Disparity of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes sharks

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Transcript of Disparity of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes sharks

Independent Project at the Department of Earth Sciences Självständigt arbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper

2015: 7

Disparity of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes Sharks

Disparitet i Lamniformes Hajar från Tidig Krita

Fredrik Söderblom




Independent Project at the Department of Earth Sciences Självständigt arbete vid Institutionen för geovetenskaper

2015: 7

Disparity of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes Sharks

Disparitet i Lamniformes Hajar från Tidig Krita

Fredrik Söderblom

Copyright © Fredrik Söderblom and the Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University Published at Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University (www.geo.uu.se), Uppsala, 2015

Sammanfattning Disparitet i Lamniformes Hajar från Tidig Krita Fredrik Söderblom Morfologisk disparitet är ett mått på hur stor utsträckningen av morfologisk variation är. Detta mått räknas ut genom att jämföra landmärken utplacerade på bilder av föremål som ska undersökas. I detta projekt undersöktes den morfologiska dispariteten hos tänder från håbrandsartade hajar (Lamniformes) under tidig krita. Att just deras tänder undersöktes beror på att den större delen av hajars skelett är gjort av brosk vilket lätt bryts ned efter djuret avlidit. Deras tänder är dock gjorda av ben vilket har lättare att bli bevarat som fossil. Utöver detta så kan formen på tänder beskriva djurs födoval och levnadssätt. Gruppens tänder undersöktes därför även för att belysa eventuella förändringar i diet och ekologi under tidig krita. Resultatet av denna analys visar på en expansion av tandform under denna period från långa och smala tänder under Barremium till en större variation under Albium där även mer triangelformade och robusta tänder dyker upp. Detta har tolkats som en adaptiv artbildningsperiod för gruppen då både nya byten (t.ex. teleostfiskar och havs-sköldpaddor) diversifierade och uppkom samtidigt som vissa marina predatorer (ichthyosaurer och plesiosaurer) minskade i antal under denna tidsperiod. Detta ändrade troligen de selektiva trycken på håbrandsartade hajars tandmorfologi samt lämnade ekologiska nischer öppna som dessa kunde anpassa sig till vilket i sin tur ledde till expansioner i morfologisk disparitet, diet och ekologi. Nyckelord: Lamniformes, disparitet, tidig krita, morfologi, morfometri Självständigt arbete i geovetenskap, 1GV029, 15 hp, 2015 Handledare: Nicolàs Campione Biträdande handledare: Benjamin Kear Institutionen för geovetenskaper, Uppsala universitet, Villavägen 16, 752 36 Uppsala (www.geo.uu.se) Hela publikationen finns tillgänglig på www.diva-portal.org

Abstract Disparity of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes sharks Fredrik Söderblom The geological range of lamniform sharks stretches from present day species such as Carcharodon carcharias (great white shark) back to the at the moment oldest undoubted fossil finds during the Early Cretaceous. In this paper a geometric morphometric analysis was performed on images of Early Cretaceous lamniform teeth collected from published literature in order to examine the change in disparity (range of morphological variation within a group) throughout the time period. Due to limited availability of published material and time constraints only the Barremian and Albian ages were investigated. The Barremian exhibited tall and narrow tooth morphologies while the Albian showed a wide range of morphological variation including more robust, wide and sometimes triangular shapes but also displayed further specialization of the tall and narrow forms. This change is likely indicative of a dietary and ecological expansion from only eating for example small fish and soft-bodied creatures to a wide range of prey for the group, including larger and more robust animals such as marine turtles and large bony fish. This in combination with the decline of some marine predators as well as the diversification of possible prey is interpreted as that an adaptive radiation of the Lamniformes could have taken place during the latter half of the Early Cretaceous. Key words: Lamniformes, disparity, Early Cretaceous, morphology, morphometric Independent Project in Earth Science, 1GV029, 15 credits, 2015 Supervisor: Nicolàs Campione Co-Supervisor: Benjamin Kear Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Villavägen 16, SE-752 36 Uppsala (www.geo.uu.se) The whole document is available at www.diva-portal.org

Table of contents 1. Introduction 1

2. Materials and methods 2

3. Results 3

4. Discussion 5 4.1 Discussion of the results 5 4.2 Dental adaptations and habitats 6 4.2.1 The Barremian 6

4.2.2 The Albian 8

4.3 On changes in disparity, diversity, diet and feeding strategies 10

5. Conclusions 13

6. Acknowledgements 14

7. References 14 7.1 Printed refereces 14 7.2 Internet references 17

8. Appendix 17


1. Introduction Chondrichthyes is the name of a group including the clades Holocephali (chimaeras) as well as Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays) (Miller et al., 2003; Hickman et al., 2011). Fossil scales prove chondrichthyans to possibly have existed since the Late Ordovician (Janvier, P., 1996 & Turner, S. in Miller et al., 2003). They are fish with a skeleton made of cartilage, a feature that developed as they evolved out of their ancestors with skeletons made of bone (Hickman et al., 2011). The fact that their teeth are better mineralized than the rest of their skeleton is the reason that teeth are one of the most common kind of fossil found belonging to them since cartilage is less likely to survive the fossilization process (Shimada, 2005, 2007; Whitenack & Gottfried, 2010). Sharks that are a part of them have been determined to have existed during the Early Devonian on the basis of fossil teeth (Miller et al., 2003) and even back to the Lower Siluran on the basis of simple placoid scales (Karatajūté-Talimaa, V., 1973, 1992 in Sansom et al., 1996). The clade Lamniformes is an order of sharks that is present on Earth today and includes the great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias) (Cappetta, 2012). The order’s origin was however during the Early Cretaceous with one of the earliest undoubted fossil finds belonging to the early part of the Late Valanginian (Rees, 2005). Although the possibility of an origin during the Jurassic has also been proposed (Underwood, 2006). The Cretaceous is a time period that spans from 145-66 million years ago (Ma) (Cohen et al., 2015). The period is divided into the Early Cretaceous (145-100.5 Ma) and the Late Cretaceous (100.5-66 Ma) (Cohen et al., 2015). The Early Cretaceous was the focus of this study. It can be further subdivided into the Berriasian (145-139.8 Ma), the Valanginian (139.8-132.9 Ma), the Hauterivian (132.9-129.4 Ma), the Barremian (129.4-125 Ma), the Aptian (125-113 Ma) and the Albian (113-100,5 Ma) (Cohen et al., 2015).

During the beginning of the Early Cretaceous the global climate became more arid than before (Benson & Druckenmiller, 2014) (evidenced in part by clays having an increased proportion of the mineral smectite (Weissert & Channell, 1989; Hallam et al., 1991)), the ocean surface became more oligotrophic (Danelian & Johnson, 2001; Tremolada et al., 2006 in Benson & Druckenmiller, 2014) and temperatures rose to eventually reach a high approximately 100 million years ago (Gould et al., 2001). Radiations of several different organisms took place in the Cretaceous and many of them originated during the Early Cretaceous (Sadava et al., 2011). The first angiosperms (flowering plants) appeared during the Early Cretaceous (Gould et al., 2001; Sadava et al., 2011), triggering a radiation of insects such as butterflies, bees, moths, as well as ants (Gould et al., 2001). The first snakes arose during the Early Cretaceous (Benton, 2005; Sadava et al., 2011). Other organisms such as gymnosperms, teleost fishes, sharks, plesiosaurs, belemnites, ammonites (Gould et al., 2001), dinosaurs (Gould et al., 2001; Sadava et al., 2011), pterosaurs (Gould et al., 2001) (pterodactyloid pterosaurs during the Early Cretaceous (Benson & Druckenmiller, 2014)) and turtles (Early Cretaceous) (Scheyer et al., 2014) would diversify during the Cretaceous. Large predators such as mosasaurs also appeared in the Cretaceous as well as the first true lobsters and crabs (Gould et al., 2001).

With this paper a dataset connected to images of Early Cretaceous Lamniformes shark teeth will be presented (see appendix). A geometric morphometric analysis of the teeth in these images was also performed. The results of this analysis will be presented as diagrams. A morphospace diagram showcasing


the measure of morphological variation between specimen in a mathematical space and a disparity through time diagram showing the disparity (the range of morphological variation within a group (Briggs & Crowther, 2001)) of lamniform teeth during the different ages of the Early Cretaceous. A t-test was also performed to account for the significance of the sampled specimen in question between the different time bins. The hypothesis being tested is that since a sizeable amount of radiations seem to have taken place at the time investigated in this paper, the results of the analysis might show a high amount disparity and possibly an increase in morphological variation during the aforementioned time period. 2. Materials and methods A total of 146 images of Lamniformes teeth specimen were located using published literature available in both digital and physical formats and compiled into a dataset (see table 1 in appendix). The preferred view in the images was labial (seen from the outside of the mouth), however if this was not available then lingual view (seen from the inside of the mouth) was used. The selection of the images gathered and used was based on availability and unfortunately somewhat restricted by amount of time available to work on this study.

These images were then scanned (if the image was from a physical source) or saved (if the source was digital) as JPEGs. At the same time information about the images such as where it was taken from, which page it was taken from, figure number, which dental unit it was from, what specimen number it had, what order, family, genus and species it was, what view the images was taken in, its relative position in the cranium of the individual, what continent, country, locality and formation it was found in as well as what era, period, epoch and age it belonged to. This information was put together into a dataset in Microsoft excel. The images were then cropped using Adobe Photoshop CC 2014 (Adobe Systems Software Ireland Ltd) and a scale bar was also moved into the newly created image if it was available in the original figure. The teeth were then re-oriented by flipping them in Microsoft Paint so the apex of the crown (see figure 7 in appendix for explanation of tooth component locations) in every image was oriented either straight up if the tooth crown was straight or up and to the left if the tooth crown was inclined. A tps file was created by inputting the folder containing only the images of complete specimens (85 in total (see table 2 in appendix) of which seven were of Barremian age and 78 were of Albian age) in the open-source program tpsUtil (version 1.60) created by F. James Rohlf (Rohlf, 2015). Afterward in the program tpsDIG2 (version 2.18) created by F. James Rohlf (Rohlf, 2015) the images of the tps file were placed on a Euclidian coordinate grid. tpsDIG2 was then used to digitize the images by placing semilandmarks along the edge of the crown going from the left side of the crown to the right (see figure 7 in appendix). The semilandmarks made up a curve and were then all resampled to 74 points along the curve with equal length between each other.

In notepad, the semilandmarks in the tps file were changed into homologous landmarks. This file was then entered into tpsUtil where it was used to create a sliders file in which all landmarks were linked and marked to slide except for the first and last ones. The tps- and sliders files as well as the dataset (table 2 in appendix) were then imported into the statistical programming program RStudio (RStudio) using the package geomorph (a package that can analyze the shape of


both two-dimensional and three-dimensional landmark data) (Adams, D. C. & Otarola-Castillo, E., 2013; Adams et al., 2015) where they then were used to run a generalized procrustes analysis (GPA) (using the tps- and sliders files all the specimens were moved to the same point in mathematical space, scaled to approximately the same size and rotated in an as close as possible same direction so that distances between the same landmark in different specimen could be measured) (Adams et al., 2015)) and a principal component analysis (PCA) (plots the specimens aligned in the GPA along principal axes (Adams et al., 2015)) that generated a morphospace diagram of the sample (figure 1).

The samples (dots) were then partitioned into time bins corresponding to their geological age using the imported dataset and the RStudio which () command. The dots on the edges of the corresponding time bins were then linked by lines using a function called minimum convex hulls (Campione, N.) and were colored by using the RStudio command points (). Images of the mean of principal component 1 (PC1) and principal component 2 (PC2) minimum and maximum values were generated in RStudio. These were then added to their respective positions in the morphospace diagram by using the program Inkscape (Inkscape). The results from the PCA were then used with the disparity () command from the RStudio package geiger (Harmon et al., 2008) to calculate the disparity for the time bins in question and then a diagram of the disparity through time was plotted. A t-test was also performed on the principal component scores obtained from the PCA in RStudio to test for statistical significance in the sample that was analyzed and the mean of the two ages. 3. Results The results of the analyses are presented below and include the morphospace diagram (figure 1), disparity through time diagram (figure 2) and the results of the t-test. The morphospace in figure 1 does not have any units since variables such as size and angle were removed during the analysis. The differences between landmarks were measured using the Euclidian coordinate grid the images were placed upon. Principal component 1 (PC1) (figure 1) represents the greatest morphological difference of one and the same landmark between all specimen in the analysis. Principal component 2 (PC2) (figure 1) represents the second to greatest morphological difference in another landmark between all specimen used in the analysis.


Figure 1. Morphospace diagram showing the extent of morphological variation during the ages included in this sample. Samples of Barremian age are shown as red and samples of Albian age are shown as blue. The images on the sides of the diagram show minimum and maximum extremes of the samples’ shape along that particular principal component axis. Principal component axis 1 shows the height and width change in morphology inside the morphospace diagram from narrow and tall (left side) to low and wide (right side). Principal component axis 2 shows the degree to which the cusplets are present where the top part of the figure has large cusplets and the bottom of the figure has none. Furthermore the width of the base of the crown increases in size from the top left toward the bottom right of the morphospace diagram.

Figure 2. Diagram showing the disparity (range of morphological variation within a group) (y axis) through time (x axis) of the sampled specimens. Specimens from other stages were not included in the analysis and are therefore not shown in this diagram.


In the T-test between the mean of the Barremian specimen (calculated to be -0.14433504 on the principal component 1 axis (figure 1)) and the mean of the Albian specimen (calculated to be 0.01295314 on the principal component 1 axis (figure 1)) a p-value = 0.0307 was obtained. 4. Discussion 4.1 Discussion of the results The results of the morphospace diagram (figure 1) show an increase in disparity as does the disparity through time diagram (figure 2). However three things are worth taking note of. The first problem with these results is that the Aptian, the age which should be placed in between the Barremian and the Albian is missing. This leads to a problem since the statistical significance of the samples reflecting reality cannot be properly ascertained in the detail that would be desirable. In other words, an increase of disparity can be seen in both figure 1 and figure 2 but since there is no accounting for the disparity during the time that is missing (the Aptian), there is no knowing for sure whether there was an increase, decrease or no change in disparity of lamniform teeth from the Barremian to the Aptian or from the Aptian to the Albian. Although what can be seen in both figure 1 and 2 is that an overall increase in disparity of lamniform teeth from the Barremian to the Albian seems to have taken place. So at least in the Albian lamniforms seems to have had a wider range of morphological variation than in the Barremian. The second thing that is noteworthy is that since the Barremian only had seven specimens attributed to it in the analysis it is possible (and also quite likely) that this does not closely enough represent the true extent of Barremian lamniform tooth morphology (and would therefore not show if the true disparity was initially high or not as was hypothesized). There is also the possibility of a sampling bias considering the small amount of Barremian specimen and this would affect the interpretation of the results where it could look like there was a greater expansion in the range of morphology than there actually was during the time from the Barremian to the Albian. All the Barremian samples used in the analysis were of the same family (Eoptolamnidae) and consisted of only three species and genera (Eoptolamna eccentrolopha, Leptostyrax stychi sp. nov. and Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov.) (table 2 in appendix). In the complete dataset (table 1 in appendix) 22 specimens are of Barremian age. 19 of these belong to the family Eoptolamnidae. The three remaining Barremian specimen were not assigned to a particular family in the published literature they were taken from. However tooth morphology can vary on the level of genera/species to different degrees and even vary in a single individual’s mouth (heterodonty) depending on not only its belonging in a certain genera or species but also changes such as those during ontogeny (changes taking place when an individual grows up) and sexual dimorphism (gender differentiated traits) (Cappetta, 2012). The diet of a shark can also be influenced by the tooth morphology it possesses since this determines what prey it will be able to catch and consume (Cappetta, 2012).

Other than the Eoptolamnidae families like Cretoxyrhinidae and Odontaspidae were also present during the Barremian (Underwood, 2006). Although this is the case, it is possible that these families either could have possessed a similar dental morphology, adapted to a similar diet or a completely different morphology adapted for other kinds of prey. Measured disparity is more affected by


the addition of new specimen or removal of existing specimen at the edges of that time bin’s area since this would change the appearance of the time bin in morphospace to a greater degree than adding or removing a specimen in the middle of the time bin’s area (Foote, 1993). Also, the larger the size of a group within a time bin in morphospace the more it affects disparity (Foote, 1993). In other words, if a group is large and very peripheral in morphospace it affects that time bin to a much greater extent than a small and centralized group within time bin.This would mean that if Barremian specimen with quite different morphologies than the ones in the morphospace diagram were added this would likely expand the Barremian time bin’s area. However if the new specimen added were very similar morphologically to the ones already in the time bin this would likely not expand the time bin or increase disparity to any larger degree.

In other words, this does not completely invalidate the Barremian time bin shown in figure 1 although it should be expanded upon with more specimens to more correctly represent the true extent of lamniform tooth morphology during this particular age. The Albian seems to be quite well sampled and is showing a quite varied morphology as seen in both figures 1 and 2. It should be noted though that 25 of the 78 specimens from the Albin time bin in the analysis were defined by the authors of the paper they were taken from as belonging to either the latest Late Albian or earliest Early Cenomanian (Siverson et al., 2013) and therefore should be considered as a possible source of error in the analysis performed in this paper since they might belong to an age not investigated here. Both the Barremian and Albin time bins will be discussed below.

Lastly, the results of the t-test showed a p-value of 0.0307 which means in turn that the sample is significant at the 5% level (Olsson et al., 2005). Furthermore the t-test also showed the mean of the Barremian specimens to be located at -0.14433504 on PC1 and the mean of the Albian at 0.01295314 on PC1. If compared to figure 1 this seems to be correctly assessed and would likely serve as evidence for a shift in average morphology of the two time bins. The Barremian time bin’s PC1 average on the negative (left) side of the PC1 axis suggests a tall and narrow morphology, most likely more adapted to catching and consuming soft-bodied animals or smaller fish. The Albian time bin’s PC1 average is placed in a more central location along the PC1 axis, which would indicate a more varied (and wide) range of morphologies (as also evidenced by the negative and positive extremes of specimen in the Albian time bin) including the narrow and tall morphology already present in the Barremian but also more low and wide teeth useful for processing more robust prey. Descriptions of dentition types as well as their implications concerning diet, examples of feeding strategy and some possible driving forces behind the dentition morphology shifts of lamniforms during the Early Cretaceous will be discussed below (subheadings 4.2 and 4.3). 4.2 Dental adaptations and habitats

4.2.1 The Barremian The disparity of the Barremian specimens shown in figure 1 seem to indicate a tooth morphology with a quite straight (except for one of the specimen which seems to have its main cusp bent slightly more than the others toward the rear of its mouth), tall, narrow and pointed main cusp and with somewhat medium sized cusplets (smaller thorn-like structures next to the main cusp (see figure 7 in appendix)). The


teeth seem to be either of the clutching type or tearing type dentitions mentioned by Cappetta (2012). Clutching type dentition (figure 3) generally involves quite small teeth set in rows with a smooth/straight or either lingually or labially bent crown (Cappetta, 2012). Clutching dentition often includes one or more pairs of cusplets and is usually an adaptation that is used by present day elasmobranchs to puncture and hold on to (aided by the cusplets) softer prey such as fish and cephalopods that move very quickly in open water (Cappetta, 2012). Ramsay & Wilga (2007) did however show that the recent shark Chiloscyllium plagiosum (white-spotted bamboo shark) is physically capable durophagy (eating hard-shelled prey, e.g. crustaceans and hard-shelled mollusks) by rotating its teeth lingually (toward the inside of the mouth) through the use of dental ligaments and by doing so changing the function of its clutching dentition into that of a crushing dentition. If this function existed in Early Cretaceous lamniform sharks though is unknown. Furthermore, Cappetta (2012) also mentions that this type of dentition is common in sharks benthic and demersal zones (living on respectively a bit above the bottom of the sea) and also in the neritic zone (above the continental shelf).

Figure 3. Simplified example of the range of clutching type dentition present in this paper. Tearing type dentition (figure 4) usually has one to several pairs of lateral cusplets (though in some genera they are missing) and more noticeable cutting edges along the side of the crown (Cappetta, 2012). Some sharks with tearing type dentition even acquired a cutting function during the Early Cretaceous due to increased sharpness of the crown’s edges (Cappetta, 2012). Sharks with this dentition possess the ability to bite through bone (Ramsay & Wilga, 2007) and are therefore more likely to eat more robust prey than the clutching dentition mentioned above. The habitats of extant sharks with tearing type dentition include bathyal (deep waters), littoral (near shore), epipelagic (far up in the open ocean outside the continental shelf) and pelagic (open ocean) environments (Cappetta, 2012).


Figure 4. Simplified example of the range of tearing type dentition present in this paper. Tearing type dentition may also include more noticeable cusplets.

4.2.2 The Albian Figure 1 seems to indicate that during the Albian stage, morphology was quite varied within the Lamniformes order. The Albian time bin seems to have expanded a lot in the positive direction and only a little in the negative direction on PC1. It also expanded a lot in the negative direction but only somewhat in the positive direction on PC2. The order seems to have increased its dental disparity in the Albian compared to the Barremian by (except for the morphologies present then) either (1) shortening the main cusp (and either keeping it straight or bending it), widening the crown base and elongating the cusplets (specializing more in clutching dentition), (2) elongating its main cusp as well as decreasing the size of its cusplets (and in some cases widening the crown base) or (3) bending the apex of its main cusp toward the rear to varying degrees, widening the crown base and losing its cusplets (figure 7 in appendix and figure 1). This wide a range of morphological expansion in approximately 12-25.5 million years would indicate some sort of adaptive radiation due to a change in selective pressures (more on this below in subheading 4.3). Again following the terminology used by Cappetta (2012), the tearing- and clutching type dentitions mentioned previously (see 4.2.1 The Barremian) also seem to be present in this Albian (see figure 1) and seem to have somewhat further specialized. Additionally, types such as sensu stricto cutting dentition and cutting-clutching dentition are also encompassed by the Albian time bin in figure 1. Both of these are subtypes of the cutting type dentition (Cappetta, 2012). Sensu stricto cutting dentition (figure 5) is characterized by labio-lingual flattening and also a general widening (Cappetta, 2012). Because of this labio-lingual flattening and the fact that this dentition type’s crown often is bent backwards (though sometimes it is straight) and linked together (complete linkage is not always present) into a continuous row of teeth creates something akin to a blade (Cappetta, 2012). Teeth with this kind of dentition may also have serrated edges (Cappetta, 2012). Sensu stricto cutting dentition is able to cut the flesh of prey into pieces as well as chew through bone by acting as a pair of scissors (Ramsay & Wilga, 2007) allowing it


to eat very robust and large prey. Sharks with sensu stricto cutting dentition can often be found in bathyal, pelagic and neritic areas of the sea (Cappetta, 2012).

Figure 5. Simplified example of the range of sensu stricto cutting type dentition present in this paper. The cutting-clutching subtype dentition (figure 6) exhibits a quite strong differentiation between the upper and lower jaw of the individual (Cappetta, 2012). One jaw has high and narrow cusps (most often in (but not restricted to) the anterolateral and anterior teeth) (Cappetta, 2012). The other jaw can have wide teeth that are flattened labio-lingually (Cappetta, 2012). Like sensu stricto cutting dentition, cutting-clutching dentition can also be used to cut through bone and flesh of more robust creatures. Cutting-clutching dentition can be found in sharks living in bathyal, epipelagic and littoral environments (Cappetta, 2012). It should be noted that Ramsay & Wilga (2007) do mention in their paper that cutting dentition seems to be present in sharks that nourish themselves by consuming fish, mammals and soft-bodied invertebrates.

Figure 6. Simplified example of the range of cutting-clutching type dentition present in this paper. Left side shows the range of cutting teeth. Right side shows the range of clutching teeth (most often present in the anterior and anterolateral teeth of one jaw).


4.3 On changes in disparity, diversity, diet and feeding strategies The hypothesis posed in the introduction of this study would seem to fit quite well with the results of the analyses that were conducted. However since as mentioned earlier only the latter part of the Early Cretaceous was covered by this study, the Barremian stage was represented only by seven specimen and there was a hiatus of specimen during the Aptian in this study the correctness by which the results actually depict the change in disparity from the Barremian to the Albian is not quite optimal. Expanding upon the dataset and running additional analyses would be advisable and would have been done if not due to time constraints. Nevertheless the Albian time bin had a decent amount of specimens attributed to it and the results during that particular stage should be viewed as a quite correct representation of the disparity calculated for that interval of time. If one would assume that the Barremian time bin is somewhat representative of the actual disparity of that stage and then compared it to the Albian then the increase in morphological variation would certainly support the sizeable radiations mentioned in the introduction of this paper. Since the Lamniformes seemed to expand into cutting dentition (except for the tearing and clutching dentitions present in both the Barremian and the Albian) capable of biting through bone and flesh of more robust animals than small fish or for that matter soft invertebrates there would likely have been some event(s) that triggered this push toward a dentition of wider and more sturdy blade-like teeth.

By the Early Cretaceous teleost fishes had already appeared long ago however they diversified during this time (Gould et al., 2001; Benton, 2005). The elopomorphs (clade including eels and their relatives) and clupeomorphs (clade including extant anchovy and herring) arose in the Early Cretaceous (Benton, 2005). It is worthy to mention that during the Early Cretaceous the ichthyosaurs (superficially dolphin-like marine reptiles) that preyed on fish and cephalopods (Gould et al., 2001) throughout the majority of the Mesozoic had started to decline (Gould et al., 2001; Maxwell & Kear, 2010) and would eventually go extinct a time after the end of the Early Cretaceous (the latest finds are from the Cenomanian, the first age of the Late Cretaceous) (Maxwell & Kear, 2010). It was toward the end of the Early Cretaceous that the up to 4.2 meter long predatory fish Xiphanctinus (Benton, 2005) made its appearance (Gould et al., 2001). Xiphactinus fossil have been found with 1.6 meter long prey in its stomach (Benton, 2005). This increase in fish taxa (and in some cases size) might have been brought upon by the decline and extinction of the ichthyosaurs. Their disappearance might have left an open role in Cretaceous ecosystems that would be filled by Xiphactinus and other fish (possibly including some sharks).

Although Xiphactinus might seem large, some species of shark from a family called the Cretoxyrhinidae (one of the lamniform families included in the analysis) could reach a size of six meters long, weigh an approximate of 1.5 tons (Gould et al., 2001) and were equipped with either tearing (Benton, 2005) or cutting dentition (Shimada & Hooks, 2004; Siverson et al., 2013). That the cretoxyrhinid sharks have preyed upon Xiphactinus is supported by the work on Late Cretaceous Cretoxyrhina mantelli from the Niobrara Chalk (Kansas) done by Shimada (1997) where a well preserved fossilized skeleton of C. mantelli was found with the remains of a Xiphactinus audax located posterior to its head. Even plesiosaurs are suggested to possibly have been eaten by Cretoxyrhina from the discovery of what could be


plesiosaur gastroliths (stones ingested by animals to help break down food often only found in marine low energy sediments in association to plesiosaur fossils) along with Cretoxyrhina remains (Shimada, 1997). However no plesiosaur remains were found associated with the gastroliths.

Shimada (1997) also mentions attacks on mosasaurs by cretoxyrhinid sharks where one of the mosasaurs show evidence of an infection and subsequent healing around an embedded cretoxyrhinid tooth. This was interpreted as evidence of the cretoxyrhinid shark employing an active feeding strategy (as opposed to scavenging a carcass). Siverson (1992 in Schwimmer et al., 1997) hypothesized that C. mantelli could have fed on sea turtles but the only evidence for this was body size and dental morphology. This idea was later confirmed by Shimada & Hooks (2004) through what was determined to be C. mantelli teeth embedded into an individual of the Late Cretaceous protostegid turtle species Protostega gigas, a species with a carapace (upper part of a turtle’s shell) that could reach lengths of more than two meters. The Protostegidae were a turtle family with a geological range from the Albian (last age of the Early Cretaceous) to the Late Campanian (Late Cretaceous) (Shimada & Hooks, 2004). They were part of the turtle superfamily Chelonioidea that appeared as turtles diversified during the late Early Cretaceous (Scheyer et al., 2014) and unlike many of their more ancient relatives the chelonioids were more adapted to open marine environments (Scheyer et al., 2014). The appearance of these new open marine turtles could have changed the selective pressures on lamniform tooth morphology from the more narrow clutching type (often found in neritic or benthic conditions suitable for catching smaller fish and soft-bodied prey) or tearing type dentitions present in the Barremian time bin toward the more robust and wide tearing type or cutting type (found in both pelagic, neritic and bathyal areas) dentitions appearing in the Albian time bin.

While C. mantelli was of a species and time not investigated in this paper, there is the possibility that the cretoxyrhinids (or for that matter other lamniforms) investigated in this paper could have inhabited a similar ecological role as apex predator (or at least high trophic level predator) of some Early Cretaceous ecosystems. This might be somewhat supported by Schwimmer et al. (1997) stating that recent and fossil shark dentition belonging to sharks of the superorder Galeomorpha (including the order Lamniformes) has been very similar since the Early Cretaceous and therefore a similar feeding behavior can be assumed. Except for this Schwimmer et al. (1997) also mention that predatory behavior has always been common in sharks of large size. Teeth belonging to one of the cretoxyrhinids used in the analysis of this paper were of the species Cretoxyrhina vraconensis. This species has been estimated to have reached a length four meters as an adult (Siverson et al., 2013). As a juvenile its anterior teeth were narrow and well adapted for catching cephalopods, bony fish and small elasmobranchs (Siverson et al., 2013). Through ontogenic changes the adult individuals would instead have a more triangular and wide cutting dentition, feeding upon larger prey (Siverson et al., 2013). The size and dentition of C. vraconensis would seem to indicate an ecological role somewhat similar to that of C. mantelli. However, the C. vraconensis teeth used in the analysis were described by Siverson et al. (2013) as being from a top of the food chain predator in a coastal marine environment where large marine reptiles have not been found. This would not preclude the possibility of C. vraconensis living in open marine environments though (however this is just speculation). As mentioned earlier, both sharks with tearing type dentition as well as cutting type dentition can be found in open marine (pelagic) settings (Cappetta, 2012).


The genus Squalicorax is also one of the genera included in the analysis performed in this paper. This genus ranges from the Albian (latest age of the Early Cretaceous) to the Maastrichtian (latest age of the Late Cretaceous) and possesses cutting type dentition (Schwimmer et al., 1997). It has been suggested and discussed at length by Schwimmer et al. (1997) that members of the genus used this cutting dentition primarily for scavenging on carcasses from animals such as mosasaurs, plesiosaurs, marine turtles and teleost fishes (as well as occasionally some terrestrial vertebrates that had died and were transported by water out into the ocean). Many of these organisms are believed to have been larger than Squalicorax. Therefore it is believed that they were likely deceased when being fed upon. Schwimmer et al. (1997) mentioned that this might not necessarily indicate a feeding strategy of obligate scavenging but seemed to indicate that it was most likely the primary means used to obtain sustenance by the members of the genus. This use of cutting dentition by Squalicorax shows that just because the dentition could be used to actively hunt and consume large/robust prey (as for example it was likely used by members of the Cretoxyrhinidae), it doesn’t mean that active hunting necessarily was the means used by every wielder of the dentition to obtain food.

Another example of scavenging (or possibly actively attacking prey) is described by Shimada et al. (2010) where teeth (most similarly described as the cutting-clutching dentition in this paper) from six to seven individuals (1.5 to 4.2 meters long) of Late Cretaceous Cretalamna (also known as Cretolamna) appendiculata (an Albian specimen of Cretolamna sp. was used in the analysis of this paper (table 2 in appendix) and seems to have similar dentition to the teeth of Cretalamna appendiculata described by Shimada et al. (2010) which means a similar diet could be inferred) were found both next to and imbedded into a 6.4 to 9.2 meter long individual of the plesiosaur species Futabasaurus suzukii. Plesiosaurs have been shown to have declined in morphological disparity from a high in the middle of the Jurassic (pliosauroid plesiosaur decline in the Late Jurassic) to a low in the early part of the Early Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) (seemlingly substantial cryptoclidid plesiosauroid disparity loss around the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary) (Benson & Druckenmiller, 2014). Part of them thereafter increased their range of morphological variation (Elasmosauridae, Leptocleididae and Polycotylidae of the Plesiosauroidea), elevating plesiosaur disparity once again toward a high level in the late Early Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) (Benson & Druckenmiller, 2014) suggesting that they too radiated during the (late) Early Cretaceous. The decline and subsequent radiation of these animals could have acted as another trigger for the radiation and increase in tooth morphology diversity of Lamniformes (as well as possibly bodysize?) by leaving open ecological roles available to adapt into and thereafter giving lamniform sharks additional prey to feed on in the form of smaller sized species of plesiosaurs or young/old, diseased and deceased individuals of large plesiosaur species. The fossil remains of the plesiosauroid described by Shimada et al. (2010) showed no evidence of healing though so it is believed that the biting likely took place after the death of the animal. Another idea mentioned by Shimada et al. (2010) is that the sharks attacked the plesiosaur with a fatal outcome. However the definite cause of the plesiosaur’s death was not established.

Lastly the diversity of lamniform genera (which can possibly but does not necessarily have to be related to changes in morphological variation and dentition types) can also be mentioned through which genera were present during the time analyzed in this paper (Barremian-Albian). During the Barremian at least four lamniform genera seem to have been present (Hispidaspis, Protolamna (Cappetta,


2012), Leptostyrax (Schmitz et al., 2010), Eoptolamna (Kriwet et al., 2008)). The Aptian contains at least eight genera (Anomotodon, Scapanorhynchus, Hispidaspis, Paraisurus, Protolamna, Eostriatolamna (Cappetta, 2012), Leptostyrax (Schmitz et al., 2010), Johnlongia (Shimada, 2007)). The Albian seems to be where lamniform genera of the late Early Cretaceous were the most abundant in numbers with 20 genera present (Anomotodon, Scarpanorhynchus, Hispidaspis, Johnlongia, Cardabiodon, Pseudoisurus, Acrolamna, Archaeolamna, Cretoxyrhina, Paraisurus, Leptostyrax, Protolamna, Pseudoscarpanorhyncus, Squalicorax, Cretodus, Dwardius, Eostriatolamna (Cappetta, 2012), Priscusurus (Kriwet, 2006; Cappetta, 2012), Carcharias (Siverson, 1997; Everhart, 2009), Cretolamna (Siverson, 1997; Cappetta, 2012)). There seems to be an increase in genera from the Barremian to the Aptian and then also an increase from the Aptian to the Albian. Although it is possible that these increases could also be driven by the lack of study on shark fossils from pre-Albian Cretaceous rocks (though especially earliest Cretaceous rocks) (Underwood, 2006) and the Barremian and Aptian therefore not having been represented fully. If it would be assumed however that the Barremian and Aptian had been examined well enough, this increase in genera by itself does not mean that the range of morphological variation (disparity) increased. This would only tell the change in number of genera through time and does not tell if there was an overall varied or very similar morphology present throughout the group during the Barremian to the Albian (and therefore does not say anything about the ecology of these sharks either). In other words, high diversity in genera does not have to mean high disparity. When compared to the morphospace diagram in figure 1 and disparity through time diagram in figure 2 though the diversity and the disparity both seem to indicate a time of adaptive radiation for the Lamniformes order that took place sometime during the (late?) Early Cretaceous (possibly in the Aptian and/or Albian). 5. Conclusions Following the pattern of many other organisms during the Early Cretaceous the Lamniformes order of sharks likely radiated in an adaptive manner as well. Although the range of their morphological variation early on during this time could not be confidently assessed, their disparity did increase toward the end of the Early Cretaceous, with a radiation possibly having taken place during the Aptian and/or Albian. The combined action of large marine predator decline (such as ichthyosaurs and plesiosaurs), subsequent open ecological niches and radiation of prey (e.g. open marine turtles, teleost fishes) likely spurred on selective pressures which changed the tooth morphology of lamniforms. The tall and narrow clutching- or tearing type dentitions during the Barremian shifted toward a very varied morphology including clutching-, tearing-, sensu stricto cutting- and cutting-clutching type dentitions during the Albian. Except for the further specialization of the tearing- and clutching dentitions, the wide and robust cutting type dentitions present in the Albian seem to show an expansion in diet from e.g. small fish and soft-bodied animals in the Barremian to a diet of larger animals by the Albian (e.g. large fish, open marine turtles, possibly plesiosaurs). The feeding strategy used by lamniforms with this dentition to obtain their sustenance came likely both in the form of active predation but also through scavenging carcasses. Further investigations into lamniform disparity changes during the Early Cretaceous would require more material, most desireably from all ages of the Early Cretaceous to be analyzed in a geometric morphometric analysis. However this in


turn might require further field work to be carried out in order to obtain more specimens. This would be particularly advicable for pre-Albian stages (and especially the oldest stages) of the Early Cretaceous since these appear to have few lamniform specimens attributed to them in comparison to the late Early Cretaceous (in particular the Albian). Geometrical morphometric analyses should also be carried out on other organisms present during this time period to search for patterns in disparity through time, especially regarding to marine organisms. It might serve as a clue for the reason of the disparity pattern observed in the Lamniformes in this paper. When done, these might then be compared to research concerning changes in climate and environment during this time as well as provide a reason and a more complete picture of the ecomorphological changes that took place during the Early Cretaceous. 6. Acknowledgements I would like to thank my supervisor Nicolás Campione for the guidance he has provided throughout this project. I would also like to thank my co-supervisor Benjamin Kear for making the necessary introductions. Additionally I would like to thank Mohammed Bazzi for additional guidance given concerning methodology and image design. 7. References 7.1 Printed refereces Adams, D. C. & Otarola-Castillo, E., 2013, geomorph: an R package for the collection

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8. Appendix

Figure 7. Schematic image explaining the locations of components in a shark tooth as well as placement of semilandmarks in this paper.


Table 1. Complete dataset of the 146 Early Cretaceous Lamniformes tooth specimen collected. All data was collected and entered into the dataset as found in the published material it was collected from. If a piece of information was unspecified in the litterature which it came from then information was assumed when possible, this was marked with an asterisk (*). Every row number represents one specimen each. Row nr. Source Page Image.Label Specimen Dental.Unit

1 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214A UM KOB 28 lower*

2 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214D UM KOB 29 lower*

3 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214F UM KOB 30 lower*

4 Cappetta 2012 238 Figure 218A UM AUB 1 lower*

5 Cappetta 2012 239 Figure 219A UM LTX 1 lower*

6 Cappetta 2012 239 Figure 219D UM LTX 2 lower*

7 Cappetta 2012 239 Figure 219F UM ROK 1 lower

8 Cappetta 2012 240 Figure 220C UM TUI 35 lower

9 Cappetta 2012 240 Figure 220D UM TUI 37 lower

10 Cappetta 2012 240 Figure 220F UM TUI 36 lower

11 Cappetta 2012 241 Figure 221A UM KOB 14 lower*

12 Cappetta 2012 241 Figure 221D UM KOB 15 lower*

13 Cappetta 2012 241 Figure 221F UM KOB 16 lower*

14 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233A UM KOB 3 lower*

15 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233B UM KOB 4 lower*

16 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233E UM KOB 5 lower

17 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233F UM KOB 6 upper

18 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233H UM KOB 7 upper

19 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233I UM KOB 8 lower

20 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235A UM STO 1 lower*

21 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235C UM STO 2 lower*

22 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235F UM STO 3 lower*

23 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235I UM KOB 31 lower*

24 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235K UM KOB 32 lower*

25 Cappetta 2012 261 Figure 240A UM PER 1 lower*

26 Cappetta 2012 261 Figure 240D UM PER 2 lower*

27 Rees 2005 215 Figure 2A ZPAL P.10/8 lower*

28 Rees 2005 215 Figure 2E ZPAL P.10/10 lower*

29 Rees 2005 215 Figure 2F ZPAL P.10/9 lower*

30 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2A MPZ 2005-4 lower*

31 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2E MPZ 2005-5 lower*

32 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2H MPZ 2005-6 lower*

33 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2K MPZ 2005-7 lower*

34 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2O MPZ 2005-8 lower*

35 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2S MPZ 2005-9 lower*

36 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2W MPZ 2005-10 lower*

37 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3A MPZ 2005-11 lower*

38 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3B MPZ 2005-12 lower*

39 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3C MPZ 2005-13 lower*

40 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3D MPZ 2005-14 lower*


41 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3F MPZ 2005-15 lower*

42 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3G MPZ 2005-16 upper*

43 Everhart 2009 204 Figure 3D FHSM VP-17304 lower*

44 Smart 2007 377 Figure 2A NHM P 66356 lower

45 Smart 2007 377 Figure 2C NHM P 66357 lower

46 Smart 2007 377 Figure 2E NHM P 66358 lower

47 Smart 2007 378 Figure 3A NHM P 66359 upper

48 Smart 2007 378 Figure 3C NHM P 66360 upper

49 Smart 2007 378 Figure 3E NHM P 66361 upper

50 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3A SMU 76283 lower*

51 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3C SMU 76282 lower*

52 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3F SMU 76284 lower*

53 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3G SMU 76285 lower*

54 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3J SMU 76286 lower*

55 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3L SMU 76287 lower*

56 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3N SMU 76288 lower*

57 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3P SMU 76289 lower*

58 Siverson 2007 et al. 944 Text-fig. 4A SMU 76311 lower*

59 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 1 SMU 76313 lower*

60 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 4 SMU 76314 lower*

61 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 5 SMU 76315 lower*

62 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 8 SMU 76312 lower*

63 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 10 SMU 76316 lower*

64 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 12 SMU 76317 lower*

65 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 13 SMU 76318 lower*

66 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 16 SMU 76319 lower*

67 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 17 SMU 76320 lower*

68 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 20 SMU 76321 lower*

69 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 21 SMU 76322 lower*

70 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 23 SMU 76323 lower*

71 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 26 SMU 76324 lower*

72 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 2A BMNH P.36287 lower

73 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 2B BMNH P.36288 lower*

74 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 3A BMNH P.36289 lower*

75 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 3D BMNH P.36290 lower*

76 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 3H BMNH P.36291 lower*

77 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 3G lower*

78 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 3J lower*

79 Shimada 2007 513 Figure 2J lower*

80 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4D NHMUK PV P73050 upper

81 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4H NHMUK PV P73051 upper

82 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4L NHMUK PV P73052 upper

83 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4M NHMUK PV P73053 upper

84 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4S NHMUK PV P73054 upper

85 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4U NHMUK PV P73055 upper

86 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4B' NHMUK PV P73056 upper


87 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4C' NHMUK PV P73057 upper

88 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4F' NHMUK PV P73058 upper

89 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5A NHMUK PV P73059 upper

90 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5E NHMUK PV P73060 upper

91 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5G NHMUK PV P73061 upper

92 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5J NHMUK PV P73062 upper

93 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5O NHMUK PV P73063 upper

94 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5Q NHMUK PV P73064 upper

95 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5U NHMUK PV P73065 upper

96 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5Y NHMUK PV P73066 upper

97 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5C' NHMUK PV P73067 upper

98 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5F' NHMUK PV P73068 upper

99 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6A NHMUK PV P73069 lower

100 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6E NHMUK PV P73070 lower

101 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6L NHMUK PV P73071 lower

102 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6O NHMUK PV P73072 lower

103 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7C NHMUK PV P73073 lower

104 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7H NHMUK PV P73074 lower

105 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7I NHMUK PV P73075 lower

106 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7M NHMUK PV P73076 lower

107 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7T NHMUK PV P73077 lower

108 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7W NHMUK PV P73078 lower

109 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7Y NHMUK PV P73079 lower

110 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7C' NHMUK PV P73080 lower

111 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7G' NHMUK PV P73081 lower

112 Siverson et al. 2013 98 Fig. 9 (tooth LP3) NHMUK PV P73082 upper*

113 Siverson et al. 2013 98 Fig. 9 (tooth LP9) NHMUK PV P73083 upper*

114 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8D SMU 76857 upper*

115 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8F SMU 76858 upper*

116 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8H SMU 76859 upper*

117 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8L SMU 76860 lower*

118 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8R SMU 76861 lower*

119 Kriwet et al. 2009 321 Figure 4J MPZ 2005-4 lower*

120 Kriwet et al. 2009 321 Figure 4N MPZ 2005-4 lower*

121 Kriwet et al. 2009 321 Figure 4R MPZ 2005-4 lower*

122 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.1 NLH 102.973 lower*

123 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.3 NLH 102.974 lower*

124 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.6 NLH 102.976 lower*

125 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.9 NLH 102.977 lower*

126 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.11 NLH 102.978 lower*

127 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.13 NLH 102.979 upper (?)

128 Cuny et al. 2010 618 Fig. 2.5 OED5 lower*

129 Schlüter and Schwarzhans 1978 72 Tafel 2, Fig. 1 upper*

130 Benton et al. 2000 242 Fig. 13B lower*

131 Benton et al. 2000 242 Fig. 13D lower*

132 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4A WAM 96.2.42 upper


133 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4F WAM 96.2.43 upper

134 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4H WAM 96.2.44 lower?

135 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4J WAM 96.2.66 lower*

136 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4L WAM 96.2.74 upper?

137 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4O WAM 96.2.75 lower

138 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4R WAM 96.2.80 lower*

139 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4T WAM 96.2.81 lower

140 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4W WAM 96.2.82 lower

141 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4X WAM 96.2.85 lower*

142 Antunes and Cappetta 2002 159 Planche 7, Fig. 1a ANG 51 lower

143 Antunes and Cappetta 2002 165 Planche 10, Fig. 3a ANG 93 lower*

144 Antunes and Cappetta 2002 167 Planche 11, Fig. 10 ANG 119 lower

145 Bouaziz et al. 1988 337 Fig. 2K2 lower*

146 Bouaziz et al. 1988 337 Fig. 2L1 lower*

(continued) Row nr. Side (L=Left, R=Right side

of jaw) Relative.Position View Order

1 anterior labial Lamniformes

2 lateral labial Lamniformes

3 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

4 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

5 anterior labial Lamniformes

6 anterior labial Lamniformes

7 lateral labial Lamniformes

8 anterior labial Lamniformes

9 anterolateral lingual Lamniformes

10 lateral labial Lamniformes

11 anterior labial Lamniformes

12 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

13 anterior labial Lamniformes

14 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

15 anterior labial Lamniformes

16 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

17 labial Lamniformes

18 very lateral lingual Lamniformes

19 very lateral lingual Lamniformes

20 anterior labial Lamniformes

21 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

22 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

23 anterior labial Lamniformes

24 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

25 anterior labial Lamniformes

26 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

27 anterior labial Lamniformes

28 anterior labial Lamniformes

29 labial Lamniformes


30 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

31 symphyseal? labial Lamniformes

32 anterior labial Lamniformes

33 lateral labial Lamniformes

34 lateral labial Lamniformes

35 lateral labial Lamniformes

36 posterior labial Lamniformes

37 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

38 lateral labial Lamniformes

39 lateral lingual Lamniformes

40 lateral lingual Lamniformes

41 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

42 intermediate? labial Lamniformes

43 Lamniformes

44 L lateral labial Lamniformes

45 R lateral labial Lamniformes

46 L lateral labial Lamniformes

47 L anterior labial Lamniformes

48 L lateral labial Lamniformes

49 L lateral labial Lamniformes

50 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

51 lateral labial Lamniformes

52 lateral labial Lamniformes

53 lateral labial Lamniformes

54 lateral labial Lamniformes

55 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

56 lateral labial Lamniformes

57 posterior labial Lamniformes

58 lateral labial Lamniformes

59 anterior labial Lamniformes

60 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

61 lateral labial Lamniformes

62 lateral labial Lamniformes

63 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

64 lateral labial Lamniformes

65 lateral labial Lamniformes

66 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

67 lateral labial Lamniformes

68 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

69 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

70 posterior labial Lamniformes

71 posterior labial Lamniformes

72 lateral lingual Lamniformes

73 anterior labial Lamniformes

74 anterior? labial Lamniformes

75 lateral labial Lamniformes


76 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

77 lateral lingual Lamniformes

78 lateroposterior lingual Lamniformes

79 labial Lamniformes

80 R anterior labial Lamniformes

81 L parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

82 R? anterior labial Lamniformes

83 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

84 R anterior labial Lamniformes

85 R anterior labial Lamniformes

86 R anterior labial Lamniformes

87 R anterior labial Lamniformes

88 L anterior labial Lamniformes

89 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

90 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

91 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

92 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

93 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

94 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

95 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

96 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

97 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

98 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

99 L anterior labial Lamniformes

100 L anterior labial Lamniformes

101 R anterior labial Lamniformes

102 R anterior labial Lamniformes

103 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

104 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

105 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

106 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

107 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

108 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

109 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

110 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

111 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

112 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

113 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

114 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

115 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

116 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

117 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

118 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

119 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

120 lateral labial Lamniformes

121 lateral labial Lamniformes


122 anterior labial Lamniformes

123 anterior labial Lamniformes

124 anterior labial Lamniformes

125 lateral labial Lamniformes

126 posterolateral labial Lamniformes

127 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

128 labial Lamniformes

129 labial Lamniformes

130 labial Lamniformes*

131 labial Lamniformes*

132 R anterior labial Lamniformes

133 L lateral labial Lamniformes

134 R? anterior labial Lamniformes

135 labial Lamniformes

136 R? lateral labial Lamniformes

137 L lateral labial Lamniformes

138 anterior labial Lamniformes

139 L anterior labial Lamniformes

140 R anterior labial Lamniformes

141 lateral labial Lamniformes

142 anterior labial Lamniformes

143 anterior labial Lamniformes

144 anteriolateral labial Lamniformes

145 labial Lamniformes

146 labial Lamniformes

(continued) Row nr. Family Genus Species Continent Country

1 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

2 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

3 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

4 Paraisuridae Paraisurus macrorhiza Europe France

5 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Leptostyrax bicuspidatus North America USA

6 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Leptostyrax bicuspidatus North America USA

7 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Leptostyrax bicuspidatus North America USA

8 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Protolamna sokolovi Europe France

9 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Protolamna sokolovi Europe France

10 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Protolamna sokolovi Europe France

11 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Pseudoscarpanorhynchus aff. compressidens Asia (central) Kazakhstan

12 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Pseudoscarpanorhynchus aff. compressidens Asia (central) Kazakhstan

13 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Pseudoscarpanorhynchus aff. compressidens Asia (central) Kazakhstan

14 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

15 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

16 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

17 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

18 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan

19 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central) Kazakhstan


20 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

21 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

22 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

23 Dwardius sp. Asia (central) Kazakhstan

24 Dwardius sp. Asia (central) Kazakhstan

25 Priscusurus adruptodontus South America Peru

26 Priscusurus adruptodontus South America Peru

27 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Europe Poland

28 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Europe Poland

29 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Europe Poland

30 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

31 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

32 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

33 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

34 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

35 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

36 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

37 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

38 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

39 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

40 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

41 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

42 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

43 Odontaspididae Carcharias amonensis North America USA

44 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

45 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

46 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

47 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

48 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

49 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

50 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

51 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

52 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

53 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

54 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

55 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

56 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

57 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov. North America USA

58 Anacoracidae Squalicorax aff. S. baharijensis North America USA

59 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

60 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

61 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

62 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

63 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

64 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

65 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA


66 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

67 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

68 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

69 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

70 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

71 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov. North America USA

72 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

73 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

74 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

75 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

76 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

77 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

78 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov. South America Peru

79 Odontaspididae cf. Johnlongia sp. Europe England

80 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

81 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

82 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

83 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

84 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

85 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

86 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

87 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

88 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

89 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

90 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

91 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

92 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

93 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

94 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

95 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

96 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

97 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

98 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

99 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

100 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

101 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

102 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

103 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

104 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

105 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

106 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

107 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

108 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

109 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

110 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

111 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan


112 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

113 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central) Kazakhstan

114 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America USA

115 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America USA

116 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America USA

117 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America USA

118 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America USA

119 incertae sedis Europe Spain

120 incertae sedis Europe Spain

121 incertae sedis Europe Spain

122 Eoptolamnidae Leptostyrax stychi sp. nov. Europe Germany

123 Eoptolamnidae Leptostyrax stychi sp. nov. Europe Germany

124 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov. Europe Germany

125 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov. Europe Germany

126 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov. Europe Germany

127 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov. Europe Germany

128 Cretoxyrhinidae ?Cretodus Africa Tunisia

129 Odontaspis sp. Africa Tunisia

130 Cretodus Africa Tunisia

131 Protolamna sp. Africa Tunisia

132 Cretoxyrhinidae Archaeolamna sp. Australia Australia

133 Cretoxyrhinidae Archaeolamna sp. Australia Australia

134 Cretoxyrhinidae Archaeolamna sp. Australia Australia

135 Cretoxyrhinidae Leptostyrax sp. Austalia Australia

136 Cretoxyrhinidae incertae sedis Australia Australia

137 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretolamna sp. Australia Australia

138 Cretoxyrhinidae Paraisurus aff. compressus Australia Australia

139 Odontaspididae Carcharias striatula Australia Australia

140 Odontaspididae Carcharias striatula Australia Australia

141 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Australia Australia

142 Anacoracidae Squalicorax sp. Africa Angola

143 Cretoxyrhinidae Leptostyrax macrorhiza Africa Angola

144 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Africa Angola

145 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretodus ? Africa Tunisia

146 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Africa Tunisia

(continued) Row nr. Locale

1 Kolbay

2 Kolbay

3 Kolbay

4 Aube, Paris basin

5 Lake Texoma, Texas

6 Lake Texoma, Texas

7 Roanoke, Texas

8 La Tuilière, Apt region, Vaucluse

9 La Tuilière, Apt region, Vaucluse


10 La Tuilière, Apt region, Vaucluse

11 Kolbay

12 Kolbay

13 Kolbay

14 Kolbay

15 Kolbay

16 Kolbay

17 Kolbay

18 Kolbay

19 Kolbay

20 Stojlenski quarry, Stary Oskol, near Belgorod.

21 Stojlenski quarry, Stary Oskol, near Belgorod.

22 Stojlenski quarry, Stary Oskol, near Belgorod.

23 Kolbay

24 Kolbay



27 Clay pit in Wawał

28 Clay pit in Wawał

29 Clay pit in Wawał

30 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

31 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

32 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

33 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

34 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

35 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

36 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

37 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

38 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

39 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

40 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

41 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

42 Vallipón in NW part of Maestrat sub-basin near the city of Castellote (approximately 150 km SE of Zaragoza)

43 Champion shell bed, Kansas

44 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

45 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

46 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

47 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

48 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

49 Gault clays of Folkestone, NE of Leighton Buzzard

50 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

51 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

52 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

53 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

54 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

55 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas


56 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

57 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

58 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

59 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

60 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

61 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

62 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

63 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

64 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

65 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

66 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

67 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

68 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

69 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

70 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

71 Motorola locality, Pawpaw shale, Texas

72 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

73 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

74 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

75 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

76 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

77 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos

78 Locality 3, Ammonite Valley, Amotape-Tahuin Massif, 27 miles east of Lobitos


80 Kolbay, Mangysklak

81 Kolbay, Mangysklak

82 Kolbay, Mangysklak

83 Kolbay, Mangysklak

84 Kolbay, Mangysklak

85 Kolbay, Mangysklak

86 Kolbay, Mangysklak

87 Kolbay, Mangysklak

88 Kolbay, Mangysklak

89 Kolbay, Mangysklak

90 Kolbay, Mangysklak

91 Kolbay, Mangysklak

92 Kolbay, Mangysklak

93 Kolbay, Mangysklak

94 Kolbay, Mangysklak

95 Kolbay, Mangysklak

96 Kolbay, Mangysklak

97 Kolbay, Mangysklak

98 Kolbay, Mangysklak

99 Kolbay, Mangysklak

100 Kolbay, Mangysklak

101 Kolbay, Mangysklak


102 Kolbay, Mangysklak

103 Kolbay, Mangysklak

104 Kolbay, Mangysklak

105 Kolbay, Mangysklak

106 Kolbay, Mangysklak

107 Kolbay, Mangysklak

108 Kolbay, Mangysklak

109 Kolbay, Mangysklak

110 Kolbay, Mangysklak

111 Kolbay, Mangysklak

112 Kolbay, Mangysklak

113 Kolbay, Mangysklak

114 Motorola site, Mortoniceras rostratum Zone, Pawpaw shale, Texas

115 Motorola site, Mortoniceras rostratum Zone, Pawpaw shale, Texas

116 Motorola site, Mortoniceras rostratum Zone, Pawpaw shale, Texas

117 Motorola site, Mortoniceras rostratum Zone, Pawpaw shale, Texas

118 Motorola site, Mortoniceras rostratum Zone, Pawpaw shale, Texas

119 Oliete subbasin, Iberian basin, NE-Spain

120 Oliete subbasin, Iberian basin, NE-Spain

121 Oliete subbasin, Iberian basin, NE-Spain

122 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

123 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

124 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

125 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

126 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

127 'Gott'' Clay pit approx. 20 km SE of Hannover, near the city of Sarstedt, northern Germany

128 Oum ed Diab

129 Near Ksar Krerachfa, south of the city Medenine, south Tunisia

130 Tataouine region, southern Tunisia

131 Tataouine region, southern Tunisia

132 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

133 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

134 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

135 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

136 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

137 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

138 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

139 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

140 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

141 Black Dam, lower part of Gearle Siltstone, Giralia Anticline, Southern Carnarvon basin, Western Australia

142 Locality 19, Cubal da Hanha, 19 km NE of Lobito, Benguela basin

143 Locality 19, Cubal da Hanha, 19 km NE of Lobito, Benguela basin

144 Locality 19, Cubal da Hanha, 19 km NE of Lobito, Benguela basin

145 Locality RH 45, Foum Tatahouine region, southern Tunisia

146 Locality RH 45, Foum Tatahouine region, southern Tunisia



Row nr. Formation Era Period Epoch Sub Age

1 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

2 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

3 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

4 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

5 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

6 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

7 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

8 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

9 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

10 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

11 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

12 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

13 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

14 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

15 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

16 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

17 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

18 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

19 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

20 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

21 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

22 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

23 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

24 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

25 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

26 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

27 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Valanginian

28 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Valanginian

29 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Valanginian

30 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

31 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

32 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

33 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

34 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

35 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

36 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

37 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

38 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

39 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

40 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

41 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

42 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

43 Kiowa formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

44 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

45 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian


46 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower upper Albian

47 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

48 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower upper Albian

49 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

50 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

51 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

52 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

53 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

54 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

55 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

56 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

57 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

58 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

59 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

60 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

61 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

62 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

63 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

64 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

65 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

66 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

67 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

68 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

69 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

70 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

71 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

72 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

73 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

74 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

75 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

76 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

77 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

78 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

79 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Aptian

80 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

81 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

82 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

83 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

84 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

85 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

86 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

87 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

88 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

89 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

90 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian


91 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

92 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

93 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

94 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

95 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

96 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

97 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

98 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

99 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

100 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

101 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

102 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

103 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

104 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

105 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

106 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

107 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

108 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

109 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

110 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

111 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

112 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

113 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early Albian/Cenomanian

114 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

115 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

116 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

117 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

118 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

119 upper Blesa formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

120 upper Blesa formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

121 upper Blesa formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

122 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

123 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

124 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

125 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

126 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

127 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

128 Aïn el Guettar formation, Oum ed Diab group

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

129 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower

130 Chenini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

131 Chenini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

132 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

133 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

134 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

135 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian


136 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

137 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

138 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

139 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

140 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

141 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

142 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

143 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

144 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

145 Chénini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

146 Chénini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian


Table 2. Dataset containing specimen analyzed in this paper. All data was collected and entered into the dataset as found in the published material it was collected from. If a piece of information was unspecified in the litterature which it came from then information was assumed when possible, this was marked with an asterisk (*). Every row number represents one specimen each. Row nr. Source Page Image.Label Specimen Dental.Unit

1 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4A WAM 96.2.42 upper

2 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4H WAM 96.2.44 lower?

3 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233A UM KOB 3 lower*

4 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233B UM KOB 4 lower*

5 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233E UM KOB 5 lower

6 Cappetta 2012 255 Figure 233F UM KOB 6 upper

7 Benton et al. 2000 242 Fig. 13B lower*

8 Bouaziz et al. 1988 337 Fig. 2K2 lower*

9 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4O WAM 96.2.75 lower

10 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4D NHMUK PV P73050 upper

11 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5A NHMUK PV P73059 upper

12 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5E NHMUK PV P73060 upper

13 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5G NHMUK PV P73061 upper

14 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5J NHMUK PV P73062 upper

15 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5O NHMUK PV P73063 upper

16 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5Q NHMUK PV P73064 upper

17 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5U NHMUK PV P73065 upper

18 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5Y NHMUK PV P73066 upper

19 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5C' NHMUK PV P73067 upper

20 Siverson et al. 2013 94 Fig. 5F' NHMUK PV P73068 upper

21 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4H NHMUK PV P73051 upper

22 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6A NHMUK PV P73069 lower

23 Siverson et al. 2013 95 Fig. 6O NHMUK PV P73072 lower

24 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7H NHMUK PV P73074 lower

25 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7M NHMUK PV P73076 lower

26 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7T NHMUK PV P73077 lower

27 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7W NHMUK PV P73078 lower

28 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4L NHMUK PV P73052 upper

29 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7C' NHMUK PV P73080 lower

30 Siverson et al. 2013 96 Fig. 7G' NHMUK PV P73081 lower

31 Siverson et al. 2013 98 Fig. 9 (tooth LP3) NHMUK PV P73082 upper*

32 Siverson et al. 2013 98 Fig. 9 (tooth LP9) NHMUK PV P73083 upper*

33 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8D SMU 76857 upper*

34 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8H SMU 76859 upper*

35 Siverson et al. 2013 97 Fig. 8L SMU 76860 lower*

36 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4M NHMUK PV P73053 upper

37 Siverson et al. 2013 92 Fig. 4S NHMUK PV P73054 upper

38 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4L WAM 96.2.74 upper?

39 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235A UM STO 1 lower*

40 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235C UM STO 2 lower*


41 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235F UM STO 3 lower*

42 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235I UM KOB 31 lower*

43 Cappetta 2012 257 Figure 235K UM KOB 32 lower*

44 Kriwet et al. 2008 283 Figure 3C MPZ 2005-13 lower*

45 Kriwet et al. 2008 282 Figure 2W MPZ 2005-10 lower*

46 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4J WAM 96.2.66 lower*

47 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.1 NLH 102.973 lower*

48 Kriwet 2006 540 Figure 2A BMNH P.36287 lower

49 Cappetta 2012 261 Figure 240D UM PER 2 lower*

50 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.6 NLH 102.976 lower*

51 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.9 NLH 102.977 lower*

52 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.11 NLH 102.978 lower*

53 Schmitz et al. 2010 286 Fig. 3.13 NLH 102.979 upper (?)

54 Cappetta 2012 240 Figure 220C UM TUI 35 lower

55 Antunes and Cappetta 2002 167 Planche 11, Fig. 10 ANG 119 lower

56 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214A UM KOB 28 lower*

57 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214D UM KOB 29 lower*

58 Cappetta 2012 232 Figure 214F UM KOB 30 lower*

59 Cappetta 2012 241 Figure 221A UM KOB 14 lower*

60 Cappetta 2012 241 Figure 221D UM KOB 15 lower*

61 Siverson 2007 et al. 944 Text-fig. 4A SMU 76311 lower*

62 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 1 SMU 76313 lower*

63 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 20 SMU 76321 lower*

64 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 21 SMU 76322 lower*

65 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 26 SMU 76324 lower*

66 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 4 SMU 76314 lower*

67 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 5 SMU 76315 lower*

68 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 8 SMU 76312 lower*

69 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 10 SMU 76316 lower*

70 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 12 SMU 76317 lower*

71 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 13 SMU 76318 lower*

72 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 16 SMU 76319 lower*

73 Siverson 2007 et al. 947 Plate 1, figure 17 SMU 76320 lower*

74 Siverson 1997 462 Figure 4X WAM 96.2.85 lower*

75 Smart 2007 377 Figure 2A NHM P 66356 lower

76 Smart 2007 377 Figure 2C NHM P 66357 lower

77 Smart 2007 378 Figure 3E NHM P 66361 upper

78 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3A SMU 76283 lower*

79 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3C SMU 76282 lower*

80 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3F SMU 76284 lower*

81 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3G SMU 76285 lower*

82 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3J SMU 76286 lower*

83 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3L SMU 76287 lower*

84 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3N SMU 76288 lower*

85 Siverson 2007 et al. 943 Text-fig. 3P SMU 76289 lower*



Row nr. Side (L=Left, R=Right side of jaw)

Relative.Position View Order

1 R anterior labial Lamniformes

2 R? anterior labial Lamniformes

3 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

4 anterior labial Lamniformes

5 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

6 labial Lamniformes

7 labial Lamniformes*

8 labial Lamniformes

9 L lateral labial Lamniformes

10 R anterior labial Lamniformes

11 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

12 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

13 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

14 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

15 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

16 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

17 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

18 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

19 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

20 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

21 L parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

22 L anterior labial Lamniformes

23 R anterior labial Lamniformes

24 R lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

25 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

26 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

27 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

28 R? anterior labial Lamniformes

29 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

30 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

31 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

32 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

33 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

34 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

35 L lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

36 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

37 R anterior labial Lamniformes

38 R? lateral labial Lamniformes

39 anterior labial Lamniformes

40 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

41 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

42 anterior labial Lamniformes

43 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

44 lateral lingual Lamniformes

45 posterior labial Lamniformes


46 labial Lamniformes

47 anterior labial Lamniformes

48 lateral lingual Lamniformes

49 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

50 anterior labial Lamniformes

51 lateral labial Lamniformes

52 posterolateral labial Lamniformes

53 parasymphyseal labial Lamniformes

54 anterior labial Lamniformes

55 anteriolateral labial Lamniformes

56 anterior labial Lamniformes

57 lateral labial Lamniformes

58 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

59 anterior labial Lamniformes

60 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

61 lateral labial Lamniformes

62 anterior labial Lamniformes

63 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

64 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

65 posterior labial Lamniformes

66 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

67 lateral labial Lamniformes

68 lateral labial Lamniformes

69 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

70 lateral labial Lamniformes

71 lateral labial Lamniformes

72 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

73 lateral labial Lamniformes

74 lateral labial Lamniformes

75 L lateral labial Lamniformes

76 R lateral labial Lamniformes

77 L lateral labial Lamniformes

78 anterolateral labial Lamniformes

79 lateral labial Lamniformes

80 lateral labial Lamniformes

81 lateral labial Lamniformes

82 lateral labial Lamniformes

83 lateroposterior labial Lamniformes

84 lateral labial Lamniformes

85 posterior labial Lamniformes

(continued) Row nr. Family Genus Species Continent Country

1 Cretoxyrhinidae Archaeolamna sp. Australia Australia

2 Cretoxyrhinidae Archaeolamna sp. Australia Australia

3 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central)



4 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central)


5 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central)


6 Cretodus semiplicatus Asia (central)


7 Cretodus Africa Tunisia

8 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretodus ? Africa Tunisia

9 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretolamna sp. Australia Australia

10 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


11 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


12 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


13 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


14 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


15 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


16 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


17 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


18 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


19 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


20 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


21 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


22 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


23 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


24 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


25 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


26 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


27 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


28 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


29 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


30 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


31 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


32 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


33 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America


34 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America


35 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis North America


36 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


37 Cretoxyrhinidae Cretoxyrhina vraconensis Asia (central)


38 Cretoxyrhinidae incertae sedis Australia Australia

39 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

40 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

41 Dwardius siversoni Europe Russia

42 Dwardius sp. Asia (central)



43 Dwardius sp. Asia (central)


44 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

45 Eoptolamnidae Eoptolamna eccentrolopha Europe Spain

46 Cretoxyrhinidae Leptostyrax sp. Austalia Australia

47 Eoptolamnidae Leptostyrax stychi sp. nov. Europe Germany

48 incertae sedis Priscusurus adruptodontus sp. nov.

South America


49 Priscusurus adruptodontus South America


50 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov.

Europe Germany

51 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov.

Europe Germany

52 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov.

Europe Germany

53 Eoptolamnidae Protolamna sarstedtensis sp. nov.

Europe Germany

54 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Protolamna sokolovi Europe France

55 Cretoxyrhinidae Protolamna sp. Africa Angola

56 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central)


57 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central)


58 Cardabiodontidae Pseudoisurus aff. tomosus Asia (central)


59 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Pseudoscarpanorhynchus aff. compressidens Asia (central)


60 Pseudoscapanorhynchidae Pseudoscarpanorhynchus aff. compressidens Asia (central)


61 Anacoracidae Squalicorax aff. S. baharijensis North America


62 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


63 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


64 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


65 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


66 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


67 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


68 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


69 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


70 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


71 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


72 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


73 Anacoracidae Squalicorax pawpawensis sp. nov.

North America


74 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Australia Australia

75 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

76 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

77 Anacoracidae Squalicorax primaevus Europe England

78 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


79 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


80 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


81 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


82 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. North USA


nov. America

83 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


84 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


85 Anacoracidae Squalicorax priscoserratus sp. nov.

North America


(continued) Row nr. Formation Era Period Epoch Sub Age

1 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

2 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

3 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

4 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

5 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

6 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

7 Chenini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

8 Chénini formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Albian

9 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

10 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


11 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


12 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


13 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


14 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


15 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


16 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


17 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


18 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


19 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


20 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


21 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


22 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


23 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


24 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


25 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


26 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


27 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


28 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


29 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


30 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


31 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


32 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


33 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

34 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian


35 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

36 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


37 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower latest late/earliest early


38 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

39 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

40 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

41 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

42 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

43 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

44 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

45 Artoles formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Barremian

46 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

47 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

48 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle? Albian

49 Muerto Limestone formation

Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

50 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

51 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

52 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

53 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower early Barremian

54 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

55 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower Albian

56 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

57 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

58 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

59 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

60 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

61 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

62 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

63 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

64 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

65 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

66 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

67 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

68 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

69 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

70 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

71 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

72 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

73 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

74 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle to late Albian

75 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

76 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

77 Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower middle Albian

78 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

79 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian


80 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

81 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

82 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

83 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

84 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian

85 Pawpaw formation Mesozoic Cretaceous Lower late Albian