Design Thinking: The one thing that will transform the way you think

Post on 07-Jul-2015

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What's the one thing that will transform the way you think? Design Thinking. The startups, trailblazers, and business mavericks of our world have embraced this process as a means of zeroing in on true human-centered design. Design Thinking is a methodology for innovators that taps into the two biggest skills needed in today’s modern workplace: critical thinking & problem solving. Of course, if you ask 100 practitioners to define it, you’ll wind up with 101 definitions. Pete Sena of Digital Surgeons believes that Design Thinking is a process for solving complex problems through observation and iteration. At its core, he describes it as a vehicle for solving human wants and needs. Minds are like parachutes; they only function when open. Thomas Dewar was a Scottish whiskey distiller. Communicating ideas or insights is often the hardest part of the design process. And PowerPoint and Excel spreadsheets are limited in their ability to do this. But the communication tools used in Design Thinking—maps, models, sketches, and stories—help to capture and express the information required to form and socialize meaning in a very straightforward, human way. The Five things that all definitions of Design Thinking have in common: 1. Isolating and reframing the problem focused on the user. 2. Empathy. A design practitioner from IDEO, the popular design and innovation firm strapped a video camera to his head and it was only then that he recognized why the ceiling is such an important factor when working with hospital patients. As a patient you lay in bed and stare at it all day. It’s these little details and true empathy that can only be realized by putting oneself in the user’s shoes. 3. Approach things with an open mind and be willing to collaborate. Creativity with purpose is a team sport. 4. Curiosity. We have to harness our inner 5-year-old here and really be inquisitive explorers. Instead of seeing what would be or what should be, consider what COULD be. 5 - Commitment. Brainstorming is easy. It’s easy to want to start a business or solve a problem. Seeing it into market and making it successful is not for the faint of heart. We’ve all read about big “wins” (multi-billion dollar acquisitions like Instagram and WhatsApp). What we don’t read about are people like Tony Fadell and Matt Rogers, who work for years before becoming industry sensations. Pete describes what he refers to as the “Wheel of Innovation” as a process that continuously focuses on framing, making, validating, and improving on your concept. Be it as small as a core feature in your product down to the business model and business idea itself. Design is about form and function, not art. What are the business benefits for Design Innovation? IDEO started an idea revolution when they coined this phrase DESIGN THINKING. Organizations ranging from early-stage startups up to Fortune 50 organizations have capitalized on this iterative appr

Transcript of Design Thinking: The one thing that will transform the way you think

transformThe  one  thing  that  will

how you thinkby  @petesena

imagine athat  can  bene3it  real  people

new product

Any  app/Api  Amazon  Basecamp          Evernote          Facebook            Google  Maps  LinkedIn  Pinterest  Salesforce  Snapchat            Trello            Twitter  Twillio  Waze  Yelp            Youtube

Any  Object  Animals          Automobiles          Bank  Accounts  Camera  Clothing          Collectibles          Food            Games  Homes Laptop  Secrets  Tablet            Weather

Audience  Type  or  Behavior  Amputees            Busy  Parents  Frequent  online  shoppers    Forgetful  Millenials  Healthcare  Practitioners  Prescription  drug  users  Small  Business  Owners  Sports  Fanatics  Teachers  Third  World  Government  of3icials        Time-­‐starved  Technophiles          Underprivileged  Children  

appS + ObjectS + AudienceS

Time's up!


Critical  Thinking

Problem  Solving


is  a  process  for  solving  complex  problems  through  observation

and  iteration

@petesena  -­‐  on  “what  is  design  thinking?”


(Authentic,  Empathy)Iteration  

(Test,  Validate,  Repeat)

-­‐Design  Thinkers  Academy

is  the  glue  between  all  disciplines

Minds  are  like  parachutes;  they  only  function  when  open.

-­‐  Thomas  R.  Dewar



open mind






disruptby  design

build itJust  go

iterationunlocks  innovation

collaborationInnovation  through

improvewhat  is,  to  create  something  new

businessTaking  enterprise  creativity  to  the  next  level



Welcome  to  the


-­‐  Rudyard  Kipling  

storiesit  would  never  be  


If  history  were  taught  in  the  form  of

mad-libsto  the  rescue!

culture of


It  fosters  a

naturalLeaves  room  for


design thinking is ourvehicle to solving HUMAN




Let’s  change  the  worldby design

Let’s  change  the  worldby design

Let’s  change  the  worldby design

Let’s  change  the  world

by design

Let’s  change  the  world

by designGo  open  your  #ideaParachutes

via  @petesena

Let’s  change  the  world

by designGo  open  your  #ideaParachutes

via  @petesena