Earth-717: Special Vol 2

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Transcript of Earth-717: Special Vol 2

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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter 1: Let Him Go

A soft chill settle in aro!n the room as Lo"i reste on his e$ His room in the palace %as

connecte to a alcon& o'erloo"in( a si(nificant part of the cit&) an he ha left the oor %ie open$

*rom the alcon&) the e(e of the cit& co!l seen) as %ell as the +aino% ,ri(e that emer(e an le

strai(ht to the ,ifrost ne!s$

The ree.e from o!tsie filtere in) lea'in( the thin sil" c!rtains aorne o'er the oor to (entl&

ance$ Lo"i inhale as he slo%l& r!e his hans to(ether$ He %as ne'er othere & the col/ rather)

he act!all& fo!n it 0!ite soothin($ After loo"in( o!t the %ino% at the (olen cit& for a fe% min!tes)

he then ecie to (et !p$

Lo"i %al"e to%ars a close oor that le to an aacent area$ penin( it) he fo!n insie a

small room that ha nothin( !t a circ!lar %ell at the centre$ There %as an o'erhea hole in the ceilin(

that allo%e for s!nli(ht to po!r irectl& onto the %ater$ The %ell %as nearl& ientical to the one that

*ri((a ha attache to her o%n chamers$

Closin( the oor) Lo"i t!rne ac" to the %ell an steppe !p to it$ After loo"in( at his o%n

reflection for a fe% moments an thin"in( of the place he %ante to see) he then starte %ea'in( his

hans in the manner that his mother ha sho%n him$ Strans of (reen) ma(ical ener(& forme et%een

his palms) an he then tosse them to%ars the %ater$

The& poole to(ether %ithin the no!rishin( fl!i) an secons later) an ima(e starte to form$ 3t

sho%e an aerial 'ie% of a room) not too issimilar to his o%n$ Ho%e'er) this %as a room insie of a

castle in the realm of 4i(ar) an insie the room %as a lone (irl$ She ha lone hair an stri"in(

 l!e e&es that loo"e li"e the& %ere mae of perfecte a0!amarine$

She %as sittin( a(ainst the %all) on the floor rather than on the e$ Her "nees %ere h!le

a(ainst her chest) an she %rappe her arms aro!n her le(s$ She %as not cr&in() !t %as clearl& sa)

her e&es con'e&in( all of the pain she %as feelin( at that moment$ All of the %alls %ere co'ere in a

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thin la&er of frost) an sno%fla"es slo%l& fell thro!(h the air) !t she %as not shi'erin($

Lo"i fre0!entl& fo!n the (irl in a state li"e this %hene'er he peere into her life$ She %o!l

fre0!entl& e & her lonesome) ha'in( loc"e herself in her room for etene perios of time$ She

rarel& e'er interacte %ith an&one in her immeiate famil&) an interacte %ith an&one else e'en less$

She %as almost al%a&s alone) cons!me in her o%n (rief$

Lo"i tilte his hea e'er so sli(htl& to the sie as he %atche her m!ll ao!t in her o%n

tho!(hts$ 3n a %a&) she %as simpl& oin( the same thin( that Lo"i fo!n himself oin( so often$ While

a certain part of him felt (!ilt& for fre0!entl& in'ain( her pri'ac& !sin( his ma(ic) he also co!l ne'er 

 rin( himself to stop$

When his mother ha ta!(ht him ho% to channel his ma(ical po%ers to !se the 'ie%in( %ell)

she i it as a %a& of connectin( %ith him emotionall& eca!se he felt so isolate) e'en amon(st his

famil&$ nce he ha his o%n %ell) he starte to s!r'e& ranom places in the 5ine +ealms) c!rio!s

ao!t %hat he co!l isco'er in the !ni'erse !sin( his po%er$

Ho%e'er) one a& %hile !sin( the %ell) he ha st!mle !pon a "in(om on 4i(ar$ While

oser'in( it) he fo!n the (irl) an he %as immeiatel& capti'ate$ There %as somethin( ao!t her hair)

ao!t her e&es) an ao!t her preicament that calle o!t to him$ The fact that she) li"e himself) ha

ma(ical talents) e'en f!rther pi0!e his interest$

He ha ne'er hear her 'oice or e'en "no%n her name) !t still he %as repeatel& ra%n ac"

to her$ He %atche her as she spo"e to her parents) %ho clearl& co!l not !nerstan her or the ma(ical

talents she possesse$ He %atche her as she re!ffe the affections of her &o!n(er sister) %ho ha no

"no%le(e of the torment that she !ner%ent$

He %atche her for so lon() an e'en tho!(h she ha no iea that he e'en eiste) he still felt

somethin( for her that he %as incapale of feelin( %ith an&one else$


As Lo"i fo!n himself lost in his o%n tho!(hts) he almost i not notice a "noc" at his oor$

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,lin"in() he then left the %ell room an then opene the oor to his eroom) !t onl& %ie eno!(h for 

him to peer o!tsie$

Thor %as %aitin( on the other sie$


Lo"i raise an e&ero%$

6What o &o! %ant98 he as"e$

64other has s!mmone !s$ She as"e me to tell &o!$ Were to meet her at the %estern co!rt&ar

ri(ht a%a&$8

6;i she sa& %h&98

Thor shr!((e$

63ts 4other$ She nee not a reason to s!mmon !s) !t she al%a&s has one$8

Lo"i sco%le) !t other%ise i not respon$ Thor then (est!re %ith his han for Lo"i to come

%ith him$ +ollin( his e&es) Lo"i rel!ctantl& opene the oor an steppe o!tsie$ Closin( the oor

 ehin him) he then follo%e his rother$ While Thor %al"e %ith a confient strie) Lo"i sho'e his

hans in his poc"ets an sa!ntere after him$

When the t%o &o!n( princes arri'e at the %estern co!rt&ar) *ri((a %as stanin( there

%aitin($ As the& approache) she too" a moment to loo" o'er her sons$ She %as 0!ite pro! of ho%

the& %ere oth e'elopin( into men) e'en if the& ha 'er& contrastin( personalities$ While her elest

%as far more o!t(oin( an optimistic than his intro'erte an c&nical rother) it still %arme her heart

to see them to(ether$

64& sons$8


Thor ea(erl& r!she !p to meet his mother) %hile Lo"i i not 0!ic"en his pace$ *ri((a then

hel o!t oth of her hans) an her t%o sons too" them$ Thor %as on her left) %hile Lo"i %as on her

ri(ht$ She then starte leain( them o!t of the co!rt&ar an a%a& from the palace$ She too" them to a

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meao% that %as !st o!tsie the palace propert&$

Within the meao% %ere n!mero!s car'e stones) each one enotin( the (ra'e of an As(arian$

6The *ol"'an(ar)8 sai Lo"i$ 6Wh& ha'e &o! ro!(ht !s here) 4other98

6,eca!se there is somethin( 3 nee &o! oth to !nerstan$8

*ri((a le them to a specific stone$ As she loo"e o%n at it) she let (o of Thor an Lo"is

hans an let them come to(ether in front of her$ Thor fro%ne %hen he loo"e !pon the stone$

6Granfather)8 sai Thor$

6<es)8 sai *ri((a$ 6Here lies the o& of ,or) father of in$ *or tens of tho!sans of &ears) he

%as the =in( of this realm$ ,!t %hile his ph&sical form ma& fall here) his so!l rests fore'er in >alhalla)

%here all heroes meet their final estin&$8

Lo"i slo%l& narro%e his e&es$

6,!t 4other) %e "no% this$8

6<es) !t consier %h& 3 %ant &o! to thin" ao!t this place$ 4& sons) &o! are oth &o!n( an

'irant$ <o! ha'e the po%er of eternit&) !t that oes not mean that &o! are infallile$ We ma& e (os)

 !t %e can still e "ille$ ser'e ho% man& of o!r ancestors ha'e arri'e at the same fate$8

*ri((a then t!rne to%ars her sons an "nelt esie them$ She then reache into a poc"et on

her roe) p!llin( o!t t%o small oects$ Placin( one in each han) she then hel them o!t in front of the

t%o princes$ The& %ere ientical small stones) onl& fo!r centimetres %ie$ The& %ere oth inscrie

%ith a mar"in( in the shape of a leaf$

6What are those98 as"e Thor$

6These) m& chilren) are relics of >anaheim$ The& are Healin( Stones of Harol) an ha'e a

ma(ic seale insie !nli"e an& other$8

,oth Thor an Lo"i stare at the stones %ith (reat interest$

63f cr!she o'er a person) the stone %ill heal them) e'en if the %o!n is mortal$ Whether it e

illness or in!r&) the healin( stones po%er is asol!te$ Ho%e'er) once !se) it is fore'er lost$8

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6Ho% i &o! come & s!ch relics98 as"e Lo"i$

*ri((a smile$

63 inherite the stones from m& father$ When he (a'e them to me) there %ere three left in all

eistence$ Alas) he !se one to sa'e m& o%n life %hen 3 %as !t a chil$ 3 ha'e possesse these last t%o

e'er since) !t no% is the time to pass them on$ ne each) for oth m& chilren$ Ta"e them) "eep them

safe) an hope that there ne'er comes a a& %hen &o! re0!ire their !se$8

Thor (rae his stone an (rinne efore placin( it insie one of his poc"ets$ Lo"i %as more

methoical) slo%l& %rappin( his fin(ers aro!n the stone efore ta"in( the time to loo" it o'er$

Holin( it %ith oth hans) he t%irle it aro!n in his fin(ers an metic!lo!sl& pore o'er all of its


He fo!n the perfection of its car'in( 0!ite remar"ale$

? ? ? ?

Thor an Lo"i steppe !p to their fathers throne in the ro&al hall of the palace$ *ri((a %as

stanin( net to in) an Lo"i notice that she seeme to e less cheerf!l than normal$ ,oth princes

%ere %earin( their re(al attire) complete %ith a scarlet cape for Thor an an emeral one for Lo"i$

in leane sli(htl& to the left as he loo"e o'er his chilren$

64& sons)8 sai in$ 6This a& is one 3 al%a&s "ne% %o!l arri'e) !t to finall& face it $ $ $ $8

Thor an Lo"i riefl& (lance at each other$ Lo"i then loo"e o'er his sho!ler at the empt&

hall ehin him$ Tr!l&) the& oth ha no iea %hat %as (oin( to come net$

6<o!r 4other an 3 ha'e ecie that no% is the time for &o! oth to "no% somethin($ A tr!th

that has een %ei(hin( on m& heart e'er since 3 mae the ecision to conceal it$ 3 elie'e 3 i the ri(ht

thin( to protect &o! oth from it) !t that time is o'er$8

6What are &o! spea"in( of) *ather98 as"e Thor$

in loo"e o%n for a moment$ *ri((a reache o!t an place her ri(ht han on his left

sho!ler$ She patte his sho!ler plate a co!ple times an noe at him) inicatin( that it %as time for 

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him to procee$ He then loo"e ac" !p at his sons$

6;o &o! rememer the stor& &o! %ere tol ao!t m& final campai(n a(ainst the *rost Giants98

Thor (rinne$ Lo"i f!rro%e his ro%$

6,!t of co!rse8 sai Thor) holin( his arms o!t %ie$ 6<o! este the fo!l easts in their o%n

realm ;efeate their =in( in sin(le comat A stor& of (reat (lor& an hono!r8

Lo"i remaine silent$

6A&e) that is all tr!e)8 sai in$ 6,!t that %as not the entire stor&$8

6What o &o! mean98 as"e Thor$

in sat ac" in his chair$ 4o'in( his sceptre in a rh&thmic motion) a circ!lar ma(ical ima(e

appeare net to him$ The ima(e mole to sho% 'ario!s 'is!als as he starte to reco!nt the stor&) %ith

the first one ein( of a attle et%een As(arian %arriors an lar(e) l!e-s"inne h!manois "no%n as

*rost Giants$

6Se'eral cent!ries a(o) the ancient ri'alr& et%een the As(arians an the *rost Giants of

@ot!nheim reache a terrile clima$ The %ar %as !phel & m!ch looshe an treacher&) mostl& !e

to the ferocit& of La!fe&) the latest in the line of @ot!nn "in(s$8

The ima(e mole into that of La!fe&$ He %as not 0!ite as tall as t%o *rost Giants %ho stoo at

either sie of him) !t he ha eep re e&es an a loo" of c!nnin( on his face$

6La!fe&s amition) an his esire for po%er o'er the other realms) mae him an enem& that

As(ar co!l not affor to i(nore$8

The ima(e s%itche a(ain) sho%in( La!fe&s arm& sla!(hterin( fleein( ci'ilians on an !nname

alien %orl$ La!fe& himself %as accompanie & a (i(antic) fo!r-le((e monster %ith leather&) c&an

s"in "no%n as a *rost ,east$ 3t ha sharp teeth an t!s"s attache to oth of its chee"s$ 3ts tail ha a

spi"e cl! on the en) an it !se this to slash at a (ro!p of people$

Lo"i sneere as he %atche the ima(e then chan(e to a &o!n(er 'ersion of in stanin( %ith

an arm& of Einherar across from the hore of *rost Giants$

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6With a troop of m& finest %arriors) 3 le the char(e a(ainst La!fe&s hore$ The %ar %as fierce)

 r!tal) an eha!stin() !t e'ent!all&) %e mana(e to ri'e him ac" to his home%orl) %ith the final

 attle ta"in( place at his o%n castle$8

The ima(e sho%e in an La!fe& !ellin( atop a castle to%er as the rest of the attle %as

%a(e aro!n them$ Tho!sans of %arriors on oth sies %ere fi(htin( oth on an aro!n the castle$

in %as fi(htin( %ith his sceptre) %hile La!fe& ha t%o lar(e ice s%ors$ ,oth "in(s %ere looie

an eaten) str!((lin( %ith the last of their ener(&$

63t %as a mon!mental effort on the part of As(ars %arriors) !t finall& $ $ $ $8

The ima(e sho%e in s%in( %ith his sceptre) slashin( thro!(h La!fe&s s%ors an c!ttin(

thro!(h his chest$

6$ $ $ $ La!fe& %as efeate$8

*ri((a inhale as she %atche the ima(e) for she "ne% %hat %as comin( net$

6The attle ene that a&)8 sai in$ 6,!t that %as not the tr!e en of the tale$8

Thor an Lo"i oth listene attenti'el&$ The ima(e then sho%e in %al"in( insie one of the

rooms of La!fe&s castle) %here he fo!n a crale mae of ice$

6After the attle %as ene) 3 came across someone that %o!l fore'er chan(e the co!rse of m&

life$ 3nsie the castle) 3 isco'ere a a&$8

Lo"i stare at the ima(e %ith %ie e&es as he %atche in reach into the crale %ith oth

hans$ He p!lle o!t a small a& %ith l!e s"in$

6La!fe&s son)8 sai in$ 6*or a (iants offsprin() he %as 0!ite small) an %o!l ha'e een

consiere malforme in their c!lt!re$ While he %o!l ha'e een the heir to the throne) 3 "ne% that

%itho!t his father to protect him) the remainin( *rost Giants %o!l ha'e sla!(htere him in a i to

sei.e po%er$8

The loo in Lo"is face starte to rain a%a&$ *ri((a loo"e o'er at him %ith concern$

6So 3 too" him)8 sai in$ 6!t of pit& or merc&) 3 cannot sa&) !t 3 "ne% that he i not

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eser'e the fate that ha een place efore him$ 3 too" him ac" to As(ar) an !sin( the po%er of the

inforce) 3 mole him into an As(arian$8

Thor slo%l& starte to t!rn to loo" at Lo"i) %ho ha p!re shoc" in his e&es$ The All-*ather

(!lpe efore he sai his net sentence$

6An 3 aopte him $ $ $ $ as m& secon son$8

E'er&one stare at Lo"i) %ho loo"e !tterl& etra&e & the re'elation$ There %as seemin(l& no

air in the room) %ith no one reathin( for se'eral a( secons$ As Lo"is e&es starte to %ater) he

then close his mo!th an forme a sco%l$ He (lare at in %ith p!re contempt efore he t!rne

aro!n an e(an r!nnin( o!t of the room$


Thor (est!re as if he %as (oin( to stop his rother) !t in stoo !p$

6;ont)8 sai in$

Thor t!rne ac" to his father$

6,!t he $ $ $ $8

6Let him (o$8

Thor an *ri((a oth %atche %ith saene e&es as Lo"i sprinte o!t of the ro&al hall)

cl!tchin( oth of his hans to his chest$ Tears freel& streame from his e&es as he tore his %a& o!t of

the palace$ He ha no partic!lar estination in min) !t he "ne% that he neee to (et a%a& from his

false famil&$

He neee to e an&%here else$

*inall& %here he neee to (o) he ran to%ars one of his secret portals$ Acti'atin( it)

he then !rst thro!(h it) an %as instantl& (one from the %orl he once tho!(ht %as his home$

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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter 2: 3ce !een

Arenelle) 1BD

While the sin(in( of the chor!s %as intene to mar" the s!pposel& o&o!s nat!re of the

occasion) Elsa i not feel an& o& at that partic!lar moment$ Thin"in( ac") she str!((le to rememer 

the last time she ha e'er tr!l& felt an&thin( e'en closel& resemlin( o&$ She spent so m!ch time

s!ppressin( her emotions that she ne'er ha the opport!nit& to act!all& emrace them$

Elsa %as stanin( insie of the main chapel connecte to the castle$ 'er a h!nre people

%ere in attenance of the immeiate coronation asseml&) %ith almost a tho!san more %aitin( to

accept her at the (ran celeration ceremon& that %as sche!le for later that a&$ She ha een

 preparin( for this moment her entire life) !t no% that it %as here) she felt more anio!s than e'er$

Anna %as stanin( to her ri(ht sie$ Her (reen all (o%n contraste %ith Elsas re(al) teal an

 lac" col!mn ress) %hich %as complete & an ele(ant) 'iolet cape$ While it %as Elsas coronation)

Anna clearl& ha far more enth!siasm for the ceremon&$ Anna %as al%a&s more enth!siastic ao!t

e'er&thin() an Elsa reflecte on the fact that she %as fairl& certain that she ha hear Anna sin(in( in

the castle halls earlier that a&$

Elsa lo%ere her nec" an close her e&es as the ,ishop of Arenelle place a tiara on her hea$

As she opene her e&es) she sa% that he %as no% holin( a pillo% o!t in front of her$ n top of the

 pillo% %ere t%o (olen oects: an or an a sceptre) oth of %hich %ere part of the ceremon&$ ,&

holin( the oects) she %o!l formall& accept the position as so'erei(n of the lans$

Loo"in( o%n at the t%o (olen items) she tho!(ht ao!t one of the paintin(s insie of the

castle$ 3t %as a paintin( of her father) the pre'io!s =in( of Arenelle) an it epicte him holin( the

'er& same or an sceptre at his o%n coronation$ ,efore oth of her parents ie o!t at sea) her father

ha helpe her practice for this moment o.ens of times$

She still i not feel rea& for the responsiilit&$

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Elsa reache for%ar %itho!t thin"in() !t %as interr!pte & the ,ishop riefl& clearin( his

throat$ Elsa lin"e) an he loo"e o%n at her hans$

6<o!r 4aest&$ The (lo'es$8

Ta"in( a moment to ta"e a reath) Elsa then loo"e at her hans) %hich %ere co'ere %ith c&an

(lo'es$ The& %ere a (ift from her father) %ho (a'e them to her to tr& an help her control an conceal

her ma(ical po%ers$ *or most of her life) she ha een reliant on the (lo'es) for the& pro'ie an eas&

respite from her inailit& to control her po%ers$

=no%in( that she co!l not hesitate %itho!t aro!sin( s!spicion) Elsa too" off the (lo'es an

lai them on the pillo%$ Her hans sha"in() she then too" the or in her left an the sceptre in her ri(ht$

She t!rne aro!n to face the a!ience as the ,ishop starte recitin( the coronation 'erse$ E'er&one

stoo !p an %atche her %ith ri(ht smiles$

Starin( for%ar for a fe% secons) Elsas e&es %ere then ra%n o%n to her hans$ She notice

that ice %as startin( to form %here her palms %ere to!chin( the oects$ 4entall& steelin( herself) she

maintaine her foc!s for a fe% secons more$ Hearin( the ,ishop spea" her name) she then h!rriel&

 place the oects ac" on the pillo% efore her (lo'es$

Elsa 0!ic"l& p!t the (lo'es ac" on an hel her hans to(ether as the cro% starte to clap$

While the people %ere celeratin( her) an she p!t on a reass!rin( smile in response to the appla!se)

she i not feel an&thin( ecept relief that the ceremon& %as o'er$ She "ne% that the comin( part& %as

an oli(ation) !t internall& she %ishe that she int ha'e to (o thro!(h %ith it$

*or her) it %as !st another potential opport!nit& for an !nfort!nate incient to occ!r$ *or her) it

%as !st more time she ha to spen %ith people %ho co!l not possil& !nerstan %hat she %as

(oin( thro!(h$

? ? ? ?

Lo"i sho!te into the air as he arri'e on the s!rface of @ot!nheim$ =ic"in( o!t %ith his ri(ht

le() he smashe an ice roc" that %as on the (ro!n net to him$ He then starte tr!(in( across the

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sno%& lanscape) occasionall& "ic"in( at the (ro!n or sha"in( his fists$ He %as cons!me %ith ra(e)

 !t ha no o!tlet to release it on$

The continent that he ha arri'e on %as relati'el& arren) %ith nothin( !t small ice

formations in all irections$ A mo!ntain ran(e %as in the far istance) !t it %as mostl& osc!re & the

ho%lin( %ins) %hich %ere f!ll of sno%$ 4ost people %o!l fin the temperat!re an the %eather of

@ot!nheim to e intolerale) !t Lo"i finall& !nerstoo %h& he al%a&s felt at home in the col$ 3n his

f!r&) he p!nche o!t at one of the ice formations) shatterin( it %ith the force of his lo%$

While @ot!nheim %as still pop!late & *rost Giants) this partic!lar area that ha een a maor

 part of La!fe&s "in(om %as no% aanone$ After La!fe&s eath an the s!se0!ent po%er str!((le

that follo%e) the splintere factions of *rost Giants left for other parts of the planet) lea'in( %hat !se

to e the centre of their "in(om in !tter r!in$

All of Lo"is &ears of feelin( mis!nerstoo an !n%ante finall& mae sense to him$ What ha

once een epression an an(st starte to morph into itterness an resentment$ All of his toic

emotions !le insie him) t%istin( his min an poisonin( an& positi'e memories he e'er ha of

the famil& that he no% "ne% %as not his tr!e one$

After spenin( 0!ite some time !st f!min( to himself) Lo"i finall& starte to calm o%n$

Ho%e'er) his ra(e i not s!sie) !t it %as rather reirecte) for his tho!(hts %ere no% concerne

%ith ho% to stri"e ac" at his aopte father$ He "ne% that he %as not po%erf!l eno!(h on his o%n to

tr!l& stan !p to him$

After se'eral min!tes of tho!(ht) an iea finall& starte to emer(e in his min$

? ? ? ?

;i(nitaries$ ;!"es$ Princesses$ H!nres of important people from all o'er the continent %ere

 present at the main part& hall) an the& %ere all %earin( impeccale s!its an resses$ The& %ere all

there to formall& accept Elsas position as the !een of Arenelle) an to initiate her as a memer of

the social elite$

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Ho%e'er) after o.ens of formal intro!ctions an lase con'ersations) Elsa %as 'er& 0!ic"l&

remine of %hat she alrea& "ne%: she %as not s!ite for this lifest&le$ While it ha een her

 irthri(ht to e the r!ler of the "in(om) she ha ne'er spent an ae0!ate amo!nt of time aro!n

 people$ Her parents ha ie at a time %hen she neee them most) an e'er since) Elsa ha completel&

recee into herself) permanentl& cripplin( an& social ailit& she mi(ht ha'e e'elope$

She %as capale of holin( the small tal" interactions she %as epecte to) !t she felt li"e she

%as re(!r(itatin( a!tomate responses rather than act!all& spea"in( to the people in front of her$

;o.ens !pon o.ens of names %ere enco!ntere an almost immeiatel& for(otten in a sea of mental

information that she %o!l rather not e othere %ith$ E'en the hansha"es she %as epecte to e

 part of %ere mae col an istant & her ref!sal to ta"e off her (lo'es) %hich elicite more than one

e&ero% raise from her (!ests$

Elsa co!l feel the strain of her force smile as the ni(ht %ore on$ As she finishe off &et

another minor interaction) she then hear her name ein( sai & an all too familiar 'oice$


Elsa t!rne aro!n an loo"e at her sister) %ho %as approachin( %ith a hansome man ri(ht

 ehin her$ He loo"e to e ao!t their a(e) an his (ar immeiatel& (a'e a%a& his ro&al stat!s as a

 prince of another "in(om$

63 mean) !een)8 sai Anna) (i'in( a rief o% to her sister$ 64e a(ain$ m $ $ $ $8

Anna reache o!t for the man) %ho too" her left arm$

64a& 3 present $ $ $ $ Prince Hans) of the So!thern 3sles$8

6<o!r 4aest&)8 sai Hans) o%in( %ith respect$

Elsa then %atche as Anna an Hans loo"e at each other) as if the& %ere oth ao!t to !rst

into a fit of (i((lin($

6We %o!l li"e $ $ $ $8

6$ $ $ $ &o!r lessin( $ $ $ $8

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6$ $ $ $ of $ $ $ $8

Anna then place her hea on Hans sho!ler as the& spo"e in !nison$

6!r marria(e8

*or the first time in ho!rs) Elsas face sho%e (en!ine emotion$


Anna s0!eale %ith ecitement$


63m sorr&) 3m conf!se$8

Anna immeiatel& la!nche into a fl!rr& of enth!siastic ramlin(s) clearl& oli'io!s to the

as!rit& of the sit!ation$

6Well) %e ha'ent %or"e o!t all the etails o!rsel'es Well nee a fe% a&s to plan the

ceremon&$ f co!rse) %ell ha'e so!p) roast an ice cream) an then $ $ $ $ %ait) %o!l %e li'e here98


Hans (raspe oth of Annas hans$

6Asol!tel&8 he sai$

6Anna $ $ $ $8

Clearl& fl!stere) Elsa starte to p!t !p her hans in protest) !t her sister %as no% so %rappe

!p in her ima(inar& plans that she i not e'en notice$

6h We can in'ite all t%el'e of &o!r rothers to sta& %ith !s8

6What9 5o) no) no) no $ $ $ $8

6f co!rse) %e ha'e the room$ 3 ont "no%$ Some of them m!st $ $ $ $8

6Wait)8 sai Elsa) finall& (ettin( Annas attention$ 6Slo% o%n$ 5o ones rothers are sta&in(

here$ 5o one is (ettin( marrie$8

Annas smile immeiatel& fae$

6Wait) %hat98

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Elsa p!t her hans to(ether$

64a& 3 tal" to &o!) please9 Alone98

65o)8 sai Anna) ta"in( Hans arm a(ain$ 6Whate'er &o! ha'e to sa&) &o!) &o! can sa& to oth

of !s$8

6*ine$ <o! cant marr& a man &o! !st met$8

6<o! can if its tr!e lo'e$8

Elsa ha to stop herself from rollin( her e&es$

6Anna) %hat o &o! "no% ao!t tr!e lo'e98

64ore than &o!8 eclaime Anna$ 6All &o! "no% is ho% to sh!t people o!t$8

Elsa felt a sharp c!ttin( pain in her chest$ She %aite a moment efore she respone$

6<o! as"e for m& lessin() !t m& ans%er is no$ 5o%) ec!se me$8

Elsa slo%l& starte to %al" a%a&) !t Hans steppe !p to protest$

6<o!r 4aest&) if 3 ma& ease &o!r $ $ $ $8

65o) &o! ma& not) an 3) 3 thin" &o! sho!l (o$8

Elsa too" another co!ple steps) passin( a ro&al (!ar$

6The part& is o'er)8 she sai$ 6Close the (ates$8


Anna r!she o'er to Elsa) tr&in( to (ra at her$

6Elsa) no) no) %ait8

Elsa p!lle a%a& from Anna) !t not efore Anna (rae the (lo'e on her sisters left han an

 p!lle it a%a&$

6Gi'e me m& (lo'e8

Anna steppe ac" from Elsa) holin( on to the (lo'e %ith oth hans$

6Elsa) please Please 3 cant li'e li"e this an&more8

Elsa %as mo'e & the pleain( of her sister) !t she ha nothin( to offer$ She fo!(ht ac" her

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tears as she sa% the pain in Annas face$

6Then lea'e)8 sai Elsa) her 'oice %ea" an hollo%$

Annas face ecame an(!ishe) for she tr!l& i not "no% %h& her sister seeme to e actin( so

col$ Elsa co!l not rin( herself to sa& an&thin( more) an t!rne a%a& as she crosse her arms o'er

her chest$ Anna ehale as she %atche Elsa %al" a%a& from her$

6What i 3 e'er o to &o!98

6Eno!(h) Anna $ $ $ $8

65o Wh&9 Wh& o &o! sh!t me o!t9 Wh& o &o! sh!t the %orl o!t98

Elsa crin(e as she fo!(ht har to loc" o!t her sisters 0!estions) "no%in( that she co!l ne'er

ans%er them$

6WHAT A+E < S A*+A3; *98

63 SA3;) E5GH8

Elsa thre% her han ac") an instantl& a stream of ma(ical ice emitte from her o&$ 3t

forme a %all of ra.or sharp icicles that separate her from e'er&one else in the room$ The people

(aspe an m!rm!re amon(st each other) m&stifie & %hat the& !st %itnesse$ Anna loo"e at her

sister %ith concern$

6Elsa $ $ $ $8

Witho!t another %or) Elsa opene the oor ehin her an r!she thro!(h the hall%a& an o!t

of the room$ The people in the hall starte to ma"e their %a& aro!n the ice %all$ ,& the time Anna

ca!(ht !p %ith her sister) she %as alrea& r!nnin( o!t of the to%n s0!are an to%ars the shoreline of

the near& for$


Elsa r!she o%n the steps to the %aters e(e$ Hearin( her sister call her name a(ain) she

loo"e ac" for a moment$ As she i) her foot emitte more ice) %hich starte to free.e the %ater

aro!n her$

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6Wait Please8

Anna an Hans oth %atche %ith saene e&es as Elsa sprinte across the for) cl!tchin(

 oth of her hans to her chest$ Tears freel& streame from her e&es as she tore her %a& across the %ater$

She ha no partic!lar estination in min) !t she "ne% that she neee to (et a%a& from the people)

%ho %o!l no% certainl& thin" of her as a monster$

She neee to e an&%here else$

Loo"in( !p to the near& mo!ntains) Elsa ecie that she %o!l ma"e her %a& there$ +!nnin(

thro!(h the forests) she arel& reali.e that the %eather chan(e %here'er she %ent) %ith the 'irant

trees of s!mmer transformin( into a miserale %inter forest as she clime the hills$ The moonlit s"&

 pro'ie eno!(h ill!mination for her to ma"e her o!rne&) an she ne'er loo"e ac"$

After a fe% ho!rs) Elsa ha mana(e to scale a si(nificant portion of the mo!ntain$ While she

%as startin( to feel some%hat fati(!e from the eertion) she i not feel an& iscomfort %ith the col$

3n fact) she act!all& fo!n the sno% !ner her feet an the chill in the air to e rather soothin($ After

ma"in( her %a& o!t of the trees an into a clearin() she loo"e o%n at her hans$

Elsa too" a moment to reflect on %hat she %as (oin( to o no% that her secret %as o!t$ At that

moment) somethin( happene that she %as certainl& not epectin($


Elsa lin"e an loo"e ac" !p$ Stanin( in front of her) onl& se'eral metres a%a&) %as Lo"i$

He ha his hans ehin his ac") an he smile at her$ Elsa narro%e her e&es an mo'e ac"

sli(htl&) clearl& !nner'e & his s!en appearance$ She loo"e as if she %as ao!t to spea") !t she

then close her mo!th an instea !st stoo her (ro!n$

After a min!te of silence) Elsa finall& ecie to spea"$

6Ec!se me$ 3m in a h!rr&$8

6A h!rr& to (et some%here9 r to (et a%a&98

Elsa shoo" her hea sli(htl&) an she hel her arms close to her stomach$ She then starte to

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%al" aro!n him$

63 ont ha'e time for this)8 she sai$ 6@!st) !st sta& a%a& from me$8

Lo"i t!rne as she %al"e & his sie$

6<o! loo" rather lonel& o!t here)8 he sai$ 6<o!'e al%a&s loo"e lonel&$8

6Ho% %o!l &o! "no%98

Lo"i starte to %al" alon(sie Elsa) %ho reathe faster as aniet& (re% in her chest$

63 sai) STA< AWA<8

Elsa s!conscio!sl& fire an ice last at Lo"i) %ho stoo still as it str!c" him$ Elsa immeiatel&

(aspe) not ha'in( meant to act!all& attac" him$

6h m&) 3m so $ $ $ $8

She then tilte her hea to the sie as she reali.e that he %as completel& !nharme$

6Wait $ $ $ $ ho%) ho% are &o! $ $ $ $98

6nharme98 he as"e$ 6<o! cant h!rt me$ 5ot %ith po%ers li"e &o!rs$8

Elsa too" a step to%ars him) loo"in( him o'er as she chec"e to see that her attac" reall& i

ha'e no impact$ She place her hans on his chest) her face inicatin( p!re iselief$

63) 3 ont !nerstan $ $ $ $8

Lo"i sta&e 0!iet$ Elsa then (entl& to!che one of the circ!lar (olen plates near his sho!ler

%ith her (lo'e han$ The tips of her fin(ers caresse the mar"in(s aro!n its e(e$

6These mar"in(s) the&re $ $ $ $ &o!re $ $ $ $8

Elsa too" a step ac" as she loo"e into Lo"is e&es$

65o) no) it cant e)8 she sai$ 6<o! cant $ $ $ $ &o!re $ $ $ $ &o!re an As(arian98

63n a manner of spea"in()8 he sai$

Elsa %ent silent a(ain) ta"in( a fe% moments to !st reathe an re(ain her compos!re$ Lo"i

then too" a sin(le step to%ars her) !t she i nothin( in response$

63 "no% of &o!r po%ers)8 he sai$ 63 "no% %hats occ!rre %ith &o!r famil&$ 3 "no% %hat

8/20/2019 Earth-717: Special Vol 2 18/56

&o!'e een (oin( thro!(h) an 3 am tr!l& sorr&$8

4ore tears starte to %ell in Elsas e&es$

6H-Ho%) ho% co!l &o! "no%98

63'e %atche &o!$ 3 %atche &o!r face %hen &o! learne of &o!r tr!e nat!re$ 3 %atche as &o!

 p!she &o!r sister a%a& o'er an o'er$ 3 %atche &o! retreat into &o!rself after &o!r parents ie$8

Elsa (!lpe as she hel her (lo'e han o'er her heart$

63'e %atche &o! for so lon()8 sai Lo"i) his 'oice (ro%in( softer$ 63 amit) to see &o! in

 person) here) in front of me $ $ $ $ on me) &o!r ma(ic has no effect) !t still 3 am spello!n$8

Elsa slo%l& lo%ere her hans as Lo"i spo"e$ She seeme 0!ite s!rprise at the (en!ine

saness that she hear in his 'oice$

6<o! e'o"e so m!ch emotion from me) an 3 ont e'en "no% &o!r name$8

Elsa an Lo"i stare into each others e&es for a fe% secons$


6Elsa $ $ $ $8

A smile appeare on Lo"is face as her name finall& to!che his ears$

6,ea!tif!l)8 he sai$

A matchin( smile slo%l& starte to form on Elsas lips$

6Whats &o!rs98


6Lo"i $ $ $ $8

The %inter %in starte to ie o%n aro!n them$ Lo"i then hel o!t his left han$ Elsa loo"e

o%n at it) that she %o!l ha'e to ta"e it %ith her ri(ht han) %hich still ha a (lo'e on it$ She

reache o!t) !t hesitate$

6<o! nee not hie &o!r tr!e self an&more)8 he sai$ 63 can ta"e &o! some%here %here &o! can

finall& e free$8

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Elsa stare at the offere han for a fe% more secons$ ,lin"in() she then loo"e !p at Lo"is

face$ She ha ne'er seen a smile so %arm an in'itin( in all her life$ She too" in a eep reath efore

 p!llin( the (lo'e off of her ri(ht han$ Thro%in( it into the air) she then reache o!t an (raspe Lo"is

han) (entl& s0! on his fin(ers$

*or the first time in fore'er) she "ne% %hat it felt li"e to to!ch someone$

3t felt %onerf!l$

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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter : *ro.en Hearts

Sif an Amora %ere oth in one of the halls of the palace %hen the& hear Thor sho!tin($ This

%as follo%e & se'eral crashes) %hich ca!se the t%o As(arian (irls to (lance at each other$ The&

then h!rrie o%n the hall an into the net chamer) %here the& sa% Thor flippin( an entire an0!et

tale in front of his parents$

in an *ri((a i not loo" impresse$

6TH+ E5GH8

Thor t!rne to loo" at his father %ith an intense (lare$ *ri((a fo!n herself ta"en aac") for she

ha ne'er seen Thor so an(r& %ith his o%n famil& efore$ Sif an Amora oth (!lpe an stoo still)

%aitin( to see %hat happene net$

6Wh&) *ather9 Wh&9 Tell me %h&8

in (rippe his sceptre as he too" a step to%ars Thor$ Sif mae a (est!re as if she %as (oin(

to inter'ene) !t *ri((a t!rne to%ars her an shoo" her han$ Sif steppe ac" in line %ith Amora

an sta&e silent$

6He nees time on his o%n to f!ll& comprehen these ne% circ!mstances)8 sai in$ 6This is

not ne%s that %ill e ta"en li(htl&$ The est thin( for him is $ $ $ $8

6The est thin( for him is to e alone98 as"e Thor) sha"in( his hea$ 6He nees !s) no% more

than e'er He is m& rother) &o!r son) an %e nee to e there for him Alone on @ot!nheim) he %ill

fall f!rther into espair8

6<o! are still !t a chil$ <o! "no% not the f!ll conse0!ences of %hat has occ!rre$ 3 "no% &o!

onl& see" to help &o!r rother) !t &o!r s!((este co!rse %o!l rin( ao!t harm instea of healin($8

6As if &o! %o!l "no%8 sho!te Thor$ 64other has al%a&s trie to e part of his life) an so

ha'e 3 E'en %hen he is cons!me & his (rief) still 3 ha'e so!(ht to e (oo to him$ When %as the last

time &o! treate him the same as &o! ha'e treate me98

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in mo'e his hea ac" sli(htl&) clearl& ta"en off (!ar & the piercin( nat!re of Thors

0!estion$ *ri((a si(he an p!t a han on her forehea$ As silence fell on the three memers of the

ro&al famil&) Sif finall& ecie to step in$


Thor t!rne an %atche as Sif an Amora approache him$

6What has happene98 as"e Sif$

6Wheres Lo"i98 as"e Amora$

Thor loo"e ac" at his parents for a fe% secons$ He then (r!mle !ner his reath efore

t!rnin( a%a& an stormin( o!t of the room$ Sif an Amora oth %atche him lea'e efore t!rnin( to

loo" at each other$ Amora shr!((e) !t Sif ehale efore t!rnin( aro!n an r!nnin( after Thor$

Amora rolle her e&es efore follo%in( after her$

The t%o (irls 0!ic"l& ca!(ht !p to Thor) %ho e(an rela&in( the stor& to them$

? ? ? ?

The %inter& of @ot!nheim s%ept past Elsas o&) soothin( her s"in$ While the fro.en

 planet %o!l ha'e een a ni(htmarish realm for most ein(s) the sno%-co'ere lanscape %as a

 paraise to her$ Ha'in( al%a&s een ener(i.e & the col) Elsa too" a fe% ra'e steps o!t into this

ne% %orl) an close her e&es as she simpl& allo%e the fri(i air to no!rish her o&$

Lo"i stoo %ith his hans ehin his ac" as he silentl& %atche the h!man princess a!st to

her ne% en'ironment$ Whether she reali.e it or not) a (en!ine smile forme on her face as she arche

her ac" an hel her arms o!t laterall&$ Lo"i "ne% that Elsa %as far more at home here than she ha

e'er felt ac" on Earth$

P!llin( in her fin(ers an formin( her hans into fists) Elsa then too" in a eep reath$ As she

 performe this action) the %in ie o%n) lea'in( the area serene an still in all irections$ Lo"i

loo"e aro!n in %onerment as he reali.e that she %as chan(in( the %eather %ith her po%ers$ A

ma(ical ener(& matri then forme aro!n her) athin( her in rilliant %hite li(ht$

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Lo"i hel a han ao'e his e&es to shiel them from the ri(htness$ After a fe% secons) the

ener(& matri fae) an there Elsa %as) completel& transforme$ She %as no% %earin( an o'er the

sho!ler) cr&stal-l!e ress) %ith an attache transparent cape that flo%e all the %a& to the (ro!n$

Her hair %as no% in a loose *rench rai that %as s%ept o'er her left sho!ler$

Lo"i %as !tterl& transfie & her appearance$ Elsa finall& opene her e&es an relae her

m!scles$ Loo"in( o%n at herself) she too" a fe% moments to !st asor the (ra'it& of the chan(e she

ha %ille into eistence$ She then reache for her hair) her tiara %ith her left han$ As she

(rippe it) the metal fro.e o'er$ Glarin( at it) she then 'iolentl& thre% the tiara a(ainst the (ro!n)

shatterin( it into a tho!san shars$

6The col ne'er othere me an&%a&)8 sai Elsa) her tone 'enomo!s an 'inicti'e$

Elsa then finall& t!rne to loo" at her companion$

6What is this place98

Lo"i too" se'eral steps for%ar) %al"in( past Elsa$ She t!rne as he mo'e) "eepin( her e&es

on him$

63 elie'e &o! alrea& "no% the ans%er to &o!r 0!estion)8 he sai$ 6This is @ot!nheim) the

realm of the *rost Giants$8

Elsa lin"e as she too" in another reath$

6The stories $ $ $ $ the le(ens$ 3 tho!(ht the& %ere m&ths$ 3 ne'er elie'e $ $ $ $ &o!ll) &o!ll

ha'e to for(i'e me$8

65ot necessar&$ 3 ta"e no offense$ 3 %ante &o! to "no% 3 %as real $ $ $ $ that all this %as real$

The Worls Tree$ The 5ine +ealms$ All of it$8

Elsas e&es slo%l& %iene as she too" in Lo"is %ors$

6All &o!r m&ths)8 he sai$ 6The&re all real$8

Lo"i then contin!e %al"in( for%ar) %ith Elsa follo%in( after him$

6Then %hat ao!t As(ar98 as"e Elsa$ 6The Golen +ealm9 <o!re an As(arian) &es9 What is

8/20/2019 Earth-717: Special Vol 2 23/56

it li"e98

Lo"i sneere$ Elsa %as ta"en aac" & the s!en chan(e in his emeano!r$

63 am not of As(ar$8

6,!t) 3 tho!(ht $ $ $ $8

Lo"i (roane an sharpl& t!rne a%a& from Elsa as he clenche his fists$ He then lifte his ri(ht

foot efore slammin( it o%n on the (ro!n) crac"in( the ice eneath his oot$ Elsa fro%ne) !t i

not step a%a& from him$ After ta"in( a min!te to calm himself) Lo"i t!rne ac" to Elsa$

6Come %ith me$ 3 %ant to sho% &o! somethin($8

? ? ? ?

6An he ne'er tol either of &o! efore no%98

Thor shoo" his hea in response to Sifs 0!estion$ The t%o &o!n( As(arians %ere insie of

Thors eroom) sittin( on the e$ Amora %as also present) leanin( a(ainst the opposite %all) %ith her

arms crosse o'er her chest$ She ha een 0!ietl& listenin( to the con'ersation) %hile also occasionall&

ta"in( the opport!nit& to (lare at the t%o of them %hen the& %erent loo"in($

Thor ha !st finishe tellin( Sif an Amora ao!t ins re'elation) an ho% Lo"i ha fle the

realm eca!se of it$

6What %ill &o! o98 as"e Sif$

63 %ant to help him)8 ans%ere Thor$ 6*in him$ ,rin( him home$ He nees !s$8

6So &o! %o!l ef& in9 Are &o! certain that is the est co!rse of action98

6What else can 3 o9 He is m& rother) re(arless of his ori(in$ He m!st e scare an alone)

%ith no !nerstanin( of his place in the %orl$ ,!t he has a home) here) %ith !s$8

63f %hat in sa&s is tr!e)8 sai Amora) 6then perhaps Lo"i is home no%$8

Thor scoffe$

6Where9 @ot!nheim9 That fro.en %astelan9 5a& He %ill fin nothin( there !t ice an r!ins)

or %orse $ $ $ $ sa& perhaps he comes across the *rost Giants) an %hat then9 The& o not "no% he is

8/20/2019 Earth-717: Special Vol 2 24/56

one of their o%n "in$ To them) he %o!l e !st another in'aer to e cr!she$ His home is As(ar)

%hether he amits it or not$8

Thor stoo !p off the e$ Sif trie to reach o!t to to!ch his han) !t Thor mo'e a%a& from

her$ He then approache the near& alcon&) loo"in( o!t o'er the cit&$ Sif an Amora oth %atche him

from ehin) %aitin( for his net %ors$

63 %ill rin( him home$8

65o)8 sai Sif) stanin( !p$ 6<o! sho!l o as &o!r father sa&s$8

Thor t!rne aro!n) (i'in( Sif a stern loo"$ Amora sta&e silent as her (a.e mo'e ac" an

forth et%een her t%o companions$

6Hes the All-*ather)8 reasone Sif$ 6He "no%s more of this %orl than %e o$ We are not e'en

tr!l& of a(e &et$ We ha'e earne no titles$ <o! ha'e onl& !st earne 4olnir$ Lo"i ma& come ac" to

!s in time) !t that is not &o!r ecision to ma"e$8

6<o! %ill not help me98

Sif hesitate for a moment$

65o)8 she sai) her 'oice hollo%$ 63 %ill not$8

+i(ht a%a&) Sif t!rne aro!n an marche o!t of the room$ After t!rnin( a corner) she stoppe

an stoo in place for a fe% secons) as if she %ere consierin( (oin( ac" in$ 3nstea) she shoo" her

hea an contin!e o%n the hall%a&$ Thor fro%ne) "eepin( his e&es on the open oor%a&$ Amora

scratche the ac" of her nec"$

6;isappointe98 she as"e$

Thor i not offer an& response$

? ? ? ?

6,ehol)8 sai Lo"i$ 64& irthri(ht$8

Lo"i hel o!t his arms in front of him) as if he %ere presentin( a (ran spectacle$ 3nstea)

 efore him stoo the ilapiate remains of La!fe&s castle) %hich ha lon( since een re!ce from

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the cro%nin( achie'ement of the @ot!nn ro&alt& to nothin( more than a cr!mlin( r!in that %as the last

'esti(e of a &(one era$

Elsa scanne the castle r!ins %ith her e&es) clearl& saene & the si(ht efore her$ She too" a

co!ple steps for%ars) efore reachin( o!t %ith her ri(ht han$ Pressin( her han a(ainst one of the

 ro"en %alls) she then slo%l& mo'e her fin(ers alon( the roc"& s!rface$ Si(hin() Elsa then t!rne

aro!n to face Lo"i a(ain$

6This is the le(ac& 3 ha'e inherite)8 sai Lo"i) sneerin($ 64& ri(ht as La!fe&s son$ The

eforme offsprin( of a faile "in() "ille efore he co!l e'en (i'e me a proper name$ 4& "in(om

estro&e efore 3 co!l spea"$8

Elsa too" her han off the %all$ She %atche as Lo"i starte to pace sie to sie$

6E'er&thin( here is !st a shao% of %hat it %as s!ppose to e$ Appropriate) reall&$ 4& life has

 een nothin( !t shao%s$ 3) al%a&s %al"in( in the shao% of m& rother$ 4& connection to m&

s!ppose famil&) empt& an hollo%$ 4& ro&al stat!s) nothin( more than an ill!sion 3 sho!l ha'e seen

thro!(h lon( a(o$8

Lo"i loo"e o!t at the empt& stretch of lanscape$

6This is m& tr!e %orl$8

Elsa %al"e to%ars Lo"i) ta"in( a place at his sie$ ,oth of them stare o!t in the same


63 "no% ho% &o! feel)8 she sai$ 6Li'in( a life of shao%s$8

Lo"i i not mo'e or ma"e an& (est!res) !t someho% Elsa co!l tell that he %as attenti'el&

listenin() ea(er to hear %hat she ha to sa&$

6After %e learne ao!t m& po%ers $ $ $ $ e'er&thin( %as a shao%$ 4& connection %ith m&

 parents$ 4& sister$ 4& responsiilit& to the throne$ 3t %as all empt&$ 3 spent so m!ch time concealin(

e'er&thin() all m& emotions) afrai of %hat %o!l happen if 3 allo%e m&self to) to $ $ $ $8

Elsa once a(ain fo!n herself loo"in( o%n at her hans$ She then hel them o!t%ars) ca!sin(

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a s%irlin( ree.e to form in front of her$ The sno% from the (ro!n %as lifte into the air an starte to

ance in a circ!lar fashion) the fla"es mo'in( at Elsas comman$ Lo"i "eenl& %atche her ispla&$

Elsa then thre% her han for%ar) an the %hirlin( %ins of sno% eploe !p%ars) senin( all of the

fla"es into the s"&$

Elsa p!t on a rel!ctant smile as she %atche the sno%fla"es slo%l& fall ac" o%n$

6<o!r po%ers are a %onerf!l (ift)8 sai Lo"i$ 6<o! sho!l not ha'e to conceal them$8

Elsa crosse her arms$

6The& feel li"e a c!rse$ 3t %as al%a&s so har to "eep it insie$ Al%a&s p!shin( e'er&one a%a&)

afrai that the& %o!l (et h!rt$ 3t %as a ni(htmare$ An at the part&) the %a& the people loo"e at me

%hen the& sa% $ $ $ $8

Elsa crin(e an t!rne a%a& from Lo"i$ She close her e&es an t!rne her face to%ars the


6The& calle me a monster$8

Elsa "ept her e&es close !ntil she felt Lo"i steppin( !p to her$ He reache o!t an crale her

hans %ith his$ She then loo"e ac" !p an into his e&es$

6The& fear %hat the& cannot comprehen)8 sai Lo"i$ 6The& are mere %orms) ( !pon

someone %ho is a i'ine ein( in comparison$ Their tho!(hts are %orth less than nothin($ 3f their

%ors ma"e &o! a monster) then so am 3$8

Elsas reathin( slo%e as she listene to Lo"i spea"$

6We stan on a ne% precipice$ The past cannot shac"le !s an& f!rther$ We are not efine & it)

nor are %e eholen to it$ Here) %e can e the monarchs %e %ere promise to e$ Here) %e can oth e

free$ *ore'er$8

Elsa an Lo"i share a smile) %ith the princess finin( her heart %arme & her companions

%ors$ Lo"i then release her hans an t!rne ac" to the r!ins$ The t%o proceee to enter the

estro&e castle) ma"in( their %a& thro!(h its r!pt!re halls an shattere remains$ The& then arri'e

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at the ro&al hall) %hich %as a ca'erno!s) epansi'e room %ith a crac"e throne at the en of it$

At the foot of the throne %as a (olen sceptre) la&in( on the ice$ T%o sil'er laes) one t%ice as

lon( as the other) %ere affie to one en of it$ A (lo%in() l!e (em %as sit!ate et%een the laes)

%ith a ma(ical ener(& fiel constantl& in fl! %ithin it$ Lo"is e&es %ere immeiatel& ra%n to the

sceptre) %hich %as an aanone s&mol of the po%er he %as s!ppose to ha'e %iele$

Lo"i 0!ic"ene his pace) r!shin( o'er to the sceptre$ Elsa leis!rel& strolle after him$ His e&es

fille %ith h!n(er) Lo"i %iel& (rinne as he reache o%n %ith oth hans an (raspe the ro&al

%eapon$ As he hel it) a ma(ical ener(& %a'e %ashe o'er him) formin( a horne helmet on his hea

an a lon(er (reen cape attache to his ac"$

Elsa (a.e !p an o%n Lo"is o& as he stoo f!ll& !pri(ht) holin( the sceptre in his left

han$ As he place the en of it a(ainst the floor) her heart s"ippe a eat as she loo"e !pon him) his

form as re(al a si(ht as she ha e'er seen$

6At lon( last)8 he sai) 63 can reclaim m& throne$8

Lo"i then t!rne for%ar efore loo"in( into the s"&$

6Can &o! hear me) All-*ather9 3 am &o!r prisoner no lon(er <o! tho!(ht me !st another pri.e

to e stolen) a triflin( trin"et ta"en to satisf& &o!r nee to celerate &o!r 'ictorio!s campai(ns $ $ $ $

&o!r campai(ns of looshe an treacher& 3 am not &o!r son) estine to %allo% a%a& the &ears as

the secon prince of &o!r faithless ho!se8

Elsa (!lpe as Lo"is e&es flare !p %ith ra(e$

6; < HEA+ 4E) ;359 3 A4 A =35G8

Lo"i then sho!te as he sp!n his sceptre aro!n in a circle) firin( a (reen ener(& eam$ The

 eam slice thro!(h the remainin( str!ct!re of the castle) lastin( thro!(h the ice an ca!sin( the r!ins

to cr!mle in on themsel'es$ Elsa loo"e !p in fear) !t a moment later Lo"i hel his sceptre !p%ars)

creatin( an ener(& arrier that s!rro!ne the t%o of them as the castle completel& collapse$

Lo"i let the arrier fae once the !st settle$ He then t!rne to loo" at Elsa$

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63 appear to e s"ille in the art of estr!ction$ 5o% it is &o!r t!rn to help me re!il$ The ol

%orl has een s%ept a%a&) an no%) %e can !il a etter one$8

Elsa noe efore holin( o!t oth of her hans$ *oc!sin( her po%ers in a %a& she ha ne'er

are to tr&) she %as finall& rea& to see %hat she co!l o$ The sno% an ice starte to form all aro!n

them) ta"in( on the f!nctions of %alls an col!mns to replace the ones pre'io!sl& estro&e$ Lo"i

%atche in p!re a%e as a far (raner str!ct!re starte to ta"e shape ri(ht in front of his e&es$

Within min!tes) Elsa ha create her masterpiece: a maestic castle that %as far s!perior to the

ori(inal$ Lo"i an Elsa oth (leef!ll& smile as the& loo"e aro!n at their ne% s!rro!nin(s$ The&

then t!rne to each other$

6Perfection)8 sai Lo"i$

Lo"i an Elsa proceee to ta"e some time to eplore the castle) mar'ellin( at the immensit& of 

%hat Elsas po%ers co!l achie'e$ The& then fo!n themsel'es ra%n to the rooftop alcon&) %here

the& co!l loo" at the fro.en hori.on$ The& sat to(ether at the e(e of the alcon&) their le(s an(lin(

in the fri(i air$

Lo"i set o%n his sceptre an helmet net to him$ Elsa place her hans in her lap$ She tho!(ht

ao!t the stor& Lo"i ha tol her !rin( their o!rne& here) ao!t ho% he %as forcef!ll& aopte from a

famil& he %o!l ne'er "no%$ Ao!t ho% he %as fore'er estine to e %itho!t a throne eca!se of his

oler rother$ Ao!t ho% he felt that no one co!l e'er !nerstan him$

,!t in that moment) she !nerstoo$ Her stor& %as not the same as his) !t the emotions %ere$

*ear$ +esentment$ Loneliness$ The an(!ish an epression that %ere the res!lts of ein( force into

isolation eca!se of circ!mstances o!tsie of her control$ 3n that moment) %ith him) she fo!n the

emotional connection she ha een loo"in( for$

Elsa mo'e closer to Lo"i) pressin( her o& a(ainst his$ She then reste her hea on his ri(ht

sho!ler) %hile also ta"in( his han in hers$ The t%o %a&%ar &o!ths finall& fo!n solace %ith each

other) an simpl& too" time to silentl& loo" o!t at their ne%fo!n "in(om$

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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter F: Silin(s

As ni(ht settle in o'er the (olen cit& of As(ar) the tho!sans of families that li'e there

starte their ni(httime ro!tines$ ;inners %ere finishe) li(hts %ere p!t o!t) an chilren %ere place in

their es$ All o'er the realm) pro! mothers an fathers sai (ooni(ht to their sons an a!(hters$

,!t one mother in partic!lar %as not at ease$

*ri((a stare o!t at the moonlit cit&) %ith %orr& (ro%in( insie her chest$ The san(!ine nat!re

of the si(ht of the cit& i nothin( to calm her ner'es) for her tho!(hts %ere on the fates of her sons$ 3t

ha een %ee"s since Lo"i ha fle As(ar) an still in ha not relente his an on an&one

attemptin( to contact or retrie'e him$

Thor ha all !t ecome estran(e from his parents) ref!sin( to spea" to them an spenin(

more an more time o!tsie of the palace$ What enea'o!rs he %as emar"in( on %hile he %as (one)

*ri((a ha no "no%le(e of$ in ha ecome istant) ref!sin( to tell the pop!lace ao!t Lo"is

 preicament) nor %o!l he isc!ss the matter %ith his %ife$

*ri((as heart %as tearin( itself apart) an she felt li"e she ha no o!tlet$ She ha "no%n since

the a& Lo"i ha een ro!(ht into her life that this a& %o!l arri'e) !t she ne'er tho!(ht it %o!l e

as %renchin( as it no% %as$ She ha spent so man& &ears hiin( the tr!th from him) e'en tho!(h she so

esperatel& %ante to let him "no%$

An no%) she felt li"e she %as losin( her son$ She i not care that he %as ro!(ht into the

 ph&sical %orl & another mother %hose name ha een lost to histor&$ 3n *ri((as min) Lo"i %as her

son) an nothin( %o!l e'er chan(e that$ Sha"in( her hea) *ri((a left the alcon& an ret!rne insie)

 efore heain( for the room that containe her pri'ate %ell$

Closin( the oor ehin her) *ri((a then loo"e o%n at her reflection in the %ater$ She

rememere the a& %hen Lo"i %as a small chil) an she ha ro!(ht him here to sho% him the

ma(ical properties that 'ie%in( %ells possesse$ Wea'in( her arms) she create m!ltiple (reen ener(&

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strans) %hich she then allo%e to fall into the %ater an coalesce into an ima(e$

The ima(e sho%e an aerial 'ie% of @ot!nheim) specificall& of a castle mae p!rel& of ice$ She

co!l not see Lo"i) !t rather sa% a &o!n( %oman in a cr&stal l!e ress) %ho %as stanin( on one of

the alconies$ She %as starin( o!t in the istance$ *ri((a ha ne'er seen this %oman efore) an ha

certainl& not epecte to see an&one li"e her$

*ri((a remar"e to herself ho% ea!tif!l the %oman %as$ She %as clearl& of re(al stat!re) !st

from the %a& she carrie herself$ *ri((a %onere %hat this %oman mi(ht e oin( on @ot!nheim) or

ho% she %o!l ha'e arri'e there$ A fe% secons later) *ri((a then sa% Lo"i emer(e from the oor

leain( to the alcon&$

The %oman t!rne an smile at him$ *ri((a then li(htl& (aspe as the %oman steppe to%ars

Lo"i an "isse him on the lips$

? ? ? ?

Lo!n(in( in a hammoc" tie et%een t%o trees) Amora fo!n herself rather ore$ She %as

roc"in( sie to sie) %hile also occasionall& (eneratin( (reen ener(& lasts from her hans$ She %o!l

fire them off into the air) ca!sin( small) harmless li(ht eplosions$ ,eca!se of her lac" of

responsiilities) she %o!l !s!all& e !p to some mischief %ith Lo"i) !t since he ha left) Amora ha

to fin 'ario!s %a&s to am!se herself$

After firin( off another small !rst of ener(&) Amora hear the so!n of footsteps in the (rass)

approachin( her meao%$ She t!rne her hea to the sie to see Thor %al"in( !p to her$ He %as

holin( 4olnir in his ri(ht han$ Amora snic"ere at the si(ht of the prince$

63f it isnt the inson) finall& come to see me$ Lettin( (o of &o!r affection for Sif an finall&

rea& to emrace me as &o!r one tr!e lo'e98

63 came here for nothin( of that sort)8 replie Thor$

Amora s!l"e as she stretche o!t her o& se!cti'el& on the hammoc"$

6Pit&$ 3m 0!ite ore) an 3 can thin" of so man& %a&s &o! an 3 co!l pass the time$8

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Amora (r!mle as she sat !pri(ht$

6So %hat is it that &o! %ant98 she as"e$

63 am tire of stanin( ile)8 ans%ere Thor$ 63 ha'e come to as" for &o!r help$8

Amora narro%e her e&es$

6<o! %ant me to help &o! (et to @ot!nheim) ont &o!98

Thor int nee to ans%er$

6in has close ,ifrost for a reason) Thor$ Helpin( &o! %o!l mean that 3 %o!l e ef&in(

m& =in(s %ishes$8

Thor rolle his e&es$

6Since %hen ha'e &o! e'er care ao!t oe&in( in98

Amora ch!c"le$

63 s!ppose &o! ha'e a point$8

Amora stoo !p an sa!ntere !p to Thor$

6,!t 3 ont see %h& 3 sho!l help &o!) earest prince$ 5ot since &o! so clearl& haro!r s!ch

isain for me) !e to &o!r constant ami'alence for m& feelin(s in fa'o!r of &o!r connection to that

lo%l& maien of &o!rs$ 3f &o! %ant m& help) &o!ll ha'e to ma"e it %orth m& time$8

Thor stare at Amora) his face inicatin( that he %as clearl& !nimpresse %ith her$

63 am in no moo for (ames) Enchantress$ 3 "no% &o! %ant Lo"i to ret!rn as m!ch as 3 o$ 4&

relationship %ith Sif is none of &o!r concern) altho!(h 3 %ill sa& that it has ecome straine of late$

Ho%e'er) 3 can promise that assistin( me no% %ill (ain &o! fa'o!r %ith me$ Will &o! help me or not98

Amora (r!mle once a(ain) crossin( her arms o'er her chest$ She %as not thrille %ith the

mea(re nat!re of Thors offer) !t fo!n herself ra%n to it all the same$

6*ine)8 she sai$ 6Altho!(h if &o! %ant Lo"i ac") &o!ll nee some more information ao!t his

c!rrent sit!ation$8

Thor smir"e$

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6<o!'e een sp&in( on him$8

6f co!rse 3 ha'e)8 sai Amora) her tone flat$ 6What else am 3 to o as 3 %hile a%a& the time98

6What ha'e &o! seen98

Amora starte to pace sie to sie as she spo"e$

6Lo"i is no lon(er alone on @ot!nheim$ Hes fo!n a frien) or) as far as 3 can tell) possil& more

than that$ Hes een spenin( his time %ith a mortal from 4i(ar$ She has ta"en resience %ith him$8

6Ta"en resience9 A mortal98

6Theres more$ She appears to ha'e ma(ical po%ers) no o!t %hat re% Lo"i to her in the first

 place$ Her name is Elsa) an she comes from a "in(om name Arenelle$8

Thor place his free han on his chin$ He notice that Amoras tone (re% ini(nant %hen she

spo"e ao!t Elsa$

6That is 0!ite a %ealth of information) Amora$ Perhaps &o! care more for the heart of m&

 rother than &o! amit$8

Amora (lo%ere at Thor) her e&es (i'in( a%a& the an(er (ro%in( %ithin her$ Ho%e'er) she i

not 'erall& respon to Thors remar") an instea contin!e to rela& the information she ha (athere$

6There is one more thin($ Elsa$ She has a sister) Anna$ <o! ma& not e ale to (et Lo"i an Elsa

to rea" apart on their o%n) !t $ $ $ $ if &o! rin( the sister %ith &o!) perhaps to(ether &o! can con'ince

Elsa to ret!rn home) %hich in t!rn %o!l ma"e Lo"i more s!sceptile to oin( the same$8

Thor noe$

6Then %e m!st (o to 4i(ar an retrie'e this sister$ We epart at once$8

63 s!ppose 3 ont ha'e an& sa& in the matter98

Thor %as silent$

6(h$ *ine$8

Amora steppe !p to Thor) stanin( alon(sie him$ P!ttin( her arms o%n) pale (reen mist

0!ic"l& en'elope the t%o of them$ She then thre% her arms !p) an in an instant) the& 'anishe$

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? ? ? ?

Three %ee"s ha passe since Elsas isappearance) an & this point) Anna %as completel&

o'er%helme$ While the %inter %eather that %as (enerate & her o!t!rst ha fae later that ni(ht)

there %as also no si(n of %here Elsa ha (one$ A search part& ha mana(e to fin her other (lo'e in

the mo!ntain forests) !t other%ise) she ha completel& 'anishe$

=no%le(e of %hat ha happene %ith Elsa ha 0!ic"l& sprea thro!(ho!t Arenelle an the

near& "in(oms$ +!mo!rs %ere circ!latin( ao!t Elsas tr!e nat!re) %ith the people %onerin( if she

%ere possesse & some t&pe of infernal emon) or perhaps if she %ere c!rse & ma(ic the& co!l

ne'er hope to !nerstan$

Anna) mean%hile) %as not concerne %ith ho% Elsa ha otaine ma(ical po%ers$ She %as not

thin"in( ao!t ho% lon( Elsa ha conceale her ailities$ She %as not thin"in( ao!t ho% the other

"in(oms %ere reactin( to the ne%s of sorcer&$ She %as not thin"in( ao!t the fact that some part of

her felt li"e she ha al%a&s "no%n$

Anna %as onl& thin"in( ao!t Elsas %ell-ein() an hopin( that someho% she %o!l e ale to

 rin( her sister home$

,eca!se of Elsas isappearance) Arenelle %as once a(ain %itho!t a monarch$ ;!e to the

etreme circ!mstances) the ,ishop of Arenelle ha electe to aicate the throne in Elsas asence an

 prono!nce Anna the ne% 0!een espite her a(e$ Anna i not %ant or feel she %as rea& for the

hono!r) !t she also "ne% that her people neee someone to ta"e the throne) an since she %as the

onl& remainin( memer of the ro&al famil&) she ha rel!ctantl& a(ree to the coronation$

,!t no%) Anna %as (ro%in( restless$ She %o!l perioicall& sen o!t search parties to sco!r the

"in(om) !t she "ne% it %as of no !se$ 5earl& e'er&one on the continent ha hear ao!t the incient

%ith Elsa) an if there %ere an& ne%s ao!t her) Anna %o!l certainl& hear ao!t it in no time at all$

All e&es %ere on Arenelle) an Anna ha no cl!e %hen the matter %o!l e resol'e$

Altho!(h the sit!ation %as !n!s!al) Hans ha as"e if he co!l sta& %ith Anna for the

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foreseeale f!t!re) reasonin( that he %ante to e there for her in this iffic!lt time$ Anna ha (rante

his re0!est) eca!se she tr!l& i not %ant to e alone$ While she %o!l no% a'oi an& isc!ssion

ao!t en(a(ement) she %as happ& to ha'e someone she co!l tal" to$

Toa&) she %as sittin( on her throne %ith Hans at her sie) hopin( e&on hope that she %o!l

recei'e some ne%s ao!t her sister$

Then) t%o people teleporte into her throne room$

Anna screame as a ma(ical portal appeare in front of her) epositin( Thor an Amora$ The

 portal then 'anishe) an the (!ars r!she !p to the t%o ne% arri'als %ith s%ors ra%n$



6Cease at once8


Thor loo"e aro!n %ith isinterest at the (!ars) clearl& !nmo'e & their attempts at

intimiation$ Amora rolle her e&es$ Hans steppe for%ar as if he %as (oin( to confront the intr!ers)

 !t Anna reache o!t an to!che his arm) holin( him ac"$ She then stoo !p) loo"in( irectl& at

Thor an Amora$

6E'er&one) !st stop$8

The (!ars loo"e !p at their 0!een) %ho shoo" her hea an %a'e her han to the sie$

e&in( the (est!re) the (!ars all mo'e a%a& from Thor an Amora$ Hans stoo f!ll& !pri(ht an

 place a (lo'e han on his chest$

64& La&) allo% me $ $ $ $8

65o)8 sai Anna$ 63ll) !h) 3ll eal %ith this$8

Hans loo"e as if he %as (oin( to contin!e to protest) !t after thin"in( for a moment) electe

to (i'e a short o% instea$ As he steppe ac") Anna %al"e past him$ She (!lpe efore spea"in($

6Who are &o!98

8/20/2019 Earth-717: Special Vol 2 35/56

63 am Thor) Prince of As(ar$ 3 come earin( ne%s of &o!r sister) Elsa$8

Anna nearl& fainte in shoc"$

? ? ? ?

6@!mpin -!ne!(s 3ts

Altho!(h Anna %as %earin( m!ltiple la&ers of %inter %ear as per Thors s!((estion) she still

fo!n herself contin!o!sl& shi'erin($ Amora ha teleporte the three of them to @ot!nheim) an the&

co!l see an ice castle onl& a co!ple h!nre metres a%a&$ As she h!le her arms aro!n herself to

tr& an "eep %arm) Anna loo"e !p at the immense castle efore her$


Amora loo"e o%n at the nails on her left han$

63 %o!l rather not sta& here an& lon(er than necessar&)8 sai Amora$ 63m not one for %inter

%eather$ 3ll collect &o! all %hen &o!'e finishe$8

Amora then 'anishe into thin air$ Anna lin"e as she %atche Amora isappear$ She then

t!rne ac" to Thor) %ho shr!((e$

6She oes that)8 he sai$

Thor then starte marchin( to%ars the castle) clearl& !nfa.e & the %eather$ Anna o((e

after him an performe somethin( of a !mp %ith each step) tr&in( to a'oi lettin( her oots sin" too

far into the sno%$

6He& He& 4-4a&e this) t-this isnt the -est time) an) an 3) 3 mean) this all seems) li"e)

s!per %eir) an) li"e) &-&o! "no%) a it c-cra.& an all) -!t $ $ $ $ he& Wait !p a secon) %-%ill &a98

Thor stoppe an loo"e o'er his sho!ler$ While he ha a harsh (a.e for a moment) the lines

on his face softene as he sa% Anna str!((lin( to "eep %ith %ith him) her %hole o& sha"in($

Glancin( to the sie for a moment) he then %al"e ac" to her$ Thro%in( his cape aro!n her

sho!lers) he then %al"e %ith her) tr&in( to "eep her %arm as the& tr!(e thro!(h the sno%$

nce the& arri'e at the o!le oors) Thor steppe for%ar an p!she on them %ith oth

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hans$ The (iant oors slo%l& separate) pro'iin( an entrance into a (ran openin( hall) oth a%e-

inspirin( in its constr!ction an !nin'itin( in its nat!re$ 3t %as a hall that em!late the re(al feelin( of a

ro&al castle) !t %as !tterl& empt& an completel& strippe of an& h!man connection to %hat ro&alt&

act!all& entaile$

6H!h)8 sai Anna$ 6,i( place$8

Thor an Anna mo'e thro!(h the main hall) %hich le to a circ!lar staircase that ran o%n

 oth sies of the room$

6Elsa9 Elsa 3ts me) Anna An&one home98


Thor an Anna loo"e !p the stairs to see Elsa steppin( into 'ie%$ She smile at the si(ht of her

sister) %ho %as 0!ite s!rprise & her ph&sical transformation$

6Wo%$ Elsa) &o! loo" $ $ $ $ (oo$ +eall& (oo$8

6Than" &o!)8 sai Elsa$ 6Ho% $ $ $ $ ho% i &o! (et here98

Anna cleare her throat$

6;oesnt matter 3ts so (oo to see &o!re o"a& 3 %as %orrie 3 tho!(ht ma&e &o! ha $ $ $ $8

Elsa then loo"e at Thor %ith s!spicion$

6Anna9 Whos that98


Anna (lance at Thor efore shr!((in($

6h$ Him9 h) %ell) hes !h) &o! "no% $ $ $ $ Thor$ <o! "no%) of As(ar9 3 "no%) cra.&) ri(ht9

,!t) !t he tol me %here &o! %ere E'er&one %as loo"in( for %ee"s) an $ $ $ $8

Elsa (lare at Thor$

6So &o!re Thor$8

Thor too" a step for%ar$

6A&e) maam$ 3 am$8

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Anna %ea"l& ch!c"le$

6h) he&) i( (!&9 4a&e &o! sho!l let me hanle $ $ $ $8

6So &o!re the rother %ho Lo"i "eeps tellin( me ao!t)8 sai Elsa) her tone s!enl& t!rnin(

more itter$

6Elsa) hes $ $ $ $8

6So he is here)8 sai Thor$ 6Ta"e me to him at once8

S!enl&) Lo"is 'oice %as hear thro!(ho!t the hall$

6Theres no nee for theatrics) ear rother$8

Elsa stoo !p strai(ht as Lo"i %al"e o!t from ehin her$ He %as %earin( his horne helmet

an %as holin( his sceptre$ He smir"e at his rother as he place his han on Elsas sho!ler$

6Lo"i)8 sai Thor$

6Elsa98 as"e Anna$

Elsa loo"e to the sie as Lo"i (lare at Thor$

6So &o!'e come all this %a& !st to see m& ne% omain) ha'e &o!98 as"e Lo"i$ 63 m!st amit)

Elsa is 0!ite the artist an ecorator$ A castle efittin( m& ro&al presti(e) if 3 o sa& so m&self$8

Lo"i too" a co!ple steps a%a& from Elsa an loo"e into the air) as if he %ere stri"in( a pose$

6+o&al presti(e98 as"e Thor$ 63s that %hat this is ao!t98

Anna p!t her hans on her hips$

6Well) ec!se me) 4ister *anc& $ $ $ $ !h) Helmet Elsas m& sister) an shes comin( home %ith


Lo"i loo"e o%n at Anna$

6Ah) &es$ Little Anna$ 3'e hear a lot ao!t &o!$ Ao!t all those &ears that Elsa a'oie

connectin( %ith &o! eca!se of her po%ers$ S!ch a shame$8

Anna lin"e$

6Wait) %hat9 She tol &o! ao!t that9 She opene !p to &o!98

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Elsa r!e her left arm %ith her ri(ht han$

63 tol him e'er&thin($ 4& po%ers) o!r life as "is$ 4om an ;a$ E'er&thin($8

6So) &o! sh!t me o!t for so lon() !t &o! open !p to him9 W-Wh&98

6He !nerstans me$8

Anna hel o!t her hans laterall&$

6What) an 3 ont9 4a&e 3 co!l if &o! let me8

Elsa shoo" her hea an hel her hans to(ether$

6Anna) please$ Stop$ <o! sho!l (o$ Theres no nee to %orr& ao!t me$ 3m home$8

Anna efiantl& pointe at the oor$

6<o! alrea& ha'e a home We can (o ac" to the %a& %e !se to e$8

Elsa (!lpe as she loo"e at the %hite strea" in her sisters hair) an tho!(ht ac" to %hen she

first h!rt Anna %ith her po%ers$

65o)8 she sai$ 6We cant$8

6Eno!(h of this8 sai Thor$ 6<o! oth nee to lea'e @ot!nheim an ret!rn to &o!r families8

6We ont ha'e to o an&thin()8 sai Elsa) crossin( her arms$ 6Were perfectl& fine on o!r o%n$

Were free to e o!rsel'es) an %e ont nee &o! to tell !s %hat to o$8

Lo"i (rinne at Elsa an noe$

6Someone sai it etter than 3 co!l)8 sai Lo"i$ 6Thats a first$8

Thor starte to march !p the stairs$ Lo"i sco%le) !t then Elsa stoo in front of him) shielin(

him from Thors approach$

6This (ame has (one on too lon()8 sai Thor$

65o)8 sai Elsa$ 6<o!re not ta"in( him$8

Lo"i (rinne as Elsa starte to form s%irls of ice aro!n her fists$ Thor too" another step$

63 sai 58

Elsa fire a last of froste %in at Thor) stri"in( him in the chest$ Anna screame as Thor

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t!mle o%n the stairs$ Elsa loo"e o%n at her hans in fear for a moment) as if she %ere some%hat

shoc"e that she ha act!all& !se her po%ers to h!rt someone on p!rpose$ Lo"i) mean%hile) let o!t a

cac"le) efore he 0!ic"l& "isse Elsa on the chee"$

6Well one) m& ear 3snt she a %inner98

Anna r!she o'er an "nelt o%n net to Thor as he sl!mpe to the (ro!n$ As she helpe him

(et !p) she then slo%l& t!rne her hea to loo" at her sister$


Elsa fro%ne for a secon) !t then shoo" her hea an p!t on a stern (lare$ Anna felt horrifie)

for she tr!l& i not reco(ni.e her sister at all$ Thor stoo !p an clenche his fists$ He %as not s!re

eactl& ho% he %as (oin( to eal %ith Elsa) !t he ha ne'er ac"e o%n from a fi(ht efore$ As he

%as ao!t to mo'e to%ars her a(ain) a eafenin( so!n slashe thro!(h the s"ies$

A rilliant %hite eam smashe strai(ht thro!(h the ceilin($ Tho!sans of ice shars scattere

across the floor) %ith Thor instincti'el& shielin( Anna from them$ Lo"i !se his sceptre to form an

ener(& arrier to protect himself an Elsa$ nce the eam fae) in %as stanin( in the room$ Lo"i

(ro%le !pon seein( him$

6*ather8 sai Thor$

6<o! ha'e isoe&e m& irect comman)8 sai in$

63 %as onl& tr&in( to $ $ $ $8

6An &o! ha'e faile$8

in then t!rne to loo" at Anna$

6This matter no lon(er concerns &o!$ <o! %ill e ret!rne to 4i(ar) immeiatel&$8

6H!h9 What9 He&) &o! ont (et to !st ar(e in here an $ $ $ $8

Anna then screame as a smaller %hite eam shot o%n from the s"& irectl& at her) instantl&

teleportin( her ac" to Earth$

65 $ $ $ $8

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Elsa crin(e !pon seein( Anna isappear$ 3t loo"e li"e she %as ein( 'apori.e$ in then

 riefl& (lance at Lo"i) %ho (a'e him a eath stare in ret!rn$ in si(he an fro%ne) !t then

loo"e a%a& from him) efore holin( his ro&al sceptre in the air$ Thor close his e&es an loo"e

o%n as ,ifrost fire its eam at him an his father) p!llin( them across the cosmos an ac" to


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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter : *rost ,east

6WHAT A+E < ;35G98

in i not respon to Thors o!t!rst as the& arri'e in the ,ifrost ne!s$ 3nstea) he !st

t!rne to him an hel o!t his han$ 4olnir then rippe from Thors (rasp an fle% to ins$ Thor

loo"e o%n at his han in s!rprise for a moment efore loo"in( ac" !p at his father$ *ri((a) Sif an

Amora %ere also present) an the& %atche the altercation in silence$

*ri((a an Sif oth fro%ne at Thor$ Amora seeme more ne!tral) clic"in( her ton(!e an

leanin( a(ainst the %all$

6E5GH8 sho!te in$ 6<o!r pet!lance has (one too far8

Thor (ritte his teeth$

6<o! elieratel& isoe&e m& epress comman$ <o! too" it !pon &o!rself to interfere in

matters that %ere not to e interfere %ith$ 3 tol &o! to sta& a%a& from Lo"i) an %hat o &o! o9

Hatch a scheme to ta"e a mortal from 4i(ar an then (alli'ant %ith her strai(ht to @ot!nheim98

6;i Lo"i not o the same thin(9 r are &o! i(norant of that98

in s%!n( his sceptre to the sie) smac"in( the tip of it a(ainst Thors face$

63 am i(norant of nothin(8 sai in$ 63 am the All-*ather <o! %ill min &o!r tone %hen &o!

spea" to me8

Thor (r!mle an r!e his face) !t i not retort$

6<o! %ill not lea'e the palace) nor %ill &o! ma"e an& f!rther attempt to contact &o!r rother$ 3)

an 3 alone) %ill ecie %hen %e %ill see him a(ain$ 3s that !nerstoo98

Thor an in (lare at each other$ in patientl& %aite for an ans%er) an after a co!ple

min!tes) Thor finall& relente$



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in t!rne a%a& from his son an %al"e o!t of the ne!s %ith a hea'& si(h$ Thor shoo" his

hea an loo"e o%n%ar$ *ri((a an Sif %al"e !p to Thor as if the& %ere (oin( to tr& an console

him) !t he mo'e o!t of the %a& an storme o!t of the ne!s$ E'en Amora seeme sorro%f!l & this

 point) %atchin( Thor lea'e %ith saene e&es$

? ? ? ?

6HE H43L3ATE; 4E8

Lo"i &elle in fr!stration as he fire another ener(& last from his sceptre) lastin( apart an ice

formation$ He %as %ith Elsa o!tsie of the castle) %hich still ha a lar(e hole in the ceilin( !e to the

,ifrost eam$ Elsa %atche him %ith concern in her e&es as he repeatel& lashe o!t at the

en'ironment aro!n him$

After a fe% more moments of this) Elsa ha ha eno!(h$ She approache Lo"i an place a

han on his sho!ler$ He stoppe mo'in( an seeme to calm o%n some%hat) altho!(h he %as still

 reathin( hea'il& an ha an intense sco%l on his face$ Elsa mo'e closer) reachin( aro!n his nec"

an restin( her han on the sie of his chee"$

Lo"i too" in a eep reath as Elsa place her hea on his sho!ler$ Lo"i i not necessaril&

%ant to amit it) !t Elsas to!ch i ha'e a soothin( effect on him$ She (a'e him a rief "iss on his

sho!ler pa) an he then t!rne his nec" to loo" at her$

6<o!re (oin( to e o"a&)8 she sai$

Lo"i noe as he (rae Elsas han an slo%l& remo'e it from his o&$ She stoo net to

him an %aite for him to spea"$

63 %ill not allo% in to r!in %hat %e'e create$8

6Will he98 as"e Elsa) %ith an e&ero% raise$ 6He i lea'e$8

65o$ He int$ Hes al%a&s here$ 4oc"in( me$ H!miliatin( me$ This is %here he spille the

 loo of m& father efore he stole me from m& crale$ That t&pe of act oes not %ash a%a& %ith time

or istance$8

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Elsa (lance to the sie for a rief moment as she consiere Lo"is %ors$

64& entire eistence has een fore'er marre & him)8 contin!e Lo"i$ 6E'er&thin( 3 o)

e'er&thin( 3 am $ $ $ $ its all efine & him$ E'en %hen hes not near me) his a!ra) his presence $ $ $ $ it

slithers !ner m& s"in$8

Lo"i !se his free han to ma"e a fist as he stompe aro!n$

6An Thor That o'erearin() onoio!s) arro(ant simpleton The one estine to s!ccee to

the throne no matter ho% incompetent he is 3 ha'e m& "in(om torn o!t from eneath m& feet efore 3

can e'en fathom the concept of ro&alt&) an he has it hane to him %hilst also claimin( that 3 stan at

his sie as a rother an e0!al98

Lo"i t!rne ac" to loo" at Elsa$

63 espise him %ith e'er& fire of m& ein($ An to thin") he trie to !se &o!r sister to i'ie


Elsa fro%ne$

6That is the person he is)8 contin!e Lo"i$ 6A contempt!o!s charlatan mas0!erain( as a man$8

Lo"i then steppe to%ars Elsa$ She loo"e o%n at the (ro!n$

6When &o! stoo !p to him) &o! i somethin( that 3 ne'er co!l$ <o!'e mae me see that its

 possile$ That 3 ont ha'e to e efine & in) or Thor) or an&one else$8

Elsa slo%l& t!rne her hea ac" !p) !ntil she %as starin( into Lo"is e&es$

6<o!'e sho%n me that 3 can e m& o%n man$8

Elsa (!lpe as her chee"s starte to t!rn re$ Lo"is mo!th tremle as he tilte his hea sli(htl&

to the sie$ Elsa then %orlessl& hel o!t her ri(ht han) %ith her palm pointin( !p%ars$ A small s%irl

of sno% forme ao'e it) efore it cr&stalli.e into a sin(le) ten-centimetre %ie sno%fla"e$ Elsa an

Lo"i oth loo"e o%n at it an smile$

Lo"i then reache o!t an (entl& presse his han o%n on hers) s0! the sno%fla"e

 et%een their t%o palms$ The ma(ical sno% slippe o!t from et%een their hans as the& (a.e into

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each others e&es$ With this one act) Elsa ha tol Lo"i e'er&thin( he neee to "no%) %ante to hear)

an all he co!l ha'e hope for$

Her heart %as one %ith his$

? ? ? ?

The Palace of the Gos %as not a tran0!il place that ni(ht$ E'er&one %as silent an morose)

cons!me & the o!r moo of a famil& in isarra&$ Still) one person ref!se to e ne!tral$ Thor %as

alone in his room) seemin(l& lost in his o%n tho!(hts$ He then loo"e to the sie to see Sif stanin( in

his oor%a&$

There %as no nee for %ors$ Sif close the oor ehin her) an loo"e irectl& into Thors

e&es$ 3n them) he sa% all of her re(ret an sorro% for not helpin( him %hen he neee her$ 3n his) she

sa% the %ill to for(i'e her$ She then approache the e an sat o%n net to him$ She "ne% that ri(ht

no%) he neee to not e alone$

Sif too" Thors han an place her hea on his sho!ler$ The t%o &o!n( As(arians close

their e&es) an !st spent time in each others compan&$

? ? ? ?

Elsa !se her po%ers to 0!ell the storms of @ot!nheim) pro'iin( Lo"i an herself a clear %a&

of passa(e into a fro.en can&on$ 5i(ht %as settlin( in o'er the realm) !t the li(ht from the (em in

Lo"is sceptre pro'ie ample ill!mination for the t%o of them to fin their %a&$ Lo"i le Elsa to a

lar(e ca'e) %hich %as so ar" that the& co!l arel& see more than a fe% metres insie$

63s this reall& the place98 as"e Elsa$

6<es)8 replie Lo"i$ 6This is it$ 3 can feel it$8

Witho!t a moment of hesitation) Lo"i starte %al"in( into the ca'ern$ Elsa si(he) !t 0!ic"l&

 oine him an %al"e at his sie$ She ner'o!sl& loo"e sie to sie as the& proceee f!rther into the

ca'e) !t Lo"i seeme completel& foc!se$ He %as searchin( for somethin( 'er& specific) an he "ne%

it %as here$

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The so!n of hea'&) lao!re reathin( alerte Lo"i that his search %as s!ccessf!l$

As Lo"i an Elsa t!rne a corner) the& came across a creat!re sleepin( at the en of the ca'e$ 3t

%as a (i(antic) fo!r-le((e monster %ith leather&) c&an s"in$ 3t ha sharp teeth) an t!s"s attache to

 oth of its chee"s$ 3ts tail ha a spi"e cl! on the en) %ith the tail c!rle aro!n its o&$ The area

aro!n it %as looie) littere %ith se'eral mostl&-cons!me carcasses of other creat!res$

Elsa hel a han o'er her mo!th as she li(htl& (aspe !pon seein( the monster$ Lo"i (rinne

ear to ear as he (est!re to%ars it$

64& ear$ 4a& 3 present $ $ $ $ the *rost ,east$8

Elsa lo%ere her han an slo%e o%n her reathin($ She then (lance at Lo"i$

6This is &o!r plan98

6!r comine po%er ma& e formiale) !t) o!r chances %ill e (reatl& impro'e if %e ha'e


Elsa ner'o!sl& r!e her hans to(ether$

63 ont "no% $ $ $ $8

6Elsa) &o! "no% as %ell as 3 that he %ill ne'er tr!l& lea'e !s alone$ ;o &o! thin" he %ill

appro'e of an immortal realm %ith a mortal as its 0!een9 Sooner or later) he %ill fin a %a& to tear !s

apart an ta"e o!r "in(om from !s$ He m!st e ta!(ht a lesson if %e are to remain free$8

The lines on Elsas face (re% harsher as she noe$

6Alri(ht)8 she sai$ 63m %ith &o!$8

Lo"i ch!c"le as he loo"e ac" at the *rost ,east$ Holin( his sceptre o!t to the sie) he then

s%!n( it at the near& %all) stri"in( one of the lae ens a(ainst the ice$ The so!n ca!se the ,east

to stir$ Lo"i an Elsa oth too" a step ac" as the ,east slo%l& raise its hea$ Sniffin( into the air) it

then opene its loo re e&es$

The ,east loo"e irectl& at the t%o intr!ers as it stoo !p on all fo!r le(s$ Elsa (!lpe$

6Lo"i $ $ $ $8

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The ,east sniffe the air a(ain efore (ro%lin($ 3t loo"e h!n(ril& at Elsa) %ho starte to

0!ic"en her reathin($ 3t then t!rne its (a.e to Lo"i) efore lin"in( !pon seein( the (em insie of

Lo"is sceptre$

6Thats it)8 sai Lo"i$

Elsa raise an e&ero% as she %atche the ,east ecome transfie & the (em$ The ,east then

close its e&es an o%e its hea$ Lo"i let o!t an enth!siastic la!(h$ He then steppe to%ars the

,east %ith his han o!tstretche$ He (entl& r!e his palm a(ainst the top of the ,easts hea for a


Elsa shoo" her hea$

63 ont $ $ $ $8

Lo"i steppe ac" from the ,east as it opene its e&es an raise its hea a(ain$

63t reco( its master)8 sai Lo"i$ 6The r!ler %ho %iels the sceptre$8

The ,east loo"e aro!n for a moment efore r!shin( for%ar$ ,oth Lo"i an Elsa ha to

0!ic"l& !mp o!t of the %a& as it sprinte o!t of the ca'e$ Lo"i an Elsa (ot off their feet an r!she

irt off of themsel'es efore the& %ent ac" o!tsie$ The ,east then t!rne to loo" at Elsa a(ain$ 3t

 are its teeth an too" a step to%ars her$

65o)8 sai Lo"i) in a commanin( tone$

The ,east snarle at Lo"i in efiance$ Lo"i hel !p the ine fin(er on his free han$

65 She is &o!r !een) as 3 am &o!r =in(8

The ,east shoo" its hea an (ro%le in fr!stration$ Elsa r!e the ac" of her nec"$

6<o!re s!re &o! can control him) ri(ht98

Lo"i then loo"e to the sie) an sa% a hanf!l of eer-li"e creat!res in the istance$ The& %ere

mo'in( in a small her) ma"in( their %a& across the sno% plains$ Lo"i then hel his sceptre hi(h ao'e

his hea$ The ,east instincti'el& loo"e !p at it$ Lo"i then pointe in the irection of the her) an the

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,easts e&es follo%e$

The ,east sa% the her an let o!t a fearsome ho%l) roarin( strai(ht into the ni(ht s"&$ 3t then

 ro"e o!t into a %il ash) tearin( its %a& across the sno% plains$ The creat!res sa% the incomin(

 preator an fle) !sin( their le(s to repeatel& leap a%a&$ Lo"i smile as he reali.e that the ,east

%as far too fast for them to escape$

The ,east po!nce on one of the hopeless creat!res$ Pinnin( its pre& to the (ro!n %ith its left

cla%) the ,east then it into the creat!re) silencin( its cries$ The rest of the her too" the opport!nit& to

(et a%a&$ The ,east ra'eno!sl& (ole o%n the creat!res flesh) lea'in( nothin( left !t its antlers

an a splatterin( of loo on the sno%$

The ,east loo"e into the s"& an let o!t another piercin( roar$ Lo"i then starte to ch!c"le$

? ? ? ?

in %as holin( his sceptre an sittin( on his throne in the ro&al hall) pensi'el& m!llin( o'er

recent e'ents$ He ha een li"e this for ho!rs) %ith his tho!(hts repeatel& ein( ro!(ht to an

impasse$ He tho!(ht ao!t a con'ersation he ha earlier %ith *ri((a re(arin( Lo"i) an ho% he ha

ne'er tr!l& trie to !nerstan him or properl& inte(rate him into the famil&$

While in ha ismisse *ri((as claims in the moment) he "ne% eep o%n that she %as

ri(ht$ He ha ne'er een ale to connect to Lo"i as a father fi(!re eca!se he int "no% ho%$ He %as

rile %ith (!ilt eca!se of the circ!mstances of Lo"is aoption) an he i not "no% ho% he %as

s!ppose to men those %o!ns$

He %o!l ne'er (et the chance to fin o!t$

A lo! crashin( noise %as hear from o!tsie the throne room) an in immeiatel& stoo !p$

He r!she to%ars the front of the hall an thro!(h the o!le oors) emer(in( onto a alcon& that

loo"e o'er the main hall of the palace$ T%o staircases %ine o%n from the alcon& to%ars the

floor) %ith the entrance to the palace on the far sie$

in loo"e o%n from the alcon& to see that a *rost ,east ha !rst thro!(h the main oors

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of the palace$ 3t ha een teleporte past As(ars efenses 'ia one of Lo"is secret portals) an it

roare into the air as it starte to smash e'er&thin( in si(ht$ Lo"i an Elsa entere the palace ehin it)

 efore loo"in( !p at in$

Lo"i sneere as he aime his sceptre at in$

65o%) All-*ather $ $ $ $ it is time for &o!r rec"onin($8

Lo"i fire an ener(& last from his sceptre) %hich in eflecte %ith his o%n$ *ri((a then

r!she into the room an (aspe !pon seein( the *rost ,east$ She %as follo%e & Thor an Sif) %ho

loo"e o%n at the ,east in shoc"$ As e'er&one seeme to e foc!se on the ,east) Elsa forme an ice

a((er in her hans) %hich she then thre% for%ar %ith her ma(ical po%ers$

The ice a((er soare thro!(h the air) an str!c" in in his ri(ht e&e$


6;358 &elle *ri((a$

6*ATHE+8 sho!te Thor$

in fell to his "nees as loo sp!rte from his e&e soc"et$ The ice a((er %as no% lo(e

insie his e&e$ The ,east roare a(ain as it slashe at the alcon&) ostlin( e'er&one on it$ in crin(e

in pain as he too" 4olnir off of his elt an hane it to his son$ Thor then t!rne to Sif$

6Get 4other an *ather o!t of here 5o%8

Sif noe an reache o%n to help in to his feet$ *ri((a t!rne to Thor$

6What are &o! oin(98

6What 3 m!st)8 replie Thor$ 65o% (o G8

*ri((a si(he as she starte to help Sif carr& in to safet&$ Thor then t!rne ac" aro!n to see

the ,east !mpin( !p at him$ Thor leape o'er the ,easts cla% s%ipe efore s%in(in( his hammer

o%n%ar) ashin( it in the face$ The ,east (ro%le as it %as "noc"e ac" to the (ro!n$ Thor loo"e

!p to see Lo"i (larin( at him as he hel his sceptre) an Elsa formin( ice s%ors %ith oth hans$

Thor "ne% he %as in for the fi(ht of his life$

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Earth-717 Special #2: The Winter Princess

Chapter : Let Her Go

The *rost ,east stoo !p on its hin le(s an roare$ 3t then po!nce for%ar) intenin( to

cr!sh Thor %ith its o& %ei(ht$ Thor leape to the sie) rollin( o!t of the %a& of the ,easts cl!ms&

attac"$ Snarlin() the ,east then scratche its cla%s a(ainst the floor of the hall efore chasin( after him$

Thor then !mpe strai(ht !p%ars an ho'ere) %hich ca!se the ,east to smash its hea a(ainst the

near& %all$

As the ,east %as "noc"e !nconscio!s) Thor t!rne his attentions to his rother$ Lo"i &elle as

he fire an ener(& last from his sceptre$ Thor char(e o%n%ars o!t of the air) o(in( the last an

slammin( his hammer on the (ro!n as he lane$ The shoc"%a'e le% Lo"i ac"%ars) ca!sin( him

to lan on his ac"$

,efore Thor co!l la!nch an& "in of attac" to capitali.e on his opport!nit&) Elsa r!she !p to

him an slashe at him %ith oth of her ice s%ors$


Thor %ince as Elsa slice at his torso$ The laes %ere not po%erf!l eno!(h to pierce his

armo!r) !t the& %ere so col that the& still ca!se ama(e to his s"in$ Elsa s%!n( her s%ors %ill&)

an the !npreictale nat!re of her attac"s ca!(ht Thor off (!ar$ After a fe% secons of

 ac"peallin() Thor sa% his chance an s%!n( his hammer hori.ontall&) shatterin( oth of Elsas


*!min() Elsa then sp!n ac"%ars for a moment efore holin( her hans o!t in front of her$ A

stream of froste %in emitte from her hans) stri"in( Thor$ He hel !p a han o'er his face an trie

to tr!(e for%ar) !t Elsa clenche her teeth an increase the intensit& of her stream$ After a fe%

secons of str!((le) Thor sho!te efore slammin( 4olnir a(ainst the (ro!n in front of him$

The po%er of the attac" "noc"e Elsa off alance) sta((erin( her$ She then respone & firin(

off a 0!ic" ice eam$ Thor o(e to the sie an the eam str!c" the floor) creatin( a hanf!l of ice

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spi"es !nerneath the alcon&$ ,& this point) Lo"i ha reco'ere) an he ran o'er to the ,east$ He

slashe at its s"in %ith his sceptre) %a"in( it !p$

The ,east roare in pain as it loo"e at Lo"i) %ho pointe his sceptre at Thor$

6GET H348

The ,east (ro%le at Lo"i efore t!rnin( an po!ncin( a(ain to%ars Thor$ Elsa (aspe as she

scramle o!t of the ,easts %a&$ Thor i not ha'e the time to mo'e) an %as pinne a(ainst the

(ro!n & the ,easts pa%$ As Elsa pic"e herself off the floor) Lo"i pointe !p to the alcon&$

6Go *in in Hes %ea"ene) an he co!l not ha'e (otten far$ 3ll oin &o! shortl&$8

Elsa noe efore heain( for the stairs$ Lo"i then t!rne to loo" at Thor) %ho %as fi(htin( to

"eep the ,east from completel& cr!shin( him$ The ,east ello%e as it p!she o%n%ar %ith its

formiale stren(th$ Lo"i la!(he efore "neelin( o%n net to his rother$ Thor str!((le to reathe$

6L-Lo $ $ $ $ L-Lo"i $ $ $ $8

63 hope &o! rememer this a&) inson$ The a& that 3 too" m& ri(htf!l place as a "in($8

63-3t) it $ $ $ $ it -oesnt h-ha'e to $ $ $ $ ha'e to $ $ $ $8

6h) &es it oes$8

As Lo"i once a(ain ro"e o!t into la!(hter) Thor close his e&es$ S!mmonin( his inner

stren(th) he contin!e to press ac" a(ainst the ,east$ Then) as Thor foc!se his concentration) a

storm-clo! forme o'er the palace$ Lo"i hear the r!mlin( of th!ner an loo"e !p) raisin( an


S!enl&) a li(htnin( olt tore thro!(h the air) piercin( the palace roof$ The olt then str!c" the

,east in the ac") ca!sin( it to ho%l in a(on&$ Thor &elle as he s!staine the li(htnin(s ener(&) an a

shoc"%a'e of electricit& fire o!t%ar in all irections from his o&$ Lo"i %as laste ac"%ars &

the force of Thors po%er$

As the li(htnin( stoppe) the ,east leape off of Thor$ Conf!se an %ith smo"e emittin( from

its seare s"in) the ,east starte sha"in( its hea an hapha.arl& ashin( aro!n the room$ Thor stoo

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!p an !mpe ac" onto the alcon&$ He sa% that Elsa %as enterin( the ro&al hall) an he chase after


Crin(in( in pain) Lo"i stoo ac" !p as he cl!tche at his chest$ He sa% the ,east still

str!((lin( as it trie to re(ain its earin(s$ Sco%lin() Lo"i thre% oth of his arms o!t to the sie as he

&elle in fr!stration$

6< 3;3T3C WHELP G A*TE+ H348

The ,east t!rne its hea to loo" at Lo"i) re'ealin( that its e&es %ere still (la.e o'er$ After it

 lin"e a co!ple times an loo"e irectl& at him) it ret!rne his sco%l) ca!sin( Lo"i to ta"e a ca!tio!s

step ac"$ +oarin() the ,east then sp!n aro!n an s%!n( its tail$ Lo"i screame as the spi"e cl!

 ashe him in the chest) c!ttin( m!ltiple (ashes thro!(h his flesh$


Lo"i %as "noc"e a(ainst the %all) an he starte to sl!mp o%n it as loo po!re o!t of his

%o!ns$ He repeatel& lin"e as he %ent into shoc" at the si(ht of his o%n open flesh$ He presse his

left han a(ainst his chest) an it %as instantl& smeare in loo$ After another roar) the ,east then

char(e o!t of the palaces front oors) aanonin( Lo"i to his fate$

Lo"i (!lpe as he felt pain an fear %ash o'er his entire o&$ He then reache for one of his

 poc"ets %ith his ri(ht han$ Tremlin() he then (rippe the Healin( Stone insie efore p!llin( it o!t$

He loo"e o'er the stone 0!ic"l& efore holin( it o'er his %o!ns$ Closin( his e&es an (rittin( his

teeth) he then cr!she the stone in his palm an allo%e the !st to seep into his s"in$

,ac" in the ro&al hall) Sif ha mo'e in an *ri((a ac" to the throne$ Elsa !rst into the

hall) %ith her e&es foc!se on in$ Sif loo"e ac" at Elsa) efore t!rnin( an char(in( to%ars her$

*!rro%in( her ro%) Elsa hel o!t her left han) an a stream of froste %in laste Sif into the air$

Sif &elle as her o& smac"e a(ainst one of the near& pillars$ Her !nconscio!s form then fell to the


in str!((le to stan !pri(ht as Elsa marche to%ars him$ *ri((a hel on to ins arm)

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%ith her other han reachin( for the emer(enc& a((er she "ept strappe to her ac"$ Elsa forme an

ice s%or in her ri(ht han$

6This is for all the pain &o!'e ca!se him)8 sai Elsa$

At this moment) Thor fle% o'erhea) an lane et%een Elsa an his parents$ Elsa sco%le as

she forme a lar(e ice shiel in her left han an char(e for%ar$ Ha'in( ha eno!(h) Thor ref!se to

hol ac" as he s%!n( his hammer %ith m!ch more of his stren(th) shatterin( the shiel an senin(

Elsa topplin( ac"%ars$

Elsa scramle ac" to her feet an fire a %a'e of air from oth of her hans) !t this

time) Thor %as rea&$ S%in(in( his hammer in a circ!lar motion) he forme a %in stream of his o%n)

 p!shin( ac" a(ainst her$ After se'eral moments of str!((le) Elsa reali.e that he %as stron(er) an she

%as once a(ain lo%n ac"%ars$

Crashin( thro!(h the oors ac" to the entrance hall) Elsa rolle alon( the floor an ene !p

on the alcon&$ Thor ran to%ars her$ Elsa (r!mle as she forme e'en more po%erf!l %hirl%ins of

ice aro!n oth of her hans$ Thor hel 4olnir in front of him as he leape for%ar$ Elsa !mpe

to%ars him at the same time$

Lo"i) %ho ha !st reco'ere from !sin( the Healin( Stone) loo"e !p at Thor an Elsa as the&

str!c" each other in the air$ The res!ltin( shoc"%a'e from the t%o ein(s !nleashin( their po%er

a(ainst each other crac"e the %alls an the ceilin() as %ell as shatterin( all of the %ino%s$ Thor %as

 laste ac"%ars thro!(h one of the pillars) an %as 0!ic"l& cr!she & eris as the pillar an part of 

the %all pile on top of him$

Elsa) mean%hile) %as sent t!mlin( ac" onto the alcon&$ The alcon& split in half) an she

esperatel& cla%e at the floor as it (a'e %a&) %ith her le(s an(lin( o'er the e(e$ Lo"i (aspe as

Elsa lost her (rip) an she screame as she starte to fall thro!(h the air$ Altho!(h she %as onl&

airorne for a fe% secons) the& felt li"e an eternit&$

An then her o& str!c" one of the ice spi"es$

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Elsas e&es %iene as she %as impale$ Her ac" arche) %ith the spi"e piercin( her spine an

emer(in( thro!(h her stomach$ ,loo instantl& starte rippin( from her %o!ns$ The spi"e then ro"e

apart) an Elsas motionless o& floppe to the (ro!n$


Lo"i r!she !p to Elsa) "neelin( net to her$ He thre% his sceptre to the sie as if it %ere

nothin($ He then reache o!t %ith oth hans) placin( one han !ner her hea an his other aro!n

her %aist$ As he lifte her hea !p) her e&es slo%l& starte to open$

6L-Lo"i $ $ $ $98

Lo"is throat nearl& sei.e !p$

63m $ $ $ $ 3m here$8

Elsa too" a fe% lao!re reaths$ As Lo"i loo"e at her %o!n) he tho!(ht ao!t the Healin(

Stone that he ha !se onl& a fe% short moments a(o$ Elsa then starte to reach o!t %ith her ri(ht han)

 efore (entl& caressin( Lo"is chee"$ Tears freel& fell from oth of his e&es as he to!che her han %ith


6P-Please)8 he sai$ 6;-;ont) ont (o $ $ $ $8

A small smile forme on Elsas lips$

63ts o"a& $ $ $ $8

65o $ $ $ $8

63ts o-o"a&$8

Lo"i an Elsa stare into each others e&es as the& oth felt her life force slippin( a%a&$ She

then str!((le as she contin!e to spea"$

6At) at $ $ $ $ at l-least $ $ $ $ n-no% 3 "no% %-%hat $ $ $ $ %hat t-tr!e lo'e is$8

Lo"is chee"s t!rne re as he crie %itho!t restraint$ He then reache for%ar an "isse Elsas

lips$ As he p!lle a%a&) Elsas e&es starte to (o faint$


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63 $ $ $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ 3 f-feel $ $ $ $ col $ $ $ $8

Elsas hea then sl!mpe ac"$ All of the loo raine from Lo"is face$

6E-Elsa $ $ $ $9 Elsa98

Lo"i then screame into the air$ in) *ri((a) an a ne%l& reco'ere Sif %al"e onto %hat

remaine of the alcon& an loo"e o%n$ Thor finall& ro"e free of the eris) an then loo"e at his

 rother$ He onl& neee to see the loo" on Lo"is face to !nerstan %hat %as happenin($ 3n that

moment) none of them %ere loo"in( at someone %ho ha !st trie to "ill them$

3n that moment) the& onl& sa% a &o!n( o&) %ho !st ha the (irl he lo'e ie in his arms$

? ? ? ?

The net a&) Lo"i %al"e o!t of the %estern co!rt&ar an a%a& from the palace$ As he mae

his %a& to the meao%) he tho!(ht ao!t e'er&thin( that ha happene$ The palace %as no%

!ner(oin( repairs) an Lo"i ha een p!t on trial for his crimes$ in sentence him to one h!nre

an fift& &ears in the !n(eons as penance for %hat he ha one$

Lo"i ha accepte the sentence %ith no challen(e$

in %as no% force to %ear a (olen e&e piece o'er his ri(ht e&e) %hich ha een estro&e

 & Elsas ice a((er$ The *rost ,east ha een capt!re & the Einerhar an ret!rne to @ot!nheim$

Thor ha een spent to 4i(ar to alert Anna of her sisters emise$ Amora an the rest of As(ar ha

 een mae a%are of the sit!ation & a ro&al ecree from in) an %or %as alrea& spreain( across

the 5ine +ealms of Lo"is treacher&$

,!t Lo"i %as not concerne %ith %hat people %ere sa&in( ao!t him$ He %as not concerne

%ith in) %ho ha rane him a traitor to the realm$ He %as not concerne %ith *ri((a) %ho ha

trie to spea" to him onl& to recei'e col ami'alence in ret!rn$ He %as not concerne %ith Thor) Sif)

Amora or an&one else$

He %as onl& concerne %ith her$

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Altho!(h Lo"i ha accepte ins sentence) he ha also as"e for one re0!est: he as"e that

Elsa e !rie in the *ol"'an(ar$ *or a lon( time) in %as silent$ Then) to e'er&ones s!rprise) he

(rante Lo"is %ish$ Lo"i ha then een allo%e one a& of freeom to spen at her (ra'e$ As he

arri'e in the meao%) he 0!ic"l& fo!n the stone %ith her name on it$

Stanin( alone) Lo"i loo"e o%n at Elsas (ra'e) an he sta&e there for the %hole a& in

silence$ nce ni(ht fell) he %al"e a%a& an ret!rne to the palace) rea& to t!rn himself in to the

!n(eon (!ars$

An e'er since) Elsa has remaine there) as an eternal reminer of Lo"is past$


The onl& mortal to e'er e !rie on As(ar$


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3nsie of his cell) Lo"i %as la&in( on the e) starin( at the ceilin($ He ha not spo"en a %or

since ein( place in the !n(eon$ As he r!minate on ho% he %as to spen the net cent!r& an a half 

confine %ithin this room) a (entle "noc" on the transparent ma(ical arrier that mae !p the cell %all

 ostle him ac" to realit&$

Lo"i sat !p an loo"e to the left to see a familiar face stanin( there$



Lo"i stoo !p an approache the cell %all$ Amora fro%ne at him$

63 ha'e to sa&)8 sai Amora) 63 act!all& "in of miss &o!$8

63m still here)8 sai Lo"i$

63t %ill e lonel& o!t there %itho!t &o!$8

6<o! almost so!n li"e &o! care$8

Amora lin"e an loo"e to the sie$ Lo"i si(he an loo"e o%n$

63m sorr&)8 he sai$

63ts alri(ht$8

Amora t!rne ac" to him$

6What %ill &o! o98

6Ser'e m& time$ ,!t 3 %ill not e ile$ nce 3 am free $ $ $ $ 3 %ill nee help to (et m& re'en(e

on Thor$8

Lo"i an Amora oth p!t on sinister smiles$