Crowdfunding in the insurance industry - LIMRA Europe conference

Post on 13-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Crowdfunding in the insurance industry - LIMRA Europe conference

@kleverlaan | Crowdfunding strategy | Founder CrowdfundingHub – European Crowdfunding Consultancy & Research

Crowdfunding trends in Insurance Industry

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Ronald Kleverlaan

Crowdfunding strategy

Founder Crowdfunding Hub

& co-founder European Crowdfunding Network

Advisor European Commission “Crowd Investing” Horizon2020



Crowdfunding Consultancy

Code of Hammurabi (2100 BC)

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Kickstarter - Reward-based crowdfunding$2 billion || 10 million backers || >90K projecten

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Funding Circle – CrowdLending

£790M - > 40.000 investeerders


Crowdfunding Consultancy

Crowdfunding / Alternative Finance EU


Bron: Moving Mainstream - The European Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report (

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Crowdfunding trends

Community funding, Market research, co-ownership

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Crowdfunding = Community FundingNot an anonymous crowd, but involved community

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Community of loyal customers

1 million euro growth funding in 2 campaigns

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Community Funding & Ownership - Windfarm

1400 members - 18,5 million euro

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Crowdfundingmore than money

Market research



Crowdfunding Consultancy

Market research

18.000 subscribers - >1 million euro raised

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Co-creation with customers/investors

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Use community as marketing team

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Opportunities insurance industry

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Insurance of crowdfunding campaigns

Guaranteed delivery of rewards

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Marketplace lending

Investment opportunities for (pension) funds

Crowdfunding Consultancy

DIY Pension

Co-ownership by members

Crowdfunding Consultancy

DIY insurance for sick leave

>150 collectives - 5.900 members

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Renewed interest in co-operative models

Crowdfunding Consultancy

Use crowdfunding to test new servicesMarket research, marketing & build a community around new services

Create insurance services for crowdfundingDelivery of products, repayment of loans, etc

Whitelabel infrastructure technologySmall co-operatives & communities build on your API

Marketplace LendingAlternative investment platform for (pension) funds spreading risks

New business modelsUse marketing teams of fans & ambassadors

R&D: Co-creation and co-funding of innovation by communityNew model of micro co-ownership – Clients will become owners

Key take-aways Crowdfunding Consultancy

Let’s talk crowdfunding!

+31 628 254 452

Ronald Kleverlaan

Crowdfunding strategy

Founder CrowdfundingHub

& co-founder European Crowdfunding Network

Advisor European Commission “Crowd Investing” Horizon2020


European Crowdfunding Consultancy