CSI Maps Leadership.ppt [Read-Only] Maps_Leadership.pdfProfessor, College of Education Professor,...

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Transcript of CSI Maps Leadership.ppt [Read-Only] Maps_Leadership.pdfProfessor, College of Education Professor,...

CSI Maps

Randee Winterbottom & Tricia CurranAssessment Programs

Florida Center for Reading Research

1. Goals: What outcomes do we want for our students in our state, district, and schools?

2. Knowledge: What do we know and what guidance can we gain from scientifically based reading research?

3. Progress Monitoring Assessment: How are we doing? What is our current level of performance as a school? As a grade? As a class? As an individual student?

4. Outcome Assessment: How far do we need to go to reach our goals and outcomes?

5. Core Instruction: What are the critical components that need to be in place to reach our goals?

6. Differentiated Instruction: What more do we need to do and what instructional adjustments need to be made?

Guiding Questions

Implementation of Research-Based Reading Programs That Support the Full Range of



A core instructional program of validated efficacy adopted and implemented schoolwide

Supplemental and intervention programs to support core program

Programs and materials emphasize big ideas

Programs implemented with high fidelity

Core Program

A core program is the “base” reading program designed to provide instruction on the essential areas of reading for the majority of students schoolwide. In general, the core program should enable 80% or more of students to attain schoolwide reading goals.

A Core Instructional Program of Validated Efficacy Adopted and Implemented Schoolwide

Supplemental and Intervention Programs to Support the Core

A School’s Continuum of Programs and Materials

Core: Programs and materials designed to enable 80% or more of students to attain schoolwide reading goals.

Supplemental: Programs and materials designed to support the core program by addressing specific skill areas such as phonemic awareness or reading fluency.

Intervention: Programs and materials designed to provide intensive support for students performing below grade level.

Understanding the Purpose of Different Programs

Classifying Reading Programs:

What is the purpose of the program?

1. Core2. Supplemental3. Intervention

CoreReading Program

SupplementalReading Program




InterventionReading Program

Meeting the needs for most Supporting the Core Meeting the needs for each

Programs are tools that are implemented by teachers to ensure that children learn enough on time.

(Vaughn et al. 2001)

Thinking About What We Are Teaching

Instructional Curriculum Thinking Maps

If we want to think about instruction, where do we start?

Curriculum Maps (Simmons & Kame’enui, 1999)

Organized by “big ideas” for each grade levelProvide curriculum-based 180-day pacing mapsProvide specific goals and outcomes for each grade (i.e., what to teach and when)Based on research in beginning reading

“Big Idea”

Skill Outcomes

Instructional Emphasis

Measurable Benchmark

How to Read Curriculum Maps


A Set of Strategic, Research-Based, and Measurable Goals to Guide Instruction,

Assessment, and Learning

Curriculum Maps

Sample Curriculum Maps k-3 “BIG IDEAS”

Share what you are thinking as you review these sample maps?

A Set of Strategic, Research-Based, and Measurable Goals to Guide Instruction,

Assessment, and Learning


The Curriculum Maps are only one example of schoolwide reading goalsOther examples include state or local reading standards or frameworks

How do your state and/or local standards or frameworks compare to the Curriculum Maps? How are they similar – different?

Differentiated Instruction Based On Data

Using The Results of Assessment To Plan Instruction

Core Reading + iiiIntensive/At Risk/Deficit


Core Program + Additional Teaching

Strategic/Some Risk/Emergent


Core ReadingBenchmark/LowRisk/Established


Instructional ImplicationAssessment Results

kik woj sig faj yis kaj fek av zin zezlan nul zem og nomyuf pos vok viv fegbub dij sij vus toswuv nij pik nok motnif vec al boj nensuv yig dit tum joj yaj zof um vim veltig mak sog wot sav

Benchmark 1Nonsense Word Fluency



kik woj sig faj yis kaj fek av zin zezlan nul zem og nomyuf pos vok viv fegbub dij sij vus toswuv nij pik nok motnif vec al boj nensuv yig dit tum joj yaj zof um vim veltig mak sog wot sav

Benchmark 1Nonsense Word Fluency



kik woj sig faj yis kaj fek av zin zezlan nul zem og nomyuf pos vok viv fegbub dij sij vus toswuv nij pik nok motnif vec al boj nensuv yig dit tum joj yaj zof um vim veltig mak sog wot sav

Benchmark 1Nonsense Word Fluency



Adequate, Prioritized, and Protected Time for Reading Instruction and Practice

Instruction: Time

Schoolwide plan established to allocate sufficient reading time and coordinate resources

Additional time allocated for students not making adequate progress (supplemental & intervention programs)

Reading time prioritized and protected

from interruption

Instruction, Grouping, and Scheduling That Optimizes Learning

Instruction: Grouping

Differentiated instruction aligned with student needs

Creative and flexible grouping used to maximize performance

Differentiated Instruction Aligned With Student Needs

ExamplesStudents are grouped based on assessment results

Specified supplemental and intervention programs are implemented depending on student needs and profiles

Groups are constantly reorganized based on progress monitoring data

Early identification and frequent monitoring of students experiencing reading difficulties

Progress Monitoring

Performance monitored frequently for all students who are at risk of reading difficulty

Data used to make instructional decisions

Example of a progress monitoring scheduleStudents at low risk: Monitor progress four times a yearStudents at some risk: Monitor progress every monthStudents at high risk: Monitor progress every other week

Ongoing Instructional Adjustments Based on Assessment Data to Meet the Needs of Each Student

Instructional Adjustments

Instructional programs, grouping, and time are adjusted and intensified according to learner performance and needs.

Making instruction more responsive to learner performance

Using Data To Plan Instruction

Core/Benchmark, Strategic, & Intensive Curriculum Maps

Content DevelopmentContent developed by:

Edward J. Kame’enui, Ph. D. Deborah C. Simmons, Ph. D.Professor, College of Education Professor, College of EducationUniversity of Oregon University of Oregon

Beth Harn, Ph.D. Michael D. Coyne, Ph. D. University of Oregon University of Connecticut

David Chard, Ph. D.University of Oregon

Additional support:Patrick Kennedy-PaineKatie Tate Nicole Sherman-Brewer University of Oregon Oregon Reading First

How Do We Enhance Instruction & Learning?

Remember the focus must be on factors over which you have jurisdiction:

Program & program emphasis Time (opportunities to learn) Grouping structures Quality of instruction & program implementation

Alter the fewest number of factors possible that provide the greatest return.

Planning Core/Benchmark Instruction: CSI Maps

Goals: Each big idea and high priority skills for months 1-5 and months 5-9

Instructional Need: DIBELS recommendation Instructional Details




Assessment: Progressive benchmark for fall and winter

CSI Map: Grade 1Go als Inst ruct ional D eta ils Assessm ent

Ins truc tion alNeed Program /Ma teria ls Time /day Grou ping


DIBELSMeasu re (ba sedon fall progress ive

benchm arks)

Core /Benc hmark

PS F ≥ 35:Asse ss qua rterly*Ba sed on e nd o f Kbenchm ark

Strateg ic10 ² PSF > 35:Asse ss once o rtwice a mon th

Phono log ical Awarenes s

Blend s 3-4 phoneme s into awhole word

Seg ment s 3- and 4 -phone me,1-syllab le wo rds

Inten sivePS F < 10:Asse ss 2 -4 time smonth ly

Core /Benc hmark

NWF ³ 24 :Asse ss qua rterly

Strateg ic13 ² N WF < 24:Asse ss once o rtwice a mon th

Alphabe tic Princ iple

Produ ces let ter-soundcorresponden ces (1/sec )

Produ ces sound s to com monletter combinat ion s

Decode s words with consonan tblend s

Decode s words with lettercomb ina tions

Reads regu lar 1-syllab le wo rdsfluent ly

Reads wo rds wi th commonword pa rts

Reads co mmon s igh t wordsau toma tica lly

Inten siveNWF < 13:Asse ss 2 -4 time smonth ly

Student Name

Student NameSequence of InstructionSequence of InstructionBig IdeasBig Ideas

CSI Map: Grade 1Go als Inst ruct ional D eta ils Assessm ent

Ins truc tion alNeed Program /Ma teria ls Time /day Grou ping


DIBELSMeasu re (ba sedon fall progress ive

benchm arks)

Core /Benc hmark

OR F: There is noOR F be nchma rk forfall of Grade 1. Ifstude nts h avereach ed the winterNW F benchma rk of50 yo u ma y want touse O RF.

Strateg icNo ORF fallprogressivebenchm ark.

Fluenc y wi th Conne cted Te xt Reads ac curate ly (1 error in 20

words )

Reads f luen tly (1 word pe r 2-3sec m id yea r; 1 wo rd pe r secend of yea r)

Inten siveNo ORF fallprogressivebenchm ark.

Core /Benc hmark

No DIBEL Sbenchm ark. Useprogram s peci fic o rdistrict/schooldetermine dmeasures.

Strateg ic

Vo cabu lary Lea rns and use s un fam iliar

words int rodu ced in stories andinforma tiona l pa ssage s

Inc rea ses kno wledge o f wordmean ings and u ses newvocabu lary in spea king andwriti ng

Inten sive

Big IdeasBig Ideas Sequence of InstructionSequence of InstructionStudent Name

Student Name

CSI Map: Grade 1Go als Inst ruct ional Deta ils Assessm ent

Ins truc tionalNeed Program /Ma terials Time /day Grouping


DIBELSMeasu re (ba sedon fall progress ive

benchm arks)

Core /Benchmark

No DIBEL Sbenchm ark. Useprogram s pecific o rdistrict/schooldetermine dmeasures.

Strateg ic

Comp rehen sion An swe rs who, wha t, when ,

where, and ho w que stion s afterlisten ing to or read ingpa rag raph (s)

Tell s the ma in idea o f a s implestory or top ic of an info rm at iona lpa ssage

Ident ifies and an swe rsque stion s abou t cha rac ters,set tings , and even ts

Rete lls the main idea of simplestories

Inten sive

Core /Benchmark

Strateg ic

Spe lling Writes letters associated with

ea ch sound in 1-syllab le,phone tica lly regu lar wo rds

Spe lls sing le-syllab le regu larwords co rrectly andindependen tly

Inten sive

Big IdeasBig Ideas Sequence of InstructionSequence of Instruction Student Name

Student Name

Application Activity

At School: Application Activity

Plan instruction for your core/benchmark students.

Meet with your grade-level team. Document in each column: programs, time, grouping, and assessment the specific information that communicates your plan to teach all children to attain critical benchmarks by January/June.

If time permits, proceed to your plan for strategic & intensive intervention.


Institute for the Development of Educational Achievement (IDEA)

IDEA Beginning Reading

Florida Center for Reading Researchhttp://fcrr.org



Professional Development

Effective PD practices for reading results include:providing training that is:

focused, high quality, on-goingproviding training for all (teachers, specialists)

principal,coach, district, assistants, parentsproviding training follow-up (coaching and supervision) that is differentiated & empowering

The best leaders bring out the best in the people around them.

Operationalizing What Works: Creating a Culture of Success

A culture of success for reading results includes:belief in the possibilitycommitment to priorities & resultsawareness of urgencyvisibility of the focusculture of collaborationtone of empowerment

It’s not about getting the money. It’s about getting the results.

The ultimate goal of reading instruction is to enable children to read fluently with good comprehension!
