Content & Omnichannel Reality

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Transcript of Content & Omnichannel Reality


Content &

Omnichannel Reality

Content Strategy Applied USA 2014 November 17, 2014


Some Introductions

Rebecca Schneider

o President, Azzard Consulting• Content Strategy Services & Staffing Firm

o 19 Years experience in Information Management

o Industries: Retail, Auto Manufacturing, Financial Services,

Telecommunications, Luxury Goods

o Twitter: #azzardconsult


My Topics for Today . . .

Content Strategy Approach & Omnio 10,000 Foot Overview

o Content Prioritization

Content Productiono Value Proposition for Content

o Cross-Team Planning

o Internal & External (buy vs. build)

o Content Production Systems

o Taxonomy & Tagging

Social & SEO

Strategies for Successo Metrics

o Keep in mind . . .

Content Strategy

Approach & Omni


CS Approach - Overview

Where do you start?

o Define overall marketing strategy (largely channel independent)• Describe your customer

• Define your business goals

• Create personas (or similar mechanism)

• Describe the customer journey and what channels will resonate

o Planning• What are your content priorities? Channel priorities?

• Who needs to be involved?

• Externally (e.g. agencies, content creators)

• Internally (e.g. business units, IT)

• Who needs to buy in? What are the political ramifications?

• What else is going on? (IT initiatives, budget cycles, marketing campaigns)

• Is this effort dove-tailing with a website redesign or CMS implementation?

• What is a realistic high-level timeline for rollout (staggered is best)?

• How will you measure results (positive or negative)


Content Priorities

How do you prioritize?

To give everything a high priority is to give it no priority at all.

o Remember the Customer• Who they are

• How they shop

• How they consume information

o Single View of Customer• Customer purchase data

• Customer-entered profile

• 3rd party data (e.g. household information)

o Different approaches may be necessary for different types of

customers• Affects planning and prioritization

• May require different kinds of resources


Content Priorities (cont.)

o Prioritize Your Channels• What channels do your customers use?

• Some channels may be tightly bound (e.g. store and desktop web –

pickup )

o Small Successes• Small successes can yield broad returns

• The Big Bang approach can be difficult

• Focus on the key Channels and bring additional channels later.

• Even reducing the number of times a call center has to ask for

identification number (or other) would be a bonus

• Integration with systems and collaboration with IT will be important

• What sounds great in theory, may not work in real life

o Define Metrics and Benchmarks• Data can assist in future planning

Content Production


Value Proposition for Content

Why should the customer engage?

Customero Who needs to know it and for what purpose?

o What do they value the most?

Contexto What is the customer context?

• What is the primary entry into the omni-channel experience?

• What content needs to exists in all channels?

o What is the company or organization offering?• Why would a customer purchase or consume goods/services?

o How can customer find, understand and navigate these offerings

throughout the customer journey?

Assessmento Are there alternatives elsewhere?

o What evidence is available to validate the value proposition?


Cross-Team Planning

How will you create/manage content on a day-to-day basis?

o How will content and content production be managed and

governed?• Roles and responsibilities

• Charting content across channels; Content triggers

o Who will be involved?• Content creators

• Stakeholders (business units, IT, etc.)

o Will you engage external content providers?

o What is your content production calendar (beyond campaigns)?

o What are the measures of success that can be used for each



Internal & External Providers

Who will create and maintain content?

o Conduct evaluation of your current content (keep/kill/edit)

• Content inventories and audits

• Gap analysis

o Evaluate future content needs against resources.

o External providers may be an option if:

• Internal resources cannot be expanded

• Subject matter expertise is not readily available in-house

Stale content will undermine the omni-channel experience.


Content Production Systems

What systems will be used to maintain content?

o Do these systems already exist?

o Can these systems talk to one another (either directly or through a

bridging mechanism)?

o Do these systems use the same language (taxonomy)?

• Business Address

• Address of Business Customer

• Work Address of Customer

o How will the triggers and/or customer data be communicated from

one system to another?

• Point of Sale > CRM > Web Profile


Taxonomy & Tagging

How will taxonomy and tagging be used to support the omni-channel


o Do taxonomies already exist?

o Are taxonomies governed across the organization?

o Is terminology and tagging consistent across systems?

o Is tagging leveraged for cross-sell and upsell?

o How is tagging used for analytics and terminology used to inform

SEO and Social (e.g. microformats and associated descriptive


Social & SEO


Content & SEO

How do you help people find out about your goods/services?

If you want to rank higher in Google you need to have good unique

content and plenty of it.

Matt Cutts, Google

April 16, 2014

o Good Content = Good SEO

o Focus on original content

o Be cautious of over-optimization (don’t try so hard)

o Optimize for external and internal search

o Seek out opportunities to support omni channel, including social


Content & Social

How can you leverage social channels?

o Prioritize specific social channels

o Robust content needs to support social triggers.• Myriad of content types (video, imagery, text, etc.)

o Consider how taxonomy can support social• Color Terms in Rich Pins (Pinterest)

o Social needs to be part of content planning (beyond campaigns)

and content production

o Use social listening to help identify communities and content ideas

o Focus on social outlets that resonate with your customers.

Strategies for Success



How do you know if you’ve been successful?

o Channel interactions: is the journey effective?• Trending content

• Conversion rates post-content interaction.

o User satisfaction: is the customer satisfied with the Omni

experience?• Sharing on social

• Downloaded content

• Survey data

• Bounce & exit rates


Metrics by Platform

o Smartphones• Orientation changes

• Use of social media

• Acceptance of location awareness prompts

• Location of use (in-store?)

o Tablet• Use of specialized app vs. website

• Conversion rates

• What is sold in an app vs. website (mobile or


o Cross Platform• Use of content between platforms

• Switching from mobile to desktop to app experience

• Commodity content – preferred method of ingestion


Keep in mind . . .

o Your customers and their context

o Small successes are the foundation for arriving at long-term goals

o Do not underestimate technical implications of strategic decisions

o Organizational acceptance of omni-channel can be difficult due to

company incentive structure; redefinition of revenue attribution

may be required

o Measure and (re) Measure• Course correct based on metrics analysis

o Plan, Plan, Plan• And execute!

Thank You!


Contact Information

o Email:

o Web:

o Twitter: @azzardconsult