English Summer HW g1 Entering g2

Post on 06-Dec-2015

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The Egyptian American school

Transcript of English Summer HW g1 Entering g2

 Egyptian  American  International  School  







Going into grade 2

Egyptian  American  International  School        

 Dear  Parents,  Our  students  have  come  along  way  this  year  with  their  reading  and  comprehension  skills.    It  is  

always  our  goal  to  help  our  little  ones  maintain  their  level.  Your  child  will  read  two  stories  “Bed  

Making  Blues”  and  “That  Worked”.  After  they  are  done  reading  they  will  fill  out  a  book  report  for  

each  story.  The  book  report  is  included  in  the  following  pages.    Also,  included  in  this  pack  are  

worksheets  to  help  our  beautiful  children  review  some  of  the  concepts  acquired  during  grade  1  

to  help  them  have  a  smooth  start  in  grade  2.  


Good  Luck  and  have  an  enjoyable  summer.  



Name: ___________________

Rock Bandby Roy Kindelberger

“Let’s make a rock band,” said Beth.

“Great,” said Rob. “I can play the drums.” He hit the drums. Rat a tat tat.

Kim smiled. “I will play the guitar.” Strum strum.

Jim picked up a keyboard. He pushed the keys. “Cool, I will play this.” Ting, ting, tong.

Bill started to sing. La, la, la.

Beth looked around. “What should I play?” She dug in a box.

She pulled out a big bell. “Look a cowbell.” Bang, bang, bong.

“Let’s rock!”

They played and sang all night long.

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: ___________________

Rock Bandby Roy Kindelberger

1. Who is this?

a. Beth b. Kim

c. Jim d. Rob

2. Who is this?

a. Beth b. Kim

c. Jim d. Rob

3. What does Beth play?


4. Who is the singer?


Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: ___________________

Rock Bandby Roy Kindelberger


1. ____________________ 2. ____________________

3. ____________________ 4. ____________________

5. ____________________

What is Beth's problem?



How was her problem solved?



Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: _______________________

Superhero Joeyby Katherine Rollins

Joey put on his mask.

He flapped his cape in front of the mirror.

This is the best costume, he thought.

I’m sure to win the contest.

Joey skipped downstairs.

“Here I come to rescue you!” Joey shouted.

“Nice costume,” said Joey’s dad.

“I’m a superhero,” said Joey.

“Joey,” said Mom, “I need you to watch Mindy at the party.”

Joey looked at his little sister. “But Mom, superheroes don’t have kid sisters.”

“Well this superhero has a sister,” said Mom.

“What will Mindy’s costume be?” asked Dad.

“I’m not sure,” said Mom.

Joey got an idea. “I know!”

Joey took Mindy upstairs to his room.

He dug through his closets.

Joey found his baby blanket.

He put it around Mindy’s shoulders.

At the party, Superhero Joey and his sidekick Supergirl Mindy won first prize!

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: _______________________

Superhero Joey by Katherine Rollins

1. Why was Joey dressed like a superhero?


2. What was Joey supposed to do at the party?

a. fly in the air b. help make the food c. watch his little sister d. clean up

3. Name all four characters in this story.

_____________________________ _____________________________

_____________________________ _____________________________

4. When does this story take place?

a. at the party b. before the party c. after the party d. at Joey's house

5. What did Joey put on Mindy when he dressed her up as Supergirl?


Something extra: On the back of this paper, draw a picture of Super Joey and his sidekick Supergirl Mindy.

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: _______________________

First Airplane Tripby Sara Matson

Jake is going on a trip. He and Mom take a taxi to the airport.

“It’s my first plane trip,” he tells the

taxi driver.

“That’s great!” the taxi driver says.

Jake rolls his suitcase onto the plane.

“It’s my first plane trip,” he tells the


“Welcome aboard,” the pilot says.

Jake finds his seat and buckles his seatbelt. The plane’s engines

rumble and roar. Jake opens his backpack and pulls out Panda.

“It’s my first plane trip,” he whispers. He holds Panda’s paw.

The plane moves faster and faster. Then—Whoosh! On the

ground, cars and houses look like toys.

Jake smiles. “Guess what, Panda?” he says. “Flying is fun!”

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Name: _______________________

First Plane Tripby Sara Matson

1. How do Jake and his mom travel to the airport? a. in a plane b. in their car

c. in a taxi d. in a bus

2. What does a pilot do?


3. What does the pilot say to Jake?


4. Who is Panda?a. Jake's brother b. a large animalc. Jake's pet d. a stuffed animal

5. What does Jake whisper to Panda?


6. Read this sentence from the story:

On the ground, the cars and houses look like toys.

What does this mean?a. The cars and houses looked very big.b. The cars and houses looked very small.c. The cars and houses did not move.d. Jake could not see the cars and houses.

Super Teacher Worksheets - www.superteacherworksheets.com

Punctuatiol1 Every sentence ends with a punctuation mark. A period C.) is used at the end ofa statement. A question mark C?) is used when you ask something. An exclamation point C!) is used to show emphasis or surprise.

Read the following sentences and insert the proper punctuation mark for each sentence.

1. When is your birthday _ _

2. I love pizza __

3. I am in elementary school __

4. One example will explain what I mean __

5. My bus stops at the next comer __

6. Do you like to read _ _

7. I love to skateboard

8. Do you have a library card _ _

9. My favorite subject is science __

10. Where are you going with your cousin __

11. I was so scared

12. My grandmother is an archaeologist __

13. Suddenly it occurred to me to try something different _ _

14. The fireworks were spectacular __

15. What are the odds of winning the lottery __

16. What is your favorite season of the year __

17. Twenty percent ofthe people in my class wear glasses __

18. Do you know how fast a cheetah can run __

19. Mrs. Thompson screamed, "I have had it up to here __"

20. Do you like sunrise or sunset the best __

Halloween Capitalization Underline the word or words in each sentence that should be capitalized.

1. the black cat was hiding in the jack-o-Iantern.

2. Count dracula likes to wear a black cape.

3. A ghost haunts the house near gloucester harbor.

4. halloween is on october 3151.

5. Mike, jenny, and Larry will go trick-or-treating together.

6. Mr. and mrs. Adams always dress up for Halloween.

7. the moon shines eerily above the mansion on Columbus avenue.

8. we bobbed for apples at the Halloween party.

9. sandra dressed up as a fairy princess.

10. Bill and bob were wearing superhero costumes.

Nouns A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing. Circle all of the nouns in each sentence.

The frog is sitting on a rock.

The puppy is thinking about a bone.

Francine Fish is in the bowl.

Cory Cat is playing with string.

Henry Hippo is swimming in a pond.

Nouns and Plural Nouns Read the word under each picture. If the word is a noun, write it on the Animal list. If the word is a plural noun, write it on the Animals list.

zebra raccoon

birds duck

frogs elephant squirrels

Animal Animals

Action Words An action word tells what happens. Read each sentence. Write the word that tells what happens on the line.

1. The boy paints.

2. The vet listens.

3. She will color.

4. He can fly.

5. The friends talk. •

6. She can run. :I c:=;:>

7. The children play. ~

8. He can dive. ~

9. He can throw. ~

Alphabetical Order Look at the words on each caterpillar. Write the words in alphabetical order.

• •

My Favorite Day of the Week The days of the week always begin with capital letters.

Trace each day of the week then write it on the line.

Circle your favorite day of the week.


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Readin~ Readine88 Read the words in the box. Then read each sentence. Fill in the blank with a word from the box to correctly complete each sentence.

Imonkey long jump read

The giraffe has a--~----------- neck.

The boy ikes to -------------------- .

The gir like to-------------- rope.

The ------=-:------ has a giant banana.
