Coupons Tactics To Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

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Coupons & Carts - how to decrease cart abandonment rates (or in general conversion abandonment rates) by means of using online / offline coupons. Test coupons, coupon use processes and 'Enter Coupon Code' boxes. Pre-holiday hot tips to increase your e-commerce revenue. The presentation by Anna Sebestyen was given at the first Web Analytics meetup in Budapest, Hungary (WAW: Web Analytics Wednesday)

Transcript of Coupons Tactics To Decrease Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

Coupons & Carts

Web Analytics Wednesday Budapest 2009

Anna SebestyenDistinct Dialogs Ltd.

Decreasing Conversion Abandonmentsvia Coupons

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cart Abandonment & Coupons

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cart Abandonment & CouponsStudy (PayPal & comScore) 45% of US online shoppers abandoned carts multiple times in 3 weeks.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cart Abandonment & CouponsStudy (PayPal & comScore) 45% of US online shoppers abandoned carts multiple times in 3 weeks.

average cost of abandoned goods

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cart Abandonment & CouponsStudy (PayPal & comScore) 45% of US online shoppers abandoned carts multiple times in 3 weeks.

average cost of abandoned goods


Friday, October 9, 2009

Cart Abandonment & Coupons

• 46%: high shipping charges “very important reason”

• 37% comparison shop• 36% lack of money• 27% wanted to look for

a coupon

Study (PayPal & comScore) 45% of US online shoppers abandoned carts multiple times in 3 weeks.

average cost of abandoned goods


Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsearch engines

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsocial coupon sites

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsite search

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsite search

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsite search

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsite search



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Huntingsite search



Friday, October 9, 2009

No Coupon, No Sales


Enter coupon code*

*quoting Bryan Eisenberg’s story here on Doctor Footcare’s vs. Dell’s conversion rates from Always Be Testing

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life

• ‘my precious‘ everyone’s click



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life

• ‘my precious‘ everyone’s click

• feels special feel mass



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life

• ‘my precious‘ everyone’s click

• feels special feel mass

• gift viral link viral



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life

• ‘my precious‘ everyone’s click

• feels special feel mass

• gift viral link viral

• crafts intangible link



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupons vs. Banners

• extended life media life

• ‘my precious‘ everyone’s click

• feels special feel mass

• gift viral link viral

• crafts intangible link

• brand - in hold in sight



Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

• US 77% everyday use of coupons*

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

• US 77% everyday use of coupons*

• 62% search for coupons for online stores

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

• US 77% everyday use of coupons*

• 62% search for coupons for online stores

• 12% check coupons before purchase (YoY +50%)

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

• US 77% everyday use of coupons*

• 62% search for coupons for online stores

• 12% check coupons before purchase (YoY +50%)

• Definitive role in Purchase Decision

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Future Trends?

• US 77% everyday use of coupons*

• 62% search for coupons for online stores

• 12% check coupons before purchase (YoY +50%)

• Definitive role in Purchase Decision

• Budget-conscious Holiday shopping

*Kalman Besenyei -

Coupon Availability Determines the Purchasing Decisions for Nearly a Third of Americans, According to the Second Annual Study of Consumer Coupon Behavior Commissioned by (Harris Interactive)**

**"online adults" refers to 2,175 adults ages 18+, 1,880 whom are online shoppers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Coupon Marketing HU

• (Tamas Ujvari) - 2 coupon vending machines set up in Duna Plaza Mall

• (Kalman Besenyei)

• (Infonity Kft.)

• (Zoltan Hamar - MediaMotion Kft.)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Top 10 Tips• New Customers need higher % (15 vs. 10)

• Increase average order size by 10% as min

• Any Products vs One Product

• Coding the Code - Complex vs. Simple

• Optimize site for coupon (SiteSearch, Off-search, Social)

• Urgency vs. Expiration

• Lead generation - Get Coupon & Updates! Send to Friends

• Affiliate Coupon Codes

• Test Coupon Processes & Creatives

• Track - Core track (e.g. JOY), Per Channels (e.g. OUS /AND)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank you.

Anna SebestyenDistinct Dialogs

----------------------------Your coupon code for a free 1 hour* consultancy (coupon code deleted)(and this is not the code) :)

* only in Budapest until 11/11/2009. Case sensitive code, non-transferable. Any extra hour 15.000HUF+VAT. Fine print not be heated in microwave oven.



-----------------------------------------------------------------This coupon was only offered

to WAW participants.

Friday, October 9, 2009