DFA Night School: Shutting Down A Campaign

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Transcript of DFA Night School: Shutting Down A Campaign

Shutting Down a Campaign

November 19th, 2008Listen live on:

Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

AIM: DFA Night School Paid for by Democracy for America, www.democracyforamerica.com, and not

authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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AIM Instant Message: DFA Night School

2 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Tonight’s Trainers

Matt Blizek

Night School Host

Democracy for America

Anastasia Apa

Political Finance & Management Consultant


3 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Why Shutdown MattersRecord institutional knowledge for

future Democratic campaigns

Evaluate, Analyze & Report

“Close the Loop”

4 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Shutdown TimelinePhase 1: Consolidate, Close the Loop, Call


– All physical and electronic files

– Field, Finance, Administrative, mail, contacts, etc

Close the Loop


– Donors– Volunteers – Vendors– Consultants

5 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Shutdown TimelinePhase II: Finalize Financials, Physical Move

Finalize Financials

• All outstanding bills paid and documented

• Final financial disclosures, list of future disclosures

• Budget actuals all entered

• Complete donor lists prepped for candidate binder

Physical Move

• Set phone/internet shutoff dates

• Office furniture returned or disposed of

• Final loose ends tied and documented

6 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com



Instant Message: DFA Night School

7 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Shutting Down FinanceCash Up• Cash up tracker• Tracking final campaign expenses

Call Up• Donors• Vendors

Pay Up• Outstanding bills• Staff• Candidate

8 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Thanks!• High $$ Donors from


• Medium $$ from Finance Staff

• Develop a Thank You tracking system

Shutting Down FieldEvaluate & Analyze Field Plan• Breakdown of performance across district• Cost-per-vote calculated• Evaluate vote goals & actual outcome• Which goals were achieved & which were not?

Data Entry• Volunteers (and how big of role they played)• Events• Voter contacts

Physical Move out•Cleaning•Furniture tagged and disposed of•Consolidate! – Careful what you throw away!•Don’t forget to pick up outside the office too

9 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

A Campaign in a Time Capsule

10 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

1.Get a Binder

2.Physical Files

3.Electronic Files

4.Mail, TV, Radio, Palmcards, etc

If you could preserve the campaign in a time capsule for someone else, what would you include?

See supplemental .pdf for a sample Table of Contents – Click here to view



Instant Message:

DFA Night School

11 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

Coming in 2009...

12 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

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1. Call (646) 200-0620 and let us know how you put

your DFA training to use!

2. Visit www.democracyforamerica.com/whatsyourstory

and share you DFA training story with the 2009 class!

13 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

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14 Questions? nightschool@democracyforamerica.com

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https://democracyforamerica.com/contribute/nightschool 2008 Night School Sessions

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