Don't be like tony قم باعداد السيره الذاتيه ولا تكن مثل تونى

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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ملف يوضح كيفيه اعداد السيره الذاتيه يرجى فتح الملف بباوربوينت 2010

Transcript of Don't be like tony قم باعداد السيره الذاتيه ولا تكن مثل تونى

  • 1. DON'T BE LIKE TONY Introduced By Radwa Shawky

2. BIG CHANCE 3. Tony waste his chance to get the job because of bad c.v And you ? 4. 1- 1- : 2- : 3- : 4- : 5. - - - 6. 2- - : 1- 2- 7. 3- - : 1- 2- 3- 8. 4- - 9. 4- - - 10. 2- - : 1- 2- 11. 2- - : - - 12. 3- 13. 4- 14. 1- 15. 2- 16. 3- : - A4 - - open office writer word - - 17. - - - - - 14 12 - - 18. - - - - - Capital letters - 19. 4- - - - 20. 5- - - 21. 6- - 22. 7- - - - - - - 23. 8- - - 24. 9- - 25. 10- - 26. - 27. COVERING LETTER - Answer the question why should I see you - Make the person who read it feel special - You might include your understanding of the work/ knowledge of the company - Relate your skills to the job - Say when you are available to start work 28. STRUCTURE OF COVERING LETTER - First paragraph: State the job you are applying for Where you found out about it ? When you are available to start work ? 29. STRUCTURE OF COVERING LETTER - Second paragraph: Why you are interested in ? Why the company attract you ? 30. STRUCTURE OF COVERING LETTER - Third paragraph : Summarize your strengths & relate your skills to the competencies required in the job 31. STRUCTURE OF COVERING LETTER - Fourth paragraph : Mention any date you will not available for interview Thank your employer 32. 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- - - 33. WHAT ABOUT TONY ? 34. THANK YOU Introduced By Radwa Shawky Online Marketing Trainer 35. HOPE YOU GOOD LUCK