Database Design for UCOP: Business Resource Center

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Database Design for UCOP: Business Resource Center. Vishal Baheti Walid Barake Monica Barin Sruti Bharat Brian Fong Pooja Mehta Alkey Pandya Divya Sharma. Presentation Overview. Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Database Design for UCOP: Business Resource Center

Database Design for UCOP:BusinessResourceCenterVishal Baheti Walid Barake Monica Barin Sruti Bharat

Brian Fong Pooja Mehta Alkey Pandya Divya Sharma

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

UCOP stands for the University of California Office of the President

UCOP is headquartered in downtown Oakland, where just over half of its total 1,400 employees work

UCOP is the administrative, budgetary, and policy-making body for the whole UC System

Within UCOP, our client is the Business Resource Center (BRC)

BRC is designed to centralize all transaction processing

Client Introduction

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

BRC Objectives: 1. To make data organization more

efficient2. To facilitate data entry3. To increase storage capability 4. To have a more user-friendly

interface5. To improve data design with an

emphasis on Signature Authorization data Different employees have

different levels of approval Name, scope of authority,

signature specimen (.jpeg), and approval

Objectives and ImplementationOur Implementation: Organization of tables and

relationships Creation of Access forms Access storage capability/efficiency Login screen, switchboard directing

to forms and handy tasks Reports show user which

employees have signature authority Organized by account,

department, or employee

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

EER Diagram

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

1. Employee (Employee_ID, Fname, Lname, MI, Location_Code, Email, Job_Title, Signature, Password, Department_number5, Supervisor ID1, Team ID)

1a. BRC (Employee_ID1 , Team ID6)2. Account (Account Number, Account Type, Account Title, Department_Code3,

Department Name)Domain (Transaction Type) = {Expenditure, Liability, Asset, Revenue, Fund Balance}

3. Department (Department_Code, Department_Name, Subdivision Code4)4. Subdivision (Subdivision Code, Subdivision Title, Subdivision Head Employee

ID1, Division_Code5)5. Division (Division Code, Division Title)6. Team (Team ID)7. Position (Position ID, Team ID6, Position Title)8. Fund (Fund ID, Fund Type)

Domain (Fund Type) = {Loan, Plant, Current)9. Account_and_Fund (Account Number2, Fund ID8, Amount, Year Added)10. Asset_Transaction (TID, Transaction_Type, Assigned_Date, Start_Date,

End_Date, PID, Object_Code, Amount, Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Object_Purpose, FAU, Authorizers_Signature1)

Relational Design

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

11. Expenditure_Transaction (TID, Transaction_Type, Assigned_Date, Start_Date, End_Date, PID, Object_Code, Amount, Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Object_Purpose, FAU, Authorizers_Signature1)

12. Liability_Transaction (TID, Transaction_Type, Assigned_Date, Start_Date, End_Date, PID, Object_Code, Amount, Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Object_Purpose, FAU, Authorizers_Signature1)

13. Revenue_Transaction (TID, Transaction_Type, Assigned_Date, Start_Date, End_Date, PID, Object_Code, Amount, Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Object_Purpose, FAU, Authorizers_Signature1)

14. Other_Transaction (TID, Transaction_Type, Assigned_Date, Start_Date, End_Date, PID, Object_Code, Amount, Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Object_Purpose, FAU, Authorizers_Signature1)

15. Exemption_on_Transaction (Delegator_Employee_ID1, Delegated_Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Text_Limit, Authorizer_Signature1)

16. Delegate (Delegator_Employee_ID1, Delegated_Employee_ID1, Account_Number2, Limitation_on_Amount, Delegation_Date, Authorizer_Signature1)

17. Signature Authorization (Account_Number2, Employee_ID1, Limit, Authorizer_Signature1)

Relational Design (continued)

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Access Relationship View

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Normalization #1: In 2NF:

Subdivision (Subdivision Code, Subdivision Title, Division Code, Subdivision Head Employee ID)

Converting to 3NF:Subdivision (Subdivision Code, Subdivision Title)SubdivisionHead (Subdivision Title, Subdivision Head Employee ID)Division (Subdivision Head Employee ID, Division Code)

Normalization Analysis

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Analysis of Normalization #1:3NF is not the most optimal arrangement of this relation. Dividing the original 2NF subdivision relation into one 3NF relation and one 2NF relation makes it more convenient to find division code through subdivision title.

Optimal Normalization: Subdivision (Subdivision Code, Subdivision Title)SubdivisionHead (Subdivision Title, Subdivision Head Employee ID, Division Code)

Normalization Analysis

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Normalization #2: In 1NF:

Delegate (Delegator ID, Delegated ID, Account Number, Limitation Amount, Delegation Date)

Converting to BCNF (and 3NF):Limitation (Delegated ID, Limitation Amount)Del_Date (Delegator ID, Delegated ID, Account Number, Delegation Date)

Analysis of Normalization #2:In this case, the BCNF is beneficial because each employee’s limitation amount is easier to access.

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Normalization Analysis

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Query 1

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Determines which fund types accounts are receiving money from

Purpose: Allows BRC to look at fund usage percentage Forecast yearly demand per fund type Determine the stable sources of funding and thus

allocate funds accordingly

1. Description: Finds total money that comes from all the funds for each year

SELECT Sum([Account and Fund].Amount) AS Total, [Account and Fund].[Year Added]

FROM [Account and Fund]GROUP BY [Account and Fund].[Year


2. Description: Finds the percentage for different types of fund that accounts are receiving money from per yearSELECT Fund.[Fund Type], Sum([Account and Fund].Amount)/[Total Money].Total*100 AS Percentage, [Account and Fund].[Year Added]FROM [Total Money], [Account and Fund], FundWHERE [Account and Fund].[Fund ID]=Fund.[Fund ID] And [Account and Fund].[Year Added]=[Total Money].[Year Added]GROUP BY [Fund].[Fund Type], [Total Money].Total, [Account and Fund].[Year Added]ORDER BY [Account and Fund].[Year Added] DESC;

Query 1 in SQL

Query 2

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Forecast account usage for next month Purpose:

Allows BRC employees to know which accounts will need funding

IEOR technique: Forecasting (using 3-period weighted moving average on all accounts)

Assign previous 3 months each with separate weights

Assist BRC in budget planning for the next month

1. Description: Assigns weights to 3 months according to the 3PWMA method and forecasts transaction amount for next month by each account

SELECT Mon.[Account Number], (0.5*Sum(Mon.Amount)+0.3*Sum(Mon_1.Amount)+0.2*Sum(Mon_2.Amount)) AS [Next Month's Forecast]

FROM Mon, Mon AS Mon_1, Mon AS Mon_2WHERE (((Mon.Month)=[Enter a Current Month:])

And ((Mon.Year)=[Enter Current Year:]) And Mon.[Account Number]=Mon_1.[Account Number] And Mon_1.[Account Number]=Mon_2.[Account Number] And Mon.[Account Number]=Mon_2.[Account Number])

GROUP BY Mon.Month, Mon.[Account Number], Mon.Year, Mon_2.Month, Mon_2.[Account Number], Mon_2.Year, Mon_1.Month, Mon_1.[Account Number], Mon_1.Year

HAVING (((Mon_2.Month)=[Enter 2 months prior:]) AND ((Mon_2.Year)=[Enter Current Year of Month:]) AND ((Mon_1.Month)=[Enter a Previous Month:]) AND ((Mon_1.Year)=[Enter a Previous Year:]));

Query 2 in SQL

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Query 3

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Rank employees based on Return on Investment (ROI)

Where Employee Transaction Processing Efficiency is how fast an employee processes transactions. Points are assigned according to this speed, relative to distance from mean processing time [z-score] for that transaction object code

Purpose: Allows BRC to determine most productive and most

underperforming employees

1. Description: Finds standard deviation of all transactions that have the same object code

SELECT Avg(ProcessedTime.ProcessedTime) AS AvgOfProcessedTime, StDev(ProcessedTime.ProcessedTime) AS StdDeviationofProcessedTime, ProcessedTime.[Object Code]

FROM ProcessedTimeGROUP BY ProcessedTime.[Object


2. Description: Gets Zscore (how many standard deviations away from the mean was the processing time for that transaction)

SELECT ([Process Time Average and StandardDeviation].AvgOfProcessedTime - ProcessedTime.ProcessedTime)/[Process Time Average and Standard Deviation].StdDeviationofProcessedTimeAS ZScore, ProcessedTime.[Employee ID]FROM [Process Time Average and Standard Deviation], ProcessedTimeWHERE ProcessedTime.[Object Code]=[Process Time Average and Standard Deviation].[Object Code];

Query 3 in SQL

3. Description: Sums total points of employee

SELECT (Sum(ZScore.ZScore)) AS SumOfPoints, ZScore.[Employee ID]


[Employee ID];

4. Description: Divides Sum By Employee Salary to Get Return on Investment

SELECT ([Sum of Employee ZScore Points].SumOfPoints/Employee.Salary)*100000 AS ReturnOnInvestment, [Sum of Employee ZScore Points].[Employee ID]

FROM [Sum of Employee ZScore Points], Employee

WHERE ((([ZScore].[Employee ID])=[Employee].[Employee ID]))

ORDER BY [Sum of Employee ZScore Points].SumOfPoints/Employee.Salary DESC;

Query 3 in SQL (continued)

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Query 4

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Determine order of transactions based on Shortest Processing Time (SPT) algorithm

Purpose: To minimize total transaction flow time

IEOR technique: SPT algorithm Allows employees to judge their productivity based

on distance away from projected total flow time.

Allow BRC to see which employees have ability to process more transactions given current flow time

1. DESCRIPTION: Union query of all transactions SELECT [Expenditure Transaction].TID, [Expenditure Transaction].

[Employee ID], [Expenditure Transaction].[Assigned Date], [Expenditure Transaction].[Start Date], [Expenditure Transaction].[End Date]

FROM [Expenditure Transaction]UNION ALLSELECT [Asset Transaction].TID, [Asset Transaction].[Employee ID],

[Asset Transaction].[Assigned Date], [Asset Transaction].[Start Date], [Asset Transaction].[End Date]

FROM [Asset Transaction]UNION ALLSELECT [Liability Transaction].TID, [Liability Transaction].[Employee

ID], [Liability Transaction].[Assigned Date], [Liability Transaction].[Start Date], [Liability Transaction].[End Date]

FROM [Liability Transaction]UNION ALLSELECT [Other Transaction].TID, [Other Transaction].[Employee

ID], [Other Transaction].[Assigned Date], [Other Transaction].[Start Date], [Other Transaction].[End Date]

FROM [Other Transaction]UNION ALL SELECT [Revenue Transaction].TID, [Revenue Transaction].

[Employee ID], [Revenue Transaction].[Assigned Date], [Revenue Transaction].[Start Date], [Revenue Transaction].[End Date]

FROM [Revenue Transaction]

2. DESCRIPTION: Transactions that have been assigned but haven’t been started

SELECT [Transaction Union].TID, [TransactionUnion].[Employee ID], [Transaction Union].[AssignedDate], [Transaction Union].[Start Date], [TransactionUnion].[End Date]FROM [Transaction Union]WHERE [Transaction Union].[Start Date] IS NULLORDER BY [Transaction Union].[Employee ID];

3. DESCRIPTION: Find the average of the process time grouped by object code.

SELECT [Transaction Union].[Employee ID], DateDiff("d",[Transaction Union].[Start Date], [Transaction Union].[EndDate]) AS ProcessedTime, [Transaction Union].[Object Code]FROM [Transaction Union];

SELECT Avg(ProcessedTime.ProcessedTime) ASAvgOfProcessedTime, ProcessedTime.[Object Code]FROM ProcessedTimeGROUP BY ProcessedTime.[Object Code];

Query 4 in SQL

4. Description: Average process time becomes the effective process time for all transactions with the same object code.

SELECT [Transaction Not Started].[EmployeeID], [Transaction Not Started].TID,

AverageProcessedTime.[Object Code], AverageProcessedTime.AvgOfProcessedTime

FROM AverageProcessedTime, [Transaction Not Started]

WHERE AverageProcessedTime.[Object Code]=[Transaction Not Started].[Object Code]

ORDER BY [Transaction Not Started].[Employee ID], AverageProcessedTime.[AvgOfProcessedTime];

Link to Excel Worksheet to calculate total flow time and display order in which transactions should be processed (for each employee)

Total Flow time for Employee 111111111

Query 4 in SQL (continued)

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Query 5

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Determine the number of transactions for the following year, arranged by quarter and based on transaction purpose

Purpose: To forecast expected workload per quarter and

prepare for fluctuations in demand of transactions.

minimize total transaction flow time IEOR technique: Forecasting, by using

quarterly data based on object code.

1. DESCRIPTION: Find the frequency of object code by average between 2 years

SELECT Count([Transaction Union].[Object Code])/2 AS ObjectCodeFrequency, [Transaction Union].[Object Code], DatePart("q",[Transaction Union].[Assigned Date]) AS Quarter

FROM [Transaction Union]WHERE (((Month([Transaction Union].

[Assigned Date]))>0 And (Month([Transaction Union].[Assigned Date]))<4) And ((Year([Transaction Union].[Assigned Date]))=2010 Or (Year([Transaction Union].[Assigned Date]))=2009))

GROUP BY [Transaction Union].[Object Code], DatePart("q",[Transaction Union].[Assigned Date]);

2. DESCRIPTION: Union all of the Quarters to get a compilation

SELECT [Quarter 2].ObjectCodeFrequency, [Quarter 2].[Object Code], [Quarter 2].Quarter

FROM [Quarter 2]UNION ALLSELECT [Quarter 3].ObjectCodeFrequency, [Quarter 3].[Object

Code], [Quarter 3].QuarterFROM [Quarter 3]UNION ALLSELECT [Quarter 4].ObjectCodeFrequency, [Quarter 4].[Object

Code], [Quarter 4].QuarterFROM [Quarter 4]UNION ALL SELECT [Quarter 1].ObjectCodeFrequency, [Quarter

1].[Object Code], [Quarter 1].QuarterFROM [Quarter 1];

Query 5 in SQL

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Client Introduction Objectives and Implementation EER Diagram Relational Design Normalization Analysis Query Design Access Implementation

Presentation Overview

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Login Interface

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Employees login here:

Possible Login Errors

If the user does not select a user name, the following error dialog appears:If the user enters an invalid password, the following error dialog appears: After 3 unsuccessful attempts, the database will exit:

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Successful Login

User is allowed access when they enter a valid user name and password (example above). The following dialog then appears:

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Once logged in, it takes the user directly to the switchboard:

Successful Login (continued)

And then the user can select any task from the button selection above.

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.


Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.

Thank You

Team 3. Professor Ken Goldberg. IEOR 115. December 10, 2010.