"Data Visualization in Europe" for Open Data School

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Презентация "Визуализация данных в Европе" Натальи Карбасовой к занятию №8 в Школе открытых данных 17 декабря 2013 года.

Transcript of "Data Visualization in Europe" for Open Data School

  • 1. , ,

2. ? 1. 2. 3. -: 3. ? : + 4. 5. 6. Zeit Online blog.zeit.de/open-data/ 7. Zeit Online? , 8. , datawrapper.com...http://blog.zeit.de/open-data/2013/05/07/statistik-ifgkuenstlersozialkasse/ 9. ... word clouds, Wordle.comhttp://blog.zeit.de/opendata/2013/11/27/koalitionsvertraege-woerter- 10. http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/201309/twitter-monitor 11. ? 10000 , : ? : , , , 12. http://www.zeit.de/politik/deutschland/abgeordnetenbilanz/?part ei=-&ansicht=ml&kategorie=5 13. ? dip.bundestag.de 156 000 (: , , , ) : , 14. Zeit http://blog.zeit.de/opendata/2013/07/11/dispozinsen/ 15. ? , , , . , . 16. Spiegel.de: Datenlesehttp://www.spiegel.de/thema/daten/ 17. Spiegel.de? 18. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/interaktive-karte-einwohnerzahlenzensus-2011-gewinner-verlierer-a-914393.html 19. http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/interaktive-grafik-das-ist-merkels-neue-regierung-a928664.html 20. Berliner Morgenpost: 20112013 21. -> European Newspaper Awardhttp://berlinwahlkarte2013.morgenpost.de/index.html 22. Sddeutsche Zeitung: http://www.sueddeutsche.de/thema/BahnVersp%C3%A4tungen 23. DataGraph 24. 25. : http://goo.gl/ln7FIu 26. http://visualdata.dw.de/specials/bildung/en/in dex.html 27. ? ( , / , , vs. ) , 28. Neue Zrcher Zeitung 29. http://work.interactivethings.com/nzz-swissmaps/index.html 30. , 31. ? Interactive Things (http://interactivethings.com/) (Opendata City, Golden Section Infographics) ( Berliner Morgenpost) 32. bubble charts 33. Bubble Charts , 34. Bubble problem . , . , 35. Financial Times 36. Handelsblatt 37. Financial Times 38. http://elections.nytimes.com/2012/results/pre sident 39. 40. OECD Better Life Indexhttp://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/ 41. ? , = = 11 = = . 42. http://vimeo.com/24609043# 43. ? (Moritz Stefaner) , moritz.stefaner.eu 44. GED Viz (Global Economic Dynamics) www.ged-project.de/viz/ Bertelsmann iframe 45. www.ged-project.de/shorts 46. 47. , Gapminderhttp://www.gapminder.org/videos/the-riverof-myths/ 48. ? : Gapminder , (: World Bank, OECD, etc) 49. Gapminder ( )http://moritz.stefaner.eu/projects/remixing-rosling/ 50. Stefanie Posavec http://itsbeenreal.co.uk/ 51. - 52. Splunk 53. Tableau Software 54. : Andy Kirk, Data Visualization: a successful design process 55. Amanda Cox, New York Times 56. 57. Dot plot 58. Bar chart 59. Floating bar / Gantt chart 60. 61. Slopegraph 62. Radial charthttp://www.theguardian.com/world/interactive/2012/may/08/gay-rights-united-states 63. Glyph chart: (, etc) 64. Sankey diagram 65. Word cloud 66. 67. Pie chart 68. Stacked bar chart 69. Square pie 70. Tree map 71. Circle packing diagram 72. Bubble hierarchy 73. Tree hierarchy 74. 75. Line chart 76. Sparklines 77. Area chart 78. Horizon chart 79. Stacked area chart 80. Stream graphhttp://visualization.geblogs.com/visualization/ germanenergy/ 81. Candlestick chart 82. Barcode chart 83. Flow map 84. 85. Scatter plot 86. Bubble plot 87. Heatmap 88. Parallel sets 89. Radial network (chord diagram) 90. Network diagram 91. 92. 93. . , . . The Functional Art 94. : Focus Online 95. http://goo.gl/oXtv7c 96. World Bank, DataWrapper , 97. http://goo.gl/T3kRw1 98. + (Datawrapper, Excel) 99. ( 200 )http://goo.gl/4IGWtQ 100. 20 101. 20 102. ? 103. 104. Slope graph 105. , 106. . . (Epoca) 107. . , , , . . () , () . 108. , , 109. , : - - , (= ) 110. 111. , 112. , , 113. , , 114. 115. , , 116. : Mitfahrgelegenheit.de 117. 1 ? 118. mitfahrgelegenheit.de 119. ? Google Spreadsheets: =importHTML Google Scraper Python Scraper (ScraperWiki) Outwit Hub! 120. OutWit Hub 121. , Excel/ Google Fusion Tables ( 50 , ) 122. 123. 124. Google Spreadsheets Google scraper add-on OutWit Hub Excel Google Pivot Tables Google Fusion Tables: creating the network diagram and embedding it on the blog Datawrapper: creating bar charts with top-10 cities 125. , : , 126. (Gestalt School of Psychology/ Gestalt laws), ( , ) , , , 127. ! 128. ? 129. ? : : visualizing.org, infobeautyawards.com - - , 130. > -> 131. / / 132. 133. 134. 135. (1) 1) ( Excel, csv, etc/ API/ / PDF). : 2) : ? , , (Excel, Tableau, Google Refine). ? ? ? 136. (2) 3) : , (Frankruft Frankfurt-am-Main Frankfurt/Main) 4) : - ( ) - ( ) - () - , 137. (3) 5) : 6) : - , - ( , , ) 138. (4) : , . , 139. 140. : () Data scientist/ data miner , , ( ) ( ) Computer scientist () Cognitive scientist ( , , humancomputer interaction) Communicator 141. 142. ? ( , -, ) ( ) / ( ? , ? ? ? ?) ( ? ? / ? ? ?) 143. 144. : (driven-by-data.net) (stefaner.eu) (schwochow.de) (tulpinteractive.com) (christopherwarnow.com) (@djournalismus) (@juliustroeger) (mirkolorenz.com) 145. : Dona M. Wong, The Wall Street Journal Guide to Information Graphics Noah Iliinsky & Julie Steele, Designing Data Visualizations Andy Kirk, Data Visualization: a successful design process Steven Few, Show me the Numbers Don Norman, Design of Everyday Things Simon Rogers, The Guardian: Facts are Sacred Colin Ware, Visual Thinking by Design Ben Goldacre, Bad Science Nathan Yau, Visualize This Nigel Holmes, Designers Guide to Creating Charts and Diagrams Edward Tufte, The visual display of Quantitative Information 146. : http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog http://www.periscopic.com/ http://infosthetics.com/ http://www.visualisingdata.com/ http://benfry.com/ http://bost.ocks.org/mike/ http://eagereyes.org/ http://www.thefunctionalart.com/ http://vis4.net/blog/ https://drawingbynumbers.org/ 147. http://www.visualisingdata.com/index.php/re sources/ http://mediakar.org/tools/visualisation/ http://datavisualization.ch/tools/ http://te-st.ru/tools/ 148. : Datawrapper Tableau public Google Chart Tools: Wordle Excel Google Fusion Tables / Pivot Tables R: www.r-project.org/ 149. : Arc GIS Quantum GIS CartoDB (http://cartodb.com/). Geocommons Instant Atlas (http://communities.instantatlas.com/) Polymaps (http://polymaps.org/) Kartograph (http://kartograph.org/) Leaflet (http://leafletjs.com/) OpenStreetMap (http://www.openstreetmap.org/) 150. mediakar.org Twitter: @karbasa karbasova@ymail.com