Post on 20-Dec-2015

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Transcript of COOPERATIVE AND COLLABORATIVE ONLINE LEARNING Rosseni Din PPA Academic Advancement Course.



PPA Academic Advancement Course


Quality Education

Meaningful learning

Online collaborative learning

for the 20th century learner Collaborative & Cooperative


Best practices

Quality Education

Creating a learning environment where individuals with a variety of skills can INCREASE knowledge, skills and the abilities to ADAPT to changing environments so that they can act as informed citizens of the world.

Harris-Ransom et al. 2010

Quality Education

Rule #1: Know Your Audience

Adapt Our Teaching Styles to Learner’s Need

Learner Diversity Learning Style Personality Multiple Intelligences

Immerse ourselves into 20th century learning environment

Understand important attributes for meaningful learning

Quality Education

Rule #2: Changing Educational Paradigms

Meaningful Learning for Quality Education

Cooperative Collaborative ONLINE


Using Web 3.0/2.0

Cooperative Collaborative Online Learning: The Hybrid Approach Using Weblog

Cooperative Collaborative Online Learning: The Hybrid Approach Using Weblog

Combination of online learning in a regular conventional face-to-face learning

Course structure/Course Outline or Course Handbook Text Book Other complementary instructional media – CD-ROMs A course blog

i.e the Computer Education Blog Tutorials More and different opportunities to present materials Opportunity to improve learning via reflections and interpersonal

communication Frequent feedbacks

Designing Effective Online Assigments and Assessment Rubric

Hybrid/Blended Learning: Handbook

Hybrid/Blended Learning: Text Book

Hybrid/Blended Learning: CD-Based


Hybrid/Blended Learning: Blog

Practical Issues

Class Participation

Question: How do you encourage students to participate in a cooperative group project?

Question: How do you encourage students to participate in a collaborative online classroom?

Question: How does this differ from the traditional classroom?

Cooperative Group Participation

Class Participation

Question: How do you encourage students to participate in a cooperative group project?

Question: How do you encourage students to participate in a collaborative online classroom?

Question: How does this differ from the traditional classroom?

Collaborative Online Learning

How to encourage participation? A 10% overall carry marks?

Rubric: Focusing on meaningful participation – not just adding entry

Frequency: Once a week is practical – in reality more frequent participation would put the student in a much better position to make timely and meaningful contributions?

- at least 3 meaningful post/week or per online lecture/tutorial would be an A, 2 meaningful posts would be a B, and 1 would be a C.

- simply posting a short “me too” comment is not considered a “meaningful” post and will not support a strong grade for the week/lecture/tutorial.

Grading for Collaborative Online Participation

Grade A Posted at least 3 comments Provides relevant facts thoroughly Comments or posting demonstrate a comprehensive

analysis and/or interpretation of the issue Support opinions by citing relevant and scholarly

sources Adds some new thought to the discussion critique

another person’s point of view

Grading for Collaborative Online Participation

Grade B Posted at least 2 comments Provides limited facts Does not clearly state the issue Provided adequate but not comprehensive analysis of

the issue Sometimes supports key statements with relevant

scholarly resources Student show partial understanding

Grading for Collaborative Online Participation

Grade C Posted at least 1 comments Comments or posting does not reflect a comprehensive

analysis or reading of the issue Does not clearly state the issue Analysis is only vaguely supported by scholarly work Student merely restates what is in the text instead of

interpret the issue Sometimes supports key statements with relevant

scholarly resources Student show partial understanding


Further Discussion About This Topic

Special Session of the WSEAS Conference on E-Activities In Jakarta, December 2011

For more information browse the special session page at:

E-Activities'11 Special Session on Virtual Learning Environment: Methods and Case Examples in Developmental Research