Client testimonials

Post on 09-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Client testimonials

Client Testimonials

Harper Home Solutions arrived promptly at my house at the pre-arranged time. They spent twelve hours over two days at my property clearing rooms. The transformation was amazing! Prior to them coming I could not find anything in my house. I felt like I was drowning in clutter and stuff.  Both Ellie and Sarah helped me to organise my personal items. Both were practical and sympathetic to my needs and feelings. We binned some items and a lot went to charity. When I wanted to keep useless items they talked through why I felt I needed them and how or when I would use them in the future. This was important for me as it made me realise I didn't need or use everything I had.My house now feels like a home again and everything has a place - best of all I know where to find things!  Thank you so much. I don't know how I could have done it without you. Fantastic results in a short space of time.

Amy from Herefordshire

Amy: Harper Home Solutions

14 September 2014 · 

Harper Home Solutions literally came to my rescue in helping me to declutter my flat, before they came I felt weighed down by the amount of clutter and unused items that I had accumulated throughout the years. They worked quickly and efficiently and helped me to relieve myself of items in a professional yet caring manner, I am once again in love with my flat and will happily invite people in which is something I rarely did before they came and helped me.I would recommend Harper Home Solutions to anyone, you will not be disappointed!

I guess that we are not the only ones who have a garage that was so full of stuff that there was no chance of getting a car in, and it had got to the stage when it was also pretty difficult to get in ourselves!However, thanks to the great help from Sarah and Ellie it is now transformed. With their energetic help and skilled guidance, in just a day of working together, we de-cluttered, sorted, separated, stacked, stored, cleared, passed on, recycled, gave away, and were left with oodles of useable space. At times the best of intentions need a little help from the outside.

John and Sue, Gloucestershire

After taking on a new, demanding role at work, finding a great flat in the area I wanted plus selling my house (to a friend), all within three weeks,  I had two problems - no time and piles of stuff I couldn't and didn't want to take with me.  Harper Home Solutions were marvellous. I gave them a list of things I wanted to keep and they spent three days working by themselves sorting everything ready for me to check. On the final day (Saturday) I worked with them actually getting rid of stuff.  A lot went to charity but they also put me in touch with

a great e-bay specialist who sold some items for me.   I couldn't have done it without them! Thank you Sarah and Ellie.

Robyn, Cheltenham

 We needed urgent help to sort out and relocate an office to a different part of the building. Harper Home Solutions were available at short notice, came in, and were quiet,  discrete and efficient.  Very happy with their work and would use again if needed.

Dr Paul, Gloucester

 Thank you so much for all your hard work over the last week. My house looks so beautiful, you certainly have a magic touch.

Lynne, Gloucestershire