· \p. face Men Contact...

\p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex- lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in the water level permitted seven o( these to raft to safety rather than using an escape shaft speciallly sunk for them. A sire am of supplies-tea. chocolate nnd zwieback, tin:: lamps. warm underwear 8nj socks-moved down the supply sha!t to the nnnow mina chamber where stagnant· water scaled the 11 with 10 of the d!!au men. The gallery only 11 (eel long and 10 feet wide. 11 orrn is 23 (eet high. with a ceiling HERE NOW of relatively loose earth and orc. "I am com pIe tel y over- whelmed," said 'Rudolf Stein, a spokesman for the iron minIng company. on learning the 11 nad lived there for 10 days without food, heat or light. "Nobody thought it was possible." Stein called it a miracle_ CIIANCES SLIM (Rcuters news agency re- ported. however, the trappr.d men do not have cven a 50-50 chance of surviving. (The agency said that when asked at a pl'ess conference Sunday night if the mcn had a 50-50 chance of surviving. Stein replied grimly: "I would not even say thal.") Dr. Heinrich Kellner. leading tbp. medical team on the spot. reported aft e r establishment of communications: "Consider- ing the circumstances. they're all feeling quite well." They were Ruffering from swollen fect and some slight head injuries. One man b r 0 k e down. stripped to the skin and danced madly in the dark. Sedatives wcre sent down for him. He was reported reclnd and feeling beller after a long sleep. Dr. Kellner said the first thing n spokesman for the men called up was: "We knew we wouldn't be abandoned - that something would be done to get us out." Of Ihe dead men in the gal- ler!l, falling rocks killed some when Ihe mine was flooded. Others died afterward of ex- haustion. O( the surl"ivors, 10 lHlI'c- families. ONE UNMARRIED Onc' Adolf HCI'hst, is unma\,' rHE MOST POPULAR CAR IN CANADA PONTIAC 1964 EDITION Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NE ried. He is a 20-year-old me- chanic who had gone down to make a special installation. His molher-Mrs. Gertraude Herbst, 43-was told that her son was alive while ahe was 'at a chu\'ch service in Hannover miles to the west. still in mOl,rning, she hurried to Brois- ledt. ''l'rc talked with my she latcr told reportcrs joy- fully. "His fcet are hurt some. hut otherwise he seems to he fine, I'll, hare him back soon," Success in this rcsclle opera- 12 PACES ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, :\IONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1963 ---------------- tion would bring to 100 the number of miners to escape the flood. A total of 79, often swim- ming for their lives, got out within a few hours after the disaster struck, The loose nature of the ceiling of the prison chamber made caution necessarily in the drill- il1p; of an escape shaft. for the bit might loose great chunks of, rock and ore-bcaring earth on thc mcn. Stein said they coull! not be bl'cught out hefore Wednesday. SEVEN CENTS I ---------------'---" --- A 11£1 _Brother Killed Sahara Fighting Continues Soldiers I .\PI_'fIIf rrlullilinnary jllilla Ibat (lrs(roycd Dinh tllfm rrgimf In south \'Ict Sam worked Sun· . lit cOlllpo,ilion of a Rlllhihist-led go\'ernment wblch , win rlnick frum the United Slates. '!tIn. of 1'01Ifr. howrlrr. premmahly will be held by RABAT. (.\PI-Thr !\[oroccan army sairl Sunday ils I troops had pushed hacl, ;111 : Algerian infantr\" attaek after; all·day fighting 'in anrl around' il,tll, Til,' .. hirf 01 I hIs military committee Is :\laJ_- I'In "iuh, a .\i,)·r:tr·old llllflllhisl who engineered I oasis 01 Figuig, \ The said Figl1i rr ' , Wi'S attacked hy sCl'rl'ul ',d,,' ,,'n(',1 ." h.11 I>I'0tl1('r. );go Dinh I and Algerians Sunday I . 1, 'I',lirl' Ilirm. u :-;111:, arc I It I t'll I 1 Ihc official stOI'\" was a er a lem')' ar I cry " fl',1UrlCri 10 ((wI they committed ,The altaek again damaged tll'! i ::1 It,r j1I'(1\ i;inl1;d i prccarious cease-lire signed hI" : ,:,!:,.,' H,' j, upon arrest after fleeing the 111'0 sides at Bamako, 11[311· i" :; lib, I';.d Iii,; shell . presidential I I last week. Figuig has been the , .... ·1: .... 11".i011 _, n pa,;,('(' Satur ay. II appeare( I scene of sl'nce Ille , d. ,.. ..., 11 I I bl k'l1 I I co · I'" :It "PI"'i(i"IH \. Iry p '0 ,;J )' werc '1 e( IY' cease·firc "ca"ll'ne o( ITII'(IIII'gllt I ". ,,' ,l l. _ . ,,,Irliers. ' u u '-c"fl"t .. thnt In. I I Frii.flY night. '" ':.;, \; .. , lor. tnoffil"ial of hud- . .., ..... ,.. I.' The only lelephone line lin I,'· 'I.'" irlentified us Ihose of Diem' ...' ... I ::" I" ,::11" ,.!.t! Iii'. ;1I1'! Xhu shilll'cri Ihe deposed' . '.' . Figuig was the rcst 01 the .'. \:::'.'el1 Illllh crlUllll' \\'oS 'lit "lit '10 Cllifl pxccnlil'c heside <1 ' .. : ". '. ",' I Y ", c ,u "roceall ... .'" h' II'oops I\·nl·e stl'll IIOlcll'lln tll(' . highway betwccn thc on,is and pCI',onnel carL"ier with 11 soldier 11 .' "':.': ,- [)HDI:1t 1;1 r.liill -t;,tillil . i: .. ,[G'r fill' jifunct Wi10 ::-. In ,'r)lllrt 10 · i;d 111m 11':('(' 1In11 ffi('i,,1 ph,,- ((',:i.mer! jllilta '.lllrnn\, Ih:ll , his UI'r!' him. lIis hody, ... , .... . '. " .' . . . rirc,s('d in a dark suit. was bul-I S;\lGON-I'reshlent Ngo Dinh Diem (right) of south' lelnam re,le\\s a two,holLl'. mIlitary . BOl! Aria. id riddled and therc wns cl'i-: aile Oct. 26 front the Presidential Palace In Saig 011. lie is shown with his aides. No\,. 1 milItary During the day. troops of the , I I I t (UPI T I h t I . Algerian .,); at i on People's' hI: hac!. hccn shot in the'. against .. IIts n t ___ ._ "Army slowly progrcssed inlo I Infll1'111Cd :'\hu, til(' oasis. thc :>[oroccans said, b C F -d E' -d They set up machine·guns and: 111r1 (Iemh y stabbing, ro"vn In s -1 V 1 ellce mllrtars in dug'outs and ahan·: In uther developmenls. 'he doncr! homcs. ["nill'd :\alil1ns mission which A connler attack al'ril'cd here two'wceks M9 to' In Case Agal-nst. BanlTs re-cstahlished the situation and ,tur!y chMI!CS o{ nllegc(\ persc- '- Ilt day's end thc Algcrians cui ion IIf [!urldhists by Diem's reporled abandoning the points announced it is re-, t " I ' ,thcy had sccured cal·licl'. thc said the seven- i :lIONTHEAL I CP I - The reply that documents and othel' I 439 alloll'St' III polhiccman ;\[oroccans said. .' ,. . Crown (eels it has (ound incrim-I items "not pertaining 10 the to selzc only ar IC es c. bc· Both sides blamcd the othcr mrmhel' dclegation still will I' h I bl I d el'idencc IlmOn2 docu- case" \l'iIl be I'ctu.rned !.Ionday. IC\"CS may a. o. . (01" the fighting. hal'!' to prepare its report, hut I I I I tl h I f1 t 1 th,,1 the report probahly will he ments seized bv the Re:.!p :III', Brabunt SUI( tIC It j H'cug a cnmilla III ac IOn, Figuig has never bepn con· 1110re 01' less acndcmic. Friday in offices' of the Sca(ar- committed an infraction of AI'- \ .' tcsted in the dispute: ers' Internationlll Union (Ind'> i ticle 439 t1!e Criminnl CO?C [n r;ply, said between thc tlVO North \ and homes of its officel's. I hy not brmglOg Ihe matel'lal· the SIU I8Ilyers nations. The delincd part of the -eep Winner ts Proposals :'!eanwhiic. neither the RCMP they seized before a judge. lie werc, "very prcmature and border ends several miles soulh nOI' any other officials have sait; the material included elus- prom!s;d that documents lIot of Figuig. I disclosed SIU President Hal sical records and personal iet- pertammg to the (:ase would be officials in,isted: Banks' whcreabouts, tcrs. . . . Monday .. The R.CMP. Ihe kingdom intended to abide I .Jean special fcd- "It secms they hc sal_d. was a lis.t of hy t h c Bamako agreement I (,I'a, prosecutor. said Sundny Brabant said. He Said the l.aOO to 1.800 Items sel7.Cd. which called for negotiations 0111 documents "pertaining to the 'the frontier A i warrants" will be liIed Councl-l St d- Ilfirc theoretically wcnt into ef- in court today and that it will U Ie s 1 (eet SatUl'dny, n:n 'cp' _ "'I :::: M I' omilll to IOllk '. M'(' Jim \!r-. ,'thJmbing throuoh ., marnarr afler he 'In a swcep· "I didn't propose In my letter, hut I thuught if we met. and he was /I nice man. well - who knows? Anything happen. "I just (elt so sorry {or him whcn I read about his small I'oom, and J thought I could darn his clothes for him and look altel' him," she said. he "up to the judge to decide: .,' . I i! they are evidence." , , fAP" - OffiCial .\\ He had promised in court 1 I '\ genan smrl Suunday Saturday 10 return to the SJU I CrUCI- a' Sr.l roccan a.rtIllcI'Y. attacks all documents not needed fur its 1 I 011 m. the BCIlI investigation of the recent sea- OUDlf area nca.r Iglllg early men's march on Ottawa and 0(' By EUGENE I.EVIN I During the last weck. a coun- Sunday, a 1957 assault case. I CITY (AP) - The 1 cil test vote showed that an Thl! said the .\Igcriiln Olle of the search warrants Vatican ecumenical co U11 C i I overlVhelming majority of prd- (orces-in ouscrl"ance o( the was issued, Mr. Martineau said· committed itself in the last almost 85 pel' cent. leaned Bamago cease-fire agrecmcnt 1'\Tl'SBURGJI. l'a.-lI's a rcaeh but 2 I z·year·oId ,'lcA! .loncs 111amlges 10 huy a sheaf of the new stamps C01111llemOra ling the 100th itlluivcrsary of the Amcrkan Red Cross fro111 Postal Clerk Walter MallJllcy.-(UI'1 Telcphoto) • Papanclreou Greel( Electioll ':; ladie\ mm!. :>;ot t'me the lanie! (01' ' t!. 11 I read ' 1):nan in lhe ne·.I's- ,. I mn propose !lId a hach. "It was a sort of indirect 111'Oposal. to Cinrl el'idence showing that lVeek to elaboratinn theological toward a' concept of all bishops did not return firc, Mr. Banks conspired to have documents that couid he crucial sharing with the Pope in an- the sailors leave their worl, \ [or the cause of Christian unity. thority over the entire churCh, ATHENS I Heuters ,_ to the cOllnting of my 0\1-' l'apanclrcou. leader "r Ihe mid-I party for more than 1,000,00: dle.ol-the.road Union IIf the i votes cast in districts con- 'l11cre was no confirmation 'II Centre 0 I) po sit i 0 JI Jl1Irty.' sidcrcd as not favorable to thc Algiers of a illoroccan repn. victory SundJ\' night in Union of the Centre. my party that infantry had :01 gcOt'ral electioll. . alrcady has gathered .45,7 per 'Tm not after his money." contrary to the Shipping Act The most decisive of the ycar' NARROW VOTE MARGIN' she added, "I ha\'c means of and the Criminal Code. 'fhe old assemhly of Roman Cuth- In another vote, by a na1"1'ow my own." other related to the assault otic prelates' historic actions margin' the couneil decided that tacked in strength in the Figuig The white·haircd, ,.i-year·old ccnt of the votes . area. : Jlolitician added Ihat "accord· Thcre was no ImmedIate (' I' ' , "e lItters 1\ a, writ- · lfrs, Florence En"l . b e\. with rain shol\'. today; 53. G .'". conspiracy _ casco , were taken on two areas fre- theology on the Virgin Mary j tC .. a p$;nsmnel ho ex- Three prIvate homes m Mont- quently marked by Roman Cath- should he part of a document pec.s 115 0.000 ceq u e real, including that of MI'. olic _ Protestant dispute: Papal on the church as whole, rather 5hOlt 1 1 Y , has, had. other pro-' Banks. were raided and similar authority and the Virgin Mary, thun comprise II separate docu- posa hy searches were carried out at So far, the council was mov- men!. t a WI ow III. Ive e I ren unIon halls in Toronto and ing in II way likely to convey , 0 a II ho suggested he Thorold, Ont. to non-Catholic Christians a new In WIth her and her 79' LODGE COMPLAINT and more favorable impression )ear-old brother. Lawyers .Jeall Brabant and o{ the Roman Catholic church, I- I{ rm)'body a chance ul Ogilvie, representing But before the council ends, I , all. it may he McGee's Invalid the sm. appeared before Judge tlte assembled prelates may be By DENNIS NEELD ,neighbor who has 0 f ten Emile Trottier Saturday to com- forced to take further decisions t ACCRA, Ghana IAPl- In an \ , cooked his meals {or him. plain that the RCMP had seized that could strain the. entire assembly hall in downtown Ac- Nicht Da, personal belongings. spirit of greater Christian broth· cm 100 boys and girls raise right hands and pledge to "live }lln ,'lax "I'd like to help her," he .Judge Trottier said he WIIS el'hood hullt up since the coun- 39 35 31 35 47 48 57 48 41 42 51 said. satisfied with Mr. Mactineau's cl! opened Oct. 11, 1962. by the ideals of the redeemer. Kwame Nkrumah. founder o( th2 state of Ghana. initiator of the African personality." Then the children, from tots of {our to youths of 17. chant in unison: "Nkrumah Nkrumah is Dloh is our never dies." docs no wrong, our leader, Nkru- messiah. Nkrumah Thcse arc Ghana's Young Pio- neers and this is the ceremony tim! opens their meetings. Simi- luI' pledges are repeated in schools and viII age halls throughout the nation . . Wheat Deal I PRAGt:E !Reuters) - The I Czechoslovak government Satur- \ day officially announccd the put'chase of "several hundred thousand tons" of Canndian WASmNGTON-Thls is a membel"llhlp card. to Capitol Hili's Quorum Club. The club fell into \' wheat in next. feiv years. t. -.' ' Czechoslovak radiO quoted Ijy e newa because former Senate Demo cratlc Secretary· Robert G •. <Bobby) Baker, now the official news Ctcka. under Investigation for his non.Senate business dealings, Is an original member. The card Is \ said delegationf, from the two magnetic and ,opens, the door to the club, which Is In the Carroll Arms Hotel j11St across tlte countries reached a "tong-term -- .... _.JI.tree&. from lb. Sena" Offiee BuUdlng.-(VPI Telephoto). ' 4greement" Oct. 21 INIlIANAPOLlS-A temporary morgue Is set up on the Ice of the Indiana Fair Grounds Coliseum oct. 31 alter an explosion during nn ice pageant killed at least 67 persons and Injured 331. Officials said the blast apparently was caused by Ignition of compressed gas.-(UPI Telephoto)_ comment from the other mam porly. the right-wing National Radical Union, _ Papandreou made his all- nounccment a few minutes altel' returns in the race for lhe parliament showed that with about 700.000 votes counted in Sunday's election his party wa. Icading with 306,471 votes. 01' 44.4 per cent. PARTY SECOND I ruling National Radical : Union was second with I I .. __ . 01" 41.7 per cent. It is by former Premier Constantine Caramanlis, 56. The pro - Communist United Democratic Lcft trailed with 8r..281 votes, or 12,8 per cent, while the Progl'essives had .25,- 836 votcs and independents TilE COUNTRY PARSON . ' . . ---_. "I doubt, if God's anslVer to a prayer is influenced by il$ literary quality_" '. I . ,. I , , I , :; , ,. , i I i ,. " f: '!. f , 1 I , ' , ", ; '. :. j r' I , " , . '. ·.1 , I . ,

Transcript of · \p. face Men Contact...

Page 1: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in


face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex­lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in the water level permitted seven o( these to raft to safety rather than using an escape shaft speciallly sunk for them.

A sire am of supplies-tea. ~oup' chocolate nnd zwieback, tin:: lamps. warm underwear 8nj socks-moved down the supply sha!t to the nnnow mina chamber where stagnant· water scaled the 11 with 10 of the d!!au men.

The gallery I~ only ~bout 11 (eel long and 10 feet wide. 11

orrn is 23 (eet high. with a ceiling


of relatively loose earth and orc.

"I am com pIe tel y over­whelmed," said 'Rudolf Stein, a spokesman for the iron minIng company. on learning the 11 nad lived there for 10 days without food, heat or light. "Nobody thought it was possible."

Stein called it a miracle_ CIIANCES SLIM

(Rcuters news agency re­ported. however, the trappr.d men do not have cven a 50-50 chance of surviving.

(The agency said that when asked at a pl'ess conference

Sunday night if the mcn had a 50-50 chance of surviving. Stein replied grimly: "I would not even say thal.")

Dr. Heinrich Kellner. leading tbp. medical team on the spot. reported aft e r establishment of communications: "Consider­ing the circumstances. they're all feeling quite well."

They were Ruffering from swollen fect and some slight head injuries.

One man b r 0 k e down. stripped to the skin and danced madly in the dark. Sedatives wcre sent down for him. He

was reported reclnd and feeling beller after a long sleep.

Dr. Kellner said the first thing n spokesman for the men called up was: "We knew we wouldn't be abandoned - that something would be done to get us out."

Of Ihe dead men in the gal­ler!l, falling rocks killed some when Ihe mine was flooded. Others died afterward of ex­haustion.

O( the surl"ivors, 10 lHlI'c­families. ONE UNMARRIED

Onc' Adolf HCI'hst, is unma\,'



~rr~ Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NE

ried. He is a 20-year-old me­chanic who had gone down to make a special installation.

His molher-Mrs. Gertraude Herbst, 43-was told that her son was alive while ahe was 'at a chu\'ch service in Hannover ~o miles to the west. still in mOl,rning, she hurried to Brois­ledt.

''l'rc talked with my ~on:' she latcr told reportcrs joy­fully. "His fcet are hurt some. hut otherwise he seems to he fine, I'll, hare him back soon,"

Success in this rcsclle opera-

12 PACES ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, :\IONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1963 --------------------------------~----------------------- ----------------

tion would bring to 100 the number of miners to escape the flood. A total of 79, often swim­ming for their lives, got out within a few hours after the disaster struck,

The loose nature of the ceiling of the prison chamber made caution necessarily in the drill­il1p; of an escape shaft. for the bit might loose great chunks of, rock and ore-bcaring earth on thc mcn.

Stein said they coull! not be bl'cught out hefore Wednesday.


I ---------------'---" --- -------~

A 11£1 _Brother Killed

Sahara Fighting Continues Soldiers

I .\PI_'fIIf rrlullilinnary jllilla Ibat (lrs(roycd Dinh tllfm rrgimf In south \'Ict Sam worked Sun·

. lit cOlllpo,ilion of a Rlllhihist-led go\'ernment wblch , ~ill win rlnick rrcn~nitinn frum the United Slates. '!tIn. of 1'01Ifr. howrlrr. premmahly will be held by

RABAT. ~Iorncco (.\PI-Thr !\[oroccan army sairl Sunday ils I troops had pushed hacl, ;111 :

Algerian infantr\" attaek after; all·day fighting 'in anrl around'

il,tll, Til,' .. hirf 01 I hIs military committee Is :\laJ_­I'In "iuh, a .\i,)·r:tr·old llllflllhisl who engineered

I oasis 01 Figuig,


The ~[oroccans said Figl1i rr '

, Wi'S attacked hy sCl'rl'ul th;Hts~', ',d,,' ,,'n(',1 ." h.11 )'oun~ I>I'0tl1('r. );go Dinh I and Algerians Sunday mornin,~ I . 1,'I',lirl' Ilirm. u :-;111:, arc d~ad. I It I t'll I 1 Thnu~h Ihc official stOI'\" was a er a lem')' ar I cry )arra~e.,

" fl',1UrlCri 10 ((wI they committed sllicid~ ,The altaek again damaged tll'! i ::1 It,r j1I'(1\ i;inl1;d i prccarious cease-lire signed hI"

: ,:,!:,.,' H,' j, .~~II' upon Ih~i1' arrest after fleeing the 111'0 sides at Bamako, 11[311· i" :; lib, I';.d Ii~~!!' Iii,; shell . s~al"l'ed, presidential I I last week. Figuig has been the , .... ·1: .... 11".i011 _, n pa,;,('(' Satur ay. II appeare( I scene of fl'~lltl'n~ sl'nce Ille

, d. ,.. ..., 11 I I bl k'l1 I I .~ co · I'" :It "PI"'i(i"IH \. Iry p '0 ,;J )' werc '1 e( IY' cease·firc "ca"ll'ne o( ITII'(IIII'gllt I

". ,,' ,l l. _ . ,,,Irliers. ' u u .~.~ '-c"fl"t .. thnt In. I .~' I Frii.flY night. '" ':.;, \; .. , lor. tnoffil"ial pholo!!raflh~ of hud- . .., ..... ,.. I.' The only lelephone line lin I,'·

'I.'" it"~ irlentified us Ihose of Diem' ...' ... I ::" I" ,::11" ,.!.t! Iii'. ;1I1'! Xhu shilll'cri Ihe deposed' . '.' . ,in;~ Figuig was the rcst 01 the .'. \:::'.'el1 Illllh crlUllll' \\'oS 'lit "lit '10

Cllifl pxccnlil'c l.\"in~ heside <1 ' .. : ". '. ",' I Y ", c ,u "roceall ... .'" In::~G h' ~.'il'f:!l :~ ~ II'oops I\·nl·e stl'll IIOlcll'lln tll(' . ~ highway betwccn thc on,is and pCI',onnel carL"ier with 11 soldier 11 .' "':.': ,- ~

[)HDI:1t 1;1 r.liill -t;,tillil

. i: .. ,[G'r fill' ~n l11~m· ::~ jifunct rc~imc Wi10

::-. hjdin~ In ,'r)lllrt 10 · i;d 111m 11':('(' (h~'lr

,~~ 1In11ffi('i,,1 ph,,­((',:i.mer! Ih~ jllilta

'.lllrnn\, Ih:ll , cj.~ his ()nc~ p()\\'cr~

1~1Jllillg UI'r!' him. lIis hody, ... ,.... . '. " .' . . . rirc,s('d in a dark suit. was bul-I S;\lGON-I'reshlent Ngo Dinh Diem (right) of south' lelnam re,le\\s a two,holLl'. mIlitary .]l~r . BOl! Aria. id riddled and therc wns cl'i-: aile Oct. 26 front the Presidential Palace In Saig 011. lie is shown with his aides. No\,. 1 milItary During the day. troops of the , I I I t (UPI T I h t I . Algerian .,); at i on People's' ~:~~~I~ hI: hac!. hccn shot in the'. :~:~bclled against Dlem_anc~~'o-l~ cont~o~~~ .. ~lI_k~~IIO IIts n t ~ .con~_ry.- ___ ._ ~~- "Army slowly progrcssed inlo I

Infll1'111Cd SOUI'CC~ ~aid :'\hu, til(' oasis. thc :>[oroccans said,

b C F - d E' -d They set up machine·guns and: 111r1 (Iemh y stabbing, ro"vn In s -1 V 1 ellce mllrtars in dug'outs and ahan·:

In uther developmenls. 'he doncr! homcs. ["nill'd :\alil1ns mission which A ~[oroccan connler attack

al'ril'cd here two'wceks M9 to' In Case Agal-nst. BanlTs re-cstahlished the situation and ,tur!y chMI!CS o{ nllegc(\ persc- '- Ilt day's end thc Algcrians w~re cui ion IIf [!urldhists by Diem's reporled abandoning the points ~o\'ernmrnt announced it is re-, t " I ' ,thcy had sccured cal·licl'. thc

u~t~~okl~~:~11 said the seven- i :lIONTHEAL I CP I - The reply that documents and othel' I Art:cl~ 439 alloll'St' III polhiccman ;\[oroccans said. .' ,. . Crown (eels it has (ound incrim-I items "not pertaining 10 the to selzc only ar IC es c. bc· Both sides blamcd the othcr

mrmhel' dclegation still will I' h I bl I d inatin~ el'idencc IlmOn2 docu- case" \l'iIl be I'ctu.rned !.Ionday. IC\"CS may a. I'~ )ee~ o. ,~nc . (01" the fighting. hal'!' to prepare its report, hut ~ ~ I I I C~IP I tl h I f1 t 1 th,,1 the report probahly will he ments seized bv the Re:.!p :III', Brabunt SUI( tIC It j H'cug a cnmilla III ac IOn, Figuig has never bepn con· 1110re 01' less acndcmic. Friday in offices' of the Sca(ar- ~ committed an infraction of AI'- \ . ' tcsted in the fl'ontil~r dispute:

ers' Internationlll Union (Ind'> i ticle 439 o~ t1!e Criminnl CO?C [n r;ply, M~, l\l?rtlll:~u said between thc tlVO North Ml'i~~11 \ and homes of its officel's. I hy not brmglOg Ihe matel'lal· the SIU I8Ilyers al~~lments nations. The delincd part of the

-eep Winner ts Proposals

:'!eanwhiic. neither the RCMP they seized before a judge. lie werc, "very prcmature and border ends several miles soulh nOI' any other officials have sait; the material included elus- prom!s;d that documents lIot of Figuig. I disclosed SIU President Hal sical records and personal iet- pertammg to the (:ase would be ~!oroccan officials in,isted: Banks' whcreabouts, tcrs. . . . return~d Monday .. The R.CMP. Ihe kingdom intended to abide I

.Jean ~Iartineau. special fcd- "It secms they ~vcnt flShmg~'1 hc sal_d. was makl~g a lis.t of hy t h c Bamako agreement I (,I'a, prosecutor. said Sundny ~!r. Brabant said. He Said the l.aOO to 1.800 Items sel7.Cd. which called for negotiations 0111 documents "pertaining to the 'the frontier prohtem~. A cca~c· i ~carch warrants" will be liIed Councl-l St d - Ilfirc theoretically wcnt into ef-in court today and that it will U Ie s 1 (eet SatUl'dny,

n:n 'cp' _ "'I :::: M I' omilll to IOllk '. M'(' ~"in Jim \!r-. ,'thJmbing throuoh ~. ~ ., marnarr afler he

1i>l~)O 'In a swcep·

"I didn't at'ttlnl1~' propose In my letter, hut I thuught if we met. and he was /I nice man. well - who knows? Anything mi~ht happen.

"I just (elt so sorry {or him whcn I read about his small I'oom, and J thought I could darn his clothes for him and look altel' him," she said.

he "up to the judge to decide: .,' .

Ii! they are evidence." , , .~J,(,IERS fAP" - OffiCial .\\

He had promised in court I· 1 I '\ genan SOll~'ces smrl Suunday ~[o· Saturday 10 return to the SJU I CrUCI-a' Sr.l ue~s roccan a.rtIllcI'Y. ~csu~ed attacks all documents not needed fur its 1 I~ I 011 ~tgcl'lan p051"on~, m. the BCIlI

investigation of the recent sea- OUDlf area nca.r ~ Iglllg early men's march on Ottawa and 0(' By EUGENE I.EVIN I During the last weck. a coun- Sunday, a 1957 assault case. I VATICA~ CITY (AP) - The 1 cil test vote showed that an Thl! sourcc~ said the .\Igcriiln

Olle of the search warrants Vatican ecumenical co U11 C i I overlVhelming majority of prd- (orces-in ouscrl"ance o( the was issued, Mr. Martineau said· committed itself in the last ate~. almost 85 pel' cent. leaned Bamago cease-fire agrecmcnt

1'\Tl'SBURGJI. l'a.-lI's a lon~ rcaeh but 2I z·year·oId ,'lcA! .loncs 111amlges 10 huy a sheaf of the new stamps C01111llemOra ling the 100th itlluivcrsary of the Amcrkan Red Cross fro111 Postal Clerk Walter MallJllcy.-(UI'1 Telcphoto) •


Greel( Electioll ':; ladie\ mm!. :>;ot t'me the lanie! (01' '

t!. 11 I read aho~t ' 1):nan in lhe ne·.I's-

,. I ~Ight mn propose !lId ~lcGee, a hach.

"It was a sort of indirect 111'Oposal.

to Cinrl el'idence showing that lVeek to elaboratinn theological toward a' concept of all bishops did not return firc, Mr. Banks conspired to have documents that couid he crucial sharing with the Pope in an­the sailors leave their worl, \ [or the cause of Christian unity. thority over the entire churCh,

ATHENS I Heuters ,_ Gcor'~c: in~ to the cOllnting of my 0\1-'

l'apanclrcou. leader "r Ihe mid-I party for more than 1,000,00: dle.ol-the.road Union IIf the i votes cast in districts con-

'l11cre was no confirmation 'II Centre 0 I) po sit i 0 JI Jl1Irty.' sidcrcd as not favorable to thc Algiers of a illoroccan repn. ~ ~Iaimcrl victory SundJ\' night in Union of the Centre. my party that Al~crian infantry had :01 th~ gcOt'ral electioll. . alrcady has gathered .45,7 per 'Tm not after his money." contrary to the Shipping Act The most decisive of the ycar' NARROW VOTE MARGIN'

she added, "I ha\'c means of and the Criminal Code. 'fhe old assemhly of Roman Cuth- In another vote, by a na1"1'ow my own." other related to the assault otic prelates' historic actions margin' the couneil decided that

tacked in strength in the Figuig The white·haircd, ,.i-year·old ccnt of the votes cas~.' . area. : Jlolitician added Ihat "accord· Thcre was no ImmedIate

(' I' ' , "e lItters 1\ a, writ-· lfrs, Florence En"l . • b e\.

~Idow. •

with rain shol\'. today; 53.


~I G .'". conspiracy _ casco , were taken on two areas fre- theology on the Virgin Mary j tC e~ .. a p$;nsmnel ~ ho ex- Three prIvate homes m Mont- quently marked by Roman Cath- should he part of a document

pec.s 115 0.000 ceq u e real, including that of MI'. olic _ Protestant dispute: Papal on the church as whole, rather 5hOlt

11Y, has, had. other pro-' Banks. were raided and similar authority and the Virgin Mary, thun comprise II separate docu-

posa ~rangl~1h f~~m o~'!d hy searches were carried out at So far, the council was mov- men!. t a WI ow III. Ive e I ren unIon halls in Toronto and ing in II way likely to convey

, 0 a w.oma~ II ho suggested he Thorold, Ont. to non-Catholic Christians a new ~10,'e In WIth her and her 79' LODGE COMPLAINT and more favorable impression Redel~mer )ear-old brother. Lawyers .Jeall Brabant and o{ the Roman Catholic church, I-

I{ rm)'body ha~ a chance ul ~lichael, Ogilvie, representing But before the council ends, I

, all. it may he McGee's Invalid the sm. appeared before Judge tlte assembled prelates may be By DENNIS NEELD ,neighbor who has 0 f ten Emile Trottier Saturday to com- forced to take further decisions t ACCRA, Ghana IAPl- In an

\, cooked his meals {or him. plain that the RCMP had seized that could strain the. entire assembly hall in downtown Ac-

Nicht Da, personal belongings. spirit of greater Christian broth· cm 100 boys and girls raise • right hands and pledge to "live }lln ,'lax "I'd like to help her," he .Judge Trottier said he WIIS el'hood hullt up since the coun-

39 35 31 35 47 48

57 48 41 42 51 5~


said. satisfied with Mr. Mactineau's cl! opened Oct. 11, 1962. by the ideals of the redeemer. Kwame Nkrumah. founder o( th2 state of Ghana. initiator of the African personality."

Then the children, from tots of {our to youths of 17. chant in unison:

"Nkrumah Nkrumah is Dloh is our never dies."

docs no wrong, our leader, Nkru­messiah. Nkrumah

Thcse arc Ghana's Young Pio­neers and this is the ceremony tim! opens their meetings. Simi­luI' pledges are repeated in schools and viII age halls throughout the nation .

. Wheat Deal I PRAGt:E !Reuters) - The I Czechoslovak government Satur-


day officially announccd the put'chase of "several hundred thousand tons" of Canndian

WASmNGTON-Thls is a membel"llhlp card. to Capitol Hili's Quorum Club. The club fell into \' wheat in I~e next. feiv years. t. -.' ' Czechoslovak radiO quoted Ijy e newa ,.pot~l!ht; because former Senate Demo cratlc Secretary· Robert G •. <Bobby) Baker, now the official news ag~ncy Ctcka.

under Investigation for his non.Senate business dealings, Is an original member. The card Is \ said delegationf, from the two magnetic and ,opens, the door to the club, which Is In the Carroll Arms Hotel j11St across tlte countries reached a "tong-term

--.... _.JI.tree&. from lb. Sena" Offiee BuUdlng.-(VPI Telephoto). ' 4greement" Oct. 21

INIlIANAPOLlS-A temporary morgue Is set up on the Ice of the Indiana Fair Grounds Coliseum oct. 31 alter an explosion during nn ice pageant killed at least 67 persons and Injured 331. Officials said the blast apparently was caused by Ignition

of compressed gas.-(UPI Telephoto)_

comment from the other mam porly. the right-wing National Radical Union,

_ Papandreou made his all­nounccment a few minutes altel' returns in the race for lhe parliament showed that with about 700.000 votes counted in Sunday's election his party wa. Icading with 306,471 votes. 01' 44.4 per cent. RULI~G PARTY SECOND

I ~'·o ruling National Radical : Union was second with 2a7.~6·1 I I .. __ . 01" 41.7 per cent. It is I~d by former Premier Constantine Caramanlis, 56.

The pro - Communist United Democratic Lcft trailed with 8r..281 votes, or 12,8 per cent, while the Progl'essives had .25,-836 votcs and independents


~: . ' .

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"I doubt, if God's anslVer to a prayer is influenced by il$ literary quality_"


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Page 2: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in

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Conception Bay News IT'5 :rusT GoNt-lA 61: A 01 OVER \'0 WI-HiEY FALSG HOlJSE A~ WE WANT MA-SO~ TO COME: A~ 8RING HIS CONCERTINA! ....... OL' 'SCHLlL,Z,WHO U5EO 106E: Spaniard's Bay

Personals . SPANIARD'S - Robert N.

Seymour left by plane on Fri· day for Ramea where he will

, .upen'ise the construction of a radar buil1ing. Accompanying him were Lloyd Mercer and Charles Mercer. All three will be away {ol' at least two

Fire Destroys Barn

SPANIARD'S BAY -A barn, owned by Lemuel Barrett of Spaniard's Bay, was completely destroyed by fire about mid· night Oct. 27, The building cnn· tal ned n quantity of lumber and a motorboat engine,

Arts and Lett'ers Contest A CHEF, 15 COOKIN' A WA51~-


'5INGIN'/ 514 Kinsmen Sqdn.


dclighted that the DAILY NEWS hns published recently some of the prlze.winning en· tries in the Arts and Lettcrs Contest for it ga\,e liS some Two wceks ago the Kinsmen! thc fiIst Pf' . knowlcdge of what is best flow. Air Cadcts were fortunate to! cadets were .It~

The Bay Roberts Volunt.ecr ing from the pens of intercst.~d \ have as their guests, ~Ir. Ken I b2sic drill ..

I.' Brl'~ I I'e 1)()llin I 1'01 and capable New[ot.mdlan:lcrs. Cutts. local rcprescntatil'e for period the':.· '

Mrs, H, W, Shepllard is spend. 'I\'e b a( CSt .( . I . 'I ' ,·ere Ill

n'll'atclv t the c'ln bul by t'le the Da e Carnegie Course. j\ r. Ul1 iiT,"lI "'n\' , .

: . ing a [ew day~ here with fricnds . ... • 0 ." I :(1 d t h d ". ',' before "hc lea\'es for Lnilra(l(lI' 1."l1e they had arrl\'cd the. nlll. I'erhap~ we would be corr,!cl i Cutts demonstrate ate. ca cis, ncdy. CI~"t; l '.'

CI'lv t ~ ~pen" th wintcr wlih Ill;! was well ab.late. It IS not in saying that 0\11 delight is and Inslructors the c[[ec!II'cnc,s I engine, were ~(;~"

months, • • •

,0 II 9 I k II' 11'llctller nSIII'anrc was slmred b~' othcrs who mighl not of the course. We wC,'e amazcd 011'1 Yc.r " •. 1 :., lIe!' 5011 I,CIYI's all(1 T"nll·I,.'. ,'[I'.'. no. II I . t h '1 d t I I"" .,·'1 " L\" I ha\'c had the opporlllllity of 0 see ow ea;1 y an accul'a e y , "lIk::u:;, "nJ ", Sheppard plans to lea\'e C,r. camCl. readin!: \Vhat is considercd till' . he could rcmember most of! by ;,Ir. )[adrlen boncar aftci' she hlls ~p~nt her ______ hest in cssays, pOI'try or radio I vlhat was printed on twent,\' or: . '75til bh'thday No\,. B with hCI' . I so 11U"CS o[ a magazine whicl! I Ilalid. jilX, 1':1'

W dd· ,scnpts. " 111""l .• ,

daughlel', Mrs. Jamcs Simms, e In9 h~ pa"ed Out to the cadets. He '. c, . un tap !Ir Saddle Hill. I ' Quitc reccntly we hal'c hern . also had the cadets particip:;tc! Saturday. 15 O,r .

• • • . Anna"YeO's.;} ry , lold Ihat the pick of Ihe crop, ,0 ' in a demonstration to illl!str3te I iJ;md ;; lindt: t~, Mrs. Rene Mul'~' o[ Dart-:· II A : to speak. has oeen published jn ---_., _. ..- -------------- ------ th(!' IIStocking Technique" as an ! ~.1: .. Jim ~lad~t~:'

mouth, N.S" arrived here la;t' ,hooklel form each ycar sill'.'c SIIII'JIENTS HISI': aid to the memory. Needless to <,~IJP ''''~' .. om I:: Friday on a visit with her pu,'" Ihe contest was inaugllrate:! OTTAWA (CI') - Shipmcnts i N Isay, the cadets thorough 1:; CII' :CI~fl.~\II.CIn" II ents, !IIr. and ~Irs. Ed\\'ard I H .... Y nOBERTS _ Their' aboul a decade ago. If this is Of hardboard in Scptember rose 1 Gal.)' der Scout ews I joyed the talk and hop~ to have :~~\.~;IS'~!i~~llt')S;t Neil. ,man" frienls offer con"rdlu,·. true, then it is indeell a pity 2B.l per' cent to 2!l,~07,;49 I Mr. Cutts back a~31n some·:'.," , :In a [E, ,b I tllnc. Latel' in an interview, ~Ir. I w.l,l be qJitc an

• " ,. lations to Mr. and Mrs. William i that copies IHlve not he en senl square feet from 22,960,169 10 . I . 1 II ' Cutts S31··· tllat the next course' planes on our ~!lss ~larY Murrill cntercl F. (jll)' who celebrates their I to schools and public libraries, the same monll a veal' ago. Ie, U

the Gencr:ll Hospital In ::it. 41st. Wedding Anniversary for two reasons: One renson, is bureau of statistit·s· reports. T'.lis i By Sk;p was to begIn on Oct. 2~ at the; .~n ail' cad' John's Oct. 31st [or surgcl'Y, "01'. 1. that there arc many .people who brought shipments in the .Jan· : " Newfoundlan~. ~otcl. }~e, heI,] on :io\". :'

would enjoy reading such mat. ual'y.Septp.ll1bel' pcriod to 260" eove~s ef(eclt~e speakl~,,: human! of Xu. !Q Wi"

D 'B d II tit t' 786 "J~ r t I" 3 relatIOns, and. It.·ammg the I sf·.·.-.t at 8 rJ' ,",.,.

enms u gl' , a s III en a' ~Il'. and jll's. Gill' were mar· erial and who might be encour- ,I,' square ce, up ly I. h f h co 'lORE ON APPLE DAY decorated basket amon" all Ihe I.nind, A. n"one WIS mg u. rt er' hel'" ", t .. , llUN, spent a wcekend here I ried at St. !Ilatthew's Cll\lr~h, aged to sllbmil entries of their per cent from a year earlier. " .." " , cubs Ivho attended apple da" mformatlon may call hIm d cl'II'tl'es . wIth Mr. Lloyd Chipman recent· i No\,. 1, 1922 by Rev, E. M. Bis· own. Another reason for a wid· Oct. 15 acting D, C. Bill Irc- J' 91336. ly. i hop. er distribution is to compliment SUNDERLAND, England land attended the meeling of Second prize was presented On Saturday the 19, the band

• • • 'I I tI h I I . t' (Iteuters)-Thc largest tanker Ihe Fraser road United ~ub to Jim Thornhill and was a ____ t \e au lOrs II' Ollsel t lClr Ime book "All the Mowgle Stories". got underway for another year., Dr. nlll Mrs. Arch Badcock of ' an'l talent to write something ever built in England, the H5,- pack to present prizes to the At the practice Mr. Madden in·:

St., John's spent Sunday h~re: walk short distances out of really acceptable, for after all, 000· ton· de"rlweight borgsten, I cubs for the bcst deeorate-J I would llke to add my con· formed the 32 applicants that --WIth :\11'. and ~Irs. H. :-:, ReId. doors. they did nol know Ihat they was launched here Friday. Tlte I bnskets. :-1. Kirby, president of gratulations to the cubs and tell only 1ft of them would be needed.: S His many friends will be pleas. " ,;, 0 would be compensated for thdr tanker, built for Frcd Olsen and I the Gander Bonavista North Dis· them to keep up the good work. However it will be several weeks ~ ays ~d to knoll' that jlr. Reid, who MI·s. Sue Hollett o[ Cr~ss· I effol'ls when they mailed Ihdr Company o[ Oslo, Norway. was' lrict council was along to give AI~hough there ~re thosc tha.t before final selection is made. was. a patient at the Genel'"l roads, Blaketown, has been \'isil. i cntries. named by Larly Wright, wife of the acting D.C. a hand with this I thtnk the work IS not I~orth .It Following band practice ~Ir. Hospital [rom October of last ing ~Irs. Elizabeth Gosse and i Sir jlichaet Wright, British 311l· plca~ant task. Bill Thornbill was 1 assure you that you Will gam Tuck started hobby classes. AI· year until June of this. is keep. I ~liss Fannie Go~sc since last' Why should candles he hid·; bassndor to "orway from 1~51 preselltcd the book "Wood !l1uch that othe~s are unable to though no practical work was lng very \\'el\ nnd is able to' week. i den undel' a bushel': ,to 1954. Smoke ~t Twili"ht" [or the be3t In other countrIes. .. done, the cadets did sign up [or -=-___________________ .. __ ._._ ... __ . __ ... __________ .___________ "One of the other hlShhghts their favorite hobbies and were

of this meeting was the presen· given information concerning tation, to Mr, Ireland, a book thcm, Some of the hobbies rc: less "Complete Book of Campfire model aircraft building, photog· Programmes." The prcscntatlon rar-hy, fly·tylng, coin and stamp,

,. : .... : .' j: i~;; .:~.r ;~:',

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· .... ' I :.: ' · .~.

How Canadian ~ickel is' helping to bring Paris closer to Rome , :!.~: ,.t .. :.~ I .. ,

lYas madc by Mr, Kirby on be· collecting and geology. These I HOLLYWOOD '.\1. half of the District Council. hobby classes are bound to be; stars don't

This book Is but a small thank quite interesting and loads 01\. for . you for all that Mr, Ireland has fun. But Angie . done to help organize scouting On Wednesday, Oct. 23 the Endo:l'ed with ttt in this area, third year cadets started a new I tel' Pair of I!ll .

FRASER ROAD UNITED course. The course is on effec', G~~ble, Angi~ This Troop held their first tive speaking. )fr. ~rummy 1 ~!en don t watl

hike on Saturday; Oct. 6 and a was in charge of the first acs'l shapely woma~ c humdinger it was, tool From all 8io~ an~ it proved to be inter· sweater or a . the reports of the boys, a tel'- esllng, mforma~lve and !?ads of -on the stre:t, a. rifie time was had by all. 11 fun. Th~ "!hlrd years acted Ileas~. ?f all, In tll was something that they would so enthUSiastic and we~e so en· I telel 1510n. not have missed for the world, thusiastic that both perIOds w~r! . "They want t) Th h 'th th f t rs used for the session. Dunn" I women and Ie,s

. e oys WI e our ICOU e good tasle, of hiked from the hall to the old Angie, a be!ler pump house where they were Deadly Weapon I actress, claims transported to the west side (jf that did the the lake by Mr. Diek Smythe in were basicall)' his "cabin cruiser". In Rio

The hike continued up the Wa)l1C, she hill and onto the old A.N.D. 'I Feathers. a . cabins at the intersectIon of 15 siren of the old mile brook where lunch was cn. hali costume, leci joyed (by some). ings and all.

An interesting thing that Then in Je;sicl took place here: while one of a sexv village .' the boys was cooking his steak, around Ihe SicLill to pass the fire and cooking in s h 0 r t! a~ri~ test, the whole works went up scooter. in flames and he quickly dump- She al,o pla)"s I .

cd the steak in the fire and the tain :iell"man, ~ID pan in the water, At this one other sex)' role iJ of the scouters suggested that Bob Hope ar.tholo~ he retrieve the steak from the being filmed. fire, the pan from the brook Angie, belie~e it ~ and see if it would pass the cat- Surgical sel!Sors are used to 'once a secretary

save lives, not to uke them.' I h R' B'lff ing test. lot II' ere 10 . Well he convinced onc of the Dr. Howdershell' is suddenly a star, eonfronted by I man who at·

scouters to taste the steak aft~r tempts to use tbem to tHe it had been cooked and sur· tbe doctor's life: For exeitlng pl'isingly enough It was almost action, and drama in the as good as the others, he passed Dperating room of • hospItal, bis test. read

Several scouts passed tcsts and they a\l agreed that it wa~ a swell hike. The scouts hiked a total of 8 miles and they all returnoi, richer in experience and dog tired - not to men· tion the condition of the scout· ers,

The troop would like to thank the people who loaned their life jackets and especially Mr. Dick SlTIrthe (who is not a bad chap by times) without whom this particular hike would have been impossible.

This week the scouts will be holding patrol meetings on their own, as they should. Another important item: any stoub WhD would like to pass tesb before next meeting are requested to be at the hall Thursday .fter· noon after school.

If this weeks column seems one sided, that Is because it is. The only news received was from the Fraser Road United groups. I might remind you tllat this is your column.

Skip does not have the time to try and contact every leader (who is too Indifferent to Rend in the news on bis pack or troop) to see if they have Iny news.

Henceforth the ~nly news that will be printed wllI be that which is found In P,O. :Box 2, Gander.



This and That ACROSS ~D Weathercock

1 Pillar 40 Ob~en'e, "Frellc merrily 41 Energy 8 Dill 42 Fabric

12 Bustle 4:; teunt~ 13 Malarial fever 49 Claia:~llt IH!anufacturi!d 51 FIsh eggs 15 Split Frca 5~ Fren~h stream 16 Fledg.lngs ti3 Longings 18 Comes fortI! (slane) 20 Worms 54 Hail! 21 Rcgr£t 55 Ma!:cs lact 22Jal'ancsa cdr,ing3

outmts city 24 Ilrazitian n Sncozo

macaws DOWN 28 Norse god of 1 Charge

\lar ·'B·bt· I 27 Head covering ~ I lell 30 Grumble' character 32Belell 3 Bere 34 Urfa "SloI'o 35 NeIV5paper 5

officlat 36 Masculine

n!clnIame 37LaUt

"I couldn't gel I look at me t'rice." "Then one night! .' a Ictcrision pate,

I balhing suit. I ' , "somehow mr II! : it·: cnOle out-,n! ! ;liolV busine;! err.

I'm I,

I ,:.. :::,:

Ii ~!t,

:l'lIllfllm' . ~ ~~~. The world's longest vehicular tunnel is one of the greatest engineering feats in Western Europe. When completed, it will shorten' ,I ~.: I ~i the road distance between Paris and Rome by 125 miles. And Canadian nickel is playing its role in this great project. Alloy steels

Now we shall see which of the leaders have a mind to sct down and do a lltile work on their own &0 that this column can be a bigger success.

Come on letS all get on the ball.

· I' t~ containing nickel are providing strength to the massive bits and extension rods for the semi-automatic drills, Dependable nickel-, ~i; , t containing steels were selected for the axles, wheels and bearings of the mining cars used to haul rock; and, because of its ability

+: towitbstand very severe working conditions, nickel-chromium steel was used extensively in the mammoth 'Jumbo' mobile drilling . ,

", ". rig. The growth of nickel markets at home and abroad he1ps ~trengthen Canada's'cconomy and helps provide jobs for Canadians. ~ , .. .: ~ ". .' ( ~', .. ' .~~'::



(CP)-A 15-man Canadian trade mIssion headed by Toronto In· dustriallst Gage H. Love arriv­ed here. The group was met by Canadian Trade Commissioner W. J. Renwick, and two Bar­zados ministers;' W, A. Craw· ford of trade and Industry and George Fergusson of works and communicatIons.



hing Nfld.


years :\11'. F' of English Depar The Agakhan

)Iombasa, too, he was e

of the Co a: which org

and social fUI

creation of raci; ~Iombasa.

he joined the ~ Education, Dal

Tanganyika, as and was p

Secondary S, where for a (I

he worked 3S

Department SlUllenllS (or OVI

of Cantl Certificate ex

has writ "Test Your En

grades studt Kenya, Ugar

Page 3: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in

11~o pIal'S a cwmnn, ~fD tnd ;cxy role In an ope anthology iilmed.

beliel'e it or secretar), on

Rio Braro

Oil' my real me out-and huslne~~ ever

. i;·



bayite hing


In search 0[ the bOdy of 38· year.old Rllbert Mael\lasters of Yarmouth, Nova Seotln. and member of the federal go\'erntncnt dredge.

lIeavy gales bampercd ef· forts Sunday bllt a diver Silent several hours on the harbor bottom without reo suits,

11 is feared the m:m lost Ills life by drown lug as he was last seen near his ship shortl)' before mhlnlght Thursl\;I~·.

f ' ckrr, a Il"lllhaync \ ,1 , ' Gleaming ,Jewelry " f,'ht H'ar;, t~II::111 \11 I

" in' K,'oP and 1',111' The gleaming finish on most, , ,\frica, has C'II\I~ Hf today's costume jewelry is: , ' a; a t,,~,'ili'r accomplish~d by plating with!

''';',,'' ~a']llaslllt.' ].all1'l'llI'l'.. I the precious metal rhodium -I : h'lllfmrnts h~'t' Ill' one of the platinum'group met·! It I" I d d b ~ .. 1. I lions) ,II'>I a s pro uce r International.

, al Iht' l'n,HI', \·icKel. i '1/ r.nmbay, ~lId_Irfllll 11~1 l'nh rrsll)'-n "', elm lor Iht' )1,;\. dr, ,Ind "hilr in AllIt·.I. II) :I much hanl wtlrk. he

Ibe :l'orll1a1 11111111111a

I,r,rll r~alllm,

In principles "r Edn, Inl r.duralilill II,ydl0'

In ellrrnal '1Il1lrnl follr,~r. 1.olldon,

To Attend: Meeting I

Dcan S. ,/. Carc\\', of the I \ :\JlJllic.l Sciences of ~Icmorinl I ! l'nil'crsity will attend lhe

,eighth annllal mceting of thc Cl1Iadian Serl'iecs Colleges Ad· I'isory Board nt Royal Roads, "ietoria, B,C., Nov. 8.

Dean Carcw is Ncwfouncl· 1:1I1r!'s rcpl'escntalil'~ on the I boartl.



Plans Spec ial Parade .... '

For College Opening" lIon, G. A. Frecker, ministl:

of education announced sundar' the program for the official opening of the Newfoundland College of Trades ~ nd Tech· nology.

strect, Prescott street, Water street, Patrick stm~t, Le· Marchant road, lIarvey road, Bonaventure avcnue to Con· fcderation parkway, )lasslng ill front of the college where invited guests and the gcn· eral public can view It.

Immooiately following thc parade, guests. instructors and students will assemble in the I, auditorium wherc Premier J, R. Smallwood will officially

The minister of education will be the chairman for the

• ceremonies wihch will also Include unveiling a com· memorative plaque' by lion. A, J. ~locEachen, federal minister of labour, and pres· entation of college colours to the president of the student body by lIon. Fabian O'Dea, Q.C., Lieutenant Governor of Newfoundland.

,a guided tour of the college' At 8;00 p.m. the govcrnment 01

Newfoundland will act as host! to a group of in\'ited guests al a banquet to be held in UIE college auditorium.

lie s:lid Nov. 12 a parade of cars, bands and floats de· picting the various courses a,'nllable at the college wili mon off from the Stadium Parking Lot in St •• John's, It will proceed along King's Jlrldge road, Duckworth

open the college with the Turn· From 2;30 to 4;30 p,m, :\01'. ing Ovcr of the Key Ceremony, 12 the guests will be taken on

Nov. 13 high school stu· dents in the St. John's area will be taken on guided tOIll'S of the collcge. That el'ening at 8:00 p,m. a fireworks dis· play will be held, IVcather per· mittlng. After thc display, guided tours of the college will be open to the gcneral public. --------------- --_._------_._-_._-

AP~C Chooses Gander' For Ntld. A/eel Nov. 11

Nov, 14 from 2:30 to 4:3( p,m, has also been set asidl for guided tours for the gcn

eral pUblic, In the evening a ,8:00 p.m. guided tours arc re I served for service, professiona 'and employers organizations.

The four·tlay activities will terminate !\" 0.... 15 evenulg with a dance in the auditori· um for the students of the college.

The Atlantic Provinces Eco' l ing thc next 12 months, em· nomic Council has chosen Gan· i braces many aspects of the del' as thc site for its New· I' provinces economy. foundland meeting NlJv. 11.

Gander was chosen for its Among the item.s on the central 'IOI~ation and acccssi. agenda are electrICal. powcr bility ror APEC directors and ll~v~lllpment on the Island; memher~ In eastern. central alrhne schedule and other anll western Newfoundl~nd. communication prob~.ems; Hugh K. ,Juyce, vice,prcsi. community needs with reo

spect to warehousing nnd dent anJ gencral manager, Bo· water's Newfoundland Pulp freezcr requlremcnts; estab·

tivity and efficient business practices; discussion, of the comprehensivc national fish, eries development plan as conceived by Premier J. R. Smallwood and opportuni.

ties for its support by APEC; \' Two Mov'les lobster regulations; West In· ,

~~t g:a~~ s~i~O~~;ISser::~: \ MUN Ton'lght Ull the St. Lawrence. , ~lembers will also he gil'cn i '

The board. formed in 1954, nlh'iscs and makes recommcn· dations tn the minister of national defense on all mat· tcrs Ilcrtalning to the Itoyal )ll1itar~' College of Canada; Iloyal Roads Colleges aud CoIlege 1\IIlltaire Itnyal de Saint·Jean.


and Paper :'Iills Ltd., Corner I lishment 01' seminars and Brook, will preside at the meet· I study groups involving com·

! ing. nlllnity dcnlopment, prot!uc·

an opportunity to bring up sub· I Due.lo the unprecedentec jects they wish for immediate success of :\lovies on :\Ionda: or future discussion. the program directors decidel

to have two showings of th. ---------1 .. , ..

\ ~ Off To The Mainland i\lr. ,Jo~'ce is vice·llresider.t PI S films on the same night.

for Newfoumllnnd anll will an ,nencl $200,000 The first week of the shoW· introduce the APEC presi. r ings more than 200 per,ons '1 ~:--

: I ~'i:r/ < ....

,:t. \ , .. , ,

.. c' -,



1m Hat> ~Ir. Flcck('r of English DcparlllH'nl 1:,e Aiakh~n Boy,,'

i;hoJI. llomiJasa. ;Inrl ~1:1. 1.\i1. he was l'lceted

"r the Co:!;t CIII·

It is composed of 12 membel's : I·cpl'esentin.ll the provinces, ; with two members each from : Ontario and Quebec, and one

~ each of the othcr provinces Illld four mcmhers representing t:le rx·eadet elub of thc threc col· leges,

The sessions of thp. hoanl will Inelulle a thorough brief· ing by the Commandant on the acadcmlc and the military program at his College and

'. which or~anlsed , and social (unctions'

Iirst band obserl'atlons of the cadets at work.

iUary Lou farrell, :-it'\\'· Councllancl's cntmnt in tilt' MIss Canalla I'ngeant, lcavt';'; St. ,John's today for the mnin· Ion II, where she will vIsit \l'lth relatives for a COUIIIl' of Ilays bcfore contlnuln~ on to T(lronto and for the most exciting eXllc1'lence of hl'I' you nil life-the Ilossiblllty 01 beIng choscn MIss Canntia of 1963.

Tbe contest \I'ilS Sllollsorer! by the Kinsmen's Clnb of St. John's, and ha[1 chosen fh'e contestants, Mary 1.011, \"11" glnla ~lnrtjl1. Linda Case,

-------------------malion of racial nal" ' llombasa, i P h!joined Illellinis, asses

If Education. !Jilr f!S

Tangan)'lka, as edu·

NCO I and was pustcd

Secondary Selloul, ~hrre lor a (urtber

hI worked as IIc;1I1 Departlll~nt. prt·

for O,'l'rwas I 01 Cambrid~e C!Ctlflcate examln·

Flttler has IITilt('n a "Test \'ullr English", , gr3rlcs ~tllrll'nt, 0f

".: lirnl'a, L'ganrl~ and

Gunner C. E. 'Chuck' Bishop " of St, .10Im's graduated from a lIre·junior non-commIssioned

I officers' course held recently ! al Fort Osborne Barracks in , Winnipeg.

! He is stationed in Winnipeg with thc 2nd Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillcry, Graduatcs of the course are eligible for more ad\'anced NCO It'aining at Corps' schools across


fhristlnc I Scoll.

Care and Jluby dent, Johu S. Wright. This had to be turnell away he·

will be Mr, Wright's first of· On T.N.. i\Tal',·on' ~ll Park cause of lack of space wilh

There will be approximately ficial visit to Newfoumlland 1 "j {.A the result another program and his first assignment since was scheduled later in the

, 25 contestants In the lUlss Canada I'ageant, which will be narrowed down to five in the finn Is. The best all,around illlll\'itlual will win the top crown, but other ,awards will be handell out, too.

as~uming office Oct. 21. A winter works program of visitors last year. From April week, The agenda, which will es-, S190,600 for Terra Nova Nation· I 1 to Sept. 30, 1963, 55,926 To overcome this difficult,

tablish the pattern for APEC: al Park has becn announced by \ people visited the park. the committee has schedu!p projects in Newfoundland. dur. national resources minister Ar· itlajor items in the wiuter the films to be shown in th _ thus Laing with part of the rc· ,works program include the Little Theatre and the ScienCE

Passes Away In St. John's

Passed peacelullr away at St, \' ,John's, Nov. 2, Hayward (Dinny) Pike, in his 60th year.


St~'!als Alilo

In later years he was chauf· fcm to the late Hon .• Iohn S. A city resident had his car Currie c:Iitor and publisher of stolen Friday evening by n the naily News, 10·yeaNlhl.

The hoy with two com· Mr. Pike was a great sporls panlons ngcrlll and 12 years

cnthusiast and attendcd as took the car from the Medi· mllny football gamcs as he lVas cal Arts lIullding on Bnna· nble, venture ,\venue and went

He leal'es to mourn four for a joy ririe. brothcrs and onc sister. They drovr. up Em}lire

Avenue anti west of the The remains are resting at Freshwater road interseditln

Carnell's Funeral Homc, 28 Cochrane Street from whcre and co\lhled with an oncom· thc funcral will take place at ing ear.

gular ,development program for! further developmeht of Sandy Lecture Theatre of the Un the park to start immediatelY,! Pond and Salton's Brook for versity simultaneousl~',

I ~lllre than 500 man·month~ day use, and the Ncwman, The show begins tonight a Of labor wll\ be provided by Sound campground. B o'clock in either theatre. the works l'ra gram for men The theme of tonight's pro· Jiving in the vicinitv of the Other work will see lurther gram is Wildlife Habits. Last·

I park. It will mark 'improve. construction on Ochre IIllls, ing for approximately 90 men! of facilities for VISitOl'S Blue lIills and Terra Nova minutes tlte schedule includes to the )tark, which this ycar roads, clean up of ~lincltin's such films as The Trout recordecl au inercasc of 87 Cove and constrllction of Stream, World in 3 ;Ilnrsh, PCI' cent over thc number of walking trails to fishing areas. Bea\'er Dam, Price of fire

and Life in a Woodlot. Admission is free.

Red Cross Director Will Visit St. John's

The national director of the, John's to ajdress the Kiwanis Canaellan Junior Red Cr05s, i Cluh. Ralph E. Welldeborn, arrived ill II

Corner Brook Sunday far a five He stays here until Friday I day I'ish to this province. I and during this time will visit

In August 01 this year, ~lr. \' )lemorial Unlversilr for a meeting with educators and

Wenrlchorn attended the will meet members or the Ad· world conference of educators visory Junior Red Cross Com· ~t Lausanne, Switzerland, and mittee and other Red Cross was also part of the Junior oCficials. Itcr! crOss Commission of the On Friday he lea\'es for a

Ship is Towed

! Shore rc


J rr:arri~tl and I);{; two d pi After heing Ilueslionell hy 3,30 p.m. to ay to 1IIount .ca· )ljchdle anti K~I'I, tile )lolke the trio were re,

Canada and must score a PQss mark to be promotcd. -(~a· tionai Defcnce Photo), sant Cemetcry. ~;fe Is al~o a li'aine:1 turned to their parents and

:\~:~fl,~rln \,H'ach~'r. who -Architectural Material \ SAVE THAT MACHINE arc to appear in the family • :, ", • ~ar,s, In In,d.:a, i The arclll'tectural materIal I . h court later this week. Mnla and lan~an\'IK'1 " I Heavy am expensIve mac . When qnestionell concern·

comln" t \ ·C,· I" With the argest growth poten· I inery is beinv saved from the ing the accident the 10,year'

('ouncil of delcgates ass em· visit to Prince Edward Islan:l. hler! on the occasion of the Red Cross Centenary Con, gress in Geneva.

He has now visited all 10 pea· vinces and this is his second visit to the Atlantic Provinces and his third to Newfoundland.

NICKEL A CATALYST Although known primarily as

an alloying element to improve the properties of other metals, nickel also plays a vital role in chemistry. The versatile metal is regarded as a most impor· tant eatalyst in the hydrogen· ation of fats and oils for the manufacture of such food pro· ducts as margarine. As a cata· Iyst it is also used in produc· tion of films, foils and fibers from cellulose.

GRAND BANK - Thc ROll cutter Wood towed the disah~c( coasting freighter J. W. Wi.­eombe into the harbor Ilc," Saturday.

The vessel developed engine trOUble off SI. Pierre Satur· day morning when enroute, from North Sydney to ~lary5' town with a cargo or coal.

21 mon~hsC 3 "I~"~ ~I' : tial- particularly for use In I scrapyard by clectroplating ils old said," the other car got of II.!! The '\~akell'~ln' Ihe many modern skyscrapcrs I , worn parts with heavy coats of 'Sch,',"1 T 'b o , ' I being built throughout the I nickel. After worn parts lre •• _i_n_t_h-:e:\:va:~:'::' ::::::::::--~

v. a 01 a. I" . I I I hI' hOlIes I 1. '" ,t wor d-IS mckel stamless steel. ' p atcc, t ey arc mac lined to , 0 eob Cl I I 1927 th f' kit . th I 'g' I d' '0 a I , h)' thesis at ~he I neuse 0 .mc e sam· e r orl lOa lmenSI ns m , of ~cwfountllan'l. Iless steel In archItecture was C. E. BISIIOP the useful life of the equipment -.... _______ I almost non.exlstant, __________ i_s-'!l:..r_o_lo_n,_g_ed_f_or_m_a_n_y_~_'e_a_rs_.

DF..\TlI -----------------

Blaze Destroys Horne An early morning fire at Wit·

lcss Bay leU a famny of 11 homeless Sunday.

, pe~ce(ulJv hI! lale miJenec 65 R~3d en l' 'I •

Police Make 19 The two storey house owned Into Cross and Company Ltd. uy Picrre Tobin of Witless B<lY

Weekend Arrests , ,\\'11" ,r!., ollllay The wcekend was a busy Another city resident was

arrcstc:l for shoplifting ~t Bowring Brothers and was also charged wIth common assault,

on Duckworth strect. was destl'oye..1 by fire at 4 a,m. Still another was arrested for No insurance was carried on

the thcft of wheels. tires and the home,

\ II,!! r rench, agcd I time for city pollcc with n totai ,:arlng to mourn I of 19 arrests being made.

nd three brothers. On Friday seven were ar·

2~t ~arn~Il's Funer;.I: rested lor being clrunk In pnb· not' °lchrane Street.: lie ami one was arrested for

Ite ater. Imllalred drIving,

Satunlay saw three [lrnnks arrested, two Impalrell drlvcrs and one Ilerson for brcaklng

I tubes from several parked cars. No personal injuries rcsulted

Sunday there were two arrest·. from the fire, cause of which if ell for common drunkel1ness, unknown, ,- I

iI61::~~!R AND DANCF.-,The annual dinner and clance of the St. ,Tolm's Printers' Ulllon Local 441 was Ileid Satnnlay night at Bhlgolltls with !berrn I $, their wives and guests In attendance. President Steve Garlaml wclcomCl1 tIle members anrl gnests. Bro. Ern Warrell proposed a

lhe EVf:l:yers which was responded to by Mr. Ralph Davis of Creative l'I·lnters. l'hlllll Currie represented the Dally News, I\lr. Ste'le lIerder repre· Shown g Telegram, and Mr. Ralph Divis representc[1 Creative Prlnf)rs, After the dinner a dance was field to the music of the, Beachcombers. Uerder III photo (left to right) are Philip Currie, Mr. and Mrs. John lIawklns, ftll', and Mrs. Steve Garland, Mr. steve IIcnlcr, Mr. Ralph navis and

-(News Staff Photo). '


Today Mr. Wendebom is schcduled to attend a teachers meeting at the Amalgamated Regional High School, Corner Brook to discuss the Junior Red Cross program.

TomorrolV he arrives in St.


JACKET Wool tweed, in dark plaids with attached split­hood, fully quilted lined Jacket with metal clasps over zipper closure.

Sizes 4 - 6


Engine repairs will be aHect ed here and the vessel will con tinue her voyage.

Meanwhile the RC!UP cutler Wood will uow tow her sister patrol boat Acadian to St. Pierre for docking and reo pairs to her propellor. '1'he Acadian is at Fortune alld the tow will be made today if weather conditions are good.








SIZES 3 - 6x of cotton poplin all quilted lined-All with attached split-hood. SEE THESE! .... $5.95



2 panels 18 x 84 Assorted colors



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Page 4: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in


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THE DAfL Y lVEWS Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper

UAIIL! SV8SCRIPTltJS IIA'rES Ca..d. S12,00 per annllm Vnlted KlnJdom RM aU

(oreUn oounlrl.. $14.CO per Hnnum Authorized al lecond class mall b)' ,II, I'D.! 0111 •• Deparlmenl, Olla", and ,., payment or pol1ale ift cash.

rho DAILY SEWS I. a mormllE ~ ", MabU,hod In 189~ and pllbll'~.d 01 'h. ~l'\\'5 Buthllng, lSS.J59 Duckworth :-:t .. ~t John'8. Ncw£oundland, by ·lo:Jln:'loo 11111 ("0111(13n),. Llmltell.



'l'h,. ('an:lItiau Prrlls II uc)uliivtJ,. "IHllIrli 10 Ihe u'. ror republlcallon 01 .. II ncw~ d~!illOt(':h('s In Ibis paper ertlJlt· {II to it or to thc t\ss~3ttd Press (If

IIcult'rlII nnd nlso the local aewlI publlflb 'II Iher!'ln .

. \11 Prf'I'S Sen'lecs and fNlture i*rtlcleo. '., thl~ pnpcr Are ("nJ'l.Yrlabt~d and the If -·'I'IIII,·"tlon bl nrohlhltrd.

rlrmbf'1 ,ludll "In_ .1 Clrelll.U ••

MONDAY, No\'ember 4, 1963

An Epidenlic Of Crime Hardly a day passes without

new evidence that thc crime (If breaking and entering ha:; reach­ed epidemic proportions in thb province. Other forllls of thiel'­cry are also prevalent to <Ill

aialming degree, Thcre is ~o

much of it that it may well be wondered whether a sr;riouo cle­terioration in morals is ddng place.

There is not, however. much eddence of public alarm. In the afflucnt society what shuuld bt" c\'en'bodv's busincss is nobodIes " ~' . business. And we seem to bL'

,'. willing to obsel'\'c with sublim(! complaccllcy and indiffercnce the growth of a prcdat()l'~' and parasitical elemcllt that must ill­crcase in Ilumbel's. Hudal'il.v nlld <1rrogall(:e, if adequatc and eUet:­ti\'c prcventi\'e ami rCl11eclil'1 measures arc dcl'errcd.

.: , .

As communities increase ill '? size and as roads are extended

and the ability to acquire mo-" bility on wheels is becoming < universal. no place is safe from

the bold and cunning predato", There ha\'e been 5afe robberies in the Great Northern Peninsula. No store seems secure from t ho:;e who make a specialt,\' of break­ing and entering', And in the case of those \\'ho are caught and convicted, the punishment evi­dently fails to fit the crime t.o th~ degree that it serves as a ,preven' titive.

The whole problem scem~ a propel' subject fOl' Cl public in­quiry into the questions of

'pre\'ention and cure. This should embrace a great \·tll'iety of mat­ters, among them thc dfccli\'('­ness of law enforcement and

whal may be needed to improve it, thc prosecution of constant recidivists as habitual criminals, lhe usc of work camps Clnd trade schools as a mcans of reclaiming thc reformable, and phychiatl'ie and psychOlogical examinations of rcpeaters.

We llrc vel'~' propelly con­cerned about the physical health of the province's children but fal' too little attention is being paid to moral health. Juvcnile dfenders grow all too of len inlo hardened adult criminals unless posili\'c measurcs are taken to indoctrinate them into a healthy respect for the law and fol' the rights of socicty. Amon[~ oLhel' things the legislation that gov­NilS the treatment of iu\'cnile offenders is urgl'ntl~' in need or re\'bion to make it a far more useful instrument for the pro­tcdion of youthful morals.

The simple fact is that far too little importance is being at­tached to the. root causes of the increase of predatory crime and a general decline in morality. Ancl what is wanted is a co­ordinnted approach to the prob­lem by all the agencies that al'e involved with the determination to come up with sound pl:lns that will reverse the trend ancl brin,g about a steady improve­ment in moral conditions within Ihe pl'o\'ince with special em­phasis upon the situation pre­vailin~ in St. John's and some other large communities. The alternative to action of this kind must he a steady cncroachmcnt of the criminal clement upon the ;:cCUl'ity and well-being of so­ciety.

Replacell1el1t For The ~'Queen"


The clays of the great OCClll1

lincr arc far from o\'c!'. The aerolJlane may be a quick "'iI.\'

to tra\'el but those who kno\\' the pleasures of an ocean \'oy,,~(! on a cumfortable boat would nCl'er surrender them, except under the pressures of til1le, 1(, the inferior attractions of air h'C\\'el.

Britain long was the chief contender fol' the Ijlue riband of the Atlantic and asserted that pride of place before the war with the two great "queens". each a floating palace of more than 00,000 tons, Now the Cun­ard Line are to build a new ship to replace the "Queen Mary:'

She wili be smaller in size

al thuugh 58.1100 tuns al'e still a

lot of boat. She will be designed bol b fol' an ALlantie express sel'l'i(:c Hnd [01' wintel' cruises in ~U11l1y \VHlers, And she will have a spccd of more than 28 Imols which should take hel' aCl'OS,'; the Atlantic in undel' foUl' days.

The new CUl'I1ardel' will not be subsidized Hlthough 'financing will be done largely through a go\'ernment loan at a rate of interest somewhat better than the nlal'l<et offers, And there will be substantial economic benefits to the hard-hit British shipbuilding industry. It will be n proud day for Britons when it is launched.

The Republican Contender :i .. !i " '. :. . , ,

At the moment the only solid contender for the Republican nomination in next year's presi-.

: dential election in the U ni ted : States is Senator Barry Gold­'water of Arizona, Having regard : for what is known of his views. i it may well be wondered what • : the support he has been l'eceiv-: ing reflects in terms of thl;' : thinking of. a very large seg­;ment of the American popu­latlon.

Senator Goldwater's opinions ',~~ are clearly reactionary. They l' are almost anarchl'onistie and ': ';, run counter to the trend that ~

.~. American foreign policy has followed since the war under

;, ,,,Truman, Eisenhower and Ken-'.:nedy, He is opposed to foreign

. '~id and the United Nations. He " favours a tough and aggressive ! line with Cuba. He voted against

I , 1 •• 1~

the nuclear test. ban treaty. Much of his policy must be hard' fol' even liberal Republicans to swallow.

But in addition to the had core of Republican Support that he commands, Goldwater has a big following in the south among the conservative Democrats who believe in white supremacy und are bitterly opposed to the Ken­nedy civil rights legislation, This makes him a strong contender although it is not to be supposed that he will be without serious challengers at the nominating convention who will present a more acceptable image to the

,liberal side of the party. Gold-water may be riding high at the moment but there are many for­midable obstacles still between him and the nomination that he is seeking,

SURE WAY SI. 'I'homas Times,Journal

DlIying n wallet is one surc way of gcll ing somMhing for YOllr monel'.

• • • 'l'WO SIDES

Port Arthur News·Chronicle People see both sides of a question.

They sec the good on thcir sf(le and the 1;:1(1 011 the other side,

nUT WHAT SEX? Calgary Herald

The rhinoceros. it is feared, is quick­ly lJecoming extinct, Selfishly, we hope Ihere soon will be only one. :;0 that We \l'ilI no longer have 10 1V0rr)l nbout what thc correct punll i',

nOPI~FUI, SIGNS Fort William Timcs·Journal

FOf'('stcr Bcrl }IcGo~)' ~ays lnrlians :·1 Pnys Pial are \I\'crlictin~ thcl'c'l! be little ,now this wint~/'.

IToI\' rIo the)' hw\l'" There", n ,cucily of mountain a:l1

~)~1'~'iC:5, lhat's how. The Inrlians claim whcu mouutain ash

herric, are few 0/' latc ricI'eloping it·, a sllrc sign there won't hc ~ ~I'eal Ilr:!1 of snow,

Hopr they're right

APPEAL '1'0 FORCE La Soleil. Quebec

Thr epilogue of the FLQ affail' will ~i\'e reason for thought lo thO!iC who might bc tcmpted to resort to violence and 10 bclicl'c that Ouebee is comp~l" ahle to Algcria 01' Cuba. They hal'e II ied to cOOl' what was h~ppcninc rise where in the world; attcmpted to erc :Itc ,In artificial atmosphcl'c of rel'nlu· lion in a country in which democracy i~ hascII nn institutions nearl)' a ccntury 01<1, Thcl' thnu~ht Castroiml 1I'0uid !la-s in Cana<ln as cit.sily a, ~ leiter in Iho 'nnil.

TilE SIIOWnOWN Kingston Whig·Standard

:'\011' that the GOI'crnmcnt has bccn faced with an illegal strike to undcr· line the dcfiance of thc Seafarcrs' In­ternational Union. wc are faced in this routl'Y with thc final showdown, Who rules? Mr. Hal Banks, the head of the S,LU" sat in a witness box in Ottawa fol' ten da)';; last winter and practically defied the r,ol'el'nnwnt to face him down. lie should be faced down. :-\0 indil'idual or ol'ganizalion ,hould hc allowerl 10 rlef.I' Ihe GOl'cl'nmcnt of Canada.

FIRST DE)o'(~,\ l' Calgary Herald

(irant ~IcElVan's decisivc win 0\'('1'

Art Smith in the mayoralty election probably came as a surprise to many people. allhough it confirmed what the ~rapevine had hecn saying during the prCI'ious 10 £1011'S,

Il was the first ('lcction dcrc~1 lor )11', Smith. who harl a strin~ ol su('­l'eSSCR in the municioal, nrol'incial ani Fedeal political Ciclrl" That thc ~oRI oC hecontin~ Cal~ary's mayor at Ihis lime has eilldell him must he a rlis· 3]lllOinting. but not necc;;snrily a calas· trophic. cxperience


Winnipcg Tdhuno West Grrmany is a lal'~~ 1:11I)Ol'ter of

II'heat; last ~'ear she imported 62.9 mil, lion bushels, In turn she is a large ex· porteI' of flour. In 1962 \\'e,t Gel'many exported 20,8 million hl'shcls of wheat in the form of flour. ~forc tlwn 5,5 million hushek or 26.9 pc r r~nt, IVent to Comll1unist counlries, Of the Com· munist conntrirs, China ,~ot the large,t ,hal'~-4,5 million hushels, 111 the PI'CI" iou, year, more than half of West Ger­many's cxport nf ilonr wcnt to Commun­ist ('(luntries. So far this ,'car she has ~h'eady shipped 15.2 million bU5hel~ in flour to Rl1Esia.

Chancel1Ol' A<lcnaller slt'in~l)' ('\'iIi· (·ized the sale of U,S. wheat to Russia, claimin!: th~ prohlcms of the Berlin wal1 ShOllld he resolvcn hefore stich tl'anc i~ approl'cd, This i5 so much tll'~rl· dlc. There is one thing Chanccllor .\rlen311er cO/1\'eniently forgot. Thc whe~t Wf'st Germany mill!1 into flollr rOI' nIJssia and China is purchased hr· ;:cly fl'Om the U.S, and Canada. Appal" ently it's fine for Wcst Germany to sell {l.S. wheat to R'lssia but it's not fluite crickct for Ilw 11,S to sell it rlirect.

f) I!I 1411

STATUS SY~IBOLS Dl'ocl'I'ille Recorder ani Time~

The annual changes that can manu­facturcrs make in the dp,sign of their models are broadly spealdng minimal. It is always satisfying to learn that new safety factors arc constantly heing in­I~orporalerl in the styling and engineer· in~ of cars-but by and large their ex. terior appearance I1ndergoE's only grad. uIII evolution. Chan~es in styling-holVl!"pr sliJzht­

are made only to satisfy the basic humAn need of ehanl!e, to ~ati.fv that "new toy" lust that lis in all of us, A~ for status. anv new model will invest thl! owner with this phenomenon ~o closely linked with our mllterinlist so· eiety, hut common to all societies in on. form or another from the beginning of lime.

1t is simply a matter of llcrsonnl choice, Ther~ are enogh cnrs tn ~ati~fv every lastc nnd If thpv all look Tlr~tty

much the samp they all go-and whp.n all Is ~nid anll done thAI's 'vilat a fellow wants of a car.

--'-"'"'T{Jt .,...-,; -

I/\Nha,fAre* Y Qu---Unpatriotic, or Someth!ng?"


In the prcf,II'c I 0 hl~ II1OlHlment" I ,Iudv o[ the corlfisheries, Professor II. ,\. l;llles referred t() the stls]lcnsion of the :\cII'foulluIHnrl com;titution in 1934 and said that "we ('annat hase OUr argu­mcnt on thc importance of the British Empire to thc maintenance of demof" l'aCI' II'IH'n we calmly allow Ihe light to go 'out in :-\cII'follnd·land." But this was 110t thc feeh1g in :-\ewfoundland on tbnt rIal' about t'lirty years ago when the An1ll1ree R2)lort wa5 iS5l/Cd. :-\oborly was in thc 1I100d to express exuberant joy, But nil o\'el' the island hope and confi. dence w,'rc lell to a degree thai drowned out all other implications of the Amulree proposals, Peonle of all classes were sharing the ()I crwhelming joy of Ihe condemned man who has sudllenly hern ,!.!h·en a reprieve,

• • • The recommendations of till' Report

had not been unexpected, -'Out of the nClI'here into thc here had ('orne the idea of a Commission form of gOl'ern· men!. Sir William Coaker was onc of its adlO['ates. Wilhout quill' knowin~

what the)' hall in mind. with l'xc('ssil'e !'ltlll'iction thal all ;':cII'foundland's cllm1l1atil'c Ills miJ<ht hc lairl at the door of party politICS am! l'orrtlpl !loliticians, with the dcspcrate HlI'arene,s in el'er)'· one'" mind thai Ncwfounrlland could IlO longel' stand alone. man\' intelligcnt pNlplc f,mll/red a t'cst from party politic,,, Thcy outnumbered those who helic\'ccl that with an eleded ~o\'ern· 1"~111 prnl'idcd with ,tl'ong adl'is~r~.

with the rlel'clopmcnt or an incorruptihl€ and efficient dl'il .,el'l'irc, and with some nercssary l'her:l\~ and rcstraiuts on political ,Iclion, the desired results ('ould he procured lI'ithout recourSe 10 Ihe suspcnsion of thp. democratic can· stitutinn,

• • • One has. of ('ollr,'£'. to H('npturc the

emotional ,Itmosphcre of Ihe times to lInr!er"tand tbe tacit and el'en lI'ekomc af'c~ptance of the destrllction for how­cI'er bt'icf a p"I'iod of parliamentary democracy in ;'\Icwfollndland. The en· vironment was one of abYsmal despair. All confidence hari been lost in the island's capacity to sUrl'il'c alone. If the pricc of as:.istance har! to be the s~lspel1sion o[ the constitution, it was not ton high in the circumstance~, And men of all degrees had )l'olJe hefol'c Illc AI11111ree Commission to as~ert lI'ith profound conviction that Newfoundland­landers \\'~l'c unfit to gOl'ern themseh'p,' and that a rest from party politics was the only curr., It is hardly surprising in the circumstances that there was almost a IIni'lcrsal ,<igh of relief when the Amulree recommendations were known, And apart from their bclief that political corruption was at the root of the island's difficulties, there \\'a,1

the very material consideration that help from Britain was only likely to be forthcoming at the cost of self·govern. ment.

• • • At any rate, the far·reaching and

drastic recommendations of the Royal Commission werc received either with enthusiasm or with fatalistic resigna. tion to the apparent fncts of life. And it was with hardly any expression of dissent that the required motions to give effect to the Amull'ee propo~al' were taken by the government of thp day, The formula rcquired a joint ad· drcss from both Houses of the legisla', ture praying that His Majesty woul!! be pleaser! to st/spend the cxistinll I.ctters Patent untll such time as New· fOllndland could again stand on its own (eet and wa~ T)repared to take un anew the responsihilltie.' of Democratic gov, ernment. In the Assemblv the lone dissenter wns the nresent Senator Gor· don Bradley, one of the two members of

Ihc forlller Squires ~lllllill1,tr.lli(J1\ 11'11')

had survived the (lebade 01 the W:!:! election. But Ihe thin~ was done, the .Ioint Adrlrc,s went to London. ,111<1 the Newfoundland Bill to ,et up the Com· milision o£ GOl'ernment anr! make Bri!· ai" responsible for Ihc finanl'cs and ~ood gOl'ernment of the isJanl1 1\'ilS in· troducer! into the HOllse of Commons.

Thcre, howel cr. rral resistance was encountered, The government was a coalition dominated hy Consen'a til'e, but nominally led by Ram.a)· ;\[acrlonalrl. The opposition consisted of th~ small. hal'd·core grollp of the Lahom' Party who would ha\'c no trut'k llith a ('oall· tion of that kind. Led h.I' ('J~/Ilent

AIIlee, thi, opposition fOllght the :\cw· fOlllldland Bill right dOll'n the linc, Theil' ('hicf complaint was that the whole thing lI'as a plot 10 .,al·C the hondo holders II'ho hari heen foo\:,h rno.!l~h

to inl'cst in ;\ell'fonnrlland, On the d~bate on Second Rcnrling, am~n(lmcnt

after amenrimcnt lI'as put up and I'oter! down. [n Committee it was the same, An(l one all night session \l'as h~ld as the gal'ernmcnt trier! to lI'eill' down the Lahour obstructionists, nut in the end the !!I)\'ernment·s majority and will rrcl'ailCiI. There remained on\l' one final ad, That occllrred 011 F,'IlI'lian' 16, 1934, when in a silllple Cerel\lUn\' In the Ball !loom 01 thc ;\ClI'fou'lCIlBn'l Hotel the suspension of the olrt l.~lt~rs

Palent anrl the introduction of the n~w Lcttel's Patenl \\'ere formally announe· ed This whole epi:;odc need, morc rletailerl exposition anrl I hope to rlc~l

with if in a serir, of ilrlicte~ in tllr 111'(11' f'ltur!?

:'\0 rmlPilO:\!lSE By EABl. L, DOtlGLASS

~Ioral corruption lIst/,lllY takes pJ2(,,' lI'ith a stealthiness that in itself consti· 11Ites an immens~ moral h.,zarr!. People moral breakdown. They appear to gu to pieces all at once, nUl like Ihe one sometimes appear to IHII c a complete

'3t~ the'" " ,_ It i; <I'I! ,I :", •

th;,~ ·:.Il(I~''':: .

11 :'h'.

F\'cn if ~I! Ihe • f l~' ;..'

:--If!IlS wcrr hI.! {'Ii', 11' , ' _I. • ~

to he Tr;1I1 "t , ' .,' '1,'~ !'omeone 1('''1'; N~"ll' '~;f('" , .;.

~~. :" II !'~m'!C'r. \\etd t;till hi'r ' nr'~'t~

For manv ~i~n. an,l 1"'1 . "'l',iIl'11y ~amnuf1aZtd (~,~( ..

.' I (~I fl'len'lh· npon ~l tm, 'Jr ,'.. "IV<'\' hehind IIzht pol~; 0' <" i)l!?m!'.

~f"re Ihan that. M the 'f"

Illurlrllerl n/olnrist rtesper<'(';' "·:.[fic si~'1 to guide him, It~, j .. nonf"', Xot onf:'. '

01' if thel(' ,\ a M~n 'I 1"-,, t ion. it 111") II" ; ":1 "I 0' ..

Ihl' rlril'('1' (':>\;'t :,11 IIh", 'm

10 e" . . \ lid h, till' '1m' he', 011'. he's hr;lrllTl': (\Inn '~~'

Th i" (':I n IH' JllOI (I t112"; I

in'.!. It tan 11,' d'l'I'nr '}1:

today's "Ollpri\'I!\) tI3!fl(

dearly and JrlrOIl .. tdr r1~:h:

1here Ii;On1r "ar to fl'\t~r.~ t~.c . to other ,trcel, "nli

The 11l1l· ... (l a: :1 Lon lOI' •

pital presel!'d 1:1t· n,·'" IJ'~€~ n()\\' ... on. ':1' ilL!

man Wl10 \\'!ll ~,1!1\ 'rllH' n=.", 11:1'."

"It 'Itil hi' " h". 1'('o1icd 1hr~ !ath! Skol'orowlilf .. !.;p'.\ "~l

horsc .,h,w lilr' wearing do\\ n for :1 ir'n: L:"E

qliakes Ol'('~'il)n,dl.\ co:n~. kl il1tilrlil1;!s cl)l1~Il-' ~I)t /' t~,e

ci1l'th(llIakr-: hUI d~ 1\11" r~"J:' nrs!'cs (I( Irw:.: "1~lIrlir~ ir. {lr rrilmr\\'nr~ If.;i :11 11.: (loti

thIn,: illlpOrLlJl1 '.\ ~1l;11' a~.f 'f lml1din~ rlm1 n n 1 l'l'ltl~C'lt ~r,:'

That lillIe ... r\ I' (Ill ;m appl: ' into a hu:..r (11' ... " III rnltt'ji!·t

,hort tillle '1'1"1' ,,:tlc I~'NI: IIIbc which Iln' nc\rr hr~I:1: anythin~ 1l10rr t1i.':l'l rt UI:;'f

.t . •• A,u1 hCT~$ lt1fDtTier 1W "I Oil/mis' :yacht ••• " .


. "

. ,. ' ... , .

obtained"It-"eP. hlstorltal

III ovetJllnent­tlte, g d Letters Arts III This arth

1963,. DAILY in·tlte

strel'11 parts,

• g made to lVere belO . f

'n anticipalton 0 lretirement and reaching him that

gOl'ernment would WhiteWay be ~p­to the minated as Ch~el

no d Sir Fredertd suceee d"d 'might be persua ~

'was In an Invi, for, he disliked

born he distrusted :ee nothing but In· In the situation of

nrc,sllllDg. over hid a few

unseated and him,

• "Ine ""eralll~n he asked LOI

but mor concernill

were disturbing tb Office, it became evl~enl GoOdridge mlnlslf) , continue' some o!

business mer Pitts who wert

Ibe situatioD en to sponsor thl

I coalition but ther' Ilt(leptllnCt 01 the pr~

name had gre been used

.,b),'-eleeU()IlS, O'Brien 1

Bond and Emersc the I'ictory was assl mentioned as leade government; anon


for hapNf


minister, I "hun

tarried the day i within his own I party, but the

toming uP. Tough Labor party , Ie,

awaits by, . with lance shar

ability to as the leadel

scientific and . revolution will only his own

or the Consen

despite 'his' 511 ~alm nnture,. I

to a fra)', He !

long line o[ , carls Who won

the Englis'

'1 q' a~erag~. ,

Ie ,create ari ~ a nation. . .

Page 5: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in


:01:<1 I:',ffit I ~"(I ;'111i cl" a ;11" or ,11'],'

pnle, or hJnd,'

ot Ihe Irn' de,perr.trh: dr him. tllH~

.',1 la·t ('aml

, '"~I' a!lO let ":"'['1'111 hcadl.

• '] !1I1 appl~ will

'11 In thr pc ",,'I'k milan)' I:n~' \l'hirh hal'!, \'nt Ihal

!lJncllr tiler',.

< ,


t8. Foran' "")foi.\;,,"i Love ''''''rest Manitoba Mayor Wears ,~~" ~ ',' Offie'ial Chain of Office ~1 e CO'ntrove'ttea Elections ST. BONIFACE· Man. (CP)- Other medallions show thC\Ple broken arrow-require ex· 1 " , .. .' " ~ The symbolic significance of thc thistle, the shamrock and thc planation. The reversed arrow~

chain of office worn by Mayor rose for tbe peoples of Scotland. indicate the acceptance III

A. lId Ba· .n.· ·k.· C"u' sh, 1893-189

1 A iJllscph Guay on oHicial occn· Ireland and England within thelChdstianity and civilization b} • I 'I:! sions since 1959 is often lost on community. Each is bordcred \ the Indians. The broken arro',\

those who see it. by maple leaves. stands for the acceptance of. • But cach of the 13 medallions The final pair-one with two and attention to. the rights 01

faction look cd for.' the, capsule banks are enabled to carryon less than three weeks away. Dn the hand·wrought chain has goldcn arrows in reverse posi-! th~ minorities by the city la-, but unpopular A. W_.Harvey,of operations, and tben at the At .the end of ,the fiSCHI its own story to tell. lions and the other with a sim· IhHS and people of St. Bonifa:e. ,the Legislative Council, and close o[ the year, when the pro- year the Colony's floating The chain. which took two ,~Iorris as on' the, fence .ready ducc oI the fisheries is rea liz· Ilebt was $1,245,000 which was months and $60{) to produce. L L d 'with his following to "join tbe cd, they arc able to settle their to be met by an authorized was made for the official viSil" on 9 - egge • winner. ,ol'crdraIts." loan of 5456,000, but as the , of the Quccn in ln5g. But thc

Opportunists wcre to be round The· "Bank Crash" of 10 loan was being Issued at 3 ' Dr. :a: 0 w del'S h e 11 had a city coat of arms from which I on all sldcs. . December was a disaster or dlscounl nothing would TC' ! strange seeret that prevented the medallions al'e drall'n was 1 A L t t E t

Models ___ ---., Credil is bascd on integrity the first magnitude. It hap· main for pubUc purposes and • him from asking Jannie Os· dedgned in Ihe lnth century hy I re a es xpor

. 'dr 10 but there are inherent II'c~k. pened when S2,000.000 worlh Ihe twenty to thirty thOUS8Ud ,bornc, a. pretty te~ch~r, from Archbishop Alexandl'c Tache. a Icrc bCln~ lila n ses in' ehe si'stem ' of fishery products were In who would b uneniploy I belpg his WI£I~. Janrue knew ,hcraldic ,pccialist who lI'as (hc . - ..' . " ... I In ~nticIPnattion.nOdf e~arlY in .Dcccmlfcr 'the dealh II Sl. Jobn's ready ror market. a result of elhe comm~~ci~~ , It must pertain t&d lL former 'fir'~ Roman Catholic arch·' S SdroC~HOiI,~I. fllell~clSl - ~lol{Jmlrd(~ and [OltYISh. $'lt)S 'fhe 1 rem

c nOt Id fl I I b k t .1 ' marriage, bnt the actor par· hi,hop of SI. Boniface. : lI'e cn IS p anlllng lo. II1Cl'casc ,IS JUl. wg up a new S)'5 em Oi'

I! 1 . ,him tlidl occurred in London of a pal.t.\ use nanc ng was requ r· an rup c es. . . I ried all quesUons abont his Onl a few other Canadian' Olle of her I1llJ~t apprcclatcd ex· ~ro\'ldmg ~hotographs .and rtlchln. nl Ilouill ncr in the firm or Prowse, Hall ~~IID :~~~~r~I~~ ~I::~!e,. r :~ Even ~he p~ovldenl souls .wl~o, past. How Jannie learned is citie/ among them Ottal','a. ! ports - beauliful. long . Ic~ged lashlon studIOS With trailled

: gl)\~rnOlC, be ~o. and ~Iorris, the principal agent had their savmgs on ~Ieposlt 111 I told in I Toronlo und :-iew Wcstminstcr,l models. . models. · ~~~~~~lld~~gi'l('ahll'l~r[: ~~~o ~~~or~~w:fsl~n~~a~~e ~~~~ ~~:Il~h:eb;oP~::IO~14:0~~:: I~e Newfoundland Sav~llgs Bank 1 THE DC)CTOR'S . B.C .. lI,C a chain o{ office. . Fas~ioll houses. and art .'lil- 1II~Ilt:R. STA:-;U,\RIlS

nmate a, " M k t . Nearly. one.thlrd. of the re- were kept unnecessarily alarm· STlANGI: SECRET Thc first dedcr on 5l. Boni.! dlo:; III most II estern cuplt"ls She sa1d: ,,' have becn, nUl· c: no " Frrdcl'il'1;' pcan I ar e s. " cd by the rumours of the col- '. - • facc's chain has a lamh can','· I asl; for more and morc of thc~c nllIg thiS school fOI' scven )cal's, lu(~led .Ir r,uad~d I Thc London Times 14 Deccm. \Cnue ~aR payable as In teres\' ,lapse and a run on the Bank By Ehzabl'th Seifert :'.. .' I . t' St J' \ tali expertly trained girls., and inspected perhaps 1.010

ml;ht br pc . hnr in summarising the situation Rllln long expectell 'could no b I : m~ a CI OSS-( epic Ing .' can . . lb' d 01 , Ion ;r be dela ed ' I was' are y avcrtc-j, I' Baptiste. patron saini of French The Swedish ~lannequin5' As- gil' s a year to c trame . I n In\i. '~aid: "On his death the firm g . y. • ,.' Deposits were $3.000.000. half BEGINNING 'TOJIIORROW 1 Canada and I' c fie e tin g the: sociation reports about 50 Swcd· these I choose 10.

~~! h; ~Isliktd declined to 'Imeet . furtht~r I~x. It appears that JIl ehe ~atns. oI which stlm was invested in IN TilE DAILY Nliws French characler of this city.:\ ish girls now arc modellin~ in' ";';ow I am looking ah~ad, · h dlstrllsltd chan~es IIntl an mves Iga IOn troPh

l e J, S. Pitts was an lllt~r- bonds of the Colony and tht~ part of the Winnipeg metripoli· );ew York. P a I' i s· London" and [ am going. to make my

.bDII1 1~ln~' bui In. or their affairs had been made." med ary IO.r ~th Go~ernm~llt balance on loan to the insolvent tan area. Rome and Zurich. This reprc· i s~andards even higher so th~t ~II no Iiuatlon 01 Their bills were protested, and OpposltlO~, he mf~rmcd Union and Commercial Baks The second has three neill'S' scnts about 20 pCI' cent of the' girls who lcave thiS school Will In tht s ovr

r and the banks made demands on ~Dvernor O'Brien of his mten· At the direction f th G . d. , des lis on an azure background association's membership. ! be known a\1 o,er thc wo~ld as

h d I ftll' : the Commercial Bank in St. hon to leave SI. John's and to ridge Gov tall he 00_ ERUPTIONS ON nlOON followcd by the pallium or cloak Swedish girls come {rom tall. th~ best. But of 1,000 girls, I

a I . h Ih d f' d if 'bl th . ernmen a I e specie . h I 1 f' " nsrated and .lohn·s wile I'(as e rawer ,D III uce POSSI c some a e[ oI both banks-$200 000 FL~GS'fAFF A' (AP) • of an archbishop· on a green lean stock and they ·know all sal choose 011 Y Ive.

I 11 the bills. and whIch being un- bank to institute a branch in placccl with he Sa •. ' - was . , . 1'1:. .. -;-: : bacl;grotlnd !lanked by med~l- about the lame achieved hy illndels are born .. not ~~~e.

hm. able to meet ,the demands made st. J~llll's. mee ,t . '.lOgs ~ank to The Lowel! Ob,el'\ator~. ,a). Ilion, on which are depicted th~ such compatriots as Greta :'Irs. Soedergund behe:·es. \OU

upon it, fell back uon Its mer. Tbls was absolutely necessary m t an) calls .whlch might be ,that .three appa~ent eruptlOns- olrl and new testaments of the Garbo. Ingrid Bergman and cannot be a model Ir you do , cantllc cllstomers. for the tra:!e and business of ade. The Go"~rnment had no pOSSlbly yoicalllc - were ob·, Bible. Anita Ekberg. So a constant not have a good head and a

The,. could not respond, Newfoundland. Pitts advised funds of any kmd ror schools. serve:! thiS week 011 the surface I There follow menallions show· stream of girls flows into Stock· gooG. heart. ~lake·up cannot and thl' bank had to suspend the Governor that 5100.000, in. ~ellef ~r other ~u~poses. Bowl" of the moon. Two selenograph· : ing. in tum. a star and an 1 holm's three schools for models. hid~ anything." operations. The customel's' terest on the public debt, was 109, BI ot~ers •. Llml.tC"l. was the ! ers - pers~ns who study the ! anchor fOI' faith and hope. and lOne of the schools. run by a .. -\5 a b~allty exp.ert, she ~d. ~ __ ---" were eompelled 10 make as. due at the end of the I'ear- I ani) soh ent firm .'n St. John's ,moon-worklllg at the observa· . anrther partially circumscribed I former modcl. Kim Soedergllnd., vises agamst ~moklll~. dl'mkl~~ slgnments, and nearly every -~- an~ they were issumg ther!' OWn : tory saw the reddish· coloml hy a l'erl horde I' indicating the is making plans 10 develop the and late parties. "Thc)' wl!1 business house In the Colony S h' SCI·IPI. i disturbanccs on the uSlldlly: Ile,' Ril'el' upon whose bauK 51.' potrntial export market. >holl' one day-On the {ace,'

, was crippled, so Interwoven teams IP (TG Be Continued) white moon's 5urface. Boniface is huilt. Jlrs. So e del' g II n d. "rll· sh~ saln. \lutiOnS. COllcern.ln~ ~/f/ dlstul'hiO& .he are the affairs of one estab.

OIiiit leirs.~.ment with that of anoth· Movement" il blcam! H Id~nt \l Gcodrldgt mlnistr)' "The silllation lVas only pos· (onllnue lomr nf sihle under the pecullial' buhSi. FURNESS, WITHY A:'IID I

buslnm men ncss customs of the Co 011)'. T e d Beechmore leaving Boston \

. Pills \\hn IHI'! lishin~. industrY (in :\ewfoun.. Oct. 25 for Saint John. N.B., Ihl IItll,1IIon eD' land 1 IS pursued under a ~) s· , Halifax and St. John's Nfld. At \ tl spOnlnr Ihe tem. of ad,'ances for vcs,els and 1 Saint John, ~.B., Oct. 26. Lcav·

I «)llIlIon bllt thm I equipment made. by the ~er'l ing Halifax NOI·. 1 [or iit. Iltlplaner of the pr,,' ('hants to the flshermcn. who J h' Nfld d Ih N I

I h r h 0 n s., .• ue ere. ov. 1

gal'c the calch at t c end 0 t e 14. Sailing for Lh'erpool same 1\ . name haJ ;:rrat season in exchange. The mer­, hid betn used to \ chants rcceil'c largc advances da~ Heering Rose leaving Liver· '

~'H~U01l! O'Brien re- , {rom the onl)' two banks doing pool Oct, 24, due SI. John's Oct. Bond and Emerson. ~ business (in the Colony) (lIe 31. Leal'ing for Halifax and

th! vietory was assur· [Vnion Bank of ~ewfonndlnnd Boston N·ov. I, due Halifax Nov. ~/ntiontd Il leaders i and the CommerCial Bank. By 3 and Boston Nov. 6. Leaving ;emnmenl: another' backing each other's bills the Boston Nov. 8 for Saint John,

N.B. and Halifax. At Saint John Nov. 9. Sailing' direct from Halifax for Liverpool, not call· I~ COMING UP:

for Lord Home, hap Named Wilson

· 10Jl A. Ct'LLES I~ E A \ - Brit.!

prime minister. Lord : Ipror.ounced "hulllc") I

ruried tht d iY 111 I within his own Con.! PI~Y. but the big I

I f«i:lng up, TOllgh and 1

L1ier party leader' WI!ron await, ·o~· the I

-ilh lane, sh~rprn· : I

pm lutmm in Ihe ; fi!ld" Briti;h!

!/cretary will ('ollnt' lhtn he mN·t· lI·il· I , year'H~nrral elect· I

,Slue Will h, largely 1

\u!ltions. , H):Il!'s abilit)' to pro· , a\ the leader or

leientifie ann tech· i revolution will ne.

onl)' hi! oll'n fate . ~! thc Cooservatil'~

ing St. John's, Nfld. Sycamore leaving Liverpool

Nov. 7, due, St. John's Nov. 14.\i Leaving for Halifax and Boston Nov. 15, due Halifax Nov. 17 . and Boston Nov, 20. Leaving I

Boston Nov. 22 for Saint John, ' N.B., Halifax and St. John's,! Nfld. At Saint Jobn, N.B. Nov. I

23. Leaving Halifax Nov. 29 (or St. John's, Nfld. due there Dec .. .2. Sailing fDr Liverpool i same day. I

"Refrigerated. C.S.L .. CLARKE TERRA


M.V. Dundee sailing from I Montreal Oct. 29. Due St.I' John's, Nov. 3rd .

5.5. Higbliner lallin" from I. Montreal Nov. sth. Due St. I

John's Nov. 10th. i 5,S. Novaport salling from 1

~Iontreal NOI'. Bth. Due St. I John's Nov. 13th. ~

M.V. Dundee saillng from, Montreal Nov. 12th. Due St. I John's Nol'. 17th.

8.S. Gulfport sailing from ~tontreal Nov. 14th. DOe st John's, Nov. 19th.

S.S. Hlgbliner sailing from Montreal Nov. 23rd, Due St. John's Nov, 28th.

S.S. Novaport sailing from dr'pile hi; 'Irnd~r eHort to create an image of Montreal Nov. 26th. Due st. ulm n",ur~. is no ' him as a Tory plutocrat., J h' D 1 t I I' 0 n s, ce. s. ~ a ray. Hr comes' As leader of the opposition, III.V. Dundee sailing ,from I

I!n, lin~ of killerl I Wilson is one of the most for· ~Iontreal Nov. 28th. Due St. tills Who won th~ir' midable politicians since the John's Dec. 3rd.

thr F.n~l"h in \\'ar. With the general elcc· HARVEl" CO. LTD. , . hordrr Wilrs. tiOIlS less than 12 month! • Fergus leaving Charlotte· 1(lshlin. qu,lit)' has a\\'a)', Wilson will give no town, P.E.I. Friday, Oct. 25,

.f 6I).mr-oln Lord: quarter, and will harry I,DI'd leaving PIctou, N.S. Thursday, 11 !.lIOd lt~ad in hi' mercilessly on e,'ery Oct. 24" arriving SI. John's, " Ith the Rm,ians. issue. ' N!ld Monday, Oct. 28, leaving "h' il! shown ~ tOIl~h. Recent public opinion polls St. jobn's Nfld. Monday, Oct, \r:h .hl! prrdemsor. I~ indicate that Wilson is accep' 28. ' II cmlilan. lacked. table to ii7 per ccnt of the 1 Fergus leave Pictou, N.S.

~:n! !tooc! lip to i electorate' as Britaln~s !lcxt oct. 31, leave Charlottetown, H on the Berlin I aremier. P.E.I. Nov. 1, arrive S1. John's

., e hI! also given: • •• , Nov 4, leave same day. ;~ Stites slaunch back.! Lord Home.'· who pro,;ided Fergus leave Pictou, N .S. c~~G\\'dnwn with nll~- : Brita!n with a major rolitical Nov. 7, leave Charlottetown P.

~'d ~!or! rmntly : upset .when he succeed~d .. all· E.I., arrive St. John's Nov In I a chancc to, ing Harold Macmillan. was 11, leave NoV, 12.

1 Sf uteneSI as British: first elected to' Parliame.nt at Fergus leave Pictou,N.S. 21, " cretar), in the trick)' : the age of 28. leave Chariottetown, P.E.I., ar·

1"l1h RUlsia o\,cr' ,His parliamentary-· career Nov. 25. elt hin trcat)'. : II'as' intcrl'upted shortly a£t~r Fergus leave Pictou, N.S .• . Lord Homc's thc outbreak of' the ivar 'when Nov. 2B. leave Charlottetown,

~r'\ a statesman he' was' stricken with, tubrrcu- P.E.i., arrive St. John's, Dec. 5, Bri~~'rthln ,it i,~ Ilusis 01 ,the spine .. But hr was leave same day.

I Ir- II'hilt Iht I able to' re·enler thr House of f'erglls lcave Pictou, N.S .. ~P.lud him ~nd I Commons cured in 1943." Dec. 5, leave' Charlottetown.

'. rl;we~t him, he' Dcifeated in the Labor party, P.E.!' Dec, 6, arrive St. John's Ihe I) I quc.lhon' landslide of 1945; ,Lord Home Dec, 9 leave Jame day.

!till to l'mgC Briton. 1 spent the next five yenrs ,in Fergus leave Pictou, N.S. IS .:rnte an image hutterflY'spotting,' ,. bird·watch· Dec. 12, leave Charlo~teto\Vn,

. national lead. ing and" other country' pur· P.E.l. Dec. 13, arrIVe ,')t. • • , suits.: When be' did, get back John's Dec •. 16,' leave same day.

~ Ihe ob IntD palltica' it was' as a memo burdle ithCI!! he \l'l1\ ber' of the, House of Lords, • Refrigeration. PrUne ml ~ is to sue· I ,,:here he became minister 'of he'll n\ster Is the t state 'for :Seotland. •... .' . ~ born an aris. . Before • tb~ war, Lord' Home

',:rlrth ho~d~r s~rved 'as p.rivate: 'sec~etary to Lord om· might Ne~ill~ Cb~mberlain~ ,and as but '. Ilo~e at stlchl\e was clo~e~y Id~ntlfl~d the In "elfare with, the' Munich agreement

tllilless mOl'e Is 10' to" app~a~e ;Hitler. ... Ilttl, hI', IO~letl' in many other' British politicians, , '.. little, in. Lord. H"m~. app~ar5 .. to . ~~ve lord Qom . profited bv .experience ... f~r he


landrialut, 21, of Massey, Ont, on leave from his Royal Cana­dian Army unit In Germany, was charged with non'eapltal murder Friday following the street.fight death of I youth. Bruce Robinson, 18, of Salter Township, dIed early Friday'ln hospital at· Sudbury, 40 miles northeast of here, of head in· juries a few hours aftel' a brawl.

Ther~ • 15 a


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to, be !.may • fmd has sinc.e: .be~n, an ~~ts~an?ing The Seotti' POlitical foe of' appeasing'· the, RUSSIans.

illiny t~h earl' is In' fact, aboard' if nDt atbome, ~tatelmes over Lord Hom,e Is known' 'a!i . the

th I in ~~It. Bl'i~ish David, who has' pro.ven, ?lin ex~r . Brlhsh himseIf 16 be more than a match

• Olt In In for 'Kbrushchev'. Goliath .

OPEN MONDAY niRU SATURDAY White blossoms of Soutb

America's royal water lily mu· 11 ................ 1 ••••• - .......... 1 •• --•••••••• - ......... --.-... sure up tD 15· inehe.. IJ -.

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Page 6: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in



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Habs Are Second On 5-3 Win Over Rangers,

NEW YORK ICP.AP)-Mont· as~ists for Monlt'cal 10 give the game, came lip wilh 31 (rom behind the cage l:aromed rc~l Canadlcns defeated New him a league· leading total of 20 saves, of! one of his sltatcs past York Rangers 5.3 in a Natiollsl points, The fOllr goals in the (irst Plante. At 13:42, with Richard Hockey League game sunduy The Canadiens, who fired 5D peL'iod, two by Balon and two or£, Henry flipped his first go;.l night with Canadlens' Dave shots at their formel' g(mlic by Henry, all came all puw~r ovel a sprawled Hodge after a Balon and Gilles Tremblay each Jacqucs Plante in a 6·2 victory plays while the scored· upon scramble, scoring two goals. in Montreal three weeks ago, team \\'(IS shm'thandcd. NOTCIIES SIXTII TALLY

The game was played before took 42 shots this time, Hodge, With Doug Harvey in the Balon scored again, his sixth, a sellout crowd of 15,925 at whose stop on Don Marshall's pcnalty box for intcl'ference, on a short shot at 15: 11, this Madison Square Garden. penalty shol in tho second Balon opened the scorin!: at time with Cahan off fOL' board·

'rhe triumph moved Montreal period was the turning point of3:25 when Beliveau's pass·out ing, at 16:57, with Provost in into second place with \11'0 the box, Bathgate swooped straight victories since Charley Boston, S down the right side. passed in Worsley In goal. took it in full stride and zipped Hodge replaced injured Loroe tops Iront of the goal wherc H~nry

BlII Hieke notched the wm' a 10,fouter past Hodge, nen' other goal. For the Rang. The Rangers missed an appal'· crs, slender Camille Henry col. tunity to go ahead at 14:30 fIf lected two goals and Andy D · 4 1 the second poriod whcn Don Bathgate one. t t ~IHrshall missed a penlilty shot.

Jean Beliveau picked up three e rOI • Tripped hy Bcliveau on a brcak-i away, :o.larshall was shaken up \ afler cl'ushing into the boards,

STANDINGS National LeoGue


Chicago Montreal Toronto Detroit New York Boston

7 1 2 3~ 1816 5 3 2 37 1012 5 4 0 27 2210 46125339 4 6 0 26 32 8 2 7 1 17 31 5

BOSTO:-l ICP.AP)- 'l'ommy IrcrlacCrl Johnny Buc~'l, at left i Aftcr a short delay, he shot II1to Wiillams scorcd two goals as wing on the linc with thc Hodgc's pads from 20 fecI. Doston Bruins whipped Detroit American • bol'll Williams and The penalty shot. called by Red Wings 4.1 in a National Murl'aY Olirer, had two assists, r~feree Vern BlIf~ey, was the Hockey League game here Sun. whilo OliVCL' scored one goal first of the NatlOllul Hockey day night and once again Red and helped on I1nolhor. League season, Wings' star forward Gordie Ed ,foyal scored Dctroit's goal The Canadiens tcmk a ,·2 Howe failed to get the 545th at 5:42 of the third period. lead on 'l'I'cmblay's ,goal at carecr goal that would pnt nim Thc Bruins poured the prcs· 19: 40 of the second penod on a ahead of Maurice Richard, now sure on goalie Tcrry Sawchuk, rush th~t hegan moments he-retired. particnlarly in the second PC· for~ Phil Goyettc's penalty ex,

Converted defenccmnn Leo riod when he hml 17 slops m· pi red. Al 1;50 of the final period ESPANOLA, Ont. (CP) -Joe Boivin, the main renson Howe eluding sevcml incrcdihle thefts thp. CanadlenR, went two goals

Iandrialnt, 21, of Massey, Ont.. failed again to come up with on shots by Prenticc, Bucyk, ahead .when Hlcke surged past on leave from his Ro)'al Cana· the record, also scored for tile Williams and Anlly Hebcnton, LanglOIS to score at the 1:30 dian Army unit in Germany, Bruins' who equalled their big· Williams scorcd what proved mark. , was charged with non·capital gest offensive show of the sea· tn he Ihe game's deciding gonl Bathgate dnlled a short shot murder Friday following ~he son at 16:00 of the sccond period at, 12: 12 10 keep th~ Rangers death of a youth. Howe managed only two shot~ whcn he knocked in a rehound ahl'e hut, Tremblay clinched the

TROPHIES won in the various leaJ?;ues under the Playgrounds Commission dlll'in" the were presented at a dinner at the Fortress Isle ~10 leI on Saturday night. Full t()'~craUe Pi


will be carried in Tuesday's DAILY NEWS. Individual award winllers at the el'ent I\'cr~: 0

clle Gosse, Most Valuahle Player for Ladies' Softha II; standing: (left to right! Brllce League MPV for Churchill Park; Boh Kinsella, Victoria Park Bilhe Butll ~I\'P: I\amk nerm Park Little League MVP. (Staff l'hoto) ,

Haw s In Top lotI Maple Leafs

Bruce Robinson, lB, of Salter on goal, mainly because of of Ted Green's shoL game I\'lth IllS second score at Township, died early ~'rida)l In Boivin's hone.rattling checks, 16:3~, I hospital at Sudbury, 40 milcs Boslon's top reorganized line: S,I.VES: S,\\'ES: T0[10:'\']'0 'C'1'1- Glcnn Hall the :\"tinna1 Hildie,' Lpa~\1(' the Leafs and dcfenccman ;\1 """" "I, thr' northeast of here, of head in, \\'a3 sizzling, Ex • :-':ew York: Silll'chuk ~ Ii ~-2;; I Planle Iii J:! ~-:17 I hoisted his Chi c it g 0 Black stat~diilgs hcre Satlll"day ni~ilt' ~1al':\cil of l'bic,l~o put 1111 a' II il',"a:. jl1l'iC5 a fell' hours aCtel' a brawl. Rangel' Dean Prenlicr, whll has I .Jnhnston n fi 11-2,; Hmlge ]0 !I 11-31 Hawks into a ,ix'p"int lead 111' I',ith a well-de,pl'\'crl 2·0 ,hulo~lt spirited display of Ibticuf[", 1l!lt II::., ':;iI:d:~: Ii fli', ~____________________ _~ ________ ._~ _~ _ ____ . ~_____ 011'1' Toronlo ~laple 1.!';1[', . "cieree FranK Ld\'ari took nil II: Ii", lat I:Enee,:

i The Chicago g()~J1tel1der' 1'!'iPP· l:hanl'cs of a repeat perform· kit't·.~ W;I:+hl~h btl.

eiall)' tough on Toronto's Franli. ;i!1~c in the penalty box, He sen I 1'''11:1 PI,': R"',\(f i': ~taho\'lirh ;lI1d t:l'ol'g,' ,\1'111- ~Iac:'\eil III the dressing room S,II I 'I

' .... ,

Time is running out

You only have until November 15th to buy your 1963 Canada Savings Bonds without paying accrued interest. ,Get yours

right away.

stl'oll~, kidied IIlIt 31 shllts- for the last 11; minutes of thl' Ii:::' :;:omc' of tlwlll from puint·hlad\: p('l'iot!. li,tll!,:" range-as he forl!'d ti,e Leafs' D!.tf knOCK I'd the legs frlltll "tklll,,1 10 do.'" Ihl' gap, unci!'I' :l1"c~cil ill an lII1lldl'(,\pd 'ed'

Toronto 11011' b tied for Sl'('OIHI' mlll(' at crntl'!' icc, tlH'n skat"d a no I 1'1;;('1' Ililh ~lon'I'I';11 Canadiens on into Ihc pby, \l'hen he

: Who w:tllopl'd n I'll' 0 i t HI'II l'l'lurned for his glm·c. which D I \Iin;!s 5-1 Sahlrday night at b:.' on Ihe i,'r, ~lac:\eil took a rop : ~J()nlreal. 'liiel; ;!I his hand as Duff wenl ! Hed I1ay scorl'd for Ihe hllil-' 10 pick it up, . W · ! gry Jlawk,; only ~2 ,r~Il!\(ls Th!'y fou~:ht "iliousl,' for ~ In gs i afler the opcl1in~ fa~roff ,md, fel .. sc~ond, and officials \\'el'~. ! Bobby Hull took 01[ SOlllC of the' lwrd - prpssed to keep them' : prCs,lll'C I,ilh tile insurance! <1in:rt. J.c:1f C ~ pta i n George' '~oal ,It Ihe 3:21 mark lIf the' ..\rnl,trOl1~ h I'll she d <lpinst ('~,n"dirl1' ;n:'I!r,e:~' : third period. I \1;lc;\"il and lile Chicago p!<>ycr ol'\j,ocnt Gordie IIG'~

'f fl I I t I I . llf,\'.'!·rc(! Dctrn:t R!1 i empcrs are( )C lI'eeil I It' to,,~ 11111 on lon,

I'two arclHir,l1s :lIHI for the: \[ac:-lcil was given a milllH" Snlll:'t!iiY ni:ht ir. i

[ I I' 1 0' t ' iJllcKe:. LealUe :,!!

,second Lcn lOme gamp In n1<l101' at\( a , ,11111111 C mI5~on· 'Sllc~Cssinl1, a sccond . p~riod: <lU(:1. Duff picked up a major 1mI'd ,lime HIC(fh , 11:; ,J\';;n BeLm';, ' 'hr"wl Ilclaycd the g:lll1C, j 31Hl misenl1tiuct alld Armsll'nng I \I'hell Leafs dumprci ('ana- a minor penalty, 'diens li'3 herr last \\'cdnesda';, I \,;hen :'>Iac;\pil returned in th~ Tnronto's Bob Pulford ali,l i Ihird pcriod, he was a mark~rl

I Terry Harpcr o( :llrrntre.t\ ('on-: m:\n, But, it helped the Hawks'

wa:-. 14.70',;, I~ ',\':1' rlecidesl,

hi~ (;Il]'dil"~ hCltG ~h~'(i()n', (iill:(', ..

, I Don't put it off another day linlle!! Iilcir hatllc in the pen- c;n"c, ~II\' hox, Bohhl' nalln went off for

~tnl't('d Ilim :0 '. ~oal ilr ha:! lil': pI .. :.:, .\1 t,:'! Vil,~{:('d ;1 I

I I I "II I ;j ,

;i d I

,i : I'-, I ': I:!:

I: I ! , : Ij

l. , Ii ~ I 1 :iI . 'I . .: I.

, I


I I , ' , I


II I' jd d

, \" .' ll:, , : :. ~

Canada Savings Bonds are easy to buy for cash or on instalment~ from your Bank, _Investment Dealer, Stock Broker, Trust or Loan

Company. amounts from $50 up to a limit of

$10,000 per person.

An excellent buy Canada Savings Bonds earn interest commencing November 1 st-

4%% for each of the first 2 years; 5% for each of the next 6 years; 5*% for each of the remaining 4 years~

~_n average yiel~ of 5,03% a year when held to maturity.



I , . It -i=:::S e:i II ..

, .

Salnrrla,. ni~ht, Dick [)nff of high-stlckina ~!ac:\eil an!! IInll



1-Add Them All Together

-rpa;, and lH' was [lillil):· 1'·:-n;::lty ~n

fnllrlh ~,,:,:

The ,',l'l: Win;' :In.:;o t ,,:'..(. In ~hot~. :!' lloli~(', ~'lJhin1 fc~ I:! 'Ioc;', .. 1 (.!oalie "'. ha:: i,','.!:· hill~~:'l' Illan his Pii:" rl':T~' SJwch';~,

..:- \\ 'il ". \\3~ b~;:!~ • '-, , ""'.' .~ },,.' J I

fIt'': ~'" 41 ~no.!' .. ~.J. in til,' !!;H'n!n~ per.c.~ mOl (' '2q;.',~ wilintl till' :'n;-~ ~!l rr.:n..::e!

f)t':'i,(;;":. If\\e~:~~ tbn: hr h:l" frl' a hi' 1,',0 .".ndr,

",d "t c?

Co'um~i~~ _ ' RAY BLUTH makes a form dlart on a lane. D rts

By RAY BLUTH lof studying all phases of the i a There is no such thing ~" game, from the lanes and pins I , ~O(J

the pe~fect bowler, If he themselves right up to the in· I On ~Ionda), :e.s existed, he would roll nothing dividual styles of those whooe I ~Ies turkey se~~al but 300 games. accomplishments make them \ eluded, A s~e

Each of the top high rollers, worthy of emulation. be held for t e however, docs' one or more Over the years I've collected iog a Darts D things perfectly. If we could quite a hit of know·holl' about coming seasO I~ add them all together in one the various fine professionals, are requeste.

d the kegler we woul(1 have the com· I think I know what makes hereunder 15 Jaff.l: plete bowler-one who would each one of Ulem tick, just games to ~:d GI.I do everything right and would what each one does betler than • n (S,

make Don Carter, Dick Weber the other. John Gre~ \Iartil and nil of us professionals look In these' articles I'll try tOf E. Beef ~~:G~I like the low roller in a I~dies' pass along my knowledge 0 • Is IS, Saturday night leaguc. the best parts of each star's Clem Kee V~

Such a paragon is hardlY game. Maybe you can adopt Tom Mas~~ fS,

likely cver to exist, but the them all (l haven't been a!>Jc Gus Bar~hilPott search for perfection is fun and to). If you can't, you'll profit Frank one of the things that makes anyway because your game can Kean, the sport challenging. improve only ir you seck per· Je,rom~\'ail \'~

I have been called a dedi- fcction. ~hke . CRted student of bowling and If yoU should find you can (P), c leJllaJi !~ howlers, which I certainly tty learn to do each of the things Tom 0

to be. If I am not the world's that each of these star does to mons v' . h Ed Pearce .' ~ greatest bowler-and I'm 'not perfection you will become t e Ro'n )!CcartbY -it is not for lack of work. , first complete howitr.

The fact that I've gone 3S nedY· wakebllll , far as I have is pretty good And anybody will play w!th Paul " testimony to the eHectiveness you. ____ .' ,_ •• .=. Duff,

rsey •

close to 100 pil out with a gan

added a 298 in ti nlv to hal'c KCE

oOn 260. This cut : lead and I

pins with the tota for Kear5cy and 7,

had a fine balt scores II'cre, not •

men, Lorralile II'

over :-; ellie 2 in the second stan a 234 compared

and this h leading by

inlo the last fran ;\ellie hit a 2 had 205 to ha

652.592 fur a 60 1 :\ellie,

rolled undcr t colors while Lorr~i

for Feildians a for H,

ms diun

'bockey practices op Stadium icc surf

with 51. Bon's, ( and Holy Cl

~I'lmta:ge of the w(

surprise of 11'35 the appeara

3t the Le! A long time City

star, Breen was l

with Ton: Con Bennet! hy Le: Withers, for the Legion ~

goalies Erie Gre: The f

ST, BON'S senior hockey important pr:

Forum st: sharp, All pI

to make a S' attend, ' FEILDIANS

junior and will hold a

.'f""m:e at the St, at 6,30

interested in on either sq'

make a special All attending 31

~resscd and re Ice at 6,20,

Page 7: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in

rop • Ings


ri ' ~oV, 4, n Mon a~, ~ will

_, turkey ser~es '. d A speCial IC • urpOse held for the P mll\ee' a Darts com All

. i Ill! seasOJl, requeste,d t~c

cunder IS I ted' Il'S to ~ Pda~a~e

2n "U "h n Green ::~rtln

: Beer \'Sd 'GaDlc 3r, Leo

Irlll I{eels vs, ]Ion III Mason vS'!dlke

, \IS Bar~~u~~tt \'S,

pearce VS·

,nn McC.rth)'

I~', Wlk~balll III ' -' ..... -



I(ilbride Softball Presents Awards

The floJlri5hing Kilhridc from guest speaker Ank Mur-SofllJall Softball League rlrop· h P y. ped the curtain ,on il5 1963 ac· Named for the three sections tivil12s Saturday night. Over were: 200 members of the three sc:. BOYS OF THE YEAR lions in the League and t!Jeir Junior: Gerard Lacey; Gb'l.n guests were present at the Kii- Whalen ~lcmOl'ial Trophy. . i

__ - l' I 3'ked np II>

bride Parish Hall for the affair, Minor: Cliff Aylward; Royal Only two years old, the Photo Trophy, r ' II 1 AI<' TV :\ . I

on S;:illr' I the League is sponsored by tile Senior: Tony Murph~'; DJb Kilbride Holy Name Society Whalcn Trophy,

to Mht of( a 1 •

~~ rha\lln~l'r \,ill,('1 1 •

and has been sprarheaded hy MOST VALUABLE PL,H'I':R President Bob \Vha'len. The Junior: ~!ike Sloyles; ScnI1J':

:"11 I\ear~c)' II as I ""I " II· , h" litle, "C Ie i

~c 0 Il . dl:~r~lIrll .1:(II'1'JIlIC • 1.J(0,' (111'1>11 111.

highlight of the event on Sat- Bob Hillier, urday night was the presenta' MOST IMPROVED PLAYER tion to Whelan of a hugh trophy Junior: Eugene Crane; Sen·

lue ,,'~II \ • from the 150 buys in the league, ior: Peter ~!urphy, opIned wit h 249

: jn,t ~4 Pill; , ,,- In the ,('('111\(1'

•. 1: "oar-II' olll'l:ill': '

,John Gushuc milde the prcsen, TOP BATTER lalion, Junior: Junior Stoyles; Sen·

Chairman fOl' thc el'cning ior: 'fony ~!urphy, 113,1\\ ••

, I ~l pin, ;., 11(' h,,,1 ~ 'I'HI In' .1 ~93 to ,I --' ,

was ,Jack ~[aeDonald, Holy TOP PITCHER Nault' Socicty Viee'Pl'csir!tonl. Junior: :Junior Stoyles; Scn-

Ank ~ll1rph)', ~IlIA., was thp. I ior: lall Peckham, ~uest speaker. :'11', ~llIl'rhy nOll WHALEN HO~IE RUNS spoke of the tremendous job ,Junior: Joe Mackey and Dave

I "hollored" ! bein::: done by the Lea~uc anrl' Power: Senior: ,Tohn Gushue,

TE:\~1 TROPHIES WCI'C 1)'lSSc(1 1)\' • , t tl ,.... t'l II k 1 I ' H ' .' ", CI.t 1e InCI can 1 C . OC ey ( ance am pl'CSentalHlIl at the Coral 00111 ~'t Satmelay mght. (Left to rip;hl): Pee Wee Cranc, co-captain of the NEWS-Tch' winnin" "If'

(call1~ " I'~., E. F. Hal'llcs who prcscnted the E. F. Bames Trophy f~r "If'; Bcl'll Bcnnctt, -co-capt";;1 of ~hc NM\ S.Tcly; ~l1's, Ank Mmphy who presentcd thc championship Walsh's Bakcry Tro,lhy; i\likc

,5trcsser! the nwl for IIrr:an'za. last year, Doug died len days ~OOKIE Of YEA~ , I tlnns such oS thc Kilbridc Soft, a~n. Thc gathering observed a I' .'JunlOr: Dave Power; Senior: hal,~ Leaguc.. . mill ute's silence Ollt of respect, Bill Lacey: "

The Kllbl'lrlc Soft hall for the passing of f,oug, The Se~IO! Cha?1plOnshlp was

Ilonohan. coach of the championship London Lions. (Staff Photo)

: Lear!lIc is mainly responsililc President Boh Whalen offer. won by 1 WillS ,1~lth coach Bah , for the 80% drop in the amount ed the [hanks of the League to ThompSl!n receIVIng .the Gordon

nf damagc done to nowrin~ the mallY who had helped the Noseworthy }"!emorlal Trophy

1. h · P d Park property," ~!r. ~Iurph)' or~allization over the pnst year from .Hans Noseworthy, .

rop les W'esen te said and he congratulated 3lt while Hans Noseworthy spoke IndIans, were the Jum'lr , ' those connected with the on behalf of the guests, The chnl?Ps With c?ach Bob Whiff en

,League for the amount or thanks of the pla~e getting the "helan and Ryan o 2'0 b ' , . r~ was ~x. Trophy from Tom Whalcn,

• ,I:CI' ,~ n,le~ crs of the, to the late DOllg Browne, who, Tely, Bern Bennett and Pee Shriln DrQ(l~e, daughler o[ Mr. I:,ork, and effort they are Pllt- pressed by Bob Hillier while F I H d f th V' ~llI~antllc lI()ckc~ Lcaguc and, pluycd 111 the league with the Wce Craen ! and ~ll's \\'illiam Dn dge f tlllg mlo helplIlg the youth of ,John Gushue paid tribute to torl'ara~~rk ~rslsv:oser~ice ~tati~~ Mercantile

thclI' gllcsts were on hand at : NEWS.T I' tit . ' , 1 '-' , , J 0 the area Ed ~Ia k f b the ('ol'al HOIlIll Sat I 'I' e) eam as wlIltel',' Han Bullcr of the London Empire Al'ellllC, ' • c ey~ a ormer m~n: er presented his ~linor champion-. t\ 1 h I u~'c ay Rig It 1 and requested a minute's silence I Lions was nnmed as the 1I1ost The queen was c'I'owned bl' Pee Wee Crane of the Even- of the, Lea"u

e, I~ho has ]OlIled ship trophy to Randy WhiHen,

'I~ ,Ie eaguc r d Its annual, out of respect of his passing, Valuable Playel' for section E. f. Darnes, a l(Jn~ time sup- ing Telegram paid a tribut.e to the Imh ChrIStian Brothers. the coach of the Braves, ~::;n,le ~,nd trophy pl'e.'en.t~tlOn, I Ank ~Iurphy, jIHA, toasted I "A" and reecil'ed the Ank jlur- porter of Ill!' Leagllc, : DOllg Brownc, ~ Telcgram re· The \'~riolls individual win· Reg White, Mcts' coach, re,

~~~.=~z !,\:' ;1 1.11

" ~cll:(. ~i~. :\ 11('\\ ~:;.ril, : lw ,~1J;.; \\:l~:r 1.H:': .:;I~t' (~~!:.ln,' alld

I( I ~IIIlIIS tcalll ~nd IIldll'lclual ' the Lea!(lIe and he pointed ont I phI' Trophy from its donor \lusic for tI\{' dance was pro. porter who coverer! the Leaglle lIers receil'ed their trophies' ceived the senior CJON first , Ins amoun 0 work that In 5ectIOn "B" the ,John: \'Ided hy the jlarksl11cn Orches- place trophy from Ank Murphy awards \\'on the past senson' the ' t t f " '. . . ", -----.... -----------

w~,;e 11~lllllcdl o\'or al Ihe el'ent. ' is nccessary to hal'e n success.] Hutehings jlemorinl Tl'Ophl" tra, I d while the Edwards Trophy for • ec '. :"'p 1)' \\'as mece fOl' (Ill opcration, ~h', ~llIrphy also went to 'the' jlVP ;vinncr ~n;l! t· t a series between the Kilbride

tI'.' ,affl~IJ". a:lI~ he ~poncc~, tho, offered . his congratulations to Len Hutchings pl'esentecl the, n e r m e la e and Carbonear teams was 'pre-jlIOccr<.I_n"~...>_) _pa~lng tllhute . ~1.1e l'm'lOliS winners and prom- award to \\'inner Dec jlurphy. St. Patr'lck's scnted to Kilbride coach Alex Isod any, help thnt he was cap- of the NEWS.Tel)'. Lacey by Jack lIIaeDonald,

T k T ahle of In the future, I ~lembers of the London At· 0 Catering for the dinner was


ms a e 0 L~aglle president Ron Butler I Lions also reeeh'ed theil' in· I Bowl'lrlg league ' C Ion pens by the Kilbride Ladies AssLlc-

repliell 011 behalf of the I dividual trophies with Mrs, Don ialion, League, ~n thanking ~Ir, Mm-\ Brophy, ~Irs, Gord Follett nnd: ,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;'

phl' for IllS address, the presi.!lIrrS, Dee ~Iurphy passing the: .".

~. S f Ident also thanked the man), awards to coach Mike Monohan, ~lO;'I;DA1, :"io\'ellIher 4th,

The tn63·64 IntermeclIate basketball 0llens its doors to another season tonight with a doubleheader on tap at the Vocational Training gym,

St, Pat's did not enter this ~'ear, st. Bon's and Vocational Training are the new entries •


ILlm ur ace : who had helped in the rllnning\eaptain Ron Butler and team' At ~~aza ilowl at 10.15 p.m.: : of !he Leagu~ and wished the memhers Rubert Dawc, E(l.: l,2-W Inston vs. Blaek Cats. : ~'arlOus tea!"s the best of luck, Shapter, Gcrry O'Reilly, Her-: H-t:I,aY,ers 1'5. Cam,cls,

,lin ~he cOllllng sc~son,: man Starkes, Jim Walsh, Fred i 5.G-C.1 a\ ~1I ,A IS. (,e,ms:. , !lavc Connolly. Don Plcrcc and 1 he London LIons werc thc, ~Iercer, Fred Wells, Joe Silver: 7.8-henls, IS, Du :\I,lIIl1cr,

nOli Brockichurst; Ron Lush, League champions and copped' Ron Wilson Sam Pen y J' ' 0·IO-LIICkIC5 I'S. Rothmans. Tel'l'), Haire and Mike jlaloncy, Ih~ Walsh's Bakery Trophy, Barrett, Ho;vard MurP~~'" G'~;~ . 11·12-neilcdcrc 1'5, Bl1ckln~·

1'1'0,; Illg word [rom the 51. Bon's TillS was prescntcd to Lon- White, Doug Jlurphv, I " ~am. . or \"", work. ('amp was that :llerv Green 1 don coach ~Iikc Monohan by During the night '''~Iiss ~Iel" 1.1· -I-:-l h~'s,erfleld \'~, Salem, .

would he working out with the: :III'S, Ank 1I1urphy, cantile Hockey" IVas ~ickcrl: A ThiS Will, be the last g,~Il1'~: !\Irpn'r "J thr BIlle Golds tonight. Green 1 The other finalists were the I panel of six jud£es, Mrs, E, F. ullt~l. Dec, 2, ~llr :a~'''h ~I' .111'

",I Ihl' apl,r:,r,I1Hr \\'a;I~'t at yesterday's drill with I NEWS-Tel), who IVon the nelY Barnes, 1111'S, Ank Murph',', ~ll's. slail~ t?IS f~\II11tla~ ;-;~I.' ',a:lfl ' Ereer, at Ih!' l.('glt,n ,~oallC Cy jlcGettigan and Bob E, F, Barnes Tl'ophy, :llrs, Dee Murphv 1111'S Gor'd Fol ;nclll;r' ~ Ilt 10 ,ra,:ulc .11 r 1',IIlI!. ,\ Ion: lime til, and !lllllne as the netminder< E F B'lrnes passed the ward I tt lI! D" R 'I - y as;rc 0 assISt tIe l'al'lo:l.< ,

B 0 C", ," t" th' , " ' a e , • rs, on rop 1Y and Pee l'ommittees ill the operation of

,raf, rc~n wn, u,cd on lane and ilhke Dohonoy () e co,captalns of the NEWS- Wee Crane, picked 21,year-old I the Fair ':,ith TOll! ('flll'" .iI· were onc ~it of (lefcllce:ncn in 1 --.-' -------

B!~n~tt hy I."::J(.~ IIS(' h~' coach Ted Gillies while : \Yithw l3ern ~Iyrick and Jack Murphy,

Ilefendlng champs Feildians meet runners·up Holy Cro,s in the first game ae 7.30 an(1 Vocational meet St. Bon's in the second game.

All games this year will bc played at the new Vocational Training College gym and the ~Iemorial Univcrsity gym, The lalter gym will he used only on Friday nights,

Two rounds will be playc!1 ; again this year with the play. ' offs system not decided as yct.

Wednesday night Memorial make their debut a£ainst lIoly Cross In the first game with Vocational and Feildlans meeting in the second con, test. Friday night St, Bon's travel to ~Iemorial to meel the Beothucks,

Referees for tonight's games will be Don Pierce and Dave Barrett.

Ui,l~I'..f,:(t.:.tIMfm Tericota shirts never need ironin~ ••. not even c lillie bit! $6.95

The Model Shop Ltd. wCI'e also teamed, Joe Slaney and Hubert Hutton were an­(Jther set with Dave Sinnott

Irish, St. Bon's Split Hoop Games!

The league is comprised of five teams this year, two or them are new squads, Last year's fourth place finisher. ------,-----------_ .. - ~--- _. - ---

,\,,1'1' I1,,:I:: paired with jlike Fit7.~erald or DOn .John'oll, \\ I:h· ,l'Ol'nCI' Brook anti Dick Nel'ille

.1(11' and IIl1gh jlcGctligan as the I ot\WI' twosome, '

Bill (lillies, Stan Cook and Hay jlurphy'[ol'mod one attack·

!.", 1':- ing linc for St. Bon's with '1'0111' .11111 ~Ianning, Eddie O'Brien an;1

I.:ro, d Frank O'Keefe as another . ;trill~, Wayne and Earl Rowe, ,Boh :\cl'illc, Graham Kelly and I Peter Dunne wcrc the other I forwards, I

;Goal Times

, ,eninr IJllt~o,· team i~ i1r,pun:nt \;r;,,:ll'r ,the F01·~lm ~tJrtlil~

!harp, All p!a,c'i i to make a ,<pc"i,,1 :

The followln/: are the goal times of Saturday night's tele· \·isr.d game between Toronto and ChIcago which the lIa\l'~s won 2,0.

m, 0,22 (2), 3.21

attend. ! . F[U,DL\XS SWIMMING , iUnior and H'niol" The Ril'erdale Tennis Club


St. Pat's n!o\'eil into fir,;t: 1:1 points while Cary Stanford l!hlCe In the Junior GrallJmm'l potted six, Tom FlIl'long paced i School basketbal~ leag\le ycstrr· ! the 1lI11cgolds attack to dump day afternoon With a 26·15 win i fil'e pain!.;, ol'er 51. Bon's in the first game i A hig 13 poinl first quarter' of a doubleheadcr at SI. Pai's r was the hig punch for the Sl. gyn~, SI. Bon's wO,n their fir"t ! Bon's scniol' I'ictor)', After that se~~ol' game droPPJIIg the Irish! they were fairly .lI'ell matc'lcd • 47 ~ 7, " I by the slow st<lrIJII~ Irish, The

'l he I.flSh vlc\ory II'<lS their I first ei~ht minutes saw SI. Pat'r. ! second JII a~ ~a~y starts and i score just one pnint. At tile: m~ves them Into first place, two en:! of the first half the Blue, •

I pOJII,ls o:'er Holy Cross, 'l'he st. golds helll a cOlJlmanding 21·

I Bon s IVJII moved' them into ,c, 7 lead.

Andy Samuelson, who 11all cond place, two behind unde-made I,Ienty or strikes on I feated Holy Cross, The Irish played their best local and ~Ialnland bowling I After a low scoring iirst ball in the third taking a 13·12 lanes, hit the flrst 400 single quarter in which S1. Bon's held scoring advantage but SI. Bon's frame total In the city yes- a three to two scoring aclvan- eame back in the finnl quarjer terday alternoon. tage, the Irish came to life with to double the losers 14-7,

Rolling In the Patricians eonsistant scoring the next three Gary Power had the dcadly

a •

lUllS will hOld an I Ill· (Winter Activities Division) m:lice at the Sta,lium ' will be hal'ing swimming at the slmmg at 6,30 ,hdrr, I' ~I.emorial University pool to'

mttrested in mal;. I1Ight from 10 to !1 for mem'

Men's I,eagne at St, Pat's quarters with nine, seven and eye (or the winners scoring 23 Alleys, Andy opened his bIg eight points while the Bluegolds points while John Healey back­frame with eight straight scored four in their last three ed him up with 'nine, Robert strIkes and ended with a quarters, Wilson hooped 16 points to leail great 401 score. Smooth working Pnul Bennett SI. Pat's scorers and Greg !lay' !

WELL ROLLED tops for the winners with nes dumped six, ,~n either. ~qlla:1 !S ' bel'S and their gllests,

ma,e a specl.1 (,flOrt ,AI! att~ndln~ ai'(' a,k. ~re;sed and It,oth' to Ice at 6.20. '

BOYS OF THE YEAR wcrc anJ].ounccd at the Kilbridc Softbnll Leaguc's unnual d.inner und h'ophy prescntation on Saturday nigllt. Namcd.for the awn rds wcrc: (left to right):Gc~al'd Lacey, Junior; Tony ~ Murphy, Senior; Cliff Aylward, Minor. (Staff Fhoto) .

Seen any interesting ads lately? Spotted any big bargains lately? If so, why not buy with the

Bank of Montreal Family Finance Plan? With this low-cost. life-insured plan. one r3gular monthly

payment covers all your ·credit needs-and you can take up

to three years to pay, When you see what you want - see the people

at your neighbourhood B of M about a Family

Finance Plan loan,


ID ,:-''''''''''''''' ." .. ,~,,;:<.~~::J::::.,·.;,::.: .. %;:;.n~?]:;:::,'_':7Ll.i,,':-·' -~ .


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. I

Now that I am one of the countless millions who can tallt about "my operation", I h:l':c to confess that. it was minol' surgel'y, so minor that it could hardly be called surgcr)', hut the rrcoI'ery-that was a horsc or a different color, MinOl' sur· gcry, majur recoI'cl·Y·

This was mainly due 10 thc racl that :III'S, Brown secmed to .choose the lHlrd road to rc' C()I~Cr)', subbornly resh;tin~ III aids that should hal'c had hel' out, of hosllital after a weck.

Thank you lor the calls !,' The nall~' !'irws' to m)' homc anti to the hospita\. They arc al! apprcciat~d,

'" 1jI rir

:llnre about the hospital later,

JlClJllllur it's been pl'inte<l sCI'r.n ~'c;lrs in a row and contains mt:ch hislorical bacl.ground I cllmpiled by Len E. F. Eng· lish, :-'I.B.E, I, as well as ~elV' foundland sayings and figures 01 speech. It el'en !lil'es wcath· CI' lorc. folk medicines and omens, all exlremely interest· ing,

I. O. D. E. The rcgulal' monthly meeting

01 the Sir Humphrey Uilbert Cl'upter LO,D.E., was heir! at the homc 01 Lady Dunfield, Waterlonl Bridgc Road, Tues· dll),. Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. Thc Re· gent, I\Irs. D. H. Gossc, pre· sided, Regular monthly rc· pm'ts were receil'ed. O( partic" ular interest was the treasurcrs report of the proceeds of the mU5ical . tca :It which Roma' Butler Riddell \rIlS the gu~st. a!'tist, This Chapter project was holh a social nnd financial success.

YWCA News Thc Wal's anti ~leans Com·

mittee uncleI' the lrmlership 'I! Mrs, n, Rus~ell will he luunch· inr. n new idea in the form of a bl'id!(c and auction !(ame with a French accent· to lIe held lit thc ;o.;cw[oundland Ho· tel:-':ol'. 2i,

~Iilny intcrc3tin~ itcms will b~ 011 display at the "~1m'che aux puses" or "Flea ~Iarket". to hc bought at YOUI' discretion, Costumes with n Frcnch flair wili bc worn, and interesting pl'izcs to be won, Thc "Bl'idgc de Auction Bein

Faisance" will be played in [h(' evening. Tickets may he b01~ght [rom the committee. II cst entercssant n'est ce p'as'!

Fashion Tips

SHEIL,\ DRODGE, 21·year·ohl danghter of iUr, and 1111'S. William Dro(lge oC Empire A I'enuc, was crowner! as ~liss Mercantile JIoekl!~' COl' 1963 at the League's annllal dance and trollhy pres· entation at the foral Room on Satnrday night, E. F, Barncs, a IUllg time SUIlIIOl·tcr of the League, crowncd the nelV Queen,

(Staff Photo).




Dear Ann Landers: I would like to . co~. problem 01 class elections Recently We h "'!"

at our high school. Petitions were cirCUII~ ures, Then the students of each cla!s roted d I~

. 'd t t t f~. ,vlce presl en , seere ary, rcasurcr. student.' , scntatilles, and members o! the cXeculil'e

, Who was elccted The same hunth os ' . cutest. girls, the best looking fdIO\\s, Ihe 11:1:

ers a~d the kids from the riche,t familio.

These kids alwa)'s win the elettion: " , I k h ' I' , "'~ (, serl'e It. 'now ceause I'e I ned tl) '.I' ,'. .:

(dccorating the halls for dances and ',tllt'I::":: they ~re the' biggest goof.offs 01 aiL '!

Please print my letter for the henefit ~I e\cct leaders ),'ho hal'e no lradwhip , NOT ELECTED,

Dcar Not: Your letter slIlIn,l, like! a lousy loser.

I've met a good many hi~h schOOl ers these past several year. and th,,· d'd'

. • I II likc goof·oUs to me. Almost inl'3riabh attractive but they were also p~"ell~nl . extremely well·mannered. (II I'm wrong kid!. tell me.)

• • If, •

i)eal' Ann: I am a YO\lIl~ "."lJl1lltIl.

hal'e four children. We all gct .Irm,

:III' first assignment bad; at w~rk was Gul's and Dolls. and " pleasant one it was, Nel'el' enj(\~'ed a local sholl' so mnch. Was. amazed at nobble Gushur whe' suddenly lost all of ;elf consciousness and hec,lnle a commedicnnc. She was mal" Ycllolls, Doug LaUe, JOe Rom· Ilnelll, ;\largaret ~lerccr, Denys Fer~y, Edgar Squlrcs, Padd~' Brogan, Petcr Parnham, all

were greal.

By ri~hls we alwage Ncw· foundlanders should lmow these things, In fact. we should cuI' tirate those picturesque fig· In'e5 of ~peech if only 10 rctain our individuality.

Do feel sure that we New· foundlanders will find this lillie magazine more intercst· ing thnn the mainlanders will.


.II good alligator handbag I, a worth· while but cxpensive in, vcstment. It's wise to carry a plastic case inside thc bag so that yOU can protect it from damage· should it rain.

[s~ci~-i~p~;;~n~ll I - Column I

DEAR POLLY - Have you el'er felt likc blowing your top when you put the lid back on a paint can, tapped it into place and had paint spatters all over the place? Next time rcplaee thr lid. cover it with a paper towel or old cloth and th.en tao the lid down. The pamt spatters will be. ~hSO!·bed. Next timc thc hqtlld III a "Ioo,[ull" casserole stads to bubble up ant! OVCI', reach [or your baster. Rcach down thc side oC the casserole and I'e' mOI'c that troublesome cxtra liquid, The hastcr is also 3 hnnd)' tool in the workshop whcn it comes to hlowing dust oul o! corners of furniture that i, hcinl! refinished. Are you a "clippcr'?" I have found that if I keep recipes in envelopes, classified as pies, cal,es, cas­~eroles, etc" I can find what I necd more easily. After I hal'e tricd one and liked it, it is pl2ced in my permanent file. I[ it is not what my [amily likcs or is too difficult to prepare. I discard the clipping. I trim off. the tops of big plastic bleach or dctergent bottles and mc the plastic boltom to store sponges. scrapers or scouring pads. It eliminates drips on thc bottom of my storage cab· inet.-~IRS. A, J. SI. G.

Recentll' my mother's younZt,1 ~rother

~Iom was ~'el'Y close to this brother ar,d ,he ~. cd with grief ol'er his death. I n a '!,eex ,10m' iting us for several days. She [el'l, a char.;e:!· might do her good. ..



Songs wcre sling with (cr· ,'our and joy and carried ~s right along in the spirit o( the thing,

;\Iary Lou Collins as a special cuest artist· sang Sibone~', and ga\,e a· real professional PCI"


EverY scc~e. song and dance . was just great. bllt Joe Rom· anelH's Sit Down, You're RoCk in' .the Boat. was superb.

~ . Was : ::. il1~ with director

!idYla m~h later this week, an(\ she said they are hopin~ to give 8 dcmand perlormance on ~Ionday 01' Tuesday niJ:ht. since ~hcy ha\'e heen tnmin!! peorle away all' thron~h the week.

U's been an absolutel,' areat sholl'. and if )'ou'l'C missed it-3 tear in your becr.


Whilc the :llemorial tlni\'cr· sill' has been looking for the giatn squid this year. have hctl'd that fisherman Wilfred Pretty or thc Battel')' spotted a "squid hound" in Freshwater Bay thc first week in October. It was about 20 to 25 feet in length as far as he could make oul· but he had no special de· sire to explore 100 closely. It's the first one he's seen in many years.

This tip was passed along by Mariah Pretty, .

• • • Some people we knoll' have

been gettin~ heartr chuckles out o( the little magazine put out by the New(oundland Tour· lst Del'elopment Division, nam· ed "Historic Newfoundland," The \'ocabulary of unsual words takes them hack to their parents and grandparents knee.

This little magazille is so

• • • With darkness encroaching

on OUI' working hours. a city businessman says Daylight Sal" ing Time should be used dll , year rOllnd· plus an extra hour from April to October. "As It is". Iw says, "we are sleeping half our daylight time away",

• • • And did you know that hur·

ricanes were named after woo men only in recent times, In the old days here in New(ound· land the)' were named alter certain fiery politicians.


To keep ctll'tains from dry· ing unel·enly· hang the m from thc sell'age edge or top hem. Use regular or spring· type c\othspillfi, closely spaced.


bc a small sligar SCOOJl III insert dressing into chickens or turkey.


Here's a way to save some money at your parties. You can wash your plastic tidbil picks in hot, soapy w ate r, Rinse with hot water and let dry.


A well· organized closet can help get yoU out to the olfice faster on weekday mornings. Hal'e accessories handv in transparcnt or clearly hibeled boxes. and hang your clothes. in transparent plastic bags so that they can be easily seen.


~~~!f~~!~:,!A~~I~!~!J~~~~!1 ... - Al~o':: UP-TO-THE-MINUTE NEWS--





Perfume must be l'c·uscd dllring the day to keep it5 fragrancc, A handy way to carry yOlll' purse perf lime. IS in a new roll·on contaliler which you can fill yoursclf.

Smocked Pillows

Smart needlework! :It a k c these smocked pilloWS o! COl"

duroy, I'clveteen, satin, colt 011.

Easy. jifCy, RlI10ckrd pil· lows! Donr IIIl rrl'crsc side ~If fabric, Pattcl'n 70,11: trans· In: directions It·inch rnl1nd~ II square; bolstcl' l4·inchcs long,

THIRTY.I"IVE CE:-lTS, lin coins (or this pattcrn (no

I stamps. please) to ALICE BROOKS, care 01 ST. JOll:i'S DAILY NEWS. NeerllecraCt Dc· partment, 60 FRONT STREET WEST,. TORONTO, ONTARIO Print plainly PATTERN NUM· BER, NAME, ADDRESS.

Uth BIRTIIDA Y Birthday greetings to Da~ld

Hammond. 59 Suvla ~treet. who today is celebrating his 14th birthday. Greetings come from his mom. dad and Glen,,;,

El'\GAGMIENT The engagement was announ·

('cd recently 0: Peggy, dauglmr oC ~Iargaret and the late Thomas POlI'er. 59 Carter's Hill, to John Langer. Wedding rlat~ to hc announccd. Congratu· lations,

... * • JURTHDAY

~tl', ~Iark Dal'is is celebrat, ing his birthday today. Greet· ings from his family.


The wedding takes place til· day Monday, Nov, 4, 1963. of Jean Beatrice Butler. danghtcr of Mr, and ~Irs. Eric J, Butlcr, 27 Cornwall Crescent, to Lloyd D, Holloway, eldest son of ~Ir. and Mrs. A. Holloway, 38 Morris Avenuc, at the Church of SI. Mary the Virgin, at 7 p.m.

Ii' III •

HAPPY BIRTIIDA Y Many happy returns or the

day to Geraldine Reid. wilo celebrated her 15th bi!,thda) Sunday, No\,. 3, Greetings com,' from friends,

CONGRATULATIONS Many happy rcturns oC the

day to Glaj),s Pike who cele· brated her birthday Sl1nd~p, Congratulations and best wishes come from t.,· ., .••. . . . .~

9 YE,\RS OLD Man), h,tPPY return~ of :he

day to Glrn lI)'ne~, who wa~ 9 years old SUIl(lay, L(J\'~ and h~~t wishes 1'0111(' Irom the family,


~Iiss Susan Dw~'cr has becn ~Iccterl president of her class at Royal Victoria Hospital. ~Iflllll'cal. She is the d;l1lghlcr of the Depuly ~linister of Labor, George 1', Dwyer o[ Queen's road, She is a first­year student in a class o! 150.

• • • 9 YEARS OLD

Birthday greetings to Maureen Scurry, who celebrates her 9th birthday today, Nov. 4, Love


-----------------------NOW PLAYING






\ ,

and bcst wishes come from Ihe family,

DEAR POLLY-I do a lot of walking and wear through shoe soles vel':; quickly' es· pecially my left shoe, I do not find resoled shocs I'ery com· fOl'iable and hate to retire sroes that are good excepl jor

How shall we treat her'.' ~holiid '"e . . to talk about her brother'? Or w"lIld i'. l)e ter. changed the subject and tried to turn the to more cheerful things, I hope \ ou dont I:::; question is too silly to print. Thank ,Oil-liB!:

Dear Ul'I'C: There is no ri~i,1 rille lor with people who are sllfferin~ (rom grief, Ir, to play It by ear.


This list is submitted through the courte:;)' of the Canadian Red Cross.

General Hospital: Selina f")r· scy, Seal Covc. F,R, feeling fine; Darrell ~larks. Grole, via Hermitage, no change in conrli· tion: Gerald Drake, Rasooon, P.B .• had operation yesterday, has cast on. feeling fine; !llax Cramm, Green's Harbor, crin· dition I'ery good.

lIome for the Aged and In· firm; Mrs, Annie Joy, Port Union, feeling fine,

Grace Hospital: shirlcy Rowe. Green's Harbor, feeling fine.

Sanatorium: .Anthony Flem· ing, Port Union. conJition satis· factory; )Irs, James Caines, Ga1'llish, doing very well,

Newest Knit

Knit this jacket to make a Fall outfit with shift shown earlier; smart combination.

Wear thi! cable·trim knit with shift (7032) or any outfit. Easy to knit. Pattern 7393: directions lor jacket sizes 32-34: 36·38 included.

THlRTY·FIVE CENTS (in coins fOI' this pattern I no stamps. plea,c) to ALICE BROOKS, care 01 ST. ,JOHN'S DAILY NEWS. Necdlecraft Dc­partment, 60 FRONT STREET WEST. TORONTO O~'rAmO, Print plainly PATTERN NUM· BER, NAME, ADDRESS.

a small round section that :~ wearing through. Sel'eral eros· sed sections of adhesil'e 11pe will corel' the worn spot nnt! blend with the sole color as you walk.-PEGGY

DEAR POLLY - !II~' young· sters are old enough to dress themselves but they share a clothes closet and often end up with each other's clothes, [ tied two ribbons Cor each child nn the clothes pole. I han I( ~Iark's between red ribbons and Tommy'! between blue ones, It also warn~ when one 01 the youngsters is getting low on clothes.-MRS, J. K.

GIRLS - Cardboard tahs with the children's names could als(, be used.-POLLY

DEAR POLLY - Whenel'cr you knit with light colors it is a good idea to keep a clean hand towel around your knit· tin~ even though it is kept in /I knitting bag. This protect~ it from dust and dirt when put aside and keeps it away from your clothes. The garment is fresh • looking when finished. -M. W.

GIRI.S-I· keep a hig plastic ba~ in my knitting bag and Ill:: knittin~ is always slipped into that lor the same reason ~s M. W's idea. The ba;: lie5 in my lap. under the knitting, AS I 1I'0rk,-POLLY

Brigham Young had 1D ",il'~~ And 56 children (25 sons and 31 rlaughters,)

If YOllr mother wants to talk aholll hn listen. Your cOm'crsation howelfr .. <hould be steered along generally theerlnl line!,

• .. Ii! ..

Dear Ann Landers: I am Ii ,ear, old 3r,j:il

going with this boy for 10 month- He hi! I~:i loves me so many times I'l'e losl count. Ile i\k~ marry him and I have said I would .\lthou;i been announced. and I am not \\canng a r.r,; .. as good as engaged.

Suddenly he doesn't want he still wants to see me but he abo wanls 10

see other girls if he feels like it. I a;ked b: any girls in mind and he swears h~ has no~. E! said he would feel better if I went out ~ilh lows,

I have been out of circlilation for ;0 l~n1' other fellows know I'm alil·e. Thi' I~ ~ I.erri'o:! be in and I'd like to know what tn do ah~Jt . HURT.

Dear Very: The first Ihin~ ~'~II un dl 11 ' vourself for· getting tied liP Inr almoll on! ~reclous year. Next, ronsider ,numll larl!, didn't marry this fellow, onl~' to lind out hI want to be tied down.

?II' desk is piled high Will, leiter! fr~~ . kids '~ho misf~ke biological urge' lor 101e. ',f:r. bloom is off the rose they start looking .roud. . l~, at what they'\'e missed, and thon ;omebo;:." letter "Very HurL". This is onl,' onc 01 IhE r ".'

so strongly opposed to going steady, • l> . . . -

. dd' I 'Ihln" 10 chi:'( Planning a we mg. .earr I,' , • LANDERS' newest booklet "Tho flriM, , ,

. II n"a·cmt~l, tllC. 'answers ((rom annollnclIl~ H' f " .'. ".

. . I ('Op' "r,I. .. pal'S for ·what"). To rCCC1I'r "ll' ': .' • .. ndo'!!! I k, Landers in care of thIS newspaper. r . . addressed envelope and 4~ rent· In roIO.

. 1 Ip \NI .,::: Ann Landers will he ~lilrl I') ,\0 . C "I

h . 'r 01 at" problems, Send them to cr It! ""'. ,1,

Features, 231 SI. James St. We,!, II"nItCI\. Q inil a stamped, sell·addressed en' rlrope,

I "ASTRO.GUIDEn By Ceaan ~ I For Monday, November 4 .

Present-For You and Yours ••• Take life as easy -yoUl schedule will permit Some

I stress aM strain aJ:e denoted, and they may affect the IImoUl

i system IDd stomacb early in the ! da\', Eat aDd drink moderatel,.· , . I while current radiatioo. Ira in

effect. Wait until after lunch \0 make important amtae\3.

! Past • ~ . When you "buy I FUiure • • • 5cl1ool children 'I pig in :a pokc," you bur lOme- will be taught that'the IOtan dis· : Ihiog u~~een, The term origi- lane. from: the cam te the I natcd ~lth a Nc.w Yor~ farmer moon is 236866 miles, This is I

who d1!Played PIgs at hIS ltalld" . ' but. eea city folks' eame by nm~ mtlca mora than the figure the farmer replaced the pigs which has been accepted lor with cats in the bags (or pam) decades and if thouSht to be ae- j' and sold !bem. . curate within a mile.



the Laxative Tablet with thl

The Day Under Your Sign

I AllES (8orn ).Iardt 21 to A~ril It) U8RA lSoDt, 2J I~ Oct. 221 Tan I f'f'letical 'riew t4 the lih11tion iOll11l1tft affair, might. hit I. snat. lim and 7OU'U'!« it L-n't 10 &trlO'C~ after aU. no tl!.C1tmlmts with the'opposi~ lEX nOW.

GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting Nt ••• Nature'll Remedy! There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after·feeling. Nt II an aU.vegeta~ laxativ~. !or OVI!!

70 years, Nt has'been glvmg f.olkt pleasant, effective relief oveI1llgbf;

_ .... , ... ,... II ,onight ••• ~~"'" tomorrowalrlgh.1

H.lp' you 1 .. 1 brtef • , , and , •• k bet'or'


, TAURUS (A~'iI 20 10 May 20\ SCORPIO (Oct, 23 to Nov, 21) E,en!.! ..... too .1""ly. but ",.,..',1IOIlJ. II,... f<d irriu,bl., f ..... ;.mwt to inr ,... can do to lI'eed th.... ""'" Ito.,. .. d for" ,..,...u. . GEMINI (May 21 to JUlIe 21) SAGITTARIUS (Nov; 22 to Doe. 211 . ..... lrh .. ""Y h< rnnt.d. but you IIIJI8t 1'111 faith '" .Id fri .. d> .. th ... tlwI In reveal them. People aren't minci,redm. atranlll'l. Exercise utzrJelt cautiClft. CANCER (Jun. 22t~ JulyZl) CAPRICORN I Doc. 2% h J ... 201 . Lard • loti", ... bad. bat &HI't .......... LaoI· ....... thOr tlwIlmsediaIt affObt : • mClllbe: Of tit. f...ny ...... i11 10". _ f ...... Dea'c .. rII-.npd. leo (July 22 t" Aug. 21) A«;IUARIUS IJ .... 21 to M, I') : n",'t lM"""ce anclu.ionJ IS &rlllitt. Neidlbarlr diKIIUioos ............. imll1 ; You may chlnae your mind: 'lCT'm1 times. rnb1am •• Lillal to: ethen' ~ VIRGO (AulJo 22 .. Sept. 2%1 PISCES (Jolt. 20 te ).I ..... 201 : HUlt O)uld lull to • tetiaul mer in BlDitlftl rcqt.UreI atteaa.. .h!Iouah)DU I _Ie. A .toadr pa'. Ii- holt .... ",ltJ. foel. __ IiIoe ·'coormt efr """r,

o I'll. :P.bft.h" N.."..,.... 5yn~' .. t •






Clock Preview Del'otions

Mlh~rs tlewS and Direct

;\ews Variet)" School n:o~dra"r


Choice Broadcast

Messer Show Bulielin Album

tlews and Weathe Hunter Show Rendervous

Time Signna Rendezvous School Broad·

mnS·UlO3tta Matinee l{e~:lOnal News

Roundup In The Air

Bruadcast Irom the Albull

Ncws (,

Preview 'am~nt niH

In The Eveni~ News and Weatl

When Today Bullelin

Barometer ,-ignment

~ni~lht Music Program: Hati Program: Ott;


Page 9: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in


ol'hllol ofli("e , tho~ dilln'l , I,lrbhl) thel'

1'111 ,Iurienl IHong kid!,


n, cl l , Inan-ied - :Inr

":',lth(lf Pil"'~ed

: .!lld she i< ' , "t'\ ,10111 W;II be

, 1'!lal\,~ or

t'r.. dill \inrI,

1~\I~int around. ,Iwn ;(I\Il('body "w of I hc rea;onl (iy.

Ihin~ 10 chan,·t. !lrid~'~ Guidr"

rn~<1~rntcnt 10 'II' ('opy, wrile to , rnc1o,in~ J long. In rotn,

, hrlp ,\nll lIilh ('~re nr canIda 11"nl rcal. Que.


• ~5" Master , • rush butlo., • nlgh.speed • Re!l10ve.ble • oven tl\llCr

mlnder be.t • FOCUssed ) • N o.driP cOO

THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOIIX'S, !·;E,·,rFOU":L'L.~?:D, NC;E~.!BER o!. lr.n3-0



Fuel Chief is th~ cle~nest burning oil you can buy. Every bit burns-not a drop is wasted. Fuel Chi.f keeps your house clean and has no odour. Most important-Fuel Chief can't leave damaging deposits on burner parts and storage tank. And it's economical-you get these premium benefits at regular prices!

Ask us to fill your tank now! Keep it full of Texaco Fuel ief for protection against dust, dirt and condensation. Then

Iwr,en you need more Fuel Chief we schedule deliveries so you 1 .. 6VAr run short.

DIAL 8·3001 (10 LINES)





10.55-Xews and Weather 1 LOU-The Gary Parr Show


, 11.31-The :'Ierv Russell Show 11.55-Ncll's and Weather 12.0O-'Ihe Mcrv Russell Show I~,:JU-Ncws and Weather I ~,:l5-The Mcrv Russcll Show 1~..l5-Fishcrmcn's ~'orecast 1~.48-Tho .\!erv Russell Show 1~.55-Ncws and Weather


t'il'tk l'rcriCIl' Ue\'utll'll'

I ~n~

\'!:ill) ~i:l(\~! n "11;\111':1-,1

: " :,lrRrill,'

. " B:"a,ka,\ llmer 5h .... ' : Bullthn " .\]bUnl ~II':; ami II' «,I h~r " Hunter Shllll'

RtnrlN\,ou,' Time Si~II'\JI

, I IIlndell'Olh , Scho;,1 Ilr",",

1.15-World Of Sport 1.20-Thc ~Ierv Russel\ ShoW I a5-Transporlation Report

:tnd Travel Guide 1 :lH-The ~Icn' Russell Show ~,llU-~C\\'s Headlines ~.U I-Prizcs & Problcms :!.~ll-News Headlines ~,31-l'rilcs k Prohiems

OIl Panille 2.55-Ncws and Wcather :lOO-Bob Cole Show :UU-Nc\\'s Headlines 3,:11-Bnh Cole Show 3,55-:OO:cll's and Weal her tOO-Boh Cole Show 4,30-NcII'5 Headlines .t:ll-Bob Calc Show 4.55-~ew5 and Weather 5.0U-Supper Club 5,~O-:OO:ell's lle3cllincs :i,31-SlIPper Club ;;A5-Fishermen's ("ol'ccnst fo,4B-Supper Cluh 6.0Il-Bullctin noard 6.12-~lo\'ie News 6.15-World Of SPOI'l 030-Earl)' Evening Ncws i.Oll-,Flcis~hmann's Riddle i.I5-Shilleiagh ShowtJme i,3ll-:OO:CIVS Headline5 7,31-Back '1'0 'fhe Blbl~ lUll-Cream Of The Crop, ~.llU-Ncws Headlin~s

New,; and Weather 10.45-World Of Sport

6.38-Dick Earl Elub 93 7,OO-NeIVs and Weathel' 7,02-Dick Earl Cluh 93 7.~O-News in Review a.OO-News Headlines H,OI-Jamboree a,30-News Headlines B.3I-Jamborce D.OIl-News and Wellth~r D,02-Ncfld. Soirce D.30-News Hcadline~' 9,31-Nfld. Soiree

lO.OO-News and Wealher lO,Ol-National News 10,15-I'ick uf the l'ops lO.45-Sports 1O.50-Letlcrs and !Ilcssa~~s lU.55-Music in the Night 11.00-News and Weather 1l,02-Music in the Night 12.00-N ews. Sports and




, NOIt·.rn (D) ~O I.oQ.T98 .AQ,} +H:t ",KJ!l


.A54 '1\14 • Q8~:l '" 1074 :1

lIK62 .K8753 .115 +\162


'" 1U 7:1 'I 1U 6 ~ • AICI III 4oAQ5

1Mh vulnerablc l'iorth I:ast South We~t 1 '" POlS'; 1. Pa~:;

. 1 ... Pas:;:l N:l'. Fass :1 N:l'. Pass Pass Pa~s

Ollcning Jcad-V (I

1 think it was the latc R. F. rOsiN' who soliloquized, "]'0 Ihlck or not to duck. that is

I the Cjuestion. For whethcr 'lis ___________ hetter to win a trick at once

or wait for more that ma)" not COml~ I cannnt soy,"

Weather 12.05-1IIuslc in the Night 12.30-News Summary 12.35-Music in tile Night 1.01-Queen and Sign Off.

V. O. A. R. )IOIIID,\ Y. November 4th .

(i,30-Program Preview ani Mllsical Variety

6.45-Radarscope 7.0U-Family Worship Hour 7.15-The Bible Story 7.3o-:.Chapel Echocs D.UO-French in the Ail' D.15-Conccrt Favurites g,OO-Voice uf Prophecy 0.3U-Your Own Fa\'orites !lA5-The Living Word

I lO.OU-Sign Off


Wcst docs not have an), at· trae!il'e lead of his own so he opens the nine of hearts in hope that his partner will hal'e a heart suit.

'fhe lead succecds admiralll)' provided that East is s~arl enough to duck after the lack i~ played from dummy, East

I should have no great probl~m 'here. His only possibly re· I Clltrv is the king of spades and ; the ileart suit is stopped twke , against him.

So East duclls anJ signals



I'H£i" . OEMONS1R~T\O.lS

I -.- --/-___ -:~ ! ~/ '"''';. 'li~~i~'tJ:.I.:~. ~ . r' i~"~'::,~:'·, :~~';':-'-'- F-z J

"How about a demonstration? We brought our breakfast dishes!" -




I ,:~;:~.:~.-, ,-

t 1.0U-nCA~· 'rower 'forbay, "'calher Report

Il.u~-lJig Top Ten ll,30.-News Headlil.~s



with the eight Sllol. Soulh - hollis the trick ill dummy and

comes til his hand with the ace of dialllunds in order (0

i lead a spade Irom his own hand.

By MER HILL BLOSSEH FHECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS ';;..:;:::::==:::=---.=::--=...:-~-

t"n:;ui!h~d Artists 1 :iews, Speaking

, lIU!ic , Program: Halifax

Program: Ottawa


)WSUAY, Novr.mber 4th.

A .Ii. ti,3U-IJIlU Lewis ShOll, News

Sporls and weatncr summary

!l.Ua-lJob and Jerry r.!Inttcr !I.US-Music for ~tilliolls !I.5U-What's the Song 9,31-'l'op Tunes and Go'den

Hits 9.:J5-~(usical Charades 9.38-Top Tunes and Golden

Hits ,IU.OO-News and Weather 10'02-Portia faces Life

: lOolS-Ask Sally West ; 10.19-Housewlves Choice : IO.30-News Headlines 10.31-Jerry Wiggins Hous~·

wives Choice , 11.00-News and Weather Ill.02-Ncws Bulletin , 11.1:1-Life Can Be Bealltiiul ,11.:l0-Ncws Headlincs .11.31 . I.Oa-News Hlghllllhts

~'-____ I and weather, Bob I,ewis Town a nd Country

1.05-Weather Forecast 1.15-~ews 1.3;-Now You're Talking l.46-Jerry Wiggins M~tlnee 1.55-Art Baker's Notebuoll 2.0U-NewB and Weather 2,02-Jerry Wiggins Matinee 2,30-N ews Headlines 2.31-Jerry Wiggins Matinee 2,35-Ask Sally West 2.4U-Jerry Wiggins Matinee 3.OlJ.-News and Weather 3.02-John Nolan's Western

MONJ)A Y, NO\'ember 4th.

9,f,5-I'a8tor's Study IO.OO-Natlonal Schools 10.30-Chez I1elcne 111.45-Nur~ery Schouls H.OO-Physlcal Fitness 1l.15-Women'H World n.30-Cartoon Carni\'al 12.00-Slgn Off 12.05-Slgn Off

2.30-Pass Word 3.00-Scarlett Hill 3.30-Take ThIrty 4.00-Frlendly Giant 4,15-1Ur. Rogers UD-Thls Living World 5.DO-Cartoon Carnival 5.30-Razzle Dazzle G,OO-Heckle and Jeckle 6.25-Photo Quiz G.30-World or Sport 6.40-Ncws Cavalcade 7,llO-Ri\lcord 7.30-Biography g,OD-Chalk Talk with lIowle

Meeker S.15-National News 8.30-Phlt Silvers Show 9.00-l)on Messer Show 9.3l1-Garry Moore Show

10.30-1'laydate 1l.30-Inqulry 12.00_Exploratlon~ 12.3D-CBC National News 1US-News and Weather 12.55-Pastor's Study 1.00-Sign Of(


At this puint West has a chancc to duck, This isn·t

i reaUy a duck, but merely Inc 'I usually normal play of second

hand loW. If West plays sec· ond hand low South will havc

I no further trouble making his I contract. If East takes his ,king of spades the entry for

I the heart sllit will hav~ been used up. If East doesn t t.ake

\ his king South bandons the I spade suit and makes his can· 1\ tract with three clubs. three diamonds, t.1I'0 hearts and a

I spade.

II If West rises with the ace

of spades and leads a second


. heart the hand is set because East will make his hearts be· I fore South gels a spade.

I To gct yOllr copy 01 "I"un at I Brltlge" just send yOllr name, i address and 50 cents to u,· I wald Jacoby Rcader Service,


care Dally News, P.O. Box 489, Dept. A., Radio City Station,

, New York 19. N.Y. ,

\ CARD SENSE I I I Q-!rhe bidding has been: i South West North }<;ast

11. Pa~s ,2. Pass Pass 2 ¥ 3. l'nss

What do you do? 1\13 2 ¥A 2 .K J 7 Ii "'.~ f! 9 8 'J

What do you do?





w!-(Y C;ONTYOU...!UST SAve BIGGER. -",,-,''''-::;:




, "

i , ,-

, ~i· I

~ I

!,< I

j .,


, !

Jamboree 3.SU-News Headlines 3.35-John Nolan's Western 3.31-Muslcal Charades

OTTAWA tCP)-Bonrd of control said Friday 15 Is dlssatls' fied with a provincial govern· ment Investigation Into an ex· plosion Tuesday heavily dam· aged the new juvenile lamlly court building 'and has ordered a private Inquiry. Chief Inspec· tor Alex Allan of the Ontario department of energy resources sai1 Wednesday tliat natural gas caused the explosion.

""A-l'3SS. Your partner·s lirst bid was only a single raise and I he just wants to compete, not get to game.

1¥d-~1I.:.!.tA1t .... ~ ; !

'1b Show II SonS

t'I Allan Show Iitn'b

a!l~1IIl11 ell Show 'Ctry nCI

loU, ~nlell ShOll ~II'I RIIQ II' Contest In Show

Jamboree 4.00-News and Weather 4.05-John N01an's Ranch

Party 4,30-National News 4,33-.1ohn Nolan's Ranch

Party 4.46-Ask Sally West 4.51-John Nolan's Ranch

Party 5.00-News and Weather II,02-Art Andrews Dance

Party 1I.3o...:.News Highlights UI-Art Andrew's Dance

Party D.OO-News Headlines D.OI-Weather ' D.05-Sports D.1O-National News 6.20-News ' 6.30-Dlck Earl Club 93 6,35-Muslcal Charades


cretary Pickersgili said in the Commons Friday there hus belm no recent IncreaSe' In the $20,· 000 salary paid to CBC Presi· dent J., Alphonse Ouimet. He was replying to Paul Martineau (I'C.:-Pontiac • Temlscamlngue) whore'ferred to a "widespread report" that Mr. Oulmct's salary had b~en boosted to $35,000 or more.

Saucer.shaped leaves of South Ameriea's royal water 1\Iy often

, exceed 20 f.\et In circumference.

TODAY'S QUESTION Instead of passing over your

partner's three diamonds. East bids three hearts. What do you do In this case?

Answer Tomorrow


prizes awarded at the 13th In· ternatlonal Tourist and Folk· lore Film Week In Brussels went to Canadian productions. Both were produced by the National Film Board. They are Morning Oil the Lievre, made by David Balrstow of Peterboro ough. Ont., which was awarded the French tourist hoard prize, and Quebec·U.S.A., ou l'lnvasion I Pacifique, givcn the press award.



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Page 10: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in

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Acetylene and Electric Wehling


Springdale St, Dial 8·203~

Contractors Supplies



HEAP & PARTNERS (NFLD.) Ltd. Wiring Materlall. Wire and

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DIAL 8·5088 ",:y " Building Materials steel SCaffOld~~~ (irnamental ---------

I Iron Railings, Chain Link Feac< CHESTER DA WE LTD. 11l~, Re·lnforclng Steel, etc. James R. Tucker Ltd.

For all your Building I Requ!1·ements. --------- 27 Springdale St


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Barher Shop




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Best by "Taste Testll



.' ~ .. Beauticians · : .",', . 'GWY'S BEAUTY SHOPPE ", Cor. Bond and Prescott Sts. ..' ,.phone H-4951·1I·7898. Speci·

alizing lD cold waving, hair styUr,g. cutting and tinting, manicuring, facials etc., 14 operators. no 117altinll.



General Contractors, Engineer .. Equipment Rentals.

TOPSAIL ROAn. • PHONES: 9.2000, 9·2009. i,

Dry Cleaners


For the Fastest most efficient Dry-Clean­ing and Shirt Service. Ph: 98017·98020

Drug Stores

M. CONNORS Ltd. Prescriptions E'iclmp and

dellvery service. PHONE 8·2206

Elect. Services

City Elec~rical Co., Ltd.

(Electrical Contractors) Electric Repairs, to

Ranges, etc. PHONE 8·3767

86 Casey Street

LEARN TO DRIVE Female driver with 15 years dril'ing experience, now accepting female pupils, wishing to learn to dril'e,

PHONE 916214

and Supplies Well Drilling Phone 85171



A, G. BARNES LTD. Plate. Safety, Sheet Gu,

Mirror and Plexiglasl. 4& Blackmarsh Rd. Dial 9·3690



Water Sued DIAL 8·2658 - MU3


Dependable FIre Insmancr, Prompt Claim Settlement-.

DIAL 8·7035

CROSBm & CO., Ltd. Agents for



Notice We the undersigned hereby

make application to the Board. of Liquor Control for a license to sell beers, wines and spirts at the Battery Motel on Signal Hill Road.


SERVICE Handling all phnses

of Investigating. Maximum proteetiOl. at I

minimum cost.

Dial 9-43524 or 9-43522.

P.O. Box 5672-East oct2,dly,lyr


T.V. Service

T.V. Service SERVICE

TV Phone 8·6865 Day or night.

Attention Contractors 1

For your Building Re.! i quirements, Paint and 1

: Building Hardware see I WEST END us. I


-------- AND HARDWARE Murphy's

Texaco Service HAlI1ILTON STREET


HOUSEHOLD UTENSILS • Gas • Oil Hardware-SporllDg Goods. • Greasing • Washing:

• Minor Repairs . HARRIS & HISCOCK I. Acces~orics.

_________ I LTD. i DIAL 8·2762. 169 Wr.!er St. Phone 8.7352! sepIO,lyr Pianos and Organs


Represenllng the world's finest PIanos and Organs •

ST. JOHN'S Hr.. GRACE Dial 9·n61 Dial 5075




Car Radios

CAR RADIO SALES We can instaU a new radio in IIny car from $55,00 up




Radio Sh,op RETRI!ADING 71 Lonl's Hill I


Pick-up and Delivery Service! KING'S BRIDGE


____ R_ad_i_os ____ Ke_n_m_oCl_nt_R_o_ad_, _DI_al_9_33_3I_



GREAT EASTERN OIL Well Dril1in~ Phone 82146 I" Cheap Reliab'!

'~OMPANY, Ltd. if-!26,lyr LTD. .

"Phone 9-4706

Service Station ----------PALMER'S SERVICE STATION

Topsail Rd.-Dial 9·509~. Cold weather means "TUNE·UP TI~m"

See us for Expert Servicing 0

your nr or truck.


APPLIA!'ICES DIAL 8·3001 &0 8-3005



W. E.U.., .•. DRIL ... U.~.· ..... G ... , ...• ·.· •.. Ii'., ,0. v. Kennedy~: & Son (Nfld.) bdl .

. ' Anysize, anydel!th, d . anywhere, '1

,P.o.. Box 845, at John'J , . .{

'. PHONE ,9·5597 , J'




,_~T BeIimu; S. W. SHORT


Prime Minis~el4 Shakes Captors Tilrough Intense Meditationl


: At Byrne's I Torbay

i WEDNESDAY" at 12,00 TE:-1DERS are invited from

Imurance Agents in Newfound· I

land for fire and standard ex· i tender! coverage perils for a novl,(lm) three yp.Jr period commencing =~~~~~~~~~.

Signed RA:-IGOON, Burma (AP) -I are shaken by his reverence, itors. His wife has seell him' continues 10 hold the prime min· The young soldier asked for a Army commanders know this I twice. • ister "hecause he is protecting

January 1st. 1964, to inEUr!l all properties of the Dio[:l!san

THE SIGNAL HILL ~101'EL change· of duty and got it im· and make changes promptly Nu rises ahout 4 a,m,. just as U :-.'u against politicians who mediately, with no questions when the men request it. Buddhist monks do, He medi·: would try to use him for their

Synod of Newfoundland con, Vote CO., LTD. asked. Nu was taken into custody in tates an(1 gets his exel'cisc hy: own ulterinl' purposes."

O_:=ct::26;;,,2::8;;,no::\;;,'4:::::::::::::::::;;;, It. doesn't happen in many 1 March, 1962, when Gen. Ne Win I walking in the compound where, The mil ita r y fears. thc>'c sisting r.f churches, rectories. halls, scho~ls. residences, ~tc" throughout the Diocese. The AI approximate insured \'alue at I present is twenty million dol·

• armies of ,the world today. I took .o\'er the go.v.ernment and i l~sually four guards are sla· suurces say. that NI~'S influencc I The soldIer was one of the, estahllshed a mIlitary revohr :ttoned. He eats one meal ,I (lilY. orcr the masses ml~ht be ex· guards assigned to the com· II tionary council to rule the coun·1 a special vegetahle uid. ~luch ploited by anti·government dr.·

subject to .

lars. General specifications are 1 availahle through the Diocesan Synod Of£ice. Board of Trade

Andrews For

Builriinl(, . Water Street. SI. Counci-lior John's. and' will be mailed on request. i

SEALED TENDERS address· ! ed to the undersigned. Synod Office. and marked "Tenders for Insurance" will be received up to 5,00 p.m. Oocal time) Friday, November 15th, 1963.

The lowest or any lender not necessarily accepted.

W. GORDOS LEGGE, Secretary of Synod.

Newfoundland Constahulary


Notice certl£lcates of Iluallrlcatlon and


Persons holding Certificals of Qualification or Permi. which were issued prior to 31 'December, 1962 are reminded that the Certificate~ and Per· mits are overdue for renewal.

. Applications are now bein~ Failure 10 renew Certificates invited for recruit constahles tn of Gualification before 31 De· fill vacancies in the Newfound. cember, 1963 will mean that lan:l Constabulary. Only per. 'another examination will have sons with the following qualific. to be taken before a new Cerli· alions need apply: ficate will be issued.

Age: Between 21 and 28 Failure to renew a Permit be. years. fore 31 December, 1963 will

Minimum height: 5 ft. 11 Ins mean that the Permit cannot be Educational qualifications: renewed.

Grade XI or better. In certain areas and In Physically fit, etc. certain .des it is unlawful to Salary during first year, operate unless the tradesman

$3190.00. has the required Certificate or After first year, $3400.00.$10()' Permit. Those concerned

$4000.00. should lose no time in applying , .,' Interested persons. .should ap· for the renewal of their eerU· jilyio. the office of the Chief of ficates or Permits to the Ap· ,,}~ollce, Fort Townshend, 51. prenticeship Branch. Depart· ',John's, for the necessary applie· ment of Labour, Confederation : ation forms.. Building. .: :E. A. PITTIIIAN, G. T. DYER,

Chief of Pollee. Deputy Minister of Labour. : novl,4 .,.... ~--------------------, ,'. , .' , ' · . " ",' ":,0/, : ,~.


DIAL 9-0011-2-3-4

w. D. RYAN Duckworth Street






Budget terms arranged

PHONE DAY .................. 8-3325 NIGHT .............. 8-6936 oct28,2wk


HOSTESS • -fJ !: ~ .' t' .P. ~,~ .ij ~j~ , " , , · "

. Will Knock at your Door with Gifts and Greetings from Friendlv Business CIvic and Social Croups On the occasion of:

The Birth of a Babv.

I A newcomer to the City

,,'HONE 8-4664, 9-64761



I pound where 54·year·old II ;.ju, try. ,of his time during the day is dc· mellls. dep~s~d prime minislel' of t~is:. ,}~e was placed with other pol·' voted to l:eacling and \\,I'itin~, I A g,o I' ern men t spoKc,;· socialist· bounrl southeast ASian' lticlans In a house at Hlagaw I He retlt'cs In the early cl'eninl-(, 'mall said he is being held "fol' country. lives in solitude. Camp' a military rest estah·1 Ne Win treats him with n'·' hi, 011'11 safeh',"

Nu, a deeply religious Burln· iishrnent 011 the beautiful Hla·\ spect, hut there has heen no in·: Despite inefficiency and l'Il)"

hist, has h~d .sl~ch a profound gaw Lakes ahout 25 miles north I dic~tion when Nu will he I'e·: 1'~IPti~1I1 in ~is administration, effe~t on hiS JaIlers, when he of Rangoon. leased. : ~u IS stili Immensely popular medItates and prays, that they Nu is alloweu no regular vis· Informl,d sOllrces say :'\c Win' among the 20.000,000 Burmese .

500,000 Suffer F,40m Drougllt By RUI{l\IINI DEVI Their carcasses could he seen I In some places it family has· slate, as many as 516 are hil

Canadian Press Correspondent dotting the rural areas." i to travel on camel or horsehQck: by Ihe drought. BOMBAY (CP) - A severe The Rajasthan state govern· 20 to 30 miles for a pot oC The government is opening a

drought has brought misery 10 ment and the federal govern· water. Some mllst pay up to 20; network of "c a ttl e eamlls" some 500,000 people inhabiting ment have launched a massive cenls for a bucket of clean· where the villagers can sent! the Bikaner lJ.!ea of India's operation to supply drinking drinking water. their animals for safe keepin~. northwestern d~rt frontier. water to the people and fodder When it rained for some 45 Arrangements are being made,

Repirts tell of large· scale mi· to the cattle. minutes recently, villagers col· to accommodate 350,000 cows gration of men, women and Hundreds of army and civil· lecled the waler that !lowcu and water·huffaloes. children aiong with their cows, ian trucks have been mobilizeu down from rooftops and stored, The wool induslry' in Bikanel'· water·buffaloes, sheep and cam' to bring waleI' to the Bikaller it underground in containers. i ha5 also heen hit by the· cIs to the adjoining state of hamlets. Of the 660 villages in the· drought. Bikaner sheep are fa· ' Madhya Pradesh. WATER EXPENSIVE Bikaner district of Rajasthan! mous throughout Asia.

The almost total absence of ------- ----,-----

rdai~fal! pink~hiS arhid region bor· "Gentle Alec~~ ermg a lstan as dried up irrigation tanks. drinking water wells and pasture land, A Times of India correspondent who S I E It· toured the area reported: "Hun· I ee rs ec IOn dreds of catlle have already '-....

materialized in the mists of Kinl'Oss, in the land where Mary ()lleen of Scots played as a child.

perished in their wanderings in search of grass and water.

Rushton said that like Bonnie Prince Charlie he will attract

,~upPol'ters as he goes alon~ hili' f he had no comment on the dc·

By .1OSr~PH MacSWEEN TI'ying hard til he .iust folks: fea\ that c\'enltl8l1y hefel! Ihe LONDON (CP I _ The wags in clolh cap and lweeds. :iiI" famed Scottish hero. .

Jonn A

Tr3in "T:le 51. .John's 1~" ~ t!l II ill nlJke Curnr!' Bruok' ,1;;11.' for po:1~ t'

Reddy's Coal & Oil

can't get enough of "gentle Alec dri\'es from Andy's plnce: .. Douglas·Home has, of Cllurs,', ~1I,lI·""trr Alec" wooing his countrymen til \'ariolls \'i!lages anrl ;:reets I disclaimed the 14th earldom I;ut I'il' of Ihe ill the glens. th~ voters in this manner: Rushton. an independent, pre·: 11 ,Iillttl'. '

Sit' Alec Douglas·Home is not "How very nice of yon ~,II to tends not til know this and pcr·· ~I ~iw"\' Feci:;:., only campaigning for a seat in Imn out to meet me when sist~ Oil calling him Lord Home.. 31 .. ;'orcnlhfr ,:: the House of Commons-the by· you're busy 011 a ~!oJl[lav morn·. pl·(,wunced to r h y m e with P,\I1"

Distributor: J. Kenny. election is Nov. 7-but also rUIl· ing." . j fllme. . Frri~hl ' ning the prime minister's office Sir Alec is liked by hi~h <lnrl/· TIushton ha~ a simpie Illat.: ~el'\'i('r fM . "

For Fast Delivery DIAL 8-2804 - 8·7088

from "Anuy's place" - the low but he was the 14th Earl fllrm: Anti·Home. One of his Lewi'p(lrlc ar"j , Perth shire home of Maj. An- of Home so ion~ that it sticks h c 1 per s is Mark Heathcoat or ,ubslilule. " drew Drummon Moray his in the minus of shepherds in Amory· nephew of Lord Amory, Frei"i1t Shed

oct9,lmth,dly host. ' weather·soiled caps and game· retiring high commissioner to her 5ll1. 9 a:J1, :,~ _~_:.....:._________________ keepers in weU·worn plus fours Call~da.

-especiaUy when be hits a With a gift of mimicrv can·· hjlmlet with an entourage out· cealed behind the benign 'visage

•• U •••• U C •• U •• C numbering the population. 1of a Newfoundiand dog. Rush· r.abot Strait c,, REMINDED OF PLAY ! ton is particularly devastating ;eptc(1 Dock "

FREE HOME DELIVERY St. John's: Phone 8·0251·

Gander: K. G. Griffin Ltd., Phone 8-2387 Grand Falls: Bond Beverages Ltd., Phone 2146

Bell Island: Tom Murphy, Phone 2186


'· •• 0·.· •••••••

Some people are amusingly in imitations of former pre· I ,Ia\' ;.;orcmbtt -'~: reminded pf the play by WiI· mici' ~lacmi1lan. but he can't I' : "01 and Tue,·', Ham Douglas·Home, SiI' Alec's "do" Home, whom he depicts ~l9' a,m, to 51' brother, describing the political as a skeleton.head. ,) I,

adventures of a droll Scottish "I hal'en't got the face (or peer. it," said the chubby - cheekeu

Com men t s the Edinburgh comic. Scotsman: Rushton, who won fame en

"Never. surely, has Britain the BBe satirical show That seeB a hyelcction quite like this Wa, the Week That Was, freeiy one. in Kinross . West Perth· mlrr.itteu his deposit ,likely will shire." vanish.

But it was the eccentricity of "That was the deposit that one of Douglas·Home·s six op' was," said Sir Alec. ponents. com e d ian William Rushton says that if he were Rushton· that particularly fas· not a candidate he would back clnated The Scotsman reporter, the Labor entry. newly married, not the prime minister himself. Andrew Forrester, because "I i

The portly Rushton. 26. was I' admire him for sacrificing his i a comical figure indeed as he hor.eymoon to campaign."

2(3 20 HJ 17


m Bingo Phc on the de

Kin -


60 ft. by 200 district and SUi


BOX 250

Y, No' 1 MIll'

of the Bral of assisting

collections in during PoPP: volunteer car

'" """""Y, Nove 313, Fort , Noveml 310, FOri

November: 314, Fori



llEMOI SI. Joh


Seat C will go c as folIo ....

low A ... B ar o ..

, E .. f Boldi! Or the ell

certific to Oct(

·9£196: 31· , ..

Page 11: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in



subject to

ohn A,

r;';,in 'The .lnhn·s 12:01 '

1 will ~l;lkc !'lll'l" wook with It' (,)r ptlrt~ to



I N G 0

~(j \:3 (m Gl :31 -8 (j4 iJ

~1I "., 51 73 1 !) .J_

" I 5:) 37 17 oJ· , -

·I,j ;)(j 63 :.lfi 57 72

38 54' 74 52


Bingo Phone 8-7269 by 10 p.m. on the clay published.

Kin - Help Kiddies


BROOK, NEWFOUNDLAND 60 (I. by 200 ft, Located in Commerclal

d;strict and suitahle (Dr warehouse. rholle 63·42063 or write


Auxiliary of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind



will be held Y, Nov. 5th at 10.30 a m. 1 MILITARY ROAD

of the Britndl who ha\'c indicated their of as,istin~ the Ladies Alixiliar~' in carry·

I:t collection~ in the !'itl' Ill' the \'arious Cadet durin~ Poppy Week and any others who

car ,el'l'ices arc adl'ised to report

Y, Xomnber flth-313. Fort I'cppcrrcll. , XOI'emher ith-

.310. ForI I'cpperrel! (Top Floor). ~orembcr 8111- 6

314. ForI Pcppcrrell.

OF REPORTlS(; FOR DUTY 'I O'CLOCK P EACII :-lIGHT. . lease rut out (or future reference




. ADVANCE NOTICE ~Ielat Certificates for the 1963-64

IVI I' 1 14 a f ~llu un sa e Thursday, Novem-s 0 OW5'

Row A . .. ·· .................. $10.00

~ and C.:.......... 5.00 E· .. ·.................. 3.00

(or ~Oldi~lg .. s·~~t .. c~;tific~t~O were ce e. ~a endar year. The new t ~ftcates are dated November Of etoher 31, 1964. o ~~63 certificates which expire 2 19' 1963 may renew same 01 th 64 at a re~uced rate for the

renewed e ~963-64 season. Certificates. Janua,." w411l be avatlable for general .

:-'1 ,1964, .... ,,,'110"_ of renewal will apply to the


1'0 RENT - '1'0 rcfincd, mid· dle·ngcd wOI'lting lady, une well furnished, bedsitting

1'00111 .. 'Phone 87526.

FOR RENT-2 Garages fur winter storage only on Le:llnl'chnnt Rond. Dial 83BI3 for information. nOI'2,4

-_ •.. -_._-----_._.- -- .. ~

LEFT In some place uf bllsl· ncss in St John's, a puir of :llen's Pants. Findcr please raLl Ayl\\'ard's Service Sia .Iion Kilbride. A rcward is offered.

- ~


CO., LTD. R&dio, TclevlslOn. Washers Ildrlger nlurs, neC» Fr(!~zers

Electric Ranges. Flour Polishers.

Gramophones Puhlic Address ~yslems

Tape Recorders


DIAL ~·300] to 11·3005


Prompt Delivery On • STOVE OIL



. ·TRA.DE:UP , r. I •

B new MERC 60, 6 HP i MERC lIO • 9,8 HP MERC 200 • 20 HP MERe 350 • 35 HI'

~;a MERe 500 , 50 HP MERe 650 I 6S HP MERe SSO , B5 HP MERC 1000 I 100 HP

Trade In your ,18 00,,1963

MEHCUIlY and. '=='"" (lew boat.

Onlv MERCURY elves yoU Wht5p.r.quletJot.Prop •• haust.


Chester Dawe Bldg. t

Shaw Street, P.O. Box 414. St. John's, Phone 8-4152.

. SEE Chris Andrews

For all your Furniture & Appliances R. J. Grouchy

. LTD. NIGHT· OR DAY Stol'e No.'8·5006-7 Home .No. 93231





The regular monthl~ meetiug of Terra Nova Council, No. 1452, Knights of Columbus, will he held on l.'UESDAY, November 5th, at 8,30 p.m.

By Order G.K. ,Po J. KAVANAGH, Financial Secretary.

The funeral of our late Comrade, Isaac Dyke. will take place this afternoon at 2.30'o'c1ock from Carnell's Funeral Home, Cochrane Street.

All available ex-servicemen are re­quested to attend.

J. W, GOODYEAR, Branch Secretary.

WANTED Female Typist Grade XI essential




SALES REPRESENTATIVE Required to solicit furnace oil accounts in the St. John's area. We seek an agressiYc, personable man, preferably with his own car, to call UPOD

prospective customers. Selling expcrience desir· able but not essential. We offer a good basic salary, Group life and hospitalization insurance, liberal commissions and car allowance plus good working conditiom. APPLY IN WRITING ONLY TO:


P. O. BOX 5128, ST. JOHN'S novl,4

R.C.A. ; :z:;~


R.C. Anthony Insurance Ltd.

Imperial Oil Bldg. Elizabeth Avenue

TEL. 9-5079

Men-Reserve Tuesday, Nov. 19 ST. JOHN'S AMATEUR COMMERCIAL





TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1963 75c. Admission Please bring own cards noy4


MATURING 1st. SEPT. 1966 Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the terms of the Deed of Trust securing the above issue of bonds all the outstanding bonds have been called for redemption and will be redeemed on the 1st day of December, 1963 at 100 with aecrued interest to that date, at the'. offices of The Royal Trust Com· pany, 247 Duckworth Street, st. John's on surrender of the said bonds with coupons due 1st March, 1964 and subsequent coupons attached thereto. Holders cif bonds are required to present their bonds for redemption at the aforesaid office on the said date. All Interest on the said bonds will cease as from the .aforesaid 1st day of December, 1963,



'l'H~ DAILY N~WS, ST. JOliN'S, l'lI!:Wr'OUNULA(ljU; NllVr;111Bhlt 4, Hlii~-l.1

The Committee wishes to thank the thousands of people who patronized the FESTIVAL during the past three we'eks,

Super Special Drawing ht Prize-$1000.00-C 31221 .................................... No name 2nd Prize-$ 500.00-C 2115 .................................... No n~me 3rd Prize-$ 100,OO-C 6194 ............................ F. A. St. Croix 4th Prize-$ 100.00-A 35590 ...................................... "Mary" 5th Prize-$ 100.00-A 35115 .................................... No name 6th Prize-$ 100.00-B 26912 ...................................... J. F.agan 7th Prize-$ 100.00-B 12465 .................................... No name



Won by Mrs. A. Molloy, 57 Long's Hill

UNCLAIMED DOOR PRIZES Worth $50.00 each-20621, 4563, 23834.





WHO ELSE WAd It NEW CARl ... .,.110 ..........

.."oClOIr una.. • 51: l::r,11 R ·F:'!. •. I::I t·~



Wm. SINNO'IT Service Station ~tanager

PALMER'S LTD. Topsail Road


OPEN DAILY 7:30 a.m, to ~nDNIGDT

PRONE 9·5099 octStosep17

St. Bon's Athletic Ass'n. :

Fall Dance



SILHOUETI'ES OHCHESTHA. Tickets $2.50 douhle.

Tickets can be obtained from allY memher of the Executive.


WINNER $1000.00

~lR, T. L. HAYES, Pennywell Road.

Ticket No. 2640. Seller: Mr, P. Colford.

WANTED Permanent Part Time

File Clerk


(For down town office) Hours-8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

5 days per week

Phone 8 .. 5077 -----_._-----_. ---------



at . 205 LeMarchant Road Inspection by appointment

PHONE 8-2490

DANel Wednesday Night






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'I· I ..


i I' ,! .. ,. I, ,

/:: I: I' I'i .f 1·.';.'t

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I !

Page 12: · \p. face Men Contact Miners Up For Dead pulled out previously after ex lensh'e drilling, though a dl'op in


: I

I ' t I \ !

" I ,

I •. '.

, ",

I , I


.1' , . , , ,


, .


'. • •

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,. AT THE Gotta SIGN .

OF I QUestIOn? THE i

_ ...... 1


" Cheap Diamo By GERTRUDE UALE I MO:olTIUUL ICPI - Advice '(aith in th

fol' . the you~g man .of I it is purc~ :~1',~ I buylllg a dmmond fOl' IllS .~lrJ, in~ from a,ed,

LOVELY I'ASSIONFLOWEU f' J D' I k f " a DEPICTS CRUCIFIXION, I n~n~,: .. on t 00 01' n har· is the best b galll "Often H.

DEAR G ERnE: A fric~d ha:; I This i~ the word from ::'ur- SOllle pari::ore

a plant bearing the most beau. ma~1 \:clsm~l1, .3 l\~ont:'eal_ JC::I'- lhc~' arc tlji~~, , Leslie HoiJcrls, A tiflll blooms I evcr saw. She' feolelllc, \lhOtl Said) soomc pedupt:e \\11[1 af har~"in:' I:' '

I I . II 'l" . fl " I t l' I IV Ie 'ec mmen a Ion 0 a ICI a h'"

"['1" I) I' .. , ('4 ... ~ , me It sign! )es la ruCI IXlOll. diamond and then will he sorry . . 'lI'e) c·f

There Are


SULTANA RAISINS Pkgs. 24·15 oz.


$urglcal scissGr:l are used to save lives, not to take them, Dr. Howdcrshcll 'is suddenly confronted by a man who at· tempts to use them to fak'e the doctor's life: For exciting a e tl 0 n, and drama in the operating lOGIn of a hospital, read

Po ilica Biography of I ca S.I .pa~~wn t~we~ a~I; ... e .s I their milkman when huyin~ a II'Ollilel' [I" .I:C tr~ l' ,Ullce tip essts.p . (l) Can you find out so met hill" . . . ' '. gall.. ,,, I,,\, .'

H.UeSI \ ANyrONE'~ . .? '" fo,' the rest of their bes. dealer dnd '. ," " 1, j • about tillS plant. I "!lc!lcI'c me" he s:lid in an . t _I pal t'J

Eric t\icol and DEAR AU~~~~tL~R~. address to th~ Canadian lnsllr· d ~.\i·hat I ' . Peter Whalley ..... 2.95 k' Th p' 'flJan s( .o~ II ante Accountants Association 111'\1; the\' ci:~onl as mg. e assl ora pa, here "there are no haroains "I . d . ,.nt

HEADLINE HOCKEY sionflower) is my passioll the dhmtlnd tl'nde \Ire IIMO'llll'J I) lillO' ,."Icr In !

A d O'B· 3 ~O t b t it d' d _ ' •. c lalll<mri

11 y nen.....u I 00,. u nec s an un cr: happier if the ~eneral puh:ic II iii r;,l'ell' " .

ALL BUT '" lY LIFE 1 standlllg heart and tende. I was let in on the su·callcd sc· 11' ,.1.1) I, < 11 I '11'· tIt I!' . ".m. ,nd , _ • • ~ i car~. Ie 11'1 tan I uc a~I'. crels of the husine'5." th"11 onll' on a It:!

Stllhng 'l\loss .. ". 5.00 I wlute bloom has ten pet.IIs For example J'ust hec'Hls- a ,.[ .' d Pt'r,

I-TO'lE I'RO"I SEA t' tl t '11 ' . ' ., I It, ,1'1'" < Pkgs. 36·15 oz.


STRANGE SECRET By Elizabeth Seihlrt

"l l' < < ~\. I re.presen mg Ie en apos es, I stolle II ill cut ;(Iass is no intlied teet Ihr 11" ,1.'.' •• ~

Joy Packer ............ 5.501 With two_. abse?t becanse I tio.n o[ dlalllond contcnt - a 11.1" lin ':'!I'.' I~'; ~').':. <::

1 Peter decclIcd hiS Lord and tlUI1" hanler th'lll "1"5< el'°n' I' t· k , .. !

THROW OUT . , " '~".'.' a r, 'm i Judas b~trayed 111m. fhc 1 anutllel' piece I)f glass if sharp';, (\lan1'III'I' /1';::' T'vVO HAt\DS corona IS !llc crown of enough. would do the job. ,11,,·tlIl1:ul ·I."e I,




For complete


Prompt Adjustment of Claims


t Anthonv Smith 6 ~O' thorns, the hve stamens the I And perhaps HO pCI' cent of all ·.It ;"lIt. II " tl' . TI-IE BIC SELL .:) \ ~ollnds. The flower's ovary ,diamonds milled are not ,uit·, CII:"!' "11i1

lt'h;'f l


J : IS the hammer, the thn'c able [nr a woman to weal' '111 h, [I,r ". r,. 1 Pierre Berton. 5.00: styles with their round~cl her finger nr around her ncc:;. III "II' (,,::~',m',r.1 I A

"'I IAN ()\'ER FORTY signify the thrce nails. I The most important thino ;11' ill''' ".,. 'lor l' I P 'rl . I I' I l' . • . ~,' I"" '" I I E kl 4 "5 Tie assl ora IS a (e ICOI e lll)'lllil a dwmoncl IS to haec [a,' ,"~._, \ ~ric Lin - ater ...... .:.. vine, with line, winding ten· ---- ---- -- ---- - - -- ' " , MOLOKA[ drils. It appreciates a sort

\ 0 A B 1 11 ... ~o loam and leaf mol!! bed, litl'

• . liS 1l1C .. ( .• J I . .

THE WEIRD WORI.D uid fertilizer w 1I1e growth lS

_ aclive, light and warmth but , OF \VES BEATTIE not too milch (Jirect SlIn. 1 I L,\~L\Ll;o.;r·: - llccpe,t S)'Il1'

John Norman train mine around a circlctt I palll)' is c.xlendcd to :\Ir. alld II 4 g~ wire anll it trains lIIe in the . ;\[1'5. jlaunce Doyle. 51. I.a\\,·

TI~~l~i~;fIiER iiu.:orr 0 ,i "irtue of patience. When its renee. on the dcath of their . , , beauty finally 1I11rolds YOII : daughter jloll)" who passed The l1I,n) ft ~.J

Rex Stout ........ 3.75 feel good 10 be alh-e. away at the li. S. ;\Iemurial Elt7.alwth Collin; ,.1

THE SOUND OF • • • Hospital Oct. 24. aged 16 \·earo. cr uf.St Jo,eph';' DEAR GERTIE: Whcre did Intcrment was at St, C'!~ilia's Allan' bland


(!) ma l'ic\$un C. l\ye. DLslrlbuted b7 Ncwspliler EnlerprlJe ~

xxxn hadn't many more jumps left.



VINEGAH. ' thc term "charley horse" come Cemetery. St. Lawrence. fol· In;:, and he,; , Robert Troop ...... 3.75: [rom? lowing Requiem ~Iass at SI. 'peed) mo','er.

l\lY FRIEND I ACHES AND ,PAINS. Thoma, Aquianas Church In' loriulll. Top;,'l' MADAME ZORA ,nEAR ACHES: Relieve it Rev. Father Hogan, P.P. . .John,.

There were some hard things I drol'e in the spurs. said, and a mort of angry faces, The weight of her head came but I \\'as in my rights amI Don' off my arm. The next three Alfl'edo knell' it if nobody else jumps put the black back a did. Emulating the phlegmatic fool. Above the creech of the Queen I made m)'self comio)·t- wind, the wild drumming of able and twisted up a smolw. hoofs, I could hear the boy yell-

Enriching the screen with its glowing portrait of family love, selflessness. heartlireak. sa~ri· flce and triumph, "Spenser's Mountain," starring Henry Fon­da, Maureen O'Hara, James Mac­Arthur, Donald Crisp and Wally Cox, now playing today at the Paramount Theatre. Producer· director.scrlpter Delmer Daves filmed Ihe tender and appealing romantic drama against the I

3 .. ~: or not, people uscd to call! ;\11' .. and ~Irs. Albert Rennie. . Jane Duncan ... , . Ii), an old plug of a horse afflict. Allan s Island, motored to SI. ("rrtin:; ~!.) 11

THE GIRLS OF I ed wllh sweeny (stiffness) a ,Lawrcnce t.o attend the fun , I~d)'. )ll'f. Cather::! SLENDER I>.IEANS i "charley horse." ,eral of their .gra~d daughter. SI. P:llnrk'; lIm,

~I . 1 S k 3.50 I DEAR. G. ERTlE: Who inven.·, AI~o ~Irs. BenJaml~. Haley and .John '. Gl'eelm,!

Ybarra, red of facc, IV.IS ing. And then-don't ask me ~houting and waving his arl1ls where! I saw the face of Shirl for attention but I he racket ~(jt Dorrus.

n nne par· .. ".... cd aspll'ln. He deserves a, sel eral other relatll es. all her old fne:~ THE BATTLE OF I statue. Jlr. a~d j[rs. DOl'le were for· jla),. l.amahne l:l TI-IE VILLA FIORITA HEADACHE. ,mer reSidents of Allan's Island renee.

more frantic, the yelled insults Sixty, 50, 40 yards. The bust· more ,·icions. They meant fllr cd-spring lurch was back. La-

" k me to kno\\' they wouldn't stand grimas' nose was at my nee. for that again. The kid began whaling at me

Cenlre Bldg., Church Hill DIAL 8-1756


majestic splendor of the tower· '===========

Rumer Godden .... 4.25 " .. • !! '.Ir. "nd '. ["r.o • J'oh'n' A. H'rn"t'. E --,--DEAR IIEA!)ACIIE: It was U ..' " ,

O. k & C l d . discovered by an Alsatian: Lord's Cove, motored 10 SI.; arrungs Ie s 0., t . i named Charles Gerhardt over Lawrence Oct. 23 ane! spent th~ Earnin~' of 1:.1 . 100 years ago. He was jllst afternoon with ~Ii;s ~1. Hale)" phone Compar.), d

TI)e kid sidled by, still up in with his rein ends and that way, his taps on the open-jawed, still at it, we crossed the line hard breathing, swent soaKed with the marc's nose still Ollt in Lagfimas. fl'ont hy six inches.

Tbere was going to be no I should have been clatetl,

ing peak~ of Grand Teton Nationnl Park.

The Booksellers PHONE 8·5001


messing around, and for a \ . " • the flr',1 mne half.century nobody got Other I'isitors to st. La\\,· ~l1Iountrd to around 10 doing anything renee onr the weekend were: Sl.n2 per ,hare. 1

wilh his conncction. J)r. lIein- I jlr. ancl Jlrs. Linus Greene.; 11 cenls comparee rich Dreser, head of research 1 Jil'. and ~1 rs. ('!lesley ~Iaddi·, rcspondill~ peli~j . ror the friedrich I1ayer Co. in : gan. ;\11'. and jlrs. Fred Fitz· 1 cordin~ to the Germany is wrongfuUy credit- I patrick. Jlrs. Waltel' Stace)', Jlr. : terl)' rCl'ic'.l'

, ell with the introduction of I and ~Ir;;. Rohert Lorne. jliss i Opmtin~ mOI'e backing and filling. II but I wasn·t - not with tcc­was the kid's turn to ycll and rible silence all Ol'cr. Yet it 1 could sc. he would, regard- was no more bitter. seeming less. I watched him haul the than the things whirling stallion around, and (etched tile through the crazy churn of my mare about smartly. thoughts. Any arrangement I'd

The soar!ng Tetons with their swirling trout strealns, flower­blanketed fieids and pine forests were the perfect site for the story of a rugged mountain community and the robust family th:}! dominated it.

DYKE _ Died at the Gcn. acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) Bessie !Iarnett. ~Ir. Thomas 7 per lcnt highEl eral Hospital Friday evcning, in the 1890s. Hut build your Haley Sr., and his daughter. 1 period of 19£1. Nov. 1, Isaac Dyke, aged 65 slatuc for the long unsung )Irs. Leo Slane),. , atin~ ('xpenm'

I got me a fislful of mane. It had with Dorrus was cooked was my turn to ask but I knew and, because of this, all 1 had he'd go thi, time and, as I'd Iigurml to gain from this coun· suspected, he had no intention try. But whal really gouged of waiting for any question. was the remembrance of those While we werc still 10 Icet thiS misscd chances with Linda. side of the cornmeal the little .. .. .. del'll yelled "Go!" and hit the The first drops of rain bit In-blad, with his reins. • to the dust like silver dollars

I :;rabbed with my knees amI and tbls, I thought disgustedly, felt the mHre flatten like a cat was probably lhe olle that would sinking claws jllst before we do it! took off. If I hadn't had that Shol'ing through the hst fistful of neck hair I'd hal'e splatter o[ scaring paisanos I been dumped sure. We left tnat cut over to the coach to pick score like we'd heen shot [rom liP the money we had comins a cannon. for the cattle.

Cbarra's black had been Ybarra was waiting. He had launched [rom a running start the sack and he was grinning. I and the kid, Ollt ahead, was like· suppose he had a right to feci ly feeling pretty perk~', But good. Before either of liS was at about 220, warming into her able to get out a word Lin:la, dr!l'e. the Cajlln Queen harrel· l'llllning up, flung both arms ed past as though thal stud was arouml me. litanding still. I was too stunned to take ad·

Lagrimas. by his looks, was vantage o[ this great blessing. a Ilalf·mile horse. He was taller It was while I was hugging than Queen bl' a good full hand her that Shirl, rounding the

;' and, once the kid got him roll· coach, wrenched ihe sack from ing, he would probably pick Uil her [ather and came for me ground about as fast as we with a leveled gun. could leal'e it. Pretly soon, I sent her spinning and jump­sure enough, I caught the ed for him as flame tore luri!!ly sound of his deep·reaching out of its muzzle. Half blinded breath. I crashed into him. And that's

He was coming liP fast _ no honestiy all I've been able to one'had to tell me. That crowd recall. was yelling up a stol·m. I jmlg- Don Alfredo. my {ather· in·

I ed we'd come about 440. Thd law, told me later the Rurales killing part was still ahe?[\. had taken Shirl along with some

Now the black was lapped on hide pieces cut from the cattle, us. I could see his teeth, the proof he'd been rustling.

'I' red flare of his nostUs. From (The End) the corners of my cyes I watch·

Portraying the hard-working,, hard·drinking, hard­loving, rough-talking father of nine, I~onda etches an unfor­gettable portrait as the screen shines with his earthly humor, roars with his anger and brist­les with his determination to achieve the best for his brood.

Maureen O'Hara brings the full force of her classic Techni­color beauty and her fiery Irish charm to the role of the strong­willed woman who tamcd the Mountain's rowdy, lusty lover and shares his home and his hopes "Spencer's Mountain" marks Miss O'Hara's 47th con­secutive starring role on the screen.

Playing their 17· year.old son, .James MacArthur epito­mizes the hopes and aspirations with which all parents invest their first·born. As the first o[ the Spencer clan to make it through high schoo.! - and as the small school's top student, MacArthur challenges seeming· Iy insurmountable odds in his determined attempt to be the first Spencer to escape from the vn!ley into the world out­side.

years. Left to mourn their snd I hero of pain pushers, one • " • I pcr cent \Iarcel loss are his wire; one dau~htcr, Arthur II ichell b'l'ltn , J)rescr's )11'. and :III'S. \\'m. Collin,.! dent. 't;tcd in r!

1 1. J. NEVILLE Joan, at Gander; two som, \ chief chemist. Sr. hal'e mOI'cd m'er to Lawn ,age lo the Wilfrcd at Gander and Frank Dreser, it seems, cherislteel : to spend the winter months slmehn!dm. llr

I at St. ,John's; also one sistcr the quaint 1I0tion that any 1 with their daughter, jlrs. Val·, came president en and two brothers. The funeral drllg which did not "conduct cntinc Jarvis. i ".\\ th~ end 01 will take place at 2.30 p.m. electricity" would be ineHec· • • • ; H3,iRl lelephol1! . Hamilton AI'enue ExtensIon

PHONE 9·5300


PIKE - Passed peacefully away at St. Joiln's on November 2nd., Hayward (Dinny) Pike, in his 60th year. Leaving to mourn four brothers and onc sister. The remains are resting at Car­nell's Funeral Home, 2B Coch· rane Street from where th~ fun­eral will take place at 3.30 p.m. today to Mount Pleasant Ceme­tery.

BENNETT - Passed peace· fully away on Saturday, Nov. 2nd., ex-Fire Constable Michael Bennett in his 88th. year. Leav· ing to mourn his wife, three sons, two daughters; also two sisters, one residing in Montreal and one In the city,. and eight grandchildren. Funeral on Tues· day morning .from Barrett's Mortuary Room to the Basilica for Requiem Mass at B.15. In· terment at Mount Carmel. (Mainland papcrs please COpy.)

today from Carnell's Funeral tive. Aspirin secmell to be a Greetings :Ire extended to dCII 10 those in . Home, 28 Cochrane Street, to poor conductor and, though Thomas jladdigan who cele· pared ·.lith the Anglican Cathcdral. it relievell pain as well as reo : hrated his birthday. Oct. 21! three quarlcrs 01

ducing fever, he turnct!: Greetings come from his family: portell. "The Ie:):!

BRACE - Passed away al SI. Clare's Mercy Hospilul, Snnday, Novembcr 3rd., "lary (:I!inme) Brace, daughter of the late Al' l Ired and ~Iary Brace, leaving two sisters, Nell (Mrs. P. L. \ Summers), Isabel (~Irs. Allan Smith); one nephew, Allan li. Smith; two nieces Joan and Rita Drum. Funeral from 34 Leslie Street to St. Patrick's Church for Requiem Mass at 9 o'clock' on Tuesday morning. Interment at Mount Carmel Cemetery. (No flowers by request).

BARRON - Passed away at I 9.15 a.m., November 2nd., at her residence, 128 Bond Street, Mary Anne, widow of the late William J. Barron, aged 85 years. Leaving to mourn one son, Tom and six grandchild. ren. Funeral -on Wednesday, November 5th., from Barrett's Funeral Home for B.15 a.m. Re­quiem JIIass at the Basilica of St. John the Baptist. Interment at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Topsail Road. (Iel.)

thumbs down on its dinical l and friends. : disl~nre caUi~;' tcsting. Eichcllgrun, whcn I ;\11'5. Cecil King. Lamaline rrnl; the the boss's back was turned, East. returned from ~Iontreal! t'reasc in 19i2 '.\~ . went ahead on his o\\'n a 1111 1 recelltly where shc had heen "DUlin: .\u~d finally forced a showdown. 1 I'i,iting her daughter. Florence nllll1her of telep:::~ ,\s a result, Dreser. as the I and brother Thomas Bonnell. : "ice pi'''cd the lab'S scientific director, \I a, ' • • • It '.Ca, illSt J8 later heaped with laurels antI, Jlr. and ~[rs. Fred Fitzpat· thr to',;1 rmhij loot, while· mankind's real : ril'k spenl the weekend at' Ihe lillie of tr.e benefactor ended liP in a Xa7.i i AlIa?·s. Island lI'ilh Jlrs. Fitz., ann;lc"ar)," ll •. concentration camp. There he I patrId; s parents, ~Ir. and )11'5. tlon. wrote his memoirs, whidl I Ches. Jladdigan. To).: opml:::. were later published by a: Thomas Flemin:: who is at· the iil-t l1;oe ~"~ German pharl1lacolo~ical jour- 1 tachcd to the Re.)!.p. spent a ro;c tl) 53i3.311.;1 nal and aspirin was finally ----------. ---- , pal'l'ri lnlh . credited to the J(lIY to ",hOln I . , .eo. 11,r pOII'odln

Ol\'~r Illsurance rates shouJrl ". ", we owe so llIllch. I II th- II h ."11'11: r~prn,e; • • * s op a IS ap a out wo· .. ,-

men dril'ers. However, be. S~41.11 4.990. 11Q~ DEAR GERTIE: Whl' arc IOl!

women snch lOllS)' dri;crs~ \:Cll are beautiful, charming. talent· I

ed in so many ways. yct when: you get hehind a wheel you don't know a stop sign from a beer ad.

:lIAN DRIVER. ¥ • •

DEAR l\l.\N: Thanks I Ihmk. i We stop for stop sl"ns VOli ' to ,. I

stop for beer ads. Ami onr I

cause ~Iama taught me at her Tnt.,1 olher knee to be nice to gentlemen S6.0;;4.~68. from who handed. out such compli. ToL;1 opml;~!' llIcnts as "beautiful and crra'cd hI' charming" I'llI going to tell ,r, Fixed yon abont the worst driver ir 51.60\.441 10 tlle world who is a she and donr!< paId ,e~ real, bul whom I will nol 11101'0 th311 in Ih! name. She has had 97 traffic I lIIont\1; of 1962. offenses, the Mlh of which S43.:m.999. The concerned the ramming or a I to ,arplu! 113;

police car. I paror! with .

ed that stretched black head creep forward, the kid crouch· ed over his withers, still whal· ing.

An estimated 26 million young Americans under 25 will enter tbe labor market in the 1960s, according to Britanntea

"Spencer's Mountain" marked a reunion for veteran star Donald Crisp and Miss O'Han. Two decades ago, she had star· red as his daughter in the me· morable "How Green Was My Valley." When they first en­countered one another in Jack­son, Wyoming, to commence filming in the Daves production, they easily Cell into dialogue from the earlier movie. Crisp, who plays Fonda's father in the new !Hm, discovered that in the 20 years between "VaUilY"

DA WE - Passed away at Cupids at 10 a.m. Sunday, NoV' ember 3rd., Gladstone Dawe, agnd 65 years. Leaving to mourn wife, Grace; Iwo brothers, Isaac in Cupids and Roland in Bue· hans; two sisters, Bessie (Mrs. Sidney Carter) st. John's; and Millicent (Mrs. J. M. Tobin), st. John's. Funeral at Cupids on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. at 2.30 p.m.

A. H. MURRAY & (0./ l I gave tbe mare her head.

• • • Book of the Year. Inch by inch we began to

move away. I held my breath, ----------::--hut you could feel the power leaking out of her. The growl of the hlack's pounding hoofs drew nearer, the huh·huh·huh of his lunging breath.

About 100 yards off a blur 3f bug eyed faces· above a colored wall o[ shirts and cotton pan· talones told where the finish was. A hundred yards lsn't much in the mouth, but from the back of a hide that is com· ing allart so much footage can look Uke forever.

She was wbeezing now like a )usted bellows. I could tell hhe .' -

Vote AI Andrews

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Insured Winter storage • OUTBOARD MOTORS • LAWN MOWERS

Charles R. Bell Limited CORNER BROOK

and "Mountain" he had not lost a "daughter" but, gained a uson,"





TORONTO (CP)- A branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, fined for staging a raffle, plans to lobby members of Parliament for revision of the Lottel'les Act forbidding such methods of rais­ing money.

PHONE 94123 Electronic:

Branch 73 of the legion in su­burban Scarborllugh was fined $275 in magistrate's court Wed· nesday.

Centre Ltd. gO CAMPBELL AVE.

After hours 'phone 9·6995 aug22



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51. John's We carry a large stock of all



DIAL 8·5181 • Z • 3 . -1-- '. 'I -'





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poNTIAC 1964

Nova M

ps v't Failure


New Jobs _ (CP) - Thl

has lost interest il jobs despite Lit

promises in the las former labo

~lichael Starr sail the Commons. that have been ilT are just an exter

former Conservativ programs, he sail

cabinet membe enough to cia it

rate of III

is due to any thin Conservative prl

motion added tl' of unemployment and growing pr(

- 501 the C

Night Dal

Min Mal 45 55 30 57 33 53 35 49 37 44

14B 50

Skies ........ 4:39 P.n