Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) · non-credit bearing r 6980.00 three days matric Certificate...

Post on 29-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Continuing Education Programmes (CEP) · non-credit bearing r 6980.00 three days matric Certificate...

Faculty of Managementdeveloping Future-fi t Leadership

Continuing Education Programmes (CEP)

uniVersity oF JoHannesburg

a University of ChoiceVision mission



an international universityof choice, anchored in africa, dynamically

shaping the future

IMAGINATIONshaping the futurethinking independentlyDeveloping a cosmopolitan identityexhibiting ambition and driveadopting entrepreneurial approaches

CONVERSATIONlearning together from our diversitymaking wise decisions collectivelyengaging meaningfully with one anotherDisplaying mutual respectleading consultatively

inspiring its community to transformand serve humanity through innovation and

the collaborative pursuit of knowledge

• ahead of the game• academic integrity

• Value added partnering• Continuous learning to be

• Culturally and diversity sensitive

REGENERATIONDeveloping sustainably through creative contributionintrospecting for renewalinnovating for the common goodmaking positive changetaking advantage of overlooked opportunities

EtHiCaL Foundationtreasuring academic freedomseeking balance in the pursuit of knowledgeFacing challenges with courage and earning trustacting responsibly by being fair, consistent and transparentparticipating in and helping the community (ubuntu)*

*ubuntu, which means humanness in the nguni languages of southern africa, is the idea that a person achieves excellence insofar as he/she shares a way of life with others and cares for their quality of life.

missionDeVeloping Future-Fit leaDersHip

VisionsougHt aFter organisational leaDers

creating legacies

Faculty oF management

postgraDuate anD researcH eXperience

WortHy entrants

great Job prospects

creDible organisations



















Faculty teacHing anD learning eXperience

Faculty oF managementContinuing EduCation ProgrammEs

Short Learning Programmes• Has an nQF of higher than 4/5• Has less than 120 Credits – can also be a non-credit bearing programmes• duration - less than a year• the university reserves the right, at any time, should circumstances dictate, to make changes to, or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer.

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Applied Information Systems (AIS) IT Project Management (Introduction)

Department: Applied Information Systems

R 8000.00 Three days Matric 12 months working experience


IT Project Management (Intermediate)

Department: Applied Information Systems

R 12 500.00 40 Hours(over one semester)

Matric 12 months working experience


IT Project Management (Advance)

Department: Applied Information Systems

32 Credits R 21 500.00 Ten days (over one year)

Matric 12 months working experience


IT Management Department: Applied Information Systems

R 12 500.00 40 Hours(over one semester)

Matric 12 months working experience


Business Management (BM)short Course in Project management

department: Business management

nQF 720 Credits

only offered to Companies with groups of 20 students or more cost depends on company requirements

Five days senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement

Yvette Boystel +27 (0)11 559

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Business Management (BM) short Course in risk management

department: Business management

nQF 560 Credits

Five modules r 17 890.00

15 days attendance at specific dates over 2nd semester

senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement

Yvette Boystel +27 (0)11 559

Information and Knowledge Management (IKM)short Course in Knowledge management

department: information and Knowledge management

non-credit bearing r 6980.00 three days matric Certificate deidre

short Course in strategic Competitive analysis

department:information and Knowledge management

non-credit bearing r 6980.00 three days matric Certificate deidre

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)advanced Programme in organisational Consulting

department: industrial Psychology and People management

non-credit bearing available on request

Eleven months Honours degree in Human resources management, industrial Psychology or Psychology. Have at least three years’ relevant work experience

stephan Ferreira

research methodology Online

department:industrial Psychology and People management

16 Credits available on request

three months an Honours or master’s degree in the social sciences. Be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

stephan Ferreira

Human Capital on-boarding for HC Professionals

department: industrial Psychology and People management

60 Credits available on request

six to eight months a formal qualification in the field of Human resources is not compulsory however would be beneficial. the assumption is that the majority of Human Capital (HC) practitioners would at least have a qualification (occupational or foundational) but not necessarily in the field of Human resources

stephan Ferreira

J is great because of global excellence and statureU

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)the Human resources Business Partner (HrBP) – specialist Programme

department: industrial Psychology and People management

60 Credits available on request

six to eight months a formal qualification in the field of Human resources is not compulsory however would be beneficial. the assumption is that the majority of Human Capital (HC) practitioners would at least have a qualification (occupational or foundational) not necessarily in the field of Human resources

stephan Ferreira

Practical Psychometry (internship Programme)

department: industrial Psychology and People management

non-credit bearing available on request

six months(fulltime) (January – June / July –december)

Honours degree in Psychology or industrial Psychology with the completion of the module Psychological assessment

stephan Ferreira

Emerging Leader – Leadership development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

16 Creditsalso available as a non-credit bearing programme

available on request

six to twelve months an appropriate nQF 7 level or a professional degree is required. Further to this a minimum three years working experience is required and prospective students must be recommended for further leadership development by their head of department

Elmarie stapelberg

Executive Leadership development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

16 Creditsalso available as a non-credit bearing programme

available on request

six to twelve months the client nominates the candidates. the candidate must already be in an executive management leadership position. Further to this, it is accepted that if a candidate is provided by the organisation for further executive leadership development that the candidate comes with certain knowledge, understanding cognitive, professional and general skills required for this sLP. uJ reserves the right to accept nominees or not

Elmarie stapelberg

senior Leadership development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

16 Creditsalso available as a non-credit bearing programme

available on request

six to twelve months the client nominates the candidates. the candidate must already be in a senior management leadership position. Further to this, it is accepted that if a candidate is provided by the organisation for further senior leadership development that the candidate comes with certain knowledge, understanding cognitive, professional and general skills required for this sLP. uJ reserves the right to accept nominees or not

Elmarie stapelberg

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)Junior Leadership development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

16 Creditsalso available as a non-credit bearing programme

available on request

six to twelve months the client nominates the candidates. the candidate must already be in a junior management leadership position. Further to this, it is accepted that if a candidate is provided by the organisation for further junior leadership development that the candidate comes with certain knowledge, understanding cognitive, professional and general skills required for this sLP. uJ reserves the right to accept nominees or not

Elmarie stapelberg

Just in time senior Leadership Capacity Building

department: industrial Psychology and People management

non-credit bearing available on request

ten half hour sessions (15 minutes presentation: 15 minute discussion) to complete the sLP over a time period of nine months

appointed into a formal senior management position, being a member of an executive/ senior management team

Elmarie stapelberg

Marketing Management (MM)introduction to retail management

department: marketing management

80 Credits Corporate clients only

minimum six months grade 12 mariëtte

retail management department: marketing management

80 Credits Corporate clients only

minimum six months grade 12 mariëtte

retail support services department: marketing management

80 Credits Corporate clients only

minimum six months grade 12 mariëtte

retail Practice department: marketing management

32 Credits Corporate clients only

minimum of ten days grade 12 mariëtte

advance retail management

department: marketing management

100 Credits Corporate clients only

minimum six months grade 12 + Certificate in retail management


programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Public Management and Governance (PMG)Constitutional and institutional Frameworks: Public administration and governance

Centre for Public management and governance

20 Credits Public sector employees or bridging course for Honours degree

minimum of 3 days grade 12 + or degree for Hons entrance

Prof C J

Basics of the Public Policy Process

Centre for Public management and governance

20 Credits Public sector employees or bridging course for Honours degree

minimum of 3 days grade 12 + or degree for Hons entrance

Prof C J

orientation to Public Hr and Financial management

Centre for Public management and governance

20 Credits Public sector employees or bridging course for Honours degree

minimum of 3 days grade 12 + or degree for Hons entrance

Prof C J

orientation to Public management Functions

Centre for Public management and governance

20 Credits Public sector employees or bridging course for Honours degree

minimum of 3 days grade 12 + or degree for Hons entrance

Prof C J

research methods and Writing skills for Public and development management

Centre for Public management and governance

20 Credits Public sector employees or bridging course for Honours degree

minimum of 3 days grade 12 + or degree for Hons entrance

Prof C J

School of Leadership (SoL)research awareness for Leaders

school of Leadership

nQF 816 Credits

r 15 050.00 9 months a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma achieved at a level that gives the applicant a reasonable chance of reaching the specified outcomes. Prior learning experience connected with work in relevant spheres will be considered


industrial Policy school of Leadership

nQF 816 Credits

r 15 050.00 9 months a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma achieved at a level that gives the applicant a reasonable chance of reaching the specified outcomes. Prior learning experience connected with work in relevant spheres will be considered


J is great because of prestigious partnershipsU

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

School of Leadership (SoL)transitional Justice school of

Leadership nQF 816 Credits

r 15 050.00 9 months a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma achieved at a level that gives the applicant a reasonable chance of reaching the specified outcomes Prior learning experience connected with work in relevant spheres will be considered


strategic diplomacy school of Leadership

nQF 816 Credits

r 15 050.00 9 months a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma achieved at a level that gives the applicant a reasonable chance of reaching the specified outcomes. Prior learning experience connected with work in relevant spheres will be considered


School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)Hospitality management (Block release)

department: Hospitalitymanagement

± r14 000.00 for each year.Qualification obtained over 3 years.

three years with a block of six weeks in each year

grade 12 or equivalent, and must be employed in the Hospitality sector

Pieter van der



introduction to Cultural tourism(Cut1)

department: tourism management

24 Credits r 7000.00 80 Hours grade 12 nicola

Community Based Cultural tourism (Cut2)

department tourism management

20 Credits r 7000.00 80 Hours introduction to Cultural tourism(Cut1)


advanced Cultural tourism(Cut3)

department: tourism management

20 Credits r 7000.00 80 Hours Community Based Cultural tourism (Cut2)


programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

School of Tourism and Hospitality (STH)introduction to tourism management and development

department: tourism management

24 Credits r 7000.00 Five days grade 12 nicola

introduction to tourism department: tourism management

60 Credits r 25 000.00 200 Hoursover 14 weeks(Part-time)

grade 12 nicola

introduction to tourism management Functions

department: tourism management

60 Credits r 25 000.00 200 Hoursover 14 weeks(Part-time)

grade 12 nicola

Centre for Social Entrepreneurship and Social Economy (CSESE)advance social Entrepreneurship Practice

CSESE 44 Credits r 18 500.00 11 months. there will be 4 blocks throughout the year of 5 days per each block, the actual contact time is 8 hours per day

nQF 5 plus at least 5 years’ experience and hold a managerial/supervisory position within a social economy organisation or government department or agency

asset-based socio-economic development

CSESE 8 Credits r 3900.00 three consecutive days. the actual contact time is 8 hours per day

nQF 4 or working for/managing a social enterprise

Business incubator management

CSESE 60 Credits r 17 500.00

three blocks spaced 1 month apart for 15 days (4days, 6 days and 45 days). the actual contact time is 8 hours per day. total 112 hours

nQF 6 plus three to five years’ experience as a middle manager within a social economy organisation (sEo) or small and micro Enterprise (smEs) or government department or agency dealing with business development

Emerging social Enterprise management

CSESE 26 Credits r 8800.00 three months. seven days one day per week. the actual contact time is 8 hours per day

nQF 4 or working for/managing a social enterprise

J is great because of global rankingsU

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

nQF | number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Centre for Small Business Development (CSBD)raa Entrepreneurial development

CSBD nQF 4non-credit bearing

r 1950 commitment fee

six months Full-time Programme

senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement

sibongile thunzini

small Business Enrichment Programme

CSBD nQF 5non-credit bearing

r 2500 commitment fee

12 day Business management Programme implemented over a three month period.

own registered business with minimum of two years business operations


Financial management and Costing

CSBD nQF 4non-credit bearing

r 2500 Five days Potential and existing business owners muzi

Vice-Chancellor’s uJ students innovative Business idea

CSBD not applicable not applicable 12 months uJ registered students only muzi

dr richard maponya annual Conference

CSBD not applicable r 200 3 days Potential and existing business owners muzi

soweto Conversations CSBD not applicable not applicable the CsBd holds conversations on a quarterly basis

Potential and existing business owners muzi

Faculty oF managementContinuing EduCation ProgrammEs

Whole Programmes• Has an nQF of higher than 4/5• Has more than 120 Credits• Lasts one year or longer • the university reserves the right, at any time, should circumstances dictate, to make changes to, or withdraw any of the opportunities on offer.

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Applied Information Systems (AIS)diploma: Bit (di1401) department: applied

information systems360 Credits r 25 920.00 (First

year)three years a senior Certificate meeting the

admission requirements of the aPs score with 24 mathematics or 26 with mathematics Literacy or m-score with mathematics Hg d or sg C. rPL will be applied in accordance with the uJ rPL policy


Bt: it (Bt1406) department: applied information systems

160 Credits r 32 840.00 one year an applicant must hold a national diploma: information technology or an equivalent qualification at nQF Level 6 as determined by a status Committee. all applications that comply with the requirements and have obtained an aggregate of 60% for the prescribed major subjects of their national diploma or equivalent qualification will be considered for admission


BCom: it management (BC1412)

department: applied information systems

360 Credits r 35 700.00 (First year)

students wishing to major in accounting 2 and accounting 3 are required to take rEK1a01 and rEK1B01


J is great because of outstanding study experience and academic performance


J is great because of research excellenceU

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Applied Information Systems (AIS)BCom Hons: it management (H1CitQ)

department: applied information systems

172 Credits r 38 610.00 (Fulltime) r 20 190.00 (Part time)

one year (Fulltime)two years (Part time)

a BCom it management or BCom informatics degree from uJ or equivalent degree from any other university. Candidates with any other BCom degree could apply for admission and will be evaluated by the departmental academic Board. Examples of other degrees that would be considered are BCom information systems or Business information systems. rPL will be applied in accordance with the uJ rPL policy


Post d-dip information systems auditing (Pgd141)

department: applied information systems

128 Credits r 17 800.00 (First year / Part time)

two Years (Part time) a potential student should be in possession of a Baccalaureus degree qualification on nQF level 7 from uJ. Candidates from other universities should be in possession of a Baccalaureus degree qualification on nQF level 7 or the equivalent thereof and could apply for admission to the departmental academic Board which will evaluate each application individually. rPL will be applied in accordance with the uJ rPL policy

in addition to the minimum admission requirements as outlined above, prospective students must obtain a minimum of 60% average in their final year in any appropriate Bachelor’s degree in order to do the Postgraduate diploma in information systems auditing


mCom it management( mCo010)

department: applied information systems

180 Credits r 15 480.00 (Per year)

Part time a BCom Hons (it management) degree or equivalent degree from any other university on nQF 7/8 with an average of at least 60% for the honours degree


programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Business Management (BM)Higher Certificate in Business management

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


Higher Certificate in Business management: Business analysis

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


Higher Certificate in Business management: operations and Productivity

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


Higher Certificate in Business management: risk management

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


Higher Certificate in Business management: Project management

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


Higher Certificate in Business management: Change management

department: Business management

nQF 5120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year senior Certificate with Certificate Endorsement


advanced Certificate in Business management

department: Business management

nQF 6120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year HCBm01 Yvette

advanced Certificate in Business management: Business analysis

department: Business management

nQF 6120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year HCBm02 Yvette

advanced Certificate in Business management: operations and Productivity

department: Business management

nQF 6120

r 34 740.00 one year HCBm03 Yvette

advanced Certificate in Business management: risk management

department: Business management

nQF 6120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year HCBm04 Yvette

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Business Management (BM)advanced Certificate in Business management: Project management

department: Business management

nQF 6120 Credits

r34 740.00 one year HCBm05 Yvette

advanced Certificate in Business management: Change management

department: Business management

nQF 6120 Credits

r 34 740.00 one year HCBm08 Yvette

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)Certificate in Education, training and development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

120 Credits available on request

one year nsC or gr 12 or equivalent qualification with mathematics and English (second language level or equivalent will be acceptable)must be employed with little or no experience in Hrmust be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

agnes maloka

Higher Certificate in Education, training and development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

120 Credits available on request

18 months. Four compulsory study schools

Employed with at least three years’ operational experience in Etd;grade 12, nsC or equivalent with mathematics and English (second language level or its equivalent will be acceptable);Fluency in English writing and speaking;must be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

agnes maloka

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)diploma in Education, training and development

department: industrial Psychology and People management

250 Credits available on request

Eighteen months programme

must have a higher certificate in EtdEmployed with at least five years’ operational experience in Etd;grade 12, nsC or equivalent with mathematics and English (second language level or its equivalent will be acceptable);Fluency in English writing and speaking;must be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

agnes maloka

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Industrial Psychology and People Management (IPPM)diploma in Human resource management and Practices

department: industrial Psychology and People management

250 Credits available on request

twenty-four months programme

Employed with at least three years’ operational experience in Etd Hrm across a minimum of 2 roles;grade 12, nsC or equivalent with mathematics and English (second language level or its equivalent will be acceptable);Fluency in English writing and speaking;must be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

agnes maloka

Certificate in Human resource management

department: industrial Psychology and People management

140 Credits available on request

one year (Part-time) nsC or gr 12 or equivalent qualification with mathematics and English (second language level or equivalent will be acceptable)must be employed with little or no experience in Hrmust be computer literate in microsoft office and have access to the internet

agnes maloka

Marketing Management (MM)Higher Certificate in marketing and sales

department: marketing management

120 Credits r 25 400.00 minimumone year

grade 12 dr marius

Certificate in marketing and Customer Centricity


120 Credits r 17 260.00 minimumone year

grade 12 Prof CF de

J is great because of prestigious global partnershipsU

programmeDepartment anD Faculty

number oF creDits

cost Duration aDmission reQuirements contact person

Public Management and Governance (PMG)Higher Certifi cate in municipal governance

department: Public management and governance

nQF 5120 Credits

r 21 000.00 one year grade 12 magriet snyman or Zeenat Jansen

advanced Certifi cate in municipal governance

department: Public management and governance

nQF 6120 Credits

r 24 000.00 one year Higher or national Certifi cate in municipal governance – nQF Level 5

magriet snyman Zeenat Jansen

Transport and Supply Chain Management (TSCM)transport and supply Chain management Bridging

department: transport and supply Chain management

nQF 563 Credits

r 7 390.00 one year grade 12 debbie

diploma in transportation management

department: transport and supply Chain management

nQF 6 r 13 250.00 three Years grade 12 with diploma endorsement iris

diploma in road transport management

department: transport and supply Chain management

nQF 6 r 13 240.00 three Years grade 12 with diploma endorsement Helena

diploma in Logistics management

department: transport and supply Chain management

nQF 6 r 22 360.00 three Years grade 12 with diploma endorsement Bonakele

Logistics and Purchasing department: transport and supply Chain management

nQF 6 Fees connected to the diploma in Logistics (Full time)

one Year Bridging to B techstudents from other universities to bridge to B-tech Logisticsstudents sit in with the Full time diploma in Logistics
