Emily affili@ sydney 2010

Post on 15-May-2015

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Emily doig's presentation at affili@syd2010 on blogging.

Transcript of Emily affili@ sydney 2010

Blogging Masterclass






Why Blog?

To be accessible

To connect with audience and readers

To share information and content

To drive traffic to affiliate links

To create a revenue stream

Source:flickr paul in leeds

Whats your niche?

You gotta have one

Stay true to it

Show expertise

Add value, engage and surprise

Dont be afraid


Whats your niche?


Choose your platform based on your needs

Add plug ins to maximise your presence

Use a real domain

Use one click installs and widgets when getting started

Paid platforms dosen't = better

Source: flickr Northhampton Museum

Writing Tips

Keep it simple

Define your voice/tone

Know your objective

Know your audience

Keep it light and converasational

Add value, engage and surprise

Source: flickr Dachalan

Writing Tips




Ask your readers what type of content THEY want

Source:flickr Marcel Germain

Be original

Stand out

Take a stand! Dont just re puropse others content

No Zombies... be human

Be transparent

Have and "about us/about me" section

Be available and accessible

Source: flickr triggers retro road

Blogging for Affiliates

Avoid product or company criticisms, the disclosure of confidential information

Read the advertisers Tc's & C's Carefully

Credit all sources and images

Don't stuff cookie's

Don't be tempted by "black hat" affiliate tools

Source:flickr Nick^D

Blogging for Affiliates

Strategy- Have one

Be Transparent

Contact the affiliate manager and  introduce yourself

Keep offers up to date and fresh

Find the "right" merchant

source:flickr richarddavis

Build a community

Welcome and encourage dialogue

Ask questions

Always answer questions

Respond to commennts

Share the love

Source: flickr Andricongirl

Use Social Media

Intergrate Facebook and/or Twitter

Dont be spammy

Particpate in the conversation



Have a clear design

Communicates legitimacy

Builds trust  with your audience

Use quality vector icons

Be mindful of readability

Be inspired, browse design galleries (premium themes)

Use high res, quality images and videos

source:flickr t knouff

Use widgets and plug ins

Creates actions for your readers

Some platforms are easier/better than others

Maximise SEO, Analytics, image resizing, translation etc


source: flickr peter castleton

Get found!

Write SEO friendly content rich in keywords

Be contextual and relevant

Guest Blog

Comment on other blogs

Use social media

Trade shows, conferences and meet ups

Source:flickr Melizzaaa

Stuck for ideas?

Invite guests bloggers to write on industry

Review an event (like Affili@SYD)

Interview experts or thought leaders

Tips and tricks for your niche

Quote of the day

Top 10 (or 5)

source: flickr random images from the heartland

10 Blogging Tips

Schedule time

Make use of Analytics

Frequent content updates

Understand your readers/customers/audience

Connect with people offline events/trade shows

Set expectations for audience (publishing and responding)

Become a thought leader/ expert/ "go to" in your niche

Have a clear call to action. Dont make them "think"

Particpate in Social Media

Rate yourself.. and improve on it! source:flickr renmeleon

Take Aways



Be human

Get to know your readers

Link it


source: flickr mieke28

A copy of today's presentation

is available for viewing at


source:flickr monkey hugger