Enterprise Agile Delivery v3

Post on 09-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Enterprise Agile Delivery v3

Agile Delivery Model for Strategic Programme

How could it possibly work?

Ehab Roufail


Key Questions

Are Agile methodologies suitable for the biggest problems and organizations in this world?

The cooperative, iterative and user-focused approach to developing software is often seen as something for smaller teams and organizations.

It has been said that as an enterprise or project grows, Agile will cause teams to lose sight of big-picture goals, such as managing demand, architectural runway, database standards, dependencies, and strategic planning.


Quick Answers

Every business today is striving to deliver value to market quickly, deepen relationships with customers, improve employee engagement, and cope with the ever-increasing pace of change.

Agile has a fractal, scalable nature that allows for growth.

In Agile, the same trade-offs and methodologies apply to different levels of scale in the organization.

For example, a single scrum team may consist of seven to nine people and plan in two-week iterations/ sprints with user stories;

Whereas a single Agile program may consist of seven to nine scrum teams and plan in one-quarter iterations with customer features.


Stems from Vision


Levels of Planning


Large Programs of change: Portfolio Team


Large Programs of change: Product Team


Large Programs of change: ArchitectureTeam


Levels of Planning


Task Mapping: FUM


Estimation and Planning: Milestone Deliverables


Scrum Delivery Teams

Iterating not Incrementing


IBOR broken down into steps

Step 1: Early Preparation – address Magix Gaps and start STP

Part a: Analysis of Magix Gaps

Part b: Gaps in Golden Source Analysis

Part c: Can we source from Bloomberg analysis

Step 2: Consistent End of Day – Q3 2016

Release 1: Loading Funds into Simcorp From Magix

Sprint 1: Loading Magix instruments

Sprint 2: Loading MDDL instruments

Sprint 3: Loading Calendars and Benchmarks etc...

Release 2: Reading data back from SimCorp

Release 3: Populating the CDW from Magix

Step 3: Include FO Performance and Risk – Q4 2016

Step 4: Move to SOD and decommission M&G Quasar and Meads – Q1 2017

Step 5: Strategic Delivery of SOD/ EOD


Agile Planning:‘Ready…Fire…Aim…Aim…Aim…’

From Henrik Kniberg

Homing Missile vs Cannonball


Milestone Monitoring


Complex Portfolio Agile Model