Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2 - Full Version

8/11/2019 Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2 - Full Version 1/119 Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2 Chapter 1: Evolution London, 1867 Wyndham umped at the !ound o" a #ra#$ o" thunder% &ra''in( at hi! #he!t, he !tared out the )indo) a! the rain #ontinued to pour over the dan$ #ity vie)% *he repetition o" the patterin( o" the rain !tri$in( the (round helped him re(ulate hi! 'reathin(% +Mr% Wyndham Wyndham #ontinued to $eep hi! (a.e a""i/ed to the )indo)% 0"ter a minute, he "inally !topped  'reathin( throu(h hi! mouth and !lo)ly turned 'a#$ to the man !ittin( in "ront o" him% e )a! draped in a 'la#$ 'u!ine!! !uit, and )a! !ittin( in ele(ant, #rim!on arm#hair% *he room they )ere in )a! e/trava(antly lavi!hed, )ith ri#h, patterned #arpet!, numerou! ta'le! "ull o" )orldly trin$et!, a lamp li(htin( the t)o men and variou! e/pen!ive paintin(! adornin( the )all!% *he man !ittin( in "ront o" Wyndham lo)ered hi! head and narro)ed hi! eye! a! he tried to (et hi! attention% +Mr% Wyndham a!$ed the man% +0re you !till )ith me Wyndham !tammered% +-e!, ye!, do#tor% +3on4t tell me a little thunder!torm (ot the 'etter o" you% 5 $no) it4! dar$ out there, 'ut )e4re  per"e#tly !a"e in!ide% +5-5 $no)% 5 $no)% 5 u!t (-(et umpy )hen 5 tal$ a'out thi!, thi! !tu"", i! all% e!% oldin( hi! hand! to(ether, the man e/haled% Wyndham adu!ted hi! (la!!e!, tappin( hi! "oot a(ain!t the (round repeatedly the )hole time% +3o#tor 3aniel! +o need to 'e !o "ormal, Mr% Wyndham% Call me Mar#u!% 5 li$e my patient! to loo$ at me a! a "riend )hom they #an tru!t, rather than a! a pro"e!!ional therapi!t%

Transcript of Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2 - Full Version

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Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2

Chapter 1: Evolution

London, 1867

Wyndham umped at the !ound o" a #ra#$ o" thunder% &ra''in( at hi! #he!t, he !tared out the

)indo) a! the rain #ontinued to pour over the dan$ #ity vie)% *he repetition o" the patterin( o" the rain

!tri$in( the (round helped him re(ulate hi! 'reathin(%

+Mr% Wyndham

Wyndham #ontinued to $eep hi! (a.e a""i/ed to the )indo)% 0"ter a minute, he "inally !topped

 'reathin( throu(h hi! mouth and !lo)ly turned 'a#$ to the man !ittin( in "ront o" him% e )a! draped

in a 'la#$ 'u!ine!! !uit, and )a! !ittin( in ele(ant, #rim!on arm#hair%

*he room they )ere in )a! e/trava(antly lavi!hed, )ith ri#h, patterned #arpet!, numerou! ta'le!

"ull o" )orldly trin$et!, a lamp li(htin( the t)o men and variou! e/pen!ive paintin(! adornin( the

)all!% *he man !ittin( in "ront o" Wyndham lo)ered hi! head and narro)ed hi! eye! a! he tried to (et

hi! attention%

+Mr% Wyndham a!$ed the man% +0re you !till )ith me

Wyndham !tammered%

+-e!, ye!, do#tor%

+3on4t tell me a little thunder!torm (ot the 'etter o" you% 5 $no) it4! dar$ out there, 'ut )e4re

 per"e#tly !a"e in!ide%

+5-5 $no)% 5 $no)% 5 u!t (-(et umpy )hen 5 tal$ a'out thi!, thi! !tu"", i! all% e!%

oldin( hi! hand! to(ether, the man e/haled% Wyndham adu!ted hi! (la!!e!, tappin( hi! "oot

a(ain!t the (round repeatedly the )hole time%

+3o#tor 3aniel!

+o need to 'e !o "ormal, Mr% Wyndham% Call me Mar#u!% 5 li$e my patient! to loo$ at me a! a

"riend )hom they #an tru!t, rather than a! a pro"e!!ional therapi!t%

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+$ay% $ay% Mar#u!% 5-5 )anted to a!$, uhm % % % % )ould it 'e a-alri(ht i" 5 had a drin$

+9y all mean!%

Wyndham too$ a !mall "la!$ out o" hi! in!ide a#$et po#$et and, hi! hand! !ha$in(, un!#re)ed

the #ap )ith !ome !tru((le% 9reathin( throu(h hi! teeth, hi! hand )hi#h )a! holdin( the "la!$ "ier#ely

vi'rated a! he tried to 'rin( it to hi! lip!% &u..lin( hal" o" the "la!$4! #ontent!, he then !tu""ed the #ap

 'a#$ on and pla#ed the "la!$ 'a#$ in the po#$et% e then put hi! hand! on the armre!t! and (ripped

them !o ti(htly that hi! "in(ernail! 'e(an di((in( into the material%

+Mr% Wyndham, !aid Mar#u!, +5 )ant you to !tart at the 'e(innin(% *ell me everythin( that

happened, and 'e very !pe#i"i#%


Wyndham 'reathed in and out a "e) time! a! he )at#hed the near'y lamp% or a 'rie" !e#ond, it

appeared to (o dimmer, 'ut then re(ained it! li(ht% &ulpin(, he turned 'a#$ to Mar#u! and 'e(an to


+5 "ir!t met 3o#tor athaniel E!!e/ at a !#ienti"i# #onvention ho!ted "or Charle! 3ar)in in

3e#em'er o" 18;% <ro"e!!or 3ar)in had u!t pu'li!hed hi! 'oo$, On the Origin of Species, a month

 prior% 5 had heard o" E!!e/, 'ut 5 had no rea!on to 'elieve that he )a! anythin( more than a )ell

re(arded mem'er o" the En(li!h !#ienti"i# #ommunity % % % % until it )a! too late%

= = = =

Wyndham !tood in the hall o" the #onvention #entre, amon(!t variou! men in hi(h #la!! attire%

e then !a) 3ar)in e/itin( the le#ture hall, and hurriedly )al$ed up to him, hi! hand e/tended%

+<ro"e!!or 3ar)in>

3ar)in !miled and rea#hed out, !ha$in( Wyndham4! hand%

+e!, and )ho mi(ht you 'e, (ood !ir

+3o#tor er'ert Wyndham, !ir% 5 too attended Edin'ur(h% 5 have to !ay, Origin of Species )a! a

truly "a!#inatin( read%

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+Well than$ you%

+9ut 5 )anted to a!$ you !omethin( a'out it%

3ar)in rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+o) do you "eel a'out potential 'a#$la!h "rom proponent! o" the Chur#h ?urely your theorie!

#ontradi#t many o" the tea#hin(! o" &od%

+Well, 5 don4t ne#e!!arily 'elieve that !#ien#e and reli(ion have to % % % %

+*he people )ho )ould re"er to &od4! 'oo$ over <ro"e!!or 3ar)in4! )or$ are "ool!%

3ar)in and Wyndham turned to loo$ at the man )ho interrupted them% e )a! )earin( a 'lue

and 'la#$ pin!tripe !uit, and )al$ed up to them )ith hi! hand! 'ehind hi! 'a#$% i! head )a! almo!t

unerrin(ly !@uare-li$eA hi! !tron( 'one !tru#ture and !upportin( "a#ial "le!h indi#atin( a healthy

!pe#imen% What #ontradi#ted all thi! )ere hi! eye!A they )ere the eye! o" a predator, and Wyndham "elt

that they #onveyed an impla#a'le !en!e o" hun(er, a! i" they )ere !urveyin( everythin( they (a.ed

upon )ith the de!ire only to #on!ume%

+0nd you are a!$ed 3ar)in%

+3o#tor athaniel E!!e/, an!)ered E!!e/, )ho 'o)ed% +*ruly a plea!ure to "inally meet the

(reat Charle! 3ar)in "a#e to "a#e%

+*han$ you, !aid 3ar)in, )ithout !milin(%

+ou are not a &od "earin( man, 5 ta$e it a!$ed Wyndham%

+Well, !in#e there i! no eviden#e in "avour o" &od4! e/i!ten#e, 5, a! a man o" !#ien#e, mu!t de"er 

to the ne/t 'e!t thin(: man% 0nd a! a man, and there"ore, the (reate!t 'ein( )ho!e e/i!ten#e #an indeed

 'e proven, )hat have 5 to "ear

3ar)in narro)ed hi! eye!% E!!e/ #hu#$led%

+0nd )ho mi(ht you 'e a!$ed E!!e/%

+3o#tor er'ert Wyndham%

+Wyndham> e/#laimed E!!e/% +e!, 5 thou(ht 5 re#o(ni.ed you% 5 read !ome o" your )or$

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"rom Edin'ur(h% ot 'ad% ot 'ad at all% o)ever, 5 have to !ay that the !e#tion o" your di!!ertation on

ethi#! )a! rather dull in #ompari!on to the re!t o" it%

3ar)in #ou(hed%

+e!, )ell, to (o 'a#$ to your @ue!tion, 3o#tor Wyndham, 5 !ee no rea!on that !#ien#e and

reli(ion #annot pea#e"ully #o-e/i!t% Bu!t 'e#au!e my theorie! on the evolution o" !pe#ie! doe! not

ne#e!!arily )or$ in tandem )ith !tri#tly literal interpretation! o" the Lord4! 'oo$, doe! not di!prove hi!

e/i!ten#e% *ruly, !#ien#e !hould 'e the [email protected] 'et)een all "aith!% Whether a man 'e a Catholi#, a

<rote!tant, a e're) or an athei!t, 5 'elieve that !#ien#e #an 'e the tie that 'ind! them all%

+o'le !entiment!, <ro"e!!or, !tarted E!!e/, +'ut #ertainly not one! that )ill 'e !hared 'y all% 5

#an thin$ o" many or(ani.ation! )ho )ill vie) your (reat )or$ a! an atta#$ on the "oundation o" their

 'elie"!% *ho!e that !ee man$ind a! #reature! #reated in &od4! ima(e )ill #ertainly vie) the idea o"

evolution a! here!y%

+5 )ould rather 'e #alled a hereti# than lie in the "a#e o" !#ienti"i# eviden#e%

+My thou(ht! e/a#tly, <ro"e!!or%

= = = =

+5 met )ith E!!e/, 3ar)in and other mem'er! o" the oyal ?o#iety on a re(ular 'a!i! a"ter

that, e/plained Wyndham% +Many !#ienti!t! and intelle#tual! #ame to our le#ture! and !eminar! "rom

all over the Dueen4! in(dom to #on"er and !tudy our )or$% While 3ar)in #ontinued to !pea$ o" the

(radual e""e#t! o" evolution that too$ pla#e over million! o" year!, E!!e/ )a! mu#h more intere!ted in

the #han(e! made in a !in(le (eneration%

i! "a#e re!tin( a(ain!t one hand, Mar#u! ru''ed hi! #hin%

+0nd )hat )ere hi! #ollea(ue! vie)! o" hi! )or$ a!$ed Mar#u!%

+ot very appre#iative, 54ll !ay that, re!ponded Wyndham% +?ome thou(ht him madA other!,

mi!(uided% While at "ir!t he and 3ar)in )ere ami#a'le, their #onver!ation! (re) in#rea!in(ly ho!tile

due to E!!e/4! in!i!ten#e on a hidden mar$er in human (eneti#! that he du''ed the 4X-a#tor4%

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Wyndham !lo)ed do)n hi! 'reathin( a! he #ontinued to !pea$% *he lamp !eemed to 'e#ome

dim "or a !e#ond on#e more, 'ut then a(ain reverted to it! "ully lit "orm%

+e!% e )rote a'out it in a paper that )a! !#o""ed at 'y the oyal ?o#iety% o one el!e )a!

a'le to "ind any eviden#e o" thi! X-a#tor, and the #on#ept o" !u#h dra!ti# #han(e! in (eneti#! )ithin

the !pan o" a !in(le (eneration proved to 'e the point )here many !topped ta$in( him !eriou!ly%

*he t)o men )ere !ilent "or a "ull minute 'e"ore Wyndham re!umed !pea$in(%

+ver time, he turned 'itter and an(ry "or the ree#tion o" hi! theorie!% e 'e#ame a re#lu!e,

holed up in hi! manor )ith hi! )i"e, e'e##a% umour! 'e(an to #ir#ulate a'out un!pea$a'le

e/periment! (oin( on there % % % % mon!trou! !in! a(ain!t nature and humanity% e'e##a )ould !till leave

the e!tate and vi!it London on o##a!ion, 'ut !he almo!t never !po$e, and had a loo$ in her eye! a! i"

!he had !een the torture o" (ho!t! lon( !in#e dead%

+9ut 'ein( a re#lu!e i! not ne#e!!arily a #rime, Mr% Wyndham, !aid Mar#u!% +What led you to

the point o" #onta#tin( the poli#e

Wyndham (ulped a! droplet! o" !)eat !hivered do)n hi! temple!%

+La!t year, people in London !tarted (o!!ipin( a'out di!appearan#e!% o'ody $ne) "or !ure,

 'ut !ome 'lamed E!!e/% ?aid that he )a! $idnappin( people and ta$in( them 'a#$ to hi! la'oratory "or

!ome !ort o" 'ar'ari# (eneti# e/periment!A to e/tra#t the X-a#tor "rom their #ell!% 5 needed to $no) i"

the rumour! )ere true, !o 5 "ollo)ed e'e##a home one ni(ht, and hid in the 'a#$ o" the e!tate%

*he lamp !eemed to dim "or a 'rie" !e#ond on#e more%

+What happened

+5 h-heard it, replied Wyndham%


+*he !#ream!%

Wyndham4! 'reathin( 'e(an to !peed up a(ain% Mar#u! put up a hand%

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+ela/, Mr% Wyndham% *ry to "o#u! on your 'reathin(%

Wyndham nodded !everal time!, and !topped hyperventilatin(% e then #ontinued hi! !tory%

+*ho!e horri'le !#ream! % % % % the )ailin( o" the damned, 54ll tell you% Crie! o" !omeone, or

!omethin(, !u""erin( a mi!ery "ar )or!e than death% *hen, 5 !a) him%


+e!% *hrou(h the )indo)% 0t "ir!t 5 thou(ht he mi(ht have 'een !omeone el!e, !ome !ort o"

(ho!t, 'ut no, no, no, it )a! him, alri(ht% 9ut, !-!omethin( )a! d-di""erent a'out him% i! !$in )a! pale

a! po)der du!t, and he had a, 5 don4t $no) )hat, m-may'e a tattoo or !omethin(, !ome !ort o" diamond

on hi! "orehead% 9ut )or!t o" all )ere hi! eye!% h Lord, hi! eye!%

Wyndham (ulped a(ain, hi! entire 'ody !hiverin( in hi! !eat%

+<ure red% o pupil! % % % % no humanity% Bu!t red% Fndyin( red%

= = = =

*he door to E!!e/ Manor 'ur!t open, )ood #hip! landin( all over the "loor o" the lo''y% ?everal

 poli#e o""i#er! ran into the room, @ui#$ly !urveyin( the !pa#e% n#e it had 'een determined to 'e

empty, Captain &allo)! and Wyndham )al$ed in%

+E!!e/> !houted &allo)!% +E!!e/> 0re you here

 o re!pon!e )a! heard% &allo)! loo$ed at Wyndham )ith a rai!ed eye'ro)% Everyone4! head

then !napped up at the !ound o" a !hrill, "emale ho)l%

+5t4! #omin( "rom do)n!tair!> yelled one o" the o""i#er!%

*he o""i#er! and Wyndham mar#hed do)n the !tair! into the 'a!ement o" the manor% ea#hin( a

dou'le door, the "ir!t o""i#er $i#$ed it do)n, and they )al$ed into the room% *he room it!el" )a! a

lar(e, !tone la'oratory, )ith only three !mall )indo)! near the #eilin(, a""i/ed to the out!ide (round

level% 0ll !ort o" #hemi#al vial! and #ontainer! )ere li'erally !pread a#ro!! the !helve! and ta'le!, a!

)ell a! e@uipment !u#h a! mi#ro!#ope! and !pe#imen ar!%

Wyndham (a!ped upon !eein( a ar "illed )ith a mur$y, yello)-(reen li@uid, )hi#h #ontained

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the #orp!e o" a !mall 'a'y% *he 'a'y had tear! and (a!he! all over it! "le!h%

+What in heaven4! name happened here a!$ed &allo)!%

+Captain> yelled one o" the o""i#er!% +ou4ll )ant to !ee thi!, !ir%

&allo)!, Wyndham and the other o""i#er! #ro)ded around the "ar end o" the room% 0 t)o metre

tall, #ylindri#al, verti#al yello) tan$ )a! !tu""ed in the 'a#$ #orner% *he "ront end )a! made o" a thi#$,

tran!parent pla!ti#% *hrou(h the pla!ti#, the upri(ht, un#on!#iou! "orm o" a )oman #ould 'e !een%

+*hat4! Mr!% E!!e/> e/#laimed Wyndham%

+e did thi! to hi! o)n )i"e a!$ed &allo)!%

*he other o""i#er! !tarted to #hatter%

+5! !he !till alive

+*hi! i! a 'loody di!a!ter%

+Let4! (et out o" here>

+Duiet> #ommanded &allo)!, a! he too$ a !tep to)ard! the tan$% +May'e )e #an (et her out % %

% %

&allo)! )a! interrupted 'y e'e##a openin( her eye!% ?he let out the !ame !hrill #ry that they

heard 'e"ore, and the o""i#er! !tood 'a#$ in !urpri!e% ?he then !tarted to #la) at the in!ide o" the tan$,

)ith a'e#t "ear in her eye!%

+&et her out o" there> !houted Wyndham%

&allo)! and the o""i#er! tried to (ra' at the tan$ and pull it open, to no avail% e'e##a

#ontinued to !#ream a! a "o((y, yello) mi!t !tarted to "ill up the air in the tan$ "rom the (round up%


&allo)! (ra''ed a metal 'o/ o"" o" a near'y #ounter and ran to the !ide o" the tan$% ?eein( a

 padlo#$ on the lever me#hani!m, he 'e(an !ma!hin( it )ith the 'o/ repeatedly, tryin( to 'u!t it open%

0"ter "our atta#$!, he overe/erted him!el", !lippin( a"ter hittin( the padlo#$, and !lammin( hi! head

a(ain!t the tan$%

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Wyndham4! eye! )idened a! he )at#hed the yello) mi!t rea#h the top o" the tan$% e'e##a

#ontinued to pound her "i!t! a(ain!t the tan$ in de!peration a! her !$in !tarted to melt% ?he let out one

la!t )ail 'e"ore !he )a! redu#ed to a mu!hy humanoid "orm, (ar(lin( on her o)n meltin( "le!h% Within

thirty !e#ond!, !he )a! nothin( 'ut a puddle o" 'ioma!! poolin( at the 'ottom o" the tan$%

= = = =

+Captain &allo)! and the other o""i#er! !e#ured the premi!e!, 'ut there )a! no !i(n o" E!!e/%

e had pa#$ed up hi! note! and a hand"ul o" 'elon(in(!, runnin( o"" 'e"ore 5 #ould return )ith the

 poli#e% *he Captain told me 5 !hould !ee$ the help o" a therapi!t, and one o" the o""i#er! re#ommended

you% *hey !aid 5 had to % % % % t-tal$ to !omeone, you $no), to help me (et over the ni(htmare!%

Wyndham !i(hed%

+5 have no idea )here he )ent or )hat he4! plannin(, 'ut 54m tellin( you !ir, he i! the )or!t o"

men% 0 mon!ter hidin( in the !$in o" a man% Whatever he4! doin( % % % % it4! !ini!ter%

+?ini!ter !aid an un$no)n voi#e in the room, )ith a ra!py @uality% +5 li$e that%

Mar#u! !at !till% Wyndham (a!ped%

+Who !aid that>

+h ho) di!appointin(, Mr% Wyndham, !aid the voi#e% +3on4t tell me you don4t re#o(ni.e your

old #ollea(ue % % % %

E!!e/ !tepped out o" the !hado)!%

+% % % % athaniel E!!e/%

Wyndham4! a) dropped in terror a! E!!e/ )al$ed "or)ard% Mar#u! (rinned a! E!!e/ pla#ed a

hand on hi! !houlder%

+54d li$e you to meet a !u'e#t o" mine, !aid E!!e/% +Mar#u! 3aniel!, 'ut he pre"er! another


Mar#u! "le/ed hi! le"t hand, a !mall or' o" 'la#$ mi!t appeared in hi! palm%


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+-you % % % % you % % % %

Mar#u! [email protected] hi! le"t hand into a "i!t, and the lamp )ent out #ompletely% E!!e/ lau(hed to

him!el" and )al$ed to)ard! Wyndham, )ho #urled up in the #hair, paraly!ed 'y "ear%

+5 had to $no) everythin( that you $ne), Mr% Wyndham% o) that that4! done, 5 'elieve you

$no) )hat #ome! ne/t%

+?tay a)ay "rom me, E!!e/>

E!!e/ "ro)ned "or a moment%

+3on4t #all me that% 5 have a ne) name that 5 pre"er%

Wyndham )himpered% E!!e/4! "a#e returned to a malevolent (rin%

+Mi!ter ?ini!ter%

Wyndham !#reamed a! ?ini!ter rea#hed "or hi! "a#e% *he !ound o" hi! #ry )a! dro)ned out 'y

another #ra#$ o" thunder%

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Earth-717: X-Men Vol 2

Chapter 2: Con!ummation


+Mini-?entinel #om'at trainin(, !aid Moira over the loud!pea$er%

*he !imulation #on!tru#t! "ormed all around ?#ott, )ho )a! !tandin( in the #entre o" the

3an(er oom% 0 three-dimen!ional (rid o" 'lue, (lo)in( ener(y draped a#ro!! the !pa#e, and 'e(an

"illin( in the detail! o" the !imulated 'attle"ield% ive Mini-?entinel!, a'out hal" a metre taller than

?#ott, )ere !tre)n a#ro!! the "ield, all "a#in( him%

?#ott #lo!ed hi! eye! momentarily and inhaled%


*he Mini-?entinel! "ired opti#al la!er! at ?#ott, )ho had already da!hed "or)ard and rolled

to)ard! a pie#e o" #on#rete de'ri!% F!in( it a! #over, he "ired an opti#al 'la!t o" hi! o)n at the "arthe!t

Mini-?entinel, 'lo)in( a hole throu(h it! #he!t pie#e% 5n retaliation, the Mini-?entinel #lo!e!t to it "ired

a )ri!t ro#$et%

&larin(, ?#ott dod(ed to the ri(ht at the la!t !e#ond, #au!in( a Mini-?entinel a'out to atta#$ him

"rom 'ehind to (et hit 'y the ro#$et% lippin( 'a#$)ard!, he (ra''ed the remain! o" the no) de!troyed

Mini-?entinel and put it in "ront o" him, u!in( it a! a !hield to a'!or' opti#al 'la!t! "rom t)o more


i#$in( out it! "eet, he ru!hed "or)ard and umped, holdin( hi! "i!t 'a#$% *hro)in( it "or)ard

)ith the momentum o" hi! leap, he pun#hed out a third Mini-?entinel 'e"ore !pinnin( around and

landin( a roundhou!e $i#$ on the head o" a "ourth% *he Mini-?entinel re#overed and tried to (ra' at

him, 'ut he du#$ed under the arm and unlea!hed a "ive hit pun#hin( #om'o on it! tor!o, rippin( apart

it! innard!%

<u!hin( it out o" the )ay, he then "ired an opti#al 'la!t at the la!t Mini-?entinel, )hi#h al!o

"ired one at the !ame time% *he t)o la!er 'la!t! #onne#ted, #an#ellin( ea#h other out% ?#ott @ui#$ly

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"ired another at the le( o" the Mini-?entinel, 'lo)in( it apart% ?tunned, it )a! then !hredded 'y another

@ui#$ opti#al 'la!t "rom ?#ott4! vi!or%

+0ll Mini-?entinel! de"eated, !aid Moira% +Mar$%

0! the #on!tru#t "ield di!!ipated, !ho)in( the empty, metalli#, !pheri#al room, ?#ott e/haled

and !tret#hed out hi! arm! in !everal po!ition!% i! mu!#le!, )hi#h he had 'een developin( over the

 pa!t year !in#e oinin( the 5n!titute, rippled under hi! uni"orm 'ody!uit% While he )a! !till "airly thin,

hi! 'ody )a! lean and toned due to hi! vehemently !tru#tured )or$out re(imen%


+i"ty-"our !e#ond!, an!)ered Moira% +0(ain%


?#ott loo$ed up to the )indo) near the top o" the 3an(er oom% Moira )a! on the other !ide,

!ittin( in the #ommand room% ?he )a! !ittin( 'a#$ in her rollin( #hair, loo$in( at the data on the

#om'at terminal #omputer !#reen% ?he )a! )earin( a 'lue 'lou!e and 'ei(e ean!, and had a pin$

hair'and on her head% er ri(ht hand )a! pre!!ed a(ain!t her "a#e, and her le"t )a! t)iddlin( an oran(e


Moira !i(hed 'e"ore !pea$in(%

+5 thin$ it4! time "or a re!t, ?#ott% ou4ve 'een hittin( the !ame time over and over%

+o% 0(ain%

+eally, ?#ott

?#ott @ui#$ly turned around at the !ound o" Bean4! voi#e% ?he )al$ed into the 3an(er oom,

)earin( a tan$ top and ean!% er hair )a! u!t a! lu!h a! ever, and !he had !mall, !ilver 4X4 earrin(!

han(in( "rom 'oth ear!% ?he !topped a "e) metre! a)ay "rom ?#ott%

+3on4t you train enou(h

?#ott too$ a moment 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+ou !hould 'e trainin( )ith me%

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Bean put on an unimpre!!ed "a#e%

+*he )hole team trained )ith you "or !i/ hour! ye!terday% 0nd the day 'e"ore that% 0nd the day

 'e"ore that% We $ind o" )anted a 'rea$%

?#ott !hoo$ hi! head% e then 'e(an to pun#h and $i#$ the air )hile in pla#e%

+5 #an4t )or$ li$e that, !tarted ?#ott% +5 need to !tay prepared% *he ne/t time )e have to "a#e

?entinel!, or another deran(ed, #ra.y mutant, you4ll 'e than$in( me "or all thi! trainin(% We need to 'e

a'le to #ontrol the 'attle"ield, and )e #an only do that 'y "or#in( our!elve! to 'e 'etter%

Bean !i(hed and )al$ed #lo!er to ?#ott% When !he rea#hed him, !he pla#ed a hand on hi!

!houlder, and he !topped movin(%

+ou #an4t #ontrol everythin(, !aid Bean% +What happen! )hen you thin$ you4ve (ot #ommand

o" a !ituation, and then !omethin( ta$e! you 'y #omplete !urpri!e ou #an4t plan "or every po!!i'ility%

+Well, i" 5 #an4t plan "or it, then )hat !hould 5 do

+*ru!t u!%

?#ott inhaled and !tared into Bean4! eye!% 0"ter !everal moment!, he e/haled and nodded,

loo$in( at the (round% Bean !miled%

+9e!ide!, mi!ter, you #ompletely "or(ot a'out our date toni(ht%

?#ott per$ed hi! head up%

+Fh, er % % % %

+?aid you )ould ta$e me to the #ity 3o !omethin( di""erent "or a #han(e mmm r did all

your hard and "a!t trainin( empty your memory 'an$!

+54ll, er, meet you in the lo''y in ten%

= = = =

ut o" hi! uni"orm and no) in #a!ual #lothe!, ?#ott )al$ed do)n the hall! o" the man!ion

to)ard! the lo''y% i! hand! in hi! po#$et!, he had to !ee everythin( in the )orld throu(h the len! o"

hi! red-tinted !un(la!!e!% Loo$in( into the re#reation room a! he pa!!ed it, he !a) 9o''y and an$

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 playin( a (ame o" "u!e-'all )hile <iotr )a! layin( on the #ou#h, dra)in( )ith a pen#il in hi!


?#ott loo$ed a)ay "rom them and #ontinued )al$in( do)n the hall )ithout !pea$in(% e

arrived in the lo''y, !teppin( a#ro!! the (iant X on the "loor% Bean )a! !tandin( at the dou'le door!,

!milin(% 0! he )a! a'out to rea#h her, he heard a voi#e #omin( "rom 'oth 'ehind and a'ove him%


?#ott turned around and loo$ed up to !ee Xavier !ittin( in hi! )heel#hair on the 'al#ony

overloo$in( the lo''y% e had hi! hand! "olded on hi! lap%

+3on4t )orry <ro"e!!or, )e4ll 'e 'a#$ 'y % % % %

+5 u!t )anted to tell you to have "un, interrupted Xavier%

Xavier !miled% ?#ott !tared at him "or a "e) !e#ond!%


Xavier nodded% Bean opened the door%

“And treat her well.”

?#ott nodded%

“I will.”

?#ott turned to "a#e Bean, and the t)o e/ited the hou!e, #lo!in( the dou'le door! 'ehind them%

Xavier e/haled and leaned 'a#$ a(ain!t hi! )heel#hair% 0"ter a minute, Moira )al$ed up ne/t to him%

+*hey leave


Moira !i(hed and "olded her arm!%

+5 dunno a'out you, Charle!, 'ut 5 really thin$ there4! a void in the !oul o" that 'oy% Li$e he4!

lo!t a part o" him!el" that he4! never (otten 'a#$%

+5 $no)% 0ll too )ell%

+0ll he doe! i! )or$ and train, 'ut 5 never !ee him (et any oy out o" it% 5t4! u!t an endle!! #y#le

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)ith him% 5 #an4t even remem'er the la!t time 5 !a) him !mile% 5 hope !he #an help him% 0 'oy hi! a(e

!houldn4t 'e that aded%

Xavier e/haled%

+Whether one i! an ideali!t or a #yni#, )e rarely have the #han#e to #hoo!e that "or our!elve!%

Cir#um!tan#e play! a lar(er role in that than mo!t #are to admit%

Moira rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+ou don4t really 'elieve that> What a'out )hat you told to Eri$

+Eri$4! had a harder li"e than 5, !aid Xavier% +0nd u!t 'e#au!e one i! a #yni# doe! not mean

that they are not a##ounta'le "or #hoo!in( 'et)een ri(ht and )ron(%

Xavier "ro)ned and !hoo$ hi! head%

+5 need !ome time alone in my !tudy% *ell the other! that 54m not to 'e di!tur'ed%

Moira )a! !ilent "or a "e) moment! 'e"ore noddin(%


Xavier turned a)ay "rom Moira, !i(hin(% e then rolled a)ay "rom her% ?he )at#hed him the

)hole time, )ith a (ro)in( "ro)n% 0! he rolled into hi! private !tudy, he #lo!ed the door 'ehind him%

or !everal minute!, Moira !ilently )at#hed the door% What !he #ould not !ee, )a! that the entire time

!he )a! !tarin(, Xavier had hi! "a#e in hi! hand!%

= = = =

+0nd at the ninth hole, he u!t "ro.e it over !o there )a! no #han#e%

Bean lau(hed a! !he "ini!hed !pea$in(, and ?#ott let out a hal"hearted one him!el"% ?he held in a

!i(h a! they #ontinued to )al$ do)n the !treet, to)ard! the 9o!ton Fniver!ity 9rid(e% ?#ott4! hand!

)ere on#e a(ain in hi! po#$et!% ?teelin( her!el", Bean rea#hed out and lin$ed her arm around hi! el'o),

!tartlin( him%

+Come on, !aid Bean% +5 )ant to try !omethin(%

Bean tu((ed at ?#ott4! arm, 'e#$onin( him to "ollo) her to the 'rid(e%

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+What )ould that 'e

+ou4ll !ee% Come on%


Bean and ?#ott )al$ed up the 'rid(e, arm in arm% When they rea#hed the middle, Bean pla#ed

her hand! over the railin(, loo$in( out at the Charle! iver% ?#ott !tood ne/t to her, and, un$no)n to

her, !pent a "e) !e#ond! ( at her hair%

+ou $no) that pro'lem 5 told you a'out a!$ed Bean% +*he one 54ve 'een havin( !in#e that


+5 remem'er%

+5 )a! thin$in( a'out it a(ain% 54ve played it over and over a(ain in my mind, 'ut % % % % 5 u!t

#an4t "i(ure it out, you $no)%

+5 $no) )hat that4! li$e% When you4re tryin( to, li$e, "i(ure !omethin( out, and then u!t % % % % 5

don4t $no) % % % %


?#ott put him!el" in the !ame po!ition that !he )a!, hi! hand! over the railin(% ?he (lan#ed at

him @ui#$ly 'e"ore !pea$in( a(ain%

+ou )ere )at#hin( me )hen it happened% Could you ma$e !en!e o" it

?#ott inhaled and did not re!pond "or at lea!t hal" a minute%

+o% o, 5 #ouldn4t%

Bean loo$ed at him a(ain and "ro)ned a! he !tared out at the river% Clo!in( her eye!, !he turned

her head "or)ard, 'e"ore )idenin( them in !urpri!e upon hearin( him !pea$%

+3id you "eel anythin(


+When it e/ploded, 5 mean, !aid ?#ott, +3id you "eel anythin(

5t )a! Bean )ho no) too$ !ome time 'e"ore re!pondin(%

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+5 don4t thin$ !o% 5 mean, 'e"ore, )hen 5 )a! (oin( up, 5 #ould "eel !o mu#h at on#e% ?o many

emotion! runnin( throu(h my head% 0n(er% 0n(ui!h% ear% 9ut mo!t o" all, 5 thin$ % % % % 5 )a! !ad% 5

thou(ht "or !ure that there )a! (oin( to 'e nothin( more% *hen, it )ent all )hite, and the ne/t thin( 5

$no), 5 )a$e up and 5 !ee % % % %

Bean and ?#ott loo$ed at ea#h other% or a lon( )hile, they lo!t tra#$ o" time and !imply !tared%

?#ott then rea#hed hi! head "or)ard, and nu..led hi! "a#e a(ain!t her!% *heir eye! #lo!ed, they ru''ed

their #hee$! to(ether 'e"ore Bean "inally planted a @ui#$ $i!! on hi! lip!% penin( her eye!, !he !miled

and loo$ed "or)ard a(ain, !eemin(ly reuvenated%

+5 )ant to try it%

?#ott rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+0re you !ure


+What #han(ed

+ou4re here%

Bean !tepped up onto one o" the railin(4! #olumn!, !tandin( a! tall a! !he #ould% Clo!in( her

eye!, !he !pread her arm! out laterally% ?#ott #lam'ered onto the #olumn )ith her, and the !mall !i.e o"

the plat"orm they )ere !tandin( on "or#ed their 'odie! to(ether% *heir 'reathin( @ui#$ly 'e#ame

!yn#hroni.ed a! ?#ott4! #he!t pre!!ed a(ain!t Bean4! 'a#$%

?#ott put hi! arm! "or)ard, (ra!pin( at Bean4! hip!% ?he let out the li(hte!t o" moan! at hi! tou#h%

*a$in( a "e) more !e#ond! to 'reathe, !he then put her le"t "oot "or)ard, han(in( it over the air, do.en!

o" metre! a'ove the )ater% penin( her eye!, !he loo$ed do)n and let out a !mall (a!p% ?he then 'e(an

 'reathin( "a!ter, and ?#ott re!ponded 'y pla#in( hi! head on her !houlder%

+54ve (ot you, he )hi!pered%

Bean leaned her head a(ain!t hi! "or a "e) !e#ond!, #lo!in( her eye! a(ain% ?he then !tepped out

)ith her ri(ht le(% With 'oth o" her "eet in the air, !he 'reathed in one la!t time%

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+Let (o%

?#ott relea!ed hi! hold on Bean4! hip!% Cautiou!ly pullin( hi! hand! 'a#$, he let hi! mouth han(

open upon !eein( that !he )a! "loatin( in the air% 0"ter !everal !e#ond! o" levitation, Bean opened her

eye! and loo$ed do)n% &rinnin( to her!el", !he then !houted )ith (lee and did an aerial !omer!ault%

?he turned 'a#$ and loo$ed at ?#ott%

or the "ir!t time all day, he )a! !milin(%

= = = =

Later that ni(ht, Bean and ?#ott )ere to(ether in her room, layin( on the 'ed% *hey )ere 'oth in

their under)ear, and )ere on their !ide!, "a#in( ea#h other% or a lon( time, they u!t !tayed !till,

holdin( hand!%

+54m !orry, !aid ?#ott%

Bean opened her eye!%

+or )hat

+9ein( !o % % % % di!tant%

Bean )ea$ly !miled%

+5t4! o$ay%

+o, 5, u(h%

+What i! it

+5 mean, you4ve 'een !o % % % % 5 don4t $no) ho) to !ay thi!%

+ou don4t have to%

+o, 5 do% ou4ve 'een !o (ood to me, and 54ve u!t 'ru!hed you o"" too mu#h% ou, you don4t

de!erve that%

+May'e not, 'ut 5 $no) you need your !pa#e% ou don4t de!erve to "eel over'urdened, either%

3i""erent people need di""erent thin(!% 5 (et it%

+ot toni(ht%

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?#ott pu!hed him!el" #lo!er to Bean, (ra''in( the 'a#$ o" her head%

+*oni(ht % % % % toni(ht, 5 )ant to !hare%

+?#ott % % % %

Bean loo$ed do)n "or a "e) !e#ond! 'e"ore loo$in( 'a#$ at him%

+La!t time )e tal$ed a'out thi!, you !aid you )eren4t ready% *hat )e )eren4t ready%

+5 $no)% 54ve never let !omeone (et thi! #lo!e%

+Me neither%

+9ut 5 tru!t you% 54m ready no)% 5 $no) that % % % % 5 $no) that 54m not (ood at tellin( you ho) 5

"eel% 5 thin$ 54d rather !ho) you%

?#ott pulled Bean in "or a $i!! a! !he 'e(an pullin( o"" her 'ra%

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Chapter G: 0erial 0id

?ittin( on a ro#$in( #hair on the por#h o" hi! hou!e, a middle-a(ed man plu#$ed the !trin(! o"

hi! u$ulele% oddin( to the rhythm o" hi! mu!i#, he al!o 'e(an hummin( the tune a! he #ontinued to

 play% *he #rea!e! o" hi! !$in !eemed to !o"ten a! the !on( )ent on, a! i" ea#h note helped to heal the

vi!ual e""e#t! o" hi! a(e%

 e/t to him, on another ro#$in( #hair, )a! hi! 'rother, )ho tapped hi! "eet to the mu!i# #omin(

"rom the u$ulele% i! eye! #lo!ed, he then 'e(an to let out a !o"t )hi!tle, #omplimentin( the !ound o"

hi! 'rother playin(% 0! they #ontinued to per"orm "or them!elve!, they "ailed to noti#e a dar$ #loud

"ormin( in the !$y%

*he por#h o" their hou!e )a! parallel to the !horeline% *o the ri(ht, the 'ea#h #ould 'e !een,

)ith mini!#ule )ave! (ently ma!!a(in( the 'ed! o" !and% *o the le"t )ere the un(le-#overed

mountain!, )hi#h lead into the mainland% 3o.en! o" hou!e! and 'oat! !urrounded their hou!e, "ormin(

the to)n%

0! the thunder #loud "ormation a'ove them (re), it too$ the "orm o" a #ir#ular )hirlpool,

!lo)ly !pinnin( and (ainin( !i.e% 5t )a! almo!t uni"orm in it! dar$ne!! and levellin(, over!hado)in(

the entire to)n% *he t)o men "inally loo$ed up, )ith #uriou! (a.e!%

+*hat doe!n4t loo$ li$e any thunder #loud 54ve ever !een%

0! they )ere di!tra#ted 'y the unu!ual )eather, a trail o" !hado)y, 'la#$ mi!t ra#ed over the

 pinna#le o" one o" the "ore!ted mountain!% 5t! movement !u((e!ted a dar$ "or#e, !pirallin( and

travellin( )ith the velo#ity o" a mi!!ile%

+5t loo$! li$e it4! ni(ht out here, 'ut it4! not even noon>

*he 'la#$ mi!t )a!hed it!el" over the ed(e o" the to)n, depo!itin( !everal, humanoid #reature!%

Ea#h one had ru((ed, #ra#$ed, (rey !$in, )ith plenty o" vi!i'le vein!% *hey )ere hun#hed over, )ith

"ilthy #la)! on 'oth their hand! and "eet% Wearin( tattered and torn 'la#$ #lothin(, they hi!!ed and

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!narled at their !urroundin(!% *heir eye! )ere a !i#$ly, 'lood!hot yello), and their "an(! oo.ed )ith

#urdled 'lood and "oamy !aliva%

0! they #har(ed "or)ard, they mo!tly !eemed to run on all "our!, althou(h !ometime! )ould

hapha.ardly try to run on u!t their 'a#$ le(!% 0 loud !#ream )a! heard a! they rea#hed the hou!e

#lo!e!t to the ed(e o" the to)n% *he t)o 'rother! er$ed their head to loo$ "or)ard, !eein( the #reature!

in the di!tan#e%


*he man )ith the u$ulele turned to hi! 'rother%

+&o, no)> Warn Colonel ?hetani% *he to)n!people )on4t la!t lon(>

yperventilatin(, the 'rother nodded and ran o""% *he man then put hi! u$ulele on the (round

and )ent in!ide the hou!e% 0"ter a "e) !e#ond!, he #ame 'a#$ out!ide, )ith a lupara, !a)ed-o""

!hot(un% ?teelin( hi! "a#e and (rippin( hi! )eapon )ith 'oth hand!, he )at#hed "or a moment a! the

vampire! 'e(an tearin( throu(h the to)n, atta#$in( the #ivilian!%

ne o" the vampire!, hi!!in( and !ha$in( it! head 'a#$ and "orth, !topped and loo$ed at him%

0"ter they !tared at ea#h other "or a #ouple o" !e#ond!, it 'e(an runnin( to)ard! him, !narlin(% *a$in(

aim, he )aited until it )a! a "e) metre! a)ay 'e"ore "irin( 'oth 'arrel!, 'lo)in( apart the tor!o and

head !e#tion o" it! 'ody% 5n!tead o" leavin( 'lood, the de!troyed !e(ment! evaporated into 'la#$ mi!t,

)hi#h @ui#$ly di!!ipated%

9rea$in( the 'a#$ o" hi! !hot(un )ith the hin(e and e/po!in( the 'ree#h, he @ui#$ly loaded t)o

more !hell! into it 'e"ore !nappin( it 'a#$ into pla#e% Co#$in( the (un, he then 'e(an #autiou!ly

)al$in( "or)ard%

= = = =

penin( hi! eye!, Xavier !tared up at the #eilin( "an a'ove him a! it !pun% a)nin(, he then

 pu!hed him!el" into an upri(ht !ittin( po!ition% e )a! )earin( a (rey !hirt and pyama pant!, and

 'e(an !tret#hin( out hi! arm!% Moira, )ho )a! !ittin( ne/t to him on the 'ed, )a! )earin( a t-!hirt and

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readin( a 'oo$, her 'are le(! out!tret#hed% ?he #lo!ed it and loo$ed over at him%

+ou4re up early%

+5 am

Moira nodded, puttin( her 'oo$ do)n on her lap%

+5t4! "ive in the mornin(, Charle!%

Charle! (rinned%

+Well, i" 54m up early, then !o are you%

Moira (i((led%

+54m not up early% 54m up late%

*he t)o !hared a lau(h% Xavier then !miled at her%

+o !leep "or you la!t ni(ht

Moira )aved the 'oo$ at him%

+ah% ou $no) me% When 5 (et lo!t, 5 (et lo!t%

Xavier pu!hed hi! le(! o"" the 'ed and to)ard! hi! )heel#hair, )hi#h )a! !ittin( ri(ht ne/t to it%

Moira )idened her eye! and @ui#$ly (ot up, runnin( around the 'ed to help him%

+5t4! o$ay, 5 don4t need % % % %

+5t4! not a'out you needin( help, interrupted Moira% +5t4! a'out me )antin( to help%

Xavier nodded, and allo)ed Moira to pla#e him in hi! )heel#hair% 0 )hile later, a"ter the t)o o" 

them )ere "ully dre!!ed, Moira rolled Xavier into hi! !tudy% 0! !he did !o, he yelped in pain and

(ra''ed at hi! "orehead%

+Charle! Charle!>


+What i! it>

Xavier !hoo$ hi! head and rolled "or)ard, rea#hin( out at hi! de!$% an$in( one o" the dra)er!

open, he put hi! hand in!ide it and pulled out a !mall tran!#eiver% 5t had a "la!hin( red li(ht on it% i!

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eye! )ide, Xavier a#tivated the tran!#eiver%

*he voi#e o" a youn( )oman #ame throu(h it%

+<ro"e!!or Xavier> <ro"e!!or Xavier> Can you hear me>

+e!, roro, 5 hear you%

+urry, <ro"e!!or> 5t4! an emer(en#y>

+What $ind o" emer(en#y What4! happenin(>

+9la#$ ma(i#, <ro"e!!or> 5 #an4t !top it on my o)n> We4re under atta#$ 'y !omeone )ho )ield!

the po)er o" the dar$ art!> *hey4ve !ummoned vampire!, <ro"e!!or> <lea!e hurry> <lea % % % %

roro4! voi#e #ut out%

+roro roro>

Xavier #ould only hear !tati#% Moira reali.ed that !he )a! holdin( her 'reath%

+Charle! % % % % )ho )a! that

Xavier too$ a "e) !e#ond! 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+&ather the team, ordered Xavier% +We4re leavin(% o)%

= = = =

penin( hi! door, 9o''y, in hi! i#e "orm, ya)ned% ?ma#$in( hi! lip! to(ether a "e) time!, he

reverted to human "orm, revealin( hi! pyama! underneath% ?#rat#hin( hi! "orehead, he then !a) the

door a#ro!! the hall, )hi#h lead to Bean4! room, open% 9oth Bean and ?#ott !tepped out o" it% Widenin(

hi! eye!, 9o''y !tared at the t)o o" them "or a moment%

?#ott loo$ed at 9o''y%

+Come on, 9o''y, ordered ?#ott% +*o the han(ar%

?#ott and Bean too$ o"" do)n the hall, runnin( to)ard! the lo''y% ?tandin( !till, 9o''y )at#hed

them "rom 'ehind% e !ullenly "ro)ned and loo$ed at the #arpet on the "loor "or a "e) moment! 'e"ore

turnin( into hi! i#e "orm and !$atin( do)n the hall a"ter them% Leapin( over the 'anni!ter han(in(

a'ove the lo''y, 9o''y landed on the X in the middle o" the "oyer% ?#ott, Bean, an$ and <iotr )ere

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already !tandin( on it%

+0#tivate, !aid an$%

*he elevator 'e(an lo)erin( into the han(ar% <iotr !tret#hed out hi! arm!% ?#ott and Bean !tood

!till, 'ut )ere holdin( hand! 'ehind Bean4! 'a#$% 9o''y noti#ed thi! and inhaled, 'ut did not !pea$%

an$, hi! arm! "olded, narro)ed hi! eye! upon notin( )here 9o''y4! (a.e )a!% 0! the elevator rea#hed

the han(ar, the team #ould !ee Xavier in hi! )heel#hair, )aitin( at the ramp o" the X-Bet%

*he team ru!hed up to him%

+ou a#tivated the emer(en#y alarm, <ro"e!!or, !aid an$% +What i! happenin(

Xavier "olded hi! hand!%

+*here i! little time to e/plain no)% We mu!t move, immediately% We are needed on an ur(ent

matter, )ith inno#ent live! at !ta$e% 9oard the et and (et in your uni"orm!A 54ll e/plain on#e )e4re in the


?#ott nodded%

+0lri(ht, you heard him% ?uit up>

0! the re!t o" the team ran up the ramp and headed "or the uni"orm lo#$er, an$ umped over

them and ran "or the pilot4! !eat% Xavier pu!hed hi! #ontrol !ti#$, and rolled up the ramp% &ra''in( hi!

 'lue and yello) a#$et o"" the pilot4! !eat, an$ thre) it on and !at do)n% Clo!in( the ramp 'ehind

Xavier, he then 'e(an to a#tivate the et%

0! Bean pulled her uni"orm on, !he loo$ed at Xavier%

+Where4! Moira

Moira4! "a#e appeared on one o" the !#reen! on the et4! da!h'oard%

+54m in the Command oom% Charle! a!$ed me to !tay 'ehind !o that 5 #ould run intel "or you

lot and )at#h over the man!ion )hile you4re a)ay%

Bean nodded a! !he !at do)n% 0"ter "ini!hin( puttin( on hi! o)n !uit, ?#ott loo$ed up and do)n

her !lender "orm, )hi#h )a! mo!tly vi!i'le due to the near !$in-ti(ht nature o" her (reen and (old

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 'ody!uit% ?he turned her head to loo$ at him and (rinned a! he !at do)n in the !eat ne/t to her% *hey

did not have to !ay anythin( to ea#h otherA Bean4! (entle, telepathi# #are!! o" ?#ott4! p!y#he )a! all that

)a! re@uired%

9o''y too$ the !eat 'ehind Bean, and <iotr !at ne/t to him, 'ehind ?#ott% Xavier rolled "or)ard,

!toppin( 'e!ide an$4! pilot !eat% 9o''y "olded hi! arm! and !#o)led% <iotr loo$ed at him )ith a

#on#erned "a#e%

+?omethin( 'otherin( you

9o''y nodded, and then (e!tured "or <iotr to lean hi! head to)ard! him% 9o''y 'e(an !pea$in(

into hi! ear%

+*ho!e t)o (ettin( !o #o.y, )hi!pered 9o''y% +5 $no) it4! $ind o" petty, 'ut % % % %

+5 under!tand, replied <iotr% +Budy%

9o''y !i(hed%


+5 )ould !ay to not )orry a'out it, 'ut 5 $no) that )on4t help% ou )ill "ind !omeone el!eA 5

$no) it% 5 mean, unli$e an$ and 5, you #an (o 'a#$ to loo$in( li$e a re(ular per!on, you $no) Me

<iotr tapped hi! temple t)i#e )ith hi! "i!t, ma$in( a !o"t #lan$in( noi!e%

+Metal "orever%

9o''y )ea$ly !miled and e/haled, !ha$in( hi! head% an$ !tarted to ta$e o"", a! the openin( to

the han(ar opened%

+Where are )e (oin( a!$ed an$%

+Fploadin( #o-ordinate! to the X-Bet no), re!ponded Moira% +Duite a tre$%

an$ rai!ed an eye'ro) a! the data appeared on the !#reen 'e"ore him%

+*o)n o" ili"i % % % % in enya

+&et u! in the air, an$, #ommanded Xavier%

an$ nodded and pu!hed the throttle "or)ard% *he et 'la!ted out o" the han(ar and into the !$y%

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Xavier then turned around to "a#e the team )hile an$ #ontinued to "ly the et%

+Why are )e (oin( to enya, <ro"e!!or a!$ed ?#ott%

+*o help a "riend o" mine% er name i! roro Munroe% Li$e u!, !he i! a mutant% 5 met her !ome

year! a(o )hen 5 )a! vi!itin( 0"ri#a, and helped her out o" a dan(erou! !ituation% 5t !eem! that another

ha! 'e"allen her, 'ut thi! time, it i! even more dire%

Bean narro)ed her eye! a! !he li!tened to Xavier%

+er to)n i! under !ie(e 'y an un$no)n enemy )ho )ield! dar$ ma(i#%

+3ar$ ma(i#> e/#laimed an$%

+e!% 0n an#ient line o" !or#ery that ha! it! root! in ne#roman#y, e/plained Xavier% +5" you did

not 'elieve in !u#h thin(! 'e"ore no), $no) that 5 have en#ountered !u#h evil 'e"ore, and it i! very

real% Whoever thi! per!on i! that i! atta#$in( roro4! people, they have !ummoned an army o" vampire!

to aid in their a!!ault%

9o''y ru''ed hi! "orehead%

+Vampire! Li$e, vampire vampire! h, (reat, (reat%

+5 thin$ 5 !a) thi! on televi!ion la!t ni(ht, !aid <iotr%

+ot e/a#tly )hat 5 )a! thin$in( )e )ould run into today, !aid Bean%

+*hey are not re(ular human 'ein(!, or even mutant!, #ontinued Xavier% +*hey are neither

livin( or deadA !upernatural a'omination! )ho e/i!t !olely to "eed and de!troy% *hey are not li$e

anythin( you have ever "a#ed 'e"ore% 0ll o" your trainin( the!e pa!t nine month! )ill 'e #ru#ial to your

!u##e!!% *hey )ill !ho) you no mer#y, 'ut "ear not, "or 5 have "aith in you, my X-Men%

9o''y nervou!ly lau(hed%

+eah, !ure, 'ut 54m not !ure i" 5 have that mu#h "aith in u!%

?#ott turned to loo$ at 9o''y%

+?to) that tal$, 5#eman% We have a mi!!ion to do, and there4! no room "or !el" dou't% ou hear


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9o''y !#o)led "or a moment, 'ut then nodded%


Moira4! "a#e on the video !#reen loo$ed do)n and then 'a#$ up at an$%



+54ve (ot !ome ne) in"ormation "or you% Loo$! li$e a lo#al militia led 'y a Colonel ?hetani are

en(a(in( the vampire! in the to)n% *hey4re holdin( out "or no), 'ut they4ll need your help i" they4re

(oin( to la!t mu#h lon(er%

+<o)er and !peed 'e hand! and "eet, replied an$% +alph Waldo Emer!on%

an$ en(a(ed the 'oo!t thru!ter! at "ull po)er, !endin( the X-Bet ro#$etin( a#ro!! the o#ean%

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Chapter H: *he ?apphire Weapon

0 #hill, e'ruary mornin( 'ree.e "illed the atmo!phere o" 9o!ton% 5t !eeped into the ori"i#e! o"

the )all!A it !na$ed and !lithered in!ide o" every #ra#$ in the (round% 0n almo!t eerie #ry in the )ind

)hi!pered, it! !ound )ave! e#hoin( a! !ilently a! they #ould throu(h the !treet! o" the (reat #ity% *he

 pede!trian! on the !treet )al$ed 'y a! i" they #ouldn4t noti#e it%

ne did%

n a hi(h)ay overpa!!, near the ed(e o" the railin( )here there )a! no !ide)al$, a lone man

 pre!!ed "or)ard, #uttin( throu(h the thi#$ noi!e o" the 'ree.e% Ea#h !tep )a! an arduou! @ue!tA a

vi#tory in a )ar a(ain!t the oppre!!ion o" hi! !urroundin(!% While he had a 'ro)n leather a#$et )ith a

hood over hi! head, it did little to @uell the pain roarin( and rampa(in( a#ro!! hi! (ho!tly !$in% e )a!

!)eatin( and " at the !ame time%

0 !edan ra#ed pa!t him, the driver hon$in( hi! horn a! it did !o% *he man paid it no mind,

re"u!in( to 'rea$ "ree o" hi! internal thou(ht #y#le% eepin( hi! head "a#in( the (round and hi! hand! in

hi! po#$et!, he made it nearly impo!!i'le "or anyone to (et a (ood loo$ at hi! "a#e% 0nother #ar drove

 'y, )ith no attempt at intera#tion% *he man )a! in one )ay, !ati!"ied, 'ut in another, am'ivalent%

0ttuned to the air around him, the man "elt a 'rea$ in it% Loo$in( up into the !$y, he !a) a 'la#$ 

 et "lyin( a)ay "rom the #ity, into the hori.on% eepin( hi! eye! trained on it "or !everal !e#ond!, he

 pondered it in hi! mind% e did not $no) that it )a! a modi"ied ?-71 9la#$'ird, 'ut he al!o didn4t

#are% n#e it )a! out o" hi! vi!ual ran(e, he di!#arded it "rom hi! thou(ht!%

Loo$in( to hi! ri(ht, the man !a) the !treet runnin( underneath the overpa!!% 5t led into the

heart o" the #ity4! 'u!ine!! di!tri#t, )ith a do.en !$y!#raper! in #lo!e pro/imity% *he man !topped,

narro)in( hi! eye!% ?#annin( the !treet name on the !i(n o" the !topli(ht!, he then !topped and "a#ed it%

i! 'lue head!-up di!play then a#tivated )ithin hi! vi!or%

While no one el!e #ould !ee it, the man )a! #overed #ompletely in a 'la#$ 'ody!uit )ith

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!yntheti# implant!% Modular, li(ht)ei(ht polymer armour lined the lim'!, #he!t and 'a#$ pie#e!% i!

"a#e )a! hidden 'ehind the ma!$ !e#tion, )hi#h had no di!#erni'le "eature! a!ide "rom a (lo)in(, #yan

vi!or% 5t )a! thin and re#tan(ular, a!ide "rom the middle, )hi#h !lanted do)n)ard! in an up!ide do)n

trian(le !hape%

9reathin( in, the man #ould hear the ra!py voi#e 'e(in !pea$in( into hi! earpie#e%

+?apphire Weapon% *hi! i! the Ma!ter% Where are you

*he Weapon 'reathed in 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+En pla#e%

+5 am "eedin( mi!!ion relevant data to your head!-up di!play no)%

*he Weapon )at#hed a! !everal panel! opened in "ront o" hi! eye!, !ho)in( pi#ture!,

do#ument! and data !tream!% e !ilently moved hi! eye! "rom one panel to the ne/t, a'!or'in( the


+our tar(et4! name i! ?enator o'ert elly, e/plained the Ma!ter% +ur in"ormant )ithin hi!

or(ani.ation ha! "ed u! data a'out hi! itinerary "or the day% Within the ne/t "e) minute!, hi! limou!ine

)ill pa!! under you% Collateral dama(e i! not a #on#ern% *he re!t o" the mi!!ion data i! in the "ile! 5

have !ent you%

*he Weapon did not re!pond, #ontinuin( to read% e then (lan#ed at the ima(e o" elly on the

le"t !ide o" the head!-up di!play% e )a! a middle-a(ed, )hite man, in a !uit and tie% e appeared to 'e

e/hau!ted, a! i" he )a! 'arely $eepin( him!el" (oin(% 0 loo$ o" "ear )a! in hi! eye!%

E/halin(, the Weapon #lo!ed the data panel! and $ept hi! eye! on the road ahead o" him% <ullin(

hi! hand! out o" hi! a#$et4! po#$et!, he "le/ed and !tret#hed hi! palm!, 'e"ore #urlin( them into "i!t!%

Ea#h )ri!t )a! a""i/ed )ith a miniature (auntlet, #ompo!ed o" three thin tu'e rin(! !trapped to a pie#e

o" !olid metal% *he tu'e rin(! )ere #onne#ted to a )ire o" tu'in( that ran throu(h the 'ody!uit, 'ut )a!

mo!tly prote#ted and #overed 'y the polymer armour%

0"ter "our minute!, the Weapon narro)ed hi! eye! upon !eein( a #ouple o" poli#e #rui!er! turn

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the #orner 'ehind the !topli(ht! that he )a! )at#hin(% 0nother o""i#er on a motor#y#le "ollo)ed, alon(

)ith a a limou!ine )ith t)o Fnited ?tate! "la(! atta#hed to the "ront end% 0 ?W0* tru#$ 'rou(ht up the

rear o" the #onvoy%

5n!ide o" the limou!ine, elly tapped hi! hand a(ain!t hi! $nee% e then overheard a voi#e

!pea$in( on the poli#e radio%

+0ll unit!, 'e advi!edA )e have an apparent alert on the Ea!t ?ide% epeat, Ea!t ?ide% We4ve (ot

#on"irmed order! "or all #ity unit! not on !pe#ial a!!i(nment to head out there no), over%

elly loo$ed over at the a(ent !ittin( ne/t to him%

+*hat4! not u!, ri(ht

*he a(ent !hoo$ hi! head%

+o, !ir, an!)ered the a(ent% +*he !@uad #ar! #overin( u! are #on!idered under !pe#ial

a!!i(nment% 3on4t )orry, ?enator%


elly nodded and loo$ed "or)ard a(ain, hi! 'reathin( at an elevated rate%

Ioomin( in )ith the tar(etin( reti#ule 'uilt into hi! vi!or, the Weapon #on"irmed the li#en!e

 plate on the "ront end% e then opened the #ommuni#ation! #hannel%

+La #i'le e!t dan! un #onvoi !urveillJ, !aid the Weapon%

*he voi#e o" the Ma!ter on the other end #hu#$led%

+E/#ellent% i(ht on !#hedule% E/e#ute your order!%


*he Weapon #lo!ed the #ommuni#ation! #hannel and let in a deep 'reath% Fpon e/halin(, he "elt

adrenaline "ill him!el" up, dro)nin( out the num'in( !ound o" the )ind% e @ui#$ly to!!ed o"" hi!

leather a#$et, revealin( hi! "ull 'ody!uit% 3e!pite 'ein( #ompri!ed o" armour, the tu'e net)or$ and

!yntheti# implant!, the !uit it!el" )a! nearly !$inti(ht, allo)in( "or a "ree ran(e o" movement%

0#tivatin( the a(ility !ervo!, the Weapon !pun hi! 'ody around and held hi! arm! ti(ht a(ain!t hi! #he!t

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a! he laun#hed him!el" into the air, over the railin( o" the overpa!!%

0! the #onvoy pa!!ed throu(h the inter!e#tion, the o""i#er drivin( the !@uad #ar at the "ront end

rai!ed her eye'ro) upon !eein( the Weapon land in a three point po!e on the !treet ahead o" them,

#ra#$in( the pavement a! he did !o%

+What the "u#$

*he Weapon @ui#$ly !tood up and held out hi! ri(ht arm% i! hand in a "i!t, hi! )ri!t (auntlet

(lo)ed )ith 'lue ener(y "or a !e#ond% 5t then "ired a "o#u!ed 'eam o" 'lue-)hite li(ht, )hi#h

#onne#ted )ith the "ront end o" the poli#e #ar% the "ront 'umper and part o" the en(ine, the

remain! o" the vehi#le #atapulted into the air% lippin( and !oarin( over the Weapon, the #ar #leared hi!

head 'y at lea!t t)o metre! 'e"ore landin( up!ide do)n 'ehind him and !$atin( do)n the !treet "or

!everal more metre!%

*he Weapon too$ a !e#ond to loo$ 'a#$ at the #ar 'e"ore "a#in( "or)ard% *he other vehi#le! in

the #onvoy !lammed on their 'ra$e!, and the o""i#er drivin( the !e#ond vehi#le hapha.ardly (ra''ed

hi! radio%

+0ll unit!> !houted the o""i#er% +We are under atta#$> epeat, under atta#$> Convoy ne i!

do)n> <riority red>

0 voi#e re!ponded over the radio%

+eepin( pa#$a(e !e#ure% En(a(e and eliminate threat%

5n!ide the limou!ine, elly 'e(an to dart hi! head 'a#$ and "orth%

+What, )hat4! happenin(>

*he a(ent !ittin( ne/t to him pu!hed him do)n a(ain!t the !eat!%

+?tay do)n, ?enator>

*he Weapon 'e(an )al$in( a)ay "rom the "lamin( #ar#a!! o" the "ir!t poli#e #ar, !lo)ly and

#almly approa#hin( the !topped #onvoy% *)o o""i#er! le"t the !e#ond #ar, and a third (ot o"" her

motor#y#le% *he three o""i#er! too$ #over and trained their aim on the Weapon%

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+?tay 'a#$>

*he Weapon $ept )al$in( "or)ard, o""erin( no re!pon!e%

+pen "ire>

*he o""i#er! unloaded !everal 'ullet! at the Weapon, 'ut they )ere de"le#ted 'y hi! armour%

?toppin( hi! advan#e and tiltin( hi! head to the !ide, the Weapon then #har(ed "or)ard% Movin( at

in#redi'le !peed, he #ro!!ed the t)o do.en metre! to the o""i#er! in le!! than a !e#ond% e @ui#$ly

!ma!hed the "ir!t o""i#er4! head a(ain!t the ed(e o" the #ar door, !plittin( it open, #au!in( hi! 'rain

matter to 'e(in lea$in( onto the road%

*he Weapon then 'ur!t "or)ard a(ain, pun#hin( the motor#y#le o""i#er a#ro!! the "a#e% *he

!peed o" the !tri$e !ent her "lyin( 'a#$)ard!, )here !he #ra!hed a(ain!t a 'uildin( )all, her 'one! all

 'ro$en 'e"ore !he even did !o% *he la!t o""i#er !#reamed and unloaded the re!t o" hi! #lip at the

Weapon, )ho u!t !printed to)ard! him and (ra''ed hi! arm% ?lammin( hi! )ri!t do)n on the o""i#er4!

el'o), !nappin( it, he then yan$ed on it )ith (reat "or#e, 'oo!ted 'y the !yntheti# implant!, rippin( the

arm ri(ht out o" hi! !o#$et% *he o""i#er #ollap!ed in !ho#$, and the Weapon to!!ed the 'loodied

appenda(e to the (round in di!(u!t%

*he limou!ine driver )idened her eye! in "ear and 'e(an to rever!e a)ay% *he 'a#$ door o" the

?W0* van 'ur!t open, and ei(ht !ervi#emen in "ull ta#ti#al (ear ran out o" the vehi#le% 0rmed )ith MH

a!!ault ri"le!, the o""i#er! 'e(an "irin( round! o" automati# ammunition at the Weapon% *he Weapon

re!ponded 'y movin( at 'lindin( !peed, !tri$in( )ith $i#$!, pun#he! and palm !tri$e!%

Movin( !)i"tly "rom one ?W0* o""i#er to the ne/t, the Weapon e""ortle!!ly $illed mo!t o" the

team% ne o" the !urvivin( o""i#er! "ired a round "rom hi! ri"le4! under'elly (renade laun#her, )hi#h

 'la!ted the Weapon 'a#$, into the air% ?eemin(ly )ithout pau!e, he #har(ed the )ri!t (auntlet on hi!

le"t hand )ith 'lue ener(y 'e"ore "irin( a la!er at the (round% *he "or#e "rom the 'la!t $no#$ed him

to)ard! a near'y 'uildin(, )here he 'e(an runnin( alon( the )all, u!t out o" rea#h o" multiple !tream!

o" 'ullet!%

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Leapin( o"" the )all, the Weapon put "or)ard 'oth arm! )ith #lo!ed "i!t!, "lattenin( another

?W0* o""i#er )hen he landed% Loo$in( at the "leein( limou!ine, he then 'e(an to ra#e do)n the !treet,

"ollo)in( it% i#$in( a #ivilian !edan out o" hi! )ay, he then umped up)ard! ten metre!, laun#hin(

him!el" !o that he landed ri(ht on the "ront end, de#imatin( the en(ine and haltin( the vehi#le%

Buttin( hi! "i!t throu(h the )ind!hield, the Weapon (ra''ed the limou!ine driver, (ra!pin( and

#ru!hin( her )indpipe% Ber$in( hi! hand !o that it !napped her ne#$, he then pulled her 'ody out o" her

!eat and thre) her 'ehind him% &ra''in( the roo" o" the limou!ine )ith 'oth hand!, he ripped a

!i(ni"i#ant portion o" it o"", until he !a) elly, )ho )a! 'ein( (uarded 'y t)o a(ent!%

elly !tared at the motionle!! Weapon in terror "or "ive !e#ond!%

+&et do)n>

0nother (renade round !tru#$ the Weapon, 'la!tin( him o"" o" the limou!ine and !ent him

#ra!hin( into a hot do( !tand a! the !tand attendant "rea$ed out and ran o""% 3a.ed "or a moment, the

Weapon re#overed and pu!hed him!el" o"" the (round% *he re!t o" the ?W0* team #au(ht up to and

opened "ire on him, 'ut he #har(ed 'oth o" hi! )ri!t (auntlet! and in#inerated them )ith ener(y 'la!t!%

unnin( 'a#$ to the limou!ine, he tore open a door to loo$ in!ide% ?eein( that it )a! empty, the

Weapon loo$ed all around him, !eein( no !i(n o" elly% 0! he heard poli#e !iren! (ettin( #lo!er, he

opened up hi! #ommuni#ation! #hannel%

+eport, #ommanded the Ma!ter%

+La #i'le #4e!t J#happJe% C4Jtait authenti@ue, #omme vou! voulait%

+Fnder!tood% eturn to 'a!e%

9reathin( in, the Weapon let (o o" the ru!h o" #om'at, and the adrenaline in hi! vein! "lu!hed

it!el" out% eelin( the #ry o" the )ind "ill up hi! ear! a(ain, the Weapon !neered 'e"ore !printin( into a

near'y alley and out o" !i(ht a! a hand"ul o" poli#e vehi#le! turned onto the !treet%

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Chapter : &odde!! o" the 3ead

ne o" the !oldier! !houted a! he unloaded an entire #lip o" 'ullet! "rom hi! a!!ault ri"le%

Movin( hi! hand! 'a#$ and "orth hori.ontally in a "ren.ied ra(e, he tried to hit a! many o" the in#omin(

vampire! a! he #ould% i! )ild di!#har(e did little to !tall their movement, and )ithin !e#ond! they

)ere upon him% e !#reamed in terror a! !everal vampire! poun#ed on him, di((in( their #la)! and

"an(! into hi! "le!h%

?hetani )at#hed a! the !oldier )a! torn apart 'y the vampire!% &rittin( hi! teeth, he rea#hed "or

an in#endiary (renade on hi! 'elt% *earin( the red (renade o"" the hoo$ and pullin( the pin )ith hi!

teeth, he then to!!ed it to )here the vampire! had #on(re(ated% ne o" them (ro)led at the (renade a!

it landed, 'e"ore 'e#omin( enveloped in "lame!% *he )hole (roup o" vampire! evaporated a"ter ta$in(

 'rutal dama(e "rom the in#endiary atta#$%

0! "i"teen more vampire! leaped to ta$e their pla#e, ?hetani 'e#$oned hi! men%

+all 'a#$> all 'a#$> 9a#$ to the tan$>

*he !oldier! at hi! !ide 'e(an !lo)ly )al$in( 'a#$)ard! )hile !u!tainin( their "ire% *he

vampire! poun#ed over the )re#$ed #ar! on the !treet, )ith one !toppin( on top o" a #ar to roar% ?eein(

the opportunity, ?hetani aimed hi! ri"le and pla#ed the vampire4! "a#e in hi! iron !i(ht!% [email protected]( the

tri((er to relea!e a 'ur!t o" three !hot!, they !tru#$ and 'le) apart the vampire4! head%

*)enty metre! 'ehind the line o" !oldier! )a! a (rey tan$, !mattered )ith !and and du!t%

ollin( "or)ard, the ma#hine (un turret on the "ront 'e(an "irin(, ri(ht over the head! o" the !oldier!

and into the vampire4! ran$!% three vampire! in a ro), the re!t 'e(an to "lee laterally, o"" the

!treet and into the alley! 'et)een the hou!e!% 0nother )ave ran "or)ard do)n the !treet, 'ut )ere

annihilated 'y a !hell 'la!t "rom the tan$4! main #annon%

oldin( her 'eret in pla#e atop her head, one o" the !oldier! pointed out a vampire on a near'y


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+*hey4re (oin( up the )all!> !he yelled%

ea#hin( the tan$, the !oldier! 'e(an !preadin( out, !hootin( at the vampire! )ho )ere

#lim'in( or already on the roo"!% *hro)in( hi! arm! "or)ard, a vampire lun(ed "rom the roo" and tried

to (ra!p the "emale !oldier% 0! he did, !he thru!t her ri"le "or)ard, impalin( the vampire in the #he!t%

?he then "ired !everal !hot!, )hi#h #au!ed the (un to violently !ha$e hi! innard!, rippin( him apart%

0nother !oldier tried to )ard o"" vampire! "rom another alley )ith hi! !hot(un, 'ut he mi!!ed

the la!t !hot and a vampire !la!hed him a#ro!! the throat )ith it! #la)!% ?eein( thi!, ?hetani ran

"or)ard and $i#$ed the vampire in the #he!t, $no#$in( it a(ain!t the )all% While it )a! !tunned, he

(ra''ed the !hot(un o"" the (round and "ired, it%

*o!!in( the !hot(un to one o" the near'y !oldier!, ?hetani pi#$ed hi! a!!ault ri"le 'a#$ up and

retreated to 'ehind the tan$, )here he too$ a "irin( po!ition 'ehind the le"t tread% *he tan$4! main

#annon pivoted to loo$ up at vampire! runnin( on a near'y roo"% irin( another !hell, it 'le) apart the

entire hou!e, ta$in( the vampire! )ith it%

0! another "ull )ave o" vampire! ran do)n the !treet to)ard! the tan$, the remainin( !oldier!

)idened their eye!% 0 'oomin( voi#e )a! then heard "rom 'ehind them%

+<o)er o" the )ind!, 5 #ommand youA 'ani!h the!e demon! o" 'lood-thir!t>

*he vampire! )ere then 'lo)n 'a#$)ard! 'y a lar(e (u!t o" )ind, !)eepin( them o"" their

heel! and into the air% *hey then )ere !ent "lyin(, landin( do.en! o" metre! a)ay% ?hetani turned

around to !ee roro "loatin( 'ehind him% er lon(, )hite hair "lo)ed around her, and !he )a! )earin(

her )hite and 'la#$ 'ody!uit% *he 'ody!uit it!el" had a #ape, atta#hed to it 'y the )ri!t!%

+roro> #alled ?hetani% +Can you not li"t thi! )eather id u! o" the!e ni(htmari!h #reature!

+5 #annot, un#le, replied roro, +and 5 $no) not )hy% My po)er! have 'een impeded

!omeho) % % % % 5 #an only a""e#t the )ind!% 5 !u!pe#t that the dar$ #loud han(in( a'ove u! ha! the !ame

ori(in a! the vampire!A 'la#$ ma(i#% nly i" it )ere unnatural )ould 5 'e una'le to manipulate it%

ne o" the near'y !oldier! pointed at the remainin( vampire! in the di!tan#e%

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+Loo$> *hey4re movin( 'a#$>

?till levitatin(, roro !@uinted at the hill near the ed(e o" the to)n% 0! the vampire! "ell 'a#$ to

it, the 'la#$ mi!t #on!tru#t "ell to the top and hovered% 5t then tran!"ormed into a human )oman, )ith

(ho!tly )hite !$in% *hi#$, 'la#$ hair !loped do)n the her ne#$ and 'a#$% ?he )a! (ar'ed in a leather,

e'ony leotard, )ith mat#hin( lon( (love!, heeled 'oot!, and a #ape% 0 !pi$ed #ollar )a! )rapped

around her ne#$% er "a#e )a! a##entuated 'y 'ro)n eye! and (li!tenin(, !a'le-#oloured lip!%

Whippin( her hair a! !he !trai(htened her ne#$, !he then (rinned )ith malevolent (lee%

roro "urro)ed her 'ro)%


0! the #rou#hin( vampire! huddled around her, one o" them )o''led up to her !ide, and 'e(an

!tro$in( her le(% ?he then rea#hed do)n )ith her (loved hand and !tarted to #li#$ her "in(ernail!

a(ain!t hi! "orehead, #au!in( him to moan )ith plea!ure%

+eport, amilton%

amilton !narled and "rothed at hi! mouth 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+&odde!!, there i! % % % % nya(h, another % % % % another one o" the, errrr(h % % % % )it#h-'reed

amon(!t the villa(er!% *he re!t % % % % 'larrry(h, o" the, (raaaaaa(h, !oldier! % % % % )ill not la!t lon(%

?elene pla#ed her thum' and inde/ "in(er on amilton4! #hin, ma!!a(in( it% e (i((led in


+ou4ve done )ell, amilton, !aid ?elene% +5 $no) o" thi! "ello) mutant % % % % 'rin( her to me%

?he )ill ma$e a "ine di!#iple in my ne) nation%

+e!, ye!, o" #our!e, &odde!!, o" #our!e%

+ill or #onvert the re!tA 5 don4t #are )hi#h% 9ut the mutant i! to 'e unharmed% 5! that


?elene (lared at amilton, and he )ithdre) "rom her, noddin(%


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?elene then pointed "or)ard at the villa(e%

+o), my "ello) )arrior! o" death, venture "orth> ?ho) the )orld your po)er 'y #ru!hin( the

 people o" thi! to)n, and deliverin( it to your &odde!!, 5, ?elene &allio, mi!tre!! o" the dead> 5 have

(iven you ne) li"e )ith my ma!tery o" the dar$ art!, and !o !hall 5 deliver upon you my promi!e o" a

utopian #ountry "or you under my u!t ruleA the nation o" e#ro!ha>

*he vampire! roared and #heered, thro)in( their arm! in the air% *hey then 'e(an #hantin( her

name repeatedly% amilton, ru''in( hi! hand! to(ether, hurriedly nodded, )ith a !nivellin( (rin on hi!


+?elene> ?elene> ?elene>

+&o> 0nd ta$e )hat i! our!>

*he nearly hundred vampire! turned 'a#$ to the villa(e and roared, #har(in( to)ard! the villa(e

in a lar(e #lump% *he !oldier! !tandin( at the tan$ (ulped% ne o" them #he#$ed the in!ide o" hi! #lip to

!ee ho) many 'ullet! he had le"t, "ro)nin( upon !eein( the re!ult% 0nother !oldier loo$ed at ?hetani%

+Colonel % % % % ho) many !oldier! are le"t

+5t appear! to 'e u!t u!, replied ?hetani% +*here4! no 'a#$up%

roro then heard a noi!e 'ehind her, and turned her head to !ee a modi"ied ?-71 9la#$'ird et

"lyin( to)ard! them%

+May'e not, !aid roro%

*he !oldier! turned around to !ee the X-Bet "ly overhead%

+What i! that

roro !miled%


= = = =

an$ opened the 'a#$ hat#h o" the et, $eepin( it !till in the air a! he did !o%

+X-Men> #alled Xavier% +&o do)n there and a!!i!t in any )ay you #an> <lea!e, do not let tho!e

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mon!ter! hurt any more inno#ent! today>

an$ put up a "in(er%

+0nd 5 )ould advi!e that you )ould not let them 'ite you, 'ut that4! neither here nor there%

?#ott !tood up and loo$ed at Xavier%

+0ye aye, <ro"e!!or%

Xavier loo$ed at an$%

+eep u! in the air% F!e the et4! )eapon! to help in any )ay you #an%

an$ nodded% ?#ott, Bean, 9o''y and <iotr umped out o" the 'a#$ o" the et% Bean u!ed her

tele$ine!i! to !lo)ly 'rin( her!el" and ?#ott to the (round% 9o''y !$ated do)n alon( an i#e path, and

<iotr #ra!hed a(ain!t the (round, landin( on one "oot and one $nee% an$ #lo!ed the 'a#$ ramp and

turned the et around !o that it )a! hoverin( perpendi#ular to the main road% Lo)erin( the t)in la!er

#annon!, an$ 'e(an "irin( into the #ro)d o" vampire!, !everal% *he re!t ran "or #over "rom

the 'la!t!%

*he team !tood 'et)een ?hetani4! line o" !oldier! and the vampire ran$!% ?#ott trained hi! vi!or

"or)ard, )hile 9o''y and <iotr 'ra#ed them!elve!% Bean turned to "a#e ?hetani and roro%

+3id <ro"e!!or Xavier !end you a!$ed roro%

+e!, replied Bean% +We4re the X-Men% We4re (oin( to (et you lot out o" thi!%

Bean !hru((ed%


?#ott held hi! hand out to hi! !ide%


*he vampire! then 'e(an to pre!! "or)ard, u!in( #over to dod(e the et4! la!er atta#$!% 0! they

(ot #lo!er, ?#ott tapped hi! hand a(ain!t hi! vi!or%


?#ott "ired an opti#al 'la!t at one o" the vampire!, in!tantaneou!ly redu#in( it to a!h% 9o''y

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aimed 'oth o" hi! arm! "or)ard, emittin( a mi!t o" "ri(id air )hi#h repelled the vampire!% <iotr #har(ed

"or)ard, pun#hin( the #lo!e!t vampire into the (round%

+Mutant or demon, )hatever you 'e, 5, Colo!!u!, )ill !till 'rea$ you>

0nother vampire leaped at him and #homped do)n on hi! arm, #au!in( a loud #ra#$in( noi!e%

*he vampire !@uealed in pain a! it held on to <iotr4! metalli# "le!h )ith it! mouth%

+9rea$ all your teeth, did you a!$ed <iotr%

*he vampire moaned an 4uh huh4 in re!pon!e 'e"ore <iotr !ma!hed it a(ain!t the #lo!e!t )all%

Bean "loated into the air and li"ted her arm! !lo)ly up)ard, #au!in( a tele$ineti# "ield to pi#$ up the

#ar! and de'ri! on the !treet!% ?he then @ui#$ly opened her palm!, and the a!!orted o'e#t! )ent "lyin(

in all dire#tion!, !tri$in( !everal more vampire!%

?elene (ro)led under her 'reath% amilton rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+Who % % % % 'le(h, )ho, are they, &odde!! M-more % % % % nyaaaaaa(h, )it#h-'reed

+5 'elieve !o% 5t !eem! that 5 )ill have to ta$e a more per!onal approa#h%

roro "loated up to Bean, levitatin( at her !ide%

+ou have the po)er o" "li(ht a! )ell

+What h, yeah, yeah%

roro and Bean atta#$ed a (roup o" !i/ vampire! at the !ame timeA roro )ith her )ind 'la!t

and Bean )ith a $ineti# 'arrier% *hey $no#$ed do)n the )hole (roup, and !miled at ea#h other%

+ou4re roro

+0""irmative, 'ut only my un#le re"er! to me 'y my 'irth name% 0ll other! u!e my moni$er%


+Fh huh% ?torm% i(ht% Lemme (ue!!, )eather po)er!

+ou are #orre#t in that a!!ertion, mi!! % % % %

+0!!ertion 0""irmative Moni$er We, uh, de"initely need to )or$ on your !pee#h )hen )e

han( out% 0nd the name4! Bean%

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+an( out What do you mean


0"ter roundhou!e $i#$in( a vampire in the "a#e, ?#ott loo$ed 'a#$ at Bean and ?torm%

+Can you t)o !ave the (irl tal$ until a"ter )e4re done "i(htin( the horde o" !upernatural

mon!ter!> 0nd 5#eman, (et tho!e !oldier! out o" here>

?#ott "ired a !u!tained opti#al 'la!t )hile pivotin( hi! ne#$, )ipin( out a )hole line o"

vampire!% ?hetani and the other !oldier! tried to "ire on the enemy, 'ut 9o''y put up a )all o" i#e in

"ront o" them%

+What i! thi! a!$ed ?hetani%

+*ru!t me, it4! "or your !a"ety, !aid 9o''y% +We4re the 'i( damn heroe!% Let u! !ave the day,


?hetani and hi! !oldier! then loo$ed up a! the et "le) pa!t them and landed 'ehind the tan$%

*he ramp lo)ered, and 9o''y motioned to)ard! it%

+&o on> We4ve (ot thi!>

?hetani relu#tantly nodded and (e!tured "or hi! remainin( !oldier! to "ollo) him a! they ran

to)ard! the et% 9o''y then !$ated 'a#$ over hi! i#e )all and 'e(an "irin( a )ide i#e 'eam at a near'y

vampire% 0"ter he did !o, he loo$ed "or)ard and !a) a #loud o" dar$ mi!t approa#hin(% 5t "loated over

the )re#$a(e o" #ar! on the !treet and !topped in "ront o" the team%

0! it did !o, a #ivilian )oman #ra!hed throu(h the )indo) o" a near'y hou!e, #ha!ed 'y a

vampire% leein( and !#reamin(, the )oman )a! then !tunned 'y the 'la#$ mi!t tran!"ormin( into

?elene% ?he yelled a! ?elene rea#hed out and (ra''ed her "a#e% Clut#hin( it )ith her "in(er!, !everal

thin !tream! o" dar$ ener(y emanated "rom the "a#e and )rapped around ?elene4! hand 'e"ore enterin(

her !$in% 0"ter a "e) !e#ond!, the )oman4! 'ody 'e#ame a li"ele!! hu!$ )hi#h #rum'led to du!t, and

?elene radiated )ith reuvenatin( ener(y 'e"ore revertin( to normal%

*he remainin( vampire! retreated, #olle#tin( them!elve! 'ehind ?elene% amilton !tood )ith

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them% Bean and ?torm landed on the (round, and the team !tared at her% ?elene put her hand out,

motionin( "or the vampire! to !tay%

+Let me handle thi!, my #hildren, #ommanded ?elene%

+?elene &allio, !aid ?torm%

+ello a(ain, youn(lin(% 5 !ee that you4ve 'een developin( your po)er! !in#e la!t )e met% ?till

not @uite enou(h to !top me, ho)ever% <oor, little darlin(%

+ou $no) thi! )oman a!$ed ?#ott%

+e!% ?he i! 'oth a mutant and a ma!ter o" 'la#$ ma(i#% 5t i! her "oul in#antation )hi#h inhi'it!

my natural (i"t to a""e#t the )eather%

+?o, )hat do )e have here a!$ed ?elene% +0 'and o" merry youn( mutant!, #ome to !ave the

inno#ent people o" ili"i% o) tou#hin(%

+ou4re a murderer, !aid ?#ott%

+0nd you4re not ou have $illed many vampire! today%

+*hat4! di""erent% *hey4re % % % %

?elene rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+Mon!ter! 3emon! 5! that not )hat !o many human! re"er to our $ind a! 0re )e really !o


?#ott "elt the 'lood drain "rom hi! "a#e% ?elene #hu#$led%

+5 am a mutant too, !aid ?elene% +5 $no) )hat you4re (oin( throu(h% 5n "a#t, 54m pretty !ure

that 5 $no) 'etter than anyone, (iven my % % % % li"e e/perien#e%

+What are you tal$in( a'out a!$ed 9o''y%

?elene i(nored the @ue!tion and loo$ed at Bean%

+0nd you % % % % 5 !en!e a p!y#hi# pre!en#e #omin( "rom you% ou are (i"ted )ith 'oth telepathy

and tele$ine!i!

Bean !#o)led%

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+a!#inatin(% 5 have never #ome a#ro!! !u#h a #om'ination 'e"ore% <erhap! 5 )ill ta$e you and

Mi!! Munroe a! my di!#iple!%

<iotr !tood "or)ard%

+5 dou't it, !aid <iotr%

+ou4re not ta$in( anyone, !aid ?#ott% +*he!e people here *hey4re my team% My "riend! % % % %

my "amily% 0nd you4re not (oin( to hurt any one o" them%

+9rave )ord! % % % % "or a #hild%

*he team loo$ed up in re!pon!e to the dar$ #loud in the !$y !oundin( o"" a thunder #ra#$% 5t

!tarted !pinnin( "a!ter, and a tornado o" 'la#$ mi!t #ame do)n "rom it% ?elene put her arm! in the air

and 'e(an a'!or'in( the my!ti#al mi!t% ?elene4! 'ody 'e#ame ener(i.ed, )ith vi!i'ly dar$ened !$in%

When !he ne/t !po$e, her voi#e )a! a 'oomin( e#ho%

+9ut a #hild i! nothin( % % % % 'e"ore a (odde!!>

?#ott !neered%

+We4ll !ee%

?elene roared and "ired t)o 'eam! o" dar$ "or#e ener(y "rom her palm!% ?#ott leaped to hi! !ide,

 pu!hin( Bean out o" the )ay o" one o" the 'eam!, )hile 9o''y and <iotr umped the oppo!ite )ay to

dod(e the other% ?elene then !piralled her 'ody up)ard!, 'e#omin( a tor!o )ith a 'la#$ vapour trail a!

a 'ody% Ca#$lin( loudly )ith )ild a'andon, !he "ired o"" do.en! o" dar$ "or#e ener(y da((er!, )hi#h

rained do)n on the team%

9o''y umped "or)ard%

+&et do)n>

irin( o"" a )ide !pread o" i#e, he @ui#$ly #reated a lar(e i#e !hield )hi#h prote#ted the )hole

team "rom the hail "ire o" ener(y da((er!% o)ever, he )a! not "a!t enou(h to !top one "rom !li#in(

throu(h hi! a'domen% &roanin( in pain, he #ollap!ed onto one $nee a! he "ou(ht )ith all hi! !tren(th to

maintain the i#e !hield%

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+5#eman> !houted <iotr%

?elene #ontinued to mania#ally lau(h a! !he then 'oo!ted "or)ard in her mi!t "orm, turnin(

her!el" into a hi(h velo#ity mi!!ile% Fpon #ollidin( )ith the i#e !hield, it !hattered, and the "or#e o" the

impa#t 'le) 9o''y a)ay, !endin( him #ra!hin( into the tan$% *he !ound o" #run#hin( 'one! )a! heard

a! he "ell to the "loor%

?elene then ru!hed over to <iotr a! he !tood up% ?he pre!!ed her hand a(ain!t hi! #he!t%

+o), your li"e "or#e % % % % i! mine>

0"ter a !e#ond, nothin( happened% ?elene rai!ed an eye'ro) and loo$ed at her palm%


<iotr pla#ed hi! "i!t on hi! #he!t, !oundin( o"" a metalli# thud%

+0'!or' thi!>

<iotr then thre) a heavy upper#ut, !ma!hin( hi! $nu#$le! a(ain!t ?elene4! #hin% *he 'rutal

atta#$ laun#hed her into the air 'e"ore !he !ma!hed into the (round% amilton4! eye! )idened%


+?tay 'a#$> !houted ?elene% +5 #an handle the!e petty #hildren>

?#ott pointed at her%

+<hoeni/, no)> While !he4! do)n> 0tta#$ her on the a!tral plane>

Bean #lo!ed her eye! and pla#ed her "in(er! a(ain!t her "orehead% er a!tral !i(nature then le"t

her 'ody% *he a!tral !i(nature )a! a (lo)in(, )hite outline o" her!el", )hi#h )a! mo!tly tran!parent%

?he then lun(ed throu(h ?elene4! 'ody, tearin( her a!tral !i(nature out o" her% ?#ott loo$ed at ?torm%

+?torm> ?ee i" you #an help 5#eman% &et him 'a#$ to the et%

?torm nodded and ran "or 9o''y, pi#$in( him up o"" the (round% e (roaned in re!pon!e, 'ut

!he i(nored it and "loated a)ay "rom the 'attle area%

+Colo!!u!, you4re )ith me, ordered ?#ott% +We4ve (ot to (ive <hoeni/ time to harm her

 p!y#hi#ally% eep )ailin( on her phy!i#al "orm>

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<iotr nodded%

+Colo!!u! #an do thi!>

<iotr ran "or)ard and !houlder #har(ed ?elene, )ho dod(ed out o" the )ay% ?#ott "ired an

opti#al 'la!t at her "eet, $no#$in( her o"" 'alan#e% ?he @ui#$ly re#overed and reverted to her hal" mi!t

"orm, #au!in( t)o more o" ?#ott4! 'la!t! to pha!e ri(ht throu(h her% ?he then ru!hed "or him% <iotr4!

eye! )idened%


?#ott 'e(an "lippin( 'a#$)ard!, until he landed hi! "eet on a )all 'ehind him% e then tried to

!pin $i#$ ?elene o"" the )all, 'ut "ell throu(h her% 0! he landed on the "loor, !he tried to !la!h do)n at

him )ith a dar$ "or#e ener(y 'lade, 'ut <iotr !lammed hi! hand! to(ether, 'la!tin( her mi!t "orm a)ay

"rom him%

n the a!tral plane, Bean4! a!tral "orm !tared at ?elene4!% ?elene #hu#$led a! !he leered at her

youn( @uarry%

+ou are a ma(ni"i#ent !pe#imen, !aid ?elene% +0nd 5 mean that in the mo!t !in#ere )ay%

Bean narro)ed her eye!%

+5 #ould tea#h you ho) to truly 'e#ome a ma!ter o" your po)er!, youn(lin(% 5 have lived "or

over !eventeen thou!and year!%

+5 $no)%

+*hen you mu!t al!o $no) that 54ve made a ha'it o" % % % % tea#hin( % % % % youn( (irl!% 5t4! a % % % %

ho''y o" mine%

?elene utted out her hip and pla#ed one hand on it%

+*here are many 'ene"it! to 'e#omin( my di!#iple%

Bean !#o)led%

+ot intere!ted%

+our heart already 'elon(! to another, doe!n4t it a!$ed ?elene% +5 #an !en!e it no)% *he one

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#alled Cy#lop!% e i! the one )ho plu#$ed you%

Bean didn4t re!pond%

+oun( love i! !o deli#iou! % % % % e!pe#ially )hen 5 #an #orrupt it%

?elene li#$ed her lip! 'e"ore rea#hin( out a hand%

+Boin )ith me, Bean &rey% 5 promi!e that you )on4t re(ret it%

?#o""in(, 'laded ton"a materiali.ed on Bean4! arm!% ?he then (ot into a 'attle ready po!e% ?elene

)ithdre) her hand, 'e"ore a $u!ari(ama materiali.ed in her hand!%

+Come, youn(lin(, and !ee ho) outmat#hed you are%

Bean !hoo$ her head%

+?hut up, 'it#h%

?elene lau(hed and 'e(an !pinnin( the )ei(ht !e#tion o" her )eapon4! #hain% Bean lun(ed

"or)ard, !)in(in( 'oth o" her ton"a! at ?elene, )ho 'lo#$ed her atta#$ )ith the !i#$le !e#tion o" her

)eapon% ?elene then !pun around tried to !la!h at Bean )ith the !i#$le, 'ut !he rolled under the atta#$

and )ha#$ed one o" her ton"a! a(ain!t the 'a#$ o" ?elene4! le"t $nee%

?elene (runted 'e"ore !ide!teppin( and $i#$in( Bean in the "a#e% Bean !#raped her ton"a! a(ain!t

the (round to re(ain her "ootin( 'e"ore #har(in( at ?elene a(ain% ?elene then thre) the )ei(ht, lat#hin(

it 'et)een the t)o ton"a !ti#$!% *emporarily una'le to atta#$, Bean 'ro$e her ton"a! out o" the )ei(ht4!

(ra!p a! ?elene ru!hed around her, )rappin( the #hain around her ne#$% ?elene #a#$led a(ain a! !he

tu((ed on the #hain, !tran(lin( Bean and "or#in( her to her $nee!%

5n the phy!i#al 'attle, ?#ott "ired a 'la!t at ?elene4! 'a#$, !tunnin( her% <iotr ru!hed at her "rom

the "ront, and tried to lo)er 'oth o" hi! hammer"i!t! on her, 'ut !he thre) up a dar$ "or#e 'arrier that

a'!or'ed the atta#$% ?he then "ired t)o ma(i#al ener(y 'la!t!, one "rom ea#h hand% er ri(ht hand

atta#$ed ?#ott, and her le"t hand atta#$ed <iotr% 9oth X-Men )ere 'la!ted a)ay "rom her, #rumplin( on

the (round%

Landin( on hi! 'a#$, ?#ott "ired another @ui#$ opti#al 'la!t at ?elene, 'urnin( her hand% ?he

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turned into mi!t "orm and ru!hed "or him, on top o" him and pinnin( him to the (round%

?he then opened her palm and rea#hed "or hi! "a#e%

+our "riend may 'e made o" metal, 'ut you4re (ood, old-"a!hioned "le!h% &ive me your




“You need to hurt her . . . . now!”

“She has me beat . . . . can feel my psyche collapsing . . . .”

“You hae to do something Jean. "o you hear me# If you don$t we won$t ma%e it out of this

alie. I loe you. Jean I need you!”

“Scott I . . . .”

“&ow Jean! &O'!”

n the a!tral plane, Bean opened her eye! and utted her ton"a up into the #hain around her ne#$%

With all her p!y#hi# !tren(th, !he ripped throu(h the #hain, !hatterin( ?elene4! )eapon% With her love

o" ?#ott at the "ore"ront o" her mind, and yellin( a! !he did !o, Bean ra#ed to)ard! a !tunned ?elene and

!la!hed at her 'elly )ith 'oth o" her ton"a!, !plittin( her a!tral "orm in hal"% ?he emitted a hi(h-pit#hed

!#ream a! her a!tral "orm !hattered and e/ploded%

5n the phy!i#al )orld, ?elene !tood up and !hrie$ed% ?he (ra''ed at her head a! i" !he )a!

e/perien#in( a !evere mi(raine, thra!hin( her ne#$ 'a#$ and "orth% Bean opened her eye! and ran to

?#ott4! !ide, helpin( him up o"" the (round% ?elene yelled a(ain a! a lar(e, ma(i#al ener(y vorte/

emer(ed "rom her 'ody, di!inte(ratin( the dar$ #loud overhead%

*he dar$ ener(y evaporated, (ivin( )ay to the midday !un, and all o" the vampire! !hrie$ed a!

they )ere roa!ted and in#inerated 'y the !un4! ray!% ?elene !tum'led around, da.ed 'y the !hatterin( o"

her a!tral "orm% ?#ott then !tood up and "ired an ener(y 'la!t ri(ht at her "a#e%


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*he ener(y 'la!t !tru#$ ?elene4! #hee$, #au!in( her to rapidly !pin in the air 'e"ore #ra!hin(

a(ain!t the dirt% 0! !he did, a natural thunder #loud "ormed a'ove her% *he team loo$ed up to !ee ?torm

"loatin( a'ove them% er eye! )ere or'! o" ivory%

+or#e! o" the element!, 5 #ommand you> o) that you have 'een relea!ed "rom her #ur!e,

!tri$e do)n thi! perilou! )it#h )ith #lean!in( li(htnin(>

*he thunder #loud #ra#$led, and a 'olt o" li(htnin( "ell do)n "rom it, dire#tly !tri$in( ?elene% 5t

lit up her 'ody a! !he !@uealed in a(ony, ele#tri#ity ar#in( all a#ro!! her !$in% 0"ter holdin( the atta#$

"or !i/ !e#ond!, ?torm relented, and ?elene4! #harred, di!a'led "orm #ollap!ed in a !mo$in( heap%

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Chapter 6: Warnin(!

?elene )ea$ly moaned a! !he lay on her !ide% er !$in )a! heavily dama(ed, her hair )a! in

di!array, and !he )a! #lut#hin( her !toma#h% er 'ody )a! la#ed )ith la#eration!, 'rui!e! and 'urn

mar$!% er eye! )ere nearly rolled up in the 'a#$ o" her head, and drool dri''led "rom her mouth% *he

team !tood around her, )at#hin( her @uiver% ?he #ou(hed !everal time!, (roanin( a! !he did !o,

indi#atin( that the #ou(h! )ere #au!in( her phy!i#al pain%

Bean "olded her arm! a! !he !tared do)n at ?elene% ?torm (lared at the villain, and <iotr pla#ed

hi! "i!t! to(ether% ?#ott $nelt do)n 'e!ide her%

+or !omeone )ho #laimed the title o" (odde!!, 5 have to !ay that @uite "ran$ly, 54m


?elene (ro)led% ?#ott re!ponded 'y !tandin( up and $i#$in( her in the "a#e% Bean4! eye!


+?#ott % % % %

?#ott i(nored Bean and !tamped do)n on 'oth o" ?elene4! )ri!t! )ith hi! "eet% e then $nelt

 'a#$ do)n and (ra!ped ?elene4! ne#$ )ith hi! le"t hand, pullin( her up !li(htly% E/ertin( tremendou!

 pre!!ure on her throat, ?#ott )at#hed a! ?elene !tru((led to 'reathe%


?#ott turned and pointed at Bean%

+ou !tay 'a#$> !houted ?#ott%

Bean4! "a#e indi#ated that !he )a! ta$en a'a#$ 'y hi! a#tion, 'ut !he remained !ilent% <iotr

"ro)ned% ?#ott loo$ed 'a#$ at ?elene, )ho #ho$ed and !puttered%

+o) you li!ten to me, you t)i!ted, mutant )hore% *hi! to)n and it! people are no) under the

 prote#tion o" the X-Men% 5" you ever #ome 'a#$ here, "or any rea!on, 5 !)ear, 5 )ill "ind you and #ru!h

your ne#$ until your lun(! 'ur!t% 3o 5 ma$e my!el" #lear>

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With (reat !tru((le, ?elene nodded% ?#ott thre) her 'a#$ do)n a(ain!t the (round% Wipin( hi!

mouth, he then )al$ed a)ay a "e) pa#e! 'e"ore turnin( 'a#$ to her%

+ou a!$ed )hat the di""eren#e )a! 'et)een you and 5 Well, here it i!A you #ame here to hurt

 people% 5 #ame here to help them%

?elene !a) a li.ard #ra)lin( on the near'y dirt% ea#hin( out, !he (ra!ped it, and a'!or'ed it!

li"e "or#e% 0! it di!inte(rated, ?elene pu!hed her!el" o"" the (round% ?tandin( up, !he held her !toma#h

)ith one arm% When !he !po$e, her voi#e )a! hollo), havin( 'een dama(ed 'y ?#ott #ru!hin( her


+5 am a )oman o" my )ord% 5 )ill not return here% 9ut $no) thi!, X-Men % % % % )e )ill meet


?#ott !#o)led%

+0nd )e4ll 'e )aitin(%

?elene (lared at him "or another !e#ond 'e"ore turnin( into her mi!t "orm and "lyin( a)ay, over

the hill!% *he team then )al$ed to the X-Bet, )hi#h )a! par$ed u!t out!ide the to)n% Xavier )a! there

)ith an$, a! )ell a! ?hetani, hi! !oldier!, and the returnin( #ivilian!% ?torm hu((ed her un#le 'e"ore

loo$in( at Xavier%


+roro % % % % or !hould 5 #all you ?torm lau(hed Xavier%

?ome time pa!!ed a! "amilie! )ere reunited and than$! )ere (iven to the X-Men "or their

a!!i!tan#e% 0t the end o" it all, the team (ot ready to 'oard the et% Bean loo$ed over at an$%

+o) i! 9o''y a!$ed Bean%

+e4! re#overin(% 5 had previou!ly !urmi!ed that hi! i#e "orm )a! !uper-humanly dura'le

a(ain!t nearly all e/ternal a!!ault, 'ut he )a! almo!t (rievou!ly harmed 'y ?elene4! ma(i#al atta#$%

Lu#$ily, it didn4t pier#e any maor or(an! or 'lood ve!!el!%

+Well, (ood "or that%

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+5 treated hi! )ound and !edated him% e4ll 'e "ine on#e )e (et 'a#$ to the man!ion%

Xavier, )ho )a! !eated in hi! )heel#hair at the "oot o" the et4! ramp, 'e#$oned "or the team to

 oin him%

+0lri(ht, X-Men, let4! (et (oin(%

?#ott loo$ed over at ?torm%

+What a'out you, ?torm


+0ren4t you #omin( )ith u!

+eah, !aid <iotr% +ou made one hell o" a #omrade%

+ou4re not #omin( a!$ed Bean%

+Fn"ortunately not today, my "riend!, an!)ered ?torm% +5 have a re!pon!i'ility to my people to

help them re'uild% We need not "ear ?elene a(ain, 'ut 5 need to ma$e !ure that everyone here i! !ettled

a(ain 'e"ore 5 #an oin you% 9ut )orry not % % % % )e )ill !ee ea#h other a(ain, @uite !oon, 5 thin$% 5 #an

"eel Mother ature !ayin( that )ill 'e !o%

Bean "ro)ned "or a moment, 'ut then relented and !miled% ?#ott nodded in a#$no)led(ement%


+are)ell, X-Men, !aid ?torm% +no) that you have done an immea!ura'le !ervi#e "or my

 people, one that )e )ill never "or(et% Fntil ne/t time%

+Fntil ne/t time, !aid Xavier%

?torm !miled and then li"ted o"" into the air, !oarin( over the to)n% Bean "elt her mouth drop a!

!he )at#hed in a)e% *he team then piled into the et, ta$in( their !eat!% 9o''y )a! lyin( on a ma$e!hi"t

 'ed near the 'a#$% i! eye! )ere #lo!ed% Bean )al$ed up to him and pla#ed her hand on hi! !houlder "or 

a moment 'e"ore ta$in( her !eat%

0! an$ li"ted o"", he opened the video #om to Moira%

+3o#tor Ma#*a((ert

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Moira4! "a#e appeared on the !#reen% ?he had a loo$ o" )orry%

+ou lot done

+We4re headed home, !aid an$% +Cri!i! averted%

+54m (lad you )ere a'le to help, 'ut there4! really !omethin( you need to !ee% ?endin( it throu(h

to you no)%

*he !#reen #han(ed to a ne)! report% 5t !ho)ed !ha$y #amera "oota(e o" the )re#$a(e o"

multiple poli#e vehi#le!, narrated 'y a male reporter%

+% % % % "oota(e "rom an amateur video(rapher, )ho )a! a'le to #apture !everal ima(e! o" the

?enator4! #onvoy a"ter the atta#$%

Xavier and an$ narro)ed their eye! a! they loo$ed at the !#reen% ?#ott, Bean and <iotr moved

"or)ard !o that they #ould !ee%

+We #an #on"irm that it )a! a mutant )ho attempted to a!!a!!inate ?enator elly, 'ut the

motive! andKor potential politi#al a!!o#iation are un$no)n at thi! time% Multiple mem'er! o" the ?enate

#laim that they 'elieve that it may have tie! to the re#ently outed #on!pira#y $no)n a! the Ca'al % % % %

an$ !hoo$ hi! head%

+When did thi! happen

Moira4! "a#e reappeared on the !#reen%

+Bu!t thi! mornin(, a"ter you le"t% 5n 9o!ton%

+Why )ould a mutant try and atta#$ elly no) a!$ed ?#ott% +e4! 'een @uiet a'out the

mutant !ituation ever !in#e *ampa%

+5 don4t $no), ?#ott, an!)ered Xavier% +9ut 5 'elieve that thi! i! !omethin( )e )ill 'e loo$in(

into very !oon%

+?ooner than you thin$, Charle!, !aid Moira% +Loo$ at thi!%

*he video !#reen then !)it#hed to elly at a pre!! #on"eren#e, !tandin( at a podium% an$


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+*oday4! #o)ardly attempt on my li"e prove! the dan(er po!ed 'y mutant! the )orld over% We

#an no lon(er !tand a!ide and allo) the!e dan(erou! #reature! to run "ree in our !treet!% ur home!, our 

"amilie!, and our very )ay o" li"e i! threatened 'y the mere e/i!ten#e o" mutant!> 5" )e don4t ma$e a

!tand today, )ho4! to !ay that the ?e#retary o" 3e"en!e, or even the <re!ident )on4t 'e their ne/t tar(et

*hu!, 5 have de#ided to in!tate a ne) 'ran#h o" la) en"or#ement "or the (ood !tate o" Ma!!a#hu!ett!:

the Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion>

0 'anner appeared 'ehind him, !ho)in( #on#ept art o" a (roup o" men and )omen in (reen and

(rey uni"orm!, )ith helmet! and (a! ma!$!, ea#h one holdin( an advan#ed a!!ault ri"le, )ith !tun

 'aton! #lipped to their 'elt!% Bean (a!ped% Xavier "ro)ned% an$ held hi! hand on hi! heart%

+h, my !tar! and (arter!%

+?tartin( today, all mutant-related #rime! )ill 'e dealt )ith 'y the M3, )ho an!)er dire#tly

to my authority% 0! o" no), all mutant! )ithin the !tate o" Ma!!a#hu!ett! )ill 'e 'randed "u(itive! "rom

 u!ti#e until they either are 'rou(ht in or #ome "orth to 'e re(i!tered )ith the !tate (overnment% n top

o" all thi!, 5 am al!o announ#in( my #andida#y "or the <re!iden#y o" the Fnited ?tate!, !o that 5 may

 'rin( the M3 to the level o" national "or#e>

*he ournali!t! at the pre!! #on"eren#e erupted into #haoti# #hatter and @ue!tionin(% *he entire

team "elt their heart! !in$ a! they pro#e!!ed the in"ormation% 0"ter the ournali!t! @uieted do)n, elly

!po$e a(ain%

+0nd to any and all mutant!, 5 !ay thi!: ma$e it ea!y on your!el"% Come "orth )illin(ly, and you

)ill 'e !ho)n @uarter% e!i!t, and you )ill re(ret it % % % % "or your day! are num'ered%

*he !#reen "aded out% or the re!t o" the "li(ht home, the )hole team )a! !ilent%

= = = =

*he team piled out o" the et on#e it )a! landed in the han(ar% 9o''y )a! up a! )ell, havin(

re#overed "rom hi! inury% *he )hole team !tood on the elevator% n#e they )ere 'a#$ in the "oyer,

they )al$ed into the $it#hen area, )here hal" o" them (a!ped%

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Moira )a! !ittin( at the $it#hen ta'le, )ith a #up o" #o""ee% 0 )oman )ith lon(, red hair and a

 'la#$ #at!uit had her arm! "olded and her 'a#$ a(ain!t the )all 'e!ide her% 0 'la#$ man )ith an eye-

 pat#h and a leather a#$et )a! !tandin( ne/t to Moira% e had hi! hand! in hi! po#$et!, and loo$ed over 

at Xavier )hen the team )al$ed in the room%

?#ott too$ a !tep "or)ard and pre!!ed hi! hand a(ain!t hi! vi!or, ready to "ire%

+?tep a)ay "rom her, no)>

Xavier put hi! hand out, holdin( it in "ront o" ?#ott4! #he!t%

+?tand do)n, ?#ott, #ommanded Xavier%

+9ut % % % %

+5t4! alri(ht%

?#ott e/haled and relu#tantly nodded 'e"ore !teppin( 'a#$%

+Who are you a!$ed Xavier%

+i#$ ury% 3ire#tor o" ?5EL3%

ury (e!tured to)ard! the )oman in the #at!uit%

+*hi! i! one o" my a(ent!, atalia omanova, other)i!e $no)n a! the 9la#$ Wido)%

Xavier narro)ed hi! eye!%

+54ve never heard o" you%

+5 have, !aid Moira%

Xavier and the team loo$ed at Moira%

+0 "e) year! 'a#$, )hen 5 )a! )or$in( on Muir 5!land, 5 )a! approa#hed 'y them% ?5EL3%

*hey4re a rather !e#retive or(ani.ation % % % % pea#e$eepin( and !e#urity "or#e% *hey )ere intere!ted in

my re!ear#h and my po!!i'le re#ruitment, 'ut 5 de#lined%

+3o#tor Ma#*a((ert i! #orre#t, !aid ury% +5 #ame here 'e#au!e 5 needed to )arn you o" a

(rave threat%

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+5" it4! ?enator elly and hi! Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion, don4t 'other, !aid an$% +We )at#hed

the ne)! report%

+ot that% 5 didn4t #ome here to tal$ to you a'out elly% 5 #ame here to tal$ to you a'out the man

)ho tried to $ill him%

Xavier loo$ed at the team and then rolled "or)ard%


ury !hi"ted hi! (a.e over to ?#ott%

+h, )e4re not leavin(, !aid ?#ott%

+eah, !aid Bean% +Whatever you have to !ay to the <ro"e!!or, you #an !ay to all o" u!%

ury e/haled and put on an unimpre!!ed loo$% Xavier !hru((ed%

+ine% Let me !ho) you%

ury )al$ed around Moira and pulled out a !et o" photo! "rom hi! a#$et% e pla#ed them on the

ta'le% Xavier and the team (athered around the ta'le, loo$in( at the photo!% *hey !ho)ed !everal 'lurry

ima(e! o" a man in a "ull, 'la#$ 'ody!uit% Xavier pi#$ed up one o" the photo! and !tared at it% 9o''y

loo$ed at it over hi! !houlder%

+Who i! that a!$ed 9o''y%

ury !at do)n on the #hair ne/t to Moira4!%

+e4! #alled the ?apphire Weapon%

Xavier4! eye! )idened, 'ut he did not !pea$%

+e popped up on ?5EL34! radar a'out !i/ month! a(o, )hen M!% omanova here inter#epted

a #ommuni#ation 'et)een him and hi! mi!!ion handler%

 atalia !tood "or)ard, and !tarted !pea$in(% ?he had a u!!ian a##ent%

+rom )hat 5 #ould (ather, he4! a mutant in the employ o" !omeone he #all! the 4Ma!ter4, and

!eem! to 'e only "luent in ren#h% i! diale#t indi#ate! a DuJ'J#oi! ori(in% e )a! impli#ated in the

di!appearan#e o" a teena(e mutant named 0n(eli#a Bone!, 'ut all in"ormation 5 tried to "ind 'rou(ht me

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to more dead end!% *hat hand"ul o" lo) @uality photo! are all the other intel 5 #ould (ather on him% or

all intent! and purpo!e!, he4! a (ho!t%

an$ pi#$ed up one o" the ima(e!, !ho)in( the Weapon runnin( do)n a !treet%

+*hi! i! motion 'lur, !aid an$%

+e!, replied atalia% +ne o" hi! #on"irmed po)er! i! !uper !peed% e al!o emit! 'lue ener(y

 'la!t! "rom hi! hand!, 'ut, 5 don4t $no) i" that i! a re!ult o" 'ein( a mutant, or a "un#tion o" hi! !uit%

+*hi! loo$! li$e modular armour, noted an$, )hile he !#rat#hed hi! #hin% +a!#inatin(%

+0! "ar a! )e #an tell, the ?apphire Weapon4! tar(et! have al)ay! 'een mutant!, until today,

e/plained ury% +e a!!aulted a "ully armed poli#e #onvoy and !lau(htered thirteen la) en"or#ement

o""i#er! in le!! than ninety !e#ond! % % % % 'ut elly (ot a)ay%

Xavier rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+What are you !ayin(

+3oe!n4t it !eem a 'it odd to you, that an a!!a!!in )ith !o mu#h po)er and e""i#ien#y in #om'at

)ould allo) !u#h a hi(h pro"ile tar(et to e!#ape 0nd that thi! i! e/a#tly the !ort o" politi#al

ammunition that the ?enator needed to pu!h "or)ard hi! Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion

+Wait, )ait, )ait, !aid ?#ott% +0re you !ayin( that ?enator elly i! #on!pirin( )ith thi!


+r the per!on he )or$! "or, an!)ered atalia% +?ta(e a "a$e a!!a!!ination attempt 'y a mutant

in 'road dayli(ht and try to ma$e it loo$ a! authenti# a! po!!i'le% 5t4! the per"e#t #over to (ive him the

!upport he needed to in!tall the M3%

+*hat i! eviiiiiiil, !aid 9o''y%

+Loo$, !tarted ury, +ri(ht no), it4! u!t a theory% We have no real eviden#e, 'ut 54ve 'een in

thi! 'u!ine!! lon( enou(h to $no) ho) rare #oin#iden#e! are%

+9ut )hy 'rin( thi! to u! a!$ed ?#ott% +Why #an4t you loo$ into it on your o)n

+Contrary to )hat you mi(ht thin$, a! an or(ani.ation, )e4re rather !mall% 5t help! u! maintain

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our !e#re#y% We a!!e!! threat! and deal )ith them a! )e #an% o)ever, !in#e the #ollap!e o" the F,

there ha! 'een "ear o" )ar all over the (lo'e% <aramilitarie!, <MC!, international e!piona(e % % % % the

threat o" 3o#tor 3oom and the Ca'al ha! #au!ed a )orld)ide pani# in the intelli(en#e #ommunity%

 o'ody $no)! )here national allian#e! !tand anymore, and 'order! every)here are #onte!ted% My

 people are needed el!e)here, 'ut a"ter )hat you X-Men did la!t year in *ampa, 5 "elt that % % % % you

de!erved to $no) )hat you4re up a(ain!t%

ury !tood up "rom the ta'le, and atalia pu!hed her!el" o"" the )all%

+*han$ you, 3ire#tor, !aid Xavier%

+5 'elieve in )hat you4re doin( here, <ro"e!!or% ?tay !harp% *here4! more to thi! !#enario than

meet! the eye%

ury )al$ed out o" the room% atalia inhaled and loo$ed at Xavier )ith di!dain%

+5! !omethin( the matter

+ou4re the "ir!t #on"irmed telepath to ever 'e 'orn, !aid atalia%

+*hi! trou'le! you

+5 met a telepath on#e% 5t didn4t end )ell%

Xavier tilted hi! head to the !ide% atalia nodded to the re!t o" the team and "ollo)ed ury out

o" the room% *he t)o le"t throu(h the "ront door, and (ot into a 'la#$ van )hi#h )a! par$ed u!t


= = = =

elly ru''ed hi! hand! to(ether a! he )at#hed the ne)! report on the Mutant e!pon!e

3ivi!ion in hi! private o""i#e% 0! he did, ?ini!ter !tepped out o" the !hado)ed #orner 'ehind him%

+ou4ve done )ell, ?enator%

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Chapter 7: *en!ion

0 little 'oy, no older than "ive, turned a)ay and ran 'a#$ in!ide upon !eein( )hat )a! #au!in(

the noi!e% 0 lar(e, armoured per!onnel #arrier, )ith ei(ht )heel!, rum'led do)n the !treet% 5t )a!

 painted )ith a dull (reen hue all around, )ith a !in(le, !i/ in#h )ide yello) line that en#ir#led the

)hole vehi#le% 5n the one 'rea$ in the line, the letter! 4M34 )ere em'la.oned%

*he per!onnel #arrier )a! "lan$ed on 'oth !ide! 'y three Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion o""i#er!% 0ll

!i/ )ore the !ame uni"ormA a (reen and (rey ta#ti#al !uit, )ith a 'la#$ 'elt, leather a#$'oot!, a military

(rade helmet and a (a! ma!$% 0 !mall, (olden pin )a! a""i/ed on the le"t !ide o" ea#h o""i#er4! #he!t,

)ith the M3 lo(o% ?tun 'aton! )ere #lipped to their 'elt!, )hi#h had !everal po#$et! "or #ontainin(

au/iliary (ear and (ad(et!% n top o" thi!, ea#h o""i#er )ielded either an advan#ed a!!ault ri"le, #om'at

!hot(un, or thermal #lip !niper ri"le%

*he o""i#er! mar#hed do)n the !treet, $eepin( in time )ith the movement o" the per!onnel

#arrier% *he !treet that they )ere movin( do)n )a! #ompletely 'arren other)i!e, )ith a !in(le #ar in

the ni(ht @ui#$ly turnin( a)ay at the !i(ht o" the o""i#er!% *he little 'oy, no) in!ide, loo$ed out the

)indo) a! the per!onnel #arrier moved pa!t hi! home on the terra#e% e didn4t even reali.e ho) hi!

 palm! )ere trem'lin(, pre!!ed a(ain!t the (la!!%

*he o""i#er )al$in( near the top ri(ht o" the #arrier, Laura, put up her le"t "i!t, !i(nallin( the

#arrier to !top% ?he then a##e!!ed her per!onal data unit, )hi#h )a! !trapped to her le"t )ri!t% Che#$in(

the 'lue data !#reen "or the addre!!, !he then loo$ed at the num'er o" the hou!e on the terra#e in "ront

o" her% Veri"yin( that they )ere the !ame, !he "li#$ed o"" her data unit%

+*hi! i! it, !aid Laura% +Fnit!, unload and prepare "or #apture% Civilian report o" t)o mutant!

livin( at thi! lo#ation%

With a hi!!in( !ound, the 'a#$ end o" the per!onnel #arrier opened, lo)erin( a loadin( ramp%

?everal more o""i#er! ru!hed out o" the 'a#$, ta$in( aim at the hou!e% Laura li!tened to the !ound o" her 

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+9ut % % % %


Laura !tood 'a#$ in the door)ay, holdin( her !hield in "ront o" her 'ody% 5t a'!or'ed the

ele#tri#ity o" the (irl4! atta#$!% 0lani, !ha$in( her head and holdin( her hand! on her ear!, then 'e(an

!#reamin( and too$ o"" to)ard! the )all% ?he !eemed to pha!e throu(h it, 'ut it al!o #au!ed the pie#e!

o" the )all !he tou#hed to !hatter and #rum'le%

+?he4! runnin(> yelled Laura% +*eam our> ?he4! #omin( to you>

*he (irl )ith the 'lue hair (ritted her teeth a! !he tried to !tren(then her ele#tri#ity 'la!t, 'ut

Laura pu!hed "or)ard )ith her !hield and !ma#$ed her a#ro!! the "a#e )ith it% *he (irl "ell out o" the

 'ed, and t)o o""i#er! @ui#$ly ran to her and !e#ured her hand! )ith a metalli# #u"" devi#e% elpin( a! it

lat#hed on, the (irl then pa!!ed out due to the devi#e ine#tin( her )ith a !edative%

+&et her in the tru#$> o)> !houted Laura% +*eam our, do you have her>

0lani #ontinued to run )ith her eye! #lo!ed, pha!in( her )ay throu(h multiple )all! until !he

#ra!hed throu(h the 'a#$ o" the hou!e% allin( do)n to the (ra!!, the team o" o""i#er! )ho )ere at the

 'a#$yard "ired !mall dart! "rom their ri"le!% Fpon hittin( her !$in, they lat#hed on and indu#ed an

ele#tri# !ho#$, )hi#h di!a'led her%

+We have her, Captain>

Laura )al$ed out the 'a#$ door and onto the (ra!!% ?he loo$ed do)n at 0lani, )ho )a! er$in(

"rom the ele#tri#ity, 'ut other)i!e una'le to move% Laura #li#$ed her ton(ue and "urro)ed her 'ro),

holdin( her ri"le in the air%

ne o" the o""i#er! held out another #u"" devi#e%

+o, !aid Laura% +*hi! one #au!ed me (rie"%

*he o""i#er nodded and !tood 'a#$% 0lani (u!hed )ith tear! a! her mouth !tayed open% With

nothin( 'ut #old, mer#ile!! di!dain in her eye!, Laura !tepped on 0lani4! )ri!t, (a!hin( and tearin( at

her "le!h )ith the !pi$e! on the 'ottom o" her 'oot% ?he aimed her )eapon at the red diamond mar$in(

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on 0lani4! "orehead%

+Mutant !#um%

Laura "ired a !in(le !hot% 0 tiny pu"" o" !mo$e )i!ped out o" the 'arrel%

= = = =

Moira )al$ed into the 'edroom "ir!t, )ith Xavier "ollo)in( 'ehind in hi! #hair% ?he !tood ne/t

to the dre!!er, pla#in( one hand on it and !i(hin(% Xavier #lo!ed the door 'ehind him, and put hi! hand!

in hi! lap% or a "e) minute!, they didn4t move, or !ay anythin(% inally, Xavier 'ro$e the !ilen#e%


Moira turned around and loo$ed at Xavier )ith a "ro)n%

+e!, Charle!

+*hin(! are a'out to (et very dan(erou! around here% *he !tudent! % % % % elly mi(ht #ome "or

them, i" he "ind! out )here )e are% 0t the !ame time, )e #an4t not inve!ti(ate )hat4! (oin( on%

+5 a(ree%

Xavier then (lared at Moira%

+*hen )hy did you lie

Moira4! eye! )idened%


Xavier pointed at her%

+5 don4t have to u!e my po)er! to !ee that you have a #onne#tion to all thi!% ou didn4t turn

do)n ?5EL34! o""er all tho!e year! a(o, did you

Moira 'it her lip, !teelin( her!el"%

+3id you

Moira !i(hed and !hoo$ her head, loo$in( do)n% ?he then rea#hed into her po#$et, pullin( out

her )allet% Fn"oldin( it, !he held her 'ad(e in "ront o" her, "a#in( Xavier%

+Moira Ma#*a((ert% 0(ent *)enty-ive% ?5EL3 ?pe#ial ?ervi#e% an$: ?#ien#e ""i#er%

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Xavier e/haled and lo)ered hi! (a.e a! !he put her 'ad(e on the dre!!er% e !hoo$ hi! head

 'e"ore loo$in( 'a#$ up at Moira% er "a#ial mu!#le! )ere trem'lin(%

+Why Why didn4t you tell me

+Would you have allo)ed me to 'e here i" 5 did a!$ed Moira%

Xavier (ulped in re!pon!e%


+ou4ve 'een reportin( on u! 5! that ho) ury $ne) ho) to "ind u!

+e $ne) ho) to "ind you "rom the moment you 'ou(ht the damn 5n!titute, retorted Moira%

+5n"ormation i! !ort o" ?5EL34! o', Charle!% *hat4! )hy he4! !o terri"ied o" )hat4! (oin( on no)%

Mutant a!!a!!in! )or$in( "or politi#ian! &iant mon!ter! atta#$in( maor #itie! 0 po!!i'le )orld)ide

#on!pira#y to overthro) demo#ra#y We4re livin( in the a(e o" terror, Charle!, and )e are thi! #lo!e to

tippin( over%

Xavier !#o)led%

+5! that )hat they tell you on re#ruitment day

+3on4t (ive me that #rap% ury had every ri(ht to 'e a"raid o" you% 0 ri#h, po)er"ul telepath

 per!onally trainin( a team o" youn( mutant! *o !ome people, that !ound! an a)"ul lot li$e re#ruitin(

#hild !oldier!% Loo$ )hat you put tho!e $id! throu(h>

+ou thin$ 5 )ant to 5 did )hat 5 did 'e#au!e 5 have to%

+?o do 5>

+?o you never a#tually #ared a'out u!

Moira thre) up her arm!%

+5 did it 'e#au!e 5 do #are> !houted Moira%

Xavier reeled 'a#$ in !urpri!e at Moira4! out'ur!t% ?he then )al$ed up to him, )ith tear!

)ellin( in her eye!, and $nelt in "ront o" him%

+Charle!, ury )a! thi! #lo!e to #omin( in )ith a(ent! and !huttin( you do)n% 5 pleaded )ith

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him to let me (o in in!tead, a! a, a % % % % )hatever you )ant to #all it% e!, it )a! to le!!en hi! an/iety,

 'ut, it )a! more "or me% 5 )anted to !ee you a(ain% Ma$e it li$e it )a!% Charle!, i" 5 hadn4t !ho)n up,

there )ould 'e no X-Men% *hey )ouldn4t have let you%

Xavier !o"tened hi! !#o)l into a !trai(ht "a#e%

+When they #ame to me, e/plained Moira, +Muir 5!land )a! in !ham'le!% 5 )a! out o" money,

and my !ta"" had one "oot out the door% 5 )a! (ettin( no)here% *hen they !ho)ed up, and !aid that i" 5

 oined, 5 )ould (et the re!our#e! and manpo)er that 5 needed to #ontinue my re!ear#h% ur re!ear#h%

ou )ant to $no) )hy 5 )a! a'le to "ini!h Cere'ro 5t )a! 'e#au!e o" them% 9e#au!e o" ?5EL3, 5

(ot to #ontinue my )or$, and you and tho!e #hildren, )hom 54ve #ome to #are "or a! i" they )ere my

o)n % % % % you !aved the )orld%

Moira pla#ed her #hee$ do)n a(ain!t Xavier4! hand%

+?o don4t tell me that 5 don4t #are, )hi!pered Moira% +5 lied 'e#au!e 5 thou(ht 5 )a! doin( )hat

)a! "or the 'e!t%

Moira !tared into Xavier4! eye!% 0"ter holdin( her (a.e "or a lon( )hile, he #lo!ed hi! eye! and

!lo)ly !hoo$ hi! head%

= = = =

?#ott $ept hi! hand! to(ether a! he !at at the ta'le% e )a! !ittin( on a patio out!ide o" a

 'uildin( )ith a !i(n atta#hed, that )a! in the !hape o" a !tyli.ed tea #up% <u!hin( hi! !un(la!!e! up the

 'rid(e o" hi! no!e, he )at#hed a! Bean $ept her arm! "olded and loo$ed to the !treet%

0 )oman )ith lon( 'ro)n hair and an apron approa#hed the ta'le% er apron had the !ame lo(o

a! the 'uildin(, )ith the )ord! 4&rind ?tone Ca"e4 )ritten on it% er name ta( read 4Luna4%

+a4lri(ht here, are you a!$ed Luna% +3on4t need anythin( el!e ri(ht no)

+We4re "ine, replied Bean%


Luna !miled, and moved her eye! up and do)n Bean4! !lender "orm "or a moment 'e"ore !he

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)al$ed o"" to the ne/t ta'le% or another minute, neither ?#ott or Bean !aid anythin(% ?#ott tried to rea#h

"or hi! drin$, 'ut !i(hed and u!t tapped it )ith t)o "in(er! 'e"ore !ittin( 'a#$% e loo$ed at Bean, 'ut

!he re"u!ed to return hi! (a.e% ?till, there )a! no har!hne!! or an(er in her e/pre!!ion, 'ut more o" a

)ithdra)alA a di!#onne#t that ?#ott #ouldn4t "i(ure out%

+54m not (oin( to pretend that 54m (oin( to "i(ure out )hat4! )ron( until you (ive me a #lue%

Bean loo$ed at ?#ott and rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+?omethin( 5 did a!$ed ?#ott, )ith a )ea$, o$ey !mile on hi! "a#e%

Bean e/haled and "ro)ned at him%

+C4mon, (ive me !omethin( to )or$ )ith%

+ou nearly $illed ?elene%

?#ott !hoo$ hi! head "or a moment in !urpri!e, reelin( him!el" 'a#$ in hi! #hair%


+?he )a! 'eaten% 3e"en#ele!!% 0nd you u!t 'rutali.ed her% Why

?#ott "elt the !mall amount o" (li' he had drain "rom hi! "a#e% *a$in( a moment to !)allo) and

inhale, he put hi! hand! 'a#$ on the ta'le% e 'it the in!ide o" hi! lip 'e"ore !pea$in(%

+3o you remem'er % % % % )hen 5 told you, told you that 5 have tou#h i!!ue!

+" #our!e% ir!t "our month! )e 'arely held hand!%

+5 don4t li$e to tou#h people % % % % 'e#au!e 5 don4t % % % %

?#ott !topped and loo$ed to the !ide% Bean ever !o !li(htly narro)ed her eye!%

+5 don4t li$e them to (et #lo!e% 5, 5 mean, you, )ell, o'viou!ly, you are the e/#eption% 9ut 'e"ore

5 met you, Bean, 5, 5 didn4t let any'ody in% *here )a! al)ay! thi! % % % % (ap, 5 (ue!! you #ould !ay% 5 don4t

$no)% ?uppo!e you #ould !ay 5 )a! !#ared% ?#ared o", o" % % % %

+What happened

?#ott loo$ed up at Bean, 'ut didn4t !pea$%

+What aren4t you tellin( me ou4ve (otten #lo!e 'e"ore, 'ut you al)ay! pull 'a#$% *ell me the

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+*hen % % % % !omethin(, !ome thin(, hit u!% *here )a!, a li(ht, or, !ome !ort o" "la!h, 5 don4t

really $no)% 5 )i!h 5 #ould have (otten, !ome !ort o" loo$ at it, 'ut % % % % 3ad !aid he #ould (et u! !a"ely

on the (round% Mom told u! to (ra' the #hute!% ?he % % % % !he !aid !he4d 'e ri(ht 'ehind u!%

Bean !$ipped a 'reath%

+pened the hat#h door% *he )hole, )hole plane )a! u!t, !ha$in(% Wa! hard to "o#u!% 5

remem'er (ra''in( the #hute!, and % % % % 5 loo$ed into 0le/4! eye!% i! )hole "a#e )a! u!t in !ho#$%

Li$e he #ouldn4t pro#e!! anythin(% 5 put the #hute on him % % % % and 5 held him, and 5, 5, !aid, !aid

!omethin(% *o him%

+What )a! it

?#ott pau!ed%

+5 !aid % % % % 0le/% o matter )hat happen!, )e4re "amily%

?#ott (ently li#$ed hi! lip!%

+3on4t $no) )hy 5 )ould have !aid that% 5 )a! u!t a $id% 5 didn4t really under!tand, 'ut, 5 (ue!!

it "elt li$e !omethin( he !hould have heard%

Bean )iped her eye )ith her "in(er%

+*hen, )e (ot hit a(ain% *he e/plo!ion, or )hatever it )a!, it, it % % % % $no#$ed him out% ut the

hat#h% 0nd 5 rea#hed "or him, 'ut, he )a! already (one% 5 $ept !ayin( to my!el" that he had the #hute, he

had the #hute, he had the #hute% e4ll 'e o$ay% 5 tried not to thin$ a'out ho) % % % % ho) 5 never told him

ho) it )or$ed%

i! eye! !hut, ?#ott loo$ed do)n and !hoo$ hi! head% Bean rea#hed out and (ently #are!!ed hi!

hand! )ith her!%

+?o random% o rea!on% ell, 5 never "ound out )hat a#tually happened% 3o#tor at the ho!pital

!aid they never "ound any tra#e o" him% o #hute, no #lothe!% Bu!t % % % % (one% <ro'a'ly 'uried under

)ho $no)! ho) mu#h !no)% 5 had to % % % % had to (o to the "uneral "or my )hole "amily, 'y my!el"%

Bean (ra!ped ?#ott4! hand! and [email protected] them%

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+?o, )hen ?elene, #ame thi! #lo!e to, hurtin( you % % % % hurtin( the team % % % % 5 #ouldn4t help

my!el"% 9e#au!e 5 $no), u!t % % % % ho) @ui#$ly you #an lo!e everythin(% Everyone% 5t4! not a !tory'oo$

)here, you $no) that everyone )ho i! (ood i! (oin( to (et out o$ay% *hin(! u!t, happen !ometime!,

and there4! nothin( you #an do to !top it%

*he t)o )ere !ilent a(ain% With her "ree hand, Bean (ra''ed her )allet "rom her in!ide a#$et

 po#$et% li#$in( it open, !he loo$ed at a photo that !he had "rom her #hildhood% 5t !ho)ed t)o youn(,

!milin( (irl!% ne )a! her youn(er !el", and the other )a! her 'e!t "riend at the time, 0nnie


+eah, !aid Bean% +5 learned that one%

?he put her )allet do)n a! ?#ott (ra''ed 'oth o" her hand!%

+5 u!t #an4t % % % %

?#ott4! eye! )idened a! he !a) !omethin( 'ehind Bean%

+Can4t )hat

Bean rai!ed an eye'ro) a! ?#ott let (o o" her hand! and !tood up, !tarin(% Clo!in( hi! eye! "or a

moment, he @ui#$ly too$ o"" hi! !un(la!!e! and !)apped them "or hi! vi!or% e then !tood up and

 'e(an )al$in( laterally, to)ard! the !treet%


?tayin( in her !eat, Bean turned her head around and "elt the air leave her lun(!% 0 ma!!ive, (rey

drop!hip "loated, a'out ten metre! a'ove the !treet level% 5t )a! in the !hape o" a ma(net, )ith all o" it!

an(le! !@uared% 9oth pron(!, )hi#h )ere "a#in( "or)ard, (lo)ed )ith am'ient purple ener(y% *he !hip

)a! at lea!t "i"teen metre! in len(th, )ith a a (la!! or' !ituated 'et)een the t)o pron(!% *he !hip

!)elled the du!t 'eneath it, and pede!trian! !#reamed and "led%

9elo) the !hip and u!t ahead o" it, )a! the ?apphire Weapon% Wal$in( at a !lo), methodi#al

 pa#e, ea#h !tep he too$, althou(h relatively @uiet, !eemed to !tri$e at the atmo!phere it!el"% ?#ott

)al$ed on to the pavement o" the road, never lettin( hi! (a.e leave the Weapon% ?toppin( in the #entre

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o" the !treet, ?#ott )at#hed a! the Weapon )al$ed #lo!er, until he #har(ed one o" hi! )ri!t (auntlet! and

"ired a 'lue ener(y 'eam at hi! "eet%

?#ott rea#ted 'y per"ormin( a 'a#$"lip, dod(in( the 'la!t% Fpon landin( on one $nee, ?#ott

loo$ed up the Weapon%

+Who !ent you here

*he Weapon !topped movin( "or)ard 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+La Maitre%

e then turned hi! head to the ri(ht, !pottin( Bean !till !ittin( at the ta'le%

+Ci'le en vue%

 *he Weapon 'e(an )al$in( to)ard! her% ?#ott !houted and "ired an opti#al 'la!t at the Weapon,

hittin( him in the !ide% *he Weapon !printed to)ard! ?#ott, !ma!hin( hi! ne#$ )ith the in!ide o" hi!

ri(ht el'o), and then "or#in( hi! arm do)n, )hi#h $no#$ed ?#ott a(ain!t the (round%

ollin( 'a#$)ard! )ith the atta#$, ?#ott re#overed and thre) a a' pun#h at the Weapon4!

!toma#h, )hi#h )a! de"le#ted% ?#ott then tried a ri(ht hoo$, )hi#h )a! a(ain 'lo#$ed% ?#ott and the

Weapon traded !everal more 'lo)!, 'ut the Weapon4! !peed (ave him a !i(ni"i#ant advanta(e%

no#$in( ?#ott a(ain a(ain!t the (round, he !tood a'ove him, loo$in( do)n% ?#ott then "ired a

!u!tained ener(y 'la!t, )hi#h .i(.a((ed a#ro!! the Weapon4! #he!t, !earin( the armour% *he Weapon

yo)led in pain%

*he Weapon )a! then !tru#$ 'y a #ar "lyin( throu(h the air to)ard! him% Bean, )ho )a! no) on

the road a! )ell, held out her hand!, movin( the #ar )ith her mind% *he Weapon rolled under the #ar

and "ired an ener(y 'la!t dire#tly at her% ?he tried to a'!or' it )ith a p!ioni# "ield, 'ut )a!n4t "a!t

enou(h to mat#h the Weapon4! ' !peed and )a! $no#$ed un#on!#iou! 'y the atta#$%

?#ott yelled and #har(ed at the Weapon, )ho 'a#$handed him% ?#ott )a! !ent "lippin( into the

air, !ma#$in( and "allin( o"" the roo" o" a near'y van% *he drop!hip de!#ended, lo)erin( a ramp out o"

the (la!! or'% *he Weapon #almly )al$ed over to Bean, pi#$in( her up, and holdin( her )ith one arm

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under her !houlder! and the other under her $nee!% e then )al$ed onto the ramp%

&roanin(, ?#ott tried to pu!h him!el" o"" the (round, 'ut all o" hi! 'one! a#hed !o mu#h that he

#ould 'arely move% *he Weapon too$ a !e#ond to loo$ 'a#$ at him 'e"ore turnin( 'a#$ to)ard! the

entran#e o" the !hip%

+n retourne au #amp% 5l "ault !4envoler% Maintenant>

*he ramp #lo!ed, and the drop!hip li"ted o"" into the !$y% ?#ott "ired a !in(le opti#al 'la!t, )hi#h

mi!!ed, a! he !tru((led to loo$ up%


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Chapter 8: Everyone 5! ?tealth

?#ott tapped hi! "oot repeatedly a! he )aited% i! arm! )ere "olded and hi! 'reathin( pa#e )a!

hei(htened% an$ loo$ed over at him and noted hi! !i(n! o" a(itation, 'ut did not !pea$% 9o''y and

<iotr !tood 'ehind an$, )at#hin( Xavier% Moira )a! ne/t to him, her hand on hi! !houlder a! he

"o#u!ed hi! mind%

0"ter !everal more minute!, Xavier "inally too$ the Cere'ro helmet o""% With a !ullen loo$ on

hi! "a#e, he turned around and "a#ed the team%

+5 #an4t "ind her%

?#ott4! eye!, un!een to everyone, "lared up%

+What the hell do you mean, you #an4t "ind her> !houted ?#ott% +Cere'ro #an "ind anyone on

the (oddamn planet>

an$ too$ a !tep "or)ard, rea#hin( out )ith hi! hand%

+?#ott, perhap! % % % %

?#ott @ui#$ly !)atted an$4! hand a)ay%

+<erhap! nothin(> o#u! harder, turn up the po)er, 5 don4t #are> ind her> W>

+?#ott, plea!e, pleaded Xavier% +our an(er (ain! u! nothin(%

+*he <ro"e!!or i! ri(ht, ?#ott, !aid Moira% +ou4ve (ot to % % % %

+ou don4t (et to tell me anythin(> interrupted ?#ott, pointin( a "in(er at her% +ou !old u! all

out to ?5EL3, you )orthle!! traitor> ou4ve 'een reportin( on u! thi! )hole time>

Moira #lo!ed her mouth and !trai(htened her "a#e%

+?#ott> !houted Xavier%

?#ott (lared at him%

+*hi! i! not the time "or your #hildi!h di!play! o" "ru!tration> 5" you truly )ant Bean 'a#$, then

you need to !top la!hin( out at your allie! and help u! thin$>

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?#ott opened hi! mouth 'ut then e/haled and #lo!ed hi! eye! "or a moment% Lettin( (o o" hi!

#len#hed "i!t!, he too$ a !tep 'a#$ and !)allo)ed%

+o), !tarted Xavier, +5 !ear#hed meti#ulou!ly, 'ut )a! una'le to lo#ate any tra#e o" Bean4!

a!tral !i(nature% My only theory i! that )hoever $idnapped her ha! developed !ome !ort o" te#hnolo(y

to 'lo#$ telepathi# !i(nal!% 5t )ould have to 'e even !tron(er than Ma(neto4! helmet to #ompletely hide

her "rom Cere'ro4! dete#tion%

+Let4! loo$ at )hat )e $no), !aid an$% +*he ?apphire Weapon i! )or$in( "or !omeone el!e,

and (iven the !i.e and !#ope o" the !hip that ?#ott de!#ri'ed, thi! per!on ha! a plethora o" re!our#e!,

li$ely enou(h to develop !ome !ort o" devi#e #apa'le o" ma!$in( a!tral !i(nature!% What thi! really tell!

u!, thou(h, i! that thi! per!on $ne) that !omeone )ould try and dete#t her in that "a!hion%

Everyone narro)ed their eye! a! they loo$ed at an$%

+Whoever thi! per!on i!, they $no) a'out u!, or at the very lea!t, )hat )e4re #apa'le o"% *hin$

a'out it% Why el!e )ould they 'other to hide Bean on the a!tral plane )hen the only per!on )ho #ould

"ind her via that method i! another telepath

9o''y !#rat#hed hi! head%

+9ut )hy )ould they )ant to ta$e u!t her a!$ed ?#ott% +Why not me too 5!n4t thi! per!on in

lea(ue )ith the M3 3on4t they )ant all mutant! #aptured

an$ put hi! hand on hi! #hin%

+*hat part doe! trou'le me% *he pa!t t)o )ee$! ha! 'een ri"e )ith report! o" anti-mutant

violen#e 'y the e!pon!e 3ivi!ion, in#ludin( multiple "atalitie!, 'ut never o" !ho)in( any mer#y% *hey

mu!t have 'een !pe#i"i#ally tar(etin( Bean, e!pe#ially !in#e the #ra"t you de!#ri'ed )a! not !tandard


+3o you thin$ they $ne) a'out ho) po)er"ul !he i!

+*hey mu!t have% Why el!e )ould they !end the ?apphire Weapon to o'tain her

9o''y !tood "or)ard%

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+$ay, not to 'rea$ apart the 'rain tru!t here, 'ut it !ound! li$e you4re not (ettin( any #lo!er to

"indin( her% 5 mean, )hat are )e (onna do a'out it

+?enator elly, !aid an$% +We !till have no proo" that he4! in lea(ue )ith the ?apphire

Weapon, 'ut even !till, )e have to inve!ti(ate hi! a#tivitie! to help the mutant! hi! M3 have 'een


+What do you propo!e a!$ed Xavier%

+i! #ampai(n head@uarter!% 5n 9o!ton% We have to (et in there%

?#ott thre) up hi! arm!%

+What (ood )ill that do

+<re!uma'ly he )ill have !ome !ort o" #omputer that #arrie! all o" hi! "ile! and data% 5" he really

i! allied )ith the ?apphire Weapon, then may'e that !y!tem )ill have in"ormation on )here they are

lo#ated, or )hat !ort o" people )e4re dealin( )ith% 5 $no) it4! a lon( !hot, 'ut it4! the only lead )e


+ou4re (oin( to ri!$ all our live! on the o"" #han#e that elly ha! !omethin( )orth)hile>

+3o you )ant Bean 'a#$ or not

+" #our!e 5 do>

+*hen you li!ten to me, !#olded an$% +We4re 'ein( put in an impo!!i'le !ituation% ?omeone

tar(eted one o" our o)n, and )e don4t $no) )ho% My plan may not 'e the !tron(e!t one ever

#on#eived, 'ut there i! no other lo(i#al #our!e o" a#tion (iven the in"ormation )e have at pre!ent% 5"

you #an o""er a 'etter !olution, than 'y all mean!, impart your )i!dom>

?#ott !i(hed and loo$ed do)n% an$ put a hand on hi! !houlder%

+?#ott, you4re the !tron(e!t and 'rave!t o" all o" u!, 'ut no man #an !tay re!olute inde"initely%

We $no) )hat Bean mean! to you% 9ut try to remem'er % % % % )hat !he mean! to u!%

?#ott loo$ed up% 0"ter loo$in( at an$ "or a "e) !e#ond!, he nodded, turnin( to loo$ at 9o''y

and <iotr% an$ too$ hi! hand o"" ?#ott4! !houlder%

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+We (o )ith an$4! plan, !tated ?#ott% +We (et into elly4! head@uarter!, )e "ind the

in"ormation )e need% We "ind )here the Weapon i!, )e (o there, )e 'eat him, )e (et Bean and )e (et

out% 5! that under!tood

9o''y !miled%

+o) that4! a plan 5 li$e%

+o #omplaint! "rom Colo!!u!, !aid <iotr%

?#ott turned to loo$ at Xavier and Moira, )ho !i(hed !imultaneou!ly%

+When 5 put to(ether thi! team, !tarted Xavier, +5 did !o $no)in( that it )ould 'e !een 'y

!ome a! !omethin( to 'e )ary o"% *here )ill al)ay! 'e tho!e )ho do not tru!t u!% 0! a )ay o"

alleviatin( thi!, 5 put "orth the de#ree that )e )ould not 'rea$ the la)% &oin( throu(h )ith thi! )ould

 'e a violation o" that rule%

?#ott (ulped% Xavier "urro)ed hi! 'ro)%

+*hat 'ein( !aid, )e al!o #annot allo) one o" our o)n to needle!!ly peri!h% an$

+e!, <ro"e!!or

+<repare the 9la#$'ird% We leave no)%

= = = =

an$ )in#ed a! he [email protected] him!el" into the air vent% ea#hin( "or)ard )ith hi! pa), he

#la!ped the metal panel in "ront o" him and pulled hi! 'ody "or)ard% 0"ter !tret#hin( out the maority o" 

hi! mu!#le!, he #au(ht the rhythm o" the movement and #ontinued on)ard do)n the len(th o" the vent%

n top o" the o""i#e 'uildin( that hou!ed elly4! head@uarter!, the X-Bet )a! par$ed, in !tealth

mode, ma$in( it almo!t #ompletely tran!parent% 5n the #o#$pit, Moira )a! !ittin( in the pilot4! !eat% ?he

had a pair o" headphone! on her head, and )a! loo$in( at multiple vie) !#reen!, in#ludin( one that

!ho)ed an$4! point o" vie) "rom a devi#e lod(ed into a pair o" hi-te#h (o((le! !he had provided him%

Xavier )a! !ittin( ne/t to her, )at#hin( the vie) !#reen!% ?#ott, 9o''y and <iotr )ere all

!tandin( 'ehind them, tryin( to (et the 'e!t vie) they #ould%

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+e4! in!ide, !aid Moira% +0lri(ht an$, you4re (oin( to )ant to "ollo) that vent thirty metre!

until you rea#h a un#tion point, )here you4ll ma$e a le"t% emem'er, your uni@ue 'one !tru#ture ma$e!

you apt "or movement )ith minimal audi'ility% 3on4t 'e a"raid to ta$e your time i" you thin$ it )ill help

you $eep a lo) pro"ile%

an$ li(htly (roaned a! he moved "urther a)ay "rom one o" the open panel!, a! the li(ht

@ui#$ly drained "rom the vent% e then #li#$ed a !mall 'utton on the !ide o" the (o((le!, a#tivatin( the

ni(ht-vi!ion mode%

+i(ht-vi!ion> e/#laimed 9o''y% +9uildin( !#hemati#! Wi#$ed% What other !uper !py toy!

you (ot

Moira rolled her eye!% an$ #ontinued to move do)n the vent, ma$in( the le"t turn a!


+$ay, no) % % % %

+Wait, )hi!pered an$%

an$ pre!!ed hi! ear a(ain!t the 'ottom o" the vent, li!tenin( to the !ound o" #hatter #omin(

"rom 'elo)%

+% % % % that #amp )a! "illin( up ni#ely% eport! #omin( in all over the !tate% <eople really )ant

mutie! o"" the !treet!%

+ah% Love it% ey, )hen did you order the pi..a Cindy ha!n4t #alled% 54m !tarvin(>

+ela/, Cham'er!% 5t4! only 'een t)enty minute!% ou (otta (ive 4em a hal" hour at lea!t%

+5 hate )aitin(%

an$ inhaled and !#rat#hed hi! #hin%


+What i! it, an$ a!$ed Moira% +What4! )ron(

+othin(% 5t4! nothin(%

Moira dire#ted an$ throu(h the air vent !y!tem "or another "e) minute! until he rea#hed a

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dead end% *he panel at the end )a! a (rate, )hi#h he pulled out o" pla#e% ?lin$in( throu(h the ne)

openin(, he !ilently dropped into elly4! o""i#e% *he room )a! dar$, )ith only the li(ht o" the !treet!

and the moon out!ide providin( any illumination%

an$ !tepped up to the main #omputer, turnin( it on% e )at#hed until it rea#hed the lo(in


+$ay, 54m at the #omputer no)%

+Loo$ "or a F?9 port, ordered Moira% +<lu( in the de#ryption devi#e 5 (ave you% 5" my

in"ormation a'out hi! operatin( !y!tem i! #orre#t, it !hould 'e a'le to (et you in%

an$ rea#hed into hi! a#$et po#$et and pulled out a !mall F?9 $ey% <lu((in( it into a !lot, he

then )aited a "e) !e#ond!% *he !#reen then typed in a u!ername and pa!!)ord, )hi#h #ame up a!

veri"ied% an$ nodded )ith a (rin%

+i#e )or$%

?#ott !#o""ed%

+o) mu#h did ?5EL3 tea#h you

+0 "e) thin(!, an!)ered Moira% +o) an$, the devi#e )ill al!o (ive you a##e!! to any !e#ure

"ile!% *ho!e are the one! )e4re loo$in( "or% 5 don4t $no) e/a#tly )hat you4ll "ind, 'ut try to (et anythin(

that #an help u! "i(ure )hat4! (oin( on here%

+n it%

an$ opened up the do#ument! !e#tion o" the hard di!$ and 'e(an peru!in( throu(h the "ile!%

0"ter a #ouple o" minute! o" !ear#hin( and #li#$in(, he "ound !omethin( that #au!ed him to rai!e an


+5 have !omethin( % % % % it4! an o""-!ite !erver drive% Called the 4E!!e/ ile!4% 3o you !ee it

+We !ee it, an$, !aid Xavier%

+penin( it no)%

an$ #li#$ed on the !erver, and )at#hed a! the de#ryption $ey opened it up% e then )idened

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hi! eye! upon !eein( )hat )a! in!ide%

+h, my !tar! and (arter!%

+o% o % % % %

-Mutant E/perimentation ?u'e#t ile! <rimary ?u'e#t!-

-Mar#u! 3aniel!-

-Vane!!a Carly!le-

-William aplan-

-Warren Worthin(ton-

-?amuel &uthrie-

-Bo!hua oley-

-0driana ?oria-

-*homa! ?hepherd-

-Bulian eller-

-Chri!toph ord-

-ahne ?in#lair-

-0lma Wade-

-Me(an &)ynn-

-9arry Lloyd-

-Beanne-Marie 9eau'ier-

-Bame! <roud!tar-

-*a'itha ?mith-

-ori$o 0!hida-

-Bean &rey-

-Mutant E/perimentation ?u'e#t ile! ?e#ondary ?u'e#t!-

-ull 3ata'a!e 1N; ile!-

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-Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion-

-Video ile!-


-o'ert elly 5n"ormation <a#$a(e!-

-&ear and Manu"a#turin(-

-<roto#ol ile!-


-&ene!i! Camp <roe#t-

-<rimary <ropertie!-


-Le(al ile!-


-E/pan!ion ption!-

-<er!onnel Li!t-


-<otential uture ?ite!-

-<ryor <roe#t-

-e!ear#h 3ata-

-Wyndham eport!-

-Weapon <roe#t-

-?apphire Weapon-

Xavier #lo!ed hi! eye!%

+5t4! our )or!t ni(htmare%

+&ene!i! Camp a!$ed Moira%

+*hi! loo$! % % % % 'ad, !aid 9o''y%

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<iotr !hoo$ hi! head%

+E/perimentin( on mutant! ver a thou!and "ile!>

an$ e/haled%

+*hi! prove! that elly )a! plannin( the Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion )ith another party "rom the

!tart% *he ?apphire Weapon atta#$ )a! de"initely a mo#$-up%

?#ott (ritted hi! teeth%

+Loo$% e ha! a "ile on Bean% pen it%

an$ #li#$ed on Bean4! "ile% 5n!ide )ere multiple te/t do#ument! detailin( )ho !he )a!,

in#ludin( in"ormation on the 5n!titute%

+e4! 'een )at#hin( u! a!$ed 9o''y% +?hit%

+?eem! li$e, )hoever thi! 4Ma!ter4 i!, ha! 'een monitorin( Bean !in#e !he arrived at the

5n!titute, !aid an$%

+3o they have any in"ormation on their )herea'out! a!$ed Xavier%

+old on% What4! thi! *he Weapon <roe#t%

an$ opened the "ile a'out the ?apphire Weapon%

-?apphire Weapon-

-Bean-<aul 9eau'ier <rimary ?u'e#t-

-ee#ted Candidate!-

-Mutant <o)er 0naly!i!-

-?upplementary 0u(mentation-

-e#onditionin( <roto#ol!-

-9ody!uit ?#hemati#!-

-Video ile!-

-Mi!!ion 3ata-

+Bean-<aul 9eau'ier a!$ed ?#ott%

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+3e"initely !ound! ren#h, !aid 9o''y% +9eau'ier%

+DuJ'J#oi!, a#tually, !aid Moira% +5 $no) 54ve heard that name 'e"ore%

an$ opened the "ile and loo$ed in!ide% e then 'e(an readin( it out%

+Bean-<aul 9eau'ier, alon( )ith hi! t)in !i!ter, Beanne-Marie, )ere maor mem'er! o" the

4ront de li'Jration du DuJ'e#4, other)i!e $no)n a! the LD, a Canadian terrori!t or(ani.ation )hi#h

operated 'et)een 1;6G and 1;7N% *he t)in! )ere impli#ated in 'oth the 'om'in( o" the Montreal

?to#$ E/#han(e and the #to'er Cri!i!% When they )ere #aptured and later outed a! mutant!, they )ere

denoun#ed 'y 'oth the LD and the Due'e# (overnment% *hey )ere ailed and )ere alle(edly 'oth

$illed in a pri!on riot in 1;72%

+Loo$ at that, !aid Moira% +9elo) the do#ument% 5t4! "ile! on them a"ter they )ere !uppo!ed to

 'e dead%

+?o, thi! 4Ma!ter4 more than li$ely or#he!trated the event! o" their death! !o that he #ould

#apture them and turn them into hi! o)n per!onal a!!a!!in!, !aid an$% +3ia'oli#al%

+?o )e $no) hi! name, !aid ?#ott% +?o )hat e4! not important% 5t4! Bean )e )ant% &o 'a#$ to

the "ile a'out the 4&ene!i! Camp4, )hatever that i!%

+Wait, let me loo$ at thi!, !aid an$%

an$ opened up the 4Video ile!4 !e#tion under the Mutant e!pon!e 3ivi!ion "older% penin(

the "ir!t "ile, a video )indo) popped up, !ho)in( a dar$ room and a #omputer !#reen% 0 man )a!

"a#in( the #omputer, 'ut only hi! arm #ould 'e !een% 0"ter a moment, a "a#e appeared on the !#reenA a

 'eauti"ul )oman, )ith (reen hair, (reen eye! and (reen lip!ti#$%

+Madame ydra, !aid the man, )ith a ra!py voi#e%

+err ?ini!ter, replied the )oman, )ith a &erman a##ent% +5 haven4t !een you in year!% 5 mu!t

admit, you haven4t a(ed a day%

+either have you, my lady%

+*o )hat do 5 o)e thi! #all

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+5 have a propo!ition "or you%

+0nd )hat )ould that 'e

+Within the #omin( month! 5 )ill 'e )or$in( in tandem )ith ?enator o'ert elly o"

Ma!!a#hu!ett! on !ettin( up an anti-mutant poli#e "or#e% We #annot have a#tual o""i#er! on the ro!ter

"or o'viou! rea!on!%

+ou )ant ydra troop! "or your ta!$ "or#e

+*hey )ill 'e (iven "al!e identitie! to #over up their alle(ian#e, o" #our!e% 5 )ill !end you an

in"ormation pa#$a(e )ith all the detail!% 5 )ould need a'out "ive hundred o" your operative! to

 populate the "or#e% 5" thin(! (o a##ordin( to plan, )e !hould 'e a'le to e/pand a#ro!! the #ountry, and

ydra % % % % )ill have a <re!ident o'ert elly in their po#$et%

*he )oman #hu#$led and put on a deviou! (rin%

+ou al)ay! did drive a hard 'ar(ain, E!!e/% ?end me the pa#$a(e% ou4ll (et your poli#e


+<lea!ure, a! al)ay!, Madame%

*he video "ile #lo!ed% Xavier !i(hed%


+h dear, !aid an$, louder than he4d e/pe#ted%

0 loud $no#$ )a! then heard at the door%

+5! !omeone in there>

an$4! eye! )idened%

+an$> &et the lo#ation on the &ene!i! Camp>

an$ @ui#$ly open the 4&ene!i! Camp4 "ile! and loo$ed throu(h the data%



an$ read the #o-ordinate!%

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+&ot it% 5 (ot it>

*he door 'ur!t open, and t)o M3 o""i#er! ru!hed in%

+Mutant> ?top him>


an$ turned around and leaped out the )indo), !hatterin( the (la!! a! the o""i#er! "ired their

a!!ault ri"le!%

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the roo"top and 'lo)in( a)ay the o""i#er )ith the ro#$et laun#her%

Xavier pre!!ed t)o "in(er! a(ain!t hi! ri(ht temple%

“(iotr! )an you hear me# Are you alright#”

Xavier )aited a "e) !e#ond! "or a telepathi# re!pon!e%

“Yes (rofessor. I$m o%ay.”

“'hat about *an%#”

“*e$s breathing. I too% the brunt of the fall but we$re under attac%! 'e need help right now!”

“'e$re coming. Just hold on!”

Xavier put hi! hand do)n%

+<iotr and an$ are on the (round% *hey4re alive, 'ut )e need to e/tra#t them>

+&ot it, replied Moira%

<ullin( 'a#$ on the #ontrol #olumn, Moira moved the et and hovered !lo)ly to)ard! the

(round% ?#ott loo$ed out the )indo), and !a) <iotr #rou#hed, )ith hi! 'a#$ to the 'uildin(% e had hi!

arm! e/tended over an$4! 'ody, !hieldin( him "rom multiple !tream! o" 'ullet!, )hi#h )ere 'ein(

"ired 'y M3 o""i#er! at the 'ro$en )indo)%

+*urn our 'a#$ to the 'uildin(> yelled ?#ott%

Moira nodded and turned the #ontrol #olumn% With the open 'a#$ no) "a#in( the 'ro$en

)indo), ?#ott pre!!ed hi! vi!or, emittin( an e/tended opti#al 'la!t that $no#$ed do)n the three o""i#er!

at the )indo)% More o""i#er! )ith ro#$et laun#her! approa#hed the ed(e o" the roo" and "ired ro#$et!

do)n at the et% ea#tin( )ithin a !e#ond, ?#ott !hot them out the !$y )ith la!er 'la!t!%

Xavier loo$ed at 9o''y%

+9o''y> &et them out o" there>


9o''y turned on hi! i#e "orm and umped out o" the 'a#$ o" the et% ?$atin( do)n the )all o"

the 'uildin(, he then poun#ed to)ard! <iotr and an$% ?lidin( under <iotr, he (ra''ed an$ )ith 'oth

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arm!, !#oopin( him up and !$atin( 'a#$ to)ard! the et%

+ey, heavy metal> !houted 9o''y% +We are leavin(>

<iotr nodded% oldin( an$4! un#on!#iou! "orm over hi! !houlder )ith one arm, 9o''y u!ed

hi! "ree hand to "ree.e a path 'a#$ up to the et4! loadin( ramp% <iotr 'ent hi! $nee! 'e"ore umpin(

up)ard, landin( on the ed(e o" the ramp%

+We4re all in> !houted 9o''y% +&o, (o, (o>

Moira pre!!ed the 'utton that !ealed the ramp% 9o''y pla#ed an$ on the 'en#h at the !ide o"

the main #ompartment% <iotr )al$ed up to them%

+ey, an$> !aid 9o''y% +9ea!t ur'all>

an$ lay !till, unre!pon!ive to 9o''y4! proddin(% 9o''y !i(hed%

+?orry a'out thi!, 'ud%

9o''y rea#hed do)n and (ra!ped an$4! hand )ith 'oth o" hi!% e then "ro.e hi! hand! !o

mu#h that mi!t !tarted to emanate "rom it% an$ then 'ur!t a)a$e, pantin( a! he tore hi! hand a)ay

"rom 9o''y4!%

+h, my % % % % t-t-that i-i-i-i! "-"-"ri(id>

an$ "ranti#ally ru''ed hi! hand! to(ether% <iotr !miled% 9o''y !lapped an$ on the 'a#$ o"

hi! !houlder% *hey )ere all then o!tled 'y the et !u!tainin( heavy "ire "rom the remainin( M3

o""i#er!% ?#ott "ell "a#e "ir!t to the "loor% Xavier held on to the 'a#$ o" Moira4! #hair%

+Moira, )e % % % % up there> Loo$>

Moira "elt her heart !$ip a 'eat a! !he !a) a dull (reen heli#opter )ith the yello) M3 lo(o

em'la.oned on the !ide appear "rom around the !ide o" the 'uildin(% *he pilot !neered a! he pre!!ed in

a #ommand on hi! #ontrol #on!ole%

+*ar(et lo#$ed, !aid the pilot%

[email protected]( the tri((er, he )at#hed a! t)o !yn#hroni.ed ro#$et! "ired "rom the 'ottom o" the

heli#opter% Moira a(ain a#tivated the thru!ter et!, 'oo!tin( the #ra"t up into the air% *he ro#$et! tried to

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turn to "ollo) the et, 'ut ran into the !ide o" the 'uildin(, de!troyin( a lar(e, three-"loor )ide !e#tion

o" the e/terior% Moira then pre!!ed the 'lue 'utton! on the #ontrol #olumn a(ain, "irin( another !et o"

t)in la!er!, thi! time at the #onne#tin( point 'et)een the main rotor and the 'ody o" the heli#opter%

?earin( the metal and #au!in( the 'olt! to melt, the e/plo!ion $no#$ed the pilot a(ain!t the le"t

!ide o" hi! #a'in%


*he heli#opter !pun out, !mo$in( "rom the top% Moira !mir$ed a! !he a#tivated the main et!,

"lyin( o"" into the ni(ht a! the heli#opter #ra!hed a(ain!t the 'uildin( and )a! in#inerated in a ma!!ive

 'all o" "lame! )hi#h dou!ed the 'uildin(%

+?tealth mode re-en(a(ed, !aid Moira%

Everyone in the et let out a #olle#tive !i(h o" relie"% Xavier then rolled up to an$%

+an$ % % % % ho) are you "eelin(

+*he pain o" partin( i! nothin( to the oy o" meetin( a(ain, replied an$% +Charle! 3i#$en!%

9o''y rolled hi! eye!%

+Eh, he4ll 'e "ine%

an$ !at up, (ra''in( at hi! !ide%

+5 have % % % % u(h, have the #o-ordinate! "or the &ene!i! Camp%

+ou4ll have more than that, !aid Moira% +&ive me the drive%

an$ held out the F?9 $ey, and ?#ott too$ it "rom him% e then handed it to Moira, )ho

 plu((ed it into the main #on!ole on the et4! da!h'oard%

+What are you doin( a!$ed <iotr%

+With enou(h lu#$, hope"ully (ettin( a! mu#h intel a! )e need% *he drive ha! automati#

 'a#$(round pro(ram! that !teal data )hen prompted% 5 turned them on )hen you a##e!!ed elly4! o""-

!ite !erver%

+3amn, !aid 9o''y% +ou4ve 'een holdin( out on u!%

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Moira rai!ed her eye'ro) a! !he loo$ed 'a#$ at 9o''y, 'e"ore pullin( open a #ompartment on

her #hair, )hi#h #ontained a ?5& M11 pi!tol and a hand"ul o" ammunition ma(a.ine!% &ra''in( the

 pi!tol, !he loaded it )ith one ma(a.ine 'e"ore pullin( open her la' #oat and revealin( a hol!ter !trap on

her le"t thi(h, over top her pant!% <la#in( the pi!tol in the hol!ter, !he then pulled the #ollar o" her #oat

"or)ard, #overin( it a(ain%

9o''y "elt hi! a) drop a! !he loo$ed "or)ard a(ain, a! the #on!ole !#reen "illed )ith data% <iotr 

!at do)n on the #hair ne/t to Moira%

+$ay% We have !ome o" the data on the mutant e/periment!, the ?apphire Weapon, and % % % %

here )e are% *he #o-ordinate!%

+?u#h "olly on my part, !aid an$, #hu#$lin( to him!el"% +5 memori.ed the #o-ordinate! "or


+Loo$! li$e )e4re headed "or % % % % hmmm% *hi! i! !ho)in( up a! in the middle o" Mount &ra#e

ore!t, "ar o"" "rom the hi$in( trail!% Loo$! li$e they didn4t )ant to 'e di!tur'ed% <ro(rammin( it in


?#ott pre!!ed hi! !houlder a(ain!t the )all and loo$ed over at Xavier%

+<ro"e!!or% ou !aid !omethin( a'out 4ydra4 'a#$ there% What i! that

Xavier (ulped and "olded hi! hand! to(ether% an$ loo$ed at Xavier )ith #on#ern a! he put hi!

le(! over the ed(e o" the 'en#h%

+5, uh % % % %

+ydra )a! an or(ani.ation that e/i!ted a! a !pe#ial !#ien#e and 'la#$ op! divi!ion o" a.i

&ermany 'a#$ in World War *)o, e/plained an$%

+Wa! a!$ed ?#ott% +<a!t ten!e

an$ loo$ed at Xavier a(ain%

+0! "ar a! 5 $ne), it )a! pa!t ten!e%

Xavier loo$ed do)n% 9o''y "olded hi! arm!%

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+ydra, !tarted Xavier, +had a motto )hen they "ir!t !tarted out% 5t )a! 'a!ed on the an#ient

&ree$ mytholo(i#al #reature, $no)n a! the Lernaean ydra, "rom )hi#h they too$ their name% 0 !ea

#reatureA an enormou! 'ea!t, )ith many head! o" !na$e!% 5t )a! "ou(ht 'y era#le!, the (reat divine

hero% *he !on o" Ieu!, $in( o" lympu!, the realm o" the (od!% *he motto )a! the ydra4! main po)er%

Cut o"" one head, and t)o more !hall ta$e! it! pla#e%

Moira turned her #hair to)ard! Xavier% Everyone )a! )at#hin( the <ro"e!!or%

+Contrary to )hat many 'elieved, ydra !urvived the "all o" a.i &ermany% *hey lived on, a! a

!e#retive terrori!t (roup determined to rule the )orld "rom the !hado)!% *hey )ould !top at nothin( to

a#hieve their (oal!, even dippin( into !ome !our#e! o" $no)led(e that mo!t )ould #on!ider to 'e % % % %

di!tur'in(% 5 thou(ht 54d heard the la!t o" them%

an$ !tood up%

+ou4ve en#ountered them Where

Xavier (ulped a(ain%

+Vietnam% *he !ame pla#e 5 met Ma(neto%

*he #olour drained "rom Moira4! "a#e%

+ydra )a! !e#retly aidin( the Viet Con( "or#e! a(ain!t the Fnited ?tate!% ?o "e) $ne) a'out it

that mo!t people u!t #on!idered it rumour% 0! did 5, at "ir!t% *hen 5 met Eri$, and everythin( #han(ed%

e e/plained to me ho) ydra raided hi! villa(e, !lau(htered hi! "amily, u!t "or 'ein( Be)i!h % % % % in


+*)o year! a"ter the )ar )a! over, !aid an$%

+e!% *he 0llie! thou(ht the 0/i! )ere #ompletely de"eated % % % % 'ut ydra lived on% ?lo)ly

re(ainin( their po)er and "or#e!, all in the hope! o" one day rei(nitin( their dream o" a'!olute tyranny%

5 "ou(ht them alon(!ide Eri$ % % % % and durin( my la!t 'attle, 5 % % % %

Xavier pla#ed hi! hand on the )heel o" hi! #hair% e too$ a "e) moment! 'e"ore #ontinuin(%

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+5 #ame home 'elievin( they )ere (one "or (ood% *hat my !a#ri"i#e meant !omethin(% 5t

appear! no) that ydra4! motto i! more apt than 54d anti#ipated%

?#ott turned to Moira%

+3o you $no) anythin( a'out thi! 3oe! ?5EL3 $no)

+5 don4t $no) everythin( ?5EL3 $no)!, ?#ott% 5 )a! 'rou(ht in 'e#au!e o" my )or$ on

mutant!% 5 had heard rumour! a'out ydra po!!i'ly e/i!tin( in !ome ne) "orm, 'ut 5 didn4t $no) it )a!

anythin( li$e thi!%

+Wait, !o % % % % the M3 % % % % are a.i!> a!$ed 9o''y%

+ou have to under!tand, the )orld ha! #han(ed, an!)ered Xavier% +*he or(ani.ation ha!

#han(ed% Even in the mid-7N4! )hen 5 "ou(ht them, they )ere not the !ame ydra that e/i!ted 'a#$

then% *hey no lon(er "ollo)ed a politi#al movement, or even a nationality% *he pur!uit o" po)er, o"

total )orld domination % % % % it had 'e#ome a philo!ophy unto it!el"% ydra had it! root! in a.i!m, ye! %

% % % 'ut they had evolved into !omethin( #ompletely their o)n% *hey didn4t !ay 4eil itler4%

an$ rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+*hey !aid 4ail ydra4%

?#ott "umed 'e"ore !lammin( hi! "i!t a(ain!t hi! other open hand%

+5 don4t #are i" they ail Cae!ar% *hey4re )or$in( )ith elly% *hey4re e/perimentin( on mutant!,

and they have Bean% *hey4re (oin( do)n%

= = = =

+?o ?enator, )hat do you thin$

i! hand! 'ehind hi! 'a#$, elly )al$ed up to the )indo) overloo$in( the main #ourtyard o"

the #omple/% e "elt a !mile #reep onto hi! "a#e a! he !a) hundred! o" mutant! in #hain! and #ollar!,

 'ein( #orralled into variou! 'uildin( 'y the M3 o""i#er!% Con#rete )all! "ormed the outer perimeter,

)ith (uard to)er! at the verti#e! e@uipped )ith !potli(ht! and armed !niper!%

?ini!ter and Laura )al$ed up to oppo!ite !ide! o" elly% *he ?apphire Weapon )a! in the 'a#$

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Chapter 1N: Camp ear 

+Well, !o mu#h "or !tealth% *hey mu!t have advan#ed !en!or!>

<iotr (ot up and loo$ed throu(h the )ind!hield, !eein( !everal !oldier! on the (uard to)er and

#on#rete )all! !hootin( at the et% Moira "ired 'a#$ )ith the t)in la!er!%

+<ro/imity alert ha! 'een a#tivated> epeat> <ro/imity alert ha! 'een a#tivated>

+*hi! pla#e mu!t 'e de!troyed, !aid Xavier%

+pen the 'a#$, !aid <iotr% +54ll $eep them 'u!y>

9o''y 'ur!t up out o" hi! #hair%

+54m (oin( )ith you>

<iotr turned to 9o''y and nodded% Moira "li#$ed one o" the !)it#he! on her #on!ole, openin(

the loadin( ramp% ?#ott held up a hand in "ront o" them%

+&et do)n there, and try to help a! many o" tho!e mutant! a! you #an, ordered ?#ott%

+What a'out me a!$ed an$% +ou4re not #ountin( me out o" thi! one%

+Wa!n4t plannin( on it% ou4re #omin( )ith me% *)o team!% ou and me, and Moira and the

<ro"e!!or% We4re headin( "or the #ontrol #entre, and )e4re (oin( to !ee i" )e #an "ind elly, or )hoever

el!e i! in #har(e%


<iotr ru!hed to the ed(e o" the ramp%

+Enou(h tal$> Let4! !ee ho) they handle a u!!ian airdrop>

<iotr lun(ed o"" the ramp, holdin( hi! "i!t! over hi! head% When he landed on the (round in the

middle o" the #omple/, he !lammed hi! "i!t! do)n, !endin( out a !ho#$)ave that $no#$ed a)ay !everal

o" the M3 o""i#er!% ellin( into the air, he then ran "or)ard and pun#hed a)ay the neare!t o""i#er a!

more !hot at him%

9o''y )a! a'out to ump o"" the ramp )hen ?#ott put a hand on hi! !houlder%

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9o''y turned to loo$ at him%

+&ood lu#$, !aid ?#ott%

9o''y e/haled and nodded 'e"ore !teelin( him!el" and turnin( around% Bumpin( "or)ard, he

!$ated do)n the air, to!!in( i#e 'la!t! a! he !piralled hi! )ay to)ard! the (round% *he i#e 'la!t! !tru#$

M3 o""i#er! in the #he!t!, $no#$in( them out% 0 #ommandin( o""i#er at the "ront o" the pa#$ e/tended

hi! ri(ht arm, e@uippin( an ele#tri"ied #lu' atta#hed to hi! )ri!t%

+Fnit! *)o and *hree> !houted the o""i#er% +E@uip riot )eapon! and en(a(e> Fnit our> &et

the pri!oner! 'a#$>

*)o do.en o""i#er! e@uipped their ele#tri"ied #lu'!% *he re!t o" the near'y o""i#er! 'e(an

hurriedly pu!hin( the remainin( mutant! into the 'un$er!% <iotr (ritted hi! teeth%

+ot today>

<iotr #har(ed "or)ard, 'arrellin( do)n on the line o" o""i#er!% ?ma!hin( throu(h a !@uad o"

three, he !tampeded to)ard! a (roup o" #hained mutant!% ?everal o" the o""i#er! la!hed out )ith their

#lu'! and !tru#$ at <iotr4! !$in, #au!in( him to !ei.e up in pain a! the ele#tri#ity rippled a#ro!! hi!

metal 'ody%


9o''y !hoo$ o"" a hand"ul o" 'ullet! !hot at him, )hi#h 'oun#ed o"" hi! "ro.en "orm% i#$in(

a)ay the #lo!e!t o""i#er, 9o''y then !$ated up and around <iotr, emittin( a #ontinuou! i#e 'eam )hi#h

"ro.e the le(! o" the o""i#er! )ho )ere atta#$in( him% 0! the o""i#er! !topped movin(, <iotr pu!hed pa!t

them, !till runnin( to)ard! the line o" #hained mutant!%

0n o""i#er holdin( the mutant! pulled out hi! pi!tol to !hoot at <iotr, 'ut )a! too !lo) and

 pun#hed to the !ide% <iotr then !)un( hi! "i!t the other )ay, !ma!hin( it a(ain!t the head o" another

o""i#er, !plittin( hi! helmet in hal"% *)o more o""i#er! a#tivated their arm-mounted ener(y !hield!,

tryin( to 'lo#$ hi! 'lo)!% 5n!tead, <iotr4! enra(ed "lurry o" pun#hin( !tri$e! !hattered the 'one! in their

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)ri!t!, #au!in( them to !hrie$ in pain and "lop to the (round, in#apa#itated%

*a$in( and de"le#tin( more 'ullet! o"" hi! !$in, <iotr $i#$ed the la!t (uard a)ay, !nappin( her

ri'#a(e )ith the impa#t% e then too$ a moment to e/hale% *he (uard he $i#$ed )a! on her 'a#$,

"lailin( a'out and (roanin( in a(ony% <iotr !tood a'ove her, loo$in( do)n%

+3on4t me!! )ith the mutant!, he !aid, leavin( her to )rithe on the (round%

9o''y !lid on the (round over to him, and rea#hed "or the neare!t mutant in the #hain, )ho )a!

a youn( Bapane!e (irl )ith 'lue hair% 9o''y rea#hed out and (ra''ed at her hand#u""!%

+What4! your name a!$ed 9o''y%

+Fh % % % % -ori$o%

9o''y4! hand "ro.e the hand#u""!, !nappin( them in hal"%

+ori$o, huh Well, you4re )el#ome in advan#e "or !ettin( you "ree%

9o''y then (ra''ed the #ollar around her ne#$, " and !hatterin( it% ori$o ma!!a(ed her

ne#$, )hi#h had 'rui!e!, (a!he! and multiple ine#tion mar$!%

+*han$ you, )hi!pered ori$o%

9o''y nodded and (ra''ed at the #hain-lin$ atta#hed to the re!t o" the mutant! in the line,

" and 'rea$in( all their 'ond! at on#e% *he ten mutant! all !miled, their eye! li(htin( up%

+ou )ant to than$ u! "or thi! a!$ed 9o''y% +*hen help u! tra!h thi! pla#e>

+9ut % % % % )ho are you a!$ed another mutant%

9o''y )aited "or a moment a! a t)in la!er 'la!t "le) overhead, in#ineratin( another (uard

to)er% e !mir$ed at the !ound o" the e/plo!ion%

+F! Well % % % % )e4re the X-Men% 3uh%

= = = =

+E/#u!e me, (entlemen%

?)in(in( do)n)ard on an overhead 'eam, an$ $i#$ed the t)o M3 (uard! "rom 'ehind,

#atapultin( them 'oth a(ain!t the near'y #on#rete )all% With them $no#$ed out, he then !o"tly landed

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on the "loor% ?#ott turned the #orner 'ehind him and !tood ne/t to an$% e eyed the door in "ront o"

them, )hi#h had a !mall panel to the !ide o" it, )ith a $ey #ard !lot and a red li(ht%

+5t appear! )e need a $ey to 'e (ranted entry%

?#ott !norted 'e"ore "irin( an inten!e opti#al 'la!t at the door, 'lo)in( it open% e #almly

)al$ed in )ithout re!pondin(% an$ !hru((ed%

+r, )e #ould do that%

*he room )a! "aintly lit, only 'y a #ouple o" dim lamp! and a #omputer monitor at a #orner

de!$% 5t )a! a la', )ith !everal ta'le! all pla#ed in a parallel "ormation, and variou! e/periment 'ea$er!

and te!t tu'e! !tre)n a'out% 0 )ater tan$ )a! !ituated on the "ar le"t !ide o" the room, )ith multiple

ele#tri# eel! !)immin( a'out in mur$y, 'lue-(reen )ater% 0 !ti#$er la'el atta#hed to the tan$ read

4<roperty o" !#orp 5ndu!trie!4%

an$ #lo!ed one eye and !#rat#hed hi! #hin a! he !tared at !ome o" the !mall, or(ani# !pe#imen!

in their #ontainer!% *he one ri(ht in "ront o" him )a! a "our #entimetre )ide 'all o" (rey mu!h, )ith !i/

tiny, )orm-li$e tenta#le! !ti#$in( out "rom it, !lo!hin( a'out in the "luid "illed #ontainer%


+Come on, )e have to % % % %

?#ott pau!ed a! he loo$ed at the video 'ein( played on the #omputer monitor% ?u#$in( in a

 'reath, he !lo)ly moved around a ta'le and !tood in "ront o" it% an$ loo$ed over hi! !houlder and then

"ollo)ed to )here ?#ott )a!% ?ilently, they 'oth )at#hed the video% 0 mar$er )a! !ituated on top o" the

"oota(e, at the 'ottom le"t o" the !#reen%

<% <roe#t, C% *rial%

*he "oota(e )a! (rainy, )ith 'oth "li#$erin( and (lare pre!ent% *he lo)-@uality o" the ima(e

)a! not helped 'y the poor li(htin( o" the room it !ho)ed, )ith only a !in(le overhead li(ht !hinin(

do)n on the !u'e#t in the middle% 5t )a! a 'ul'ou!, !i#$ly, yello) !a#, a'out a metre in diameter%

?trand! o" thi#$, (li!tenin( )e''in( o" the !ame #olour #overed it, atta#hin( it to the "loor in numerou!

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*he !a# )a! (e!tatin(, and eventually 'e(an to #rea!e% ?plittin( open, it emanated a lar(e

amount o" (rey du!t and !pore! up)ard into the room% 0 !in(le, "le!hy, 'ei(e ma!!, #overed in !lime

and mu#u!, !tarted to pull it!el" out o" the !plit in the !a#% 0"ter a "e) !e#ond! o" !tru((le, it relea!ed

it!el", pu!hin( into vie)%

5t had lon(, red hair%

*he ma!! had the !hape o" a "emale human, )ith it! na$ed 'rea!t! and !toma#h in "ull vie)%

&elatinou! "luid #rept do)n it! !$in, (ivin( it a $ind o" unnatural (lo)% ?ti#$in( out it! arm!, it then

 pulled a "la' o" !$in o"" o" the pla#e )here it! "a#e )a!, revealin( it!el"%

5t had (reen eye!%

?#ott "elt hi! mouth han( open%

+What the hell % % % %

+5t #an4t 'e % % % %

*he #reature !tared at the #amera "or a "e) more !e#ond! and hi!!ed 'e"ore the video #ut out%

an$ (ulped, loo$in( over at ?#ott, )ho had a !tern, unmovin( "a#e% *heir !ilen#e )a! 'ro$en 'y the

!ound o" a "eminine !#ream in the di!tan#e%


?#ott ran to)ard! the other !ide o" the room, !houlder #har(in( throu(h the door and 'rea$in( it

o"" it! hin(e!% e "ound him!el" in a hall)ay 'rid(e 'et)een t)o 'uildin(! o" the #omple/, )ith the

!ide )all! made o" tran!parent (la!!% e #ould !ee the 'attle 'et)een the "reed mutant! and the M3

o""i#er! in the di!tant #ourtyard, 'ut paid it no mind, #ontinuin( to run do)n the hall% an$ "ollo)ed

 'ehind, runnin( on all "our! to #at#h up%

0! ?#ott made it to the door at the end o" the hall, it automati#ally opened, re#edin( into the

#eilin(% ?toppin( a! he made it a "e) pa#e! into the room, he loo$ed around the lar(e, dimly lit hall% 0t

the "ar end )a! a lar(e, draped #hair, )ith a man !ittin( in it% e had (ho!tly )hite !$in, )ith a red

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diamond tattooed on hi! "orehead% i! !uit )a! !tripped 'la#$, and had the appearan#e o" (li!tenin(

"le!h% ?everal !trand-li$e #ape! e/tended up "rom hi! !houlder!, #overin( hi! 'a#$% e had a !hort,

 'la#$ hair#ut, and #rim!on eye! )ithout a tra#e o" humanity in them%

?ini!ter leaned 'a#$ and (rinned, "oldin( hi! hand! to(ether%

+?#ott ?ummer!%

?#ott !lo)ed hi! 'reathin( a! an$ rea#hed him, !tandin( at hi! !ide% *he door #lo!ed 'ehind


+Who are you

?ini!ter !at "or)ard, puttin( one o" hi! el'o)! on hi! $nee%

+5 $no) )ho 5 am, ?#ott% *he real @ue!tion i! % % % % )ho are you

= = = =

Moira )al$ed into the o'!ervation room "ir!t, noti#in( that there )a! only one per!on there%

Xavier rolled in 'ehind her% *he man )a! !tarin( out the )indo), )ith hi! hand! 'ehind hi! 'a#$%

+?enator, !aid Xavier%

elly turned around to "a#e the t)o, )ith narro)ed eye!% e pu!hed hi! (la!!e! up the 'rid(e o" 

hi! no!e 'e"ore re!pondin(%

+Charle! Xavier% *he man o" the hour% 5 )a! told to e/pe#t you and your hit !@uad%

+*hey4re my !tudent!%

+0nd )hat do you tea#h them 9rea$in( and enterin( Murder 3ome!ti# terrori!m

Moira (rum'led under her 'reath, 'ut Xavier (e!tured "or her to !tay put%

+*hat4! ri(ht, !aid elly% +ou u!t $eep your little ?#otti!h ?5EL3 'it#h 'a#$%

Xavier "urro)ed hi! 'ro)%

+h, you thou(ht )e didn4t $no) a'out that a!$ed elly, #hu#$lin(% +We $ne) all a'out it%

5t4! part o" the rea!on )e had to up our timeta'le% 'viou!ly you #an "i(ure out that )e didn4t )ait until

it )a! le(al to 'uild thi! #amp, 'ut, )e )ere in a 'it o" a ru!h, !o, it4! not te#hni#ally "ully "ini!hed%

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+0nd it never )ill 'e, ?enator, !aid Xavier% +*hi! end! no)%

Xavier pre!!ed t)o "in(er! to hi! temple, #lo!in( hi! eye!% elly (rinned% 0"ter a moment,

Xavier (roaned and opened hi! eye! in !ho#$%

+our mind % % % % it4! % % % %

+avin( !ome trou'le, <ro"e!!or

elly #hu#$led a(ain, tappin( hi! temple )ith hi! $nu#$le!%

+?pe#ial implant!, #ourte!y o" my 'ene"a#tor, 3o#tor E!!e/% r, a! he pre"er!, Mi!ter ?ini!ter%

Moira tilted her head to the !ide%

+Mi!ter ?ini!ter

elly !#o""ed 'e"ore #ontinuin(, "oldin( hi! arm!%

+e ha! an eye "or the theatri#al, that one, 'ut you #an4t ar(ue )ith hi! re!ult!% <!i-'lo#$er!,

"ully #apa'le o" !toppin( any $ind o" p!y#hi# pro'e or atta#$% *hu! ma$in( you, <ro"e!!or Xavier,


+?ini!ter i! u!in( you, ?enator, !tarted Xavier% +We4ve !een hi! "ile!% e doe!n4t )ant to $ill

mutant!% e )ant! to per"orm e/periment! on them%

+" #our!e he doe!% 5 $ne) that (oin( in% 9ut dead, in #u!tody, )hat doe! it matter ?oon

enou(h, mutant! )ill 'e o"" the !treet! o" my !tate, and a! )e e/pand, !o too )ill they )iped o"" the

map o" the entire #ountry% 0nd i" 5 (et a term o" the <re!iden#y out o" it, )ho am 5 to #omplain a'out

the te#hni#alitie!

+ou4re in!ane, !aid Moira%

+ou a#t li$e 5 #are a'out your opinion!, re!ponded elly% +ou have no po)er here%

elly rea#hed "or the top dra)er o" the de!$ near him, pullin( out a revolver%

+0nd )ithout any po)er! % % % % )ell, you #an4t really de"end your!el", #an you, <ro"e!!or

elly aimed the (un at Xavier% Moira in!tantly pulled her pi!tol out o" it! hol!ter and "ired a

!hot throu(h elly4! heart% *he !hot !tunned him, #au!in( him to drop hi! (un% &rittin( her teeth, Moira

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"ired another !hot, thi! time in the middle o" hi! #he!t% *he !e#ond !hot $no#$ed him to the (round, and

he #ou(hed out a "inal 'reath%

Xavier loo$ed at her a! !he !lo)ly lo)ered her pi!tol, )ith a "ro)n on her "a#e%

= = = =

 ori$o !houted a! !he opened 'oth o" her palm!, emittin( a lar(e net o" ele#tri# 'la!t!, )hi#h

!ho#$ed three o" the M3 o""i#er!% *he #haoti# 'attle in the #ourtyard had !pilled a#ro!! the )hole

"a#ility, a! do.en! o" mutant! )ere 'attlin( hundred! o" o""i#er!% Ener(y 'la!t!, "lame!, !ho#$)ave!,

 'ullet!, ro#$et! and (renade! "illed the air%

ne o" the M3 tan$! e/ploded a"ter 'ein( #overed in "ire, and a near'y o""i#er !houted into

her earpie#e%

+We need heavy "ire !upport, no)>

*hro)in( another o""i#er o"" o" a mutant )ho had 'een ta#$led to the "loor, <iotr then loo$ed up

to !ee a drop!hip "lyin( overhead% 0 metalli# o'e#t dropped o"" the 'ottom o" it, and landed on the

(round )ith a !ho#$)ave !o ma!!ive that it #ra#$ed the (round "or !everal metre!, !ha$in( the entire


*he o'e#t )a! a heavily armoured 'attle me#h, !tandin( t)o metre! tall% 5t had a humanoid

!hape, 'ut mo!t o" it! ma!! )a! ta$en up 'y the top !e#tion, )hi#h )a! a tor!o )ith a (la!! )ind!hield,

!ho)in( an o""i#er pilotin( it% ne o" it! arm! had a heavy #annon )ith an atta#hed mi!!ile laun#her,

and the other had a dual-pron(ed #la)% *he entire me#h had a (reen and (old #olour !#heme%

*he pilot, )ho!e "a#e )a! #overed )ith a "ull ma!$, a#tivated the #ontrol!%

+ra$en-#la!! riot me#h a#tivated, !aid the pilot%

*he pilot loo$ed at <iotr%

+<riority tar(et a#@uired% En(a(in( X-Men%

*he me#h lum'ered "or)ard, "irin( tan$ !hell! "rom it! heavy #annon% <iotr dod(ed the "ir!t 'ut

)a! !tru#$ 'y the !e#ond, and the #ru!hin( 'lo) !ent him "lyin( 'a#$)ard! a(ain!t the )all o" a

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Chapter 11: evelation!

+5-5 % % % % 'ut 5 don4t % % % % n-no, no, no, i-it #an4t % % % %

0le/ narro)ed hi! eye!, !tarin( at ?#ott, )ho !hoo$ hi! head !ide to !ide%

+Well, it loo$! li$e a "amily reunion i! in order, !aid ?ini!ter%

+o% *hi! % % % % thi! i!n4t you, !tammered ?#ott, pointin( a "in(er dire#tly at 0le/% +ou

)ere % % % % you4re dead% 5 )at#hed you die>

+3id you really a!$ed ?ini!ter% +r did you u!t )at#h him "all % % % % and never !a) him


+W-)ell, 5 % % % % no, no% *hi!, thi! i!n4t % % % %

+?#ott, interrupted an$, +#ould it 'e true

?#ott loo$ed a)ay and then 'a#$ at 0le/, )ho hadn4t moved%

+5 % % % % 5 don4t $no)%

Bean 'reathed in and out, ea#h 'reath heavily la'oured% ?#ott put hi! hand on hi! "orehead%

?ini!ter 'a!$ed a! everyone )a! !ilent "or a "e) moment!% ?#ott "inally (ulped and loo$ed 'a#$ at him%

+ou % % % % )hat have you done

?#ott too$ a !tep "or)ard%

+Who are you>

+ou really don4t remem'er, do you a!$ed ?ini!ter%

+emem'er )hat> What are you tal$in( a'out &ive me a !trai(ht an!)er, no)>

+5" you in!i!t% 0!$, and 5 !hall an!)er%

+o) i! my 'rother alive

?ini!ter !tood up "rom the #hair and too$ a "e) !tep! "or)ard%

+0le/ never peri!hed the day your "amily4! "li(ht #ra!hed% 5n !pite o" )hat you mi(ht have

 'elieved, he a#tually did mana(e to a#tivate hi! para#hute in time% ?till, he did land in the middle o" a

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mountain ran(e $no)n "or it! ho!tile )eather and tenden#y "or avalan#he!% 5 "ound him % % % % and !aved

him% e4! 'een in my #are ever !in#e % % % % and !o had you%


+*ell me, ?#ott % % % %

+o) do you $no) )ho 5 am> interrupted ?#ott% +Wa! it "rom !pyin( on the X-Men ?o you

#ould (et to Bean>

+Bean #hortled ?ini!ter% +o% 5 didn4t even reali.e that M!% &rey )a! (oin( to 'e u!e"ul until

"airly re#ently% My initial intere!t in the X-Men )a! 'e#au!e o" you%


an$ put hi! hand on ?#ott4! !houlder and !tepped pa!t him%

+ou !till haven4t told u! )ho you are, !aid an$% +0lthou(h 5 theori.e that the 4E!!e/ ile!4

)ere named a"ter you%

+&ood eye, 3o#tor M#Coy% e!, my name i! % % % % )ell, )a! % % % % athaniel E!!e/%

an$ narro)ed hi! eye!%

+athaniel E!!e/ Wait % % % % 54ve heard that name%

+&iven your intere!t in 'iolo(y, 5 #ertainly hoped you )ould have%

+*here )a! a athaniel E!!e/ )ho % % % % )ho )a! a #ollea(ue o" Charle! 3ar)in% 0

#ontemporary% 9ut that )a! 'a#$ in the nineteenth #entury% 0 de!#endant

+*he very !ame%

an$ !hoo$ hi! head%

+9ut that )ould % % % % you )ould have to 'e over a hundred and "i"ty year! old> *hat #an4t 'e


?ini!ter lau(hed to him!el"%

+*hat !eem! to 'e re#urrin( theme in thi! #onver!ation%

an$ too$ a #ouple o" !lo) !tep! 'a#$, hi! a) dropped%

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+ou4re % % % % you4re !eriou!%

+" #our!e 5 am% 5 am the !ame athaniel E!!e/ )ho met the (reat <ro"e!!or 3ar)in 'a#$ in

London, althou(h 5 (o 'y Mi!ter ?ini!ter no)% 5 am al!o the very !ame man )ho reali.ed that the % % % %

 pra#ti#e o" hi! theorie! )a! "ar too re!trained% 5 !ou(ht to ta$e them to the ne/t level % % % % to advan#e

human evolution in )ay! many thou(ht either impo!!i'le, impra#ti#al % % % % or, at their mo!t piti"ul,


?ini!ter !norted% e turned around "or a "e) !tep!, holdin( hi! hand! out )hile !pea$in(%

+9ut )hat do they have to !ay a'out it no) *hey4re all lon( dead, 'ut 'e#au!e o" my )or$, 5

live on%

?ini!ter put do)n hi! arm! and turned 'a#$ to)ard! ?#ott and an$%

+What do you )ant )ith me a!$ed ?#ott%

+Wanted% <a!t ten!e% 5 initially )anted to 'rin( you 'a#$ into the "old% *he "amily% 9ut a! 5 )a!

)at#hin( you and the <ro"e!!or4! pre#iou! X-Men, 5 reali.ed that the true pri.e )a! your little

(irl"riend, M!% &rey% *he (i"t! that !he po!!e!!e! are nothin( !hort o" e/traordinary% *ele$ine!i! i! rare

enou(h, 'ut telepathy a! )ell *he #han#e o" !u#h a #om'ination i! !o lo), that 5 hi(hly dou't any

other mutant )ho )ill ever e/i!t )ill 'e the !ame% *he !heer !#ale o" her po)er! % % % % ne#e!!itated her

re!traint!, and the p!ioni# 'lo#$er!%

?#ott "umed, #len#hin( hi! "i!t!% Bean tried to loo$ up, 'ut )in#ed and let her head "all do)n


+F(h % % % %

+0nd o" #our!e, i" 5 really )anted to per"orm e/periment! )ith you, 5 #ould u!t u!e the (eneti#

material 5 already have%

+0lready have a!$ed an$, hi! eye! )idenin(%

+o) #ould you % % % % !tarted ?#ott%

+*ell me, ?#ott, )hen did your po)er! "ir!t mani"e!t

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?#ott loo$ed do)n "or a moment%

+*he day 5 de!troyed the orphana(e%

?ini!ter put a hand on hi! #hin, e/halin(%

+mmm% 5t appear! that the memory alteration i! a! in-depth a! 5 !u!pe#ted% 3i!appointin(, 'ut

not un"ore!een%

+What are you tal$in( a'out

?ini!ter put hi! hand! 'ehind hi! 'a#$, and 'e(an pa#in( !ide to !ide in "ront o" ?#ott%

+*he event you mentioned % % % % the de!tru#tion o" the orphana(e% 5t )a! #alled the ?tate ome

"or oundlin(!% 5t )a! a "a#ility in e'ra!$a% 0 "a#ility 5 o)ned%


+our po)er! did not mani"e!t that day, ?#ott ?ummer!% *hat )a! !imply the day that your

mind #ould not ta$e the #onditionin( any lon(er% ou re#all that your 'rother4! #odename )a! the

?apphire Weapon Well % % % % he )a! not the only one% e i! the !e#ond in the 4Weapon4 line% *he

 prototype )ent 'y a di""erent name%

?#ott inhaled%

+*he u'y Weapon%

+u'y )hi!pered an$%

+0le/4! ener(y proe#tion and #on!tru#t! are 'lue% 0 #on!i!tent and !eemin(ly random #olour i!

an inherent @uality o" any mutant )ith !u#h po)er!% *he name ?apphire )a! appropriate% ?#ott4! #olour 

mean)hile, )a! red% *hu!, u'y%

+5 )a! % % % % a Weapon

+*he "ir!t% e!% our po)er! mani"e!ted at the a(e o" "ourteen, 'a#$ )hen you )ere under my

#are% 0t the time, you )ere the mo!t po)er"ul mutant #hild 5 had in my inventory% 5 )a! runnin( lo) on

option! and te!t !u'e#t! "or my e/periment!, !o 5 opted "or a ne) route% Complete mental #onditionin(

and #ontrolA an indo#trinated a(ent, )ith a !uit that 'oth enhan#ed mutant a'ilitie! and en!ured the

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!u'e#t4! #oer#ion% 0n a(ent )ho #ould deployed into the "ield, 'oth to deal )ith my enemie! and to

a'du#t more !u'e#t! "or my )or$% ou )ere my $ni(ht%

?#ott loo$ed do)n at hi! hand!% Bean tried a(ain to loo$ up%

+*he pro'lem i! that the mental #onditionin( ta$e! a toll on the !anity o" the individual% 0! 5

e/erted more and more #ontrol, the dominant per!onality tried harder and harder to over#ome it%

Eventually, it led to your mind 'e#omin( !o "ra#tured that it e/pelled the #onditionin( in a "it o" ra(e%

5t4! the !ame rea!on that 0le/ here )a! li!ted under the name Bean-<aul 9eau'ier%

an$ put hi! hand on hi! #hin%

+9eau'ier )a! a !u'e#t 5 had a )hile a(o, )hom 5 had mapped the #on!#iou!ne!! o" in a

 previou! e/periment% 5n my !e#ond attempt at the Weapon proe#t, 5 reali.ed that the 'e!t )ay to en!ure

the #onditionin( )ould not rupture the p!y#he o" the !u'e#t )a! "or it to not tar(et the !u'e#t it!el",

 'ut rather, an implanted per!onality% 0le/ #ompletely 'elieve! that he i! Bean-<aul 9eau'ier in every

!en!e, do)n to only 'ein( a'le to !pea$ in 9eau'ier4! native ren#h diale#t% With the #onditionin(

havin( ta$en hold o" the 9eau'ier per!onality, and 0le/ ?ummer! 'ein( a !uppre!!ed #on!#iou!ne!!, 5

#reated a !ta'le and #ontrolla'le Weapon% o more out'ur!t!, li$e the ni(ht you de!troyed the


+5 % % % % 5 don4t remem'er any o" thi!%

+" #our!e you don4t% Xavier made !ure o" that%

?#ott loo$ed up%

+*he <ro"e!!or

+*here4! @uite a 'it you don4t $no) a'out Charle! Xavier, ?#ott% 0"ter all, that4! )hat he )anted

)hen he met you% e )anted you not to $no)% *o "um'le a'out in i(noran#e, !o that you )ouldn4t

@ue!tion% ?o that you )ould o'ey%

an$ too$ a !tep "or)ard, pointin( at ?ini!ter%

+5" you have !omethin( to !ay a'out the <ro"e!!or % % % %

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+3on4t you )onder )hy you are una'le to remem'er any o" the event! that 54ve 'een

re"eren#in( et noti#e ho) you haven4t 'een @ue!tionin( them% ?omeho), !ome)here, 'uried in your

 p!y#he % % % % you $no) 54m !pea$in( the truth%

+Why #an4t 5 remem'er

+9e#au!e )hen Xavier met you that day in that #ell in the poli#e !tation % % % % he didn4t u!t

re#ruit you% e entered your mind % % % % and )iped #ertain memorie! "rom it%

?#ott "elt all o" the #olour "lu!h "rom hi! "a#e%

+e u!ed hi! po)er! to !hape your memory !o that you )ould 'e )illin( to oin hi! #au!e,

?#ott% our entire li"e a"ter that ni(ht at the orphana(e ha! 'een 'a!ed on a lie%

?ini!ter )al$ed a)ay and returned to hi! !eat a! ?#ott loo$ed do)n, vi!i'ly !ha$en 'y hi!

ne)"ound $no)led(e% an$ held onto hi! !houlder! a! ?#ott "ell to hi! $nee!%

= = = =

+&et a)ay "rom him>

9o''y umped into the air, holdin( hi! le"t hand over hi! head% Enra(ed and livid )ith ener(y, a

!harp i#e !)ord "ormed around hi! le"t arm% ?houtin( and thro)in( hi! arm "or)ard, he !ta''ed the

ra$en me#h )ith it, pier#in( the (reen and (old armour platin(, "ormin( multiple #ra#$!% *he pilot

(ro)led rea#hed out )ith the #la)ed arm%

*he #la)! #lamped to(ether, 9o''y )a! pun#hed in the #he!t 'y the arm, $no#$in( him o""%


ollin( 'a#$)ard )ith the "or#e o" the 'lo), 9o''y landed 'a#$ on hi! "eet, #rou#hed% *he

me#h then unlea!hed a hail !torm o" 'ullet! "rom it! ma#hine (un turret!% 0#tin( a! "a!t a! he #ould,

9o''y thre) up an i#e !hield, de"le#tin( hundred! o" !hot!% e !trained hi! mu!#le! a! he "elt hi! !hield

!tart to 'u#$le and #ra#$ under the )ei(ht o" the 'arra(e%

+Colo!!u!> Could u!e !ome o" your !ma#$do)n po)er ri(ht a'out no)> Li$e, no) no)>

9rea$in( "ree o" the )all that he )a! )ed(ed into, <iotr roared and #har(ed to)ard! the me#h%

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*he pilot tried to turn and inter#ept, 'ut <iotr )a! too "a!t, rammin( hi! !houlder a(ain!t the me#h4!

 pro"ile% *he !ound o" #run#hin( metal )a! heard a! the me#h !ta((ered 'a#$)ard! "rom the atta#$% 5t

then (ra''ed <iotr4! arm )ith it! #la) and rammed him in return%

Lettin( hi! !hield "all apart, 9o''y thre) 'oth o" hi! palm! "or)ard, unlea!hin( a ma!!ive i#e

 'eam that 'e(an #overin( the entire me#h in "ro!t% 0! it !lo)ed do)n and tried to atta#$ a(ain, it "ired a

!alvo o" mi!!ile! )hi#h 9o''y dod(ed 'y !$atin( around them% *he me#h4! !peed #rippled, <iotr then

landed a dou'le overhead hammer"i!t on the "ront end, !hatterin( the )ind!hield%

*he me#h e/ploded, and <iotr )a! $no#$ed 'a#$, 'ut did not lo!e hi! "ootin(% 9o''y !$ated up

to him, hi(h-"ivin( him a! he !lid pa!t%

= = = =

5n the di!tan#e, Laura "ired another round "rom her !niper ri"le, !hootin( a mutant throu(h the

!$ull% ?he )at#hed a! the me#h )a! de!troyed, and !a) more and more o" her o""i#er! 'ein( de"eated

 'y the "reed mutant!% ?#o)lin(, !he opened her )ri!t module and typed in a !trin( o" num'er!%

+Ei(ht da!h "our oh !even, !he !aid% +Command #ode authori.e%

*he module turned (reen in re!pon!e% 0n alarm )a! then heard "rom the loud!pea$er%

+*he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een a#tivated% epeat% *he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een

a#tivated% *hi! !e@uen#e may not 'e a'orted% 0ll employee! pro#eed to emer(en#y eva#uation area!


Laura turned and ran do)n the #at)al$ to)ard! the neare!t 'uildin( o" the #omple/%

= = = =

+*he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een a#tivated% epeat% *he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een

a#tivated% *hi! !e@uen#e may not 'e a'orted% 0ll employee! pro#eed to emer(en#y eva#uation area!


Moira loo$ed up and around a! the alarm !ounded% ?he then loo$ed out the )indo) to !ee

do.en! o" people in the #ourtyard runnin( "or the e/it!% Xavier e/haled%

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+*ime to leave%

Moira nodded, and ru!hed "or the door, )ith Xavier "ollo)in( 'ehind%

= = = =

+*he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een a#tivated% epeat% *he !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e ha! 'een

a#tivated% *hi! !e@uen#e may not 'e a'orted% 0ll employee! pro#eed to emer(en#y eva#uation area!


?ini!ter darted hi! eye! around the room% 5n that in!tant, ?#ott4! eye! "lared a! he "ired a 'eam

ri(ht at Bean4! re!traint!% *he 'eam )a! )ide enou(h to rip at ?ini!ter4! !ide, (a!hin( hi! "le!h and

meltin( a #hun$ o" it o"", leavin( a thi#$, (reen re!idue%


?ini!ter rea#hed "or hi! !ide in pain, $eelin( over% *he 'eam tore throu(h the metal and )ire!

holdin( Bean to the apparatu!, and !he "ell out o" it% 0le/ then er$ed hi! head "or)ard, and hi! ma!$ "it

 'a#$ over hi! "a#e% Char(in( 'oth o" hi! hand! )ith 'lue ener(y, he aimed them at ?#ott%

an$4! eye! )idened a! he pu!hed ?#ott out o" the )ay%


0le/4! #har(ed 'eam !tru#$ an$ in the #he!t, 'urnin( him% *he #on#u!!ive "or#e o" the 'eam

!ent him "lyin( throu(h the air, and he #ra!hed a(ain!t the door, 'ur!tin( throu(h it% e landed 'a#$ in

the !u!pended hall)ay and pa!!ed out%


?ini!ter limped 'a#$ to hi! #hair, )in#in( a! he did !o%

+*hat !tupid 'it#h i! (oin( to pay "or thi!, (roaned ?ini!ter%

?ittin( 'a#$ do)n, he ammed hi! "i!t a(ain!t a 'utton on the le"t hand armre!t% 0 de"en!ive

 'u''le !hield "ormed around the #hair%

+Laun#h !e@uen#e initiated, !aid the loud!pea$er voi#e%

Bean loo$ed up a! ?#ott yelled and "ired an opti#al 'la!t at ?ini!ter, 'ut it )a! de"le#ted 'y the

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or' !hield%

+?apphire Weapon, !aid ?ini!ter% +5 have the material! 5 need% 3i!po!e o" them>

?ini!ter4! or', atta#hed to a metalli# arm, then li"ted into the air, throu(h the #eilin( and out o"

!i(ht, to)ard! the #ommand de#$% 0le/ nodded and loo$ed 'a#$ at ?#ott%

+?a !erait mon plai!ir%

*he entire room lur#hed a! it 'e(an li"tin( into the air% Loo$in( around, ?#ott reali.ed that the

 'uildin( )a! a#tually a han(ar "or the !hip he !a) earlierA the ma!!ive (rey one in the !hape o" a

ma(net% e then loo$ed 'a#$ at hi! 'rother%

+0le/ % % % %

0le/ #har(ed "or)ard, propelled 'y the !uit4! implant!% e landed a pun#h a#ro!! ?#ott4! a),

$no#$in( him do)n a(ain!t the "loor% Bean pu!hed her!el" o"" the "loor, onto her el'o)!, 'reathin(

heavily a! !he did !o%

+Vou! ave. "ailli! la derniOre "oi!% Comment vou! pen!er me 'attre

0le/ $i#$ed ?#ott in the !toma#h, "lippin( him over% ?#ott moaned a! he (ra''ed at hi! 'rui!ed

ri'!% 0le/ !tood over him, the 'lue line in hi! vi!or (lo)in(, )at#hin( ?#ott !tru((le to 'reathe%

+5 d-don4t )ant to "i(ht you, 0le/ % % % %

0le/ (ro)led, rea#hin( do)n and (ra!pin( ?#ott around the throat% oldin( him up )ith one

arm, he !#o)led under hi! ma!$ a! he )at#hed ?#ott #la) at hi! arm "or 'reath%

+Mon nom e!t Bean-<aul 9eau'ier>

+0y(h % % % % u(h % % % % n-no % % % % no % % % % 0-0le/ % % % %

0le/ [email protected] harder on ?#ott4! throat% 0! Bean )at#hed thi!, !mall tu"t! o" "ire appeared over

her pupil! "or a 'rie" moment% ?he then !tood up and !#reamed, "irin( a p!ioni# 'la!t at 0le/% ?tri$in(

him in the 'a#$, the 'la!t !tunned him enou(h to let (o o" ?#ott, )ho "ired a @ui#$ opti#al 'eam at

0le/4! "eet% *he 'eam #au!ed him to tum'le onto hi! 'a#$%

?#ott and Bean 'arely had time to (et their 'earin(! 'e"ore 0le/ re#overed and per"ormed a !pin

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$i#$ on the (round, $no#$in( them 'oth o"" 'alan#e% Bean @ui#$ly per"ormed an aerial re#over and

hovered over 0le/, )hile ?#ott !tum'led and tried to re(ain hi! "ootin(% 0le/ leaped up and #har(ed

 'oth o" hand! )ith 'lue ener(y, pointin( one at ea#h o" them%

Bean put "orth a 'arrier to a'!or' 0le/4! atta#$, )hile ?#ott dod(ed the other 'eam, )hi#h 'le)

a hole in the !ide o" the !hip%

= = = =

Laura (rum'led under her 'reath a! !he held on to the !ide o" the heli#opter% <etran!$y and a

"emale pilot )ere already !ittin( in!ide it% Laura narro)ed her eye!, )at#hin( ?ini!ter4! !hip "ly o"" into

the di!tan#e, 'e"ore !eein( an e/plo!ion ro#$ the e/terior% ?he e/haled 'e"ore loo$in( 'a#$ at the pilot%

+&et u! out o" here%

+e!, ma4am%

*he heli#opter li"ted o"" the helipad%% ?#o)lin( and loo$in( do)n at the "ore!ted area around the

#amp, !he !a) hundred! o" people, o""i#er! and mutant! ali$e, e!#apin( "rom the #omple/4! #on"ine!%

?he then )at#hed a! the X-Bet "le) a"ter ?ini!ter4! !hip% ?pittin( into the air, !he ripped the (olden

M3 pin o"" her uni"orm )ith her "ree hand, "lippin( it into the air )ith her thum'%

0! her heli#opter "le) o"", the pin landed 'a#$ on the helipad% 5t had turned over, revealin( the

other !ide, )hi#h had a !ym'ol #ompo!ed o" a !$ull and !i/ tenta#le! protrudin( "rom it%

= = = =

<iotr (ra''ed the 'a#$ o" Moira4! #hair a! !he piloted the et% 9o''y !tood 'e!ide him, holdin(

onto an overhead lat#h% Xavier !at in hi! #hair, par$ed at Moira4! !ide%

+Clo!in( in on the !hip, !aid Moira% +ou !ure they4re in there

an$, #lut#hin( hi! #he!t, )al$ed up 'ehind them% e had 'anda(e! )rapped around hi! tor!o,

)hi#h had 'een !oa$ed in al#ohol to alleviate hi! 'urn!%

+<o!itive, !aid an$% +5-5t % % % % u(h % % % % too$ o"" % % % % ri(ht in "ront o" me%

9o''y turned to loo$ at an$% e then ru!hed to him and held him up, pla#in( hi! hand on the

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 'anda(ed area% i! hand turned to i#e a! he pre!!ed a(ain!t an$4! )ound!%

+Let me help you )ith that, 'rain tru!t, !aid 9o''y% +?it 'a#$ do)n%

+5t appear! that you helpin( me )ith inury i! a re#urrin( event thi! evenin(%

+eah% 5t4! )hat "riend! do, (eniu!%

Moira4! eye! )idened upon !eein( an e/plo!ion rip a hole in the hull o" ?ini!ter4! !hip% ?mo$e

 'e(an emanatin( "rom it%

+*hat #an4t 'e (ood, !aid <iotr%

= = = =

+F!er alert> ull 'rea#h dete#ted> 5nternal inte(rity #ompromi!ed%

0le/ heaved ?#ott over hi! !houlder, thro)in( him at Bean% *hi! $no#$ed her out o" the air, and

!he had the air ripped "rom her lun(! a! they #ra!hed into the "loor%


0le/ #har(ed them a(ain, tryin( to land a drop$i#$, 'ut ?#ott dod(ed the atta#$ and pun#hed

him t)i#e a#ro!! the "a#e% 0le/ @ui#$ly re(ained #ontrol, (ra''in( ?#ott4! arm and palm !tri$in( him in

the (ut% ?#ott re#oiled a! Bean "le) overhead, tryin( to land an aerial dive $i#$% 0le/ @ui#$ly #han(ed

 po!ition! to #at#h her le( 'e"ore e""ortle!!ly to!!in( her 'ehind him%

F!in( the moment that he )a! loo$in( a)ay, ?#ott ru!hed "or 0le/, !#reamin( a! he did !o% e

!hoved him )ith the "ull "or#e o" hi! 'ody, pu!hin( him a(ain!t the )all% 0le/ #ou(hed upon 'ein(

!lammed, and ?#ott then rea#hed around hi! ne#$ and put him in a #ho$e hold% Li"tin( hi! le(! in the

air, 0le/ pla#ed hi! "eet a(ain!t the )all and pu!hed 'a#$, !endin( the t)o into the open !pa#e, 'ut

?#ott held on%

+Bean> 5 (ot an idea>

0le/ 'e(an #har(in( 'oth o" hi! )ri!t (auntlet!, 'ut Bean opened 'oth her palm!% ?he u!ed her

tele$ine!i! to #ru!h the (love!, man(lin( 0le/4! hand! a! he !hrie$ed%

+?orry a'out thi!, !aid ?#ott%

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+Mon ta'arna# va te dJ#ali!!er la yeule, #ali#e>

?#ott du( hi! "in(er! into the !o#$et! o" the helmet, pullin( )ith 'oth hand! a! 0le/ #ontinued

to yell% 0"ter a "e) moment!, the helmet (ave )ay, and ?#ott ripped it o"" 0le/4! head, e/po!in( it

#ompletely% 0! he let (o o" the #ho$e hold, ?#ott loo$ed to Bean%

+Bean> 0!tral plane> o)>

Bean nodded and u!ed her a!tral "orm to a!!ault 0le/4! mind, )hi#h )a! no) de"en!ele!!% 0! he

had no p!y#hi# a'ility, it too$ little e""ort "or her to u!e her telepathy to overpo)er and !hatter hi! "orm

on the a!tral plane%

0le/4! morti"ied !#ream "illed the air a! he (ra''ed at hi! temple! )ith 'oth hand!% Bean

returned to her 'ody, and )at#hed a! 0le/ )rithed 'a#$ and "orth in a(ony%

+0le/> #alled ?#ott% +0le/> Can you hear me

0le/ re!ponded 'y !houtin( )ildly and #har(in( hi! palm! )ith !o mu#h ener(y that they

di!inte(rated the (love! #ompletely% With hi! 'are hand! teemin( )ith ripplin( ener(y "ield!, he "ired

them into the air, tearin( apart !everal pie#e! o" the !hip and #au!in( multiple "ire!% *he !hip lur#hed at

the ne) dama(e!%

+F!er alert> Cata!trophi# !y!tem "ailure> ea#tor #ore #riti#ally dama(ed% Multiple hull

 'rea#he! dete#ted% Li"e !upport !y!tem! "ailin(%

?#ott rea#hed out and (ra''ed 0le/, lo#$in( hi! arm! around 'oth o" hi! !houlder!% 0le/

thra!hed 'a#$ and "orth, emittin( nothin( 'ut (uttural !ound! and !#ream!% 0nother 'eam hit Bean,

$no#$in( her 'a#$ a(ain!t !ome "lamin( #rate!%

+o> !houted ?#ott%


+0le/, li!ten to me % % % %


+5t4! me, ?#ott% 3o you hear me

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+E(h % % % % mon nam e!t % % % %

+o> our name i! 0le/ ?ummer!>


+0le/, you $no) me% 54m your 'rother>


*ear! !treamin( do)n hi! "a#e, 0le/ er$ed hi! 'ody "or)ard, !ma!hin( hi! "a#e a(ain!t one o"

the metal #olumn! atta#hed to the )all% *earin( out o" ?#ott4! (rapple hold, he turned around 'ut did not

retaliate, loo$in( at him )ith "ear and #on"u!ion in hi! eye!%

+ou $no) me%

0le/ !hoo$ hi! head%

+e!, you do% 54m your 'rother% ?#ott%

+o % % % % no>

+0le/ % % % % 54m not "i(htin( you% 5 )on4t% 9e#au!e no matter )hat happen!, )e4re "amily%

0le/4! eye! )idened a! he !tared into ?#ott4!% 0"ter !everal !e#ond!, he tilted hi! head to the !ide

and the line! around hi! eye! !o"tened%

+?# % % % % ?-?#ott

*he (ro)in( "ire di!lod(ed pie#e! o" metal "rom the #eilin(, !endin( them do)n on top o" the

t)o 'oy!% ?#ott yelled in pain a! a hal"-melted metal 'ar "ell a(ain!t hi! 'a#$, 'ut then (a!ped a! he

!a) 0le/ (ettin( $no#$ed 'a#$ 'y the #ra!hin( de'ri!% e !tum'led 'a#$)ard!, "allin( out o" the hull

 'rea#h% ?#ott yelled and lun(ed "or)ard, rea#hin( out )ith hi! le"t arm%

?#ott (roaned a! he (ra''ed 0le/4! )ri!t, all o" hi! )ei(ht on one arm% 0le/ hyperventilated and

!tru((led, de!perately tryin( to rea#h out "or !omethin( el!e to (ra' on to% ?#ott loo$ed do)n at hi!

 'rother, and !a) the "ear in hi! eye!%

+Li!ten to me, 0le/ % % % % 54m (oin( to (et you out o" thi!> 54m not lo!in( you thi! time% ou hear


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+?#ott> -elp me>

?#ott !trained all o" hi! mu!#le! tryin( to pull 0le/ up%

+Bu!t hold on> 54ve (ot you> old on % % % %>

0le/4! hand !lipped out o" ?#ott4! (ra!p%


0le/ "ell do)n into the "ore!t, hi! eye! )ide and hi! mouth open% Within a !e#ond, he )a! (one,

hi! 'ody lo!t in the !ea o" tree!%

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Chapter 12: 3evolution

+F!er alert> Cata!trophi# !y!tem "ailure> 5nternal dama(e 'eyond repair% Eva#uate


i! mouth a(ape and hi! $nee! on the "loor, ?#ott !tared do)n at the "ore!t 'elo) him%

Everythin( !eemed to !lo) to a #ra)l a! the noi!e o" the loud!pea$er voi#e and e/plo!ion! "aded into

hi! !u'#on!#iou!% ?mo$e "loated pa!t him and into the !$y, 'ut he 'arely noti#ed% 0ll that he #ould

thin$ a'out )a! lo!in( hi! (rip on 0le/4! hand, and the ima(e o" him "allin( out o" vie) played over

and over in hi! mind%


e didn4t even re!pond to Bean #allin( hi! name% Clo!in( hi! eye! and turnin( hi! head a)ay, he

did all he #ould to 'lo#$ out everythin( and return to that ima(eA the la!t moment he )ould ever !ee hi!



?#ott4! eye! er$ed open upon "eelin( Bean4! hand on hi! !houlder% e loo$ed up at her% ?he had

multiple 'rui!e! on her "orehead and ne#$%

+We4re (ettin( outta here%

+Bean % % % % 5 % % % %

+o time>

Bean rea#hed do)n )ith 'oth arm!, )rappin( her el'o)! under ?#ott4! !houlder!% 9lin$in(

t)i#e, !he then li"ted o"" the (round and "le) out o" the lar(e la#eration in the hull% ?oarin( a)ay "rom

the "allin( !hip, !he headed "or the X-Bet, )hi#h )a! not "ar 'ehind%

5n the moment! that "ollo)ed, ?ini!ter4! ve!!el, )ith "ire and !mo$e pourin( out o" !everal

 point!, #ontinued to de!#end% 5n le!! than a minute, it !tru#$ the (round, in!tantly i(nitin( hundred! o"

tree!, 'e"ore e""e#tively vani!hin( in a (ar(antuan e/plo!ion that vapori.ed mo!t o" the matter in it!

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area o" e""e#t% 0! the X-Bet a#tivated it! 'oo!ter et! and "le) out o" !i(ht, the &ene!i! Camp al!o

e/ploded, in#ineratin( everythin( )ithin a hundred metre radiu!%

= = = =

With (reen !lime drippin( "rom the "in(er! o" hi! ri(ht hand, ?ini!ter trud(ed alon( the river

 'an$, hi! hand "irmly entren#hed in hi! innard! "rom the (a!h in hi! le"t !ide% Violently #ou(hin(, he

"ell to hi! $nee!, )ith more (reen, (lo)in( "luid !pe)in( "rom hi! mouth and onto the ro#$!% e loo$ed

 'ehind him to !ee the "ore!t "ire ra(in( in the di!tan#e%

&roanin(, he rea#hed into one o" hi! po#$et! )ith hi! "ree hand, pullin( out a !mall, !ilver di!#%

*appin( the 'utton on it, it 'eeped "or a "e) !e#ond! 'e"ore openin( and emittin( a @uarter-metre tall

 'lue holo(ram% *he holo(ram )a! o" Madame ydra% ?he )a! !#o)lin(, and had her arm! "olded%

+Madame % % % %

+3on4t even !tart, ?ini!ter%

+<lea!e % % % % li!ten, 'e((ed ?ini!ter% +Everythin(4! (one to hell% 5 need % % % % eva#uation% 5 need


Madame ydra !#o""ed%

+54ve already re#eived a "ull report "rom Captain Laura 9ro)n% ?he told me a'out the

de!tru#tion o" the &ene!i! Camp%

?ini!ter (ro)led%

+?he a#tivated the !el"-de!tru#t !e@uen#e>

+9e#au!e o" your in#ompeten#e> ou promi!ed me a puppet <re!ident, and in!tead, you (ot

nearly an entire #ontin(ent $illed, and po!!i'ly e/po!ed ydra4! operation! % % % % my operation!, in the

?tate!% elly i! dead% *he M3 i! dead% *hi! i! over%

+Wait, that4! not % % % %

+<ray )e never meet a(ain, err 3o#tor% 9e#au!e i" )e do, it )ill not end )ell "or you%

*he holo(ram di!!ipated% ?ini!ter )in#ed 'e"ore #ou(hin( a(ain% 9reathin( la'oriou!ly, he

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!tu""ed the di!# 'a#$ in hi! po#$et 'e"ore #ontinuin( to limp on)ard!%

= = = =

i! arm! "olded over hi! #he!t, ?#ott loo$ed a)ay "rom Xavier% e )a! in the "oyer o" the

man!ion, "a#in( the door% Xavier )a! loo$in( at ?#ott4! 'a#$, )ith Moira, an$, 9o''y, Bean and <iotr

all !tandin( )ith him%

+?#ott, plea!e % % % % !tarted Bean%

+?o % % % % <ro"e!!or % % % %

?#ott turned hi! head !li(htly, 'ut did not "a#e Xavier%

+Why don4t you tell everyone )hat 5 learned "rom ?ini!ter

Xavier !)allo)ed and #lo!ed hi! eye!, hi! mu!#le! ten!in(%

+?#ott % % % %

+*ell them> r 5 )ill%

Xavier loo$ed do)n, a "ro)n (ro)in( on hi! "a#e% ?#ott !#o""ed 'e"ore turnin( around%


+What are you tal$in( a'out, ?#ott a!$ed Moira% +What did you learn

+0nd )hat4! it have to do )ith the <ro" a!$ed 9o''y, #ra#$in( a "ei(ned !mile%

?#ott !neered 'e"ore !pea$in(%

+5 had a di!#u!!ion )ith Mi!ter ?ini!ter a'oard hi! !hip% 0!ide "rom learnin( that all thi! time,

the ?apphire Weapon )a! my 'rother 0le/, )ho 5 thou(ht )a! dead % % % % 5 heard that he )a! not the

"ir!t per!on )hom ?ini!ter had turned into a Weapon% 5 )a!%


+an$ )a! there% ?o )a! Bean% *hey heard it all% 5 )a! under ?ini!ter4! #ontrol, and that4! )hat

#au!ed me to have the out'ur!t at the orphana(e% *he rea!on 5 didn4t remem'er % % % % i! 'e#au!e the

<ro"e!!or )iped it "rom my memory%

Moira, 9o''y and <iotr all loo$ed at Xavier% Moira4! "a#ial mu!#le! @uivered%

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+Charle! % % % % i!, i! it true *-*ell me it4! not true%

Xavier !i(hed% 9o''y and <iotr loo$ed at ea#h other in !ho#$%

+5 )a! there, !aid an$% +5 heard everythin(% ?ini!ter may 'e our enemy, 'ut 5 #ould !en!e he

)a! !pea$in( the truth%

+o, no, no, it #an4t 'e, !tammered 9o''y% +e )ouldn4t do that% <ro"e!!or % % % % you )ouldn4t

do that% i(ht

i! eye! #lo!ed, Xavier !hoo$ hi! head% ?#ott !#o)led at him%

+*ell them, <ro"e!!or% *ell them all ho) you mana(ed to re#ruit me% o) you lied to everyone

here% *ell them>

Xavier loo$ed up at ?#ott, hi! eye! )ide and !oa$ed in an(ui!h%

+5 did it%

or t)o minute!, everyone in the room )a! !ilent% Xavier loo$ed 'a#$ do)n at the "loor% 9o''y

 pa#ed 'a#$ and "orth, loo$in( around in #on"u!ion% Bean loo$ed a)ay "rom everyone% ?#ott !tared

dire#tly at Xavier, never lettin( (o o" hi! (a.e "or a !e#ond%

+Why, Charle!

Xavier loo$ed up at Moira, 'e"ore turnin( 'a#$ to ?#ott%

+9e#au!e 5 )a! a"raid that ?ini!ter4! #onditionin( )ould have permanent and dama(in( e""e#t!,

an!)ered Xavier% +5 had no idea )hat 5 )a! en#ounterin( )hen 5 met you% When 5 entered your mind to

try and rela/ you 'a#$ in the #ell, 5 !a) all o" the!e ima(e! imprinted % % % % 'urned % % % % onto your


?#ott4! no!tril! "lared and hi! teeth (ritted a! Xavier #ontinued to e/plain%

+5 % % % % 5 didn4t $no) ho) "ar ?ini!ter4! rea#h )ent% 5 didn4t $no) i" he potentially !till had !ome

remnant! o" #ontrol% 5 didn4t $no) i" you )ere (oin( to #ollap!e into a p!y#holo(i#al #oma "rom )hi#h

you #ouldn4t 'e !alva(ed% ?#ott, you have to under!tand, thi! )a! one o" the harde!t de#i!ion! o" my

li"e, 'ut 5 )a! )orried "or your !a"ety% 5 thou(ht that i" % % % %

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+F *F&* W&> !houted ?#ott, !teppin( "or)ard, hi! vi!or "larin( up )ith red

ener(y% Bean "elt tear! )ell in her eyelid!%

+or t)elve year! o" my li"e, 5 thou(ht my 'rother dead% 5 $ne) he )a! dead% La!t ni(ht, "or

hal" an hour, he )a! alive a(ain% *hen 5 )at#hed him die a !e#ond time% 9EC0F?E F> ou

!tole my memorie! % % % % memorie! that #ould have !aved hi! li"e> *hat i! )hat you too$ "rom me>

?#ott !tood 'a#$, !ha$in( hi! head%

+ou #ouldn4t even tru!t me )ith my o)n pa!t%

+5 "eared you )ouldn4t 'e a'le to #ope )ith it, ?#ott, !aid Xavier, !olemnly% +5t appear! 5 )a!


*he vi!or lit up a(ain, )ith multiple !tream! o" #rim!on ener(y "lo)in( around it, a! ?#ott

!tepped "or)ard and rea#hed "or the 'utton%


Bean pla#ed her!el" in "ront o" Xavier, holdin( her arm! out to the !ide% ?he "ired a p!ioni# 'la!t,

 u!t enou(h to $no#$ ?#ott 'a#$ a "e) !tep!% n#e he re#overed, he er$ed hi! head "or)ard% Bean

!tared at ?#ott a! her vi!ion 'e#ame mur$y )ith her o)n tear!%

+ou % % % % you4re (oin( to prote#t him> 0"ter thi!>

+*he <ro"e!!or !aved my li"e, !tated Bean% +e !aved your!% e4! !aved everyone here% e4!

loyal to everyone here% 0nd 54m not (onna let you hurt him%

+?o you4re #hoo!in( him over me uh *hat4! it *hat4! all 5 (et "rom you 0"ter everythin(

)e4ve 'een throu(h Everythin( )e !hared>

Bean !hoo$ her head, her "a#e !teelin( a! her "ro)n turned into a !tern, un)averin( (lare%

+Bu!t 'e#au!e 5 love you, doe!n4t mean 54ll 'etray my "riend! "or you%

?#ott too$ a !tep 'a#$, 'e"ore #lo!in( hi! hand! into "i!t!%

+3on4t ma$e me "i(ht you, !aid Bean%

or a lon( time, ?#ott )a! !ilent% e loo$ed 'a#$ "rom Bean, )ho #ontinued to !hield Xavier, to

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)al$in( to)ard! him%

Bean4! eye! per$ed up%


9o''y didn4t re!pond, )al$in( intently to)ard! ?#ott% ?tandin( 'e"ore him, he !ilently nodded%

?#ott nodded in return%


?#ott pu!hed the dou'le door! open and )al$ed out o" !i(ht, )ith 9o''y "ollo)in( 'ehind him%

or a )hile a"ter that, the remainin( people in the lo''y loo$ed at ea#h other, 'ut did not !pea$%

= = = =

?#ott )al$ed out the main (ate o" the man!ion (round!, the end! o" hi! #oat dri"tin( )ith the

)ind% 9o''y !tepped up 'e!ide him, and the t)o !tood on the !ide)al$%

+?o )hat do )e do no) a!$ed 9o''y%

?#ott loo$ed over at him%

+5 !a) )hat ?ini!ter did, !aid 9o''y, (e!turin( )ith hi! hand!% +5 $no) )hat he did to you% e

ha! to 'e !topped % % % % 'ut )hat4! our plan Where do )e !tart

?#ott inhaled 'e"ore pullin( a !mall item out o" hi! po#$et% e held it in "ront o" hi! "a#e% 5t )a!

Moira4! F?9 $ey%

+We !tart )ith thi!%

+?ini!ter4! data%

+We "ind out a! mu#h a! )e #an% We tra#$ lead!% We (et #lue!% 0nd then )e hunt him% We !tay

ri(ht on hi! heel!, )e run him do)n, and )e don4t ever !top until )e 'a#$ him into a #orner % % % % and

end him%

= = = =

Xavier pre!!ed a !trin( o" $ey! on hi! #omputer, openin( up a video !#reen% n the other end, he

!a) the "a#e o" ?torm, )ho!e eye! lit up upon !eein( him%

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+<ro"e!!or> o) (ood to hear "rom you>

+ello a(ain, roro%

+<lea!e <ro"e!!or, 5 pre"er ?torm%

Xavier nodded%

+o) are the repair! (oin(

+Duite )ell% We have made many improvement! !in#e you helped u!% <ro"e!!or, i! !omethin(

the matter ou !eem % % % % pertur'ed%

Xavier !i(hed%

+We4ve lo!t the leader o" the X-Men%

?torm rai!ed an eye'ro)%

+We need a ne) one%

*E E3

*he X-Men Will eturn

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*ra!$ (rinned a! he )at#hed a )oman in a heavily po!h out"it )al$ into the room% ?he had a

lon(, !lender 'la#$ dre!!, )ith a heavily patterned (olden and !ilver ne#$la#e% er red hair )a! in a

"an#y updo, and her hand! )ere #overed in leather (love! mat#hin( the re!t o" her (ar'% *he mo!t

!tri$in( thin( a'out her )ere her 'ri(ht, emerald eye!%

+M!% <ryor, !aid *ra!$% +Wel#ome%

Madelyne nodded, )ith a !li(ht !mile%

+5 #ertainly hope you have !omethin( (ood "or me, 9olivar% 5 have a heavier !#hedule a! o"


+*ru!t me, my lady, it i! mo!t )orthy o" your time%

*ra!$ turned around, "a#in( the main !e#tion o" hi! la'% <ullin( a !)it#h do)n on hi! #ontrol

 panel, li(ht! "illed up the room, revealin( a ma!!ive, purple, !yntheti# humanoid !ittin( on a #hair% 5t

)a! t)enty metre! tall, and had "eminine "eature!% *)o red eye! adorned it! "a#e%

Madelyne4! eye! lit up upon !eein( it%


*ra!$ pre!!ed a 'utton on hi! #on!ole and !po$e%