Email Mastery Tips

Post on 18-Oct-2014

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Transcript of Email Mastery Tips


Use the 2 minute rule when you check your emails.

Doing the little things quickly will cut out clutter that can distract you from focusing on higher priority or higher value work.

Which is it to be: To or Cc?

“To” - action is required“Cc” means no action required

Before you Cc, ask yourself:

“Does the person need to see this email in order to do their job?”

Assume recipients skim read.

Put your main point at the beginning of the email. Follow it with supporting facts and data.

Make your email silent


Check your email at regular intervals and in between times, get on with your work.

Email is not your work, it’s just the way your work comes to you.

When you return from leave, it’s back to reality

A build up of emails is inevitable.

Before going on leave, set aside time on your calendar to deal with the build-up when you get back.

Stick. To. It.

New topic? New email.

Our writing becomes clearer and more concise when we focus on one topic per email.

Consider carefully before you use Reply All

We all receive emails that we don’t need or want.

Don’t use Reply All without thinking first about which recipients need to see your response.

Bcc with caution

Ill-considered use of Bcc can cause mistrust.

Beware of continuing conversations

If an email conversation goes on for too long, it might be easier to deal with the issue if you pick up the phone.

Clean up emails before you forward them.

Make sure the email doesn’t contain any information you don’t want the addressee to see.

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