
Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Converting. Fractions to Decimals to Percent 3 easy steps. Fractions/Decimals/Percents. Fraction: shows part of a whole as a numerator/denominator. Numerator: the part of the fraction that you have or have used Denominator: how many the whole is broken into - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Converting

CONVERTING Fractions to Decimals to Percent

3 easy steps

FRACTIONS/DECIMALS/PERCENTS Fraction: shows part of a whole as a

numerator/denominator. Numerator: the part of the fraction that you

have or have used Denominator: how many the whole is

broken into Decimal: the decimal is read as “and” so if

you have been reading a number as one hundred and thirty you have actually been saying 100.30 not 130!

Percent: Remember that percent is out of 1 whole. 100% means you have 1 whole, 80% means you have 80 out of 100 that makes a whole.

FRACTION TO DECIMAL Changing a fraction to a decimal is as

easy as dividing the numerator by the denominator.

Example: 4/5 means 4 divided by 5. Since there are no 5’s in 4 you must put a decimal behind the 4 and add a zero. Thus 4/5 is .80

DECIMAL TO PERCENT Since percent is how much of the whole

you have with 100% being 1 whole if you multiply the decimal by 100 it converts the decimal to a percent.

Example: .80 x 100 = 80%

(Yes guys you move the decimal 2 places right!) Remember each 0 moves the decimal 1 place right!

PERCENT TO DECIMAL If you can go F – D – P then you can go

P –D –F!

Percent to Decimal: ( HUMMM you multiplied to get to percent so let’s divide to go back the other way!) Divide the percent by 100 or yes……..move the decimal 2 places left!

DECIMALS TO PERCENT Ha Ha you thought you were done with

place value….Nope it’s BACK!

To convert from decimal to percent you must first determine the place value of the last digit in the decimal. That determines the denominator!

The decimal becomes the numerator without the decimal!