Double Degree Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering · 2016-12-12 · 3 2. Enrolment...

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Transcript of Double Degree Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering · 2016-12-12 · 3 2. Enrolment...


Double Degree

Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering


1. Professional profile

2. Enrolment

2.1. Entry requirements

2.2. Articulation of the selection process and general criteria used for students’ selection

2.3. Main deadlines and time-frame

3. Tuition fees

4. Study Plan

4.1. Which are the differences between the two programmes? 4.2. Who can apply to the “continuity” programme?

4.3. Who can apply to the “open” programme?

4.4. The structure of the “continuity” programme

4.5. The structure of the “open” programme

5. Further information

6. Contacts


1. Professional profile

The internal Double Degree in Mechanical and Management Engineering (iDD-MME) aims to capture the

emerging need of the Italian and European industrial and manufacturing sector, which is strategic and

relevant for the economy.

In particular, such sector, in order to compete within the international markets, is looking for a new

professional actor figure able to integrate the typical skills of a management engineer with the key technical

competencies of a mechanical engineer.

Such objective could be reached by the cultural closeness of the two programmes, which present several commonalities, although showing specific differences that can, nonetheless, be easily compensated through

a suitable study plan.

The focus of Mechanical Engineering programme is on the development of capabilities of designing products

and processes, but management courses find limited place.

The focus of Management Engineering programme is on providing different aspects of corporate, supply

chain and operations management, also beyond production activities, nonetheless with minor competencies

on technological and design topics.

The iDD-MME offers a unique opportunity to take the major benefits from both the approaches, thus fulfilling

the existing gaps in the two single programmes.

The integration of Mechanical Engineering and Management Engineering programmes stems from such

needs, thus aiming to develop a professional technician, with a solid industrial technical background, well

matched with a managerial vision, thus being really appealing for the work market.


2. Enrolment

2.1 Entry requirements

The Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Double Degree is open to 20 students per year

selected from Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering Master of Science programmes.

Applications for the Internal Double Master of Science degree may be submitted, in compliance with the

rules set out in this Teaching Regulation

programmes/, by students of the Politecnico di Milano enrolled in:

- Master of Science (equivalent to Laurea Magistrale) Programme in Mechanical Engineering; or

- Master of Science (equivalent to Laurea Magistrale) Programme in Management Engineering.

Hence, students enrolled in “individual” courses (equivalent to Corsi Singoli) cannot apply to the Double Master of Science Degree in Management Engineering – Mechanical Engineering.

To apply for the Double Master of Science degree, students should fulfil the admission requirements outlined in the Teaching regulations of each study course:

- Master of Science (equivalent to Laurea Magistrale) Programme in Management Engineering (available at:

- Master of Science (equivalent to Laurea Magistrale) Programme in Mechanical Engineering (available at: ( )

Furthermore, students who want to apply for the iDD-MME degree should have an average for the bachelor

equal to al 26.

2.2 Articulation of the selection process and general criteria used for students’ selection

Students from Politecnico di Milano interested in applying for the Internal Double Master of Science degree

in Management Engineering – Mechanical Engineering, must submit (by their own institutional e-mail) the

documents within the timeframe that will be published at,, to the following addresses:

- Management Engineering students:

- Mechanical Engineering students:

The following information should be provided in the attached documents:

- Motivation letter

- Final mark in the Bachelor Degree


- Curriculum Studiorum in the Bachelor (including exams transcripts and abstract of the thesis / business game) and in the Master of Science (exams transcripts; when available) Programmes

- Curriculum Vitae with clear indication of other competencies developed (beside the curriculum

studiorum) and how they were developed, professional experiences, and hobbies

An evaluation Committee composed by professors appointed by the Study Course of Management

Engineering and the Study Course of Mechanical Engineering, will be in charge of the candidates’ selection


The Committee will make a first evaluation of the academic background, the motivation letter and the CV of the candidate and will assign up to 70 points as follows:

- Motivation letter, up to 20 points assigned;

- Academic CV of the Bachelor Degree obtained at other universities, with self-declaration of

transcripts with marks and the final degree grade, up to 25 points assigned;

- Personal CV, up to 15 points assigned;

- Thesis, up to 10 points assigned.

Candidates who are assigned at least 60 points will be interviewed individually.

The same Committee will do a second evaluation based on an individual interview that will assess:

- The coherence of the expectations and the motivations of the candidate with the objective of the

iDD-MME programme.

- The coherence of the specific competencies acquired by the candidate in the Bachelor and Master of

Science (if any) level and through extra-curricular experiences with the objective of the iDD-MME programme.

- Candidate’s attitude towards the disciplines of the iDD-MME programme (which could be assessed

through interview questions or a case study).

The one-to-one interview will be assigned a maximum of 30 points.

2.3 Main deadlines and time-frame

The deadlines of the selection process will be published on the Course websites (at and and ).

Each year, the call for applications will follow this timeline:

Presentation of candidate applications: by January 13th 2017 at 12.00 (noon) Selection process and interviews between January 13th 2017 and February 15th 2017 Publication of the final results and formal acceptance by candidates by February 20th 2017


3. Tuition fees

Details will be published on the University websites :

degree/fees/ and


4. Study Plan

A total of 180 credits over three years should be awarded to obtain the iDD-MME. Students have courses in

excess with respect to the standard (Mechanical or Management) programme (120 credits over two years).

The applicants, who have enrolled in the M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or in Management Engineering,

have to present a – formally – individual study programme (see Table 1).

Actually, there are two pre-set and optional study programmes:

1. The “continuity” programme 2. The “open” programme

Table 1. Double Degree in Mechanical and Management Engineering (iDD-MME).

4.1 Which are the differences between the two programmes?

The “continuity” programme is actually tailored in order to propose a balanced programme, which draws a

continuum path from some B.Sc. programmes of Politecnico di Milano to the double degree (see Table 2).


programme (3-year)


Double Degree inMechanical and

Management Engineering

Individual study programme (180 CFU):"Continuity" or "Open"

M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Individual study programme (180 CFU):"Continuity" or "Open"

M.Sc. Management Engineering


The student does not have to adapt her/his preparation autonomously and all the minimum curriculum

requirements are already included in the “continuity” programme, by means of a suitable set of mandatory

grounding courses. The language of this programme is English, except some courses during the first year of

the programme.

The “open” programme is designed for students with any kind of B.Sc. degree in Engineering. No

grounding courses are included and the students are expected to adapt their own preparation autonomously,

in order to have the minimum curriculum requirements. The language of the programme is English.

Table 2. Study programmes.

4.2 Who can apply to the “continuity” programme?

Only the students of Politecnico di Milano who have hold a B.Sc. degree in the programmes (see Table 2):

a) Ingegneria Gestionale (Tracks: GPO – propedeutico LM – organizzazione and GPL – propedutico LM – logistica e produzione)

b) Ingegneria Meccanica (Track: VA1 - Propedeutico) c) Ingegneria della produzione industriale (Tracks: PPM – propedeutico ad indirizzo meccanico and

PPG – propedeutico ad indirizzo gestionale)

These criteria are additional to those reported in section 2.1.

4.3 Who can apply to the “open” programme?

All the students enrolled either in the M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering or in the M.Sc. Management

Engineering (see section 4.5) and respecting the criteria reported in section 2.1.

B.Sc. Study programme Degree

Double Degree in

Mechanical and

Management Engineering


Ingegneria GestionaleTracks: GPO – propedeutico LM – organizzazione and

GPL – propedutico LM – logistica e produzione(Politecnico di Milano)Ingegneria Meccanica

Track: VA1 - Propedeutico(Politecnico di Milano)

Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale Tracks: PPM – propedeutico ad indirizzo meccanico and

PPG – propedeutico ad indirizzo gestionale(Politecnico di Milano)

"Open" programmeAny other B.Sc. in Engineering


4.4 The structure of the “continuity” programme

The general structure of the “continuity” programme is shown in Table 3.

The applicants have to enrol in the M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering or in Management Engineering.

Independently from the B.Sc. degree, the student has to attend: i) a set of grounding courses; ii) two sets of

courses that provide the basics for Mechanical and Management Engineering respectively; iii) to some

courses of selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in Management Engineering. Beyond

the courses, the student has to prepare and discuss a master thesis.

Table 3. Structure of the “continuity” programme.

From: B.Sc. in Ingegneria Gestionale

Tracks: GPO – propedeutico LM – organizzazione and GPL – propedutico

LM – logistica e produzione

(Politecnico di Milano)

B.Sc. in Ingegneria Meccanica

Track: VA1 – Propedeutico

(Politecnico di Milano)

B.Sc. Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale

Tracks: PPM – propedeutico ad indirizzo

meccanico and PPG – propedeutico ad indirizzo

gestionale (Politecnico di Milano)

Grounding courses (CFU) 37 30 27

Courses from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering (CFU)

45-46 35 35

Courses from M.Sc. in Management Engineering (CFU)

40 60 60

Courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in Management Engineering (CFU)


Master thesis (CFU) 25-30 23-27 26-30

Total before track and thesis (CFU) 122-123 125 122

Total (CFU) 180 180 180

4.4.1 “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Gestionale (Tracks: GPO – propedeutico LM –

organizzazione and GPL – propedutico LM – logistica e produzione)

The structure of the “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Gestionale (Tracks: GPO – propedeutico LM – organizzazione and GPL – propedutico LM – logistica e produzione) is detailed in Table 4. The courses


from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in Management Engineering are reported

respectively in Table 5 and Table 6.


Table 4. “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Gestionale (Tracks: GPO – propedeutico LM – organizzazione and GPL – propedutico LM – logistica e produzione)


Table 5. Courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Note: refer to the educational rules document of M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering


n&EVN_DEFAULT=evento&aa=2016&k_corso_la=483&lang=EN ) for the optional courses.

Table 6. Courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Management Engineering

Note: refer to the educational rules document of M.Sc. in Management Engineering


n&EVN_DEFAULT=evento&aa=2016&k_corso_la=479&lang=EN) for the optional courses.

4.4.2 “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Meccanica (Track: VA1 - Propedeutico)

The structure of the “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Meccanica (Track: VA1 - Propedeutico)

is detailed in Table 7. The courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in

Management Engineering are reported respectively in Table 5 and Table 6.



ME6 - ADVANCED MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES097554 IRONMAKING AND STEELMAKING (10); 097482 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS A (10);Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME7 - GROUND VEHICLES097556 GROUND VEHICLE ENGINEERING A (10);097557 VEHICLE DYNAMICS AND CONTROL A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);


ME1 - PRODUCTION PLANTSINDUSTRIAL PLANTS A (10); DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS A (8); Choose 1 course of 10 CFU from both groups of 10 CFU courses of the track (10);


ME2 - MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICSMECHATRONIC SYSTEMS AND LABORATORY A (10); AUTOMATIC CONTROL A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME3 - VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING097598 VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING (10); 097497 MODELLING OF MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME5 - ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN097527 METHODS FOR ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN (10); 097590 METHODS AND TOOLS FOR SYSTEMATIC INNOVATION (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);


CFU CoursesTrack


AM - ADVANCED MANUFACTURING097310 Production for Made in Italy Lab (10); 097311 Manufacturing Systems Engineering (10); 097312 Manufacturing Systems Planning (10);

IM - INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT097403 Industrial Management LAB and Toolbox (15)Choose either 097319 Asset Life Cycle Management (10) or 097320 Industrial Project Management A (10); Choose either 097321 Operations Risk Management and Resilience (5) or 097323 Quality Management (5);


098469 Business in Transformation: Social and Sustainability Challenges LAB (15); 097333 Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing (10); 097334 Social Innovation (5)

SCM - SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT097339 Supplier Relationship Management Lab (10); 097340 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Lab (10); 098406 Supply Chain Management (10)


097346 Energy Management Lab (10); 097350 Management of Energy and Sustainability (10); 097335 Economics of Network Industries (5); 097352 Industrial Eco-efficiency (5);


098510 Design Management Lab (15);098498 Design Strategy and Economics of Innovation (10); Choose either 097313 Additive Manufacturing (5) or 097325 Digital Business Innovation (5) or 097364 Entrepreneurship Economics and policy (5) or 097317 Management of Design and Innovation Projects (5) or 097327 Product Life Cycle Management (5)


Table 7. “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria Meccanica (Track: VA1 - Propedeutico)


4.4.3 “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale (Track: PPM –

propedeutico ad indirizzo meccanico)

The structure of the “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale

(Track: PPM – propedeutico ad indirizzo meccanico) is detailed in Table 8. The courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in Management Engineering are reported respectively in Table 5

and Table 6.


Table 8. “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale (Track: PPM – propedeutico ad indirizzo meccanico)

4.4.4 “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale (Track: PPG –

propedeutico ad indirizzo gestionale)

The structure of the “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale

(Track: PPG – propedeutico ad indirizzo gestionale) is detailed in Table 9. The courses from selected tracks


from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and in Management Engineering are reported respectively in Table 5

and Table 6.

Table 9. “Continuity” programme for B.Sc. in Ingegneria della Produzione Industriale (Track: PPG – propedeutico ad indirizzo gestionale)


4.5 The structure of the “open” programme

In the “open” programme, you can start the double degree from one or the other according to your specific

inclination and background: i.e. an intake from management or from mechanical. This enable you to go deeper first in one of the two topics, then move to the other, and finally integrate them together.

The open program therefore is organized as shown in Table 10:

Table 10. Structure of the “Open” programme”

From any B.Sc. in Engineering:

Enrolment in M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering

Enrolment in M.Sc. Management Engineering

First year 62 CFU in Mechanical engineering

(First year courses, track NDE)

60 CFU in Management engineering

(First year courses, tracks AM, IM,


Second year 10 CFU in 096092-BUSINESS AND



50 CFU in Management engineering (*) (**)

(from the First year courses, tracks


62 CFU in Mechanical engineering

(***) (First year courses, track NDE)

Third year 28-32 CFU from either Mechanical engineering, second year courses, tracks:

ME1, ME2, ME3, ME5, ME6, ME7(†) or from Management engineering, second year courses, tracks:


Master thesis 26-32 CFU 26-32 CFU

Total (CFU) 180 180

(*) It is not allowed to choose the courses of 072463-INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES, and 096090-

OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT, coming from the M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering.

(**) The choice of the 50 CFU in Management engineering from the first year courses, tracks AM, IM, OSI, SCM, EEM, DMI is contrained to the selection of at least 20 CFU form ING-IND/35 courses and at least

20 CFU form ING-IND/17 courses.

(***) It is not allowed to choose the course of 095844-DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT OF PRODUCTION

SYSTEMS, if the courses of 072463-INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES, and 096090- OPERATIONS


MANAGEMENT have been previously taken. In case, it is substituted by 095842-MECHANICAL SYSTEM


(†) Courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering

Note: refer to the educational rules document of M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering


n&EVN_DEFAULT=evento&aa=2016&k_corso_la=483&lang=EN ) for the optional courses.

(‡) Courses from selected tracks from M.Sc. in Management Engineering

Note: refer to the educational rules document of M.Sc. in Management Engineering (

n&EVN_DEFAULT=evento&aa=2016&k_corso_la=479&lang=EN) for the optional courses.



ME6 - ADVANCED MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES097554 IRONMAKING AND STEELMAKING (10); 097482 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS A (10);Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME7 - GROUND VEHICLES097556 GROUND VEHICLE ENGINEERING A (10);097557 VEHICLE DYNAMICS AND CONTROL A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);


ME1 - PRODUCTION PLANTSINDUSTRIAL PLANTS A (10); DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTS A (8); Choose 1 course of 10 CFU from both groups of 10 CFU courses of the track (10);


ME2 - MECHATRONICS AND ROBOTICSMECHATRONIC SYSTEMS AND LABORATORY A (10); AUTOMATIC CONTROL A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME3 - VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING097598 VIRTUAL PROTOTYPING (10); 097497 MODELLING OF MECHANICAL BEHAVIOUR OF MATERIALS A (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);

ME5 - ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN097527 METHODS FOR ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN (10); 097590 METHODS AND TOOLS FOR SYSTEMATIC INNOVATION (10); Choose 1 course of 6 CFU from both groups of 6 CFU courses of the track (6+6);


CFU CoursesTrack


AM - ADVANCED MANUFACTURING097310 Production for Made in Italy Lab (10); 097311 Manufacturing Systems Engineering (10); 097312 Manufacturing Systems Planning (10);

IM - INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT097403 Industrial Management LAB and Toolbox (15)Choose either 097319 Asset Life Cycle Management (10) or 097320 Industrial Project Management A (10); Choose either 097321 Operations Risk Management and Resilience (5) or 097323 Quality Management (5);


098469 Business in Transformation: Social and Sustainability Challenges LAB (15); 097333 Advanced and Sustainable Manufacturing (10); 097334 Social Innovation (5)

SCM - SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT097339 Supplier Relationship Management Lab (10); 097340 Advanced Supply Chain Planning Lab (10); 098406 Supply Chain Management (10)


097346 Energy Management Lab (10); 097350 Management of Energy and Sustainability (10); 097335 Economics of Network Industries (5); 097352 Industrial Eco-efficiency (5);


098510 Design Management Lab (15);098498 Design Strategy and Economics of Innovation (10); Choose either 097313 Additive Manufacturing (5) or 097325 Digital Business Innovation (5) or 097364 Entrepreneurship Economics and policy (5) or 097317 Management of Design and Innovation Projects (5) or 097327 Product Life Cycle Management (5)


As highlighted above, the enrolment in iDD-MME takes place before the beginning of the second year (i.e.,

the intake in the iDD-MME is actually a shift, at the beginning of the second year, from the original

programme to iDD-MME). Depending on the selected M.Sc., they have to choose courses from different

tracks, but no grounding courses are proposed and the students are expected to recover any knowledge gap with respect to skills and competences related to the content of the courses of the first year (for both

Mechanical and Management Engineering).

5. Further information

Withdrawal from the Double Degree programme must follow the procedures and timeframes established by

the School’s schedules.

Students applying to the Double Degree may apply for ASP (Alta Scuola Politecnica), the Erasmus + and non-EU international mobility programmes. However, if students are selected for both programmes, they must withdraw from one of them as per the relevant procedures and timeframes.

Any delay in communicating withdrawal from the Double degree programme will seriously affect replacement

candidates and cause administrative difficulties.

Students who undertake the Double degree programme and decide to finish their studies after completing

only one of the degrees must present a new study plan detailing a change in curriculum/PSPA (previously

approved study plan), within the established deadline.

6. Contacts

Supervisor for M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering: Prof. Paolo Pennacchi ( Supervisor for M.Sc. in Management Engineering: Prof. Enrico Cagno ( General information: and;

The Dean of the School of Industrial and Information Engineering Prof. Giovanni Lozza