Employment Correspondence

Post on 06-Mar-2016

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description of employment correspondence.

Transcript of Employment Correspondence

Resume Is also called a data sheet or vita. It is an outline of all you have to offer a new employer. It presents your qualifications, background, and experiences in a way that will convince a business person to grant you an interview. This is the first impression you make on an employer. It must be printed on business-size bond, and never send a resume with handwritten, or even typed, additions squeezed in.

The resume must have an overall neat appearance, margins are wide and balanced. The information contained on the resume must be accurate and complete; the information is expressed in short phrases rather than whole sentences. Do not offer reasons for leaving previous jobs. Do not make critical comments about a previous employer and, of course, do not lie.

Letters of application Is a sales letter in which you are both salesperson and product. Its purpose is to attract an employer's attention and persuade her to grant you an interview. A letter of application serves as the COVER LETTER of your resume. Like a resume, it is a sample of your work. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate your skills and personality. There are two types of application letters. The first one is the solicited letter, that is sent in response to a help-wanted ad. It must be composed with distinction. Also, it must refer to the ad and the specific advertised job. The other one is the unsolicited letter that is sent to a company for which you would like to work even though you know of no particular opening.

The advantage of this type of application is that there will be little competition. You can personally define the position you would like to apply for. It is good idea, though, to find out the name of a specific person to whom you can send the letter. This makes the letter more effective than simply addressing a letter to "Personnel." Your letter of application should look as good as your resume, prepared with the same care on plain business-size bond. It should never express dissatisfaction with a present or former job or employer. You should avoid discussing your reasons for leaving your last job.

When you begin to write your letter of application, keep in mind the principles of writing sales letters: 1. Start by attracting attention. You must says that you are applying and mention both the specific job and how you heard about it. But try to avoid a mundane opening. 2. Continue by describing your qualifications. Provide details and explanations not found on your resume. 3. Assure the employer that you are the person for the job. Mention the names of any familiar or prominent references you may have. 4. Conclude by requesting an interview. Mention your telephone number and the best hours to reach you, or state that you will call the employer within a few days. A complete application should contain both a letter of application and a resume. DO NOT include a photograph of yourself. The briefer the application, the better.

36 Avenue 27-92, Zone 5

01005 Guatemala

April 20, 2012

Mr. Juan López

Calzada Aguilar Batres 32-10, Zone 11

C. C. Pacific Center 4th level

01011 Guatemala

Dear Mr. López:

I am applying for the position of bilingual secretary advertised April 19 with the

placement service in Prensa Libre. The position fits my qualifications, experience, career

interest and expertise.

According to the advertisement, the position requires very good human relationships,

ability to work under pressure, to face challenges, to do team work, to take initiative,

strong knowledge of computer programs and English proficiency written and spoken. I am

an expertise in shorthand and typing. Additionally, I have excellent human relationships

and I can use Microsoft Office and other programs. Enclosed is my resume that provides

more details on my qualifications, experience and expertise. I am confident that I can

perform the job effectively and I know I can help in the growth of your company with my

knowledge, skills and strategies.

I request you to please consider me for a personal interview to discuss my qualifications

and the job opportunity. You can contact me at 5019-3452. The best time to reach me is

before 9 a.m. or after 4 p.m. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Gabriella Fajardo

Bilingual Secretary


Follow-Up Letter Nowadays, few people send a follow-up letter after an interview. A follow-up letter can be highly effective. It should be courteous and brief. Additionally, it should merely thank the employer for the interview and restate your interest in the job. A reference to a successful moment at the interview is a good, personalizing touch.

36 Avenue 27-92, Zone 5

01005 Guatemala

April 30, 2012

Mr. Juan López

Calzada Aguilar Batres 32-10, Zone 11

C. C. Pacific Center 4th level

01011 Guatemala

Dear Mr. López:

Thank you for allowing me to discuss my secretarial qualifications in


Having met you and Mrs. Marroquín, and seen your company in

operation, I sincerely hope I will have the opportunity to demonstrate my

working skills and qualifications.

Enclosed are the letters of reference you requested. You can contact me

at 5014-3453 during business hours. I look forward to hearing from you


Sincerely yours,

Gabriella Fajardo

Bilingual Secretary

Enclosure: 3

Letters of Reference and Recommendation

The difference between letters of recommendation and

reference is slim. A recommendation is an endorsement

while a reference is simply a report. A recommendation

is persuasive while a reference verifies facts. Both types

of letter start out the same. Each should include:

1. A statement of the letter’s purpose.

2. An account of the duties performed by the applicant or

of the applicant’s general qualifications.

A letter of recommendation would add a third item-a

concluding statement specifically recommending the

applicant for the particular position. Before writing a

recommendation or reference, be sure that the company

has no policy forbidding them so you can avoid possible

lawsuits or complaints. If you do write such a letter, it is

advisable to mark both the envelope and letter

“Confidential”, to protect yourself and the applicant.

Instituto Guatemalteco Americano

Route 1, 4-05, Zone 4

01004 Guatemala

May 3, 2012

Mr. Juan López

Calzada Aguilar Batres 32-10, Zona 11

C. C. Pacific Center 4th level

01011 Guatemala

Dear Mr. López:

Gabriella Fajardo was a student in three of my business courses during the 2010-12

school year. She was always an enthusiastic and outstanding student.

Miss Fajardo demonstrated her amazing patience and leadership in her class

performances. Her assignments were always executed with responsibility, honesty

and punctuality. Additionally, she was always a great speaker and helped her

classmates when they had a question or problem.

Therefore, I can highly recommend Miss Fajardo, without hesitation, for the

position of bilingual secretary in your company.

Cordially yours,

Luisa Paz

Business Teacher

Banco G&T Continental

10 Avenue 3-34, Zone 9

01009 Guatemala

May 3, 2012

Mr. Juan López

Calzada Aguilar Batres 32-10, Zona 11

C. C. Pacific Center 4th level

01011 Guatemala

Dear Mr. López:

I am happy to provide the information you requested regarding Gabriella Fajardo,

with the understanding that this information will be kept confidential.

Miss Fajardo has been a bilingual secretary and a receptionist in this company

since 2010. She has always been willing to work odd hours, including weekends and

holidays, and has proven to be a hardworking and trustworthy employee.

I hope this information will be helpful to you.

Cordially yours,

Mario López

General Manager

Declining a Job Offer

You may find yourself in the fortunate position of

choosing from several job offers. Or you may be offered

a job that does not meet your needs or expectations. In

such situations, you should send a courteous, discreet

letter declining the job. By doing so, you will preserve a

potentially valuable business contact and leave open

the possibility of future employment.

Rejecting a Job Applicant

Also known as a "thanks, but no thanks letter,"

candidate rejection letters tell the candidate that he or

she was not selected for the position.

If you believe that the candidate would qualify for other

roles in your company, and that he or she appeared to

also fit with the company, you can also encourage the

person to apply again in the future.

Always end your candidate rejection letters on a positive

note and wish the person success. Make sure you thank

your candidate for the time invested in the application

and interview process.

Letter of Resignation

Landing a new job usually means resigning from an

old one. Speaking personally to you current employer

is appropriate, but putting the resignation in writing

is also advisable. As with refusals, resignations must

convey a negative message as positively as possible.

You may be delighted to be leaving or feel hostile

toward your former boss, but your letter of

resignation should express regrets, not anger. Be sure


1. State that the letter is your resignation,

mentioning the date on which you would like to leave.

2. Express appreciation for your old job and/or regret

at leaving.

3. Offer assistance with any work that you will be

leaving undone or with helping the person who will

replace you.