Equinox | Leadership Training

Post on 22-Jan-2015

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Equine Guided Leadership Training is the one of the latest corporate training innovations to hit the UK and despite the fairly small number of companies offering the service, Great Britain is already considered one of the top countries in the world to take on one to one training with a horse. In the business world, leaders use Equine Guided Leadership to develop a myriad of skills that can completely transform the way they lead. However, when it comes to young people the effect of working with horses can have an even greater impact by helping to shape the minds of the leaders of tomorrow.

Transcript of Equinox | Leadership Training

  • 1. Equinox Equine Guided Leadership Training Welcome to Equinox Coaching, our story began back in 2003 when I ( Anette Haug ) went to Florida and trained in the pioneering John Lyons Natural Horsemanship method. A few years later and we had developed our first Leadership programme in Scotland before evolving our strategies and techniques and moving south to Sussex in 2010. Our horses live in a natural environment where we practice 'open stabling' so the horses can come and go as they please. They have the freedom to live in a herd, go indoors or outdoors when they like and be happy. Counting our horses as part of the training team as opposed to just business tools we are able to steer away from novelty training tactics and instead create a genuine, intelligent management course. How We Work An inspiring new way to learn leadership skills. Learn through one of the most immersive and vivid training experiences rather than the traditional method of gimmicks and textbooks. Every lesson you learn can be transferred back into your managerial life to help you become a better leader. Leadership Objectives and Outcomes We aim to provide an intelligent and powerful management course that will develop leadership skills that can be transferred to the workplace and also be taken into everyday life. Providing leadership training with the helpf of horses offers a unique but extremely effective method in developing the skills needed for management. http://www.EquinoxCoaching.co.uk

2. What We Do Equinox Coaching provides a superb practical way to understand what it takes to be a great leader through vivid experience rather than a textbook or lecture. Executives and their teams, or executives from different departments in a company, work together with horses in our arenas then transfer the skills they learn into managerial life. Participants work through a series of exercises including guiding our horses on a rope, leading them around obstacles, working blindfold and by touch, achieving simple goals and establishing respect and trust. Sessions are filmed then analysed as a group with the help of our executive coaches, often revealing that how managers think they behave in the workplace differs from what actually happens. Groups generate their own ideas for change and improvement and the result is better communication and a happier, more productive working environment. Managers and staff become more resourceful, assertive, confident and better creative thinkers. http://www.EquinoxCoaching.co.uk 3. Why It Works Our seminars work because participants get to the root of a problem and come up with solutions they can put into effect. Participants discover whether they are direct, co-operative or delegation leaders and can deploy their new skills for better business. Our clients include international names in the corporate finance sector, public bodies and teachers. Meeting Business Challenges Equinox Coaching can provide a fresh approach to business challenges: When a company has a big decision ahead and wants everyone pulling together To sort out issues undermining team performance or inter-departmental co- operation When absenteeism and illness are signs that something is wrong For innovative management training to improve leadership skills When your team has got bored with deskbound, classroom style workshops and is looking for something different Why Work With Horses? The benefits of working with horses are many: They are non-judgemental (they do not condescend or criticise) so everyone can learn constructively from mistakes They give an immediate response (they dont discriminate if you are the CEO or secretary and wont move if they dont want to) so you get instant and honest feedback They respond to non-verbal communication so you learn how to make your message clear through your movements and your posture They reward your efforts once you have earned your authority so encouraging leadership through respect and trust, not power http://www.EquinoxCoaching.co.uk 4. Seminars Equinox Coaching offers unique one or two-day seminars tailored to suit different business situations. Normal capacity is between 4-8 participants per course. Please contact us for available dates and more details. Typical schedule Below is a typical course schedule for a one-day seminar 9.30 am: Arrival with tea/coffee Explanation of the day to come Preparation for work with the horses Exercises guiding the horses and negotiating obstacles 1 pm: Lunch More exercises with the horses Video analysis, discussion and looking ahead in the meeting room 5 pm: Finish Training Academy Equinox Coaching provides training for future trainers to develop their own businesses as Equine Guided Leadership facilitators http://www.EquinoxCoaching.co.uk