Enema – when the prep didn’t work!

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Transcript of Enema – when the prep didn’t work!

Enema – when the Prep didn’t work!

When the Prep didn’t work!

Upon admission of patient…Ask them to describe what their stool looked like the very last time they had a bowel movement.

Don’t ask them if their stool was clear… most will just agree and say “Yes”.

Those who look And those who don’t!

TWO Types of People….

When is an enema is needed??

When your patient says….Their stool was any variation of brownHad formed stoolIsn’t sure if they were clear but cannot have

another bowel movementThe patient has an ostomy and is having a

colonoscopy prior to a “take down”. This patient will require a small (approx. 100 – 200 ml) “rinse” of their rectum if they did not do a fleets enema at home.

It could always be worse….

When patients are reluctant

No patient wants to have an enema. It is humiliating. Explain that if they are not clean the physician

will not be able to visualize and properly inspect colon and polyps or lesions may be missed.

It could result in the procedure being aborted and the patient will have to prep again. Make them understand why it’s important to be “clean”.

Give them a choice to reschedule but discourage it. Patients may not come back.

Preparing for “the ENEMA”

Choose the correct PPE

Required PPE…..

Gown Do not wear it outside of the area that the enema was

given In between administration of the enema hang it on the

poleGlovesEye protectionShoe covers (especially if patient is not


Room 4 is stocked with all needed PPE

Respect Patient Privacy

Use prep room 4, if available

Nurse needs to ask patient if they are comfortable with them giving the enema or would they prefer a different staff member give it

Keep patient covered as much as possible during enema administration

Make sure patient is covered and not on toilet when door is opened

Respect Patient Modesty

Left side lying (Sims) – bottom leg straight, top bent

Left side (fetal position) – both knees drawn up

Patient Positioning….

This is the incorrect way…….

Preparing needed items….

Enema bag with tubing Tap water enema using

luke warm water, unless otherwise directed by physician. Test the water to make sure it isn’t toocold or hot.

Be sure to clamp the tubing about two feet from the insertion tip.

Blue padsTowelsLubricating jelly

Generously lubricate insertion tip of enema

IV pole

Tips to Make and Enema Easier…

Be sure to lubricate the insertion tip with plenty of jelly.

Lubricate your finger and tell the patient that you are going to insert your finger into their rectum. Using a lubricated finger, find the anal entrance Lubricate anal entrance with jelly In some patients (esp. obese patients), finding the

anal entrance can be difficult. Using your finger as a guide, insert the tip of

tubing. Doing this will help reduce anal canal trauma.

Tips to Make and Enema Easier…

Do not force the tubing into the anal cavity. If you have to force it, it probably isn’t in correctly. It should be easy to slide in

Insert tubing a couple of inches or until you feel resistance (most enema tubing is marked with a line)

Unclamp tubing and start fluid flow. When fluid is flowing, gently insert catheter until resistance is felt.

Don’t open the flow completely. Slower is better tolerated

Instruct patient to tell you if they hurt

This position is helpful for the incontinent patient

Normal ColonExample redundant colon

Colon Anatomy

Are they clean enough?

Ideally, the stool (bowel movement) is clear. Ask yourself, “Can I see through the liquid to the bottom of the toilet”?

Minimal flakes and sediment are okayWater color or tint is okay if you can

see through itCan the patient tolerate more, if

needed? After 4000 ml of enema, if they still are not clear a re-evaluation may need to be done.

IT’S STILL NOT CLEAR???? Seriously?

Due to mega colon, redundant colon, constrictions, or masses, some colons may be impossible to clean.

The right side (descending) may be clean and results show clear but after a few minutes….. BAM! More dark stool! This is because the stool is moving from the left side (ascending) or transverse.

Ask your patient to retain the fluid for at least 5 minutes, if possible. This allows the fluid to travel into descending colon.


Not sure? Get a second opinion…

Safety Give patient privacy

after administering enema but keep safety in mind…. Lower bed to lowest

position For elderly, move bed

close to toilet and have any of their walking aids nearby.

Give patient nurse call light

Instruct patient to call if they need assistance

Point out hand rails next to toilet.

Man Returned Used Enemas To CVS Regularly: Cops

The Huffington Post  |  By Lauren Feldman Posted: 07/03/2012 2:05 pm Updated: 07/03/2012 2:05 pm

A Florida man found his choice of rectal-cleaning product pretty crappy, cops said.

Sheriffs launched an investigation after personnel from a CVS in Jacksonville alleged that a man was repeatedly returning used enema saline laxatives to the store, according to a Jacksonville Sheriff's Office news release.

The suspect returned the six-pack containers of enemas between April and June, according to the release. CVS employees told police they had initially re-shelved the items during this period, not realizing they had been used.


Developed by Sandy McLellan, RN,