El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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Transcript of El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    Sir Gallant the Knight wasreturning to the City of Philos,but he had lost his way and hadwandered into the Kingdom ofVog. Stopping by a wayside tavern,he alighted to ask for directions,but he could not find anyone whoknew how to get to the City ofPhilos. Those he met told him thathe had entered the Kingdom ofVog and should return quicklyfrom whence he had come, forstrangers were not welcome inthis land.

    Sir Gallant el Caballero regresabade la ciudad de Filos, pero se habaperdido y termin entrando en elreino de Vog. Se detuvo en unataberna a la vera del camino enbusca de alguna orientacin, pero

    no encontr a nadie que supieracmo ir a la ciudad de Filos. Laspersonas con las que se top solole dijeron que haba entrado en elreino de Vog y que deba regresarde inmediato al lugar de dondeproceda, puesto que los extraos

    no eran bienvenidos a esa tierra.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    While inquiring at the tavern,Sir Gallant had noticed thepeculiar behavior of these people.The customers who filled thetavern complained continually and

    loudly to the others of their lotand how their neighbors had morethan they did. The sound ofbickering filled every corner of theroom. Sir Gallant observed theowner of the tavern serving a mana tankard of cider and overheard

    the unhappy customer complainthat the mug was not largeenough.

    What do you want?Abucket? If you want more cider,give me more money, the owner

    of the tavern yelled as he wavedhis hand in front of the mans face.

    Mientras trataba de averiguaralguna informacin en la taberna, SirGallant not un comportamientopeculiar en esta gente. Los clientesque llenaban la taberna se quejaban

    de su suerte a gritos constantementeante los dems, y de que sus vecinostenan ms que ellos. Se escuchabandiscusiones en cada rincn del lugar.Sir Gallant vea que el dueo de lataberna le serva a un seor una jarrade sidra y escuch que este

    insatisfecho cliente se quejaba deque la jarra no era lo suficientementegrande.

    Qu quiere? Un balde? Siquiere ms sidra, deme ms dinerogrit el dueo de la tabernamientras haca ademanes delante de

    la cara de ese hombre.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    The man slapped the extendedhand away and gulped down hiscider, muttering under his breath,More money? You get more

    money than you deserve.

    A woman sitting beside theman cleared her throat andaddressed the owner. Excuse

    me, I have a complaint. There arenot enough peas in my soup, andI would hardly call this a slice ofbread.

    I see plenty of peas, repliedthe tavern owner. And the bread

    is more than an inch thick. The

    woman huffed and tucked intoher meal.

    Sir Gallant, not able to standthe din in the tavern any longer,

    hurried out the door, doubtingthe sanity of the people of thisplace.


    Thud! Thud! Thud! The soundof heavy footsteps thunderedthrough the valley, shaking the

    ground and sending all thecreatures scurrying for cover.King Vog, a giant, had heard thata stranger had entered hiskingdom, and Vog would nothave his domain disturbed byintruders who were out to cause


    ste le peg a la mano extendidadel dueo y se bebi toda la sidra,refunfuando: Ms dinero?Tienes ms dinero del que temereces.

    Una dama que estaba sentada allado de ese seor se aclar lagarganta y se dirigi al dueo:Disculpe, tengo una queja. Misopa no tiene suficientes arvejas, yde esto no podra decir que es unarebanada de pan.

    Yo veo bastantes arvejas contest el dueo de la taberna. Yese pan tiene ms de 2 centmetrosde grosor. La dama farfull y sededic a comer.

    Sir Gallant, que ya no aguantabatanto barullo, sali corriendo,

    dudando que esa gente estuviera ensus cabales.*

    Tomp! Tomp! Tomp! Desde elvalle se oa el ruido de fuertespisadas que sacudan el suelo yespantaba a los pequeos

    animalitos que corran en busca derefugio. El rey Vog, un gigante l, sehaba enterado de que un extraohaba entrado a su reino, y Vog nopermitira que su feudo fueraagitado por intrusos que soloqueran causar problemas.


  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    The terrain Sir Gallant nowtraveled was rough andforeboding, with large boulderstowering over the narrowpassageway that cut through themountains. Sir Gallant proceededcautiously, on the lookout for anydanger. As the knight turned asharp bend, he was startled bythe appearance of a huge giant.

    Who are you? And where are

    you going? roared the giant.My name is Gallant, I am a

    knight from the City of Philos andIm traveling home, answered Sir

    Gallant. I lost my way and have

    been seeking someone whomight point me to the road thatwould lead me to the City ofPhilos, but I have found none yetto help me.

    The giant eyed himsuspiciously.

    Good sir, what is your name?

    asked Sir Gallant, very politely.You do not know? I am Vog,

    and I am the ruler of this land.

    And pointing to a large fortresson the horizon, he said withpride, And that is my castle.

    Then, as if remembering thefierce reputation he needed tomaintain, he barked, You have

    no business here! Turn back andbe on your way.

    El terreno que Sir Gallant ahorarecorra era escabroso, ominoso, congrandes rocas a la vera del angostopasaje que atravesaba las montaas.Sir Gallant avanzaba cautelosamente,alerta ante cualquier posible peligro.Cuando el caballero dobl en unacurva, se qued atnito cuando sele apareci un enorme gigante.

    Quin eres, y a dnde tediriges? rugi el gigante.

    Me llamo Gallant, soy uncaballero de la ciudad de Filos yestoy regresando a mi hogar respondi Sir Gallant. Es que ando perdido y en busca de alguienque pueda indicarme el camino queme lleve a la ciudad de Filos, perotodava no he encontrado a nadieque pueda ayudarme.

    El gigante lo mir condesconfianza.

    Buen hombre, cmo se llamausted? pregunt Sir Gallanteducadamente.

    Acaso no lo sabes? Soy Vog, elsoberano de esta tierra. Ysealando hacia un gran fuerte enel horizonte, dijo con orgullo: Yese es mi castillo.

    Luego, como si repentinamentehubiera recordado que debamantener su apariencia feroz, grit:Usted no tiene nada que haceraqu! Debe dar la vuelta y marcharse.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    I am sorry, I did not know. Butmay I be so bold as to ask yourMajesty if you would be kindenough to offer a weary travelersome food and a place to lay his

    head for the night?Vog was surprised by such arequest. The knight had spokenwith such courtesy, and Vog wasso impressed by this display ofgood manners that at length henodded.

    Only one night and you mustbe off at dawn, replied Vog.Follow me.

    Thank you, your Majesty, Sir

    Gallant replied.After they arrived at the castle

    gates, one of the servants led SirGallants horse to the stable, and

    Sir Gallant followed the giant intothe great dining hall.

    Vog motioned for the knight tosit and eat, and when both hadeaten to their hearts content,

    Vog began to ask many questionsof Sir Gallant concerning the Cityof Philos. Vog had heard rumorsthere were no quarrels or disputesin that land, and that the peopleshared all they had.

    Is it true that in that place

    there is no strife between theinhabitants? Vog asked.

    Lo siento, no saba que esusted el rey. Pero, perdone miatrevimiento, sera su Majestad tanamable de ofrecerle a este cansadoviajero un poco de comida y unlugar donde recostar la cabeza estanoche?

    Vog qued sorprendido ante estapeticin. El caballero haba habladocon tanta cortesa, que Vog quedimpresionado por sus buenosmodales, y al final asinti con lacabeza. Solo una noche... debeirse al amanecer respondi Vog.Sgame.

    Muchas gracias, su Majestad respondi Sir Gallant.

    Despus que llegaron a laspuertas del castillo, uno de lossiervos tom el caballo de SirGallant y lo gui hacia los establos, ySir Gallant sigui al gigante hacia elgran comedor.

    Cuando ambos hubieron comidohasta hartarse, Vog comenz ahacerle muchas preguntas a SirGallant sobre esta ciudad de Filos.Vog haba escuchado rumores deque en esa tierra no habacontiendas y que los habitantes deese lugar compartan todo lo quetenan.

    Es cierto que en ese lugar noexisten conflictos entre sushabitantes? pregunt Vog.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    Sir Gallant affirmed it was so,and how in his country allbehaved toward their neighborsas they personally wished to betreated.

    The giant began to tell him thesad story of his domain, and howhis people were only concernedwith their own well-being, andthought little of others. Arguingamong these people waswidespread, and Vog continually

    had to sort out their disputes.Besides having to sort out theproblems of his people, Vog alsohad to always be on guardagainst the gangs of roaminggiants who would invade hiskingdom, carrying off not onlygoods but his people as slaves.On one such raid, a mean, uglygiant known as One Eye hadfought a fierce battle with Vog,and though Vog had asked hispeople to stand with him againstOne Eye, they had been tooconcerned with their own safetyand had hid till the fighting wasover. The enemy giant had nearlydealt Vog a fatal blow with hishuge club, but in the end, Voghad defeated him and One Eyehad fled.

    Sir Gallant as lo confirm, y aadique en su pas cada uno secomportaba con los dems delmodo que a cada uno le gustara sertratado.

    El gigante comenz a narrarle latriste historia de su reino, y lecontaba que su pueblo solo sepreocupaba de su propio bienestar,pero no del de los dems. Las peleasinternas entre las personas de sureino aumentaban, y Vog

    constantemente deba resolver lasdisputas que se originaban. Apartede eso, Vog siempre deba estaralerta ante las bandas de gigantesmerodeadores que aguardaban losmomentos oportunos para invadirsu reino, y llevarse no solo bienes,sino tambin a su gente comoesclavos. En una de esas ocasiones,un malvado y desagradable giganteconocido como Ojo nico, habalidiado una fuerte lucha contra Vog,y aunque Vog le haba pedido a supueblo que lo apoyara en contra deOjo nico, ellos solo se preocuparonpor su propia seguridad y seescondieron hasta que ces la lucha.El gigante enemigo casi derrot a Vogtras un golpe casi fatal que le asestcon su gran garrote, pero al final Voglo venci, y Ojo nico huy.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    Due to this victory, Vog had nothad trouble with invading giants forquite some time, but now he hadheard reports that One Eye hadvowed to destroy Vogs kingdom.With the support and help of some

    of the other giants, One Eye wasplanning an attack.

    I am afraid it will be difficult todefend my land from this group ofgiants led by One Eye with mypeople divided and unwilling tostand together, said Vogdespairingly. I do not know how

    to help my people see the need toband together.

    Just as Sir Gallant was about tospeak, Vog ended the conversationabruptly. Enough talk of theproblems of my kingdom. I wishto be left alone.

    Gracias a esta victoria, Vog notuvo ms problemas con los gigantesinvasores por algn tiempo, peroahora se haba enterado de que Ojonico haba jurado destruir el reinode Vog. Con la ayuda de los otrosgigantes, Ojo nico planeaba unataque.

    Me temo que va a ser difcildefender mi tierra de este grupo degigantes liderados por Ojo nico simi pueblo est dividido y no estndispuestos a luchar unidos dijoVog desesperanzado. No s cmoayudar a mi pueblo para hacerlesver la necesidad de unirse.

    Justo cuando Sir Gallant sedispona a hablar, Vog dijo Yahemos hablado suficiente sobre losproblemas de mi reino. Deseo estar

    a solas.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    Sir Gallant rose from the table.Good night, your Majesty, and

    thank you for your hospitality, he



    The next morning Sir Gallant wasup at dawn. After he had eatenbreakfast, a servant gave him a mapwhich would help him to find hisway out ofVogs kingdom to theCity of Philos.

    As Sir Gallant was about to ride

    out of the castle gates, he wassurprised by the sudden appearanceof Vog, who handed Sir Gallant asealed parchment scroll.

    Please give this to your king, he

    said.The knight took the scroll and

    bowed, and then rode out of thecastle gates.

    *Sir Gallant arrived at the City of

    Philos three days later and deliveredVogs message to the king.

    Taking the parchment scroll out ofhis satchel, Sir Gallant handed theletter to the king. Your Majesty, hesaid, I was given this message byKing Vog the Giant.

    The king broke open the seal andread the contents. Vog wishes to

    make an alliance with our city.

    Sir Gallant se levant de lamesa. Buenas noches, suMajestad, y gracias por suhospitalidad dijo.


    A la maana siguiente, SirGallant ya estaba levantado alamanecer. Luego de comer unbuen desayuno, un sirviente leentreg un mapa que lo ayudaraa salir del reino de Vog y regresara la ciudad de Filos.

    Cuando Sir Gallant se dispona airse del castillo en su caballo, fuesorprendido por la repentinaaparicin de Vog, quien le entregun pergamino sellado.

    Por favor, entrguele esto asu rey le dijo.

    El caballero tom el pergaminoe hizo una reverencia. Luego sefue del castillo en su corcel.

    *Sir Gallant lleg a la ciudad de

    Filos tres das despus y entreg el

    mensaje del rey Vog a su rey.Tomando el rollo de pergaminosellado de su mochila, Sir Gallantlo entreg al rey. Su Majestad dijo, el gigante rey Vog meentreg este mensaje.

    El rey rompi el sello y ley lo

    que deca. Vog desea hacer unaalianza con nuestra ciudad.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    The king then spoke to his

    minister who stood by his side,Call a council meeting. We willdiscuss the proposal set forth inthis letter. Turning to Sir Gallant,he said, And you will join us.

    When the council members hadbeen assembled together, the kingread the letter aloud. In the letter,Vog told of the problems of hiskingdom and how he wished hisland could be more prosperous andfilled with peace. Vog told of his

    brief encounter with Sir Gallant, andhow he had been impressed by theknights example of good manners

    and courtly conduct.If the subjects of your kingdom

    are all as Sir Gallant, and behave ashe describes the people in your

    land, then I believe that you in theCity of Philos are the ones who canhelp me bring my dream to pass,

    the letter read.

    El rey, entonces, habl con suministro, quien estaba parado a sulado. Rene al concejo.Discutiremos la propuesta sealadaen esta carta. Volvindose hacia SirGallant, dijo: Y t te nos unirs.

    Cuando los miembros del concejoestaban todos reunidos, el rey leyla carta en voz alta. En la carta, Vogmencion los problemas de sureino, y que deseaba que su tierrafuera ms prspera y pacfica. Vogdetall el breve encuentro que tuvo

    con Sir Gallant, y que haba quedadoimpresionado por los buenosmodales del caballero, as comode su corts comportamiento.

    Si los miembros de su reinoson todos como Sir Gallant, y secomportan tal como l describe a

    su pueblo, entonces creo queustedes, los de la ciudad de Filos,son quienes podrn ayudarme a quemi sueo se haga realidad decala carta.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    I therefore humbly request,Your Majesty, that Sir Gallant andmembers of your city instruct thesubjects of my kingdom in the waysof courtesy, brotherhood, and unity.Your people may settle in my lands,for I believe my people will learnmost by observing your example ofdaily living. If my people do notlearn this, I fear the next attackfrom One Eye shall mean defeatfor the Kingdom of Vog.

    After some discussion, the kingand his council agreed to send,under the leadership of Sir Gallant,as many as would volunteer tosettle in the Kingdom of Vog, andhelp instruct those who livedthere in the ways of Philos.

    *Dum da dum! A proclamation was

    to be read in every town squarethroughout Vogs kingdom, and allcitizens of Vog were to be inattendance. Vog himself wasattending the proclamation at one

    of his largest towns, and thetownsfolk were curious to hearwhat this importantannouncement would be about.Standing in the square, there werealso a great number of courtlylooking knights and well-dressed

    families whom the citizens of Voghad never seen before.

    Por eso, con toda humildad leruego, su Majestad, que Sir Gallanty los miembros de su ciudadinstruyan y enseen a mi pueblosobre cortesa, camaradera yunidad. Su pueblo puede habitarmis tierras, pues tengo la certezade que mi gente aprender msobservando su ejemplo en la vidacotidiano. Si mi pueblo no aprendeesto, me temo que el prximoataque de Ojo nico terminar enuna derrota para el reino de Vog.

    Luego de ciertos debates, el rey ysu concejo concordaron en enviar,bajo el liderazgo de Sir Gallant, atantos voluntarios como quisierana afincarse en el reino de Vog, einstruir a quienes all viven en lascostumbres del pueblo de Filos.

    *P-para-paaa! Una proclama

    deba ser leda en cada plaza delreino de Vog, y todos los ciudadanosde Vog deban asistir. Vog mismoestuvo presente para la lectura en

    una de sus ciudades ms grandes, ylos habitantes estaban curiosos porsaber de qu se trataba tanimportante anuncio. De pie en laplaza, haba tambin un grannmero de educados caballeros ysus bien vestidas familias, a quienes

    los ciudadanos de Vog jams habanvisto.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    It was all a great mystery, andsoon grumbling was heardamong the people gathered.

    Foreigners! said one.Riffraff! said another.And then after another blast

    of the horn, those in the townsquare fell silent as the heraldbegan to read.

    To the citizens of Vog: I, KingVog, after much considerationhave come to realize ourkingdom could be prosperous

    and our borders safe frommarauding giants if only wecould work together in peace. Ihave therefore given portionsof land to those from the City ofPhilos. The people from this cityare well known for their good

    manners and the camaraderiethey share. They have agreed tosettle in our lands and instructus in their ways. Please learnfrom them, for our survival as akingdom depends upon it.Sincerely, King Vog.

    The citizens gathered in thetown square were shocked atthis news; most of them hadknown their behavior was notadmirable, but now hearing howVog had decided on such drasticmeasures caused them to think

    long about their past behavior.

    Todo era un gran misterio, peropronto se empezaron a escuchar lasquejas de la gente que se habareunido.

    Extranjeros! dijo uno.Gentuza! dijo otro.

    Y luego, despus de otro soplido decorno, los que estaban all hicieronsilencio, y el heraldo comenz a leer.

    A los ciudadanos de Vog: Yo, el reyVog, luego de mucha consideracin yvarios aos de deliberacin, he llegadoa la conclusin de que nuestro reino

    podra ser prspero y nuestras fronterasprotegidas de los gigantes que lasmerodean, solo sitrabajamos unidos yen paz. Por lo tanto, he dado porcionesde tierra a algunos de la ciudad de Filos.La gente de esa ciudad es conocida porsus buenos modales y sobre todo por la

    camaradera que comparten. Estuvieronde acuerdo en afincarse en nuestrastierras para que nos enseen a ser mscorteses y generosos. Les ruego queaprendan de ellos, pues lasupervivencia de este reino dependede ello. Sinceramente, el rey Vog.

    Los ciudadanos que se juntaron enla plaza principal quedaron atnitosante este anuncio; la mayora eraconsciente de que su comportamientono era digno de admiracin, pero ahoraque Vog haba tomado medidas tandrsticas, los hizo reflexionar mucho

    sobre su modo de comportarse.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    Others of the citizens moanedthat they had difficulty enoughliving with each other, and toadd foreigners to the mixsurely there was some mistake!

    But surprisinglyover a veryshort period of timethepeople of Vog found the peopleof Philos easy to get along withand often found a way to turn adisagreeable discussion into apleasant exchange. Not only

    that, but they consistently wentout of their way to help theirneighbor Vogians. The Vogianssoon picked up on Philos traits,for they found life was muchmore enjoyable when theyfound ways to appreciate eachothers opinions and thoughts.

    They also discovered howhelping each other out made lifemuch easier, and enjoyed beingable to count on borrowing anextra loaf of bread or an extratub of butter when their ownpantry was empty, and theyotherwise would have had to gowithout. And not too long afterthe people of Philos had settledin the Land of Vog, somethingoccurred that showed theVogians had truly learned howto help each other and worktogether in unity.

    Otras personas se quejaron deque ya era bastante difcil vivir conlos de su pueblo, y que incluir aextraos desde luego era un error.

    Pero, sorprendentemente, luego

    de un corto perodo de tiempo, elpueblo de Vog se dio cuenta de quela gente de Filos era muy llevadera,y que con frecuencia conseguanconvertir una desagradablediscusin en un agradableintercambio. No solo eso, sino que

    permanentemente hacan todo loposible por ayudar a sus vecinosvogianos. Los vogianos prontoaprendieron los modales de la gentede Filos, puesto que notaron que lavida era mucho ms agradablecuando buscaban la manera de

    apreciar las ideas y opiniones de losdems. Adems descubrieron que alayudarse mutuamente, la vida sehaca mucho ms llevadera, ydisfrutaban por tener la posibilidadde pedir prestada una hogaza depan o un balde de agua cuando su

    despensa quedaba vaca, cuando delo contrario deban prescindir deesas cosas. Poco despus de que lagente de Filos se instalara en lastierras de Vog, ocurri algo quedemostr que los vogianosrealmente haban aprendido a

    ayudarse unos a otros y a trabajaren unidad.

  • 7/28/2019 El Reino de Vog - The Kingdom of Vog


    One fine spring day, One Eye

    reappeared on the border of theKingdom of Vog! But this time,when Vog called on his people tounite and stand against One Eye,his people came and stood by hisside. And when One Eye and hisfellow giants attacked, they were

    caught by surprise, for Vogs armyhad laid a trap for them. One Eyewas killed and his band of evil menfled.

    Un hermoso da de primavera,

    Ojo nico reapareci en la fronteradel reino de Vog! Pero esta vez,cuando Vog llam a su pueblo aunirse y hacerle frente a Ojo nico,su gente as lo hizo. Y cuando Ojonico y sus gigantes cmplicesatacaron, fueron sorprendidos

    debido a que el ejrcito de Vog leshaba tendido una trampa. Ojonico fue asesinado y su bandamalhechores huy.

    Historias bilinges para nios

