E7/F7 The Art of Presenting - Christina Krause and Ajay Puri

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Transcript of E7/F7 The Art of Presenting - Christina Krause and Ajay Puri


Quality Forum - March 2012

What would you like to get out of today?

What would you like to get out of today?

What’s your biggest challenge when presenting?


• Overview of presentation tactics (Ajay) = ~45 minutes• Principles• Pointers when presenting• Cool styles: Prezi | TED | Pecha Kucha | Slideshare

• Deep Dive: Public Narrative Approach (Christina) = ~60 minutes• Story of me, us, now• Interactive exercise

• Reflections, Next Steps = ~15 minutes

Four thoughts to keep in mind when giving a great presentation

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action

Four thoughts to keep in mind when giving a great presentation

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action

Goal: is to fulfill at least one of these!

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action

• To Inform• To Entertain• To Touch Emotions• Move to Action


• How much time should I talk for?


• How much time should I talk for?• How interactive should I make it?


• How much time should I talk for?• How interactive should I make it?• Do I have to share something personal?


• How much time should I talk for?• How interactive should I make it?• Do I have to share something personal?• The dreaded bullets dilemma


• How much time should I talk for?• How interactive should I make it?• Do I have to share something personal?• The dreaded bullets dilemma • To have notes, or not to have notes?


• How much time should I talk for?• How interactive should I make it?• Do I have to share something personal?• The dreaded bullets dilemma • To have notes, or not to have notes?• What about a standardized slide deck for everyone?

Cool new styles

• Prezzi• TED• Pecha Kucha• Slideshare• Public Narrative

a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.

a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.

Zoomable canvas that makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them.

a cloud-based presentation software that opens up a new world between whiteboards and slides.

Zoomable canvas makes it fun to explore ideas and the connections between them.

Result: visually captivating presentations that lead your audience down a path of discovery.

Story first, slides second• Dream Big.• Show the real you.• Make the complex plain.• Connect with people’s emotions.• Don’t flaunt your ego• Feel free to comment on other speakers’ talks

Number of Cities: 495

• What is Pecha Kucha?• Purpose: powerful story• Things to keep in mind:

• Only photo• Spend time in training your speakers• It’s automatic: 20 second tidbits vs one story (and slides follow)• Feel free to morph it

Cool new tools

Some things that you can do on SlideShare:• Upload presentations publicly or privately• Download presentations on any topic and reuse or remix• Embed on blogs, websites, company intranets• Share on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn• Leadshare: generate leads with your presentations, documents, pdfs,

videos• Slidecast: sync mp3 audio with slides to create a webinar• Embed YouTube videos inside SlideShare presentations

Public Narrative

Power of Storytelling

• Communicate our values through emotion• Stories share what we feel – our hopes, cares,

obligations • It often takes much more than knowing to

inspire action

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

Why are values so important?

Building advanced improvement capability for BC

Another view:

Quality of …

“Engine” of quality

D. Balestracci. Data Sanity. 2009

“Fuel” of quality

Another View:

Quality of …

What is Public Narrative?

Story of: −what I am called to do, −what my community is called to do, and −what we are called to do now

Leadership – enabling others to achieve purpose in the face of uncertainty - requires engaging the heart, the mind, and the hands: motivation, strategy, and action.

Public narrative is the art of translating values into action

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz


Public Narrative

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

who we are – our shared values, our

shared experience, and why we do what we do

transforms the present into a

moment of challenge, hope, and


Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

who I am – my values, my

experience, why I do what I do

What is your Public Narrative?

Story of Self: Why were you called to what you have been called to as a leader, the purpose in which you will ask others to join you?

- Our identity- Choices that have made us who we are- Values that shaped those choices- Share “choice points” = moments when we faced a challenge,

experienced an outcome and learning- Adapt our story of self in response to feedback - WHERE WE CAME FROM; WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO; WHERE WE


Source: Marshall Ganz

What is your Public Narrative?

Story of Us: To what values, experiences or aspirations do you hope to appeal to others when you ask them to join you in action?

– Our stories of self overlap with our stories of us– Expresses values and experiences shared by the us we are

evoking at the time – Articulates values of our community– Creates collective identify

Source: Marshall Ganz

What is your Public Narrative?

Story of Now: What urgent challenges to these values does your team or community face now? What outcomes could you achieve by acting together, beginning now?

• Story and strategy overlap because a key element in hope is strategy

– A credible vision of how to get from here to there • Have to create a meaningful choice– NOT “We must all choose to be better people” – Eliciting commitment to an action

• Can be small or large Source: Marshall Ganz

Case “Analysis”

Telling Your Narrative

“A good Narrative is drawn from the series of choice points that have structured the “plot” of your life –

the challenges you faced; choices you made and outcomes you experienced”

Source: Marshall Ganz

Tips for Brainstorming your Story of Self:

• Determine the challenge, the choice, the outcome you want to focus on for this story.

• Add specific details. How did it feel, what did it look like, what did it sound like, what did it smell like? What still moves you? The more detail you provide, the more the audience will be able to connect with you.

• Consider - who would you be telling this story to? What about it would move them?

• Keep it short – story of self should take no longer than two minutes.

Source: Samantha Bailey, Based Upon the Work of Marshall Ganz

Papa Puri

Two Issues.


two things




What were your a-ha moments?