Ecoventura Itinerary A 2012

Post on 14-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Ecoventura Itinerary A 2012


Kicker Rock as viewed from Cerro Brujo, San Cristobal.

M/Y Letty at Cerro Brujo, San Cristobal.

Ecoventura zodiac at Cerro Brujo, San Cristobal.

Kicker Rock (sleeping lion), off Isla San Cristobal.

Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

M/Y Letty at anchor off Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Hiking Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Nesting red footed booby, Punta Pitt, Isla San Cristobal.

Galapagos Sea Lion.

Sally lightfoot crab.

Nazca masked booby, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Nazca masked booby with hatchling, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Blue footed booby feeding juvenile, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Swallow tailed gull, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Blue footed booby takes flight, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus venustissimus), Isla Española.

Marine Iguana (Amblyrhynchus cristatus venustissimus) on Española Island.

Galapagos mockingbird, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Junvenile waved albatross, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Ecoventura guide, Jose Luis (Pepe) Castillo, with juvenile waved albatross, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Nazca masked booby, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Sea lions, Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Getting up close and personal with curious juvenile sea lions at Punta Suarez, Isla Española.

Oyster catchers, Gardner Bay, Isla Española.

Sleeping Galapagos Sea Lion, Gardner Bay, Isla Española.

Palo verde tree, Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Passion flower, Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Galapagos carpetweed (Sesuvium edmonstonei), Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Darwin's finch, Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Mating green sea turtles, Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Exploring by zodiac off Isla Floreana.

Arrowleaf elephant ear (Xanthosoma sagittifolium), Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Punta Cormorant, Isla Floreana.

Cloud covered volcanic rock coastline.

Zodiac and blue footed booby, Isla Floreana.

Zodiac touring, Isla Floreana.

Tradition dictactes that visitors hand carry mail from this post office barrel to any addressees in their hometowns at Post Office Bay, Isla Floreana.

Flamingos, Poza Salinas, near Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela.

Flamingos, Poza Salinas, near Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela.

Giant tortoise, Isla Isabela.

Island road and mangrove forest, Isla Isabela.

Yellow warbler, Darwin's finch, Isla Isabela.

Galapagos penguin, the only penguin that lives north of the equator in the wild, Isla Isabela.

The Wall of Tears (Puerto Villamil), From 1945-1959, a penal colony hosted prisoners who were forced to build this wall, stone by stone, in isolation on Isla Isabela

Grasshopper, Wall of Tears, Isla Isabela.

Galapagos penguin, the only penguin that lives north of the equator in the wild, Isla Isabela.

Great blue heron, Puerto Villamil, Isla Isabela.

Male frigate bird in flight.

Galapagos Fur Seal, Isla Santa Cruz.

Brown pelican, Isla Santa Cruz.

Blue footed booby, Isla Santa Cruz.

Giant tortoise, Rancho Primicias, highlands, Isla Santa Cruz.

Posing with giant tortoise at Rancho Primicias, highlands, Isla Santa Cruz.

Pinnacle Rock, Isla Bartolomé.

Pinnacle Rock, Isla Bartolomé.

Climbing the 365-steps at Isla Bartolomé for a scenic overview.

Sea cliffs, South Plaza Island.

M/Y Letty and rainbow at South Plaza Island.

Land iguana, South Plaza Island.

Photographing prickly pear cactus, South Plaza Island.

Hikers, South Plaza Island.

Land iguana, South Plaza Island.
