Coaching School Comparison Research - ESC-20 School Comparison Research A comparative study of the...

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Transcript of Coaching School Comparison Research - ESC-20 School Comparison Research A comparative study of the...

July, 2010

Education Service Center, Region 20

Coaching School Comparison Research A comparative study of the top ICF ACTP coaching schools in the continental United States

July 2010

Table of Contents

Project Description 2

Summary of Findings 4

Cumulative Comparison Rubric 5

List of Schools 6 Accomplishment Coaching 7 Adler International 9 College of Executive Coaching 11 Coach Training Institute 13 Coach U 15 Erickson College 17 Fielding Graduate University 19 Georgetown University 21 Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara 23 Institute for Life Coach Training 25 iPEC 27 Integral Coaching 29 Invite Change 31 New Ventures West 33 Newfield Network 35 Results Coaching Systems 37 Strategic Executive Coaching Alliance 39 Success Unlimited Network 42 Teleos Leadership Institute 44 The Forton Group 46 University of Texas at Dallas 48 boas 50 Coach for Life Master Certified Life Coach Program 52 Global Coaching Company 54 Leadership That Works: Coaching for Transformation 56

Project Description Goal: The goal of the Education Service Center, Region 20 (ESC 20) was to conduct a comparative survey of the top ICF ACTP coaching schools with locations in the continental United States. ESC 20 is one of 20 non-regulatory regional education service agencies within Texas. The purpose of the survey was to provide comprehensive information for our use in choosing the best coach training program for our staff and our clients in the south and central regions of Texas. Method: A team of four staff members collected data from each of the schools’ websites, through email inquiry, and from phone conversations with each school and its graduates/alumni. Each school was scored in ten (10) categories with qualifying criterion in each category. The categories were Curriculum Depth and Quality, Training Hours, Trainer Quality, Enrollment/Acceptance Process and Standards, Student Support, Graduate Support, History and Reputation, Website/Brochures, Certification Requirements, and Program Costs/Return on Investment. Criteria were then established in each category and points were assigned according to a numeric rubric. For the purposes of this survey, if the criteria were not located on the website and no credible information was available by other contact methods within a 24 hour time period, no point value was assigned. Category Description:

1. Curriculum Depth and Quality

Since all of the coach training schools were ICF accredited providers, we used the following criteria in determining point levels:

A detailed description of the program was visible in the syllabus or program description demonstrating alignment of the ICF standards and program design. This description included timeline, course content and outcomes.

The overall philosophy of the school’s approach to coaching

The innovation/proprietary nature of the coaching process

Training content presented in stages that built upon one another for maximum understanding and durable skill development.

The level of coaching certification upon completion – ACC, PCC, or MCC

The type of coaching expertise developed – Life, Executive, or Small Business

The amount/quality of practice/business building

The timeline for completion allowed for maximum development. o For example, if the training prepared a student for the MCC level, the timeline for completion should be 10 months or greater.

2. Training Hours

In our search we compared the actual number of training hours between the top schools as well as rated the quality of those hours by the type of training:

Live – in person hours

Live – webinars and teleclasses

Variety of independent study options: books, video, web-based

Number of total hours of training

Convenience/flexibility of training

Required time for program/certification completion

3. Trainer Quality

As trainer quality is so important to the end result of the learning process we chose to evaluate the schools using two criteria in this category:

The level of credentials (ACC, PCC, or MCC) and experience *years in the field and years as a trainer) of the trainers -– was also evaluated and points were given for each level. If the level of the trainers was not evident in the information provided on the website or by other contact methods, no points were assigned.

An established, systematic training process for the training of trainers was also considered. If the website or other contact methods did not indicate how the trainers were chosen and trained no points were assigned.

Founder(s) involved in training delivery

4. Enrollment/Acceptance Process and Standards

To determine how students were chosen for the various schools we compared the student acceptance process using three criteria:

One point was earned if the students were required to contact the coaching school personnel for information about the application/acceptance process.

If there was an online application with a follow-up screening by coaching school personnel or some other type of pre-requisite such as a degree or other coach training another point was earned.

A third point was earned if the website has a clearly articulated acceptance process describing steps for application, admission criteria, and notification procedures.

5. Student Support

This category represents the type of customer service and support the students will experience during the training process. The top schools were compared using three criteria:

Students given contact information for follow up support, so they must contact school personnel for assistance.

Students given printed materials and resources as well as contact information for follow and web links. (Handbooks, online tools, etc)

Students have access to specific web-based resources, handbooks, established coaching networks, and coaching resources, blogs, newsletters, and live ongoing support available.

6. Graduate Support

Under this category, schools were compared using three criteria for the support of students post-graduation:

The type of business support graduates were provided was a major criterion in this category. Points were appointed for marketing materials, methods and approaches for acquiring clients, the provision of a business mentor, and tools for successful business implementation such as contracts, forms, and management structures.

Continuing Education opportunities were available for the graduate counting as CEU for ICF.

Business Support was included in the tuition and not provided as an extra charge.

7. Reputation and History

In determining the rating for this category we evaluated three areas:

The level of involvement of the founder was scored on three levels beginning development, then student access, and as a trainer. In some cases the founder was deceased and so we considered the level of involvement of the CEO or Executive staff. Areas of involvement included ongoing development of program contact or research, level of training involvement – telecourse, blogs, newsletters, live training, webinars, and if the founder’s contact information was available for students.

The number of years the school has conducted business as an ICF ACTP was ranked by levels from 1 to 3 years, 4 to 7 years, and 8+ years

Points were assigned for the number of graduates in increments of 100+ graduates, 1000+ graduates, and over 5000 graduates. The numbers needed to be stated somewhere in the website or no points were assigned.

8. Website/Brochures

This category had several criteria since we gathered all of our information from the website. There were three main areas that we reviewed.

The first was the how “user friendly” the site was, the next was the level of information provided, and the third was the ways to contact the


The factors we considered in determining the “User Friendly” quality of the website were search options, point and clink links for more information or details, and the readability the information. We looked at the match between the information and the subtitle or link, the volume of information provided per page or section, and the size of print and diagrams.

In assessing the information level of a site we assigned points for the inclusion of the school’s history, mission, and philosophy. We also looked at the logistics of the training and the detail provided, the descriptions of the programs and the student commitment, as well as the clear delineation of the costs of the program.

If the costs were not clearly outlined or the viewer was directed to contact the school for the tuition fees, points were not given. If the costs were given for a portion of the program up front and then “hidden” costs were revealed in different areas, points were not given.

If the details of the training program and student time commitment were missing we did not assign points. Highest points were assigned for well informed, detailed information that provided times and dates, module descriptions and outcomes, and FAQ links.

Multiple contacts were defined as phone numbers provided, email, and some other type of social networking site such as Facebook.

9. Certification Requirements

In this category we considered the depth of information provided on the procedures and requirements for certification including applying to ICF and examination processes.

Outline of completion steps, timeline and requirements, and any student assignments

The next area we assessed was the inclusion of the Examination/Certification costs in the total tuition for the program. 10. Program Costs/Return on Investment

In this category, schools were evaluated on the amount of tuition charged for the coach training program. Points were awarded if the total costs of the program, including books, materials, mentoring, coursework, were less than $10,000. Also considered were the products and materials that graduates left with to ensure success.

Summary of Findings The top three schools were the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC), the Coach Training Institute (CTI), and the University of Texas at Dallas. The highest scoring school was iPEC with a total score of 55. IPEC scored the highest points in Curriculum (10 out of 10), History and Reputation (9 out of 9), , Graduate Support (10 out of 10), Student Support (4 out of 4), and Website (9 out of 10). The University of Texas at Dallas scored the highest points in Website (10 out of 10), Graduate Support (9 out of 10), and Student Support (3 out of 4). CTI scored the highest points in Curriculum (9 out of 10), Website (8 out of 10), Trainer Quality (4 out of 4) and History and Reputation (8 out of 10). A breakdown of all the schools’ scores is provided on the individual scoring sheets and a cumulative table provides the summative comparison of categories and final scores for all the schools.

Cumulative Comparison Rubric

Possible Points 56 School # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Criterion Points Scored

31 37 42 45 40 31 25 26 33 31 55 37 26 36 42 31 14 28 28 22 43 30 38 28 32

Curriculum (10 pts)

9 10 9 9 10 7 8 8 7 8 10 10 4 9 7 4 5 6 5 6 6 7 9 6 7

Training Hours (3 pts)

3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 3 3 2 3

Trainer Quality (4 pts)

3 3 3 4 3 3 1 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Acceptance Process (3 pts)

1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 2 0 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 3 3 0 2 0

Student Support (4 pts)

4 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 4 3 1 3 3 4 0 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2

Graduate Support (10 pts)

5 4 8 6 4 4 0 0 2 3 10 1 0 3 7 3 0 3 3 0 9 1 10 0 9

History/Reputation (9 pts)

0 4 5 8 6 4 0 0 5 2 9 4 6 3 6 7 0 5 6 0 6 2 3 5 0

Website (10 pts)

6 7 6 8 7 6 5 6 7 7 9 7 8 7 8 7 5 5 5 6 10 6 7 6 6

Certification Requirements (2 pts)

0 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 0 1

Certification Program Costs (1 pt)

0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1

List of Schools 1. Accomplishment Coaching

2. Adler International Learning, Inc.

3. College of Executive Coaching

4. CTI – The Coaches Training Institute

5. Coach U / Corporate Coach

6. Erickson College

7. Fielding Graduate University

8. Georgetown University Center for Continuing and Professional Education

9. Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara

10. Institute for Life Coach Training

11. Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC)

12. Integral Coaching Canada

13. inviteCHANGE

14. New Ventures West

15. Newfield Network

16. Results Coaching Systems

17. Strategic Executive Coaching Alliance (SECA)

18. Success Unlimited Network

19. Teleos Leadership Institute

20. The Forton Group Limited

21. The University of Texas at Dallas

22. Boas

23. Coach For Life

24. Global Coaching Company

25. Leadership the Works: Coaching for Transformation

Individual School Scoring Rubrics

Accomplishment Coaching

21 / 45

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt –ACC, PCC 3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1

1 Application Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 2/2

4 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link for student resources

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live Support Available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 4/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 1/3 2/4 3/3


User Friendly (3 pts)

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click link

Informative (3 pts)

History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact (2 pts)




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

0/1 0/1


Timeline for completion Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

Total less than $10,000

Adler International

37 pts

(Possible Points – 45) Total

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 3/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 1/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Process (2 pts) 1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

Total less than $10,000

College of Executive Coaching

41 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 2/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC

2pt –PCC

3pt –MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Application Screening Interview Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 3/5 4/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 2/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

Total less than $10,000

Coach Training Institute

45 pts

(Possible Points – 45)


Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 2/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 1/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC

2pt –PCC

3pt –MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 5/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 3/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 3/2 4/3 3/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/0


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

Total less than $10,000

Coach U

40 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 0/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC

2pt –PCC

3pt –MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 3/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 3/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 1/1

Total less than $10,000

Erickson College

31 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 3/3 2/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 1/1 0/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1

1 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 3/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 2/3 2/3 0/3*


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

0 Total less than $10,000

Fielding Graduate University

25 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 2/2 2/3 2/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 1/3* 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC


Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Application Screening Interview Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 1/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

0 Total less than $10,000

Georgetown University

26 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 1/2 3/3 1/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1

1 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Hudson Institute of Santa Barbara

33 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/2 1/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1*


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

*0/3Masters and PhD

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 1/1

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 1/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 1/3 1/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/5 2/2


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Institute for Life Coach Training

31 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 2/2 2/3 3/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 1/3* 0/1


Trainer certification: 1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – ,MCC *PhD

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 1/2

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 2/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000


55 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 1/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 2/2

4 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 5/5 4/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 3/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 4/4 3/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Integral Coaching

35 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 2/2 3/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 1/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 0/1 1/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 2/3 0/3 2/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 3/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1

2 Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Invite Change 24 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 2/2 1/3 0/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 0/1 0/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1

1 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

New Ventures West

36 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 2/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1* 1/2


Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

*Link to resources

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Newfield Network

41 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/2 3/3 2/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 2/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 4/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 3/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Results Coaching Systems

31 pts

Curriculum (8 pts) 1/1* 1/1 2/3 0/1 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent program

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 0/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1


Application Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 2/2

4 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 3/3 1/3*


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement

1 pt: Ongoing Development

2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer CEO Author/Research*

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 3/3

7 User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Strategic Executive Coaching Alliance

14 pts

Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1* 2/2 2/3* 0/1 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.


Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development.

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification. 1pt – ACC 2 pts – PCC 3 pts – MCC *Website states that they prepare for MCC – but number of training hours does not add up to 200

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 0/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 0/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 1/1 0/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

They state that they have a rigorous process but it is not outlined on the site

Student Support (4 pts) 0/1* 0/1 0/1


Contact information for follow-up support.

*There is a link for submittal of student info – but not their info

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 1/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

0 Total less than $10,000

Success Unlimited Network

28 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/3 3/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 2/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 1/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Teleos Leadership Institute

25 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/2 2/3 1/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 1/0


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 0/1 0/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 2/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 3/3 0/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 1/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

The Forton Group

22 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 0/1* 2/2 2/3 1/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 2/3 1/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 0/1 0/1


Application Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/0 0/0


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

University of Texas at Dallas

43 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 1/3 1/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 0/1 1/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC,

2pt –ACC, PCC

3pt – ACC, PCC,MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1



Screening Interview or pre-requisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 5/3 4/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 1/3 0/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 3/3 4/4 3/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 1/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Costs (1 pt) 0/1

0 All inclusive Less than 10,000

boas 30 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/2 2/3 2/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC

2pt –PCC

3pt –MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Application Screening Interview or prerequisite

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 1/3 1/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 2/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 1/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Coach for Life Master Certified Life Coach Program

38 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 2/2 2/3 3/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC

2pt –PCC

3pt –MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 0/1 0/1


Application Screening Interview Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 0/1 1/2

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 5/5 4/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 1/3 1/3 1/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

0 Total less than $10,000

Global Coaching Company

28 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 0/1 0/2 3/3 3/3 0/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 1/2

3 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 0/5 0/4 0/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 1/3 1/3 3/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 3/3 2/4 1/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

0/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000

Leadership That Works: Coaching for Transformation

32 pts

Curriculum (10 pts) 1/1 1/2 2/3 2/3 1/1


Timeline for completion allows for maximum processing and development of coaching skills.

Curriculum design and presentation is layered providing both technical and durable skill development

Curriculum provides for multi-level coaching certification 1pt - ACC, 2pt –PCC 3pt –MCC

Curriculum prepares you for small business, life, and executive coaching.

Curriculum syllabus or description clearly outlined and visible on website.

Training Hours (3 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/1


Live – in person training hours.

Live webinars and teleclasses.

Variety of independent study options: books, video/dvd, web-based independent programs.

Trainer Quality (4 pts) 3/3 0/1


Trainer certification:

1pt - ACC, 2pt – PCC 3pt – MCC

Systematic training process

Acceptance Process (3 pts) 0/1 0/1 0/1



Screening Interview

Clearly articulated acceptance process.

Student Support (4 pts) 1/1 1/1 0/2

2 Contact information for follow-up support.

Printed materials and downloadable resources or link to student resources.

Coaching networking opportunities – blogs, newsletters Live support available

Graduate Support (10 pts) 4/5 4/4 1/1


Business Support

Marketing Materials

Business forms, contracts, management structures

Methods and approaches for acquiring clients

Business mentor

Business support included in the costs of the training

Continuing education opportunities

History and Reputation (9 pts) 0/3 0/3 0/3


Number of years ACTP 1 pt: 1 – 3 yrs 2 pts: 4 – 7 yrs 3 pts: 8+ yrs

Number of graduates 1 pt: 100+ 2 pts: 1000+ 3 pts: 5,000+

Founder Involvement 1 pt: Ongoing Development 2pts: Student access 3 pts: Trainer

Website (10 pts) 2/3 3/4 2/3


User Friendly

Search option

Easy to read

Point and click links


History of company, philosophy, mission

Logistics of training

Program Descriptions

Costs clearly outlined

Multiple means of contact




Certification Requirements (2 pts)

1/1 0/1


Timeline for completion

Examination costs included in tuition

Program Costs (1 pt) 0/1

1 Total less than $10,000