Connecting Through Social Media (NCSSSMST 2011)

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Connecting Through Social Media (NCSSSMST 2011)

What is Social Media?Social media is media designed to be

disseminated through social interaction, created using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques.

Social media uses Internet and web-based technologies to transform broadcast media monologues (one to many) into social media dialogues (many to many).

What is Social Media?It supports the democratization of knowledge and

information, transforming people from content consumers into content producers.

Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user-generated content“.

Why NotSocial Media?• Who cares what I had for breakfast?

• I just don’t get it. What’s the point?• It’s all so new. I think I’ll wait it out

and check back later on.• I’m not a fan of putting my personal

information online. I like my privacy.• I don’t need your validation.• WHO CARES?

Why Social Media?• Replicates one-to-one communication in an

online forum.• Allows users to connect with individuals in

personal and global networks.• Helps to manage streams of information

from friends, family members, organizations, and businesses with ease.

• Acts as a springboard for discussing relevant issues within our life and community.


Facebook•• The internet’s largest social media website.

As of last week, Facebook had over 400 MILLION users.

• Utilized by individuals, organizations, and businesses.

• In-depth privacy settings.• Commitment to long-term growth and

scalability.• Facebook Connect and Project Titan

Facebook Mobile



Vimeo•• Video sharing website initially created

for filmmakers and producers.• Allows users to share videos longer

than 10 minutes in length.• Embed and share videos in high

definition across websites and blogs.• Now allows users to share videos in

iPhone H.264 format.

Linked In

Linked In•• A social network directly primarily to

professional audiences.• A key method of sharing professional

information, such as a CV or resume.• Less cluttered and with a clear focus.• A great place to begin.


YouTube•• By far the internet’s largest video

sharing website.• Content ranging from viral videos,

family movies, and advertisements.• Experimenting with offering full-

length movies on demand.


Flickr•• Largest website exclusively

dedicated to photo sharing.• Includes the ability to download high-

resolution versions of photos.• Share slideshows with friends or

embed them in your blog/website.• Export photos to Facebook.


Twitter•• Solidified the concept of “micro-blogging” as

all updates are less than 140 characters.• First adopted by celebrities and news media,

now utilized by individuals and businesses.• More than any other network, intended to be

a part of the “real-time web.”• Share photos, videos, and music through

third-party websites.• Best used for horizontal blogging.

#gifted on Twitter• @GattonAcademy

• @giftedstudies• @DeborahMersino• @NAGCGifted• @PrufrockPress• @DukeTIP• @DavidsonGifted• @JeanneBernish

Twitter Chats• Mon. #ecosys, 9 pm EST• Mon. #musedchat, 8 pm EST• Mon. #hsc, 8 pm EST• Tues. #edchat, N & 7 pm EST• Wed. #ptchat, 9 pm EST • Wed. #smchat, 1 pm EST

Twitter Chats• Thur. #onecom, N & 7 pm EST• Thur. #lrnchat, 8:30 pm EST• Thur. #blacked, 9 pm EST• Thur. #innochat, varies• Fri. #gtchat, N & 7 pm EST

#gtchat• Conducted each Friday at Noon and 7

p.m. EST on Twitter.• Each session has a different topic

focusing on an aspect of gifted education.

• Conducted using the #gtchat hashtag.

• A great way to connect with gifted advocates across the globe.

Previous #gtchats• Delving into the Digital Age

• Meeting Social and Emotional Needs• Igniting Advocacy and Propelling

Optimism• Coping with GT Cuts• Asynchronous Development• Twice Exceptional Gifted StudentsTranscripts from previous chats online at

Future #gtchats• Exploring Homework: Battleground and/or

bliss.• Parenting the Gifted: Boundaries, Combat,

and Joy• Homeschool? Pros, Cons & Strategies for

Success• Stressed Out Gifted Kids: Finding Balance

Today• Passion Discovery: Helping Gifted Kids

Find Inspiration

How To Chat• Find and use the #hashtag.• Use a Twitter chat tool to

monitor and observe the conversation.• Tweet using chat basics.• Get involved. Comment. Share.

What the Hashtag?!


HootSuite & Chats

Put it all together…

Put it All Together• Add social media icons to the

homepage of your blog or website.• Several tools to share and combine

social media feeds, rather than individually maintaining, such as Selective Tweets.

• Pick the format that works best for you and begin there. Not all social networks are for everyone.

Social Media DON’Ts• Post a profile photo that is overly goofy or might

alienate your audience. Your profile photo is often the most visible item.

• Post anything you wouldn’t want your mom or boss to see.

• Spam your audience with useless information, promotional messages, or game notifications.

• Use social media for self-promotion, unless it’s a business. Even then, one-way communication isn’t in the spirit of social media.

• Goad or antagonize others.• Leave everything wide open without making use of any

privacy setting.

Social Media DO’s• Post a profile photo that represents you in a

thoughtful, professional manner.• Be concise, while highlighting the things that

make you…well…you.• Share content that highlights your interests

and professional expertise.• Utilize social media platforms for discussions.• Keep a polite and measured tone at all times.• Make use of privacy settings.

10 Must-Have Policy Items

1) Introduce the purpose of social media.

2) Be responsible for what you write.3) Be authentic in every word and

interaction.4) Exercise good judgment in all you do.5) Consider your audience and build

from there.

10 Must-Have Policy Items

6) Understand the concept of community, and realize it’s primacy.

7) Respect copyright and fair use.8) Remember to protect confidential

and proprietary information.9) Bring value to the discussion.10) Make it matter.

10 Must-Have Policy Items

A BONUS MUST-HAVE:Have a plan that

you intend to see through.

A lot of use comes through trial and error;however, before you begin, know what you

want to get out of social media before typing your first word.

Websites for More Info

http://www.mashable.comThe internet’s premiere news website dedicated to social media.

http://giftedperspective.typepad.comArticle series “Gifted Education and Twitter: How Social Networking Can Propel Advocacy and Learning”

The Gatton Academy


Center for Gifted Studies


Gatton to Go iPhone App

For More InformationCorey Alderdice

The Gatton Academy

Email: corey.alderdice@wku.eduTwitter: @innervationFacebook: