Education run by the Post Office offers everyone knowledge

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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PosITa is an upgrade of the services provided by the Business Centre, which combines Pošta Slovenije’s well-known information services, such as the Digital Office, E-Archive, My Mail, POŠTA®CA and back-up data centres, which are trusted by more than 100,000 users, with new services intended for a broader range of business users. It is designed as a flexible platform for all those who deal with increasingly more advanced IT solutions, the need to access data and files from anywhere using any device, and high IT costs in their operations. The platform is designed in such a way that it can be adapted to your needs, and to the growth and development of your operations. It is based on the software-as-a-service concept, and is implemented using the most state-of-the-art hosting technologies. For you as the user this means you can use the latest software solutions and pay for them on a monthly basis, which contributes to the transparency of the business model.

Transcript of Education run by the Post Office offers everyone knowledge

Post of Slovenia Education run by the Post Office

offers everyone knowledge

Ljubljana, 24 april 2014

Iztok Renčelj, Pošta Slovenije in Breda Gruden, Miška d.o.o.

foto: R. Gajšek

Life long learning


E-Learning has brought many benefits to organizations

• Cost reduction • Easy adaptation /modification / updating • Faster execution of trainings • Transparency • Increasing the digital competences of employees • Promoting the importance of learning how to learn

E- learning from the learners perspective

Breda Gruden, Miška d.o.o.


It has been proven, that we learn more: when we are motivated to learn when we are in the manner and

in an environment that we like the most.

Learners remember: - 10 % of what is read - 20% of what they hear - 30% of what they see - 50% of what they see and hear - 70% of what they say or write - 90% of what they experienced or learned from experience

Transparent analyses

• From the perspective of learner

•  In terms of content and format of e-learning

• From the perspective of organization

Vision of the Post of Slovenia