Corporate mass-media

Post on 10-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Corporate mass-media

Corporate mass-media

Corporate mass-media -

periodic printing editions, radio - TV, video programs, Internet sites, the Internet portals or other form of periodic distribution of social information, the employee to interests of a certain company and let out on its initiative.(Wikipedia)

Structure of corporate media:

Corporate media for employees

Corporate media for external audience

Corporate media for external and internal audience

Corporate media for employees

Tasks:•For loyalty of employees• For formation of corporate culture•For receiving feedback (the owner –

management – employees)•For informing of employees

Types of corporate media:

Printing mass media (newspaper, magazine) Television

Types of corporate media:

Radio Intranet (an internal network)

Financing:Own enterprise assetsSubscription of employeesAdvertizing of the foreign



Position of ownersManagement position

Corporate media for external audience


•Loyalty to firm•Advances of the goods and services

Types of corporate media:

•Printing mass media (newspaper, magazine)


Own enterprise assetsAdvertizing of the foreign organizations


Distribution Printing execution and contents

Corporate media for external and internal audience


•Loyalty of external and internal audience•Advance of the goods and services


Uncertainty of audience Distribution Printing execution and contents

Who does corporate mass-media?

•The enterprise •Contractor

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