,) the pit·turcs mm•t' he idrntifiect.

NAME .................................................................................. . STREET ..••••••••••.••.••.•••.•••••••••••••••.....••••••••..•..•.•..•••..••......

f:~;nmplc-lhr sam11lr picture rubllshed In the announcement advertise mrnt ll'onlcl be inenliflcd a;;: "\\'ater Street, St. John's".

(5) ,\1 the do~r oi th~ conte•l a form will hi' published on which the idenlificallon oft.he pictures must be written.

(101 The first correct entry dra"'" followmg the deadline, will be al'o·ard!>d first prlu. The 2nd and third prize will be drawn for Ill the ume manner. This is 1Ubject kl rule No. 7 •

CITY ...................................................................... .. (Clip and mail or give to News Carrier Boy)

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4 Door Sedan


Buys You. Just Can't

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11156 PI. DIOl'TH 4 dour Sedan, Low Mileage, SPQrtone Paint, Hcalt•l' arul 1M roster . . . . . . . . . . . ••..•.......•..... $1,508.00

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CHIMNEY Selkirk Then you know you have a safe chimney because its scientific design eliminates frie hazard. The Selkirk Chimney is manufactu'ed with non-cor­ stainless steel flue and aluminum outside. casing ~ • • No bricks, mortar or foundation needed.


The United Nail Foundry Co., Ltd. HAMILTON AVE. ST. JOHN'S 'PHONE 80171


·w< soccer ]

II coach "Bill I I (ootb:roUP of twc~tyt

a which to pack I' fro: to defend the . '

squa J hn's Football ! 1 st. o , c la~·ers of the last I i

Pwho made appear· the lengthy I

t~n back trying : I are ag ad such as Don ! 1

the squ 'th Charlie ·' sma • , Abbie George, Ed. Noseworthy. '

RoY Jenkins, .net· ; !leK Smith. halflmer :

ntre Fred North. • c~ern Goobic, Gene ,

First senior m·o~ts : he junior ranks m· ;

1 well know~s as hoc· 1

non Skirvang. h~l~· : B~.dcock and Neal ·

this \'ear's m·outs arc .11 ;e,·er donned the ;

11 i~orm before and arc : u;o make their pla~es. · the ~lacpherson JUIIIor;

CANADIAN P!U~SS )laris. seco.nd h~me r~m

dal' in a wald 111~1 h m· · cte1·cland Indaan~ a

ol'er Detroit Tigers at Briggs Stadium.

New York 'x anker.s Orioles 1.0

pitched his third shutout Ol'l'r the

;{aiionat League. Chic· ended a sc\·cn-game

when Lee \\'~lb out hi~ 1 lth ·homt•r nf

to lead his dub In ol'er Los An;:ctr~

11.~, lhr fir>t slilrl lor the Dnrl~rr~ am!

thrir losing strr~k In

n.ighl ~ames were ~·~r.rl ;-iational Lcagur: "'' Philadelphia. Ciloc111

Pills<nur::n and San Fran

HO~IF. Bith· Harn•ll •t•1l•

before ~taris' hi,,;: i1 put the lndb~:

home,· i11 th• to bl' the kr~· bioll'

Ti•er nth· !rll >ilor! i• of the ninth.

scorrd fh·p 1i111r: Tigm appr<H'I•d :1 \\Tapped up. A D~

pinch·hiHer .1. 1'.' drol'e in the tying ru

soft liner that fell for Clel'eland catcher Die

doubled in the run t h~ it 6·~ before Portrr' tied it.

srnt to thin! 1o• ru · stre~kcd for hnm

first pitch to ~lari>. Ti~( Jim Hr~an had 1 hr II':

of lim rant! ran rio"' meet Harrrll. but tl· playP.r elurlrrl thr t;

MASTU: Cl.lfi\S · York. ~licke1· ~lant

in the lone nul for tl in the continued elm

of the league. Kubek singled in 11 moved to second 1









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Edsel engine to be powerful, cfli·

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I nomical. Ed~l's Telctouch drive is mll!lt conven-ient. The !ICIIIp­tured sheet adds to the cle­sant stylins as well aa lending structural rigidity to the hody." &;ellooks different ••• is dift"erent ••• and now is the time to feel the nal difference behind the wheel. See what an Edsel can do for ·)'au-see your dc:ller, tDIIayl

Drive 1151 EDSEL .._._ -·-

Refrigerated Vaults. Fully Insured against moths, fire, theft and humidity.

(gousins IIIIJ). t IIC If U


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Nfld. Armature Works Ltd.







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' ' . '




This Page Is Presented With The Compliments Of

The Great Eastern Oil & Import Co., Ltd . Memon• a} Unl·V. Jilin Gatherall, 'Min Gillingham, Searle, c. Tobin, c. Walsh,. E.j

:lllss Green, Greening, Miss Watts, G. Welsh, A. M. Wh1te, 1

Hale, Harvey, Hillyard, Miss R. Wlllcott. i ' E R }t Hiscock, Horwood, Miss Kelly, PreMed 1 xam eSU S lliss Linegar, Lee, Lundrlgan, P. Blaclde, R. J. Brake, A. E .. EDUCATION 113 ltlss McCarthy, Mandeville, Miss Mews. • \


Class 1-l\Ilss Blackmore, . :\larlln, :Miss ,Mullett, . Min H.Sc. 1

Colsh, ::'ollss C. Fitzpatrick, G.\ :\iurphy,, Ml~s 0 Brien, Peddle, P. A. Ryan. I I SL.\." HANGS ON D. l'tlartln, R. F. l\1artln, llfiss, Pope, M1ss Ralph, lltiss Reeves, Pre Account H. Power, Peddle, Miss Whit· I Rose, Smlthh, Jlllss Snoow, .... D. E. Howell, J\1. D. Frampo THREE CARDS mee, 'Miss Winter. Sterling, Miss Streeter, Strick· ton. ·-· ... ----·- ..

Class II-Bellamy. Bowerlng;, land, Taite. Engineering Cheeseman, Collett, Collier, llliss' Class Ill J, G. J. Fitzgerald,, F. A. Cooke. w. c. crane, Miss !\1. Barnes, Best, Boone, R. French, R. Manuel, J, C. :\fer~er, Fitzpatrick. Miss v. Fitzpatrick, Brown, Burke, Burton, Butt, R; A .. Noseworthy, R. J. P · 1

Miss E. Gosse, :.\!iss G. Gosse, Cramm. Jlliss Con~ay, Dale, Mrs. 0 Brien, J. E. W. Stanley. ·

JII'ORTB .AQU ¥K5 t AJ976 .Q4


lliss Grant, ::ltiss T. Hancock, D~yle, ~rover, ~!Iss Judy Earle, Forestry . Miss Harvey, :\!iss Hayes, Miss :\hss Fisher, M1ss Green, Miss E. H. Hiscock. 1, WEST EAST Hayard, Miss Hennessey, :.\!iss Greenslade, Hayden, Hayward. Partial • K 10 8 3 2 • J 97 ltearney, :\landcv!llc, :11o)·lcs. l1!ss Hollett, Mackey, 1\lanuel R. A. W. Lockhart. 1 ¥ J 10 9 4 ¥A 8 3 2 Mias F. !11. O'Brien, ~!iss i :lhss,M~ade, Melindy, Noel, Miss Class Ill : t 4 t 8 3 O'Keefe. Patey. Payne, :.\!iss, C. 0 Br1~n, :\!Iss Old!~rd, Perry, Arts and Science ·s : "'10 75 "'K J 6 2 Pike, Miss A. Power, Rompkcy, 1 P~·e, lhss Pynn, :\hss Quirk, , R. M. Alsop, A. R. Andre\\ • '• SOUTH (D)

I G. s~niar, :-.nss Strel'tcr. Miss I RISSCSCO.' Rompkey, Miss Shep· R. Batson, H. G. B~own, A. s. : • 5 Tobin, ::'tliss c. Walsh, Watts, , pard, ::'thss Soper. Spencer. Carew, L. ;.f. Cashm, D. · A. .. ¥ Q 7 a

· I :\liss Yard. 1 EDUCATION 320 Chalker, !II. J. Chalker, L. P. . t KQ 10 52 1 Class 111-F.. J. Abbott.\Ciass I Collett, T. P. Conway, J. F. •A9B3 1 Adams, Anstey, Baggs, Baiter. H. Abbott, Joan Blackmore, Cowley, G. Elson, !11. C. Fe!l· East and West vulnerable 1 Barter, Barlett, B!'sse)·, Best, Bcvcrle~ Dawe, Shirley Earle, ham, W. Fry, A. J. Grant, r. . south west North East

Bishop, Boone. Boyce. Brad· :\1ary Fitzgerald, T. Grandy, A. Hallett, E. E. L. House, C. · 1 + Pass 2 • Pass bury, Brett, Browne, H. K. ~anna H~well, Josephine Lund· l!owsc, P. A. llumher, R. J. 3"' Pass 4 N.T. Pass Brown, Burke, Burt. ~!iss A. ngan, Elizabeth Russell, Jill Kelley, D. T. Laite, R. E. Lee. 5 t Pass 6 t Pass carroll. carter. case. Cassell, Whitmee. G. B. Linegar, J. McGrath, T. , Pass Pass F. :11. Clarke. G. c. Clarke, Cole, Class II W. 1\loulton, L. A. Parsons, :\t . Opening lead-¥ J Coffin, Comb den, :\!iss Connors, G. Dowering, S~·Ivia Boyd, F. A. B. Parsons, E. A. Patey, ~: ii'--------.-~-.' !.liss counsel, Crewe. Cuff. De· I Cramm, Theresa Hanlon, E. A. Pittman, E. B. Power, ~. lurey :II!ss Dawson. Miss Dev-1 Hatch, R. House, Janet Linegar, Press, A. J. C. Pretty, J. 11. P. BY OSWALD JACOBY erea~x. Downey, :\!iss Driscoll, I :11. Mandeville, Joan Parsons, Rahal, E. C. Rockwell, N. B. BOTn North and South over· :ll!ss Dwyer, Dyke. Elliott, Felt· Elizabeth Pike, A. Stewart, EJiz. Rockwell, R. W. Rudd. N .. J. bid 8 trifle alld a club opening bam. G. w. Fillier, :\!iss A. abeth Stone, N. Veitch, R. Wells, Smith, B. A. Sutherland, J. !II. would have surely beaten the !\!iss A. Fitzgerald, :IUss Flynn, \Peggy White. Tremblett, J. Tucker D. A. slam. However, West did open Foote, K. G. Fowler, B. J, Gill, Class Ill Var?Y• C. E .. Wheeler, A. J, the jack of hearts r.nd dummy :-.nss Gillis, Handcock. Ha.nd· Margaret Best, F. Buffett, E. Wh1te, L. Whitten. I and East played low. I£ East rigan, Hann, Hard~·. Hawlnns, Butt, ~largaret Dawson, F. D. Education , 1 had tnken his ace the hand :\!Iss Ha~·rlen. Hayden, Head, Domlme, S. Eady, R. Fillier, K. :11. Abbott, 111. "· Adams, would have been a spread. Miss Hcdderson. Hennesse)', Helena Frecker, David House, J. Andrews, E. Aylward, I. I Arnold Levine o£ Pittsburgh !lllss Hep<litch, ~!iss A. Hickey, W. Jones, Geraldine Kelly, P. Baggs, E. Basha, C. G. Bat~en, . who •at South noted that there :Mist R. Hickel', Hicks, Hinton, Lake, G. Lee, Clotilda O'Brien, C. J. Benson, :\1. Bessey, B. Bird, only one combinr-tion of Hiscock, Hodder. Hoddinott, Carol Parsons, 0. Payne, Doris W. Bobbett, C. W. D. Boyce, waJ th t would allow him to E. ~f. Hous~. :\1. House, Hussey, .


Peller, W. Porter, C. Rendell, :o.r. E. Brake, H. K. Brown, T. c~r. 5g h~me 12 tricks. East had :\liss D. Hutchings, Jackman, T. R1ssesco, R. Ribbins, W. H. Brown, G. Butler, A. D. Car· I rm , h kin" of clubs and Johnson, Kents, Kennedy, Lea·! Rompkey, C. Rose, F. Smith. roll, L. Case, H. E. Chafe, G. ~~ hale t£ ~ rt" and West had mon, Lock)'cr, Lush. :11cGrath, , EDUCATION 350 Cheeseman, S. J, Churchill, F. ch afJ 1~ :.a g

5 f spades

)!iss :Mcisaac, !oliss !olaher, :Iran· \ Class I M. Clarke, M. Clarke R. L. M. to 0 e !n ° · n uc!, )!atthews, :l!cnchenton, 1 Miss Green, Head. Clarke, A. G. Coish, A. J. Cole, Any pi~J 15L b.~tter than hi~ l\li:;s l!etcal!e, :l!onk. Miss Class II M. R. Collett, C. H. Combden, pia)' so .ur. C\me won ::'t!oone1·. Mouland, !lloulton, Boland, Miss Downey, lliu E. Connors, R. cox, J. M. Cur· queen of h~r.rts and le~~ spad.~ :\!iss ~lullowncy, llliss Neary, Hesse, Miss Hiscock, Ralph, ren, D. Curtis, H. ~1. Diilton, to rlum~y s qluekend. e~. 11 ~ :\!Iss E. O'Brien, Pack, ~. Par· Taylor. M. Jean Delaney, Joan Delaney, held busmess oo e up a 1 .~. sons. Pike, :\liss Pittman, :llis' Class Ill R. :11. Devereaux, J. Dobbin, M. A low spade was ruffe,d and l B. Power. Quinton, Reid. C. Boyd, ~Iller, Croucher, E. Dolomount, J. F. Downey, A. diamond led to dummY s Jack. Rideout, D. Rideout. !oliss Roche, Hounsell, Pal'!lbns, Miss Rey· G. Elliott, E. !\1. Eveleigh, W. The last low spade was ruf!~d !ollss Rochford, J, B. Ryan, S. Reynolds, Miss Smith, Tubrett, J. Feltham, A. Fewster, A. M. and now Arnold led another dla· p, Ryan. Sargent, R. F. Senior, White. Fitzgerald, D. C. Fitzgerald, V. mond to dummy an~ cash~d the G. w. Short, R. Short, Sim· EDUCATION 430 M. Fitzpatrick, K. G. Fowler, ace of spades, d1scardmg a monds, Smith, Snelgrove, Class I B. Fry, M. Gale, J. Garland, B. heart. Sparkes, Strickland. H. B. Tay· Best, Miss Blackmore, Miss J. Gi!l, F. J. u. Gill, S. Gillam, Now the kin!( of hearts Jor, Trcmblett, Tuhrett, Verge, Brown, Fizard, Miss Whitmee. J. Go?bie, E. T. Gosse, S. J. 1tcd !rom dummy. East won w1th ~!iss R. Walsh. W. P. Walsh, Class II Gou!dmg, !II. A. Grant, T. M. , his ace and had to lead away F. Walsh. Warren. Way, 1\tiss Bowerlng, Cull, Miss Earle, Hancock, W. G. Handcock, C. 'I from his king of clubs, since Webber, !lliss Welsh, Wheaton, Gardner, Greene, House, Newell, T. Handrlgan, B. J. Hann, R. the lead o£ a heart would en·

. 1 :lliss Whalen. :\liss Whiff en, O'Driseoll, Miss Power, Toope. Hardy, E. Harnum, S. Harvey, able Arnold to ruff in his own !\!iss White, Williams. Winsor. Class Ill R. F. Hawkins, P. Hayden, R. I hand and discr.rd dummy's los·

EDUCATION 231 I :\!iss Blake, J. Burry, w. Hayes, M. T. Head, :M. P. Hearn, 'ing club. Class !-Betty Janes, Joan Burry, Chlslett, Coombs, Eng· J. M. Hennessey, L 1\1. Hennes·, Faith !llaldment, Elaine l!!sh, Hunt, Miss Jackman, Miss sey, L. M. Hepditch, E. Hibbs, CARD . Sense ~loore. I Neville, Norman, Miss O'Drls· A. A. Hickey, R. T. Hickey, S.

C!as~ II-Judy Earle, Sarah coli, Paddock, Riebe, Rompkey, L. Hicks, C. W. Hiscock, J. E. Oldford. Ryan, !\!Iss Thoms, Vincent. Hodder, 1\t, House, J. Hum·

Class III-Neala Conway, Bar· ENG. PROBLEMS 100 phrles, D. Hutchings, J. !II. Q-The bidding has been:

North East South West bara Meade, Barbara Sheppard, Class I Hutchings, H. I. .Jackman, D. Florence Soper. H. D. Chafe, J. G. J, Fitzger· M. Jones, J. F. Kearley, R.

2 t Pass ? You, South, hold:

EDUCATION 232 aid, F. A. French, L. Penney, Kearney, G. L. Kennedy, M. P. ' Class !-:\Iarina Bishop. Ada R. A. Rees, S. J. Stack. Kennedy, w. B. Kennedy, J\1.

· : Brown, Jean Farwell. Class II Lawrence, M'; J. LeDrew, M. S.

.A 2; ¥Q 6 6 4 I; tlO 8 6 5; ... 3 2.

. , !' Class II-Verna Batten, Jean T. P. Beresford, E. M. Chis· LeGrow, B. Leonard, F. l\1. · D~·mond, Waveline Hale, June lett, P. R. Clarke, A. G. Crich· Locke, G. 0. Lockyer, G. W.

: l Hiscock, Frances Hollett, Rosa· ton, D. S. Earle, J. R. Follett, Lush, T. Lush, S. MacKinnon, :.


lie Hollett. Marian Kelly, Flor· D. F. Humber, T. Lefeuvre, ·G. J. Maher, M. S. ?tlansfield, P. enee :\!arlin, !llarie :\lullett, A. Martin, R. J. O'Brien. F. Manuel, E. c. Marehe, L. J. :\lona Ralph. Class Ill Martin, R. F. Martin, R. Mench·

. , \ Class ,Ihll:-llBrs. b 'M. F~togyelre. G. Allen, .J. H. Brake, D. C. enton, C. Monk, M. J. Mooney, Alma F1s er, ar ara I z • Butt, J. K. Butt, W. R. Cotter, E. A. Mouland, W. J, Mouland,

1 aid, 1\larlon Green Sadie Green, L. J. R. Courage, D. Glover, R. A. w. Moulton, H. Murphy, K. 1 Effie Greenslade, Joan Murphy, M. Gosse, R. W. Grimes, S. w. A. p, Murphy, D. Neary, A. J. i · Louise Pynn, Dorothy Reeves. Hoddinott, B. Hutchroft, R. Newbury, F. J. Niel, D. Nolan,

EDUCATION 233 Manuel, J. C. Mercer, W. W. A. Nugent, M. B. O'Keefe, M. aasa 1 . Mills, R. A. Nlaeworthy, R. Organ, R. Pack, D. Parsons, G.

Blackmore, Miss; Pawe. 11bss; Noseworthy, J. R. O'Neill, G. Parsons, J, Parsons, L. Pal'!lons, Earle, Miss S.; Fagan; Gather· W. Parsons. G. F. Penney, W. L. L. Parsons, R. A. Parsons, 1111, Miss J.; Gillingham, Miss, T. Pushle, D. R. Sellars, B. H. S. Paton, B. Peddle, E. A. Pike, Linegar, Miss: Paddock; Street· Simms, J. M. Smallwood, J . .ti:. R. M. Pike, M. Pittman, V. er Miss: Whltmee, Miss. W. Stanley, L. G. Sturge, W. W. Powell, A. M. Power, B. 111. Ciau JJ Tuck, S. D. Warren, B. F. Power, E. F. Pretty, S. Putt,

Aitken: Anstey; Barnes, Miss; Whelan, W. L. G. White. J. H. Quinton, S .M. Redmond, Barter; Bartlett, D. J.; Bart· ENGLISH 100 I. Reese, E. G. Reid, F. B. Reid, lett, D. R.; Beckett, Boone, Class I C Rideout, D. E. Rideout, o. Min; Brown, R; Brown, W. J.; Arts and Science Rideout, R. Roebotham, G. E. Bulgin; Burke; Butler; Dale; J. E. Marshall, R. L. Martin, Rogers, A. Ryan, J. B. Ryan, Dawney; Drake; Drover, C., V. J. Somera. s. P. Ryan, J. M. Sellars, G. Eveleigh :Miss; Furey; Gather· Education Senior, M. A. Shea, G. W. Short, aiJI, Mis~ F.; Gone, Miss "G.; J. L. Gllllrigham, E. H. Gill!~, R C. Short. J. J. Simmonds, Ill. Greening; Howell, Miss; Lun· M. R. Hancock, R. G. Moyles, I. D. Smallwood, S. J. Smart, L.

. 1

drlgin; McCarthy, Miss; Man· V. Noel, F. M. O'Brien, H. J. Smith, !If. Smith, R.W. Snel· deville, Manuel; Melindy; Noel; Power. grove, M. A. Snow, F. M. Soper, O'Brien Miss· Peddle Perry. Pre·Med. A. !It Stamp, F. Stone, E. S. T. c.; Pope: Quirk, Miss; Rase; W. G. Squlre1, R. B. Walker. Strickla-nd, E. Tilley, M. Tremb­Snook, Miss; sterling; Strick· Engineering lett, K. J. Tubrett, M. J. Up-land D. C. Butt, H. D. Chafe, D. shall, C. F. Verge, V. J. Vessey, Cia~• 111 F. Humber, L. M. Penney, S. R .. N. Vincent, R. A. Wal5h, L.

Abbott; Adey; Barnes; Beat, J. Stack. M. Webber, A. M. Whelan, ~· Boone; Boyde; Brown, J. A.; Class II B. Whl!fen, K. M. White, P. Wll· Butt; Burton; Coles; Cram; Arta and Science lpiarem·Ms,edJ •• V. Winsor, J, N. Yard. D D W J F k I. Baumann, R. J. F. Benson,

awe, rover, • .; ree er, s w J Cobb E E rl R C s J B 11 E · Chi h I Miss; Harvey; Haynes; Ha•r· · • ' ' · a e, ' · • · urse • · s o m, ward• Horwood· Lee· Ma ke.. Frecker, J. E. w. Martin, R. B. G. F. Drover, R. Furlong, J. G.

, • , • : c y, Moore, R. D. Petel'l, D. C. Ward, Inder, I. D. Mercer, R. Night· mt~· S~!~~y Spencer, Sutton, W. C. Woods. ingale, E. A. Peddle, C. S. Price,

' EDUCATION 2tO Education R. Roberts, R. W. Rowe, W. R. CI

1 W. J. Bellamy, V. Carroll, J. Stevenson.

Ua . L. Clarke, M. Corbett, W. C. H. Se • . } . Miss Blackmore; M1ss A. Crane, M. Crewe, J, c. Drake, J. Chafe, G. J. Ivlmey, M. A.

Brown; Bulgln; :t.liss Shirley c. M. Fitzpatrick, M. Fitzpatrick, Sparkes, J. M. Taylor. Earle: Fagan; Miss F. Gather M. M; Flynn, M. R. Galway, N. Pre·Account · all: Miss Hollett, Miss Janes: E. George, E. Gregory, E. M. G. E. Colbiurne. Mlas Lee; Miss Maidment; Miss Hammond, R. E. Hayes, E. A. Englneerlnl Moore; Paddock; Mlsa Whit· Hayward, R. F. Hoddinott, R. B. J. Adey, G. Allen, T. P. mee. J. Johnson, E. Lamswood, E. Beresford, A. w. Breton, J. K. Class Jl LeFeuvre, F. A. McGrath, M. Butt, E. M. Chlslett, P. R. Clark.

Adey, Aitken, Anstey, Misr · D. Mcisaac, B. J. MacKenzie, G. W. R. Cotter, L. 'J, R. Courage. Barnes, Barter, D. R. Partlett MacNab, G. D. s. Martin, L. A G. Crichton, L. E. Crbeker. D. J. Bartlett, Miss Batter Melindy, J. M. Metcalfe, R. M D. S. Earle, D. G. Elliott, o. Beckett, Miss Bishop, Mir1 C. Mitchell, s. Murray, T. Nolan w. Forsey, D. M. Glover, R. M Boone, Bowerlng, W. Brown E. O'Brien, R. M. O'Brien, P Gosae, H. W. Hamlyn, B. R. Butler, Cull, Dswe, Downey E. Patey, F. Payne, M; T. Power. Huteheroft, T. LeFeuvre, G. A Drake, MiN Dymond, )liss Far· R. Prow.e, R. M. Roche, R. Martin, c. W. N. Nirherg, R. weU, ~as Fitzgerald, Furey. Rachford, R. Ruelokke, M. R. Noseworthy, J. R. O'Neill G.

What do you bid? A-Bid three· diamonds. It Is

important to show this diamond support right awa)'.

TODAY'S QUESTION Your ,pr.rtner continues with

a bid of three no-trump. What do you rlo now?

Answer Tomorrow


"SILENTLY" Silently she stands before me

• . , In a a!lken evening dress . , . picture of complete per· fectlon ••• how I yearn for her caress • , • sile11tly she looked upon me •.• telling stories with her eyes . . . little is It any wonder ... she is one I idolize •• , silently her lips are parted . • , as i£ waiting to be kissed ••• and If fate will smile upon me ... I'li make sure she Is not missed ••. silently her soft hair dances .•. a.s the gentle breezes blow . . • every wave gives tender meaning • • • to the things I long to know . • • though I try. words ~omehow fall me •.• I suppose 'twas meant to be ..• two hearts met and then they parted ••• ever oh so silently,

For a free copy of the baby book "Canadian Mother and Child", write to "Health Edu· cation Office", Department of Health, St. John's.

W. Parsons, G. F. Penney, R. Piercey F. J. Power, w. T. Pushle, F. B. Saundel'!l; J. M. Smallwood, W., W. Tuck, J. J. Walsh, S. D. Warren, J. E. Woolfrey. Forestry

D. W. Jones, C. L. Kean, G. E. Kitchen, 111. F. Squires, L. G. Yarn.

(To be continued)



STAND RIGW'. THERE ! l'LL. lrc>Lo TI-lE 000~ FO~ VAL.f.~E/

. ,.. ... il'ltt~lli ,. ntlllllt«n• ,.,4., 1


~~ffi · Jij~~U~ lO~AII · ________ ....

Also-UP· TO· Ti' TIMES C

SHOWS: 6.3U p.l


--- Armatu v:ork 38

Bambr: Stree

Dial 71!


Si. JOHN'S, N 1958

~~~~~~~~~~~~~-------------------------------------------~'~ _____ 1 Montcvecchl, Shepperd Strud· George Marshall directed' I wiped my cheek with a hand· FRENCH BRIDGE I The housewife who gets , LEAl) w1m· 'ft)UR J.,EF'f

wick and Abraham Sofaer. from 11 '1creenplay by Edmulld Based on the cartoon char- Beloln and Nate Monaster.

actcr created by George Baker for Yonk magazine, "The Sad Sack'' Is the story of a present·

w_:._..:-..-.-- 1 dar·Army incompetent whose

I good Intentions never get him anywhere but In a jam. He In·

LEWIS I volves two unwllllng buddies In

Paramount Tomorrow

kerchlef. It wasn't much of 1 LE HAVRE !Rc~tcrsl-A steel- good breakfast for the rest c cut but still bleeding. and • concrete bndge, 4.660 feet . the family before they go tc

Fr.tty found a chair. lon11, spanning the River Seine/ work or schnol, often takes ju:i Flatts said, "Sorry I bruised near its mouth ~~ Tancarville will a cup of coffee for herself. Thi~

you, Wintlno,. but you came be OP)!~ed offlc•ally on July. ). 1.1 is a bad habit. Since she coulc' busting into my office and-" 1959 - Bastille Day. The bmlg~ ·sit down to a more leisure!•· _......,u._ ........,.,,.-~ "My story Is 1 was pushed be· now is almost half comPleted. I breakfast, she should do so, cii ·

XIX "Take it siow or ~ou'll be on fore I had a .chance to say a --- . ·I rus fruit "juice, hot whole-gr~ir:


I WALKED downstairs to the the floor too.'' ~or~. Baldy IS good at push· beat I'd say you would look f•r I cereal, eog and/or bacon wttl tenth floor &nd looked around. He got a wallet out flashed mg. . . mor~ natural. Now I'm aski;g toast and hot beverage will givf

i •'


. mbfit. is hilarious adventures at an· at the Capitol! American Army base and In 'wn~ nc. Phyllis I North Africa .. A pretty WAC

wrr .. lnr ~tantcll, major. n ps~·chiatrist tries to

MARLO~ BRANDO IN There were 14 offices on the one of these gold pri~ t dl k "Thts IS my usociate, Mr. you are you here to arrest me?" j her extra energy for her day'1. "SAYONARA" floor but fortunately a big rug badges the state gives :o~ ·~h Tasman. I think I h&Ve a busy (To Be Continued) work. : .

- outfit took up six doors. 1 nar· your license He stood up w~ afternoon ahead of me." El'an> r••·<l<·r in the l r,i1'e sound advice and lend a 1•1,1ari,itlll contcdy. I! helping hand....:.with small suc·

· D.•l!·nz. Liliane cess. Major Lloyd Gruver (Marlon rowed it down .to three officel, fully, still ;ubbing his ' k~~;; ;;r.tore women to j~stle?''

Brando), American jet ace, is two of them Without names on with his long left hand .,1 id Perhaps you don t realize it, I reassogned from combat duty the doors, and one with Data trouble You'd better ~ sa few people do, but the· modern in Kore~ to light duty In J&pan Inc. in small black letters. with a· good story and ~~~ ,up private Investigator Ia a long by his prospective father· in· law, I walked into Data Inc. ready "~lay be working my ~a way. removed fro~ the popular General Webster (Kent Smith). to give them a yarn if 1 was I through reform school. Put th ~ verston Of the pm~te ~ye, or Eileen (Patricia Owens), Gru· wrong. hunk of gold plate • b f a even from the old·tlme mvesti· ver's fiancee has secretly been It WllS narrow with a desk, • you scratch yoursel~~·;_Y ha~~r: g~to~; We're a business ser·


fl~wn to Japan to meet him, but phone, typewriter and two file ' real one." 1 pushed my coat VI~~· . • his resentment of "special trent· i cabinets as you entered. Then l1 back so he could see m b d What &re you trymg to sell mcnt" causes a break In the ; it opened into two cubb1·hoie on my belt and artY fa ge me, Flatts?"

I relationship. He befriends Air· /offices. • j shoulder hoi~tcr P 0 my 1 "Si!llply .that ~triki~g ~·ou was I mon Joe Kenr (Red Buttons), ~ully was hanging .UP the re· Fatty stopped. moaning and t~e ftrst time 1 ve hit anybody

I pugnacious lmhman who has . cetver and he stood up as he stared up at me ~nd th n stnce 1 was a college student. onlisted the help of his Gon· :asked, "What you want, boy?" at his chum, wh~sc ex;rcs~r:~ A_nd the first ~me I've been

I gressman for permission to j I spread my feet as he step· could bc~t be called th ghtf 1 htl-or rather kicked. I want I m a r r y Katsumi (~liyoshit ped toward me. met him with !He said "My nam . ou F \ you to clearly understand you're Umcki), a Japanese .girl. With a perfect left hook above his Flatts. 'I'~ a u:e~:ed r:~d ~ealing with respe~~able bus· Kelly a n d Captam Bailey belt buckle. He let out a gr<lP· bonded private investigator I'm me~men not goons.


(James Garner), Gruver visits ing, hissing scream as he slid asking you to identify your~eif, '"lhat was some very respe~t· the home of the Matsuboyashi, to the floor. A wiry character "Detective D . d w· . · able rough·shooowing you did Japan'.• dedicated n11-girl dn~cer :came but of his office on the 20lst·Squad. Telf~im to ~e~~~~ out there.'' • . • • group. and sees Hann·Ogi (Htlko l run, coat off. He led a sucker slowly and beh~ve himself" Taka), Japan's ~remiere dan. ccr I' right; it was a feint and his "I'd like to see your badge 1 "SECTION 7228 of ~he P~nal 1 and most beauhful of the rev· left banged the side of my face . again " Law was passed agatnst PICk· ' ered )11\!subarashi . dancers. I. blocked another right and ' · • • • ~cx:k.ets and s~cifically ~ef!n~s II

Gruver falls In live w1th Hana·1 ktckcd him on the knee. He JOstltng as a crt me only 1£ 1t u 1

~ A *GENERAL t.:



Fwltst . - tiJit ntr ~JHenld

"Jeny" II JDII

-I" 11!1!" ~~~·· ffl 'II.;\' IHilJIJU' Ill m.•>."I!CI '~~tm:t: lr WAIJII lffl.

Ogi, and she with him. AI· 1 cursed, limped back till Ite hit I HELD my coat open and he done for the purpose of picking 1

though. she is not permitted to i !I chair. sat down, rubbing his , copied down my number on a a pocket or purse. As for the . love any man. they soon share leg. ! phone pad, along with my name. young lady, we never saw her · the roof or Kelly and Katsumi, : The side of m\' . tace was i "I'm within my legal right before she walked Into me." • w~o have ~een secretly wed.' 1 numb and when 1·took m~· hand 1 as~ing for identification," Flatts "You've been a~noying . ~er: Eileen vlstts Gruver at his away it had blood-he was! sa1d. on the phone. mr.kmg Inquiries :



;V[I'<'''.'S (!1.':: I U)0\1IO)(:O\~ MilKO TAKA I fl · ,,.:;· :~~ JlS~;c•,t~<t~O~I~SY !C-ll"'llllw

Japanese home to warn him of wearing a heavy ring Fatso / "You certainly within at h~r apartment house, and : the General's plan to single him was still moaning on th.c [ioor :your legal rights. And deliber·j pushmg her around on the out for punishment r.B an ex· \\'ir~· gave me a hllrd look said. i ate!)' jostling a person might be street. I .know about the article ample or the Army's anti· "You're in trouble kid 1:m ~,within your rights too - except she's wr1ting and the compan-;

CIIIIIIUr{W(i ltl,loli;~·~ t,UMJi: I!E.!Jcftlf.'t u:Nw'"'l~ ... •JtWOrlldJC....WII ... IN ~


TIMES OF ~HOWS: · : · ;,.: ·. ~. ~:J;;!j · J~MfS UJICHfN!R · r~Ul ~~~0~~ fraternization ruling. Kelly is detective.'' ' ' j it's breaki~g the Penal Law." ies that hired you." , ! ordered to return to the United "\\'hat trouble• 1 come in and . Flatts grmncd, maybe he was Flatls gave me a cool smile. : -·--··-· ....... ·-.......... ---- --Stales without Katsumi, and the before 1 can op~n my yap this I relieved. "So that's it. Come i "I haven't· the s!llallest idea o( house is placed Off Limits, lump starts pushing and swing· into my office and let'• talk I ~h!)t you'~e. ta~k~ng about. Mak· boarded and guarded by Mill· I lng 011 me" J about this." mg mqumes ts not breaking tary Police. Kelly and Katsumi Wiry re~ched for his back "Your office is too small for 1 any law. And I doubt If you disappear. Gruver finds the pocket. It looked too nat for a the three of us, to be comfort-~' can ~rove any of, your other al·!


E\'EXING SHOWS: 7 P.llf.-9 P.M. MATINEE: 2 P.:\1.

· ~110\1'.': 6.311 p.m.-9.00 p.m. liAT1XEE: 2 p.m.

lAST TIMES TO-DAY loycrs too lllle, after they have/ gun or knife but 1 told him able. Tolk here.' le~ahons .. There s ?ne more~ jomed themselves in a forevc~· · . ' "Have a scat.'' pomt 1 dtdn't reach m my bus· 1

after suicide ceremony. Hana· ing on fraternization is rescind- "Wh~· not? Let's keep things 1 inesa without a lot· of connec-,· Ogi has been banished to 'foh~·u I ed and Hooa-Ogo ncc,epts Gru- 1 on a polite level.'' I told him. I !ions. I'm not threatening you, by the Matsubayashi, but Gru· ver's proposal, the two prepare I sounding like one of last night's : understand but .YOU do look ver follows and propbses mar· to li\'e up to their rcsponsl· bridge players. I sat on the very young to be a detective./


ACTION-THIUI,LS-SUSPENSE. 11THF. JOKER IS WILD/' riage, as the government's rul· bilities as man and wife. stool and Flatts found a chair. 1 But In a uniform, pounding a


For the Freshest Fruit In Town call A !Oitp!tte line of

Al10 ACCES~IJillES Li-rays in stock

01.\L 90HJ

--- Armature \'.' ?rks

38 Ra~br!ek

Street Dial i191·2

SIIOP. We are now operat· ing six chairs. You can be assured of the best possible service ·plt;s the least pOJo siblc waiting. 24 New Gower Street, opp. Adelaide Mo­tors. If you prefer appoint­ment service 'Phone ~367.



A&ency Depll'tmeat lla Water st. Dial 11M



Wirln& Materials, Wlrt amd REID'S CONFECTIONERY Cablet, MotorR, Starters,

Cigarettes. Fruit, Ice Cream LamPl, Switches, LllbtlnJ ar.~ Drinks. Fixtures, etc, ·


EMPIRE FRUIT STORE 144 Patrick Street, Dial ~85% 378 Duckworth St., Dial 3911

Z Locatlan1:

FIRE IN5URANCE c80s8ft co.. tfb.



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Ro\\'nn streu. Dial 11GS4 ---~::;.,;;;;;;;;..__ FISH STORES

C~NTRACTORS ~EL~EC='!T~R~IC~A~L ~SE~R~V-IC_E- CITY FISH SHOP - ------- JONES ELECTRIC 38 PRESCO'I'I' ft. HARUl-V SNOW DIAL me & So"' LTD II PRESCO'I'I' ft. Service, Quality, Varl..._ ,,., •. DIAL 84ft '"~

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OUiee %2'74 Rea. 4SS'7 all Householrl Appllancet. HOUSEHOLD !!.OVERS

CONTRACfORS ELEL"TRICAL SE(VICE & SH'PPERS LTD. For nil your PAINTING, RIDEOUT'S ELI!:CnJCAI. TORBAY ROAD ROOFING, and CHIMNEY SERVICE Packing, Crating, Shipping REPAIRS. Electrical Contrld• Agent& for Allied Van Lines

At .~ensonable rates. 408 Water Street, T. C. HmBs, Mana1er PHONE t34SDB. It, J'ollll's, Newte>IIIICIIud. Res. 6455; OUlce 9001!1-3 :======= ----Pitone--8~44--- LEDRI!:W'S EXP"ESS LTD 1M DUCKWOilTB rr.



can be obtained at CONNORS DRUG STORE

334 WATER ST. DIAL %201



Covering St. John's witb Fast. Efficient Serv1ce. If AAMILTON AVE.




24 Rour Service for Repalra to Motors~ aeneraiOl'l ad

Hnusehold Appllancea. DIAL 11•

ENGINES t.oeal anc1 •••• dlota••• .. om.. packlnJ, craUnJ &Dd ahlpi>b!J,

E. llld L BARBOUR LTD. Dlstrfbutors of:

!elvin Marine Diesels Kelvin Ricardo Gaa Engines

Full Line of Spare Parts. 47Z • 474 WATEII ST.

DIAL 4111



BOIV1 Equlpmlllt le lllno1 Gradm, Crane Tracu,

Crullltd Slalle, Road .Onvtl dlllveror 13.00 per lall, .

111111Pft ISCATlTIKO CO, L'ID.

nne am-a• Water lt. Wool SL Jeu• ..


HOWf:E OF FLOWERS Serving St. John'•

. from 'l locatlD!II: 117 ~~AUTON AVENUE

DIAL lOOP 101 WA'I'ER ft,

OIAL 7410

Uemben ol c. W.A. and M.M.T.A A1e1t1 for U•lted Vaa Uau.

D, B. LoDKEW, MANAGEB OIIJn Ul5o Wareboa11 t1mt



Gifts, Games, Toys, Novelties, Cout's Cards

for all occasiona DIAL 4265



You Choice of what you ner r DIAL IlliG



. PORTUGAL COVE You can buy your grocerlt>t jwlt aa cheap u In Sl Jobn'r and bave them delivered to your door wltbout chBJ1e.

We live D,P.S. Slulpt



Eleclrical Appliances.



Distributed 111 FKAllo'K Me NAMARA LTD. Queen St. Dial S1f3, «


NOTICE R. W. BARNES For Appraisals of Real Estate IN STOCK

and Auctions in private JIOSTON BREEZl!; homes. OIL BURNERS

DIAL 9031' lmmedi D I! Sporting Goods and Sports· wear fo1 all occn!".nns.

__ _.D ... tA'""L_s.,.ot._u -- MEAT MARKETS JOHN D. O'DRISCOU. ate e ve'f7 No. 1 Bideford Plaee DIAL tmB


1!7 NEW GOWER rr. DIAL 3317

C,mplete Plumbing and Heating Servicr



110 WATER ST. DJAJ, 4183



Rep. General Ell!drlc 38 Kln1s llloild Dial !918





WHOSI!. BIRTHDAYi Certainly a handmac;e article from NONIA If OIIJ) the Best

will do.


NO DOWN PAYMENT II:ASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS • Storm Salhel apd Doon o Add that txlra room•. o Model'lllu JOUr kltcbena

Ca•taet · II'. Jl. PABIONI LTD.

t.onr Pend Rea• Dial W!Ui


803 WATER ST. When selecUng · a Dlamona Rln1: see our private Diamond IJooth.

DIAL 4511



Complete up·to-datt Meat Market


A. L. COLLIS Piano and Organ Showroom;


Factory: Water St., Hr. Grace P.O. Box 358



DIAL Z95S We<iding Photos, Pe>:-tralta

and Commercial Photography


DIAL '7612L Newfoundland views artistic· ally mounted and framed. See our s~lectlon.



N~'W Location: 209 • %11 DUCKWORTH S1. Paper and Paper Products







Guaranteed against CUts, Blowouts, Bruises,

Under Inflation. Call MARISRALL MOTORS

Water st. Dial 80031








Tunlna •~d RcpalriJII, OV.r Thirty yean~ experltne• usurtJ competent servleiDI·

E. R. ROGERS 1S McFarlane 1t.

'PhDnl 6781





WEST END TELEVISION T.V.-Radio-Car Radio Repair'


At Night, Day, Holiday or Sunday for Fast Service and Guaranteed work eaD 7727A.






Wllb Free Trleolonr FlashUt~ CALL 11875

ALLIED AGENCIES !17 New Gower st.

TRASk FOUNDRl LID. 1ft WATER ST. Manufacturers of


REGAL RANGES DIAL 3815 • '1333





Distributed 111 FRANK


Dial 51t34t


Anywhere, An)' place, Any Umc.



ACE or SUPED TAXI DIAL 5539 • 6730




Tailor-made Slip Coven DIAL S«t




Designed FOr Our Readers'. Convenience

• ' ..

I I ~ .. ! I

'l . ' 'I ... '· . I·

:I· . ,·

. '.

' I•

·1 I,

J \

I ~





J ; I 1.'


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j I ' I I I

I ' I I

I I ,.


. I


' I I

:! ·' . !

i I I


14 •

WANTED i Waitresses , Apply in person after '6 p.m. to . P~oneer Drive-In .




Public Notice Or DIAL 91814

St\1.1~ OF TOP SOli. Tcndet·s will be rrccil·cd up ' GREAT ,EASTERN

, to )tonday, )lay 19th, for the OIL & IMPORT -.--------- purchase as is where is of a

· !JUantity of approximately 1200 CO., 'LTD.

Iron Supply ..

: cubic yards of top soil located Radio. Television Wasliers , at· the new Uni\'crsit~· sit~ off Refri,qerators Deep Freezers. · Eli1.a1Jeth Avenue, St. John's. Electric Ran~ers : Tctulers may be on the b:t~is bf Floor Poli~hers. ' a lump sum or at a rate per Gramophones cubic yard. Public Address Systems.

Tape Recorders .;Jo

: The succe~sful tenderer wil! Rt:PAIRS ASD SER''ICE · be required to hal'e the matc1·ial , 5 LINES

rcmo1·ed within a period of four ' DIAL 3001 to 3005 . months. WATER ST.

The D!'partmcnt docs not bind itself to accept the highest or ';iaini!!Si.illi·. iijjiijiijijiiij'

. any tender. I ~ R. ~IASSING, Deputy ~lhtister.

: I' ~cpartm.enl of Public Works, ·J St. .Joh'l ~. )]~)' 14th. 1958 . ... -. 111)'15,16

'ART EXIIIRITIOS Th~ ort r·las• nf lhc Arlull

Edu~;·.tinn l'cntr~. 11111lrr thr rli·




Gerry Halley Surveys Ltd.

t'oorl with a hi~h iron ron· I'Cl'ti"n ot ~il'. ,lnltn )J<ttiiHh•r.

tent i5 nrcc>sary to lll<tll)' pt•n· will hold ;m rxhihition n( the pie. c:;pedally to tho<c whn II'O!'k done rlul'in~ lhr past suHer from anaemia. Brei :mel '''hnnl ~·rer. This rxhihitinn will

:.·the 1·arietv mrr.ts surh "' li\'rr. ~r hrld nu Wrrlnr,clal', ~Ia\' f!ll(~. dark ~rrrn rrl:rt;obh'~ ami :\1>\. at lhr "1eial ~;oth~l'in~ R.t dried fruit~ arr. Rl~o ~~~~-i~alllr 111~ ernlt'r, which will fnllow ~n the menu. • ('l'rnin~ rlas'r~.


~· .

... . ..



.. :, t "' I' '-(' ' .... ..

' .. !

' I:


! i ,.

. t·

•' .·.




Malhooanv. Walnut and Oak, a truly great olvwo.ods. You may have any size panel.

··--·--··· · ' Exterior Bond Plywood is designed for Subnooring, Sheathing · . and Concrete Forms. You save on any large area coverage job, ~~':vet yoo get greater strength. and stability. ·

r, ,....

0 STAIR TREADS and RISERS Laminated Birch Stair Treads offer you excepti~nat strength ~nd

. beauty. Available In· I" and 1 Yo" thicknesses and all standard •· • M h' S · R' s svpp!led. .

e FLOORING'" . You'll get "!(ears of roughest wearing out of Birch and Oak Floorings. Those first grade Hardwoods are noted for their splinter resistant qualities and high polishing beauty,

Newfoundland Birch Door.s are made· from tcp quality NUFAPLV end are economically priced. Specialty: Walnut and Oak Flush Doors. -

:Manufactured ~nd Guaranteed by


B. P. 0. E . A meeting of St. John's Lodge, 245, will be held in the Club Rooms, TO-NIGHT (Thursday) May 14th, at 8.15. Business: INITIATION

All members ore requested to attend.

By Order of the E.R. J. L. O'DEA, Secretary

-------- -~. ~·--...... ·--


If so, write or wire now for hotel reservation.


myl5, --· -------·. -----·--- --------·- ----- ~---·--



Wednesday, Thursday Friday


DOOR OPENS 9 A.M. SHARP. (Open Fridays until 9.30 p.m.)

Save Your Energy Use ELECTRICITY! - 9tew{4wruf/MUI. .._.. LIGHT• POWEB C. OM ..... V

f'o.tea tt•

LI ... ITf.D

Electricity In and Around St. John's

Cheap, Reliable ----

Public Notice Pursuant lo Section fi' of '!'he :

: Xomcnclaturc Board Act.· chap\· : er 275 of The Rcrised Statutes i of Newfoundland. Jnj2, notice 1

i< herein• gi\'lm that thre<• months from lh.e date hereof. the Lieu· · tcnant·tio\'CI'nor in Council pr(t· . - ·· -- ·· ·--·~ ·- -~ ·-- ..

. po~cs b)' proclamation to change. HUTCHEN S GROCERY ! the namr of the "Town of l\lount • Pearl Park·Gicndalc'' lo th~ "Tuwn of Mount Pearl".

Datrrl "' Sl. .fohn's thi~ l:ith rlny of A11ril. A. n. w:;a.

~IE.\T M.\HKET, na William StrPrt

Ilia! 71;;0 and 60fi2 ..

ST. JUfl.\"S W £ST --~------- -- -----

.T. C. CIJ,\SSJ:->r. • ...... -- . Clrrk of thP. Exccuti\'e C'nunril. H. R. CLA.IU\E

GUARANTEED SALARY Are you considering changing your position? Are you disturbed in your present situation? We hove on opening for a man age 25-40. All Welfare benefits; no travelling.

:, my.l.h '--·- -------1 '

Topsail HoRd Dial 9229.i

L. HEALEY t Cross Roads anrl Water St


69 Hamilton Street Ilia! 4447


:\1 .

Write to BOX No. 8, Doily News, giving age and details of post experience.




Prince of Wales L.o.v·.B.L. No. 326

Will be held on FRIDAY Evening, May 16th, at 8 p.m. All mP.mbP.r~ are asked to ottend.

F. W. ROBBINS, Worshipful Mnsler myl4.1~

--~---~---- .. -----FOR SALE

Premsies having all modern fixtures and con· veniences located 20 Bond Street consisting of dwelling and shop and including shop fixtures, equipment and stock.

For further particulars apply to


apl3,mon,wed,fri,tf ·


Sraletl te11de1'S, plaiuly 111ark<"<l a> lu cuutt"nt :thtl adtlrt·!l~· etl tu lh~ ltlllll'rsi~:n•tl. will lw ret•HI·~•t 1111 tu NUll;\/ !'i.ll.T. Jl'NJ·: ~1ul. l!l:iH fur llw cxl~t·iur .paiutiug ol 44 houst•s :tt Tunis ('uurt. St. .luhu's, Nl'wlmuutl~ml. Plans. specifications ~ntl !nrms uf lendt•r n•quired t•:tu ht ob· laint•d ~t tht' address hdow. l•:;tL·h teurll'r must bt• act'Onl· panietl by a >e~m·ily deposit nl 10' ;. ol the ~mount of the tender. Such secut·ity deposit shall indemnif,· the L'orpor· alion against toss in the el'l'llt of withdrawal. of "urcesslul tenderer subsequent to arceptance o( the bid hy the Corporation. A certified cheque or negotiable Dominion of Canada Bonds will be arceptcd as a security deposit. All cheques must be made payable to the order of Central ~lortagage and Housing Corporation. The lowest or anv tender not necessarily accepted. ·

A. VIVIAN, Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation



ClOTHES mak1 the man If CHAF! makes ~he clothes


i HOSTESS . Will Knock on Your Door : with Gifts and G;eeting~

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

Civic and Social Weltare leaders

On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby, New-Comers to City, call 2503.

Newfoundland Services


ARGENTJA 11 P.!lt. MAY 23rd. A Trouters' Special train for I

reg~lar points. to Argentia. will leaH St. John~ 11 p.m. Fndar, , May 23rd.-Relurning train will ! IPa\'1- Argfntia 6 p.m. Sundar. I

~Ia~· :!5th.

('IINNF.fTION WF.ST RlfN i i 1'1.;\('EN'I'Il IU \' . ' Regular H :un. train !raring · Sl. John's tu-murrow, Frid:1y will will ma~r ~onnect ion a\ Ar·

. gentia with motor \'es;e! for the · West Run Placentia Bay. 1

!IT. JOH:"''S.J.l:WISPOR'fE Sf:R\'ICt:

:'II.V. Bonal'isla for rrgular port~ St. John's-Lewisportc Ser· ' I' ire will sail from Dock Coastal•: Wharf Noon to-morrow, Friday. ·



Freight is accepted daily at J

the Dock Coastal Sheri for re~:u· , Jar ports Sputh Coast Sen·ice : but in order to guarantee move· i mcnt by this trip of the S.S. i Bar Haven freight must he at : the Dock Coastal Shed not later .

1 than 5:00 p.m. to-morrow.: :Frida~·.


Frri~:ht for · rr:lular ports .

II Lcwisporlc-St. .rnhn's . Scn·irc 1

for forwardin)! \'ia Lcwisrortc i will be acceplccl at the Dock

Coastal Shed to·morrow, l<'ridav. :IIay 16th.. and lllonday. :llay 19th., 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor 1

~ HOLD WORTH ST. I MlttltiiAI!iillliMMI

!If. John's tast ---· -----·---·- --STAN FOWLER

24 Queen's Rd. P. 0 Box 63 Dial 5531 ---·----····------~--JOB P.rtOTHE;tS

& CO. I.TD. Watrr !'itrrrt

llial ~658, 412~

1 .. \. 111<1~. llurk11nrth )if, rli~l iOI!i-7nt7

Rf.(;, T. MOR<~A~ T~mplr llhlg. llurkwnrth St

Ilia! ~~~~7ij·7"56


Temple Bldg .. Ouckwo11b St Dial 80370·;;5~ -- --·--

Sf. John's West -----CROSBIE & CO., LTD Woolworth Rldg. Water St.

Dial 5031


CITY ANTENNA SER\'ICE. Trlr1·ision Antrnnas In· stalled. P~.t·t~ sold. Phone !l~'jtil Ol' 90173 .


St. John's Central

Al\lBASSAllOR Bt:.\t"I'V P,\UJ.Ol~R

216 \\'aler Street Dial 30H~

---- -- ---51. John's North

---------- . ----l\1AM'ZELLc'S

BEAUTY PARI.Ol'R Elizabeth Ave, Dial 90199 i


Rol\an St. Di~l 9105 -- --- ------ ----St. John's East


fi7 Queen's ltd. Dial 6411<

~IARGUERITE'S ., BJo:AUTY PARI.OtrR ~ Prescott St. Dial 639~


fa\·rndisb Sq. llial 73H5


--------------W. BURTON & SON

54 Lei\1,\RHCANT RD. Dla1 6929 Rrs. 91661-t


~ LU~IBF.R CO .• LTD. St. W. Dial 30ll




I ~ 25 3 23 3 18 4 24 4 26 3: 17 3 19


KINS G 5 .ij


Numb e


should re~i Class Fall 195!

further informali

0 N S


(A thrilling M:


STONE Directed l

BISHOP Fl 2Jst anc

T' All seats , tckets at Charles



.. -' n



I N G 0 25 31 60 68 23 38 47 71

lS 45 50 63 '" 43 55 70 .... 2:t 32 49 74 1l 33 53 73

19 46 65

54 61

48 75

S1JOOO.OO Kin - Help Kiddies



Number 17,916




6EG!~ NERS ARE WELCOME ~h· ··~ register now for SATURDAY

rg Clo;; r·1ll 1958. fc1 fur•~er .n:ormalion coli at the School.

SHIRl. ~y E. BARTLETT, Instructor rcNNYV.'~. L RCAD 'PHONE 3924F ·---- -··- -------

~-).~<' • . •


late Edwina Black" (A thrilling Mystery Melodrama)


5TONE O'NEIL Directed by Paul O'Neil

BISHOP FEILD COLLEGE 21st and 22nd, 8.30

T' k All seab reserved $1.00. It en at Charles Hutton's Music




pe will be received up to MAY 20\h rlon~ experienced in Parts procedure for e(\ulpment. Successful applicant will be

indust ~01 maintain and catalogue all types

0~~ and heavy equipment parts. . . ~ess your reply in writing to the

0 dMR. C. J. MAHONEY, stating ,_,,, .... an salary expected.. .




Coins Want_ed r Rock Excavation -----·-. - -··

$5.0& PAID for each 1945, ' S • 1• t 1947, 1948 canada silver pee Ia IS dollar. $1.00 for each shin- You art>' invited to compare our plaster. Large Cents also I estimates. Spe~d, acctiracy, wanted. Send by registered . safety low overhead. Sewer i mall for payment to- i lines, stepic holes, foundations, 1

Lloyd Rankin, 688-llth St.. etc., etc. General excavation if ' West, Owen Sound, On!. dl'sirccl. myl5,16.17 'PHONE A. CHARTRAND,


......., - .. 1111111 Dancing, Dining-Nitely.

Steaks Specialty. Mon. to Sat. l5 p.m.-1 a.m. Brookfield Rd. Tel. 90026

Repairs carr Mr . Geo. Bonnell, ___ ___; ---- Dunville, P. Bay REP AIRS TO ALL MAKES

of Washing ~hchincs. Floor Polishers. Vacuum Cleaners, etc. For prompt service Dial 8013-L, G. Crane. !eul1.1mth.

'apr8,tmth I ----------



*********** ON TOPSAIL ROAD

Velvet Horn




9 am. to 11 p.m. ·




• FOR ALL YOUR SI'ARKUNG : and Painting needs. Spark· : ling a speciality. Dial 60131, ' G. Crane. feb 11.1 mth cim'INEY SWEEPI~G--=Re:- ARE HERE !

liable chimney cl('aning, WE .._1EED modern eleotri~al equip· 1..,. ment. Furnaces anrl ranges a ~peciality. All work Allar· TRADES ~nt~ed. Dial 2134 tkoep the

Apartment-\)~~~an _3_~~~~-~r~~--:·our ___ i Baird Motors Ltd. I ('ASH paid rnr Comics,

For Rent 1 ma~azlnt'5, pnckrt bonk~ ac· ·



, G d W E d l . ; cordi• ns, guitars. violins, DIAL 80378 9 oo est n ocatton · ;:un~. type\\Tifers, sewing 1 • I • Self Contained with machines, men's. children's I --- 1 Write for :··n·e Bnokl•t on all

Separate Entrance rlothes. footwear, .John D. i LOOK I dimensional He ·.ring to , T Bedroo • Snow 9 New Gow('r Street. 1 ACOnTICO!Io o , ··---·"' co

wo m. m''" 1-mth · ~ : Jl · • · I • I • • • "· i GARDENING-rAINTING- · eanng nil tonsu <ants, . ' Hot Water Healtng and, BEAU--TICIANS -B- ----1 -1----d--\ FENCilliG 190 r'ew Gower St. : h ' . - enu y nu , '" .1. r · yc_ur own T ermostat 129 Queen's Road (opposite . Homeowners call u~ If you (Corner Brazil Square) : included Balsam Street). Specializing . nwl any of the fol~owmg work ----D-ia-1 _52_6~---• N 1 d t d d in hair stl'ling Spt•cial to· I done. For gardcn111g, garden·

· e~ Y ec.ora e . an nay, $12.00 cot1i wal'l', ~moo. ! ~leani~g ~dirt _rcm~ving), fenc· • ---avarlable 1mmed1ately Open evenings. Dial 6534. t)Jg, hmemg. mterwr and !'X· •---------

• Telephone ap25,m terio~ uainting wall an_d ceiling, For Fast o M d K' h · · h washmg, home repmrs, roof

o ern ttc en wrt leaks stopped, chimney repair-Electric Stove and Fridge NEW !WETHOD RUG CLEAN· ing, storm windows taken down. T • S ' ERS. Rugs and Carpet made t t d b 1 3XI erVICe • Rent $110.00 per month ;\Par men an asement c ~an- . • to look !Ike new. Von mg and all home decoratmg. and worth tt Schrader proceas adds ~earl For any odd job you need clone. 'Phone 6t06 to life of rugs. Cl~aned In Call its toda)· .. our prices are

home or at our plant. low for the fmc work we do.


D.ial 2424-2410 7550 'Phone 91033. New Mrthod Di~l 3568. The Reliable Cleaners

pr Rug Cleaners, Freshwater . and Decorators. aprl6,1m Road. • _____ ___ ilpen from 6.~0 to 2 a.m.

m)'15 ~i Fast 0:-:~lid . -:--Walt Washing---: Statutory Notice no~-~-~;rEN'S ROAD

C • s • W.UI. WASHING - Walls 1 opy•ng erVICe ~leant!d by .• ew ma.'hine. 'In Ute Blatter of th!' F.state llf '----------

R I f Jrhn J. Sears late of St. 1

Circular Lettcl's ... !'rice L1sl esu ts per eel; saves John's in the Province or .. , Fihancial Statements ... · palnt.-New Method Rug St•wfountltand Printer, de· !

Reports, etc .... Laster sheets I and Wall Cle~ners, Fresh· ceased. I prepared a1 required. I water Road, Phone 91033. . . I

G H II ! ag25,1m. Alt persons cla1mmg to be !

erry a ey ! creditors Of or who ha1•e any ' . i ROCK EXCA \' ATING SPECBL· claims or demnnds upon or af·

Surveys Ltd I JST-The wise will rcalizt>: feeling the rstal<' o[ .John J. 0 I speed, accurac)'. ~afety, low Sea~ late of St. ,John's in th~

DIAL 90876. overhead. creates low c~tim- Prnl'incP of Ncwfoundl;md. m~:o,tmth ate~. General excavr.tinl(, Printer. clerP;J:;••cl. arc rrqtw~trrl

sewer and water lin~s. hrd· to ~pnd particubrs of s~m" in rock, etc. t.argt> or small writing. duly atlr,tc•l. tn the i jobs.-Arthur A. Chartrand. Rc!(istrar of thP Suprrmr ('ourt I

Dum·ille, P. Bay. At Dun\'· of ~rwfoundlnnd Aclmin\~1:·,11r'r 1

llle c~ll Geo. Bonnell; at St. of the Estate o{ thP ~nicl clPrras- : John's call .John N'ir.h· ed. on or before the 4th rl~y o£ I olson, 5177. Necessary to .June A.D. l!l5B, aflt·r whil'll riate I ba\'e nnme and oddres~ the snid Administrator will pro- i Charge cotlt>rt. Contact will ccecl to tlistrihutr the r•;l:.l~ of I ~,:1>1:4-be mode within 3 hours Per· the said drr~ascd. havin~ r•·~arrl ~onaly. only to the claims llf "hich


FOR ALL YOUrl PAIJIITI~G, he than shnll ha,·e no:irr I ________ _ exterior and interior, Dated at St. .John'; this Bth i

sparkling and paper hang· day of )lay, 1D58. I

HOUSAEHNODLDEFFFEUCRTNSITURE ing. Reasonable rates. Frank J •• A WINTER. - . :Melendy. 'Phone 4657-H or Registrar of the Sut•reme Court.

On the premises 3339-A. may2,2w. Administrator. No, 29 LESLIE STREET "'NVEST IN REST." Sleep ADDRESS: Belonging to Estate late comfortably. We- specialize Registry Supreme Court.

RICHARD CRAMM . Court House . In repairing and recondition· St. John's, Nfld.

IF rid aayt ,10


a •. Ym. 16th i ~~~tt~ss!~;es s'g~~;:nts:e~ my12.15.22,3o work. 1\lattresses for back P 1 A N 0 AND ORGAN

· Inspection 3 to 5 p m. Thursday. aliments a specialty. 'Phone TUNING-For prompt ser·

I Full particulaM Thursday's 6449 or 3361 Standard vice contract L. Goulding, Telegram and Friday's News. Bedd::~g Comp~ny, Ltd., 135 Newtown !load. Dial

Insurance ltl Wattt S&. Dtlf ICJIO

II J. D. O'Driscoll , ~~::~m. feb2o,tf. 90370. feb25,3m.

Anttfoneer. '

Mona-;~an's ' WRESTLING Beauty Salon •


WAVING. Open from Tuesday ie


Dial 5477



2 miles East of Grand Fall! showers. Restaurant, Licen· 1

Rooms hoi csnd cold water, : sed Bar. For reservation, write, wire or telephone

Gas . Pump open from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

MONTEROSE MOTEL, Grand Falls, Tel. 3510

gp29,my7 ,15,23 -----CARD I


• REAL ESTATE AGENT · OHice and Residence

769 WATER STREET I opp. Lealli St. l

"Over 16 Year~ il' the Buslne•' 'PRONE U95


Prince of Wales Arena 8.30 p.m.

This Is 'one of the most amazing -and best Wrestling Cards ever pres~nted in Newfoundland, by top Ame'ican Wrestlers.



vs. vs.



Ringslde ........................ $1.50 · General Admission ..................... $1.00




' i

I· I !




1 2 7 6

'l 5 4 o·.:

7 5 9

WORTH $1,00·0 EACH


2 1 3

2 I 2 I' 6 .I


All tickets are now on the market in City and Bell Island Stores. Buy some to-day!


Good knowledge of Shorthand essential.


BOX No. 21 care Daily News.


Must have experience and be able to 1supply sat-isfactory references. Neat appearance essen· tial. Appply in person between 9 am. and 1 p.n.

EAST END . BAKERY Ltd. m)·15,16


WANTED Applications are requested for the position


Apply in writing, stating experience, if any, and salary expected, to

. P .0. BOX 907, ST. JOHN'S

my15.115 ·-----


IMPERIAL OIL LIMITED are offered to Newfoundland st"'dents writing their Grade XI examinations in June. •

Valued at $100. for St. John's students and $500. for Outport students, these scholarships, renewable for an additional three years, have ·a potent_ial . value of $400. and $2,000. respectively.

For application forms and other da­tails contact your Principal or Imperial

Oil Limited, St. John's. All applications must be mailed be·





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,, ' I·



TINNED TOMATOES 24 :' 20 oz.







·steamship Movements


LIMITED. . M.V. Perth at Montreal Jllay '

15th and due at St. John's· May 1

1 16th. . M.V. Lunan loading at 1\tont· 'I

'real May 13th. for Botwood ·and ~EA STORIES FROM 11 St. John's. . : NEWFOUNDLAND , li lii.V. London loadmg atl' . . · : II Hamilton May 15th Torouto Mrchael Hamngton 4.0G 11

Mr.y 14th. Montreal 'May 19th. , This is a collection of a dozen I I i due St. John's May 23rd. i and. a half thrilling true sea 1

! M.V. Dundee loading at : storres of Ne"':f~undland that be· · Hamilton M:ry 20th Toronto 1 long to the shmmg annals of the 1 May 19th. Montreal 'llay 23rd. 1 Newfoundlander's pride. due to arrive St. John's May : 1 h R I t" 2ith.

1 e evo u 1onary

NEw•·ouNDLAND CANADA : Lawrence Schooner. 5.00 · STEAIUSHIPS 1 f · ·

Belle Isle II due St. John's Masters o Deceit J

~lay 15. sailing Ma~ 17. J. Edgar Hoover .... 5.75 Bedford II leaving Halifax Fl· · IS Tales I

May 14. due St. John's May 16. 1 ·• sailing May 17. from "Blackwood's Be~e Isle 11 lcal'ing Halifax Magazine" ............. 3.00 '

Ma)' .1. Due St. John's ~lay 23. . h U d' d S If • Sailing lllay 26. . 1 e n 1scovere e 1

Bedford II leaving Halifax : C. G. Jung .............. 3.75 e e . May 23, due St. John's ~lay 26. , Clear Lands and Sailing again May 27. ' • •

Belle Isle II Ieavl'bg Halifax Icy Seas . e May 30, due St. John's June 2. I T. C. Slanwe/1-Ffoetcher, I e •

, Sailin~ again June 3. . .4.50 · •


FREE 5 in x 5 in. or 5 in. x 7 in,







i Bedford II. lcal'ing Halifax , Sr · . mber Roses e e \' GIVE IT TO US AND WE WILL ENLARGE IT . May 31, due St. John's June 2. '

!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!~--!!!~Ill!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~·'· S;;iling again June 4. ! Andre Maurois ...... 2.50 , • e F R E E.

Y D I R.N.; Dr. Michael .. Joseph Walsh ! Belle Isle II leaving Halifax I o· k & c L d 1: ~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~!~~ oung octors son of Sir Albert and Lady . June _7,th, du~ St. John's June . IC s 0., t . =-

Duckworth Stre'

1 Walsh, and Dr. Robert Young, 19. Sallmg agam June 11th. ' s k M k R R . D son of Mr. and lllrs. Ross Young I. CLARKE STEAMSHIPS co. The Booksellers I toe ar et e

CCCIVC e~reeS are among the graduates today • Novaport saili_ng today. , p The following )'OU~g doctors from Dlllhousie University 1 •Gulfport leavm~ Montreal Spin 4425 or 2008 or 3191 ·

recently received degrees at I School of Medicine. i r.J~l~ 14, du~ St. Juh;,'s ~lay 18, : . l • :-;\' :-n Joo •'• "'• &h+ '•. con ~!all r-

D lh · u

1 't Douglas Ernest Butler son s.ot mg agam May 20. ' II~·.,J'lCUl' , ~M c 11 1 , ·. a OUSie n versl y. r • : •N I . . . 1-'t:'' ~ I :>ur l'>c '""" 31io 37 31 -I : an . 't PI

The City Council j!HI'(' per· Dr. Edmund Qulnlr.n son of; 0 Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Butler. ovaport eavU!g Mon.rcal : I ~~~t. ~": 2~~~ ~'• ~~;; m: :\::. ~ ::.~k~ ~. "

mission yesterday during thP I Mrs. M_ argaret Quinlan'. OBE, St. John's, George Mal'k Cobb : M~~: 21, du_e St. J•lhn's May 25.' Starti"ng Young sE11· roaK cLostso ~rocK~ , P•nn aa •wo 12•. 12 12•• 1 csL

kl ti f th C II of St John's• Job 'I 11 salhn" agmn 1\Iny 27 Dr ThP c"aadlaa Pnu 1 Phelps D JIJOit 4.01• 4~~~ .;:r-.- t;.·: <.:SL ~!'

\\ee' y mee ng 0 e OUnC --·----· . ' • R " axwe " ' . ' :-;.,, \'ork Cl.,lcr Slorko-\lay 1f , Pnilip \lor moo 51 52 5l'• • ''·Can Wier B

Automatic Telephone Operation

to the Avalon Telephone Com·: Limited buildings, Duckworth Edgecombe. St. John's; Bodo •Gulfport leBI'IIl_:l 'Montreal ,, O<ld lot. xd-·EX·dl••ldend,· xr-Ex·' l'ilt Plate ~lllll 73"• w, 72'•- '·• 'c Bauk Com I '" •

p&ny for their improvements I Street, is essential to tie In John Epstein of Bishop Falls; • r.1~~ 28, d~e St. Jonn s June 1, At lhl'ee years of age. many "~"''· •w--~:·-~~·~~~·-J ~-,, ! r,~~fm~~m ~~ !l;: ;~~~ ~:: _ '•: ~~~ fr~~;.•·P, 1;;: ~ ,' "' for telephone communication~ with the radio equipment. John Bernard Hicks of Deer s~thn~ aga1n June. a. rhiltlrrn have already develop- MF lnd 12oo 39', 3n;, 38'• --'·'I Radio corp sot>~ Jh 32'• 3~···- '•, c &r Alum " ·;., ·, ,

from St. Joh_n's to Bell Island I 11 is necessal'v that the erect· I Lake: James Alexander Lall·r· • :oio1·aport Jeavmg ~Jontreal ed dental caries. ood their teeth All•·"'"'~ ;,;oo ~ •'• "' : 1\adlo t'orp !;ili)O J:P, w. 32'•- '•: CBAL A "t' ,, .. ;,.,. ;·. · ' h 1 . d r 0 Th' .Jo\llhi <.:h lCihiO 2l'~ :!~··-~ ~~~~- ~· Ht'pub Sl ~:.oo 4~~-~ .;.PI .J:!~. -1 i Cdn Can A ~!~I t!; :·.,

and the ~ntirc Conception Bay I' inn of these towers be commen-~ ence of St. John's; John Leve· Ju~·e. _4. due St. Jo n's .rune nwy oil' 111 nee 0 repmrs. 15 ,\mer•••• J:oilo :•:o•. 91'• 91'• --l Royal out J61D o !:t'• H -u. - '·'. Cdn can A "··· '" :;,


1 ct•d in th~ \'Cry near future son· Potts of Grrand '·'all.•·. 8. s __ a1hng June 10.. is thr br.;t time for a )'oun)!stcr _·,'nm1 ~:.~~·n ·'"oo 47'• w. 17 '' smrlair 3Jill1 ;3 .1:1'> :,J•, -1~. · <:~n C>'l~~ "':: ,,.. :r, ~ " l 1 h' f' 1 · 't t h' 1 ....... :i .. ro 47'" 4ti\:.: -1f.11- : ... Rot 111100 :.!!11 4 :.u:~·. :t91. _ t 11 c; Crl I.,,) (lr ~ ... 1 ~-,

In order to etfect this im-, sir,ce the s~·stem is planned to Thomas George Ricketts of St • Gulfport lca\'101! ~lontreal 0 pay " Irs I'ISI 0 IS 1 en .\m Had Jmo ·~·· ~~ 12 -· '• Sin<lalr """" ·" 5J'• "J'-, --1'• · c ho·m :. " --,

l d t

' ' I Jd 'th th • I J h ' d R b t K · J 11 c! St J h • J It'>! '0 t!J•t •n1• !1"C~"~S".,l'\' •rl .\rn Smelt :1000 4_._~'-• .'·!·.·· •.:.~ 1 4 ~- 3 0 Socon,,· i7!~l ;)Ol,· 491-,- t!Po C ('olli('r l••l

0\I,'OI'emen an ex en~10n m co nc. e w1 e con1•ers1on o n s,· an o er el'ln Shap- une . .u.c . o n s unc · · · " " · L L, "' • " • ·''" T·l ,. h I b r ~ Ri:tHI 1,,)_~ },,, ..... )..l'lo --1M Sperry R l:!-\1..}(1 lfP• 18 tn -Ill c Colli pr f!'·

telephone circuits, the erection ,form manual to automatic telC·· ter.--St. John's. r.ore also among !:>,Sailing again June 17. tustment can e mace r ore .\m Tnh •~1o<l n;·, "''• B>'• -~'• strt nrond< ,;,o ;.p, ""'' :.o•. _..., c curl w ,., ' · 1 h 1

1 I' 1 d th 'f · trouble dcn•lops and the child's \rmo·n Sll a111o •;•, " •• -I'•. std oil cal !IIIlO '"'• ;s•, •a•, -1'• c ow•~· ., .. o. two m1crowa1'e owcrs on I c P tone opera 100 on Be I !sian I r. h t~··stx ,11raduates from ! •Gulfport lea\'inl( ~Iontrcal · : \'""'~ Ck I"''' ~··· '"'' 2&''- '• 'Md oil lnd .,00 .,,, 4~'' w.- .-., c .t:•~lo A I T I h C

1 · J D lh · M d' 1

h I drntal conclition is imp.• ired. · ,, h ,. s1 1 ··oo "I '"' , ' • 1 Cf P•·-J or ,.

\'a on __ e ___ c_o ___ o_n __ c ____ o_mpan_~_·· __ l_!l ___ u_n_~_·_ -···· _. ···---·- a ous1e , c 1ca Sc oo. 1'.lliRC 18, dtle st. John'.• Jun" " · 1.,"•,·,.,,,.. '' - ,,.. • "' •- · • ·sod oil ~J 21900 .,, •~·, '' · _,... ·•· -· - L •• , • "''on z; 2''' 26'' -· ,, :stud• P•c 20:~oo ''• • ,,; ',; ,cc; s~c A

fiOiiiiiii;.;.....;.;;.;.;;.;,;,.;.;._.;,;;;iiiiiii~;;;-;;,;;;,;;.;;.;;;;..;-..-;;;;;;;.;;;;.;;,iiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiii;;,;.;;;.;....----- · 22. Sailing again June 24. meeting of the Coum·il. Brth Strl!l 3n:.oo "'' Ji''• '"'• -P•: Texas co 910<1 •• •• AA -1 i CG , • ., 0

: ... "' ::

t'!of, SPOT STOCK. '·

' . \RIDGID . .. ... .(


B.ALL PO·INT PEN With every roll of film

left for •••




In by 10.30 • ••

. • Bah Ohin ,',JtJO ~;.; .. 27 :!i __ ;,,Tide \\'ji'Pr ~ :o~. :m:ll zo:~,- lj, ( n~·lh'O (.lr ~-.,· s.:·. ~ • Refrigeration. 4. Lcunng for Halib1X and Ro\·in~: ,<\ir 11:mn u 3!l;~ :J!~,,- ~'I Tlmkfn ~200 371, 3 o.,~ Js·~~- .. ~ <.:dn 0'.! ,., t··, ::;

FURNESS R•·n CROSS Bu,ton Au• r. dtle !Jalr·[·x A r1 norc\('n Co ~on tiP~ hT fi7 Twtnt f.: 18200 28tt. :.!1 27=4 .;. ;J-t. Cdn OJI ''"' Vl~; 7.: i> J:.o ·. • o• u, . " U~, l:l•rr. \\'ar 4WO :llil;,: :W~ ::hill-- llli, \'It <.:,rb J:IVII 311., ROl'i ~~~~- .;,__ 1., ~COil wt .. 3:1 ''"· ~ .. ; ;..;

LINE j 7 and Boston Aug. 11. Lra\'ing : nutld :\Ha: ltOO 14~ 1 141, 11'•- ~~~ nd ;\ir 1.iOI' tn::, w', 6o< _ ~; · c Oil "'u jj :;·, .• t:i i:r.

Fort AvaJijn Jlostun Au~. 12 and Halifa~ nurl 'li11 • 2FO~ 12 lh n;, . n~ corp noo R 7!a R + '• CPR 1~'" <::: .. :

d e h · Hurron.l{,.. 4.MO :!Jll :nt 1 :n -~ _ ~~ l'S G)'Jl 46011 i41.':! ;~ i4 ' 1

1 ~dn .. Prt pr !r~ 1 'lh '

Fort ,-\valon in port. Sailin~ All~. 16. ue St. ,To n's Au!(. 18. ll';lhlnJrt liM 12 117. 11'.- '• \'S Rnbber l300 31'• Jl'o 31'•- '• .t: \wkor> ·"' ,,.. .

f .._. k · ·. S:Jiling again same day for Liv· 1i ,e'r"n' Dry 21o~ IH 11'• 17'<- '' us Steel moo w. ~9'• ~ ... -1;, 'I Cdn Wall ~ ~lay 14 01' New xor VIa Cor· ~l<lll w• 2"'• ~6'•.,. '• van•dium lOll 1~'• 29'< 29•, . Cdn G.- pr I B k · er pool. : e.a .. t· Jl :l:li~'IO HP, 1~t 1 19- 1 __ 1,2 Walkf'n ,_100 JlJ :2!'1~, :m .:.. i'z CockAAutt

ner roo • . Catt>r 1'ri4C :Jj(I(J till-4. :>9 59'~- l~t. W t:'ninn 2800 18'·8 JB Ul -·- '~~o Comb Ent , Fort A\'alon Leaving New , Cel:on<.•• C\000 w. I"'' w,- '• w.-tb,. 6000 58'• S8 " -- '• ·Conduit>< 1 <:11t·!' Ohio ~on 5~:1 1 .>J~il· 5:P. -11" Wt~olwth 2~ 44'a 44 (-t, _ 1 :Con£ l.ift York May 29th. Saint ,John,


1 Chr~::-l('r 1''7011 4il 2 -tj•, .;:;.,, _ ,, -·--·---. ·':ConGa~ 'N.B. June 2, Halifax June 6. ar- t'i1 ~,, 37tm Wa ·" ''' -l , iCon

10•• A ('nl Brd A 221l11 30 ""'' 291>- ,, 1 oronlo I Corh)' ,,

j riving St. ,John'r June 8, leaving 'rnm sotv 13"'' 11 w. w.- •,, , g~~·;,8s 'June ll for HalifaX and New ; ; ~:~~~,;~d s:: ~~: ;~:: ~~;.; + ''l TOROSTO CLO~ISrl ~TOCKS lllc•l Seag 11 York. · l'ont C;\1\ l.".oo 4fPll ~i~'2 48 1 • _.. ~~: a., Th• canadian Pre14• 1 D Coal pr

(. o·t •3 '" '"' 4" s "• , D ~ridge : SAGUENAY SHIPPING LTD. I on 1 ·• 1"' ~ ' "I' 0'•- !• Toroato Slotk Eschan&o-~lat 14 'll !lain., pr ,1 , 'IS ill

S . , d I 'Crane Co 2COO 281-:: 28 28;-, - ... !Quotations ln cents unless miarkNI S n :\lagnes s. . "Sunprmce I ue St. ' ' Crown Zell '200 4711 ~;.. 47 -I i x-Odd lot, xd·Ex-Dividend, n-EHiJhts' D Fndr)'

I John's ~lay 15. I i r)~~.~;" Wr l~: i1i~ :w· ~i': !''I :tw-Ex·warrantl.) . ID Steel ord :!20 ~::r: d. J" • · I Del Rud ~)(l 21•~~ 201 11 2 -,• J ~~. j "~1

'Dom Stores lZ9:i ~·r.J, j s.s. "Sun Ia sarhng Mon- I lli•t Sear 1.700 !9·,'. 29'~ :9~· - •• ' <lock lllta Bllh_ Low Clo .. Ch re . !lom Tar ll6.l <!l

· treal May 20, arriving St. John's i nome 27oo lfi·'~ ts;: ts~ :':. ,; ~~t:i~' i~~ m•• ;:'' r,'!'a ~ ~;' ~~ .f:::: !~ :\;·· ' '·May 25, . g~~7't~,em 1;()11() ~2 ;~~· 59~~ -I~• Acad All 7:\0 $lO'i 10'< m•< Eddy \latch ,:,:. ,;,,,

-1000 ~\. 53" =3~~- ~~ Al"ad Atl A 28S Sl!r'• 193a 193-a ~ 15 Fam Play tn27 ~IS'~ 1~-: : S.S. "Sunprince" sailing Mon· · l!u Pont 1 ~ooo I·~·· 174',• 1•5'! -1., Alta o~o• •oo 1114 155 m .. 5 Fanny F ,,,, w, ,,, :\real May 28, arriving St. John's ,, J-.,J<tmnn .0110 10•'• 111-l·. 1011•- '• Alia Disl vt 600 ll5 133 Hl ~10 Fed Grain If<) ; ''· ~ i':;ltonMfg lf'IO 423 t 4~~.,:;,. 42:1, -'- 1 t. AlJomil 31:.!0 Sl8'~ 27~2 2i3 4 r:" .1 "t·s ,. ~~:: ~

I I 2 L'l 'UI I 3'~ 283 •Jat· "'3" ' - - .-oru . ,.1 ..-1 ''· \ l OC , ··: n. 0 ~ 't\IV 4 .... ~ '"' •• , ... ~ Alumini 2141 S~61 , 25~, :::1:~,- ~, Jo'lrtl ~tfJ '~'• !1 r

GULF AND NORTHERJitt '·.1 Pa'o ;>;G 5100 We• 31'• 31''- '• ! ,\lum t pr 5CII $23 23 . "' Ford A . ! ~:~r~·.,lone :?UlO R;1a~ 8P.t ft.r:, ---1 : ,\lum 2 pr l:!l S":l 4'; 1 :.~ -*112-

1::. }'oundation

SHIPPING C .• LTD. ! 'l'::ul . }jJ100 ~~ 7 • ~~··~~ :1~:• -· ~il . .-\nalo;: JuO :Jun 3no 300 -+2.; 1

Fra!>-er f:tlt f?)n a~on .11 1 • .1U 1..c ~G·1 • .... 1M: AnthL'a Imp :lit S:!i' 12 ~~:1 :!';1 '1-

1·! :G;t\in~;tu

: <.t•n ~:lrr ll"til) ~q_1,, ~~~ ~ ;'l;' 2 -- ~· : AI JtUo;: 1S!l SUF • 1a:.. IR; • - 1, (i•tl :;11r

, ~~:n I·o1K1'1 :?r)tln ~B~JI ~··'h ~fl:~ -- ·-~, .\r;.:u·• ::!1fl pr 19:1 s~1 !;:!-: 5J "! 1 ic;,11 11~pr (!\11 \IIII!S tillH ,~ .. , ·~, ,.J,'' -- 3• ,\I':O:U~ :!j{J pr 7.IS ;)~i 4:i 4:1 (j;\1C

1\I.V. Fergus due St. John's MacCORMAC'S :·l•y 12. C~·~n ;\lot 23\rO 1h 1,. :\1 1 4 :r;,,- .. , A .-~rl ~:!j ~'I 3··~ ;:.,- 1 ~ Gt•n Or,·

r.l!rtd~n :!4[)11 :.~.~ ~!':.• ~~~-,,I-' :\rt dPh'l ~~~ ~~1•2 !19 ~!I , GS warc.•o; ,_.,,, \:·, ":", r:ooclu~·lt 1~011 1:J:'~o~ ~~·-~ d"t -I·~ ;\ An "'li' IM l7:i 47!i 41:• -25 r.S \\'etrros rr t.'t ~~I ~ f.~ l'~ll!t ~'-lOCI !·1• 1. 1 ~ 11•- '• · ,\tl.l'i Sled tiH 51i·'• 1;:·, r;.:, Goodn~ar 1r .;.~·-·, :::

GEAR ST. :\J.V. Fergus sailing Charlotte· ! town May 16. Pictou May 17, arri\'ing St. John's May 19. my9,tues,thurs,lm

Jo'URSESS WARREN LINE Nova Scotia due St. John's'---·--·-· .... --------

r:r :-<n.1· R)' ~9tl0 :llo~" :16~1 & :lt;·1• -t• .. •Rank Mont :G~ ~-t.i 4112 4.·, · '• GL P01pr1· c "'·•··• ~ c,ulr (~1.1 .111W 11:!:·~~ 11.1··" ltP .. _p,. i Rank ~S li:i ~.-.~ ~;:-, ;,; 1

, •· 1

1 Gl. rcnnr t· LT·a~ · Homrc;,i{ 31flil t:P~ 4.!'• 4:!• 4 - '-: Rl.';~lty J:!' :1Ril JAn ::~n 4

.) G:\' G<-1~ 1 ,, ~: •

I llud_RR~ Mil 4.1 1 ~ 4:1'• 4:1111 ! H('a\' tum)) 1m ~~~ :!1 ~·t li~ G~ \\lot. !.:•.' :; r.t lnlrllake 91HJ -~9~ .. l!l 19:~- 14 :r.tll Phone ;tl:hi ~4l·'• -1pt 3 41 ti.:G~ c:~ R'"~ 1';1• .. •r, ;1_ lnl RU\ ~ll(Wl J.11l:,. :HJl~~ :\48·2 -:'!1. ·, BowaiC't' 7'K1 _,M 1011 -tM (i\\' Codl :'\ 11

' ~:·, :t

lnt l~_an· ~:wo :J:-:~, :\:1'• :-::P~~o- • .. 1 Rol\'at pr 1:1 $1-'1l1 4t'"" ·W~· Grl"\hnd. ,:.··. ~"· • !~-: tnt ~u·k 4:!00 i3J• i2_1 , ;:m. -11, · nruil a~.; $.5'il :iT• :.;. G\'r .. um • ,. ·~·:~ ~~ hH Pap ~'tiOII 9t>. !l."i;1 9.):,.-'"!B,\Oil 1298 ~:Jil~ :li:ltt '-• lfDatll'h Jl·" ~·; :-lnt Tel tih!WI 3!1• Jj,, ~ll~t.- 34 1 Rl'I•; 4 rtf ;o $80~tt AM,;~ M"11 I':• Imp R:tnt. .,_ ·,:7, ;:-,

; ~('nnn·ot J'i'IIO II:!;• ~p, 8l:o. .. -1'1 RCF: jor 96 ~:iQ 493a 4'J·;~ r ~ .. Imp Life 1; t~~ ~ hrf""~e Rr.o :~a~. 2R'::o ~91., • RCE .l~~ pr ,.311 $5J'·i 511 1 5L't. '1n1p Oi1 tr.: .. <~: 4-


l,nf'W"' lnr 13Yifl Jf;:l" 151, 161,. -<- '• RC Fort~:"ot 2.J:!.) '9:1l ~~~~. 9'• t tnrl lu·rrp ~~- '~! • :r:

May 15. Sailing again same day TV lot• Lil·erpool. :

: Newfoundland lea1•ing Lim· : REPAIRS 1>ool lllay 14, due St. John's l\lay i 20. Leaving for Halifax and : Boston illay 21, due Halifax REASONABLE RATES ~lay 23 and Boston May 26. Leaving Boston May 27 and Halifax May 31, due St. John's June 2. Sailing again same day 'P

.lnhn., ~fan :11100 :l11., :Jj Jj' . -. ',_


ncr; -1·.~4 pr .;tl $9. -1' '01 !11' ;o !H':: - I 1 Imp Jn\ t.':l ,\ l ·· • ~.;·~ r_,

\hn~all 600 J,i 3 • 311 4 J:i1 4 -· ~ .. FlC Park A IM $-12J4 12:1~ 12':1 .t I~ I .\~ l1H .'~ 'l~i ~ ·

GUARANTEED WORK '~lartm GL MO'I 32'• 31'. ~1'•- '•' HC Pow m $38 J7"• 31"o· llmr Tob 7'. '" 1f• I :\fPr<'k 9200 :11 1 11 49':~ ·19'i -1';~) RC Pow rt UWH 72 . 6R ill -2 tn:;:li'i .,;.·, -~ 1 ; ;ti ~finn_ :\IM 121'JO 7~1 1 7512 i5·'J + 38 nc Phone· zJO S-113ot 4!34 41~~ I Inland c pr ,·,I ~1:;:

for Liverpool. '

H Q N E 7313 :\1on!!'an Ch R300 31 :JOI.t :-tOt?'·- a. i nrnwn tOO S10'" 10,, to-,,. + 'i.-Inland Ga~ ~·:· "''' )_!onl~mr 11(}1} J3\2 351, 3:.'<- •• • Build Prod 105 S39 JR'• 39 + '• llnlnd G •. , 7f• ··• ;~ · ~at Av 900 27a, :na~ 27~~- ~:. Burllneton z25 S12'3 12~2 1:!''.~ Int Bronze !1•· '-l~• ,;

~at Cabh 2100 15'21' t\11'"' 6l~R- "~'8 Burns z~J 513 13 13 Int Pete H:~ "'W1 '-~ !\.at Di1t 4100 23'1 23'2 23~2- ,." Can Bread B 52 SS<l 50 so +3 IJnter PL t:~" tn:: 4lrl Nova Scotia leaving Liver-

Electronic Centre Ltd. 90 CAMPBELL AVE.

pool May 28, due St. John's 3. Leaving for Halifax and Bos· ton June 4, due Halifax June 6 and Boston June 9. Leaving Boston June 10 and Halifax June 14, due St. John's June 16, Sailing again same ·day for Liverpool. After hours 'PHONE 6401 A

Newfoundland leaving Liver­pool June 14, due St. John's June 20. Leaving for Halifax BIRTII ____ _ and Boston June ~1, due Hali· , FRASER-Born at the Grace fax June _23 and Boston June 1 :\Iaternity Hospital on May 11th, 26. Leaymg Boston June 27 1 to canst. Harvey and Ellen and Hahfax July ~·. due ~1. I Fraser, (nee Elford), a daught· John's July 3. Sathng agam 1 er same ~ay for Liverpool. i . -·----------

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool June 28, due St. John's July 4. Leaving for Halifax and Boston July ll, due Halifax July 7 and Boston July 10. Leaving Boston July 11 and Halifax July 15. Due St. ohn's July 17. Sailing again same day for Liverpool.

Newfoundland leaving Liver· pool July 16, due St. John's July 222. Leaving for Halifax and Boston July 23, due Hali· fax July 25 and Boston July 28. Leaving Boston July 29 and Halifax August 2, due St. John's day for Liverpool.

Nova Scotia leaving Liverpool .July 29, due St. John's August

Good Morning, Nei~bor· Pte~M coooltltt ua Juac !Ht ••• your lriendt 111111 n•lahloon· If we can help yooa In any wey wl* YOW' IDIW'IIIUpnibla .. , JuaC t:llll" •


Temple luilding, Ouclwotth St.. Diol lOUt • 7716


In loving memory nf JAJ\IES ADM1S,

ll'hn died !\lay 15, 1957. 1\lay the Sacred Heart ot

• Jesus have mercy on hi~ soul.

Inserted ~Irs. John family.

by Mr. and Whelan and

Special Sale Tricycles

(not Kiddie Cars)

$7.98 up



~a~ G~rr HOO 48 45::_1 4n:. - =!4 Can Ctm .230 IJp :97.~ 30 + •.1 i ln\' Syn A z.· .. ) n;:: 1!',: ~\ Cf .. nt 5000 H'i 14~ 14•.~ - ~" Cl Fndry 300 127~i 27!4 27H .l.. ~ Kelly DA :\d zz.~ ~ ~



We are ths Builders

to see ! Expert plumb·




painting, carpen·

plastering, floor· •




all a

part of


our complete


is guaranteed on every








oN pONTIAC At see


anc ng)

KINGSTON, the Newfc

cartel' "' fishermen: ·

He said that codfish to Ja

association. "Newfoundlc

business in export of hi~ , he said. "The fisherm al cartel the

Isaacs said J July to Decemb

it has been oi

• uss1a An(]

11.\ROI.O K. M II.K!i •.~P 1 - Russia firr

Sputnik into orbit Thur ti-ton, cone-shaped ~n01 heal'ier than any of 11"

hitherto l~unch(

speech I aunt i11 Premier Khrusl

West now mu with Moscow. ~

So1·iet Union did n• ~ik III to "har1

or to blackmail tl

appeared to be r the possible milita1 of a rocket power!

propel ponderous Sp~ space. It is more th!

as Sputnik II. II launchr.d pre1

told his audicnr risiting Presidl'


the He Small\\

by the Unh rhyme. The R. E. Cattle·

Honor: Maste1

dictio, with p1 aggres

~··PlcJne orate boy, ne\\

~•oetral lark, 01
