Digital Marketing Strategy: Learn It From The Top Brands!

Post on 24-Jul-2016

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Here are ten steps that will definitely help any marketer to improve their Digital Marketing Strategy in 2016. Start Implementing and see the increase in ROI.

Transcript of Digital Marketing Strategy: Learn It From The Top Brands!

Digital Marketing Strategy:

Learn It From The Top Brands!

Why Building a Brand Is

More than a Logo?

Digital marketing is an interactive marketing of products or services

to reach and convert goals into clients.

The goal is to promote brands and increase sales through different

digital marketing platforms.

Some of the famous brands like Microsoft, Amazon, MTV, Disney,

Gap, Starbucks have been playing digital really well!

... Let’s Check some of them

Big Brands Know The Right Marketing Techniques

Digital Marketing

Give Mobile the Priority

Measure Measure & Measure Retain your Customers

Keep it SimpleCash on Their Actions

The Power of CTAThe Video Era

Personalization is the Key Content is the King

It’s about Experience

Give Mobile The Priority

Mobile digital media time in the US is now significantly higher at

51% compared to desktop (42%).*

Don’t worry about the desktop users because in present days more

than 70% people use Mobile devices.

Invest in mobile-friendly responsive web sites and Mobile Apps and

connect with mobile ads.

Target location-based marketing with mobile digital analytic for

your campaign.


It’s about Experience

Digital technology allows businesses to get interact with their target


Don't send random business messages to users but set goal to

achieve customer engagement though social media and blogs.

Be active on your social media platform, blogs and customer

communities and don't miss even a single conversation.

Personalization is the Key

For Customer Relationship Management, transparency is the primary

key. Customers always have lots of queries and expectations and you

can not keep them satisfied with a single engagement plan.

Collect your customer data as this will help you to give them a

personalized experience. Ask for some general information like their

social behaviour, age groups, backgrounds, expense and more.

This will help you to strategize your digital marketing plan in a better

way keeping your customer preference in mind.

Packaging Matters

Tweets with images receive 18% more clicks, 89% more favourites

and 150% more re-tweets.*

Use Images for promotions it's engage more audience compare to


Display marketing is a better way to improve your audience.

There are so many ways in which you can leverage the power of

visual content like Social Media Images, Infographics, Slideshare and

many more.


The Video Era

Videos increase the people’s understanding of your product or

service by 74%.*

Now a days, If you don't include video in your digital marketing

plan, then there are less chances that your plan will ever be a success.

Videos don’t only convey the business messages clearly to the

target audience but it also boosts the brand value.

Video marketing has the power to make your brand viral short time

of period.

Red Bull is the top 10 brand on YouTube based on Open Slate’s Slate


Quality video content creation should become a part of your digital

marketing strategy.Source: *


The Power of CTA

For any brand, the key for success is usually lies in creating

impressive digital ads and call to actions.

However, most of the marketers fail to direct their audience with a

proper action.

An effective Call to action is the key to convert a lead and generate

their interest in your offerings and solutions.

Include CTA like ‘Call’, ‘Buy’, ‘Click’, ‘Subscribe’ in your ads and other

digital messages for a desirable action.

Cash on Their Actions

You may loose even an interested prospect if your digital strategy is

not right.

To generate and manage business interested properly, create an

effective landing page, track your leads using CRM tools like

Salesforce, SugarCRM. Automate effective and personalized

communication for all your leads and prospects using some good

Marketing Automation tools.

The good ad impression should be retained in all modes of

communication with your customers.

Keep it Simple

Integrate a simple way for sign-up and sign-in processes for users

while user registartion.

Make this final engagement absolutely easy and user-friendly.

Many businesses end up messing up with digital technology and

annoying their users by not managing them properly.

Difficult-to-understand content, complicated sign-in process and

multiple sign up processes may put off your customers mood and take

a toll of your advertising ideas and efforts.

Measure Measure & Measure

Regular tracking is very important for any marketing strategy and


Measure the efficacy of different digital marketing channels,

conversion rates, online behaviours, offline sales, interaction levels and

more in real time.

Digital marketing is a continuous process and it should be executed

using right mix of marketing tools and analytic metrics.

Retain your Customers

Always keep in touch with your audience and client for better


Employ effective digital channels which suits your business better to

build long-term relations.

Send your customers emails, newsletters and be connected with

them via SMS.

This will definitely increase the brand loyalty and also helps

customers to remember the brand name even long after business is

done. It also gives you a competitive advantage.

Read How:

Real Estate Companies Getting The

Digital MarketingRight.

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