Conf Prog 1 - Dec Program_0.pdfRings with RhinoGold and Rhinoceros 3D David Hyde...

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Transcript of Conf Prog 1 - Dec Program_0.pdfRings with RhinoGold and Rhinoceros 3D David Hyde...

Workshop DayHands On

Metro Based: Box Hill Institute Wednesday 4th December 2013


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DATTA VIC welcomes you to our Annual Hands On Workshop Day and to the Box Hill Institute. This year’s progam

offers you a range of practical hands on workshops which will further support your teaching practice of Product

Design and Technology and Systems Engineering.

This year we will host our live student competition “So You Think You Can Design” for students specialising in Textiles

for the first time. Students from different schools will compete with each other in various design related tasks from

creating mood boards, design illustrations and mock ups of final designs. Challenges will be completed throughout

Friday, so make sure you head over and see what the students are creating! This event is intended to highlight new

techniques and possibilities within Product Design and Technology as well as provide some entertainment and a

healthy dose of inspiration!


8.00am - 8.45am Registration, Tea & Coffee

8.45am - 9.00am Welcome from the DATTA Vic President

9.00am - 11.00am Session 1 Workshops

11.00am - 11.20am Morning Tea

11.20am - 1.20pm Session 2 Workshops

1.20pm - 2.00pm Lunch

2.00pm - 4.00pm Session 3 Workshops

4.00pm Close

w e t (03) 9349 1538

WORKSHOP OVERVIEWWednesday 4th December 2013 8.00am - 8.45am Registration, Tea & Co�ee

8.45am - 9.00am Welcome from the President of DATTA Vic, Jill Livett

9.00am - 11.00am Workshops Session 1

Workshop 19.00am - 11.00amRoom: Botanical Eco-Dyeing

Jo Roszkowski

11.00am - 11.20am Morning Tea

11.20am - 1.20pm Workshops Session 2

Workshop 29.00am - 11.00amRoom: Using Solderless Breadboards

John Glancy

Workshop 39.00am - 11.00amRoom: How To Make A Pendant

Joanne Mason

Workshop 49.00am - 11.00amRoom: Plain Is Best: MakingChairs Using Plywood

Joanne Heide

Workshop 59.00am - 11.00amRoom: Google Sketchup

Luke Dicker

Workshop 69.00am - 11.00amRoom: Zoo Poo Animals

Stephen Parsons

Workshop 911.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Crocodile Technology:Basic Electronic Circuit

Foster Adem

Workshop 1011.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Creative Metal

Andrew Gordan

Workshop 79.00am - 11.00amRoom:Introduction To The New Technologies Curriculum

Jill Livett

Workshop 89.00am - 11.00amRoom:

Build A Picaxe 14 M Microcontroller.

Pat McMahon

Workshop 1111.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Fashion Illustration &Collage

Tania Di Berardino

Workshop 1211.20am - 1.20pmRoom: There’s A New RobotIn Class EV3

Libby Moore

Workshop 1311.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Stitching up MelbourneNow

Grace Di Muzio

Workshop 1411.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Introduction to Making Rings with RhinoGold and Rhinoceros 3D

David Hyde

Workshop 1511.20am - 1.20pmRoom: Vacuum Forming

Peter Murphy

Workshop 1611.20am - 1.20pmRoom:Build A School Experimenter Board, ToAttach To Your Picaxe14 M Microcontroller

Pat McMahon

WORKSHOP OVERVIEWWednesday 4th December 2013

1.20pm - 2.00pm Lunch

2.00pm - 4.00pm Workshops Session 3

4.00pm CLOSE

Workshop 182.00pm - 4.00pmRoom: Scraps, Plarn & Eco-Friendly Product & DesignSuzanne Arnott

Workshop 192.00pm - 4.00pmRoom: Porcelain Jewellery &Accessories With Japanese Prints Felicity McNamara

Workshop 202.00pm - 4.00pmRoom: Robotics - Create, Control, Compete

Phil Tallents

Workshop 212.00pm - 4.00pmRoom: Freehand Sketching &Rendering

Andrew Nicholls

Workshop 222.00pm - 4.00pmRoom: 3D Printing Workshop

Scott Phillips

Workshop 232.00pm - 4.00pmRoom:Creating Video ClipsTo Maximise ProductionOutcomes

Lisa Walsh

Workshop 242.00pm - 4.00pmRoom:

Picaxe ProgammingEditor

Pat McMahon

Workshop 252.00pm - 4.00pmRoom:

Kerf & Compound Cutting

Shane Stute

Workshop 1711.20am - 1.20pmRoom:

Introduction To Hand Tools & Basic Joinery TechniquesKen McAlpine

11.20am - 1.20pm Workshops Session 2

So You Think You Can Design: Textiles

This event will be running from 9am until 4.00pm. Delegates are able to visit the space the students will be competing in at any point during the Hands On Workshop Day.



Secondary VCE/VET/VCAL


Wednesday 4th December 2013Session One

Workshop 19.00am - 11.00amRoom:


Botanical Eco-DyeingExplore the use of plants primarily and possibly vegetable matter and iron to produce colour on silk and cotton. Hot bundling will be demonstrated as well as quick leaf prints and each participant will have a sample to take to the classroom. Hand stitching as mark making on fabric may also be explored in the time available.

Jo Roszkowski graduated from Melbourne University as an Art and Craft Teacher in 1989. Since then Jo has taught at 5 girls' schools around Melbourne. She has been teaching VCE Product Design and Technology for the past 3 years. Her own practice as an artist often involves textiles work and Jo exhibited in the Buda textile prize last year. Jo has been blogging as Jo So and Sew for many years on diverse topics and ran a textiles business for a time. Jo loves that an interest in sustainability makes you more resourceful.

Workshop 29.00am - 11.00amRoom:


Using Solderless BreadboardsHands on building of simple electronic circuits using solderless breadboards.

John Glancy is the owner of School Electronic Supplies with many years of experience in the supply and implementation of electronics in education.

Workshop 39.00am - 11.00amRoom:


How To Make A PendantThis session will focus on learning a variety of techniques used in making a copper pendant, including saw piercing, forming, polishing, riveting and enamel painting. Participants will learn fundamental skills such as designing, sawing, filing, emery work and construction. The end result will be a high quality, individual and interest driven piece of wearable jewellery.

Jo Mason is a jewellery teacher at Whittlesea Secondary College and teaches a variety of technology subjects including Plastics, Systems, Woodwork and Robotics. Jo has completed an Advanced Diploma in Engineering Technology at NMIT in 2009 and has since used her skills in a variety of contexts, including teaching. She is interested in experimenting with form and colour, and is drawn to an eclectic range of design concepts.

Workshop 49.00am - 11.00am Room:


Plain Is Best – Making Chairs Using PlywoodPlywood is a plain material, yet it is light and easy to work with. This workshop will look at the current use of plywood in product design and with examples on display; participants will design a small chair and make a prototype using the material.

Joanne Heide moved to the UK from Melbourne in 1999 after obtaining a Graduate Diploma in Educationfrom the University of Melbourne. She remained in the UK for 8 years teaching Design and Technology in London schools. Prior to teaching she obtained a degree in Visual Arts from Monash University and a Post Graduate in Sculpture from the Victorian College of the Arts. While living in the UK she completed a Master of Fine Art through Monash University. She has exhibited her art and design work both in Australia and the UK. In 2007 she moved back to Melbourne and currently teaches Design & Technology and Visual Arts at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College.

Workshop 511.00am - 12.00pmRoom:


Google SketchUpLearn how to draw a 3D table in Sketchup containing realistic biscuit, domino and screw joints. You will learn how to lay a realistic timber texture over your model, pull apart your model and add dimensions for a useful exploded diagram which makes cutting lists a breeze. On completion of the workshop you will also get many pre drawn projects and video tutorials which you can use in your classroom. You must bring a laptop and a mouse (do not use your laptop touch pad as it is 3 times slower to navigate).


Workshop 5 Continued

Luke Dicker is currently a woodwork, metalwork and visual communications teacher from Marist-Sion College Warragul who uses Sketchup on a daily basis as a teaching aid.

Workshop 69.00am - 11.00amRoom:


Zoo Poo AnimalsDesign project for Year 7 or Year 8 students. Work through the design process with your students in a disgustingly fun project that engages them through all aspects of the design process and heads them in the right direction for VCE Product Design & Technology. Get to make wooden Zoo Poo Animal (to take home!).

Stephen Parsons has a B.Ed (Design Technology) and a BA (Fine Art - Sculpture). He is a Design Technology Teacher, and has worked in London, the Caribbean, and now Sunbury.

Workshop 79.00am - 11.00amRoom:


Introduction To The New TechnologiesCurriculumThe Technologies Curriculum has been in development over the past two years and is now in the final draft stages before implementation. Find out what the curriculum contains, what we are already covering well through our VELS curriculum, and what we need to expand and adapt to address the new curriculum. This is a great opportunity to become familiar with main points of an expansive curriculum document, work on curriculum ideas that match the requirements of the new curriculum and to ask questions about what it all means in your classroom and in your school.

Jill Livett is President of DATTA Vic, secretary of DATTA Aus and currently teaching Design and Technology to Middle Year students at Overnewton Anglican Community College (Melbourne). She has 25 years experience in teaching D&T at middle and senior secondary level, teaching in the material areas of wood with some metal and plastics, textiles and simple systems. For the last 5 years, she has also taught Tertiary Technology methods classes in a number of universities.

Workshop 8 (Compliments workshops 16 & 24)9.00am - 11.00am Room:


Build A Picaxe 14 M MicrocontrollerParticipants will build and take away a School Electronic Supplies (SES) Picaxe 14M Microcontroller.

Pat McMahon has had in the last 7 years, over 2000 students from Years 7 to 10 build a Picaxe Microcontroller and control some great award winning models, samples will be on display. Pat has been fortunate to have shown his students’ work overseas and has received 5 various Australian, State and Regional Innovative/Outstanding/Excellence, Teacher of the Year Awards.

$25.00 per Set

On Sale Now!

For details go to the Registration Desk or the Datta Vic website



Secondary VCE/VET/VCAL


Wednesday 4th December 2013Session Two

Workshop 911.20am - 1.20pmRoom:


Crocodile Technology: Basic Electronic CircuitParticipants will have access to Crocodile Technology V1.53, (or later) software in a computer laboratory. The objective is to explore the potential of the software and to design/model basic electronic circuits for the Scorpio Belt driven model vehicle. * Particpants will need to bring their own laptopsto this session.

Foster Adem has a Diploma of Art and Design Prahran CAE, Industrial Experience with Radio Corporation (Astor, TV Engineering), and later Phillips Industries. Originally trained as a Technical Schools Teacher (TTTC Art Method). Foster spent 7 years in the Art Department at Shepparton Technical College (Secondary and TAFE) and 16 years as an Education Lecturer at The Hawthorn Institute of Education, where he was Course Leader of Technology Education. He completed a Bachelor of Education and Master of Educational Studies at Monash University. He currentlyworks at Trinity Grammar School as the Head of Design and Technology Faculty.

Workshop 1011.20am - 1.20pmRoom:


Creative MetalShowing people how to be creative with sheet metal with minimal equipment and cost in materials. Quick and easy projects for students which lets them be as creative as they like and use their imagination.

Andrew Gordan has been teaching for 13 years. Andrew teaches Technology from years 7-12 and teaches in 3 other TL areas. His students have been making "creative" projects (mainly years 7-9) with sheet metal for the past 5 years and the work is simply outstanding.

Workshop 1111.20am - 1.20pmRoom:


Fashion Illustration & CollageParticipants will have the opportunity to use copic

markers as well as other drawing tools to create one off designs which will add flair and originality to anystudent folio. We will then enhance the illustrations with a range of collage materials. This workshop will teach you techniques and tricks to share with your secondary students.

Tania Di Berardino is currently working for Zart Art as a consultant, prior to Zart, Tania worked for Kraft Kolour as a consultant. She has a Bachelor of Fine Art and is a member of the Paper Makers of Victoria. She is a practising and exhibiting Artist.

Workshop 1211.20am - 1.20pm Room:


There’s A New Robot In Class: EV3Ignite student engagement and energise learning through the use of LEGO Mindstorms Education EV3 in your classroom. This hands-on workshop will show you how to have your students exercise creative problem solving and team working skills while deepening their understanding of digital technologies, design and technologies, processes and understanding. The new software provides an integrated digital learning experience where students can add text, images and video to create and present projects. They can build a portfolio to share their work with teachers for assessment. The content editor allows teachers to customise curriculum material for specific teaching requirements. Your biggest challenge will be getting students to leave your classroom!

Libby Moore is the owner of Moore Educational and LEGO Education Centres in Docklands and Southbank, Brisbane. She supplies all schools around Australia with LEGO Education resources and runs hands-on workshops for teachers and school children on Mechanisms, Construction and Robotics. For more information go to

Workshop 1311.20am - 1.20pm Room:


Stitching Up Melbourne NowMelbourne Now celebrates the latest art, design and architecture produced in this city. It takes as its premise the idea that a city is significantly shaped by


Workshop 13 Continuedthe artists, designers and architects who live and work there. This workshop will showcase the dynamic fashion, textiles and design within the Melbourne Now exhibition at the National Gallery of Victoria as well as a practical textiles workshop. Participants will experiment with a range of machine embroidery, stitch and surface fabric manipulation techniques and how these can be incorporated within textiles projects within the classroom.

Workshop includes:• A very short introduction to the Melbourne Now Exhibition at the NGV• Free form machine embroidery techniques• Collage and fabric manipulation processes.

Most equipment and materials provided. Participants may like to bring their own scissors, pins, sewing cottons and any favourite small pieces of fabric that could be included in the finished project. Sewing machine and darning foot required. (All participants will be advised about equipment prior to conference)

Grace Di Muzio completed a Bachelor of Arts and Crafts at Melbourne State College in 1986. She has had extensive experience teaching art, design and ICT in a number of secondary schools in Melbourne, before joining the National Gallery of Victoria as an Educator in 2007. She has a particular interest in developing education programs which enrich studies of English, History, LOTE, Psychology and Design through engagement with art.

Workshop 1411.20am - 1.20pmRoom:


Modelling 3D Jewellery with Rhino & RhinoGoldRhino (Rhinoceros 3D) is powerful NURBS based tool for general modelling and CAD manufacturing or 3D printing in particular. RhinoGold is an application that utilises Rhino completely while adding its own interface and extraordinary tools for making jewellery. RhinoGold is essentially a jeweller’s tool to make 3D jewellery efficiently.

In this hands-on session you will experience both Rhino and RhinoGold to make some simple items and prepare them for 3D printing.

The session will have initial instruction but break into self-paced learning using training movies specially prepared for this session. You will be able to confidently and comfortably work at your own pace with assistance as necessary. This technique has proven very successful at Box Hill and our students enjoy this method of learning.

You may take all learning material with you for further practice or revision.

Areas covered:• Introduction to the interface tools and features.• Size and create a simple ring.• Select and Apply gemstones.• Create prongs.• Use a gem drilling tool.• Add a maker’s mark to the shank.• Apply precious metals to a model.• Check and analyse a model.• Export for 3D printing.• Plus, more from optional extra movies.

Please bring:• Headphones or earplugs.• USB stick or drive.• Note taking material and pen.

For further information David Hyde originally trained as a Graphic Designer at Swinburne University and later obtained a Graduate Dipolma in Education from Melbourne. He then spent nine years teaching Visual Communication (7-12), Ceramics, Art/Craft, Photography, Wood and some Jewellery at secondary colleges. Moving to Box Hill TAFE to take the role of Program Coordinator for the Diploma of Graphic Art at Box Hill TAFE, David helped to lift the course into the digital age of Electronic Prepress, Digital Design and Digital Illustration. This course maintained a full employment of graduates throughout the period 1989-2001. Subsequently, he has developed and coordinated courses from Certificate 3 to Advanced Diploma level in Graphic Design, Video Production, Multimedia, Interactive Digital Media, Motion Graphics and Visual Effects. More recently he has developed delivery for the Diploma of Interior Design in 3D Modeling and Rendering Interiors, Advanced Diploma of Jewellery & Object Design 3D Modeling for 3D Prototyping. David describes himself as a Digital Designer with traditional origins and enjoys the challenge of the new. He engages professionally in Print Design, Digital Photography and Retouching and occasional Web Design with projects ranging from corporate ID, Branding and Signage to 3D sunglasses for manufacture.

Workshop 1511.20am - 1.20pmRoom:


Vacuum FormingWant a vacuum former but not sure how to justify it to your school?


Workshop 15 ContinuedGot a vacuum former but not sure how to use it? Or just looking for new ideas?All attendees will get an opportunity to make a simple mould and operate a vacuum former.

Peter Murphy trained as an Industrial Designer in the UK. He worked for retail designers Dollar Rae and also co-founded the design consultancy Go 90 in Glasgow. Following a period working in further education, Peter taught English in Berlin for 3 years. He moved to Melbourne in 2009 to pursue a Graduate Diploma in Secondary Education at Victoria University. He is Technology Co-ordinator at Simonds Catholic College and teaches Product Design and Technology Yrs 8-12. Peter was part of the 2011 Product Design & Technology VCE review panel, has published teacher support material for VCE Unit 1 PD&T and is the creator of So You Think You Can Design. More recently Peter has been part of the VCAA expert panel charged with reviewing and trialing the national curiculum for Design and Technology.

Workshop 16 (Compliments Workshops 8 & 24)11.20am - 1.20pm Room:


Build A School Experimenter Board, To Attach To Your Picaxe 14 M MicrocontrollerParticipants will build and take away a School Electronic Supplies (SES) School Experimenter Board, to attach to their own Picaxe 14M Microcontroller.

Pat McMahon

Workshop 17 11.20am - 1.20pm Room:


Basic Joinery Techniques With A Small ProjectThis workshop will focus on hand and smaller portable power tools with an emphasis on technique

and health and safety considerations. This workshop is particularly relevant to teachers new to or transferring over to teaching PD&T for the first time. In this workshop we will cover some joinery techniques, suggested exercises and some small project ideas. Ideal for middle school year levels (years 7, 8 & 9). Teachers are invited to bring along and exhibit/discuss their own projects.

Ken McAlpine has taught Design Technology for 20 years in both government and independent schools in Australia and the United Kingdom.

He has specialised in working with wood, metal and acrylic. In 2002 Ken won a National Woodwork Design Award when he recycled a block of left over Blackwood, previously used as a door stop, to create an electric violin. The experience taught him the importance of acquiring a good practical understanding of hand tools which were utilised for over 90% of the violin's construction. Ken believes a good understanding of the basic rudiments of hand tools is an essential prerequisite if a student is to develop the skills required to create projects to a high standard.

The DATTA Vic Support Material for VCE Product Design and Technology

2012 - 2016 is now available!

Save $50.00 when you buy the set.

For further information go to the Registration Desk or visit our website

Wednesday 4th December 2013Session Three

Workshop 182.00pm - 4.00pmRoom:


Scraps, Plarn & Eco-Friendly Product & DesignThis workshop will focus on a range of design and production tasks using those pesky scraps every textiles room accumulates or is donated. Patchwork including crazy patchwork, seminole patchwork, traditional patchwork and applique techniques using fusible webbing. We will also create plarn - plastic yarn, which can be used and reduce the landfill created by plastic bags, to create more practical and better looking re-usable bags created with knitting and crochet techniques. Participants will create at least one eco-friendly product, and notes supplied will guide you through the creation of others.

Suzanne Arnott is a passionate user of Technology in the classroom, both traditional and digital. She has taught Textiles for over 25 years, as well as teaching Digital Technologies for over 15 years. She is excited by the potential for 21st Century teaching and learning using new technology such as mobile devices and cloud computing.

Workshop 192.00pm - 4.00pmRoom:


Porcelain Jewellery & Accessories with Japanese PrintsUsing the Japanese technique of Tissue Transfer decoration on to porcelain, create pieces for use as brooches, earrings, beads or necklaces. It is so easy to create beautiful pottery and ceramic pieces with tissue transfer papers. Made by a copper plateprinting process which uses ceramic pigments, transfer papers come in a variety of designs and colours, some even creating a raised print on the finished surface. These Japanese made transfers makes application directly onto raw clay, leather hard, greenware and bisque so simple.

Felicity McNamara is currently a Product Design and Technology Teacher from years 8-12 at Carey Baptist Grammar school. Felicity has been teaching for 10 years. Previously she studied Furniture Design before becoming teacher.



Secondary VCE/VET/VCAL


Workshop 202.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


Robotics - Create Control CompeteGet Hands-On Robotics experience with the new PicoDriver module and PicoFlow Alpha software from PicoKit with the new 'open' PicoPi Digital Manufactured Robot Chassis.

Prospective Activities: - Assembling the Robot platform - Flowchart programming with PicoFlow Alpha - Controlling Plug-In modules: Digital Inputs; Analogue Inputs; LED Outputs; Servo Motors; DC Bidirectional gear motors; Infrared and 2.4GHz wireless control modules; LCD Display Modules- Test your skills in a Line-following or Sumo robot competition.

*Please bring your own laptops to this session. Software for this session will be sent to attendees before the workshop for attendees to download ready for the session.

PicoDriver control board, PicoPi robot chassis, and the plug-in control modules were Inspired by David Oswald from King's Christian College on the Gold Coast for his lunch-time robotics electives. This solution was Designed and Developed by Philip Tallents, business owner of PicoKit (electronic kits), developer of the PicoFlow Alpha Software, and teacher of Industrial Technology at Grace Lutheran College (in QLD) for six years.

Workshop 212.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


Freehand Sketching & RenderingA major hurdle that all students experience is the ability to depict the form of their designs in a way that communicates the design's structure, style, material or finished assembly. Participants of this workshop will learn how to develop their student's ability to freehand sketch designs using essential forms and views. Participants will then discover how, through the simple application of coloured pencil, markers and other media, a simple illustration of a design concept can be achieved.


Workshop 21 Continued

Andrew Nicholls is a qualified Industrial Designer, Teacher and author. He has worked in a number of design industries including Industrial, Graphic, Point of Sale, Kitchen and Project Management. Andrew currently teaches Visual Arts, Technology & Designand Information Communication Technology at Wallan Secondary College. He is a past council member and President of Visual Communication Victoria (VCV). He has been a workshop presenter at VCV and DATTA conferences in the areas of Technical Drawing, Model-making, Digital Illustration, CAD, and Thinking Skills. Throughout his teaching career Andrew hasbeen involved in the development of curriculum assessment, documentation and examination.

Workshop 222.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


3D Printing WorkshopCome and learn about the new 3D printing technologies that are changing the world! In this workshop you will get to see 3D printers in operation and how you can take an idea and turn it into an actual object. From small plastic knick-knacks to medical applications, architecture, chocolate and robots; we'll show you some of the amazing 3D printing projects from around the world and how easy it is for you to be involved. You will learn how to access online repositories of printable 3D objects and learn about the various 3D printing technologies available. This introductory workshop requires no prior experience with 3D printing or advanced computer skills, and is a great way to understand how 3D printing will change the way we make things.

Scott Phillips runs which provides 3D printing workshops to schools and to the public, as well as contract 3D printing and design services. also sells a rangeof 3D printers for home, schools and offices, from very affordable desktop machines through to the full range of professional Stratasys FDM and Polyjet 3D printers.

Workshop 23 2.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


Creating Video Clips To Maximise Production OutcomesThis session aims to share my experience with the development of short instructional video clips that have been designed to demonstrate and provide

written and verbal instruction for practical tasks. I have been trialling the clips with students in years 8 and 9 Design & Technology (Textiles) classes, and shared them successfully with senior students. The clips are suited to a learning environment with 1:1 laptops, or where there is access to computers in the classroom. The specific content of the clips can be entirelytailored to your curriculum needs and created with your own voice. Students are able to come to class well prepared, with your personal support at the touch of their track pad. The clips can be uploaded onto Vimeo and shared and viewed via Edmodo. I would like to demonstrate the implicity of recording with an iPhone or similar device and the effective use of iMovie for editing and finishing.

Lisa Walsh studied Arts/Fashion at RMIT University. She worked for several years in the Fashion Industry before working as a freelance pattern maker. Lisa completed the Bachelor/Teaching in 2004 and has been teaching Design & Technology (Textiles) to years 8 through to VCE at Avila College for the past 7 years. Lisa is constantly seeking ways to improve student learning, build confidence and broaden students' repertoire of technical skills. This teamed with Avila College's Mac Laptop program and focus on effective use of ICT has encouraged Lisa to look for ways to improve her students' technology skills and engagement through the use of ICT.

Workshop 24 (Compliments Workshops 8 & 16)2.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


Picaxe Programming EditorParticipants will learn how to simply program their Picaxe 14M Microcontroller using BASIC (Picaxe Programming Editor) and Flowcharts (Logicator). Note - Please bring your own laptop with a Picaxe download cable installed and working. Also download both programs to your laptops prior to the workshop, from the Picaxe website.

Pat McMahon

Workshop 25 2.00pm - 4.00pm Room:


Kerf & Compound CuttingThis workshop is a practical session designed for teachers to gain the skills and knowledge of Kerf Cutting and Compound Cutting of manufactured boards and timber, they will learn how to incorporate angles and curves into different projects. Teachers have the opportunity to design and make


Workshop 25 Continuedjigs which will be used in the process to assemble their shapes. Veneer will also be used in the process to strengthen and support the curves. By learning the correct procedures, this will allow teachers to experiment with the varying ways of cutting material and giving more opportunities to their students to explore.

Shane Stute started an apprenticeship as a furniture maker. He completed his trade at Box Hill College of TAFE and, after 16 years of dedicated service, Shane started his own business designing and making pieces of furniture. He developed a passion for hand polishing and the use of natural resins and oils. This has led him to making violins and cellos which he still continues to do today. This has carried his passion into teaching apprentices in the TAFE Industry and after 12 years he has expanded his teaching this year into Primary, Secondary and VET students.

The scholarship is only open to students studying Year 12 this year. Students awarded the scholarship will receive 50% off their student contribution (to course fees) and must maintain credit average performance throughout their studies. If students are interested (and achieve at least 45 in one of Product Design and Technology or Visual Communication Design) then they’ll need to change their VTAC preference during Change of Preference period and submit the supplementary form before the end of 2013.


Bachelor of Design (various): 4 years full time study

For more details go to:


Every day thousands of students gain understanding, skills and confidence at a Dalmau Workbench.

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Swinburne University of TechnologySwinburne University of TechnologyMelbourne, AustraliaT +61 3 9214 6090E

Register for the Hands On Workshop Day at

Workshop SessionsWorkshop sessions are limited to 15 persons. All participants must bring their own laptop or materials if specified to the workshop. Workshop descriptions and further information for workshops can be found at

Venue DetailsDATTA Vic 2013 Hands On Workshop Day is being held at: Box Hill Institute, 1000 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, VIC 3128.

PricingRegistration includes: workshops, conference satchel, coffee & tea on arrival, morning tea and lunch.

Registration Fees:DATTA Vic Member 1 day: $220Non Member 1 day: $319DATTA Vic CRT Member 1 day: $180 CRT Non Member 1 day: $240 Student 1 day: $33

All prices are inclusive of GST. Registrations forms can be completed online at

CancellationsThere is no refund if less than one week’s notice is given to the DATTA Vic office.

DisclaimerDATTA Vic will not accept liability for damage or loss of any nature sustained by particpants, suppliers, agents, contractors, consultants or their accompanying persons, to their personal property as a result of the DATTA Vic Hands On Workshop Day 2013 or any related events. Program is correct at the time of printing and subject to change without notice. Please accept our apologies for any inconvience caused. Notification of cancelled sessions will be circulated as soon as practical to registered delegates.

Public TransportThe venue can be reached by public transport, with the closest train station being ‘Box Hill’. Trams which stop atWhitehorse Road are numbers 42 and 109. To check further public transport details go to If travelling by car there are public car parks, please refer to the above map.

DATTA Vic Registration

Public Parking